Black spots on the leaves of home flowers. Indoor flowers: diseases and treatment at home

Powdery mildew(first photo). Preventive measures are spraying the plant with sulfur in the summer 3-5 times, feeding the plant with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, frequent airing, and avoiding sudden temperature changes. Affected powdery mildew leaves and flowers must be removed.

To combat the defeat, spraying the plant with potassium permanganate (diluted in a ratio of 2 g of powder per ten liters of water), 0.5% copper oxychloride solution, 1% colloidal sulfur solution, a mixture of soap and soda (dissolve fifty grams of soda and soap in ten liters of water). From special biological products, you can use "Topaz", "Vectra", "Skor".

To prevent the disease, you need to resort to frequent airing, changing bushes, disinfection, avoid high humidity.

Control measures: removal of lightly affected leaves, spraying with Bordeaux liquid - 1% solution. From biological products apply "Oxyhom", "Kuproksat". It is better to start treatment when the initial signs of damage appear. Carefully working the underside of the sheet.

Avoid over-watering, high humidity- the main preventive measures with this lesion. If, nevertheless, the disease has struck the plant, then it is necessary to cut off the affected parts of the plants. Spray with "Topaz", "Vectra", "Strobi", "Kuproksat". Spraying is carried out four times after ten days.

Preventive measures: frequent ventilation, disinfection of tools and pots before planting, loosening the earth. To combat the disease, the destruction of the affected plant is used together with the ground. Copper sulfate and bleach are used to disinfect pots. If an insignificant part of the plant is affected, then they resort to processing it with Vectra and Benomil.

Prevention: avoid high humidity, sudden temperature changes, excessive accumulation of plants, excessive watering, darkened rooms.

Fighting the lesion: cutting off the affected part of the leaf with the capture of healthy tissue, and then burning the cut leaves.

Use the following preparations for spraying: "Vectra" (add three ml of the product in water, volume 10 l), "Storby" (use 4 g of the product in ten liters of water), "Abiga-Peak" (dilute running water, with a volume of ten liters 40 - 50 g of the substance). Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur, and copper sulfate also help in the fight against mycosis. Processing must be repeated after seven to ten days.

Avoid over-watering the plant, it is imperative to disinfect the equipment and pots when working with plants susceptible to late blight (violets).

Protection measures: with a slight damage to the plant, it is removed and sprinkled with charcoal. If most of the plant is affected by late blight, then it is better to burn it. You can try to treat with Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or cuproxate.

Flower growers get very annoyed when their favorite plants suddenly start to hurt. Therefore, it is useful to learn about what diseases are. indoor plants, and how they should be properly treated.

This topic is becoming especially relevant today, because the modern market offers a huge number of drugs and remedies that help prevent and eliminate flower ailments.

Bacterial and viral diseases

These diseases are often accompanied by a slowdown in the development of ornamental crops. It is very difficult to diagnose them in the early stages.

Viruses are often carried by thrips and aphids. Treatment in this case should be comprehensive.

The most common indoor flower diseases:

  1. Rot... Flowers with fleshy leaves and stems often suffer from it. An overdose of nitrogenous fertilizing or waterlogging can provoke the development of rot.
  2. Withering... In this case, the stems first begin to wither, after which all other parts are affected.
  3. Spotting... Dead areas appear on the leaves with this disease. The spots have clear outlines that distinguish them from fungal infections. To treat the disease, indoor flowers must be treated with special preparations.
  4. Bacterial cancer... The symptomatology of the disease involves the appearance of small growths on the shoots and rhizomes of plants. If left unattended, these tumors can lead to their death.

House flower disease chemicals are not effective enough. In such situations, it is important to observe preventive measures and control soil moisture.

If decay of the rhizome was found, then it is necessary to reduce watering, and if the whole flower is sick, then it will have to be removed along with the pot and soil.

