Parsley leaf grade. Open area and closed room: a selection of zerotypov

Fresh greens - a frequent guest on the table of people who are watching their health. But not everyone knows what kinds and varieties of parsley are, and how to choose it right. To ensure itself with vitamins from the beginning of the spring and until the end of autumn, you need to own rather simple information about this plant. A rich selection of varieties allows you to purchase not only early greens, but also a delicious, having high yield and suitable for growing both in greenhouses and in the open soil. There are also varieties that grow beautifully in vases on the balcony and in the apartment.

What types and varieties of parsley are

The most tender, juicy and tasty greens is traditionally a sheet parsley. It has beautiful leaflets that allocate a delightful spicy flavor. This type of greenery dackets is grown both to enrich their own diet and for sale.

There are other types of parsley - for example, curly varieties that are not inferior to leaf greenery on taste and useful characteristics, and even exceed it in beauty. That is why knowledgeable hostesses are decorated with curly parsley their dishes.

For cultivation both at home and in the open soil, Parsley Gloria is perfect.

Best grade parsley on greens

Meet the varieties that are characterized by a good germination and speed of growth.

Parsley Astra

Early crispy view of greenery. The growing season is 55-60 days. Suitable for sowing in an open and closed soil. It has a semi-entertained outlet of medium height and high density. The Astra variety is large, well-formed green leaves, characterized by a high rustling rate after cutting. Maximum crop volume - 5 kg / m².

Sheet parsley carnival

Leaf fast-growing grade. With proper care, the growing season is from 65 to 75 days. It has a large outlet of large fragile leaves, the number of which can reach up to 100 pieces in a plant bundle.

After cutting, it grows pretty quickly. Parsley Carnival forms an early and abundant harvest of juicy green mass. The grade is resistant to cold, it is well tolerating the winter even in unprotected soil. It has high adaptation to fungal diseases. Green contains a large concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium, carotene and salts.

Favorable time for sowing in open sad - Spring and autumn. For fresh greenery in the winter, the carnival parsley must be planted in container with nutritional soil. The range of application of this variety is quite wide: young leaves can be dried, marine, salted, and also add in, salads and twig.

The carnival variety is light-chapin, but has a high adaptation to the shade, so it can grow in shaded places. To get early greens, Parsley sow in several goals: in mid-April, in the first half of July and in November. The grains are planting in the prepared grooves, at a distance of 15-20 cm apart. The optimal depth for seeds is 1-1.5 cm.

Parsley is unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation, so only in periodic soil looser, moderate watering and a small feeding, stimulating the growth of the plant. The crop is considered ready when the leaves reach 10-12 cm long.

Parsley Breeze

Listed midverter. The growing season is 80 days. This species is resistant to loneways. It has a high (up to 75 cm) a represented outlet. The breeze is dark green shiny leaves long (25-35 cm). The stiff has a cylindrical shape. Sliced \u200b\u200bgreenery gentle, medium jucia, not swept during long-term transportation and further storage, while maintaining all the primordial properties and characteristics. Widely used as spicy seasoning in cooking.

Best grade root parsley

The best varieties of root parsley also give good harvest Greens, but cut off the leaves is often not recommended. This is due to the fact that the root, thus gets not enough nutrients And does not grow to the desired volumes. The varieties of early parsley species are suitable for drying and. Lovely prestitutes preserve their properties during storage in a fresh form.

Petrushka Root Berlin

The root diameter can reach 4 cm long. Berlin parsley grows up to 20 cm tall. Cut root flesh gentle and sweet taste. It is well suited for storage in fresh and dried. You can also can be preserved for the winter. According to specialists in matters of crop production, the Berlin variety is the most yield among the root varieties of parsley.

Berry Latevarey

Curly variety that is suitable for early sowing. First, the seeds are planting in greenhouses and boot for further transplant to open ground. It is resistant to both high and low, to -5 s °, temperatures.

No less popular is the middle-air vendible parsley. It features a delicious and ripe root flesh of white. The grade is highly resistant to pests and characteristic of plant diseases.

Other varieties of parsley

For those who want to enjoy fragrant and useful foliage for a long time, you should buy frost-resistant varieties Parsley. Such species do not require much care and are well evolving under different weather conditions.

The description of Parsley Cuput, which is available on the Internet, once again confirms its popularity and incredible benefits.

Parsley varieties that have high yield and good taste quality:

Possessing knowledge about the main varieties of parsley and dealing in the nuances of their cultivation, you can pick up that grade that will satisfy all the wishes and is suitable for your conditions and requirements. Correct care For parsley - the key to getting a large harvest as soon as possible.

Parsley varieties for cottages - video

So that Parsley Curry gives fresh greens throughout the season, it is seeded in a few deadlines. If you can not highlight a large bed under parsley, you can sow varieties with different trimming times. The early sorts of parsley will be ready for months after two from the moment of sowing, two weeks later green varieties are selected, and at the end of the summer it will be possible to collect parsley late varieties.

The most popular varieties of root parsley

Before you choose the best sorts of parsley for your garden, you should decide what goals are you going to grow it. If you need roots for cooking dishes and healing decoctions, it is worth putting the root parsley, and to obtain fragrant, lush greenery should grow a leaf parsley. Among the gardeners, the root parsley is more popular, since it can be obtained from it not only the roots, but also a certain amount of greenery, however, it is worth considering that with frequent rupture of foliage the root part remains shallow and sick. So choose what is more important for you - tops or roots?

Early Range Parsley Root Parsley Roots Cropped and Tough

The feature of the root parsley is that it forms a cone-shaped, thickened or cylindrical root of a light shade. Greens grows a bit, compared to sheets, it is less fragrant and more rigid. The early rope parsley root parsley roots are shortened and sufficiently thick, are best suited for drying, and late zerotype - long (up to 40 cm), well suited for long-term storage.

Video about the cultivation of different varieties of parsley


After 95-100 days from the time the first plants go, the variety is ready for use. In an empty outlet, there are from 20 to 40 leaves, the root plant grows up to 30 cm long, has a conical, pointed form and a grayish-white color. Inside the root of sugar parsley, with a light yellow core. Widespread thanks to the wonderful taste.


The mid-air root variety with ripeness time up to 130 days from the moment the first greens looked out. In the plant weighing about 100 g a semi-scattered rosette with 11-20 leaves and a pointed root root from 20 cm in length with good taste quality.

In the plant weighing about 100 g half scattered socket


Technical ripeness occurs approximately 135 days, as you saw the first shoots. The strongly divided socket consists of 28-30 leaves, the root plant is elongated (about 35 cm), a cylindrical shape, weighing 170 g.


Late Veser Range Parsley Sorts from 150 Days and Up to 180. The plant forms an empty socket and a cone-shaped rootpod with a pointed tip. The diameter of the root of the Berlin Parsley reaches 4 cm, the length is up to 20 cm.

Petrushka Sheet, best grades

The roots of the sheet parsley, although edible, but they look neappety, remain thin and harsh. Grow leaf parsley for greens. There are two types of it: parsley with ordinary leaves and parsley curly, the corrugated leaves of which resemble curls.

Parsley Curlying Great for dishes

Parsley Cuccuming is perfect for decorating dishes, due to his decorative species, and in addition it has a pleasant strong aroma and gentle taste. After cutting, greens will grow very quickly - until the end of the season, you can collect another harvest. Cut leaves about a week do not shine, keeping their taste and persistent fragrance.


Early curricular grade - 65 days after greyhound greens are suitable for eating. The socket grows dense, semi-rotated, with large syrefried leaves. Sheet mass actively grows after cutting.

The socket grows with a dense, semi-rotated, with large syrefried leaves

Ordinary sheet

The variety is valued for lush fragrant greens and high yield. Technical ripening parsley reaches 70 days, as shoots looks out. A highly developed socket consists of a large number of smooth dark green leaves with strong dissection. In one rosette, there may be from 30 to 100 leaves. Food roots are not used.


Curly parsley of medium ripeness. The mass of the plant reaches 50 g, in a rosette, approximately 25-30 leaves with short cutters are formed. After cutting, the crop grows well.

Video about secrets of growing parsley


Sheet variety with ripeness time is about 80 days. One plant has a mass of 60 g. The socket grows up to 75 cm in height, the greens turn out to be gentle, after cutting for a long time protects his freshness.

The following sheets of sheet parsley are zoned: Bogatyr, Breeze, Astra, Gloria, Magician, Triplex, Sandwichgling, Titanium, Ordinary Sheet, Borodino. Curly Parsley has a variety: Kuchecher, Bravo, Mazina, Peter, a leaf curly.

The spice to give taste with soups, salads and stew can be grown on the country's dacha. Choosing a variety of useful parsley, consider their appearance - root or leaf. The twiller is also subdivided into early (the leaves are formed in 60 days), thered air (green through 75 days) and late (collected at the end of summer) varieties.

Plant Characteristics

In Russian space, the growing of root or leaf varieties is relevant. Parsley attracts aromatic properties, the ability to improve the taste of dishes. Biological Description The representative of the umbrella family comes down to the following indicators:

  • the presence of a fleece root with a length of about 30 cm;
  • branching of the standing stems;
  • glossy structure of the top of the leaves and the matte surface at the lower;
  • soft yellowish root rope from root varieties that are used in dried;
  • the tolerance of temperature decrease is not dying under the snow.

Highlight good view Cultures are problematic. Among the leafy, ordinary parsley attracts a pronounced aroma, and kudryaya - beautiful shape foliage, thanks to which is used to decorate the evacuations.

