Beautiful shrub plants. Ornamental shrubs for the garden: a list and features of cultivation

It should be noted that not all gardeners plant garden perennial shrubs in their backyards. Basically, these gardeners are trying to land on their land vegetable and fruit crops. However, among this number are those gardeners who gladly grow such plants. The popularity of perennial flowers is not accidental! For such plants is very easy to maintain, and they can bloom all summer. In this article we have collected for you perennial flowering shrubs all summer. Here you can find their photo and name.

Perennial shrubs for the garden. Catalog

Before we begin to list the name of shrubs for the garden, it is worth saying that today there are quite a lot of them. However, our article contains the most popular shrubs that can be seen on almost every summer cottage.

More and more gardeners today prefer to plant winter-hardy perennial shrubs. This factor should not be surprised. Indeed, in Russia the climate is rather severe. Therefore, shrubs should choose those that will be adapted to these conditions.

Catalog of popular shrubs.

Lilac.  This shrub is loved by everyone. Lilac tree can grow in height by 3 meters. Of course, such a height to anything in the garden. And all because the branches of the plant will create an unnecessary shadow. A way out of this situation does exist. It is enough to make a competent pruning of the branches and then the plant will look neat.

Due to the fact that winters in our country are distinguished by their severity, some gardeners do not want to plant this shrub in their country house. However, if you choose those varieties that are resistant to frost, in this regard, you can insure. To frost-resistant varieties include:

  • Variety "Alice Harding"
  • Variety "Paul Triton".

But if you fear for your lilac shrub, then the bushes in the fall before winter are covered with covering material.

Spirea.  This shrub is transformed during flowering. Its shape becomes cascade. This is due to the severity of small white flowers. A variety of spirea can be divided into sub-grades. In this quantity there are those trees that can bloom: in spring or summer.

Thanks to this factor, you can admire the flowering of the spear from the beginning of spring to the middle of autumn. In this case, it is recommended to plant a couple of bushes with different flowering periods. The height of such subsorts can be 2.5 meters. But if you do not want to see the firewood, you need to cut off the shoots after the flowering perennial.

Russian gardeners planted mainly Japanese varieties:

  • "Golden Princess",
  • "Shiroban".

The two varieties described above are distinguished by their diminutiveness. Their height can reach 70 cm. However, this will happen if correct and proper care is taken behind the shrub.

Buddleya.  This shrub feels good in temperate climates. Refers to the heat-loving plant. However, it can easily endure rather low winter temperatures. However, before the onset of winter, it is necessary to cover the shrub with spruce leaves and pile up.

Buddley is also a popular shrub. The color is large flowers of lilac color from July to October. But if the autumn was warm, the flowering time may be increased. Shrubs can always be given an unusual and beautiful shape. One has only to prune immediately after flowering and the plant will delight you with its appearance.

But if you do not prune shoots, the height of the shrub can reach a height of 3 meters.

Hydrangea.  In this article, we list for you unpretentious perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. Let's get acquainted with the following interesting shrub. A tree plant called hydrangea is able to please all gardeners with very large inflorescences. The shrub is distinguished by the fact that it can freely tolerate even the most severe subzero temperatures.

The shrub needs compulsory pruning, which must be done once a year. The first pruning occurs after flowering. In this case, all young shoots that have not acquired the tree form are removed. The next pruning should be done in spring time. It is necessary in this case to cut off the tops of the shrub, to the highest unblown bud of the perennial. The needs of the shrub include regular feeding. In this case, those compositions are selected that have a high content of magnesium and iron.

Above for you, we list the beautiful perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. We managed to name only the most popular. These varieties calmly transfer even the most difficult winter. But before landing any of them, it is recommended to get acquainted with useful information.

Shadow-tolerant perennial shrubs

For growing in the garden, many gardeners choose shade-tolerant shrubs. These plants require minimal maintenance, and their beauty can make absolutely any garden area beautiful.