Prevention measures

  1. You need to buy flowers exclusively from trusted sources (nurseries or specialty stores). In this case, when pests appear, you can turn to the seller for help, who, most likely, will fix the problem completely free of charge.
  2. It is desirable to choose varieties of crops that are distinguished by good resistance to ailments.
  3. Seed material for planting must be disinfected and sorted.
  4. It is necessary to adhere to the conditions of care depending on the type of plant.
  5. Flowers and leaves should be examined as often as possible for damage and disease.

If a disease is detected, the flower must be urgently isolated from the rest and start to deal with the problem.

Examine foliage and note size, shape, and location brown spots... This will provide valuable clues for solving the problem. Brown spots can appear along the edges of the leaves, at the tips, or as round or shapeless spots in the middle of the leaf.

Water and fertilizers

Look for signs of insufficient watering, which is causing brown spots at the edges of the leaves, wilting of foliage, and poor growth. Place the plant pot in a bucket of lukewarm water and soak until the bubbles stop rising to the surface. This may take 30 minutes, depending on the size of the plant. Water the plant regularly.

Check the soil for white deposits - this is a sign of over-fertilization. Do not fertilize plants during periods of dormancy or reduced growth, such as in winter. An excess of fertilizer will cause brown spots on the leaves. Resume feeding the plants in the spring when the plants are still growing again.


Low air humidity makes the leaves brown and crunchy at the edges. Provide adequate ventilation and keep plants away from heating systems... Place a tray of gravel under the plant, filled with 1-2 cm of water to increase the humidity around the plant.


Plants may develop brown spots if their leaves touch the icy window glass... Although the temperature may be appropriate during the day, it usually drops at night, and then the contact of the leaves with the glass will cause brown spots. Keep plants away from windows, especially at night. Never draw curtains between a window and plants during cold weather.


Plants can also suffer from direct sunlight. Usually leaves turn white or yellow from overexposure to light, but sometimes brown spots appear. Remove plants from direct sunlight, gradually adding light again, but less.

Fungal stains

Traces of plant infection by a fungus represent dark spots in the middle of the sheet. This is usually the result of over-watering. Isolate the plant and provide adequate air circulation. Do not spray the plant if you suspect it has a fungal infection. Remove infected leaves and loosen the soil to allow good air circulation. The problem usually goes away on its own without requiring the use of fungicides.

Now you can hardly find an apartment in which there would be no house plants, because flowers are always pleasing to the eye, giving aesthetic pleasure. However, indoor flowers are prone to a variety of diseases, so you always need to be prepared to take appropriate measures. In this article, we will tell you what diseases of indoor plants exist and how to cure them.

Viral diseases of indoor plants are diseases that are very difficult to diagnose, therefore they are considered the most dangerous. The main sign that your pet is threatened by a dangerous virus is a slowdown in plant growth, dry and (and then the leaves themselves). This is often attributed to a lack of nutrients, but when other characteristic symptoms appear, you can be sure that you are dealing with a viral disease. Unfortunately, there are no means by which it would be possible to rid the flower of the infection, so it can be saved only in the early stages of the disease.

To save your pet, you need to remove all affected areas and lubricate the cut with activated charcoal. They also disinfect all the tools with which you got rid of the affected elements. This is the only way to get rid of the disease before everything goes too far. If the plant withers and loses leaves, and changing the conditions of detention does not help in any way, the only way out is to get rid of the affected flower, alas, there are no other methods of treatment.

Mosaic disease

The first sign of mosaic disease is leaf spots. They are usually lighter or darker in color. Their appearance is directly related to the fact that the chloroplast disintegrates during the disease, which, of course, is reflected in the color. "Mosaic" disease was nicknamed due to the fact that these specks, which cover the leaves, fold into an intricate mosaic pattern. The leaves are strongly deformed and wrinkled, at the end there is a complete wilting.

Curly leaves

On the leaves, you can find areas that look a little swollen. Small bumps and spots appear, gradually covering the entire surface of the leaf. The leaves wrinkle and curl, and the flowers, if any, can be severely deformed.