Features of agrotechniki

Working works depends on climatic conditions of the area, but have a similar character. The soil necessarily breaks down or is drunk, processed by an organic. The cold-resistant umbrella is recommended to plant at a temperature of +1 to +5 degrees. In the territory of Kuban Parsushka sowing gardens in February, and in the middle lane - from April. The soil is required to periodically moisten. Not bad predecessors for the plant will be onions, cucumbers and tomatoes.
Events on landing and care are as follows:

  • small seed sowing (the depth of the wells - no more than 1.5 cm);
  • compulsory powder of planted material with compost;
  • periodic loosening of the soil (3-4 times in 7 days), making 1-2 mineral (preferably nitrogen) feeding;
  • thinning shoots to the distance between them, equal to 3-5 cm;
  • regular watering - parsley does not tolerate the soil drying.

Cut the leaves of grown culture is required low, not excess. Deleting a large amount of foliage will lead to the death of the stem. Near the umbrella, you can plant tomatoes, asparagus or pink bush.
Selecting the best parsley varieties for the garden, focus on growing goals. Delicious roots are suitable for cooking culinary dishes and healing braids. Sheet types are added to salads, use for sale.

Root types of parsley

The plant is successfully cultivated in the middle lane, warm regions and in the Urals. The main characteristic of the variety is a fat root in the view of the cone or cylinder. Green leaves practically does not forms, and the type of root depends on the zottochip. Early have shortened and thick fruits that dried. Late varieties with root up to 40 cm long, long-term storage are well tolerated.

Delicious Sugar grade

Sports after 95-100 days after disembarking. The outlet is sprawling, it is located 20-40 sheets. The length of the conical, pointed root root reaches 30 cm. The root is painted in a grayish-white color, has a light yellow core and a sweet taste.

Middle licorice

The root variety of parsley reaches ripeness 130 days after grain seeding. The root of a mass of 100 g is characterized by a pointed form. The socket is popped by half and forms about 20 sheets.

Burgundy - ideal for soups

Time of technical ripeness - 135 days after the appearance of escapes. The outlet is well developed - up to 30 sheets formed. For root, the elongation is characterized, the shape of the cylinder and the weight of about 170 g.

Late Berlin

The plant belongs to the views with late maturation dates - from 150 to 180 days. The outlet is spreaded, the root of the cone is characterized by a pointed end. The root reaches a length of about 20 cm.
Root plant values \u200b\u200bare applied as seasonings to soups, stewed or fried dishes, are rarely used for salads.

Leafy varieties of culture

The sheets of parsley on the greens are suitable for the foliage abundant, the stalks grow very quickly. The pleasant taste and bright aroma of smooth leaves in a small corrugation conquer cooks and dacities.

Harvest ordinary

The view is valuable fragrant greens and good yield. Early grade becomes ripe 70 days after shooting. The socket is developed, characterized by the presence of up to 100 leaves of dark green color. Korneflood do not eat.

Medieval breeze

Technological maturity parsley reaches 80 days later. The outlet is high, about 70 cm. Green leaves are distinguished by gentle taste and ability to keep freshness during long-term storage.

Love and green crystal

Universal zortotype is characterized by the intensity of the formation of green leaves with a bright aroma. Cut with a raised socket shoots are distinguished by a rapid pattern of growing. The large green mass is frozen, used in fresh, dried form or cans.

Early delicate fragrance

Petrushki - shiny, bright green leaves with excellent decorative properties. Sheets grow after cuts quickly, can be used as decoration of evios.

Beautiful festival

The technological readiness of the leaves to use occurs after 55-60 days. A developed socket forms up to 60 dark green, strongly dissected sheets. Thanks to the content essential oilsThe culture has a saturated fragrance. For salads, shoots that abandon 10-12 cm are used, you can dry the green mass during the formation of buds.
Sheet cultures are relevant as seasoning to soups, garniram or fish dishes.

Choose curly parsley

Plant priorities - in its decorative ability and unpretentiousness. It is possible to plant an umbrella in greenhouses, in beds, because It is resistant to drought due to the corrugation of sheets. The bright aroma of roots and foliage is saved after heat treatment, so they can be used as seasoning, prepare sauces and mashed potatoes, dry. Unusual taste - in a fresh plant, which makes it indispensable as the ingredient of spring salads. In the domestic climate, several zerototypes are good.

Compact Slavyanskaya

The stems of medium length are conquered by a pronounced aroma. Petrushka is well tolerating cooling and arid weather.

Early Astra

Green is suitable for use after 65 days after the formation of shoots. On a dense, a slightly raised outlet, leaflets with a pronounced corrugation are formed, which after cutting quickly grow.

Average Esmeralda

The plant weighing 50 g belongs to the varieties of medium ripeness. On the sockets - about 30 leaves on short cuttings. They grow intensively even after cutting.

Universal Moskrause-2

From the formation of shoots to full technical maturity takes place only 60 days. On a semi-scattering outlet appear leaflets of light green color with a shiny surface. Sweet Corrugated Greenery - fragrant seasoning to soups, garniram and salads. Grow parsley in greenhouses and in open areas. Cut shoots grow rapidly.
You can plant seeds of curly varieties in beds where cabbage, pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplants grew up. The site is prepared twice - in the fall loose with the introduction of humus or compost. In the spring, the looping is repeated, but mineral supplements are made.

What varieties can be grown in a greenhouse?

To obtain a delicious, useful and fragrant greens, it is advisable to plant a plant in a greenhouse. Leafs are quickly formed from January to April at a temperature of +20 to +25 degrees. Good yield in greenhouses in the following types:

  • Lyubashi. The plant is characterized by a semi-prophetic socket and the presence of elongated triangles on long cuttings. Root weight - about 100 g. For foliage and root, saturated, dense fragrance;
  • Gloria. Average leaf culture is used for freezing, soups, salads;
  • Alba. The root average variety that is distinguished by a large, weighing up to 300 g root. Delicious root is valuable due to the absence of small lateral shoots, good focus and yield;
  • Piquant. Root variety - raking, forms a small outlet of 20 leaves. The taste qualities of the root are suitable for cooking, use in dried.

In the greenhouses it is better to grow root types of culture that can be stored for a long time. The cultivation of sheet varieties is relevant only subject to their further sale.

Open area and closed room: a selection of zerotypov

Umbrella plants germinate not only in greenhouses, and open areas And even on the windowsill. The main condition of the work is the choice of a suitable variety.

Parsley on the villa

For open soil, root and leafy varieties are justified. Root varieties can have different times of ripening, but it is better to stay on the final, Lekar, a needle, piquant. Rights with high yields have a pleasant coloring, decent indicators of taste and aroma.
The line of leafy plants are relevant to madam, breeze, Gloria, Esmeralda and Moskrauz. Before disembarking, you need to process seeds using hot but not boiled water.

The rules for the preparation of soil

Before moving the material to the plot, the soil preparation is required:

  • selects a room for a bed with good lighting;
  • it feels ascended by ash (per 1 m2 requires about 170 g of fertilizer);
  • at the planting area, furrows are cut down, depressed by 1.5 cm with aislers equal to 20 cm;
  • seeds are sown at the rate of 1 g per 1 m2, covered with the soil.

The last stage of work is a seal of land, watering, film shelter and mulching.

Parsley on the windowsill: how to grow?

To year-round to indulge yourself with a useful greens, stop at the early varieties - fragrant alley, green pearls, Russian feast, voro, aster. Plant sockets are vertical and semi-proportional. Crispy and sheet species are ready for eating in food in 50-60 days, the size of sheets, aroma and fast growth After cutting.
Planting parsley on the windowsill is performed on the following technology:

  1. Seeds are prepared by soaking in water for 48 hours. Water should be changed 2 times a day. Before grain is placed in a weak solution of manganese.
  2. Several holes are done in the deep box. Capacity is filled with soil, shed hot water. The soil must be slightly sealing.
  3. In the ground, furrows are formed, deepened by 0.5 cm.
  4. Seeds are sown in the ground, the earth falls asleep. To preserve the looseness of the soil, it is poured by 1 cm by dry soil.
  5. Sowing must be moisturized with a spray and maintain a temperature of approximately +20 degrees. To create good lighting, phytolams are installed at a distance of 50 cm from the box.

Frequent shoots need to cut forward.

Varieties suitable for Moscow region

The unpretentiousness and yield of parsley makes it a popular culture in the central regions of Russia. The suburbs are known for a moderately continental climate, where the following grades are successfully caring:

  • Bogatyr. Universal variety, because It germs well in greenhouses and in open areas. The growing season is 60-65 days. On a large outlet, a sufficient amount of fragrant and juicy leaves are formed. The food and foliage is used in food, but the greens on the plants from which the rootpode is used is not cut;
  • Hamburg. The hybrid view, the root of which is like to taste on celery and Pasternak. The roots are stored for a long time, while cooking in deep fryer is sprayed with lemon juice;
  • parsley Italian giant attracts attention beautiful leaves With a smooth surface. The mass of a large, gentle greenery of a dark green shade reaches 100 g with a bush. A biennial plant applies to the secondary - harvesting is beginning after 90 days;
  • Carnival. The growing season of the early grade is up to 75 days. On a large outlet is up to 100 juicy leaves. Culture tolerates cold, resistant to fungi, sized in spring and autumn time, it is sprinkled in containers with a special soil.

All varieties of an umbrella plant are light-sounded, but are coming in a small shadow. In the context of the Moscow region, minimal care is required - periodic loosening of the soil, watering and feeding. The leaf mass is cut with a height of 10-12 cm.