On a note!   Shade-tolerant shrubs are recommended to plant along the country house or other outbuildings.

Catalog of shade-tolerant perennials.

Wisteria.   This shrub can have a height of 18 meters. This plant is used to decorate arches and few presentable buildings. To grow a plant, you need to stretch threads that are pre-wrapped around a branch or bush. Flowers of wisteria can bloom from late May to early September.

Weigela   This shrub reaches a height of 70-80 meters. Flowers of purple or pink appear at the end of April. And if you take proper care of the shrub, then it will be able to bloom even until late autumn. The plant feels great in a dark place in warm weather. However, with the first frost shrub kicks off all its inflorescences.

Detion  This shrub is small in size and has a beautiful flowering. The plant begins to bloom in late spring. The flowers are small and have a pink or brown color. This shrub is involved in the creation of attractive compositions. You can plant several shrubs at once. So that the plant has always been neat branches and shoots are constantly pruned.

All perennial shrubs for the garden that love shade also tolerate the winter in Russia. But if the plant was planted in a region where a harsh climate prevails, then before the beginning of winter the shrub needs to be covered with a special material.

Fast growing perennial shrubs

Bushes that grow quickly are also popular among summer residents. With their help, you can quickly and without problems on the garden plot to create a hedge.

What shrubs are used to create hedges.

Dogwood.  The berries of this shrub are widely used in traditional medicine. The height of the shrub can be 5 meters. Due to this, this shrub is planted to create a hedge. The flowers of this shrub can be admired from March to May. In summer, you can pick berries from a bush. This tree has a thick crown. Therefore, it requires regular maintenance in the form of trimming the upper branches.

Barberry. To create a hedge mainly used small varieties. The unpretentious fence to turn out thanks to the fact that the bush has small prickles. For shrubs need to care. The care consists in: dressing, watering and pruning.

Turn   If this shrub grows freely, its height can reach 3 meters. But to create a hedge a shrub should have a more miniature look. Therefore, regular pruning will achieve this. It is worth noting that the thorns are different in that during flowering a very pleasant aroma emanates from small flowers. And after the first frosts have passed the fruits of this shrub can be eaten.

On a note!  All types of shrubs that are listed above apply to fruit trees. Therefore, they carry two functions: fruits and beauty.


From this article you could learn a lot of interesting information for yourself. We hope you will be able to choose for your garden exactly those shrubs that will be able to decorate the suburban area and make it attractive.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that only fruit bushes are planted on the garden plots of many people. These shrubs include currants, raspberries, plums and cherries. To save space in the garden, it is recommended to plant several varieties of shrubs. In this case, you can achieve the perfect effect.

Without good   the dacha looks dull. Shrubs will help to introduce new notes into the existing picture. They can be blooming, green, tall and low. That's the beauty and charm that they are different. What kind of ornamental shrubs to plant in the country? Everyone decides for himself. Choose plants that will not care for you, and the bushes themselves will fit into your landscape design idea.

One of the best options for plants are flowering shrubs. With their help, you can visually increase the area of ​​the site, to hide minor flaws. Flowering shrubs give a sense of celebration and will delight the eye until the autumn.

You can plant bushes on lawns, along walking paths, near the terrace. If you have a specific idea of ​​landscape design, it will be easy to choose the location of bushes. Choosing plants for the garden, you should take into account their characteristics. How much a shrub grows in height and how much in width. In general, these factors can be controlled with garden shears.

Ornamental shrubs for giving choose according to the size of the garden and the design of the site. For example, for   fit low shrubs. Prefer those species that bloom at different times. Thus, your site will be immersed in flowers until autumn.

What plants are suitable if the garden is small?

The landscape design of a small garden should be designed in such a way that it would visually appear larger. In addition, it is useful to use every inch of space.