As the name suggests, flower leaves acquire yellow... In some cases, a pattern resembling concentric circles can be seen on the leaf plate. After a while, yellowness on the leaves is replaced by brown spots, which is a sign of tissue necrosis. The growth of the flower is significantly slowed down, and the stems become very fragile due to the excess amount of starch. Due to such incredible fragility and withered leaves, the flower quickly loses its former beauty and only faded remains of its former charm.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases of indoor flowers are a very unpleasant phenomenon. They attack the flower, penetrating wounds, damaged roots or even the soil in which your pet is kept. They can also occur due to waterlogging of the soil, so watch out.

Most often a signal that bacterial disease struck your plants, are spots on the leaves. If a similar infection has been diagnosed in home flowers, it will be easiest to get rid of it with the help of fungicides. You can treat bacterial ailments with a solution copper sulfate or bordeaux liquid. If the root system was affected, remove the affected area and.

Bacterial wet rot

An unpleasant affliction. Its symptom is spots gray, which spread over the sheet plate. They look like fungal stains, but are more vague and oily. Touching such a speck, you can feel that they are very soft and have extremely unpleasant odor... This is not surprising, because bacteria contribute to tissue decay.

To get rid of rot, the affected areas are removed, and healthy ones are treated with copper sulfate.

Bacterial spot

It looks like a burn, since the small specks that appear on the tips of the leaves darken over time, and a border forms around them. It looks as if the leaves were burned. These spots differ from the spots caused by fungal ailments in that their borders are clearly visible. Fungicides will also help, but be sure to remove the infected areas first.

Fungal diseases

Get rid of fungal infection with a soda solution. To prepare it, one teaspoon of baking soda is enough for half a liter of water. The resulting solution is moistened with a sponge and plaque is very carefully removed. Various fungicides are widely used.

Powdery mildew

An unpleasant disease that is not easy to detect in the early stages. A gray coating appears on the sheet plate, at first it can even be mistaken for a thin layer of dust. Gradually, it eats into the leaf and takes on a brown tint. The affected elements of the flower wither and die very quickly. To fight the disease will help drugs "Topaz", "Hom", "Vectra" and Bordeaux liquid.

Gray rot

First, it affects the stem of the plant, and then passes to the fruits and leaves. It looks like a fluffy coating of gray. After a while, it takes the form of dry rot, tightly braiding the stems. Very much like mold, provokes tissue death. As a result, everything above the affected area dies off, because the circulation of nutrients stops. Carry out the treatment with Fitosporin, after removing all infected areas.

Sooty fungus

It is characterized by the presence of black bloom on the tips of the leaves and throughout the leaf blade. As a result, the plant is unable to breathe and absorb sunlight, which leads to its death. Soot fungus is treated with Fitosporin.

Red burn

Leaves and peduncles are covered with red spots, where spore-bearing crusts can later be seen. There is a strong deformation of the leaves and the subsequent decay of the flower. Get rid of the disease with fungicides.


Brown spots appear throughout the leaf blade, and the tips of the leaves become dark brown. Sometimes the leaves are simply covered with reddish spots, after which they are deformed and wither. For treatment, use "Fundazol".


The leaves are covered with orange tubercles, and on the back of the leaf they look like bumps. The spots grow, capture the entire leaf as a whole, which is why it withers and falls off. They fight rust with Bordeaux liquid and Vectra.

Root rot

The fungus attacks the root collar and blocks the access of nutrients to the rest of the flower. If the plant is young, the disease destroys it very quickly, and medications cannot help here.


The leaves are covered with dry brown spots, they dry very quickly and wither, even the vessels turn brown. Wilt is treated with fungicides.

Late blight

A disease that provokes tissue necrosis. Patches of purple and purple appear on the sheets. brown rapidly spreading to the whole plant. Late blight drugs will help get rid of late blight.

Video "Diseases of indoor plants"

In this video, you will see the most common houseplant diseases.