Standard sizes of a wooden bar. What type of timber to choose for the construction of the house? Optimal thickness and sizes of timber for the country house and for permanent housing

Almost everyone is based on standardized dimensions, in particular, on the standard size of the timber in the process of designing and building wooden structures and industrial products. Why is it so important standardization in such an industry like woodworking?

The need for standardization

Humanity has long come to understand that it is necessary to voluntarily fulfill certain rules and requirements in the process of its production activities, because it is:

  • simplifies the exchange of information necessary in the design, design and manufacture of finite structures and structures;
  • makes it possible to use typical measuring equipment;
  • allows you to use the same type machining equipment during the preparation of wood, its pretreatment, storage and transportation;
  • allows the use of unified techniques for calculations during design;
  • allows preliminary calculations of places for storage, the use of rolling stock;
  • standardized lumber dimensions provide an opportunity to easily calculate the volume and weight, which is extremely necessary for shipping and warehousing planning;
  • statistical data grouped by type of wood in accordance with standards allow long-term and strategic planning related to the production of individual rates of sawn timber.

Lumber, depending on the tree of wood, from which they are manufactured, are divided into coniferous and deciduous.

Wood quality is determined by the presence of bitch, inclusions, rotors, etc. Wood coniferous breeds in quality is separated by 5 varieties, and hardwood wood is 3 grades.

Wood quality is determined by the worst item and labeled on the ends. The letter "O" denote the highest quality products.

Depending on the cross section shape, all sawn timber are divided into several large groups:

  1. Gorny. It is made from the side part of the log, and, accordingly, has 1 damp side.
  2. Sleeper. The type of sawn timber obtained by cropping of all 4 side surfaces, but without formation of faces.
  3. Bar. It is manufactured from the central part of the log, and, accordingly, has all 4 suited parties. The cross section of the bar is determined by the ratio of width and height less than 2.
  4. Board. It differs from the bar as a ratio of width and height greater than 2. In accordance with the classification method, according to the processing method, it is divided into one-sided edged, unedged and edging.

In accordance with the existing standards for our country (similar standards exist all over the world), all sawn timber are separated by processing method on the following:

  • unilaterally edged lumber - wooden billets, in which 3 surfaces are formed by sawing, and the fourth retained the natural shape;
  • crew sawn timber are such wooden blanks, in which all 4 sides are formed by sawing;
  • unedged are billets, in which 2 parties are formed by a sawing, and 2 sides have retained a natural form.

Brous varieties

The bar, as an element of a building structure, is characterized by the ratio of the width and height of the cross section less 2. The standard timber in accordance with GOST has a width selected from the following dimensional range: 50, 60, 75, 100, 130, 150, 180, 200, 220, 250 mm. But the following sizes are most in demand: 100x100 mm, 150x150 mm, 200x200 mm. It is under these standards that metal fasteners are made, the cutting tool is calculated.

According to the manufacturing method, the following varieties of timber are currently distinguished:

  1. Whole timber. It is made from the central part of the tree. The most traditional manufacturing technology of the longitudinal sawing of a wooden billet, at which 4 unedged boards is formed: a hill and the central part.
  2. Rounded timber. It is produced in a similar way, but this product is not rectangular. In appearance, the rounded timber resembles a sleeve, but has a big length. Rounded bars are used as bearing elements of wooden structures.
  3. Glued bar. Modern manufacturing technology, first applied by Finnish woodworking specialists. Wooden blank blooms on several thin boards - lamellas. These lamellas unfold relative to each other in such a way as to minimize the warping in the drying process. After that, everything is sick under the press. Such a glued bar is practically not prone to temperature changes, the counter direction of the board compensates for it.
  4. Thermobus. A modern high-tech solution in which thermal insulation and mechanical properties are combined. Constructively, the thermobrus consists of 2 boards interconnected by polyurethane filler. To ensure mechanical strength through a certain space between the sidewalls, a special insert is pasted.
  5. Batch bar. It is a wooden structure collected from the thermobrus. The compound is performed using special polyurethane ties, which for a long time retain the ability to compensate for temperature expansions.

Wooden houses are the most eco-friendly and favorable person. No wonder, wood is hardly the first material, which began to use for the construction of the dwelling. Modern technologies gave this material new opportunities and improved its properties. Using various processing methods, the types of timber are made of wood for the construction of houses of different sizes and structures.

