What grass to sow on the grave. What plants to plant on the grave

The flowers planted in the burial places of close people transform the gloomy landscape of the cemetery, fill it with special sacred meaning, express a tribute to infinite love and respect for the memory of the dead. However, not all plants are able to cope with such a difficult task, so you need to know what flowers will be appropriate in the cemetery.

What flowers to plant on the grave

When choosing flowers that will have to grow in the cemetery, you should take into account the following points:

  • the location of the grave (in the sun or in the shade);
  • what is the land in this place (clay, sand, chernozem);
  • the frequency of trips to the cemetery, and if they are infrequent, should be preferred unpretentious, drought-resistant, frost-resistant and perennial crops that have good immunity to disease;
  • it is better to plant ordinary plants on graves, rather than exotic ones, since beautiful flowers can, unfortunately, be stolen.

It is believed that the place of burial should not look colorful, but strictly and solemnly.   At the same time, one must take into account who is buried in this grave, his lifetime preferences.

The burial place must be strict and solemn

For registration of graves are used:

  • perennial plants creeping on the ground, with the help of which a continuous coating is created;
  • annuals or perennials used as seasonal accents, living bouquets, decorating the grave in certain months of the year.

Those and other flowers will fill the free space around the monument, cover the soil with a green carpet and prevent the propagation of weeds. You need to choose such cultures that will look beautiful not only during flowering, but before and after it, will provide a long decorative effect.

Ground covers and seasonal flowers are used to decorate the graves.

Ground Cover Flowering Plants

Colors that cover the ground with a dense carpet include:

  • Periwinkle. It is unpretentious, it can be planted on a grave located in the sun and in the shade. The plant is evergreen, with glossy leaves of dark green color and blue (violet) flowers. Many peoples consider periwinkle funeral, symbolizing eternal memory.
  • Phlox awl evergreen. It forms a thick coating on the grave. The flowers are pink, white, lilac, red in large numbers appear twice in the summer season: at the beginning and at the end of it. These plants are resistant to drought and do not like excessive humidity. Prefer bright places, depleted ground. When planting in fertile black earth, phloxes form a lot of green leaves and few flowers.
  • Wool stachis (Byzantine purse). It is undemanding to the soil. The very first of the plants dissolves its leaves, and then covers the soil with a noble silver-velvety carpet. In May, stachis blooms. It looks equally good in the sun and partial shade.

Photo Gallery: Groundcover Flowers

Barvinos grows in the sun and in the shade Phlox awl-like grows well in depleted ground
  Wool stachis covers the ground with a silvery-velvet carpet

Flowers for seasonal accents

It is possible to create a continuous flowering sequence in the cemetery using seasonal flowers. Bulbs or other plants planted on the grave during their flowering period will serve as bright accents. Like living bouquets, they will decorate the burial place in memory of dead people.

Traditionally, marigolds are planted in the cemetery. In addition to the fact that these flowers are beautiful, neatly look, bloom all summer, they, according to popular beliefs, protect souls from the machinations of evil spirits, black magic.

Marigolds protect the soul from evil spirits

In the cemetery, you can plant such perennials:

  • Iris. It grows in separate bushes, has thin flat leaves and single flowers of blue, lilac, white, purple tones. Such crops are unpretentious, can bloom all summer and with a lack of moisture. They are often raised on graves and even called the flowers of the dead.
  • Primrose. It is characterized by endurance. The plant is unpretentious, undemanding to the composition of the soil. An irreplaceable flower for shaded areas, especially flooded in spring with meltwater. During flowering, inflorescences of various shapes (in the form of a ball, umbrella, pyramid) with flowers of white, burgundy and other tones are formed.
  • Lilies of the valley. These delicate bell-shaped flowers love to grow in partial shade or shadow, not selective to the soil.

Photo Gallery: Perennials

  Irises are often planted in the Primula cemetery. It grows well in shaded areas. Lilies of the valley can be grown in shade or wattle.

Often on the graves, planted pansies, a symbol of memory and humility. These delicate and compact flowers begin to blossom before the beginning of May and bloom all summer.