This short shrub blooms with small yellow flowers. Blooms as soon as the snow disappears from the ground. It is interesting, but Forsythia produces flowers much earlier than the leaves themselves. When you bloom on the site, it seems that the sun itself settled on your territory.

Magnolia "Star"

It can be of two types: a shrub or a small tree. With good care, grows to 3 meters in height. The plant is very interesting, bare brown branches smoothly turn into a crown that looks like a ball or a dome.

Magnolia blooms thickly and a lot, flowers appear every year. In rare cases, the size of the flowers reaches up to 10 cm in diameter. It's nice that the flowers in the plant appear faster than the leaves.

The plant loves well-fertilized soil, preferably black soil. It tolerates frosts, but it is better to plant a bush in a place protected from the wind. If you are afraid to leave the Magnolia to spend the winter at the site, you can transplant it in a tub and hide it in the room.

The shrub is perfect for creating flower arrangements and decorating aley.

Hibiscus "Syrian"

This shrub can grow up to 6 meters in height. there is that look like a bush, there are those that resemble a tree. Hibiscus "Syrian" loves light and warmth. Pleases with large and bright colors, the palette of which is amazing. Hibiscus has an interesting feature: each flower lives no more than a day.

Due to the fact that the bush can give hundreds and thousands of inflorescences, the daily life of the flower does not really matter. Hibiscus will delight you with flowers until autumn, provided that you properly care for him.

Chinese lilac

A shrub that will delight you with flowers throughout the spring. Compared with the usual lilac, its Chinese counterpart has a smaller height and large inflorescences of a bright shade. There are varieties of lilac with flowers terry to the touch.

In Russia, the winter is harsh, but despite this, the Chinese lilac is experiencing this period very well. Plant lilac stands where the spring floods and heavy rainfall throughout the year do not heat the ground. Chinese lilac does not tolerate stagnant water. Even if the water is standing for a week, the roots of the plant will die. At the same time, the earth should be wet, it should be enough nutrients.

The plant propagates by seed when it comes to wild varieties. If the lilac is selective, it is propagated by cuttings or grafting branches to another tree. The vaccination method allows you to create incredible compositions at the dacha. One shrub that combines several types of lilac, will bloom profusely and in different colors. The spectacle is truly impressive. Chinese lilac can be planted near the gazebos or in the recreation area in the garden.


Low-growing shrub, which is covered with flowers. It looks very beautiful, in the care of the shrub is not particularly whimsical. Some types of shrubs can reach a height of 2.5 meters. During the flowering period, the branches are bent under the weight of flowers and fall to the ground. Kolkvitsiya blooms white, beige and yellowish flowers of small size.

Plant can be in any soil. It perfectly tolerates even the presence of alkali in the soil. In winter, it does not freeze even at a temperature of -30 degrees. This is convenient because it is almost impossible to predict the weather in winter.

Kolkvitsiya tolerates drought, does not die with rare watering. Propagate the plant can be seeds. After sowing, you will see the first flowers in the third year of bush life. The maximum growth phase of the bush begins 7 years after sowing.

Care for shrubs is a regular watering and pruning branches (removed sick and old shoots). It is necessary to periodically loosen the soil under a bush and remove weeds. You can plant a shrub, as part of a flower arrangement, or as an independent plant. Sometimes, Kolkvitsiya used to create borders and flower gardens of mixed type.

How to arrange a large garden in the country?

When making a large suburban area used fruit and ornamental plants. Here you can plant any shrubs, the main thing is that they fit into the general idea of ​​landscape design and do not interfere with your life.


Shrub up to 1.5 meters. There are about 50 species of this plant. Flowers abundantly cover shoots, a lot of them. The flowering period lasts several weeks. If it's a cool summer outside, the shrub can bloom for a month.

The aroma of Volcheyagodnik is divine and strong. It is interesting that it is heard at a very great distance. Each plant has its own smell. It is worth paying attention that this bush can become life-threatening. Its leaves, shoots and berries contain toxic substances.