Choosing a bar for erecting housing at the cottage or a large residential building, you need to remember that different requirements will be presented to the material in each case

Causes to choose a bar for building a house

Wood bar allows you to exclude some of the properties of the tree, complicating the building process that make it more time-consuming. The timber is made of a unified profile and length. Fold the house from it quickly. If you carefully calculate the required volume, you can avoid unnecessary material waste, which will significantly reduce the estimated cost of construction.

The glued bar is not subject to shrinkage, does not crack from the impact of the surrounding climate. It does not lose properties with long-term operation. When laying a bar having flat faces, a smooth wall is formed, it is easy to coat with a finishing material or insulation.

Types of timber for building houses and sizes, advantages and disadvantages

We will figure it out what happens a bar for the construction of the house. Distinguish 4 types of material:

    unprofilated from the array;

    unfielded glued;

    profiled from the array;

    profiled glued.

Normal construction bar

This option is a blank of logs with acrumous lateral semicircular edges. They are given a cross-section of square shape, with a side size from 100 to 250 mm. Before use, the material is dried in vivo.

Different bars are selected depending on the appointment of the future structure.

Its use in construction can not be called the best solution. Suitable for the construction of uncomplicated building structures. It has certain disadvantages, list them:

    wood natural drying are shrinking, warping and cracking during operation;

    a loose pregnancy of bars to each other leads to the need to warm and compacted the slots between them after a while;

    the material is not subjected to finishing, so it is necessary to rub the surface to get a beautiful and neat wall;

    requires additional strengthening of bearing walls and corners of the house;

    impregnation is necessary for special compositions to impart the design of fire and bacterial resistance.

Of course, it is quite cheap and widely available. If you agree to incur additional costs to make it refinement to the necessary qualities, then this option will be quite acceptable.

Profiled bar

For it, they use the same logs as for the usual planed. Processing is carried out on woodworking equipment having accurate settings. It allows you to get an ideal smooth surface and perfect dimensions.

The profiled timber allows the material to close the material tightly and during the operation of the house to prevent drafts between the slits.

The process is characterized by the fact that it is first made drying the cutting logs up to 22% humidity and less, and then produce further work with them. Connecting planes have a comb or spike groove. When combining the comb from neighboring bars, it turns out a dense junction between the crowns. Schip-groove allows you to lay insulation in it, which creates a dense connection of the crowns, not transmitting air and moisture.

Of the disadvantages of such a material, the preservation of tree defects are noted, which can exist inside the logs, and there is a binding time for shrinkage, as it is inherent in all types of wooden structures.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of homes from a double bar from construction companies presented at the Low-rise Country House Exhibition.

Glued bar

This option has a calibrated section, the coupling surfaces are made in the form of a comb or spike. Sometimes it is attached to the shape of a rounded log - a D-timber. Externally, the wall is similar to the natural log, which is now very popular.

The house of glued timber is much faster ready for operation, but it is important that the layer of the lamellae was carried out with high-quality glue

Such material is made of separate wooden plates, they glued together with a special pressure under pressure. It has a number of positive moments, namely:

    A well-finished surface has a finished look, does not require additional finishes. The presence of locks, creates a dense wall without cracks.

    The design of the bar excludes the charging, it does not crack and are not prone to deformations during operation.

    Built building does not experience shrinkage. This significantly reduces the work of its construction.


    High material price, in comparison with the usual bar.

    The adhesive included in the bar makes it less environmentally friendly.

    The microclimate in the house will differ from the conditions arising in the present wooden structure. In houses from glued wood need to do ventilation

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from a double bar. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".


The technology of its production is similar to the manufacture of glued timber. Differs only for it material. For the manufacture take veneer from various trees, 3 mm thick. In the adjacent layers of the veneer coincides the direction of the fibers.

The veneered bar in terms of cost is quite expensive, it is more often used for individual buildings of the building.

This is a durable and flexible material, but very expensive. It is used to perform individual house designs. In most cases, the whole house is unprofitable from it.

What a timber is better for building a house should be determined taking into account the requirements for it and the availability of material resources from the developer. Well dried and properly processed ordinary planed timber will serve no worse than expensive glued material.