Growing Plants for Sale

Sades and gardeners can cultivate parsley for sale. To get beautiful, lush and fragrant leaves, you need to take into account the presence of the shell seeds with essential components that slow down growth. You can save seeds from the shell in several ways:

  • thinking with hot water (about +22 degrees) and their bay. Water should be changed to 6 times a day for 72 hours. Before planting, the material is soaked in a mixture of water, minerals and growth stimulants.
  • putting in vodka. They put gauze on the plate, on it - seeds and poured alcohol. After 15 minutes, the material was washed with water.
  • Calm of soil. In a box with a moisturized land, it fell asleep lime for 3 approaches to 15 minutes. Materials are seeded in milk.

When growing parsley, it is important to observe the temperature regime not lower than +20 degrees.
Vitamin culture is a perspective view of earnings, since not all owners can grow greens on a large scale.
The taste properties of the roots and leaves of parsley have deserved confidence of cooks. Leaf and root varieties can be used as seasoning for soups and salads, add to sauces and marinades, bake and preserve.

Who does not love juicy and fragrant greens?! Any salad with her is very appetizing and useful. The best varieties of parsley into greens According to girlfriend reviews will be presented in this article. Having considered the most popular of them, you will succeed in growing at your cottage several beds of this fragrant culture.

We offer to find out what kind of grade sheet parsley are considered the most yields

Parsushki varieties with photos and descriptions for open soil

So that Parsley pleased his owner with fresh greens, it is seeded in a few more deadlines. For this purpose, many also grow culture with different maturity times. But what kind of grade sheet parsley are considered the most fruitful according to reviews? Consider the main of them:

  1. Aster - The juicy greens of this variety can be cut off already after 55 days. It grows perfectly even after cutting, has a dense outlet and curly sheets. Suitable for growing in the open soil.
  2. Breeze. One of the secondary varieties with high yields. This parsley retains a long time to retain an excellent commodity view, it does not get enough, therefore it is grown by gardeners for sale and profit. Leaves have a wavy structure and dark color Greens are the main differences between the breeze. Maturity reaches approximately 80 days.
  3. Gloria. It is grown as in the conditions of protected soil, so in the garden. Refers to the early grades of parsley, the photo and the description of which is in the article. Great for use as a blank for the winter. This variety is characterized by a fierce.
  4. Sheet parsley Bogatyr. Corrugated leaves and rather dense cutters - cultural features. The variety is distinguished by external decorative attractiveness and excellent feedback rates.
  5. Salatte. The name of the culture speaks for itself. This is one of the best breeding varieties. From shoots to technical maturity takes approximately 75 days. Grow grade in the open soil in spring and in the autumn period.

Best grade parsley for growing in the country

Before choosing a parsley grade, gardeners seek to learn about the features of agrotechnics, the benefits of culture. In this article, the most harvest and best varieties are carefully selected. Dachnikov reviews about them are exceptionally positive.

So, pay attention to the top brass grade for growing on cottage plot:

  • Ordinary sheet. Its value is a high yield and beautiful, lush greenery. She sleeps 70 days after landing in the ground. It has a well-developed outlet.
  • Beautiful festival. It has a very saturated, pleasant aroma. The technical maturity of the culture is 60 days. Actively used as seasoning to soups, fish dishes.
  • Green crystal. Bright fragrance and rapid growth rates after cutting - the main advantages of parsley, whose photo will not leave anyone indifferent. It has a raised outlet, a variety is highlighted with its versatility.

The following types of leaf parsley sheets are also used in demand in vegetable water: the wizard, sandwich, Esmeralda, gentle aroma, Bravo, Moskurland, Kuchecher, Borodino and other varieties.

  • Dill varieties with photos and description

Video about the grades of parsley for growing in the country:

Fresh greens gives any kind of refined notes, fragrance. It is worth noting that it is unlikely to buy it in the store. That is why dackets grow various agricultural crops on their bed. From the article you will learn what the best varieties of parsley on greens use well-deserved demand, you can get information about their advantages.

estimates, average:

Growing parsley, its useful properties and varieties

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I, too, tomatoes and cucumbers in the room never grown, but so I want to try! Even if there is a failure, I will know that it is impossible to me) but I will lay out the photo report about the experiment, maybe someone experienced something useful in this question)

Beneficial features

What is convenient this method? No need to wait when the seeds are good. In addition, if you transplant the parsley from your garden, you will know exactly a good grade or not. How to plant parsley root? Everything is simple:

Preparation of parsley seeds to sowing, raising and accelerating them

Parsley Seeds Soak for 1-3 days before sowing. Double a day change the water. Then the seeds will go fast and friendly. And a couple of hours before the sowing, put them in a weak solution of manganese.

Petrushki before direct sowing need to soak and germinate, then you can get rapid shoots. But it is worth noting that if sowing is done under winter, then the seeds should only be dry.

The root parsley grows good fleshy root roots, and leaves that can be eaten. In the leafy varieties of root, there are only leaves grow. Most often, gardeners grow root parsley. The most common varieties of parsley are considered "sugar", "yield", "Ordinary sheet".

In principle, it is possible to stretch some of the garden bush at any time - in the spring, when the earth completely widespread or autumn, until November. In autumn, so that the parsley takes place in a pot or drawer, it is necessary to put it in a light and warm place (about 18-20 ° C) for about a month. After that, it is possible to endure on the cold - the period of rest for seasonal greenery has not been canceled yet.

The thick shoots need to cut forward - the parsley grows a bush and each plant needs enough space and light so that the shoots grow strong. Sheet Parsley stands to cut forward in 2 weeks after germination, the distance between plants is about 5 cm, as it can be recycled, leaving about 10 cm between bushes.

Growing parsley

Grow from seeds



Petrushka is a two-year-old plant, without any garden without any. The cultivation of parsley often causes some difficulties in gilders - the seeds are bad or not at all at all. On our gardens grow root and leafy varieties. Beneficial features Parsley, a pleasant aroma, which improves the taste of any dish, made it an integral attribute of any garden. How to prepare parsley seeds to sow, how to speed up or increase their germination? Petrushka refers to the family of umbrella along with dill, Tmina, Dyagim, liste, cilantro, carrots, Pasternak, Celery, Coriander. All of them have hollow stems, umbrella inflorescences. Botanical name - PetroSelinum Crispum.

Petrushka from seeds in non-black earth express little sense. Growing almost in April, when the leaves of parsley leaves will almost appear on the cottage. And from the root plates really, but it is still not fragrant, the essential oils are not enough, there is no sun. And dark green color is not proof of nitrates. And how much we eat that parsley, that would be afraid of nitrates. Well 1 gram.

Prepare a landing box. First, reneeify it. It is suitable for a weak manganese solution. The most bottom fill in drainage (approximately 1.5 cm). And the rest is a mixture of peat, humus, sand and ordinary turf (2: 1: 1: 1). Ready soil will come up too.

Storage Parsley

Take the box (necessarily with drainage holes) and fill it with soil. You can use both the ground prepared in advance in the country area and the special, purchased in the store.

Sort Parsushki

Root varieties of parsley

The grade of sugar parsley grows a half-year white root. Range grade, ripens quickly, the growing season is about 90 or 100 days. This variety is grown for eating in summer and autumn. Parsley's essential oils qualify it as "chemopolotective" food, which neutralizes certain types of carcinogens (for example, Benzopyrenes, which are part of cigarette smoke and mangal smoke).

Why is such a distance, not more? In the garden, if you were planting plants on the bed, the distance between the bushes should be 20-25 cm. However, in a pot or box, the plants are kept in growth and do not grow so quickly and spread as in the free soil, so they are required less place. But this rule concerns only sheet parsley.

For reference: 1 g contains from 700 to 1000 pieces of parsley seeds.

Sheet grades Petrushki

Rynaya "- early high-yielding grade, the growing season is 75-85 days. The average weight of one root unit - 25-60 g. Taste quality high. The root of the conical shape, the pointed, length of it is 20-30 cm, the diameter of the upper part up to 6.5 cm. The sheet socket is a powerful spreadsheet, consists of 20-40 leaves. The color of the leaves is dark green. From above the leaves are shiny, and the bottom of the matte.

It is difficult to say which parsley is greater popular with gobby. Sheet parsley is ordinary, with even, shiny leaves or curly, with matte corrugated leaves. They differ from each other in the form of a sheet. The ordinary usually has a stronger fragrance than a parsley with curly leaves. But curly parsley is very beautiful, elegant - decorate any dish.
Only in April? How much will it sit? Half a year?)) I do not know ... in my area almost black soil, the soil is good). In addition, you can always buy a mixture in the store!) About the colors agree, and yet. Sometimes I see parsley straight very dark green. Surely watered something to grow faster and not sick)). Now I learned that in Russia from greenhouse vegetables, that we buy in winter with you, only 17% are grown in the Russian Federation. The rest is import. And, as you know, all the rubbish are brought to us, as in the country of the 3rd world)). So it's better to grow themselves. I am what: gardeners and gardeners, it's time to revive the industry!)))


Pour your home "Circling" hot water and lose weight.

Crispy varieties of parsley


The yield parsley is a medieval variety, a period of vegetation of it is about 130 days. The roots of this grade conical, gray-white color, the flesh in such a roof plant is white, and the core - with the yellowness. This variety is well stored.

Parsley is a danger source of antioxidants. It contributes to the purification of blood and tissue regeneration at the cellular level.

What varieties to choose

By the way, the famous grade of Moskrauz 2 was taken out of the Germans, and they have very popular growing greens for the kitchen in pots in balconies or in the kitchen on the windowsill, so this variety is characterized by compactness and tops and root system.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the parsley from seeds is not all. So that germs have passed successfully, turn to seed stratification.

Attention: this list shows the most damned varieties. Aromatic and well-carrying trimming of parsley varieties, but their yield differs several times. For example, Esmerald variety gives only 0.8-1.2 kg / m2, beads 1.6-1.8 g / m2.