If they get on the skin, they can cause irritation, itching, and in rare cases, burns. The berries in the shrub are red, black or yellow. Lethal dose for a person of about 15 berries. The fruits of the shrub have a nasty taste, so they are rarely poisoned by them.

But, if you have children who can’t explain the origin of the berries, they are best cut off with gloves and still green. The plant can be planted in almost any soil. Volcheyagodnik perfectly tolerates frosty winter. They can decorate the site, if you rarely come to the country, but you want the site to be beautiful.

Familiar notes of childhood: elder, mountain ash, viburnum

With the help of these shrubs, you can beautifully arrange the site. They bloom beautifully in summer, and in winter attract birds to themselves with the help of beautiful and tasty fruits. You can plant bushes at the well, under the window or in the recreation area. Viburnum fruits are good for health, they make aromatic tea.

Kalina with sugar can be eaten during diseases of ARVI and its analogs, berries perfectly raise immunity. The fruits of mountain ash help to normalize the pressure, taste good. Even the children like elderberry jam.

Find a place on the site for these shrubs, and you will always have a green pharmacy on hand.

Flowering shrubs on the plot

Create bright floral arrangements in the summer will help different shrubs. There are dozens of types of plants that can decorate your site. You select the most interesting options for you.


This shrub is also called "fake jasmine." It blooms in early summer, and will delight you with white, numerous flowers. Chubushnik not whimsical care, can grow on any soil. It can be planted once and for decades to enjoy flowers.

Shrubs bloom profusely, even if located in the shade. The aroma of flowers resembles jasmine, only with sweet notes. You can plant a shrub where it will not be heated with melt water. Stagnation of moisture Chubushnik does not like and may die. For that during the winter period the bush easy transfers any frosts.

To shrub bloomed profusely and for a long time, it can be fed with a solution of mullein and spice the soil with ashes. Despite the fact that the plant quietly transfers the shade, it will be better to bloom in open areas.

The flowering period of the shrub is usually 14 days. But, it is possible to choose a variety with different flowering time. If you plant on the site several varieties, but beautiful white flowers will decorate your site almost until the autumn.


This shrub was brought from the Far East. It blooms with small light pink flowers that change shade when withering. You can pick up varieties with different flowering period, shade of flowers, the height of the shoots.

They say that   - this is a capricious plant. And in vain. It can grow beautifully in a modern climate. When a shrub only blooms, its flowers appear pale, near the end of the flowering period, they seem to burn with fire. Shrub grows to 1.5 meters in height. For your garden, choose plants that are resistant to frost. Summer Weigel may die in winter.

In order for your shrub to survive the winter normally, it needs to be sheltered on particularly cold days. But, if the frost has damaged the shrub, it can still recover, only bloom much later than usual.

The bush loves fertile soil and sunny terrain, where it will delight you with its bright and numerous flowers. Weigela is well suited for single planting as well as creating whole flower arrangements.


This shrub is popularly called “wig tree”, “smoking bush”. The name of the plant was due to its flowers, which are similar to cobwebs or balls of smoke. Planting Scumpia in the country is convenient. She will live to 100 years, your grandchildren will admire the beauty of your garden.

In its natural habitat, the shrub grows to 12 meters. It is quite large, so plan its planting in places where it will not shade other bushes and flowers. Scumpia blooms with small flowers that are collected in huge inflorescences. Shrub blazes with color until the fall and its flowers, closer to the cold weather become a bright saturated color. If you take the flowers in your hand and rub, they will smell like carrots.

The root system of Scoumpia goes deep into the ground up to 1.5 meters. This allows the use of shrubs to strengthen ravines or create natural garden borders. Scumpia grows on almost any soil, in care it is not whimsical.

The plant is not afraid of frost, loves the sun and light. The bark and roots are not rotting, and fungal diseases. Scumpia shoots are used to produce some drugs that help reduce the temperature.