Pansies - a symbol of humility and memory

It is appropriate to grow on graves:

  • Hyacinth. It belongs to perennial bulbous plants and blooms in early spring, at which time cones-like white, pink, blue, and lilac panicles with flowers form on bushes reaching 30 cm in height. Hyacinth can be grown in the shade, it tolerates excess moisture well in the rainy season.
  • Narcissus. Undemanding to special care, a delicate white or white-yellow flower begins to bloom in late April - early May. And when flowering stops, low bushes can create a good background for neighboring crops that bloom later.
  • Forget-me-nots. Pleasant and pretty, they reach a height of 10-40 cm. Often their flowers have a blue or blue tint. Forget-me-nots bloom from May to mid-summer.
  • Daisies They are small bushes with a leafless stem, a round shape of basal foliage, simple or double flowers. They are perennial and annual. These are photophilous flowers that can be grown in half-shaded places.
  • Turkish carnation. She is a grassy biennial, reaching a height of 30–75 cm. She loves the sun. Flowers can be simple and double. Their color can be pink, white, red, two-tone. Flowering continues all summer.

The cemetery is a peaceful place where relatives and relatives rest, and everyone wants to pay tribute to the deceased in the kingdom of heaven. I would like, in addition to the monument and the fence, calm and unpretentious vegetation to grow at the grave. When choosing plants for a cemetery, pay attention to their aesthetics, decorativeness, and that they are suitable for planting in a cemetery. On the day of remembrance in the cemetery, not only the beauty of the flowers is important, but also a secluded shadow in the surrounding area. To do this, you must correctly choose which tree to plant near the grave. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to care for the burial place regularly.

The main criteria for planting plants on the grave:

  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • resistance to weather conditions;
  • neat and aesthetic appearance;
  • availability (the variety should not be rare and expensive).

What to plant flowers on the grave

For planting in a cemetery from a variety, prefer the deceased's favorite flowers. If you cannot plant such flowers on the grave, then select alternative species. In order not to bring cut flowers for reverence, dig a suitable flowerpot and plant anything on the grave, for example roses.


Saxifrages.The plant is very unpretentious and does not require watering. It grows easily in clay-sandy soil. These are low bushes with annual stems, but their processes are perennial. They bloom in mid-May and gently turn into a flowery carpet of pink shades.

African camomile.   An annual flower, the structure looks like an ordinary chamomile. The stems are low, up to 30 cm. It blooms the entire warm season, is not afraid of drought and windy weather, can safely do without systematic watering. Inflorescences are diverse, from orange to burgundy, and the shades of the petals are usually two-tone.

Marigolds, or Chernobrivtsi.Unpretentious in leaving. Bushes can grow both in length and in width from the planting line. They are often planted near the grave, as they not only look beautiful and neat, but also have a ritual meaning among the people. It was believed that marigolds protect souls from the machinations of evil spirits and black magicians.

Phlox awl-shaped.   Do not require special care, weed plants are knocked out. When flowering, fill the area with a colorful carpet. Flowers bloom by mid-summer. Planted in a flower garden on the grave.

Stonecrop is caustic.   Covers the plot with a vegetative carpet with yellow flowers. Perennial after flowering remains the same coating with year-round green sprouts. Great flowers for planting in the cemetery.

Evergreen perennials

European hoof. Perennial plant with leaves that fall only after wintering. The shape of the leaf is similar to the shape of a hoof, hence the name. In early May, it is covered with flowers, but because of the wide foliage they are not visible.

The tenacious creeping. Among this plant, both annuals and perennials are found. Based on the name, which characterizes the peculiarity of the survivor, shoots instantly fill the place where it is planted. The only problem is that you need to trim it sometimes so that the entire territory of the grave and its surroundings are not overgrown. Flowers have a variety of colors, from yellow to purple.

Dubrovnik ordinary. The plant loves light and warmth. Winters with green foliage. Prefers dry soil.

When choosing flowers for planting in a cemetery, choose blooming but discreet inflorescences in order to plant them around the grave of the deceased. The top of the hill can be planted with an evergreen carpet. The fact is that the soil in the cemetery does not have any beneficial properties for vegetation. It is not fertilized and usually consists of clay and sand. In addition to the design of the grave itself, it is necessary to equip the area around the fence with vegetation. It can be either ornamental shrubs or a small tree.

Shrubs and trees to decorate a cemetery or grave

To plant shrubs in a cemetery, you first need to pay attention to their properties. If the rhizome grows to a rather large size in diameter, it can violate the base of the monument or neighboring burial. Care of the bushes requires periodic pruning of branches for a more aesthetic appearance.

Evergreen spruce

Dwarf spruce. Varieties of these shrubs differ in shape and height. They can be either spherical or branched, both blue hues and bright green in color. Fir trees do not require a large area for growth, so they are quite suitable for planting along the perimeter of the fence.