Video Description

About the peculiarities of the LVL bar and its application in construction, see the next video:

Types of Bruus Connection

When the logging is erected, it is necessary to connect individual elements when crossing at an angle or with an insufficient length of the elements. Use several types of compounds.

The most popular and convenient connections with the residue and without a residue, in a cup or to the tooth.

Connection with the residue

One-sided connection. One side of the bar across the element is inscribed, the width of the inscription is equal to the width of the attached element. This is the easiest and most common way.

BRUSEV connection with the residue applies more often than others, and the attachment of such a bar is more reliable

A double-sided castle requires cut from above and from the bottom of the bar. Their depth is the fourth part of the thickness of the element. The use of such technology creates a high-quality connection, but will require the work of experienced carpenters.

The quadrilateral compound is the most complex and most reliable and accurate. Duties make bar from all sides. The building is going as a designer - quickly and efficiently. In this case, all sizes must be accurately compliance, the propelles are made strictly at right angles.

Connection without residue

This species has many options. We give frequently used.

Job connection. It is carried out using studded metal plates, they are fixed with nails or brackets. For this purpose, connective keys are also used, which are well fixed by the junction, without giving the bars to move and turn.

In this case, it is necessary to use additional fasteners, otherwise the house may lead to the side

It is good to use a connection in spike. Spike may have a triangle or trapezium shape. Popular native spike. On one of the bars, the grooves are cut down, in the other cut off the thorns corresponding to the sizes. With this connection, you can use the insulation from plant felt or jute fiber.

Choosing a timing of timber for building a house

The nomenclature of the unified size of the bar has the following values: 100, 150, 200, 250 mm. The main requirement in determining the thickness of the walls of the house - it should give a certain strength of the structure, have sufficient heat capacity to create a favorable climate in the house.

To determine which bar is better for home 150 or 200 mm, you should know which house you will build. For one-story building enough thickness 150 mm. If there is still an outer decoration or insulation of the walls, then this is undoubtedly.

For two-storey buildings, you need a longer and rigid design. In this case, the cross section of 200х200 mm will be justified.

For the construction of a seasonal living house in the country or bath, if not to produce their insulation, a timber is used, a cross section of 150x150 mm.

For such a house, for temporary residence, a fairly simple bar of medium thickness

If you build a residential building for permanent residence of people, it will have to be missed. The walls of such a broken house should necessarily be insulated, otherwise it will not meet modern requirements for energy saving.

It is known that the thermal conductivity of wooden walls is little dependent on their thickness. The difference between the walls of 150 and 100 mm of timber will be 12% heat. From this we conclude that insulated walls can be done more subtle.

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What may differ different types of timber:

What to take into account when choosing a bar: Basic rules

Use the correctly selected material is the key to successful construction. This also applies to wooden structures. To which, first of all, pay attention to its purchase:

    Decide in advance, from which bar build a house. One-storey house is enough material, cross section 150x150 mm. Eating two-storey structures, use the Bar 200h200 mm.

    In the gratitude, use a simple planed timber, pre-dried in a natural way. For a residential building, glued construction is needed. The bar is suitable with a profiled connection dried in the chamber.

    Attention should be paid to the quality of products, it must have a correct symmetric form of section, absent of irregularities and curvature. Sorts Choose a or av.

    Use the profile D BROUSE instead of rounded logs.

Types of profiled bar for country house


With the choice of material, it is necessary to be determined at the design stage, given all the emerging situations. It is not necessary to save it over, purchasing a cheap material for a residential building, in which you will live constantly. A modern high-quality wooden timber will allow you to build a house of your dreams.

It is widely used in the construction industry, being one of the most important elements of raw materials. If it was enough to produce 4-graded brooms for the timber for the bar, today there are higher requirements for this product.

Modern industry produces 3 types of timber:

  • whole;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

In the form, each of these types of timber has an ideal 4-graded surface in all ribs. At the same time, the glued beam can be solid and with a profile plane. Not all wood breeds are used to produce timber. Annual recognize: spruce, pine, larch, fir and cedar. It can also use birch and aspen, but these wood species use much less than coniferous rocks.

The length of the bar can reach 3 - 9 meters, depending on the target order. But the ram 3 and 6 meter length is more common. In cross section, the bar is from 100 mm to 300 mm. If we are talking about a square section, then the dimensions are the following:

  • 100 x 100 mm
  • 150 x 150 mm
  • 200 x 200 mm
  • 300 x 300 mm.
  • 100 x 150 mm;
  • 150 x 200 mm;
  • 250 x 300 mm.