There are several types of this shrub. For the domestic climate suitable winter-hardy varieties that calmly survive the winters. Such a shrub grows up to 3 meters and lives for more than 25 years. You can propagate the plant by seed or cuttings. In any case, you get a great shrub.


One of the popular shrubs that can be grown in the garden. Homeland plants - subtropics. There the bush can grow up to 4 meters in height. In the conditions of the domestic climate, its height was reduced to 2 meters maximum.

Blooms   small flowers, which are collected in large buds. In appearance, the inflorescences resemble balls. The hue of the flowers depends on the variety. But, it is always bright and juicy colors. There may be flowers of blue, pink, white, red. The diameter of the inflorescence can be up to 15 centimeters. Such a shrub at the dacha looks spectacular, and caring for him is quite simple.

If the plant is properly cared for, it will bloom from mid-summer to late fall. In the warm period of time the leaves have a juicy dark green color. With the onset of cold weather, they darken and become almost bronze. In winter, hydrangea must be protected from the cold. Otherwise, the bush will not be able to survive the winter safely.

Hortensia - loves the light and at the same time does not tolerate direct sunlight. If you plant a bush in an open area, the plant may get burned during the sun. In the shade the bush begins to bloom late and its buds will not be so lush.

The best option for shrubs - a place in the penumbra. It is not recommended to plant shrubs nearby trees. They actively pull the water from the ground and the bushes nothing left. If we talk about the soil, then Hortense is quite a fastidious bush.

He prefers land with a high content of humus and low acid content. It is impossible to carry out planting in a soil with high alkalinity. From this, the plant will turn yellow leaves. Under normal conditions, Hortensia develops rapidly.

Shrub does not tolerate lime. If this substance is likely to enter the soil, plant a bush away from this sector. For the winter, the bush is either covered or dug. It will not tolerate temperatures lower than 18 degrees. When planting, you can use different additives: good compost, red peat, leaf soil, coarse sand. The soil near the bush is better to loosen.

Hortense loves water, it needs to be watered abundantly (2 buckets of water per bush should go a week). It is not recommended to use hard water for this. The shrub is watered with either rain water or lemon juice and vinegar are added to ordinary water.

Plant reproduction occurs either by dividing the bush or cuttings. Between each shrub should be a distance of about 1 meter. Most often, planting is carried out in the middle of spring, when it is already clear that there will be no frost. The soil should be well heated.

In general, caring for a plant does not cause much trouble, it is interesting to grow shrubs. You can use Hortensia to create bright flower arrangements.


A shrub that grows up to 2 meters in height. It blooms in early summer and almost until August. A lot of flowers, they are small (1.5 cm in diameter). Inside the flower is white, outside - a delicate pink hue. Plant shrubs need to be protected from wind and sun place.

Deytsiya likes fertile soil, it can and should be fed. Plant care is simple: watering, cutting off old shoots, loosening the soil. You can use Deytsiyu to create flower arrangements or planted alone.

The bush is protected from frost, it does not tolerate cold. To protect it spud, bury it in the leaves. When the snow falls, you need to cover the bush with snow and a hill. Without these manipulations, the bush can freeze to the very roots.

In general, the plant is perfect for the dacha. Will delight you with beautiful flowers and do not take time.


Another interesting shrub that will look great in the summer cottage. There are about 25,000 species of this plant in total. You will have the opportunity to choose for yourself the type of plant that is right for you.

The shrub is actively used to create lawns, flower arrangements, it is planted along the tracks. Perfectly looks in compositions with small coniferous trees.   - The plant is short. But, it should be borne in mind that it can grow in width.

Choose a place for planting, should be based on its variety. Some species get along well under the trees, some need an open area. In general, Rhododendron does not require much attention and looks gorgeous in the garden.