Boxwood. Evergreen shrub. Its difference from other similar shrubs is the tolerance of a decorative haircut and bright green beautiful leaves. This bush is widely popular in the states of America and the countries of Europe. Gardeners prefer boxwood not only when decorating burial places and crypts, but also when decorating the garden and courtyard. Thanks to their endurance to cutting, the bush can be given any shape, from spherical to rectangular.

Flowering shrubs

Lilac. A popular and common bush in the CIS countries. Ancestors believed that the lilac has a huge connection with the other world, protects the peace of the dead and has powerful power in the fight against witchcraft. No wonder it has been planted for centuries near cemeteries and churches. In addition to its spiritual strength, the bush looks pretty and exudes a pleasant aroma. But once a year it requires pruning of branches, as it grows rapidly. Another benefit of the shrub is that in the days of remembrance of the dead, a small shadow is provided.

Derain white. A persistent shrub that is widely used to complement garden design. In the middle of summer, it is decorated with white inflorescence, and in winter the branches acquire a coral color. They tolerate frosty temperature, drought well and easily adapt to soil that does not have useful properties. It is not motley, so it is perfect for planting in a cemetery.

Barberry. The plant is resistant to drought and frost. At the beginning of summer, bright yellow flowers bloom, besides they smell pleasant. At the end of summer, the bush bears fruit. A neatly planted bush near the grave of the deceased will not only add beauty due to the calm coloring of the plant, but also perfectly decorate the fence of this peaceful place.

The middle of spring or the beginning of summer is the time of remembrance of the deceased relatives and relatives. These days, relatives pay tribute to their ancestors. Mysterious and mysterious time. I want to sit at the grave, mentally communicate with the soul of the deceased, talk about my affairs. The custom obliges to bring flowers, various sweets to the grave and simply pay attention to the soul of the deceased. The weather can be hot at this time, and I want to sit longer next to a monument or a ritual cross ...

A correctly selected tree will bring its benefit not only at the present time, but also in the future for posterity. Foliage, softly rustling in the wind, will evoke pleasant memories, contribute to calm and peaceful state. According to ancient beliefs, it was believed that a tree planted at the grave will attract singing birds and this will delight the souls of the dead. Fruiting trees usually do not plant in cemeteries; they symbolize vital activity, which is incompatible with burial sites. So which tree to plant in the cemetery?

Trees with ritual symbolism


Willow. Weeping willow has a kind of mournful symbolism inherent in sacred places. She will look very harmonious near the grave. The only caveat: the planting should be at a safe distance from the burial, so that the roots do not destroy the monument. It has a very harmonious appearance of foliage, is undemanding in care, although it can often be found near ponds.

Birch tree. This tree has long been ritualized. Ancestors venerated the birch and believed that this tree is sacred. Basically, he was planted on women's graves, as they believed that the soul was temporarily resting in birch leaves. It has a powerful root system, so it should not be planted too close either. In autumn you will have to clean the fallen leaves, but this is nothing compared to the beauty of the birch.


Rowan. Pretty practical and useful tree. Its beauty and not capricious will not leave indifferent those who wish to honor memory. Its plus is that the roots are not as powerful as other trees. Bright red fruits complement the harmony of a secluded place. It has a ritual significance: the ancestors believed that the mountain ash guards the peace of the deceased soul. Of course, there will be less shade than other vegetation provides, but planting it at the grave will not harm beauty.

Common cherry. Insanely beautiful tree, especially when flowering. There are undersized varieties of cherries, they are suitable for planting. The Slavs honored this tree as a symbol of love and sadness. Sometimes they planted brides and young lovers at the graves. The only negative is that the fruits will crumble to the grave, thereby clogging it.

A place where they honor the memory of relatives, do not make it bright and sloppy. Caring for the grave should not be difficult. Experienced gardeners advise not to use too decorative and expensive plant species in planting, there are people who would not be ashamed to simply steal a rare flower or shrub. So what to plant in the cemetery? Vegetation should not greatly attract attention, the well-groomed grave in the first place than its pomp. Take into account the characteristics of the landing site and know the sense of proportion.

Well, the easiest solution will be artificial flowers on the grave. For example, like these bronze roses in the photo below

It’s important not that it will grow or lie near the grave, your memory is important.


