What will get Maksakova after the murder of Voronenkov. Maksakova - Voronenkov: She loved him, and he used it & nbsp as you now say: "In Ukraine" or "in Ukraine"

On March 23, a former deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov was killed in the center of Kiev. His spouse, the opera singer Maria Maksakova, was left alone with his child in her arms.

The press also appeared information about the "interesting situation" Maksakova, but the woman did not comment on these rumors.
We decided to tell you about the history of love Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov, whose names for several days have not come up with the strips of Russian and Ukrainian media.

Future spouses got acquainted while working in the State Duma. For a long time, Maksakov and Voronenkov connected only a business relationship, although familiar often told Denis that Maria is fine for him.

The novel between the opera singer and the politician began during a visit to Japan. After some time, they realized that they could not do without each other.
Lovers could not restrain even the fact that Voronenkov had a family. To be together with Maria, Denis decided to divorce.

Before the meeting with Voronenkov, Maxakov never once was not married, although she brought up his son and daughter born in civil marriage. Maria did not apply to marriage as a mandatory attribute of normal relations, but after the divorce of his beloved, she also decided on a serious step.
The marriage of Denis and Mary took place on March 27, 2015. The wedding turned out to be chic - Mary insisted on a magnificent celebration, who said he married once and for all.

Soon after the wedding, Maria learned about her pregnancy. But strong experiences of women associated with the accusation of her husband in fraud, provoked miscarriages.
However, a year later, Maksakova gave birth to a son, which was called Ivan.

With the birth of a child, the family ran even more. With his attitude to each other, Maksakov and Voronenkov always proved that love and respect reigns in their pair.
Maria on all was ready to go for her husband. Therefore, when Denis decided to go to Kiev, the wife followed him. Spouses took with them vanya, and the children of Mary remained in Russia.
A month ago, Voronenkov was announced in the wanted list - the man was accused of raider capture.
After Denis Voronenkov was killed, the different reasons for his death were called. One of the friends of the family put forward the version that Vladimir Tyurin could be involved in the murder of Denis - the father of two older children Maksakova.

Maria Petrovna Maksakova - Russian opera singer, the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. She also implemented her talent as an actress and TV presenter. From 2011 to 2016 was a deputy of the State Duma, which was represented by the party "United Russia".

Lyudmila Maksakova and young Maria Maksakova

Maria was born on July 24, 1977 in Germany in the family of the German submarine Peter Andreas Ignargs and the Soviet actress. The singer has an older brother Maxim, which is engaged in financial activities. By the way, Mary got his name in honor of the famous grandmother - also the opera singer Maria Petrovna Maksakova, her complete thesis.

According to official documents, the real surname of Mary unites both the maternal, and the father's surname - Maksakova-Ignabers. But the stage name is always pursued only to the first part.

Maria Maksakova in his youth

As a child, Masha with his parents alternately lived in Russia and Germany, but went to school in Moscow. And not in a simple, but to the central music school at the State Conservatory, where he studied in the class of piano. In the youth, Maria attended the lessons of defile in the model school. Due to the bad relationship with Mother Lyudmila Maksakova Maria left the father's house in 18 years and began independent life.

The girl graduated from the branch of the academic vocal in the famous Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesiny, and in 2004 she strengthened his education when graduate school "Gnesinki". By the way, the internship Maria Maksakova took place in Italy from the recognized masters of the opera scene Mivako Matsumoto and Kati Riccarelli.


Immediately at the end of the Academy of Gnesini, Maxakov took to the Taroupe of the Moscow Theater "New Opera", where the opera singer debuted in the role in the play of the same name. After 3 years, the singer invited a large theater of Russia, and after 3 she moved to Helikon-Opera.

In 2011, her long-standing cherished desire was fulfilled: Maria Maksakova became a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. On his scene, she served as parties in the Opera "Wedding Figaro", "Ariadne at Naxos", "Tales of Hoffman" and many others. Maria also performed in the premiere shows of the grand operas "Left -sha" and "War and Peace".