Shrub suitable for autumn garden and looks beautiful on the site. Can grow up to 1 meter in height. Heather shoots grow quite strongly. Flowers small and collected in large oblong buds. With proper care, the plant blooms from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

Heather refers to evergreen plants. This suggests that even with the onset of autumn, it will decorate your site. The plant loves sandy or sandy soil, it grows well in marshland.

At the dacha for a long time can do without watering. Twisted leaves help to keep the bush wet. Due to this arrangement of leaves, water from the root system is practically not consumed.

You can plant this shrub in addition to a flower arrangement, and leave to grow alone.

General rules for the selection and care of shrubs

Choose shrubs should be based on the requirements for care and aesthetic component. Caring for plants should not take a lot of time, bushes should be well tolerated by the climate, which is relevant for your region.

When choosing seedlings, consider the life of plants. Choose those that are enough for 2 seasons, at a minimum. If the plants are sold in containers - this is the best option shrubs. They get accustomed quickly, because, as fall into the soil with the usual soil for the roots. In addition, such plants can be planted at any time.

Before you buy plants, create a plan for your site. You need to know where and how the shrubs will be located. This method is necessary so that the light-loving plants are not in the shadow. If you plant them in dark places, you will not see a beautiful and abundant flowering.

In Tenek it is best to plant shrubs that tolerate the shadow. After the place is chosen correctly, think about the landing itself. In most cases, shrub planting rules are the same for all species.

First, you remove the top layer of earth on a separate cloth or film. Then dig holes for planting. A top dressing (humus, peat, fertilizer) is placed at the bottom of each pit; its choice depends on the type of plant. If the soil on your site belongs to the "heavy" ground, add mineral fertilizers and a substantial percentage of sand to the soil.

It is worth remembering that the pits are dug out wider and deeper than the size of the root system. This is to ensure that the roots feel free and grow normally. Enough water is poured into each hole to soak up fertilizer and soil.

Put a seedling in each hole and see what the plot will look like. When everything fits, you can dig holes. A small cushion is created under each plant. Such a system is needed in order to avoid the spreading of water during watering plants.

Another stage of plant care is mulching. This procedure helps to keep the land moist and at the same time, it protects it from the active growth of weeds. Each type of plant has its own peculiarities of care. You can find out about them in garden stores or read on the Internet.

If you picked the shrubs correctly and looked after them regularly, the plants will delight you with their beauty for a long time.

Evergreen ornamental shrub is a great option for decoration of landscape design next to a country house.

Planting evergreen shrubs for the garden, you get the opportunity to create a unique atmosphere of comfort in your backyard at any time of the year. They perfectly decorate the garden in summer, creating a pleasant partial shade and a magnificent background for flowering plants, and in winter, against the background of dazzling white snow.


  • Reproduction: division of the bush in the autumn, division of the bush in the spring

Bamboos are becoming increasingly popular. Many of them have an exotic look, but they are fairly easy to grow. Provide some shelter. In the brilliant (A. nitida) arundinaria with a height of 3 m, the stems are purple. A. Muriel (A. murieliae) with yellow stems has a height of 3 m, and the gigantic Arundinaria is magnificent (A. fastuosa) - 6 m.

Evergreen flowering plants can solve two problems at once. If you plant evergreen flowering shrubs, you get a great background and beautiful blooms.


  • Flowering time: September - January

Plants with large colorful leaves for shady places. It will grow anywhere, but icy winds can damage new growth. The completely green Japanese aukuba (A. japonica) grows to a height of 2 m and has many varieties such as “Longifolia” (with narrow leaves) and “Picturata” (leaves with a yellow center).

ARBUTUS - Strawberry tree, strawberry

  • Location: sunny or partial shade

A slow-growing shrub that has hanging flowers and strawberry-like fruits on the plant at the end of the autumn, these fruits are tasteless. The popular strawberry strawberry (A. unedo) reaches a height of 2 m. Its flowers are white, and A. u. "Rubra" has pinkish flowers.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade

It withstands wind, alkaline soil and some shading. Stems can be cut regularly. Evergreen Box (B. sempervirens) - the main species will grow to 3 m if left uncircumcised. Its Aureovariegata variety has leaves covered with yellow spots; “Suffruticosa” is a dwarf.