Vera Vasilieva asked what flowers to plant in the parents' cemetery:
“The fact is that there is no time to care for the cemetery, but I want the plants to always look well-groomed. Tell me, is it possible to plant some perennials. There are no other landings like trees or bushes. ”


Most people carry living flowers to the graves of their relatives and friends, and some plant seedlings to plant in flower girls. This topic is rather delicate, but there are some unwritten rules regarding the choice and planting of plants in the cemetery.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and possibly on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green area in their area, no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - water lawn AquaGrazz.

In most cases, thuja or juniper, white-birch birch and thin trembling aspen are chosen for planting on graves, but on modern large-sized trees it is better not to plant trees, except dwarf varieties. Trees with powerful roots can damage graves, and fallen during strong winds can destroy monuments.

Among the flowers, there are also plants that symbolize mourning, and you can find out exactly which flowers to plant so that they bloom all summer. For example, iris for many centuries was considered a mourning flower, and calendula in German means "flower of the dead." It is customary to plant it because its flowers do not fade. The Germans, in memory of the deceased soldiers, plant sunflowers in the cemetery.

Among the inhabitants of Greece, violet is considered a symbol of sadness. Probably, the tradition began from them - to plant Wittrock's violet on the graves. And from the old Russian traditions it is customary to plant strawberries. Here you can see how to plant strawberries. Her berries are not eaten, but left to the birds. This went back to the pagan period, when the first berry found in the forest was put on a stump so that the birds brought it to the souls of the deceased.

  Important points

Before planting flowers on the grave, it is necessary to find out what soil is in the cemetery: black soil, sand or clay - and how much there is a sufficient amount of sunshine, since it depends on the choice of which flowers you can plant. Some of them can grow in shady areas without problems, develop without water, and some - vice versa. Also, you do not need to buy rare varieties of plants, they can simply be dug up, today people are not afraid to do this at all.

Consider the different ways of planting flowers.

In the form of a carpet

Choosing what flowers can be planted in the cemetery, you need to pay attention to weaving on the ground and creating an elegant carpet of greenery. These plants include vinca blooming with elegant blue flowers from the very beginning of the spring period, and since July it has bright greenery. The advantage of this flower is that it completely clogs the growth of weeds, giving the grave a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. The disadvantage is that this plant can crawl to neighboring territories, from which relatives of people who rest in nearby places can be far from ecstatic.

Like bunches

An excellent solution is to plant flowers growing in bunches on the grave - iris or daffodil. By the way, the first is considered to be a mourning flower, so it is appropriate in cemeteries. Such bundles need to be planted next to each other so that the soil is not visible. They bloom from about early spring to the end of May.

Choosing plants on the grave, you can see what the buried person liked, and plant these crops as a sign of respect. However, again, it is necessary to take into account how whimsical they are in leaving. For example, roses are unlikely to take root on the meager cemetery ground, and the grave will look poor and groomed.

  What flowers are suitable for a cemetery?

The flowers on the grave should not be replete with their own variety, although you can pick up flowers such as a periwinkle so that a green carpet covers the ground and there are blue-blue small flowers above it. In the photo below you can see this option. This type of plant will not allow weeds to break through the dense root system of the periwinkle. Early daffodils, irises and tulips feel great without watering. They grow in bunches, that is, on Radonitsa you do not need to purchase artificial bouquets for decorating the grave.

Sun-loving cultures

If the grave is under constant sunlight, then plants should be chosen for which such conditions are acceptable:

  • iris. This is one of the surest options for planting in a cemetery;
  • violet and pansies.These are the most unpretentious varieties of decorative flowers that are better suited for the grave. They delight with their decorative form for a long period of time. Moreover, such flowers are unpretentious.
  • we can’t go to the graves every week to weed graves, especially when the summer is in the yard, so do not pass by undersized perennials - calendula, echinacea and rudbeckia. Look great curbs from Sedum, low phlox.

If you have time to clean a couple of times during the year in cemeteries, pay attention to the spring planting - daffodils and tulips. They begin to bloom immediately after the snow melts, in particular, it is nice to see how bright green shoots appear from under last year's leaves, which brighten up the still bare unsightly soil. Pay special attention to the colors of dwarf forms, because the size of the fence does not allow them to grow in breadth.

Perennial flowers

The most optimal and unpretentious version of plants is perennials. They can bloom their debts for years without requiring constant and thorough care. This category, in turn, is subdivided into several more species.