To perpetuate the voice of the singer, the Russian branch of one of the largest recording firms issued a debut plate of Maksakova "Mezzo? Soprano? ", Which included popular opera arias, accompanied by the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

Then followed the album of classical romances and, alternative records of Ariya "Other Ya. Alter Ego", the lyrical plate "The Man I Love" and other records.

Maria Maksakova not only sang himself, but also tried to attract the audience to academic vocals and classical music that is not a fan of these genres. For this singer on the TV channel "Culture" led the cycle of concert programs "Romance Romance". Her coppings in the studio were Svyatoslav Belza, and since 2014 -.


In 1998, still studying at the Music Academy, Maria Maksakova made his debut in the movie in the role of one of the institutes in the historic drama "Siberian Barber". The role was achieved thanks to the natural artistic charm of the girl and the textured appearance - with an increase of 173 cm, the weight of Mary was 70 kg, and the Blokouria Spit completed the image of Russian beauty.

Maria Maksakova in the film "Between notes, or tantric symphony"

The next appearance on the screen had to wait as long as 10 years. But then she appeared immediately in three films - in the criminal series "Vorotili", Drama "Savva", dedicated to the biography of the famous patron, and a detective "Photographer".

There were in her filmography and romantic tapes "The capital of sin", "about anyFF" and "Roshovnik's aroma". The bright work of Mary in the movie became a melodrama "between notes, or tantric symphony", in which she played the role of the main character's tutor in his memories of the past days.

Maria Maksakova has repeatedly resorted to plastic. Starting from the mid-2000 singer made a number of operations for the correction of the nasal form, lips. The actress has repeatedly used beauty injections to improve the outlines of the neck and face. Maksakova also increased the size of the bust.

Public life

Another biography page of Maria Petrovna is associated with politics. In 2011, Maria Maksakova took place to the State Duma from the United Russia party, running from the Astrakhan region. In the Duma, she primarily engaged in cultural issues. Maria Maksakova became one of the authors of the draft law on the protection of intellectual rights on the Internet.

Maria Maksakova in the State Duma

When adopting the law on unconventional relations, the singer supported this project, but it was expressed against frankly homophobic wording and requested amendment. The proposal of the artist was rejected, but this speech had a great resonance among deputies. In addition, Maria Maksakova turned out to be the only State Duma deputy, abstained when voting on the draft law, prohibiting the adoption of Russian orphans by US citizens.

Personal life

Maria Maksakova has met for a long time, and then lived in actual marriage with the criminal authority of Vladimir Tyurin, who was considered the head of the Russian mafia in Spain. A woman has two children from him - the son of Ilya and the daughter of Lyudmila. After breaking the relationship with the first husband, the singer met with the famous Jeweler Jamil Aliyev.

Children at the same time lived with her father. Ilya has entered the St. Petersburg Suvorov School at the age of 10, but after 4 years he took the documents from there. Lyudmila's daughter, in addition to the receipt of economic education, learns to play at the harp. Now it is already a laureate of the international contest of the harvesters.

Only in March 2015 Maksakova married officially. The separation of the State Duma became the chief of Mary. After the wedding, she retained Maiden Familia. It was soon that Maria is pregnant twins, but because of a tense situation associated with the pursuit of her husband, the singer survived the miscarriage.

In April 2016, after the health of Maksakova came to normal, she was born the third child - the son of Ivan. It seemed that personal life was improved, and only bright years await ahead. But the dreams could not come true.

March 23 Mare Mary Denis Voronenkov in Kiev. The former Russian deputy, who in early 2017, immigrated to Ukraine, was killed near the Premier Palace hotels. It is also reported that his bodyguard was killed at the site of the tragedy, who tried to close Voronenkov.

Maria Maksakova now

After the death of the spouse, Maria remained living in Kiev. In early 2017, the singer released the Studio Album "Strong and Proud", which entered five songs. On the title musical composition of the album and on the hit "You will be my" the artist shot clips.