It is noteworthy that the standard dimensions of the timber are mandatory for mass production that exercises production by GOST. For individual orders can be made bar of other sizes.

One-piece timber is the most common, compared to the rest of the categories. Its production uses inexpensive and easy to use equipment. For this reason, the cost of timber remains relatively low. Bar solid was widely used in the construction of residential buildings, baths, country houses, country houses, since it is distinguished by acceptable price and good operational properties.

The profiled bar (or wooden) is obtained from solid logs. For two sides, smooth surfaces (plane) are performed on other (top and bottom) - performed grooves and protrusion. This is done so that when laying a bar completely coincided between the rows. The form and number of grooves are chosen depending on the target and features of the future construction object.

It should be noted that the profiled bar is more economical, since during the construction of the house does not require the sealing of walls. In addition, experts celebrate elevated clutch level of timber among themselves. In this case, the construction time is significantly reduced, which is very important when performing any order.

Wooden glued bar appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, about 30 years ago. With its manufacture, there is no need to use solid tree trunks. To obtain the desired size of the bar, it is necessary to use the appropriate number of boards, which as a result of the pressure are pressed by a specific technology. This type of timber is stable deformation, is durable to mechanical exposure and reliable in operation. Wooden timber produced in profiled forms.

The technology of production of glued timber belongs to the class environmentally harmless, since it does not cause a significant damage to the environment. To build a house from glued bar, you will need only 3-4 weeks. has long been used in Russia for the construction of log builds. Houses built from wood have always been obtained by warm, durable and durable, such buildings did not need to repair over long years of operation. Brusade houses were also quite popular, especially for the construction of country houses, as they have an attractive appearance and are environmentally friendly, and their cost is relatively low. Many home masters take such houses with their own hands to save money. Distinguishing simplicity and ease of work, has all the merits of the log and has a lot of other advantages.

To calculate the number of cubes of the profiled bar, for the construction of the house you can use the bar calculator.

Benefits of timber.

  • Simplicity and high speed of construction of buildings from timber;
  • Low cost;
  • High operational characteristics of wood buildings, which remained throughout the entire period of operation;
  • Creating a unique microclimate of the country house, the brusade buildings "breathe";
  • It is not necessary to conduct an external and internal finish of the house when using a bar as a building material. are rather warm and have aesthetic appearance. If it is not planned to operate the building all year round, and only use the construction of the summer as a country house, then the wall decoration is not needed in this case. But if, when building a house, an ordinary building bar will be used, and not glued or profiled, then the finishing works will be needed, because such walls need a pantry, which is almost impossible to produce evenly;
  • Due to the presence of various sizes and species of Bruus, You can implement any designer ideas and projects. The bar is very flexible in the work of the building material, so the construction of houses is limited only by the designer's fantasy.

Types and types of timber.

There are several varieties of timber as building materials, each of the species and types of which has both visual differences and its unique specifications. To date, three main types of timber stands out:

Construction (normal) timber.

This view of Bruus It is an upright from four sides to give a rectangular login, it is the simplest and cheap option for building materials. It has such advantages over a log:

1. The construction process is faster;

2. Big ease of angular compounds;

3. High heat capacity and strength;

4. Small cost. This material is an excellent example of the optimal value for money, construction specialists approve.

But, this building material has its drawbacks. These include the need for finishing work when using this type of timber. However, if in the process of finishing the house, the walls additionally insulate, it will allow you to use the construction for year-round accommodation, which allows this lack to turn into dignity. It is also necessary to take into account such a nuance, buildings from ordinary building timber Subjected to a significant shrinkage (about 20 cm for the building in two floors), so the wall finishing will need to be carried out after a minimum of six months, after the completion of all construction work.

The profiled fragment shape provides a more reliable adhesion of the elements. Types of profiled timber differ only in profile structure. Bruss elements It is calculated in such a way that in the interventic insulation for a bar to prevent moisture penetration. The walls of the profiled bar have an excellent appearance and without additional finishes, so they do not have to be caught.

Without additional insulation, the brusched walls are quite difficult to heat in winter, so at home from this material is suitable only for seasonal residence.