  • "Harvest" - the period of the average, the growing season is 84-102 days. The average weight of one plant is 100-115 g, the rootapillary of 25-45 g. Tasse qualities are good. The root of the root at storage is good. Korneflodes conical, pointed, 20-30 cm long, the upper part diameter from 4 to 7 cm. The surface of the root is grayish-white, the core is light yellow. Parsley sheet floor socket, consisting of 11-20 leaves. The leaves are dark green, on top of shiny, bottom of the matte.
  • Petrushka is used in soups, sauces, salads, its use reduces the need for salt. This is food with a low content of saturated fats, very low cholesterol content. It is also a good source of protein, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, as well as a very good source of dietary fiber. Parsley contains a considerable amount of vitamin C. It is also rich in vitamin A - its impact on vision is well known to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, diabetes. Carotine, calcium, mineral salts of iron, phosphorus, mineral - is only the main list of useful components of this fragrant plant. And the presence of aroma, its strength and a pleasant taste depends on the percentage of essential oils. For food used roots, parsley leaves.
  • Tatiana, I support you in a rush to raise our farm! I have a parsley sits from the summer in a box in the kitchen, and I see the point in its content: My New Year's sandwich will be decorated, even if not very fragrant, but your own, clean. I have a lot of major in the box - I will bring his colleagues to the corporate! And then we will not be fresh on the table - one conservation.

In late October, before freezing the soil

Five best parsley varieties

Follow the grooves in accordance with the instructions on the sachet with seeds. However, the distance between the grooves can be reduced.

  • Sewing parsley is made in spring (in April) or in the fall, under the winter (October or November). There should be 18 - 20 cm in sowing when sowing. Seeds for one square. The meter, during the seeded crops, the norm can be increased to 0.5 grams. for one square meter. Sealing depth when sowing in spring - 2 cm., And in the fall - 1 cm. Do not forget that promotional Sowing Parsley need to be mulched by a layer of humus or peat, the thickness of such a mulch is 3 cm.
  • The ordinary sheet parsley is rapid, the leaves with a strong aroma is enriched with vitamin C, high-yielding.
  • In addition to its reserves of essential oils and flavonoids, parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C and is good source Vitamin A.
  • Also important is good illumination. Parsley in the garden grows in almost any places - in bright areas and privided. But at home, Parsushka may lack light, it is you define on the stretching pets of the leaves - when there are few lights, they are thin and pale colors. In addition, seedlings suffering from light disadvantage, it is noticeably cloned to the glass.
  • To do this, place the parsley seeds on a wet cloth, cover from above a small piece of gauze and leave for a few days to hold warm. It is important that the seeds do not swam in water, but were slightly wet.

"Cowgirl" - Late Veterior High-Three Sort Parsley. Socket wide spread with large quantity Leaves - from 20 to 40. The root of the conical shape with a sharp end of 20-30 cm. The flesh of the root of white, juicy, sweet. Mass of one plant with leaves and root - 80-100 g. Korneplod weighs from 30 to 70 g. Food is used by all the plant.

What to grow parsley on the window

Parsley seeds germinate for a long time - 15-20 days. This is due to the fact that the seeds are covered with essential oils that impede germination, they would not be allowed to wash the seed shell, do not allow moisture inside. This feature must be considered when preparing parsley seeds to sow. Many gardeners after sowing are covering the beds with a film or spunbond to keep the soil wet. Do not remove the shelter until the springs appear from the ground. If you are sure that all these 15-20 days needed for germination, you can maintain the beds in a wet state, then soak the seeds of parsley before the explosive is optional.

By the way! In the office you can grow - and beautiful, and useful! My sister told me that they always put onions in the office, for greens. Moreover, put in the sawdust! Enterprise woodworking, so sawdust there - walked. And perfectly growing almost all winter!)

, Dig thin parsley roots. The most optimal size: length - 5 cm, width - 2-4 cm. Although it is believed that the larger the root, the more the kidneys will be on it. In general, the size is not so important. Dropped? Now transfer them to the box. Follow large distance Not necessarily: you can plant more often, almost right. The soil should be moistened. Outside, we leave only the top kidneys. Or rather - so far only the heads.

Fix the seeds shallow, no more than 0.5 cm. The soil must be wet. In order to exclude the formation of "peel" on the soil, pour it out with a loose ground with a layer of approximately 1 cm.

  • Interesting parsley varieties: For sale - Gloria, for yourself - beads, for decorating dishes - Triploid.
  • Vitamin C performs many different functions. This is the main water-soluble antioxidant of the body, which contributes to the neutralization of hazardous free radicals in all water-soluble parts of the body. Promotes the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, colon cancer, diabetes and asthma. People who consume a large amount of vitamin C-containing products do not hurt by these dangerous diseases. Vitamin C is also a powerful anti-inflammatory substance with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. And since Vitamin C is needed for the healthy functioning of the immune system, it can also be useful to prevent recurrent ear infections, throat, nose or colds.

How to grow parsley from seeds

If you have such a case - stop the parsley to a more sunny window sill or shower with lamps (fluorescent or LED). These two types of lamps can be placed very close to the leaves - at a distance of 5 cm, right above the boxes with a seedler.

After 2-3 days, without removing from the rag, it is necessary to gently squeeze extra water from it, wrap in a polyethylene package and put in the freezer (0 - + 2 ° C) a month before the alleged sowing time.

Moskrauz 2 (curly) - yield 7.9-8.4 g / m2

"Ordinary sheet" - forms a large outlet with a large number of dark green, flat leaves with strong stems. Compared to root varieties gives an earlier and high crop of leaves.

But there are ways to germinate seeds that increase the germination of parsley accelerating the appearance of germs.

In sawdust onion grows well. Once in the time of the USSR in state farm from old film They did a small sketch. There sawdow and germinated green Luc. Type set DIY, or grow yourself, or an analogue of modern green from a lightweight line in a small pot. Went with a bang.

Perestushki sowing

  • Longly accumulate the soil and plenty.
  • To grow parsley from seeds on the windowsill, it is important to comply with some
  • Care.
  • On the cultivation of greenery, it is possible to earn good, if you know the subtleties of its agricultural engineering.
  • Beta carotene, another important antioxidant, works in fat-soluble parts of the body. Diets with products rich in beta-carotine, reduce the development and progression of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes and colon cancer. Like vitamin C, beta-carotene can also be useful in the treatment of asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Beta-carotene is converted by the organism in vitamin A, a nutrient, so important for the immune system.
  • Remember that without showering in the middle lane of Russia, the parsley can be grown when sowing seeds not earlier than the middle of February.
  • This little secret Significantly increases the germination of seeds, and accelerates germination.

Petrushka care at home

Astra (Curly) - yield 4-5 g / m2

"Green Crystal" is a late-leather high-yielding variety of universal destination, with intense growth of green mass. Distinctive features are large fragrant leaves, quickly growing after cutting. Leaves rosette slightly raised. Parsley leaves are large, green, fragrant, grow well after cutting. The grade "Green Crystal" - the best of all others is suitable for freezing. Good in fresh, dried, not bad for canning.

You can accelerate germination by soaking seeds in water for the night before planting. Water, by the way, practically does not dissolve oils on the seed surface. Therefore, before soaking, it is necessary to drop the seeds of parsley hot water (not boiling water) to rinse the essential oils from their surface.

Sleeping shoots

Vasily, and can be clarified, what kind of breeds were used? And how from the film did the pallet, that on a solid foundation went? I liked your "with a bang," there is near the sawdust with sawdust. I want to return to the USSR-Ovsky childhood and grow the onions "A la" Naturel, I'm tired on the windowsill. I want aesthetic sawdust, and the bank ranked in the golden colors, let it be such a decor in a natural style.

At first, the drawer is better removed in cool place: for example, on a warmed balcony;



For sowing parses need careful care, you should cut forward sections, loosen the soil, water, pour plants, make timely feeding. Sluorrow you can make the entire summer season, because Parsley is suitable for consuming in any growth phase. The distance between the plants of Parsley to the end of the summer should be about 7 cm. Since parsley is a double root root, then the plant can be turned well in the ground, the early root roots are already getting, delicious greens. If the winter is low, then the plants are better to cover the peat (or by humus) by approximately 10 cm. (No more).

For a healthy heart also useful parsley greens. Parsley is a good source of folic acid, one of the most important vitamins. Drink a cockerel daily, and you will not be familiar with such diagnoses as a heart attack and stroke, because folic acid strengthens the vessels. Folic acid is also an important nutrient for the correct cell division and, therefore, it is vital for the prevention of cancer in two areas of the body, which contain rapidly divided cells in women - this is a region of the uterus.

IMPORTANT: start cutting off a parsley for culinary need. Preferably for the first time no earlier than 2 months after the appearance of germs. At the same time, branches are not under the root, and leave the cut from about 5 cm.


But the second secret to enhance the germination of seeds. The fact is that it makes it difficult to germinate this spiced grass a large number of essential oils. Therefore, the seeds can be put in a linen bag and put under the flow water for about three hours. Of course, in modern conditions, saving energy and water pour three hours water on the seeds is unreasonable. But there is a Dedovsky way - to put a bag with seeds in the toilet tank for a day, of course, if the whole family at home and from the tank regularly merges water. You can replace this procedure to bubbling, replacing water every two hours or more. But remember, Parsley makes sense to bobby for 18-24 hours.

Irinka - yield 4.5-5.3 g / m2

"Gentle aroma" - a raven variety with smooth, shiny, bright green leaves. Intensively grow after cutting. Its taste and really gentle aroma not only excites appetite, but also adorns a festive and casual table.