In the spring, the singer replaced the hairstyle by making a short boyish haircut, and dropped the weight of 14 kg, to which they could not respond to the singer's follovers in the Instagram network. Under the photos of Maria Maksakova began to appear enthusiastic comments of fans.

Maksakova is not sad, the singer has many creative plans. In the summer of 2017, the artist began work on creating a talented children support fund. A young mother often travels to Russia, where she is invited to shoot popular gears. Maria has already gave an interview on the broadcast "Let them say". The video was broadcast on the first channel on July 12, 2017.

Maria Maksakova in the program "Let them talk"

A few months after the death of Mary Mary Maksakova, there were reports of a conspirological nature that the attack on the Russian was imitated. At the end of July, the transfer "in fact" the lead called on Maria Maksakov to clarify the situation.

Soon, confirmation of the death of Denis Voronenkova sounded from the mouth of Mary Maksakova on the air of a talk show, which the former Georgian president led on Ukrainian television. In early 2018, Maria Petrovna gave a detailed interview with Journalists of the NTV channel as part of the New Russian Sensation Program.

According to the results of the investigation, which was conducted by the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, it became known that Voronenkov was killed by the order of the first civilian wife Maria Petrovna - Vladimir Tyurina.

After the death of her husband, Maria was left alone. The actress has a patron, the Ukrainian millionaire Alexander Suslensky, who helped Maksakova to survive heavy times. In the summer of 2018, the next chosen one of Mary Maksakova, with whom she went to the crown, became Ingush by nationality.

They got married in Kiev and did not attract the press on the wedding. But the information was still known to the public after the appeal of the singer to court. Maksakova gave a new-minted husband an apartment in Moscow on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, and the man immediately sold it to his compatriot. Having learned about this, Maria demanded through the court to cancel the transaction. On social networks, they say that the artist and again suffered the collapse of his personal life.

In October 2018, Maria Maksakov first commented on the situation, admitting that the marriage with Dalhat was fictitious. Maria could not return to Russia, because Halayev was engaged in legal affairs. Immediately after marriage, a man sold her apartment and tried to hide, but was detained by the police. At the moment, the apartment Maksakova is arrested before the court decision.


  • "MEZZO? Soprano? "
  • "Romances. P. Tchaikovsky and s.rahmaninov "
  • "My voice for you ..."
  • "Astrakhan, how are you a heart of Mila ..."
  • "The Man I Love"
  • "R. Schumann, F. Schubert. Songs"
  • "Strong and proud"


  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2008 - "Craobiles"
  • 2008 - "Savva"
  • 2008 - "Photographer"
  • 2010 - "About anyFF"
  • 2010 - "Capital of Sin"
  • 2014 - "Rose Hip Aroma"
  • 2014 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2015 - "Between notes, or tantric symphony"

Kristina Ursu (Kiev)

Ex-deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Spouses Denis Voronenkov and Maria Maksakova are surprisingly easily become citizens of Ukraine and made several resonant statements in the local press. Voronenkov, who voted for the accession of the Crimea to Russia and spoke for the creation of Novorossia, dramatically changed his point of view. In an interview with Ukrainian journalists, he was already talking about the annexation of the peninsula, corruption at home and the support of Maidan. And the main thing - the former parliamentarian acted as one of the main witnesses in criminal cases against the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, which the Prosecutor General's Office leads. What a political future is waiting for the faders - in the material of Kiev correspondent RT.