Types and types of glued timber depend on wood, acting as the feedstock. The combined glued timber is considered the highest quality and practical material, its main feature is that the external lamellas consist of a larch tree, and internal pine. Material from larch for timber is obtained very durable and durable, since it has proven itself resistance to rotting and various external influences. Finishing work when used glued bar You can immediately after the completion of construction works, such a particular feature of the tree as a shrinkage of a timber is uncharacteristic for this material, although it is attributed to the properties of natural wood.

This building machine has increased heat - and sound insulation characteristics, which is another advantage of the bar.

Before starting construction work using a bar, you need to know how to combine the bars among themselves, for which the material needs to be subjected to special training. Laying a log in the construction of brusade houses is one of the most important basic stages of construction. It takes a connection of a log in two cases: when cutting the angle of construction and in case of lengthening the bar, when the element was cut off in length.

Methods connections Bruusyev are different from logs. Types of logging of corners from timber practiced today in two ways:

  • With the residue. Or as the people call it "in the bowl";
  • Without residue. People's name of the method - "to the tooth";

The connection of BRUSEV with the residue is three species:

1. One-sided. On the one hand, it was done in each element of a bar - perpendicular groove. In the width, such an inscription must correspond to perpendicular section of timber. This technology is applied by most developers when working with a profiled timber, since for this type of fastening it is required for a minimum of effort.

2. Bilateral. When the bilateral locking castle suggests from both sides of the bar (from above and below). The depth of perpendicular ranges of timber should be equal to a quarter of the height of the element. High quality compounds makes it possible to achieve this technology, but there will be great experience from carpenters, since cracks and chips in propylene are unacceptable.

3. Four-sided. The grooves from all sides of the bar are cut off, the use of this connection technology allows you to achieve high chub strength. Significantly simplify the construction process - the propulsion, which are provided for from all sides and all the crowns are stacked like a constructor. Especially increases the reliability and strength of the construction of the connection of the corners of the timber in this method.

BRUSEV connection without a residue provides the following options, the most popular of which are now:

  • Job. The easiest type of connection. Two brous element They are joined and fixed with steel studded plates, which are then clogged with nails or brackets. For this embodiment, a flat surface is required, because this method provides for the perfect fit of the ends of the jammed bars.
  • With the help of the knap. Exclude the movement of the joints of the connected BRUSEV will allow fixation using the knap.
  • The connection in the indigenous spike. The type of BRUSEV connection is the most efficient and heatmam, so the use of it is quite common. The pumping of the groove is provided on one bar, while the spike is cut on another, the size of which must match the groove. When connecting this method in the groove, it is necessary to lay an interventical insulation, which can be used vegetable felt or linen fabric.

The tree is one of the best materials for the construction of houses, baths, saunas. However, in order for the lumber to fully reveal its advantages, it is necessary to carefully examine its characteristics and make the right choice. The role of the source raw materials is an ordinary round log. What happens a bar? This sawn timber most often has a rectangular shape (less often - arbitrary) with a thickness of 50-400 mm. In modern construction, it exists in several species.

All types of timmeter markets in the building materials market

  • Whole (unprofilated) timber

Outwardly, it is a log, flawed from 4 sides, width of more than 50 mm. This material is most popular in construction, has a multifunctional value. Wall structures, a rapid roof system, partitions between the floors of the house are erected from the ordinary bar. It can well replace wooden bar. Considering what a beam happens, it should be selected that the low cost of logs is explained by the simplicity of their processing. This means that the material requires additional protection.

The material section can be from 150 to 220 mm, the humidity is natural. The material diameter is selected depending on the type of object of the object: in the construction of houses for permanent residence, a lumber is used with a diameter of 200-220 mm, for a sauna, a bath or cottage - 150-220 mm.

Easy styling and low cost of an unprofilated timber makes it one of the most popular in the construction industry.

Advantages of houses raised from a solid (unprofilated) timber

  1. Availability. To date, this is one of the most popular suggestions. Unfielded lumber can be purchased on any construction market. In this case, you do not have to place an order, for a long time to expect delivery. The simplicity of the workpiece explains its widespread prevalence.
  2. Low cost. Given the fact that the natural importance of the material is preserved, the process of its workpiece is simplified as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the cost of a bar.
  3. Convenience I. high speed assembly at home. Specialized technique does not need a specialized technique for laying an unpainted timber. Installation work under the power to carry out carpenters 3-4 discharge. Moreover, the house assembly 6 * 6 m is produced in less than one week.