Parsley features on the windowsill

Another way. Very simple. It is necessary to soak seeds in vodka, since essential oils dissolve in alcohol-containing solutions. At the bottom of the saucer pouring a little 40-degree. Then the seeds smear on a small piece of wide gauze bandage. I lower the seeds of parsley on the gauze into vodka, leave for 15-20 minutes. It is impossible for longer - you can burn seeds. Then I raise the bandage with seeds, I wash under running water. It is necessary to rinse. Then dry seeds. All - Seeds of parsley are ready for sowing. This method of processing seeds allow them to sprout twice as fast. Shoots are friendly, strong.

It will be beautiful \u003d) Sister says, in the birch sawdusts. But which is more correct - I can not say)

It is necessary to water moderately;

Selection of the site.

Planting parsley in a pot of bed

Rinse and wrap in a paper towel, and then plastic bag. In the refrigeration chamber, the term of such storage will continue during the week.

Pillast parsley can be started a month after germination. Do not abuse fertilizers - it will not be thicker, and the elements unrealized from the soil are deposited on the surface of the soil in the form of salts. Do not forget that the culture of plants is different when growing in a pot and open soil.

Prepare the soil for planting: shop ground for seedlings or growing vegetables, or garden land. Disinfect in the oven, on a wide counter. It is necessary to get rid of possible pests and causative agents of infections.

Like - yield 5.5-6 g / m2

"Morning freshness" is a ray-ray leaf grade (the period from the full shoots to the cleaning of the greenery 70-75 days). Large socket large, slightly spread. The leaves of the medium size, dark green, very fragrant. Parsley leaves grow well after cutting. Cut greens for several days saves fresh look and is widely used in cooking.

There is another way to quickly exercise. Many of us grow greens to the table on the window or balcony. It is very convenient. Seeds of parsley germinate very slowly, but there is one way to "force" them to germinate very quickly. Prepare the container with the ground, moisturize it, sprinkle the earth negained lime Three times every 10-15 minutes. Press, pre-closed in milk, seeds of parsley. Seeds will go through three hours. The room should be warm, not lower than 20 ° C.

Then, Tanya, I will try to consult on the experts of wood and its waste, I will soon be in their society "Kofiy to eat."

When sprout appears, transfer the box to a warm place (up to 20 ºС);

How to store parsley

You can not allow both the soil drying and excessive moisture


Petrushka in cooking

For the cultivation of parses, it is necessary to choose areas with fertile soil, not too moistened, without intimacy of groundwater. Most. the best place For landing there will be a plot on which potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage were previously cultivated.

Spring Salad - Recipe With Parsley

You can also freeze parsley! To do this, rinse, dry the greens, cut, put in small cellophane packages or food film and fold into the freezer. Sprinkle hot dishes, add to salads without defrosting.

Feed the best biohumus, many options are available in liquid form. Feeding about once every 2 weeks, in the dose indicated on the package.

Sort Parsushki

Fill the boxes with a soil, slightly compact the palm - you do not need to be too tight. As the land is learing in a pot, you can always shove fresh.

Plain - yield 3.8-5.2 g / m2

"Festival" - a variety of early leaf (55-60 days from germination to technical ripeness). The socket is strongly developed, the number of leaves from 30 to 60. The leaves are dark green, strongly dissected, very fragrant, grow well after cutting. Parsley leaves have a pleasant smell and taste due to the presence of essential oils. For consumption in the fresh form, the leaves begin to cut when they reach a height of 10-12 cm, the leaves are cut during the butonization.

  1. Before sowing seeds of parsley, it is necessary to dwell well or explode the earth. It will not be superfluous before treating the soil to fix it with organic fertilizers.
  2. What did experts say? \u003d)

Periodically turn the box with the other side (this must be done when growing parsley from seeds);

  • . For this time a day, spend moderate watering: carefully, without eroding the soil. When shoots appear, watering can be increased. Especially if there is a battery and in the room dry air.
  • They are carried out as needed, since it has already been noted that rooted roots and parsley leaves are suitable for consuming in any growth phase. If you need to collect root root for the winter, then you need to remove the harvest to the first frosts. The plants are gently dug up, the tops are trimmed at the level of root root.
  • Petrushka - a plant, useful for its vitamin, medicinal properties. In cooking, a parsley is used as seasonings, as a spice for salting and marinades. It combines well with such products and dishes as: chicken, eggplants, eggs, fish, game, lentils, mushrooms, mussels, pasta, peas, potatoes, poultry meat, rice, seafood, tomatoes, zucchini, lemon.

How to grow a good parsley harvest

You can also use any complex fertilizers for vegetables.

Moisten the Earth well. All varieties are early or medium, differ in high aroma. The varieties are included in the Russian State Register for growing in personal farms, despite the fact that not all of them are domestic. For example, Moskrauz 2 belongs to the German selection. "Bogatyr" - Lovely leaf grade (60-65 days from seedlings to greenery) A variety for growing in an open and protected soil. The socket is large, the height is 25-40 cm, formed up to 25 leaves. Parsley leaves are dark green, with large pieces, very fragrant, grow well after cutting. Rhizomes are overwhelmed in the soil and quickly give fresh greens in early spring. It is recommended for consumption in the fresh, drunken and canned form. Leaf cleaning produce periodically, as needed.

Time sowing depend on the state of the soil. It is not necessary to wait for warm weather. As soon as snow saved you can suck seeds. Optimal temperature For germination of seeds - +1 - + 5c. In the Kuban, it is possible to sow in the "February windows". In the middle lane of Russia - in April, after the departure of snow. That is, parsley is a cold-resistant plant. Shoots easily carry light frosts, well winter under good layer snow. Spring is a great time to sow seeds parsley, but you can sow her any time of the year - in the spring, summer and autumn. The most important thing is to maintain the soil in a wet state before shooting. Seeds can be heated in late autumn, under winter. At the same time, the seeding should be chosen such that the seeds do not have time to germinate before the onset of frosts - young shoots will not transfer the cold, dried. Parsley to the winter table is just fine. But I have already been squeezing for two years. I tried to sow seeds several times, I put the root sage once, but the first time the parsley did not rise at all, the second time there were several germs, which were dried in 3 days, although I supported the humidity. Root parsley released several leaves, they are wishes, and I removed this greens. Now I go to the market to buy. How much I need it there. But onions on the greens in the tray from eggs in the mixture of the Earth and sawdust - it grows perfectly. Include additional backlight, especially on cloudy days;

It is important to comply with the optimal thermal regime useful and vitamin greenery - always decorating anyone dining table., the storehouse of the beneficial substances in the workpieces, and the correct method of growing parsley will provide a household economy with high-quality harvest all year round. Neighborhood.

Clean the finely fresh young greenery of parsley, green onions, a young greenery of garlic, add fresh lemon zest. You can grow a parsley in a pot all year round, while it is advisable to rearrange it on the balcony. Watering as she grabbed, but with a snap-sided in the fall - after a good drying. The parsley can be kept on the balcony to the very late autumn, while the temperature does not fall below zero. At the same time, green leaves can remain on it. Make a shallow groove - one or two. Take into account the placement of seeds based on the fact that the germination of parses leaves much to be desired: a maximum of 70%, but sometimes 40-50%. Therefore, it is better to sow more often, and with a good germination to break sowing.

Many parsley varieties are produced by various firms, such as Packages with Moskrause 2 you can see with the mark of Euro-Seeds, Aelita, Gavrish, search, Agriculture (plasma seeds), Ural Sadnik and others. Slavyanskaya - Sorts are relatively compact with middle-dining stems. It has an excellent aroma. It is capable of carrying low temperatures and drought. The best parsley predecessors are onions, cucumber, tomatoes. Sow the seeds of the finely, to the depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm. From above, the seeds are better sprinkled with humus. For the entire period of growth, at least 3-4 times need to spoil the soil, 1-2 times to feed. If shoots are too thick, you need to break sowing. Between the plants should be at least 3-5 cm. The feeding should be started only after the appearance of 2-3 of the present sheet. Fit full mineral fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen. Do not allow soil drying. Parsley does not like weeds, they very much inhibit her growth.

Mom this time simply put on the ground onions and perfectly ... grows at such a pace that they do not have time to eat)) and Parsley and the truth is easier to buy ... When Parsley went into growth, it is necessary to water often and abundantly.. Ideally - from +15 to + 20ºС. When the temperature decreases, the growth will slow down, and when the parsley can start drying.

Fresh greens - a tasty and useful addition to many dishes. But if you at least once bought in the winter parsley in the store, you should know what kind of tasteless. First, rude, because Usually outgrowed. Secondly, dark green, which sometimes talks about the presence of nitrates in it. And thirdly, of course, not so fragrant, like a homemade, grown in bed. You can read about the benefits of parsley here, and it is indisputable. Therefore, today let's talk about how to grow parsley on the windowsill! Moreover, soon holidays ... how great it would be to decorate salads with your own parsley! You can land a parsley next to carrots, Pasternak.Salt to taste, pour lemon juice and olive oil. Stir, give to stand 10 minutes, serve to kebab, boiled potatoes, steam fish, sausages, chicken grill.

How to grow green parsley at home

If the frost comes, there are two options: to bring boxes to the apartment on the window sill for lighting, or leave on the balcony, making it in the box and strengthened one or two blankets. At a temperature, just above zero, it is not needed. At temperatures below zero in the pot, in a small closed space She will freeze pot.

How to grow parsley on the windowsill

Close the seeds at a depth of 1-1.5 cm, not deeper.

What varieties of parsley are suitable for the windowsill?