  • globallookpress.com.
  • Komsomolskaya Pravda / Global Look Press

Russian ex-deputies Denis Voronenkov and Maria Maksakov unexpectedly received Ukrainian passports. Last fall, they emigrated to Ukraine, after several months became citizens of a neighboring country and have already managed to communicate with local journalists. In the scandalous interview of the Ukrainian Internet publication "Censor" Voronenkov made a number of loud statements. For example, we told that the decision on the "annexation" of the Crimea was taken by one person, the authorities in Russia "Usurpirovanna", and "FSB uses psychotropic drugs to suppress the will and subordination of people in the investigative insulator" Lefortovo ". "Because of that struggle that I shoulded openly, it will also be an extraordinary approach. It was a question of my life, health. Several high-ranking people were directly told me that I overestimate my capabilities and better to leave Russia. I seriously redeemed to these warnings, "he said" censor ".

Changeable views

A few years ago, Denis Voronenkov's views were different. For example, in 2014, he voted for the accession of the Crimea to Russia, and in his Twitter welcomed the emergence of a new state - Novorossia.

  • globallookpress.com.

In an interview with the "Czensor", Voronenkov said that "he did not vote himself," the card "voted". There was no complaint about the actions of his one-party statements to the State Duma.

What made him rapidly leave Russia and polarly change his views? In relation to the ex-deputy, cases are investigated immediately in several articles of the Criminal Code, among which "the organization of falsification of a single state register of legal entities" and "fraud". The Investigation Committee of Russia found that Denis Voronenkov participated in fraudulent actions to illegally sell a building in Moscow with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 1.5 thousand square meters. meters and a market value of 127 million rubles. In May 2016, Transparency International officers found that two offshore companies on the British Virgin Islands were registered in the name of Denis Voronenkov - Tarrington Real Estates S.A. and Kaul Engineering Ltd. The ex-deputy explained his appearance in a lot of noise of Panaman documents by the intersece. Now the former parliamentarian is wanted.

The wife of Denis Voronenkov Maria Maksakova discovered German citizenship, which she hid during the elections to the State Duma: to be a citizen of a foreign state to Russian deputies is prohibited. Now Maxakova violates the norms of Ukrainian legislation, which prohibits to have dual citizenship.

Political future

Obtaining Ukrainian citizenship is a complex procedure, which is impossible for several months in practice. For this, in particular, it is necessary to continuously live on the territory of the country at least five years, to own the public language and refuse the previous passport.

But even in the presence of all documents and a successfully disposed exam, the procedure itself is often stretched for years. For example, a simpler document is a residence permit - can be issued for six months. To fulfill all these conditions, the Russians could not.

The provision of another citizenship strangely coincided with the readiness of Denis Voronenkov to cooperate with the Ukrainian consequence.

"I gave testimony in the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine in the case of the former President of Ukraine Yanukovych, who really betrayed his country, was involved in the massacres of people who escaped to another country and called on the troops of another state to destroy his people. I believe that this man was supposed to receive in Russia not asylum, but a fair court, "he said in an interview with" Czensor ". Similar readings of the prosecutor's office gave another running Russian deputy - Ilya Ponomarev.

  • globallookpress.com.
  • Liu Yiran / Zumapress.com

Voronenkov himself does not hide that it intends to participate in Ukrainian politics, and Maria Maksakova plans to speak at the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Shevchenko. But the power is not so easy to consolidate in local offices. This, for example, testifies to the experience of Maria Gaidar - Ex-deputy Odessa Governor Mikhail Saakashvili. At his office, she did not last and years for which could not demonstrate essential achievements, and disappeared from the field of view of the public.

A beautiful fairy tale of the Great Love of the Film Ex-Deputy Denis Voronenkov and Opera Singer Mary Maksakova received an unexpected storyline.

A beginner model told about the sexual joy of the dead ...

"Merry widow"

During the life of Denis Voronkov, shot in the spring in Kiev, many were surprised, listening like Maria Maksakova talks about her husband. Sweet molasses raised her speech: the singer did not regret epithets for his "Dienech", spoke of him only in an excellent degree, thanked for every moment, lived together. He argued about the unearthly happiness that came down on her head, endlessly confessed in love ...