Tall perennials

We plant tall plants along the edges near the fence so that they do not obscure the monument or gravestone. Hosta, ostrich feather fern, tall hybrid irises, tall phlox, goldenrod, astilbe - these representatives of the plant world will be an excellent solution for edging and planting around the perimeter. You can see this option in the photo below.

Undersized perennials

Among the undersized plants, we take a group of ephemeroids (spring and autumn) - dwarf tulips, crocuses, bluebills, colchicum, and also muscari. It must be taken into account that they are decorative only during flowering. But dwarf irises, which reach a height of about 18 centimeters, a loosestrife is monetized, a saxifrage can bloom in the spring, but will remain green throughout the season.

The advantages of perennial herbaceous plants are that they do not need to be updated annually. Through vegetative propagation, they cope with this moment on their own. For planting in the cemetery, you can use both tall perennials and medium or short.

Important: when planting flowers on the grave, it is necessary to take into account that rhizome perennials, due to a branched rhizome, can grow greatly, therefore this process must be constantly monitored by digging out excess shoots.

  Layout and arrangement of the burial place

The grave in the cemetery is something like a garden where memories of a person live, so planning can be a rather emotional moment, which is filled with a special mood. Whether this kind of garden will become ascetic, with only one grave, or a classic family burial with a couple of places, a small bench, flower vases and candle holders - it depends on the taste of the person who arranges it.

Planning a burial place:

  1. Burial place

Let's see again where our garden is located. A slide, coniferous or deciduous forest, a hollow, a sunny or shaded place - all this determines the selection of materials and colors. For easy care, you need to consider all the points. If only coniferous varieties of trees grow near the grave, then the falling needles will clog the pebbles, so we choose a different coating - it can be sand, plates, and so on. If there is a dusty road nearby, then a polished monument will soon lose its beautiful appearance. If the soil is acidic, then we plant plants that like these conditions. When choosing flowers, we take into account how often you can water them. These are just examples of what to look for.

You can draw a place in the cemetery and sketch the layout ideas on paper. So immediately it will be clearer. The place between the graves is covered with sand or a grant, in rare cases, you can choose a lawn, pebbles, mulch. You can not fill up everything with the help of the material, but only where you walk, arrange large plates or make the path from the tiles smaller. It is better to coordinate the material and color of the coating with the monument.

  1. Color spectrum

The choice of color is also important, but you do not need to get involved in bright colors. It is better to have several shades and some bright accent. The background color is mainly green, it can be combined with gray, purple and pink. For emphasis, yellow, white, red is well suited. These flowers will always look great on a darker background. Bright colors always stand out in the sunny area, and bright colors in the shaded area.

You can make a memory place like a green lawn with a tombstone, a candle area and a flower vase. Then it will not be necessary to worry that something is not crushed, not watered, thereby giving the time that can be spent on caring for a cemetery, a loved one, to talk and remember the events associated with the departed.

  1. Plant selection

The choice of plants is very difficult, because you always want something new. However, here, as in any household plot, it is necessary to select plants that are suitable for each other in color, style, texture and size. The fragrant thyme grows in sunny areas and looks good with stunted coniferous bushes.

Naughty plants for the cemetery do not need to be selected. Here it is necessary to plant unpretentious, not requiring special care and blooming at different times. You can see what grows on nearby graves, so that it becomes clear how they look and feel in this place. Remember that under the pines the earth is acidic, and under the deciduous trees - alkaline.

What to plant in the cemetery? Ground cover plants are mainly planted in these places. An important point: from them you can easily pick up the needles and fallen leaves. You can plant plants that themselves quickly multiply by the shoots and do not grow very much, but these must be regularly limited. Bulbs will also feel good here - daffodils, muscari, scylla, snowdrops and so on.

When choosing plants for planting in a cemetery, you need to consider that they are conditionally divided into three large groups.

Tall plants - trees and shrubs - are planted along the fence of the grave, and not on the site itself. They should not impede free passage to the site with the grave, interfere with neighboring sites, and weed.

The plants framing the monument itself on the grave should be very unpretentious, resistant to weather and look worthy for as long as possible. Undemanding perennials with decorative foliage are chosen for this role.

And the third group of plants for the cemetery is unpretentious flowerbed annuals and ground cover plants. These are seasonal plants that are planted in the cemetery in the spring every year.

What to look for when choosing plants for a grave

Plants for landscaping burial sites should be undemanding to soil conditions. These should be flowering or decorative leafy unpretentious plants of "minimal care": winter-hardy, drought-tolerant - living quietly from rain to rain - or, for example, shade-tolerant, not particularly susceptible to diseases and pests, not requiring frequent division and transplanting, special feeding and shelter for the winter .