Plastic boxes are best suitable for growing parsley on the windowsill. It is more convenient, but not too long. It is advisable to put on the windowsill not one large box, but 2-3 small. The height of the box must be at least 15 cm. "Moskrause 2" - a variety of early (period from shoots to technical ripeness is 55-60 days). Sheet rosette semiradian. Corrugated leaves, light green, large, shiny, have a sweet taste. Great for aromatization of soups and garnings. Parsley greens grow well after cutting. Recommended for growing in an open and protected ground. It is used in fresh and dried. For the entire season, 3-4 loosenings are carried out, 1-2 feeding and watering. With thick shoots of the plant, it is thinned, leaving 3-5 cm between them. The feeders begin to carry out when the plants appear 2-3 of the present leaf, and then fed after cutting leaves. To obtain a large crop of green mass, the parsley feed the full mineral fertilizer with the predominance of nitrogen. Person's parsley on the windowsill in the middle strip grows. The reasons are two - little sun and warm in the apartment. Tomatoes and cucumbers grow better. Only varieties and hybrids need to choose the appropriate. Detterminal tomato, and the cucumber is partrenokarpic. And it is important to choose a good substrate. Moderately water with a solution of fertilizers. And it is best to have an additional light source. And to be heated during the day. Something like that, good luck. If everything is done correctly, then for the new year you will have your own parsley harvest, right from the windowsill. Imagine how it is beautiful: outside the blizzard window, and on the window - a riveted, juicy greens! Another advantage of growing from rootepodes - during the winter you can make several such tramps. And all the winter will be your greens! Parsley can be picked by special fertilizers. This is if you notice that plants weakened. And in the spring plants can be moved to the balcony. If they live;))

Growing parsley from seeds

  1. Support the duration of the daylight
  2. The variety does not depend so much, but it is desirable that he was
  3. More than 30 grades of parsley, but the most popular among consumers are grades with curly
  4. If you do not have a balcony, then consider the fact that the parsley can be transferred without showering at a temperature not higher than 14 ° C. But this culture in any case requires the rest period for three months, otherwise, it is quickly exhausted.

Moisten the land in a pot as needed - while parsley does not germinate, and shoots will not grow up, the earth should always be wetted, but not too raw. In the box be sure to do drainage holesIf there are no more. You can do without drainage, but the holes should be large, about 5-7 mm in diameter, throughout the bottom of the drawer. So that the land is not poured, put on the bottom of the mosquito net. Parsley is one of the few loved ones with all spicy herbs that are widely used in cooking. And how much do not buy greens in the store, it is constantly lacking. In addition, in the winter months, the shop greenery is often pale and sluggish. Much more pleasant to disrupt several fresh twigs from a bush growing on your window sill.

  • The leaves are cut as low as possible. Do not cut off too much leaves from one plant at once - no more than a third, otherwise the bush will not be able to quickly recover or die at all. It is worth periodically to remove the stem on which the inflorescence is formed (unless you want to collect seeds), because new leaves will not grow on the old stem. New leaves usually grow with outside Sockets. By the way, in curly varieties, new leaves are growing from the center of the socket. The film was thick, reinforced, residues after heat insulation. Now full of all sorts of pallets are on sale. Therefore, do it make sense from the film? View of the sawmill do not remember. In production sometimes not when looking around. Brought, circulated and packaged. But probably he was pine. Since pine is soft wood and this is the main material for the production of boards. But it is better neutral birch, without resin. I think that the bulb if only moisture was. She will germinate everywhere. Now 21 century, better instead of a solid to use a coconut substrate. Good luck.
  • Well, about the use of parsley to tell, I think it is not necessary. Personally, I love it in salads and in Pizza.. For this, over a box, about 60 cm from it, you can place the lamp of daylight.
  • RannevenisFertilizers.
  • (Terry) leaves and a more pronounced aroma. Proved. That the flat sheet has more aroma than the curly, and it is it that is preferable for cooking, while curly varieties are more suitable for decorating salads, first and second dishes. Very little fragrance is preserved in dried parsley, but if you freeze a parsley, you can enjoy the taste of fresh greenery all winter. Important: Parsley is very easily attacked by vegetative ticks. If you are familiar with this pest on the room colors, imagine what parsley expects.

Petershki shoots appear 14-20 days after sowing.

Growing parsley from root

The drawer must have a pallet for draining water.

  1. For cultivation in pots, leafy parsley varieties are suitable, simply because the root parsley requires landing in deeper containers and grown at home is not advisable. We are also interested, first of all, fresh greens.
  2. Tomatoes and asparagus on your site will grow better if parsley grows nearby. Put it near roses - their fragrance will increase. Vasily, about the coconut. "You think good for us", you need to buy it, and the sawdusts are they, relatives, Moss are pure, also thanks to the employees will say. I want this, homely, cozy, hawted with your own hands. Thanks for the idea, serve - we realize. Apparently, a good state farm was, or there is still. The main thing is not to overdo it: it's very pronounced. By the way, I remembered: when I had a kidney sick, my mother disappeared me with a decoction from Parsley. Well, nasty, I tell you! But more like never hurt)). So, the home parsley grows rapidly, does not contain chemistry and for the body is extremely useful. Have you tried to grow parsley on the windowsill? Maybe you have your secrets? \u003d)
  3. Young shoots are recommended to switches

Conditions for pasting parsley from rooteploods:

  • . Early parsley varieties can be started to cut out days 10 earlier than the middle and late. The following varieties can be attributed to the ranchers:
  • Before boarding the parsley, you need to fasten well. For fertilizer does not apply a manure to not reduce the quality of future root roots. Best of all, with a stroke of the soil layer for one square. Meter to introduce 10 or 15 g. Urea, superphosphates (30 or 40 gr.), Potassium chloride (approximately 20 gr.). If the plot is new, and the soil on it is lowland, it is also necessary to make organic fertilizers at the autumn peroxide (approximately 0, 5 buckets of humidiation or compost per square meter).
  • All parsley varieties can be divided into two groups:
  • It is impossible to spray chemistry, so we advise you to resort to prophylaxis: do not keep parsley on one windowsill with room roses; Once a week, water the greens in a pot of warm soul with a powerful pressure.
  • There is no need to cover the films' boxes if they stand in the room warm, and not on the balcony. The optimal temperature on the windowsill before the appearance of germs within 19-20 ° C, after the appearance of germs, it is desirable to lower up to 15-18 ° and 10-12 ° at night.
  • The soil for parsley should be nutritious, and the level of acidity (pH) is in the range of 6.5-7.0.

However, not all varieties are equally well reacting to very frequent pruning, and in fact we can pinch bushes in a pot regularly. The best way to store freezing. She preserves well when freezing taste, color. If you have to collect it for storage after the rain, then you should rinse the twigs well, to dry, wrapped them kitchen towel. Separate leaves from stems. Do not throw out the stalks, they can also be frozen. They are perfect for improving soup tastes. Lower the parsley stalks into the soup shortly before the end of the cooking associated in the bundles. Then, after 5-7 minutes, they can be removed from the soup. I sowed a parsley at home - I was not impressed with the result, honestly. Vasily Rights: Light is not enough for her, even if he is heated (I was stood under the phytolams, it was still not that ... True, she climbed surprisingly, and without any additional tricks like soaking seeds. Kinza was overtaken, of course, But I will not say very strongly. I think, at home, it is still more convenient to drive out the greens from the roots - it is and faster, and there should be better, because there are reserves of "backup power".

Svetlana, Russia

Tatiana, very useful post, thank you! I would grow parsley on the windowsill, but she will not have time to grow, the children will eat) both adored and parsley and dill, and salads are different. You have to stock frozen. True, my parsley in the open soil was still alive, withstood all freezing without loss. Of course, it is not for long, still will soon freeze, but while the Rives from the Groatka) but reading about the distillation of Parsley, remembered that I became stuck with the seeds of cucumbers and tomatoes for growing in room conditions). It would have been lacquered until spring in a box with seeds.


If planted very often.

Svetlana, Russia

Astra, Gloria, Common Sheet, Beads, Emerald Lace, Morning Freshness, Russian Feast, Fitness, Green Pearl, Globe, Babushkin Groke, Aromatic Alley, etc.

Vasily, Kostroma


Leafy varieties

Elena, Lviv

If the ticks appeared, you can beat a soap foam foam from Ferry in a basin, to apply a foam cap on the leaves. Leave for 3 minutes. Wash off hot water, temperature 50 ° C. Then just water the warm water from the shower every 5-7 days at moderate temperatures, and every 3 days, if it is hot.


All sowing care to fall down to merge water from the pallet, slightly loosened the soil after watering so that the dense crust is not formed.

Vasily, Kostroma

The methods of growing parsley on the windowsill are two:

Elena, Lviv

Here are some varieties that are best suited for growing in pots, they grow very well after cutting:


The leaves are cut fine or on a cutting board with a knife, or scissors, or in kitchen Combine. Put the chopped parsley leaves into a plastic bag or box, close the container tightly, put in the freezer. When you need a greens, just cut off the right amount from a large frozen piece - it is not necessary to defrost, it is easy to cut.

Elena, Lviv

"Does not contain chemistry" What does this mean? Chemistry - the basis of the whole life. Starting from breathing and ending with mental activities - it's all chemical processes. And otherwise a good article. Parsley "loves" acidic soils. And on your nutrient soils may simply do not climb. Thank you! Very detailed and disaccurate. Can i ask you? I have sown seeds. They rose, grow, but for some reason, the leaves are growing with stalks, but they grow up, but they score on the ground ... What did I do wrong?


Great, at least someone turned out to be useful))). Cucumbers and tomatoes grow at home, I know ... An acquaintance once sent a photo - in the loggia, tomatoes grow and tomatoes are already blushing! But they never tried to plant at home). This is certainly more difficult than parsley. But its own)

Irina, Bendery

When parsley is already growing enough, it can be cut off. It is believed that optimal "maturity" - twigs with a height of 10-12 cm. Minuses of this method: a lot of trouble. In addition, the first harvest will be only about 1.5 months. But such a parsley will grow longer than a year!