Disadvantages of houses built from a solid bar

  1. The need for finishing works or planing. The best is a blocking by a block house or trampling. In addition, it will be necessary to cut an excess jute after a natural drying and shrinkage at home.
  2. The inconsistency of the non-public cluster is the requirements of GOST (concerns the smoke of the spike and the size of the across the cross section). As a result of the differences in the placement of the crowns can reach 5 mm, and the seams may be at different heights. The only way to minimize such problems is to acquire a whole high-quality bar. In this case, the cost of solid material is as close as possible to the price of a profiled bar.
  3. Defeat of fungi. In the process of the workpiece, the material is not subjected to special drying, which significantly increases the risk of wood damage to fungus. To date, more than 15% of the non-public (solid) timber have this flaw. In this case, antiseptic processing is required, as a result of which the fungus is destroyed and the prevention of its appearance is again. However, this event significantly increases the cost of products.
  4. Imperfect appearance. In comparison with the profiled analogue, a solid timber has a less attractive appearance. After planing of the walls, the seams and the insulation between the crowns may be noticeable.
  5. Corner connections are made without departures.
  6. Cracking material. As a result of drying and shrinkage of walls, noticeable cracks arise, which spoil the aesthetics of the house. The solution to the problem becomes the external finish of the structure.
  7. Motableness of interventic seams. If there are no spikes and groove when assembling the walls, the house will be worse than maintaining heat.

This type of material has clearly specified parameters. It is presented in the form of landing agent with spikes and grooves, there are also vertical propuls, which significantly simplifies the installation. The production log cuts up with an accuracy of 1 mm.

The use of a profiled bar in the construction of houses allows to obtain the structure without cracks, which means that the risk of moisture is reduced inside the design and rotting of wood.

In addition, the house made of profiled lumber is very warm, which minimizes the use of the insulation. It is worth noting the unsurpassed appearance. Such a timber has smooth and smooth walls, does not need finish. But there is a profiled bar and weaknesses. It should be well succeeded, otherwise there is a risk that the house has "behave". His humidity is about 10%. For drying sawn timber, significant areas are required, and the content of such areas is reflected in the cost of the final product.

Advantages of profiled bar

  1. Unrivaled appearance. The use of this material allows you to build a house with perfectly smooth walls. This eliminates the need for additional external decoration of the structure.
  2. Connections are made with departures (in the bowl). Since the compounds are created in the factory conditions, they are obtained even and high strength, which ensures high reliability design and uniform shrinkage during operation.
  3. There are more dense compounds between the crowns and in the corners, which significantly increases the heat engineering characteristics of the structure and provides minimal purity.
  4. There is no need to trim the jute, do not need to pure the house. Exception can only be end and angular connections.
  1. The need for technological interruption during the construction of the house. It is caused by the fact that the material should dry. After assembling the design, the house should "stand out" 10-12 months, after which you can move to finishing work.

Cracking material. The profiled sawn timber, like other types of timber, is made from a solid wood massif, which inevitably entails the appearance of cracks.

  • Glued bar

Today enjoy the greatest popularity. This material made of pine, larch, ate or cedar is manufactured. The log is cut on the boards, after which they are drying. Next, the lamella are processed by protective compositions and glued together. In one bar can be from 2 to 5 lamellas. The shape of the elements is cut with maximum accuracy. As a result, a high-quality durable material is obtained, whose shrinkage is less than 1%.


  1. The material is not susceptible to cracking.
  2. There is no need for finishing and additional processing.
  3. Minimum shrinkage and risk that the design "will behave."
  4. The optimal humidity of the glued bar will exclude the risk of rotting and lesion by microorganisms.
  5. Due to high strength, this sawn timber can be applied in the implementation of high-complexity projects.


  1. Relatively high cost (2-3 times more expensive than unselected lumber).
  2. The use in the production of glue reduces the degree of its environmental friendliness in comparison with a log or profiled timber.
  3. The presence of adhesive worsens air exchange and moisture circulation.

The glued bar is the best choice for the "fast" construction. On the finished foundation, you can build a house in just 5-6 weeks.