  • Flowering time: June - July
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Small flowers with prominent stamens densely collected in cylindrical inflorescences. Grow this plant near the solar wall. Lemon Yellow Callistemon (C. citrinus) "Splendens", 2 m tall, has dark pink flowers and long leaves; Callistemon tough (C.rigidus) 1.5 m high is a more durable type.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

All heathers love poor soil and light, and cannot tolerate lime. Their leaves are often colored, and they bloom in spring. Common heather (C.vulgaris) 25-50 cm tall is the only species, but there are many varieties with white, pink or lilac flowers.


  • Flowering time: june
  • Location: sunny or partial shade

This is a palm-like plant. Grow it in a big pot or in a border in an area with a mild climate. Southern Cordilina (C. australis) 2 m tall has pale green leaves from 30 cm to 1 m long. Purpurea has purple foliage. Torbay Dazzler has white-striped leaves.

Evergreens for garden and garden and their photos

When selecting evergreens for the garden, consider their height and decorative properties. Properly selected evergreens to give help in improving the microclimate. Look at photos of evergreens for the garden and read their brief specifications.


  • Flowering time: October - December
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in the fall

The common holly (I.aquifolium), 3 m high, is a symbol of Christmas, but there are varieties whose leaves differ from its pointed evergreen leaves. The Golden King variety has yellow-edged leaves, and the Argentea Marginata has white leaves. In P. grab (I. crenata) “Golden Gem” foliage is like a boxwood.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

This plant is grown in the herb garden. Or in a container like a neatly trimmed shrub. Noble laurel (L. nobilis) has a height of 2.5 m. It needs a protected place - the leaves can be damaged by frost. Yellow flowers and black berries can appear on female specimens.


  • Flowering time: june
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Only one real palm can be considered hardy. It withstands winter frosts in most areas, but needs protection from the icy wind. Trachicardus Forchun (T. fortunei), 3 m high, has leaves up to 1 m wide in the upper part of the thick stem. Large inflorescences of tiny flowers appear in summer.


  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Dutch elm disease has swept away countless popular elm trees, such as Elm Naked (U. glabra) and Elm High (U. procera). Prefer a view that has its disease resistance. Small-leaved elm (U.parvifolia) is a good example. The variety “Geisha” is small and has leaves with white edges.

Evergreen Shrubs: Photos and Names

Presented below evergreen shrubs in the photo with the names will help you navigate the huge range of these plants. Beautiful evergreen shrub may require additional care in central Russia. Therefore, all the names and photos of evergreen shrubs are accompanied by brief descriptions of the characteristics. Look at the photos of evergreen shrubs and choose for themselves the appropriate type of decorative properties.


  • Flowering time: June - July
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

An unusual shrub that needs protection from the south or west wall. Some shoots in winter can freeze. Camellia Californian (C. californica) 2 m high has white flowers with a center of golden stamens. Leaves below with white felted pubescence. Variety "Ladham" s Variety "with more abundant flowering.

CAMELLIACAMELLIA (Variety C. japonica "Adolphe Audusson")

  • Flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Spectacular flowers with a diameter of 5 to 15 cm, simple or double, white, pink or red color. It requires non-alkaline soil, and also protection from cold winds. There are two types - Camellia japonica (C. japonica) 2 m high, blooming in February-April, and Camelia Williams (C. williamsii) 2 m high with flowers in February-May.


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: necessarily sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Short-lived flowers, often spotted at the base. Buds appear regularly, and the shrub constantly blooms during the summer. There are low varieties that reach a size of less than 1 m, for example, the Silver Pink variety and the white Cistar Corbari (C. corbariensis). An example of a high species is Cysta purpurea (C. purpureus).