Note: here are the varieties and ordinary sheet parsley, and curly. It is believed that curling is better suitable for decorating dishes, although I personally give me more the usual.

Vasily, Kostroma


Vasily, Kostroma

Root varieties.

Elena, Lviv

You can separate the part of the bush from parsley growing on the garden, and put in a pot. The leaf parsley roots are not tuber, but ordinary, urine. The pot needs to be taken by 3-4 cm wider, separated root coma.

Marina, Nekrasovskoye

There is another little secret: Parsley is tolerant to the hardness of water, but it leaves hard water in a couple of weeks upper layers The soil of the salt flaw, it is somewhat cementing the soil, disturbing aeration, it is for this that it is required. But to break the growth of seedlings is very easily careless movement, therefore it is easier to water a soft water parsley, even boiled, until young plants are growing, and it will be possible to loosen painlessly.

Graye Araneae.

Drop in the garden part of the bush and transplant in a pot

Today, probably, there is no such garden, in which Parsley would not grow. The leaves and roots are equally useful in parsley. Both are used in food, as well as in therapeutic and cosmetics purposes. Best grade plants Consider in the article.

Best grade sheet parsley

Petrushka is a spicy grass of an umbrella family. The plants have a straight stem, branched, with many side shoots. Leaves Dark green, dissected, triangular shape, edges of them bordered with small cloths.

Parsley rod root grows from 30 cm and more, depending on the variety. The plant blooms yellow-green small flowers, inflorescences of umbrella, fruit - seeds. Petrushka prefers to grow on lighted areas, fertile drainage soils. The plant is perfectly multiplied by self-sowing.

The name "Sheet" speaks for itself: these varieties are grown in sake of juicy greenery, and roots, despite the fact that they are suitable for food, less soft and delicious than the root varieties. Parsley, grown in greens, divide two types: curly and ordinary sheet, Top varieties Consider further.

Important! Profitably planted parsley near berry cultures: The aroma of the plant scares slugs from strawberries and strawberries, and the grapes protect against the philloxers (pest of the tribe).

shadowishly variety. It is well gaining a deciduous mass, the crop of which can be collected several times per season. The leaves at the variety are large and juicy, the aroma is stable, pronounced. The root of this variety is not suitable for food.

The grade of parsley "Bogatyr" is grown in the open soil, and at home. Two months after sowing, parsley greens is suitable for use. From a square meter of the site, you can collect up to three kilograms of greenery.

Did you know? Ekaterina Medici added parsley to food when the stream is declined or in depressive states. Karl the Great loved solid cheese with plants seeds. Gai Pliny believed that salads and sauces without parsley do not have taste.


The variety of parsley "Carnival" gives a crop three months after sowing. Middle size socket, disseated leaves with long cutters. The plant is perfect for cultivation in a moderately continental climate. After collecting the first harvest, the new leaves quickly increases. For the season from the site, you can collect up to five kilograms of greenery.


Parsley "Curly" loved by many cooks for their decorative leaves. Emerald curious leafy decorate various dishes. This variety has a subtle taste and a pleasant gentle fragrance. Sliced \u200b\u200bgreens can stand in a glass with water, not yellow and not losing taste, about a week.

The variety is ideal for a centenary sowing. Ripens to collect the greenery two months after landing. Magnificent rosette of semi-rotation, leaves are large, with long stiff. From a square meter, you can collect up to five kilograms of leaves.


The grade of early ripening, quickly grow after the first harvest. Differs in bright greenery leaves, glossy leaf plates. Very delicate taste and fragrance, this is the most popular grade for consumption in the fresh form.


Curly parsley middle time ripening. The grade forms small outlets of the leaves with short cutters. After collecting greenery, a new foliage will grow quite quickly. From a meter of square land is collected up to one and a half kilograms of greenery.


Petrushka sheet "Bravo" has corrugated leaves, juicy green, fragrant. Foliage after cut is rapidly restored. Which allows you to collect several yields per season.

Breeze grade foliage is ready to collect 2.5 months after sowing. At the variety a high straight outlet up to 75 cm, the leaves stand for a long time after trimming, without losing color and taste.

One of the most saturated ascorbic acid varieties. Vintage from one square meter to 2.5 kg.

The most popular varieties of root parsley

Root parsley, her best varieties also give greens, but it is often not necessary to cut it - the root will get less nutrients and will be smaller.

Root parsley with development forms a thick root in the form of a cone or cylinder. The nutrients are directed more on the rhizome rather than in the deciduous mass, therefore the greens are harsh and not so fragrant, like leaf varieties.

Rannevel parsley varieties are more suitable for drying or other billets for the winter, lateral varieties are suitable for long-term storage in the fresh form.

- best grade kudrya parsley for early sowing.

Sowing spend in greenhouses, a week before landing in open ground, shoots are harvested by ventilating.

The grade is resistant to cold and drought. It is not terrible freezing to -5 ° C.

Interesting! Extremely interesting attitude towards parsley was among the ancient Greeks. Parsley was used in the funeral ceremonies, and in premierable: wreaths from Parsley and Lavra awarded the winners of sports competitions. The Greeks believed that if we rip the stalks of the plant by saying the name of the enemy, he would die and soon die.

Berlin root

What variety parsley is the best for good harvest of root crops? Experienced crops claim that the Berlin root parsley. The diameter of the root of this variety reaches 4 cm, length - up to 20 cm. The root in the form of a cone, the pulp of sugar, not hard, is suitable for storage and blanks for the winter. When thermal processing appetizer smells.

Garden parsley refers to long-term plants and popular among gardeners. The value of parsley is determined by its vitamin composition, and unpretentious in care. The height of the plant reaches about half a meter. Sheet parsley contains a high percentage of beneficial substances, it is used as a fragrant additive to dishes, used in raw form, is used in the cosmetology industry.

Varieta sheet parsley

The varieties of sheet parsley set, "proven" can be called varieties: sandwich, Gloria, Astra, classic sheet, triplex, wizard, titanium, bogatyr, breeze.

Classical parsley sheet

The variety is a fragrant lush bush greens with a high yield rate. The dates of ripening occurs after a month and a half after sowing or landing. Green is ideal for the preparation of salads, marinades and canning.

Curly grade parsley

Due to its appearance, ideal for decorating a festive table. It has excellent taste, aroma and gentle greens. Gives a crop over the entire growing season, with proper trimming. Good burning and pleasant taste of curly greenery makes it indispensable on the kitchen table.


Petrushka is average, one of the varieties of Corcher. Unpretentious in care, gives a lot of greens. It can be stored in the refrigerator more than two weeks without losing their taste.

Parsley sheet sandwich

Resistant to decrease in temperature, refers to the varieties of medium ripeness, has a bushy thick cap and large sheet. The variety has a bright aroma and abundance of vitamins. Ideal for the preparation of complex sandwiches and packers.

Early sort of parsley, with a coacher greenery. Gives a high harvest. Quickly gives new branches of the greenery after circumcision.

Grade Breeze

Green gentle, mid-length variety, its qualities does not lose during storage. After trimming, greens grow quickly and is kept for a long time.

How to plant? Growing sheet parsley

Pre-sowing preparation of the site begins with autumn. The plot is drunk, fertilizers, ash, can be sealed. In the spring, when the soil starts to warm up, the film is removed, the plot is drunk again, potassium, phosphorus and humus are made. Forming the beds and make nitrogen, which is an ideal assistant in the cultivation of thick greenery.

In the prepared grooves depth near the centimeter, the treated seeds of parsley are sulking. Cheat and produce watering the entire bed. For friendly shoots, with early sowing, the site is again covered with a transparent polyethylene film.

Parsley leaf can be dried several times a year, to obtain a young gentle green. The feeder is carried out after sowing superphosphate and potassium sulfate, about 30 grams per square meter.

Parsley can be grown and with the help of roots, they are germinated in advance, then planted in an open ground. Roots should be planted to a depth of at least 15 cm., Part of the root with the tagged greens do not fall asleep.

Both for sowing and disembarking parsley sheet fits almost any soil, except for the clay, the best is the delicate-podzolic soil.

In the first year of growth, Parsley does not give seeds. If you decide to collect seeds at the end of the growing season, you need to choose a strong healthy plant. Seeds from it will be large and high quality.

The collection of seeds is better to produce when they acquire a dark color, with an early collection of seeds will be less likely to go together. Sort the seeds by giving preference to larger.

In order not to damage the capsule of the seed, the collection is not hand, but with the help of a cut of seed caps. After unwritten seed caps in the package.

So that the seeds have come, place them in the sun for two days. Shone on the windowsill with a thin layer, and keep sowing in a tissue or paper bag.

Root sheet parsley, application

The cultivation of the root of parsley, is practically no different from the sowing method of reproduction of the plant. The roots are also planted in the ground and fell according to the schedule.

Parsley's root is largely similar to Pasternak, it is distinguished by a light walnut aftertaste. Using the root of parsley in the form of juice, heals the body, improving immunity, protects cells from premature aging.

The root of the sheet parsley has a high antioxidant action, the decoction helps to cope with skin problems and stress.

Parsley root juice, before consuming diluted due to the high concentration of vitamins, to avoid allergies.

The drink from the juice of parsley, carrots and honey is considered high.

Parsley root tincture helps in combating fungal infections.

The root parsley for storage does not dig up to the most frosts, after digging roots and stored in sandboxes, in a cool place.