The anti-vandalism is still on the agenda, which means that the assortment of plants should be simple and affordable, without varietal delights.

Plants for the cemetery should provide long-term decorative. It is necessary to take into account the effect that they produce not only during, but also before and after flowering. By the way, it is better to choose an assortment so that on traditional days of visiting a cemetery, there are always flowering plants on the grave.

Before planting trees and shrubs on the grave, you should definitely consult the administration of the cemetery to find out if there are any restrictions (for example, on the height of the used woody plants).

What trees and shrubs can be planted at the clubhouse

They are decorative all season, and most importantly - extremely unpretentious.

Chokeberry chokeberry

Deciduous shrub up to 3 m high. Decorative throughout the season - it has whitish leaves and burqa-red shoots. But it is especially beautiful in September, when the leaves turn purple-red, and black fruits ripen on the branches. Aronia blooms in late May - early June with white or pale pink flowers.

Very unpretentious, perfectly dispenses with watering and top dressing. But it is important to consider that over time it grows and the bush reaches 2 m in diameter. You can plant it near the fence.

Ottawa barberry

Very beautiful shrub, appreciated for the bright color of the leaves. The shade depends on the variety, on the whole they are all in burgundy-violet tones. Height also depends on the variety - bushes can be from 1.5 to 3 m.

Unpretentious. Withstands frosts to -35 ° C. It grows on all types of soil. Drought tolerant and shade tolerant. Rarely affected by pests. It tolerates a gassed urban environment. It quickly recovers after mechanical damage.

Barberry of Thunberg

This shrub in culture is usually not higher than 1 m. It is valued for bright leaves - they are green, zloty, red, purple with all transitions of shades.

Tunberg barberry is unpretentious. Varieties with red leaves like light, with green and yellow can grow in the shade. It easily tolerates frosts. It grows well without fertilizing and watering. You can plant it along the fence.


Evergreen ground cover shrub with long creeping shoots that can reach a length of 1 m. Periwinkle has very beautiful leathery dark green leaves, so that it is decorative all season until the snow. But it looks even more spectacular at the time of flowering, when azure-blue, funnel-shaped flowers up to 2 cm in diameter rise above the bushes. It blooms from late April to mid-May.

There are varieties with red, pink, purple and white flowers, but they are less frost-resistant.

It is undemanding to lighting; it can grow both in the scorching sun and in dense shade. Soils are also suitable for any. In spring, it is useful to cut the bushes heavily, leaving a length of 6-8 cm. Otherwise, it will grow too much, because its creeping shoots are easily rooted.

Hanging Birch Tristis

It is interesting for its weeping openwork and spreading crown with thin, vertically hanging shoots. A tree 10-15 m high and a diameter of 6-10 m.

Photophilous. It is undemanding to soils and moisture - it grows equally well both in dry and in moist places. Drought resistant. Frost resistant.

This birch is suitable for planting near the fence.

Common cherry

This fruit shrub is famous for its unpretentiousness, so it is ideal for planting in a cemetery. You can plant both tree-like cherries and bush forms.

Cherry is good for planting by the fence. And in order not to cut the shoots every year, plant Shubinka or Vladimirskaya - they don’t give the shoots at all, or there are very few of them.

Elm Rough Pendula

A tree up to 5 m high with a beautiful crown - it has a flat top and hanging branches. Leaves are large 15-20 cm, dark green, rough.

Photophilous, but can grow in partial shade. Winter-hardy and unpretentious.

Suitable for landing at the fence.


Shrub up to 3 m high. It blooms very beautifully - with white shields with a diameter of up to 15 cm. Moreover, it blooms for a very long time - from July to October.

It grows well in partial shade. Tolerates short-term drought. In open areas in winter, hydrangea can freeze, but quickly recovers in spring. And if the cemetery is old, with an abundance of trees, then under their protection it winters well. However, it should be planted away from large trees, because they take away moisture from it.

Derain white Elegantissima

Very spectacular shrub up to 3 m high. And the same diameter. Its branches are sprawling, flexible, beautifully intertwined. Young shoots are interestingly painted - in an olive-green color. And closer to autumn, they turn red and become burgundy red.

This variety has very beautiful leaves - they are slightly wrinkled, gray-green with a wide white stripe. The flowers are white with a pink tint, collected in inflorescences-shields. And then the white fruits ripen.