Those who knew Voronenkov personally were sincerely surprised: yes what did she find such in it, which is right away from delight?! Necazist, from the crowd it does not stand out, charm or eloquence does not shine special. The head is below his spouse, next to her looks faded. According to many - slippery type, cunning. And smart Maksakova, spoiled by the attention of men, could not see it.

"Masha harms," \u200b\u200bthe verdict has taken away from the close circle of the couple. And, having seen a photo with Voronenkov's funeral, only established himself in his opinion. The coffin of the "only beloved person on the whole earth" Maksakov was sitting at a full parade: in overlighted eyelashes, with fresh hairstyle. Calm face, theater gestures ...

A month later, she shone at events, glittered a smile, changed haircuts and outfits, gladly distributed interviews. Press dubbed Maksakov "Merry widow".

Everyone was trying to understand: why she even doesn't like to upset, not that for killed grief? Maybe Voronenkov is alive, and his murder is just a stage?

19-year-old Alexander Avramenko believes that the reason for the good mood of the singer is completely different:

He ordered his wife. Avenged him for cheating ...

"My wife is not love, but politics!"

Alexander girl is from South Sakhalinsk. After school moved to Moscow - I was going to study at the actress, but was filed in the model. What is doing now - it's hard to say, she herself cannot form it for sure. But she willingly tells how she became the mistress of Denis Voronenkov.

Allegedly in May 2016, they with a girlfriend somehow inexplicitly found themselves at the election event in Nizhny Novgorod. Why Alexander came to Voronenkov, to take a picture with him - who is this, according to the girl, she did not know then.

We have a conversation. Voronenkov walked me to give him a phone. He began to call me, write. Pleasant was, chatted well, "she remembers. - went to the restaurant. Then we went to the Hilton Hotel. There he said that he has the second phone, through which we will communicate. Then came to me to Moscow ...

Roman with a deputy, which then just noted the anniversary of a marriage with Maksakova, was bright, but not long - only a month. Dear gifts did not give Sasha, it was with flowers and decorations. But there was talking to her souls.

He said that he needs his wife only for political image. He had other girls before me. I think Maksakova knew about it perfectly. And could order it.

Circus with mistress

In order not to look like a liar, the mistress Voronenkov was a test on a polygraph. The detector showed that she tells the truth. The revelations of Alexandra Avramenko became the puzzle, which many lacked many to explain the strange behavior of the widow.

Maria Maksakov, even girlfriends call a woman strong and tough, which could have been offended by betrayal. And I would never have forgiven, realizing that she was used for the sake of a career on the political arena ...

React to this nonsense is just funny! - Commented on Maksakov accusation to his address. - Something will write on the fence, will you believe it? This is not an examination, this is a show, circus.

The topic of a change of deceased husband does not want to discuss Maria. Her husband's "Mistress" causes her nervous laughter from her - is there anyone who will now have a fairy tale talk about communicating with Voronenkov?

And was Alexander in general familiar with him? After all, until the middle of last summer, she lived in his native South Sakhalinsk, she ended the 11th grade. And all the pictures that almost daily laid out in social networks, had the geometry of this city - no Nizhny Novgorod, where the model allegedly met with the deputy, there was no and in risen.

Here is a familiar Sasha, ex-participant of the "House-2" show Ivan Barzikov, believes that Abramenko simply plays a role:

Her relations with the famous deputy are nonsense of the Channel One. I remember she said: "I'll go, I offered money there."

"He killed my husband!"

The investigation of the death of Voronenkov is still not closed. Maria Maksakova easily agreed with the version of Ukrainian detectives, who in the murder of a deputy accused her former civilian spouse and her father of her two children Vladimir Tyurin. The widow calls him "criminal authority", in the colors describes how he mocked her for many years, and she suffered and was afraid to leave ...

Masha believes that Tyurin decided to remove her dight due to banal jealousy. And it does not confuse her that she broke up with Turin 10 years before meeting with Voronenkov:

Tyurin - a terrible man! He killed, he ordered my husband Denis! Smart, deep, stunning! I will always remember this ...