Petrushka Sheet ordinary, curly, sandwich, universal: care, feeding

Parsley is a plant that can be grown year-round. The main condition for stable growth and obtaining a leaf parsley is the timely care and feeding of greenery.

For planting varieties curly and sandwich, choose a quiet, windless, open for sunlight during the first half of the day and shaded after lunch. Greens from these varieties gentle and on the scorching sun simply burns.

Do not despair if you do not find such a place, you can beat the situation by landing the parsley of the universal variety in the aisle of any other crops that do not need to spray with pesticides.

Water green plantings, better in the evening, warm water stolen in barrel. Abundant irrigated by parsley ordinary, it takes three times a week, on the other days, you can do with low moisture doses.

Like all plants, parsley leaf loves a good air exchange in the soil and nitrogen fertilizers. Do not forget to loose aisle, avoiding the formation of cracks in the soil.

We spend the bidding according to your personal graphics and as weed growth intensity.

So that the parsley is busy and lush it needs to cut forward. Do not forget to cut and flowers, if you do not plan to collect seeds, since inflorescences take up to 50% of the nutrients from the root, placing the greens of foliage. During the flowering period, parsley leaves become tough and acquire a bitter taste.

Parsley does not like carrots, so their neighborhood is better to exclude in advance, at the stage of sowing two crops.

Nitrogenous fertilizers, superphosphate are made one - twice a month, do not forget about potash feeding, any greens grow with them like on yeast. It is possible to use organic fertilizers, but at a short distance from the bush, so as not to burn the greens and the root of the plant.

If you want to get rapid shoots of sandwicher and curly parsley, sowing stands for a week to cover with a polyethylene transparent film, and after the first bushes appear, remove the film, dense germs to proper and deposit mineral fertilizers. And after two weeks, the fragrant greenery of a sheet parsley will appear on your table.

Parsley leaf diseases

An experienced gardener knows that the test of plants for the presence of a disease, an important step, for the crop of the site as a whole. Often, the diseases affecting parsley are moving to others garden crops. And parsley diseases are enough, consider the most common.

Fungal disease - white rot. Appears with a decrease in temperature and abundant irrigation. Looks like white flag On the neck of the plant, the root is striking. Tip: Do not pour plants, water should not stand after irrigation to stand on the garden. The fight against the disease lies in the processing of plants by fungicides and adjusting the soil air exchange.

Rust - Amuses often only leaves in the form of a rusty plaque, spoils the appearance and leads to a dry drying. It is treated by fungicides, as it is a fungus.

Poinosporosis or false puffy dew - I am striking the leaves, pale yellow spots and leads to the death of the plant. To avoid damage to springs, pollination of the beds with sulfur powder. Spray burgundy liquid.

White spottedness - spreads with brown spots, merging into large areas of lesion of the foliage of greenery. Burgundy spraying liquid and removing infected parts of the plant will help in the fight against the disease.

The churchosposition of leaves - stands out of dirty brown spots. Treatment: pruning the affected parts of the plant, processing of fungicides, compliance sanitary norms pre-sowing preparation.

Stem Lacks, Carrot Listoblushka and Bakhchye Tlla, also not averse to the sheet parsley. Against insect pests in a single front act biological means of protection. Read this in the article: Chemical and Biological Remedies for Plant Protection.

How to grow a leaf parsley in the apartment?

Very simple. To begin with, select a suitable place, for example, a warmed balcony or a windowsill. Sunlight plants should be enough throughout the light day. Then decide with the variety of parsley.

Take plastic containers or any other capacity suitable for your needs, fill it with soil (chernozem, humus, potassium), make small recesses in the soil and feel free to sow seeds. After Pouring, just carefully, not allowing soil erosions with seeds.

You can land and root parsley, just plug in the root of parsley into the already prepared soil and pour. Fertilize once a month ammonia nitrate and superphosphate.

Collection and storage of sheet parsley

Even a child will cope with the cultivation of sheet parsley. But there are certain rules, subject to which you get a good harvest. If you need to make blanks for the winter, the parsley of the second year of vegetation is better suited. Since the leaves of a more mature plant is larger, denser and tougher. For freezing, it is ideally suitable, and when defrosting slightly lose its shape.

Most varieties of parsley sheets are suitable for the collection after two to three months after the appearance of the first germs. Getting Started with greenery, cut it from the very base, under the root.

If we are talking about complete cutting of a bush of greenery, start to cut off from external branches, and not median. It stimulates the plant, give more lush greens to the next collection.

Parsley is one of the few plants that you constantly need to trim, to preserve the tenderness of foliage. Therefore, collect greens at least twice a week.

At the end summer season, You can proceed to the collection of the entire harvest of parsley. Do not leave the parsley not collected, otherwise next year it will be less lush and may get sick at all.

The storage of parsley has every hostess in its own way. Someone prefers the greens to cut and freeze for the winter, others can be preserved along with the sorrel, using then to refuel soups, some crushed the greens and dried it.

Parsley retains its fragrance and color with proper storage in the refrigerator. To do this, wrap the greenery of the food film, having sprinkled with water, and remove into the refrigerator. So the greens will remain "Fresh" during the week.

Similarly, a parsley can be stored and without a plastic film, quite simply assembled greens put in a vegetable basket, and the stalks are wedged with a wet paper towel.

An interesting way to store parsley is its freezing in forms. Spread the leaves of greenery in forms, pour water and freeze, and use if necessary.

For storage, you can dry the parsley without grinding, just touching the twigs of the greenery and hang in the well-lit place. Then collect in a fabric bag. Such parsley will be less fragrant, but will be stored for years.

Parsley is surprising useful plantthat does not need a constant presence of a gardener on the site. You can easily grow and collect the crop of sheet parsley with the right approach.

Parsley: Types and varieties

Parsley came to us from the Mediterranean and won great popularity due to its high spicy taste and rich complex of useful substances. Wide use This culture received among dacnons, since it is easy to grow, unpretentious and high-yielding.
Among the big varietal diversity This culture belonging to the Celery family can be foundtwo varieties of parsley - leaf and root. The root variety in the first year of cultivation forms a leaf outlet and a fragrant meaty root, similar in appearance on carrots, but painted in a milky white shade. If you leave such roots under the winter, the next year they will throw away high blooms and allow seeds from them at the end of the summer. Parsley's fleshy root roots are very useful and fragrant is an excellent spice for cooking soups, second dishes and, undoubtedly, marinades for winter solutions. Petrushki roots optimal conditions Perfect until the next season (just like carrots), therefore, the giving the Growing of this Plant, there is an opportunity to use them in a fresh form for their culinary delights throughout the year. And if you store fresh root roots, they can be prepared in the other form - freeze or dry.
Among the root varieties It is worth highlighting the variety"Alba", the fruits of which reaches the length of 20-25 cm and the diameter of 6-8 cm. The grade is ready for cleaning after 170-180 days after the appearance of germs and is distinguished by the excellent quality of the root models of the average weighing 200-300.
Deserves the average-range variety"Needle" With aligned white root roofs with a length of 25-30 cm and the average weight of 130-150 g. The variety is highlighted in high disease resistance, heat resistance and tolerance to low temperatures.
Different with excellent flavoring grade root parsley"Sugar"which allows us to harvest after 93-95 days after the appearance of germs. The variety is valued for earlyness and is intended for summer and early consumption.
Will delight with aligned snow-white fruits weighing 150-170 g average grade"Orbis". The variety is distinguished by disease resistance, excellent breaststroke and excellent taste.
At the sheet parsley, the rhizome is also powerful, but it does not form root - this species gives its harvest in the form of fragrant leaves, the cutting of which can be carried out several times during the season. The following year, a sheet parsley also forms a color scheme, which, after a bunch, give numerous seeds for breeding. Penels leaves are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes as an unmatched fragrant greens, which gives our disadvantage. They can be used fresh, dry and freeze, and after drying and freezing, the leaves retain almost all their useful connections.
Among the numerous varieties of sheet parsleya variety is highlighted "Belladonna"which is distinguished by pleasant spicy notes and strong aromaticity. The variety is early, with a lush rosette up to 30 cm high, composed of large juicy leaves intense dark green color.
No less good late variety"Sheet Bogatyr"which exhibits enviable cold resistance and heat resistance. Perfectly develops in a half, quickly increasing the new greens after cutting, has a strong aroma.
Perfectly proven himself a bannergrade "Carnival"which allows you to get up to 3 kg of fragrant greenery with m? The grade forms a well-fruit outlet with large juicy leaves on long stiffs.
It is worth paying attention tograde "Titan" average ripening time. The variety is allocated not only to high-quality greens with a pronounced aroma, but also highly resistant to fungal diseases, resistant tolerate drought and frost.
To the sheet species of parsley should also be attributedparsley curlywhich is often distinguished in a separate group. Unlike ordinary parsley with smooth dissected sheet plates, it has corrugated leaflets that look very decorative and serve as an excellent decoration of the table.
Among them are highlighted by a yield early grade"Aster", Giving up to 5 kg of a beautiful curly greens with each m? After the appearance of germinals, the harvest can be carried out after 1.5-2 months. The leaves of this variety are distinguished by a pleasant aroma, are perfectly suitable for consumption in the fresh form, drying and frost.
Be sure to celebrate the early grade"Milan Curly" With curly dark green leaves forming a dense lush outlet. The grade shows excellent resistance to low temperatures, ready to clean up 2-2.5 months after the appearance of germs, has excellent taste and spicy-aromatic characteristics.
Incredibly decorative early grade"Moskrasuz", giving fragrant curly leaves 70-80 days after the appearance of germs. The variety quickly increases the leaf outlet after cutting, does not lose the aromatic after drying, it is highly resistant to cold and drought.