Care derain does not require. It tolerates frosts well, does not get wet in melt water in spring.

Red oak

Massive tree up to 25 m in height. Slender, with a dense crown. The leaves are thin, shiny, when blooming they are reddish, in the summer they are dark green, in autumn, before falling off, they turn red again.

Frost resistant. It is wind-resistant, not demanding on fertility - can withstand even acidic soils. Resistant to pests and diseases, including powdery mildew.

Spruce prickly Glauka

The tree is up to 15 m high. It differs from other fir trees by a long protruding tetrahedral very sharp needles, the color of which can vary from green, blue, or gray to almost white - this depends on the wax coating on the young needles, the thickness of which is different for different forms of spruce. By winter, the raid gradually disappears, and the crown changes its color to dark green, and the needles become stiffer.

Glauka spruce grows slowly, annual growth is 30 cm in height and 15 cm in width.

Photophilous. Frost resistant. To soil and moisture undemanding.

Serbian spruce

A tree about 30 m high. This spruce is interesting with a very narrow pyramidal crown, which resembles cypresses.

Winter hardiness. Unpretentious to soil and climatic conditions.

Willow Weeping Gnome

A low tree up to 3.5-5 m high with a beautiful, weeping, spreading crown up to 5 m in diameter. Annual shoots are thin, long, lower branches hanging almost to the ground. In the first years of life, it grows slowly.

The variety is photophilous. Soils are suitable for any. It tolerates drought. Resistant to pests and diseases

Willow Purple Nana

A small shrub up to 2 m high with a beautiful semicircular shape. The leaves are silver green.

Photophilous. Grows on any soil. This willow is drought resistant. It tolerates urban conditions.

Canadian Irga

Shrub or small tree up to 5 m high. Very beautiful throughout the season. And the irga blossoms beautifully, its buds are collected in falling brushes of 5-12 pieces. Snow-white or vanilla cream petals.
  Unpretentious, growing on any soil, not afraid of even severe frosts.


This is a tree or shrub up to 6 m high. With very beautiful leaves - on top they are dark green, and below - whitish, pubescent. It blooms spectacularly - in early summer the bush is covered with an abundance of cream-white inflorescences. But even more interesting it is at the time of ripening of berries - in one brush they are of different colors: t black and red.

Guelder-rose is not afraid of frost, tolerates drought and air pollution well.

Shrubby cinquefoil

Shrub about 1 m high, with a dense crown. Most varieties with yellow flowers, but also with white, pink, red, orange.

Photophilous, does not bloom in the shade. Drought resistant. Frost resistant. The cinquefoil can grow on calcareous soils, but does not grow compacted.

Juniper Chinese

It is good because it is decorative all year round: both in winter and in summer. This juniper has many varieties that differ in shape, size and color - there are green, blue, and golden, so you can create a whole composition from them. Compact forms can be planted inside the fence.

Frost resistant. Drought tolerant. Grows on any soil, but loves light.


This is perhaps the most unpretentious among ornamental shrubs. It has many varieties with different leaf colors: green, golden, red, orange, and purple.

Grows on any soil. It does without watering. It is frost-resistant. Bubble can grow in the shade, but the color of the leaves at the sun is brighter.

Robinia pseudoacacia

The people call it acacia, but in fact it has nothing to do with acacia. Robinia is a rather large tree, up to 25 m high. It grows very quickly. Blooms beautifully with white tassels.

Photophilous. Drought resistant. Grows on any soil.

In addition, common mountain ash, common lilac, spirea, western thuja and crown marsh are well suited for the cemetery.

Perennial plants for planting in the cemetery

Their list is quite extensive. All of them are unpretentious, grow without leaving.

  • Astilbe
  • Badanas
  • Periwinkle
  • Colchicum
  • Botanical tulips
  • Buzulniki
  • Loosestrife monetized

  • Verbeynik point
  • Volzhanka
  • Clove grass
  • Geraniums

We want to make a place of bright memory and eternal grief for our loved ones majestic and beautiful. Flowers on the grave transform the place of the ancestors' burial place, create a special atmosphere at the foot of the tombstone.

Not every day you go to the cemetery, updating bouquets, withered cut flowers give an abandoned look to the grave, so it is important to plant plants that can become a symbol of something hidden and important, without turning into a weed.

What should not be planted

Plants for planting in the cemetery should be simple, without frills, so to speak, “anti-vandal”, but at the same time provoking positive emotions among the departing dead. Do not plant exotic flowers, wonders and flowers too colorful, unfortunately, such a rich flowerbed on the grave can become a "tidbit" for vandals. Many plant plants in flowerpots, it looks beautiful and cute, but they are unstable and often steal them.

Tree seedlings planted next to the stella are also not appropriate. Over time, the root system will grow, and the roots can damage the tombstone, and from a strong wind branches break a monument. It is better to focus on the design of the grave with annual or perennial flowers. Planted with trepidation and special purpose, they mark a certain symbol, which, oddly enough, lushly blooms and fragrant even in the most unfortunate natural conditions.

What to consider when choosing plants for planting in a cemetery

Remember what flowers the deceased liked, or dwell on the lovely and touching your heart. When choosing plants for planting on the grave, be calm and concise. Give preference to green and light gray, diluting with white pink and blue.

In places of eternal calm and sleep, the soil is sparse, even clay, heavy and not at all loose, so consider this important factor when choosing plants.

Weeds grow everywhere and even if nothing is planted on the grave, they will get to the surface. Beautiful flowers can hold them back. Please note that your landings do not populate the adjacent plot of the crypt, this may not be close to the deceased.

Plant Properties:

  • shade and solitude;
  • frost resistance;
  • not requiring top dressing;
  • unpretentious;
  • adaptation to any environmental conditions.

So that noble thoughts to green the tombstone are not crowned with disappointment, first find out from the caretaker the type of soil, its features, how sunny it is on the site, or vice versa, a solid shadow, whether the water stagnates.

How to achieve landscaping at the grave

1. Flowers are planted around the perimeter of the grave site or stele. Often these are shrubs or ate. By trimming the tops every year, you can control the height of the stands, and the tree will form a dense compact crown. By the way, an evergreen tree is a symbol of eternal life and it will always keep the memory of those who have gone forever. Of the shrubs, barberry, juniper, rosehip, mock, hydrangea and lilac are suitable.

Solitary plants never plant on the grave, only framing the place around it, delimiting the massive structure with another territory.

2. If there is not enough time for frequent trips to the cemetery, plant ground cover, which will be a good barrier to weeds. Take a closer look at periwinkle, youngsters and grass. Outwardly they form a lawn. Ground cover well adapt to the environment, do not require constant weeding.

We also highlight:

  • phlox awl-shaped, grows well in a sunny place, looks beautiful with granite and marble;
  • a creeper survivor, one of the most popular soil protectors, fills the entire space, adds accents, giving a soft background;
  • periwinkle growing both in the shade and in the sun. It beautifully frames the near-stem circle of thuja, mountain ash and spruce. The plant is considered a mourning, a symbol of eternal memory, which means it will be most appropriate on the territory;
  • ivy;
  • iberis is evergreen.

3. In addition to ground cover, the following is planted in the cemetery:

  • the hosta, although it does not give flowers, but the foliage is very decorative, has different colors, lush bushes, can grow in the shade and fills the soil, forming a carpet;
  • garden geranium with luxurious foliage;
  •   well tolerating sustained drought and sun;
  • heather for acidic soil;
  • lavender with a pleasant aroma
  • wormwood, silver leaves give a special mood, on the one hand causes sadness and sadness, on the other - nobility and solemnity as far as appropriate in this case.

4. In order to achieve a long decorative effect and build a flowering sequence, accents are needed. First, the flowering time of miniature muscari, which will add elegance to the grave. The colors of begonia, primrose, lilies of the valley, violets, and irises will be diluted. The last two options bloom on Radonitsa.

Bulbous (tulips) that need to be dug do not plant. In addition, they often become the subject of vandalism.

Beautiful peonies are usually diluted with solitary plants around the grave.

If you want a certain catchiness, then plant a boxwood, which will make the place of calm more expressive.

5. Annuals close well bald spots, symbolize by a certain date.

It is appropriate to plant flowers in the cemetery: daisies, pansies, forget-me-nots, calendula, coleus, lobelia, petunia.

6. When it is not possible to visit the place of the crypt, artificial flowers are laid. However, one must remember that even they, under the influence of the sun, rain and snow, deteriorate, although not so quickly. Service life will directly depend on the quality of the material. You can immediately refuse fabric flowers. Polymer material - more expensive, looks natural and durable.

If you plan to visit the cemetery very rarely, then even at the stage of ordering the monument, think about concreting the basement. Then the grave will not grow over with weeds.