  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

This neat rounded shrub has a year-round densely leafy crown. Flat inflorescences of wax flowers appear in spring - both the leaves and the flowers are fragrant. Garden view - Choisia ternate (C. ternata) 2 m high. The Sundance variety has yellow foliage, the Aztec Pearl variety has narrow leaves.


  • Flowering time: May - August
  • Location: necessarily sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Attractive but rather gentle shrub that provides year-round interest. The leaves are silver gray and white flowers appear throughout the summer. Shrub bindweed (C. cneorum) has a height of 50 cm and pink buds that open into funnel-shaped flowers. Frost can damage foliage.


  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

This shrub requires a mild microclimate, partially shaded, near the wall. Defortia prickly (D. spinosa) 50 cm high has red flowers with yellow edges. Buy large copies, if you need to fill the space - they grow very slowly for about 10 years.


  • Flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

More versatile than heather (p. 118). There are varieties for flowering in any month, and color from white to almost black. There are species tolerant of lime, such as Eric ruddy (E. carnea) 20 cm tall, blooming in early spring, and not tolerant of lime, such as Eric ashen (E. cinerea) 25 cm high, blooming from July to September.


  • Flowering time: June - September
  • Location: sunny or partial shade

Small bell-shaped flowers cover a bush in the summer. Grows vertically first, then the stems bend in an arc. Popular cultivar "Apple Blossom" 1.5 m high, slowly growing; "Donard Seedling" blooms pink flowers and more hardy; Escallonia red (E. rubra) “Macrantha” is more vigorous.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in the fall

Evergreen species of euonymus are more popular than deciduous ones. Varieties with variegated foliage provide color in the winter, and there are dense forms for hedges. Forchun's euonymus (E. fortunei) 1 m high - groundcover; Japanese euonymus (E. japonicus) is a higher species for hedges.


  • Flowering time: October - November
  • Location: best partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Plant with large decorative leaves for shady places. Japanese Fatsia (F. japonica) 3 m high blooms in the fall with small cream flowers in spherical inflorescences, which are then replaced by black berries. Variety "Variegata" with white-leafed leaves less cold resistant than the view.

More names of evergreens and their photos

Evergreens, which are presented further on this page, are not common. We offer you to find out the names of evergreens and appreciate their beauty in the photo.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

This shrub, 3 m high, is grown near the walls for the sake of its winter decoration - long and elegant ear rings-inflorescences hang from the branches. Harry has an elliptical (G. elliptica) earrings 20 cm long, first having a gray-green color. James Roof has thicker earrings and is almost twice as long.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

In the “whip-like” chebe, the leaves are scale-like, for example, in Hebe Armstrong (H. armstrongii) 1 m high. The undersized hebe is less than 50 cm, for example, “Carl Teschner”. Hebe tall - above 50 cm, for example, the variety «Great Orme». Winter hardiness decreases with increasing leaf size.


  • Flowering time: May - July
  • Location: necessarily sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

The flowers of this low-growing shrub in the summer form a colorful cover for many weeks, but each flower lives only a day or two. Important annual pruning. The Wisley series has a height of 20 cm and silver-gray leaves; Ben series grades, for example “Ben Hope”, are neat and durable.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Hypericum calypus, (H. calycinum) 50 cm high, having flowers with numerous fluffy stamens in the center. Hidcote has larger flowers. In the Hypericum Moser (H. moserianum) "Tricolor" motley green-cream-pink leaves. St. John's wort odorless (H. inodorum) "Elstead" is decorated with red berries.


  • Flowering time: May - June
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Flowers live long and cover all foliage if necessary conditions are available. It needs a mild climate or shelter near the southern wall and well-drained soil. The leptospermum is broom-shaped (L. scoparium) 2.5 m high and has white flowers; usually choose varieties with colored flowers, for example "Kiwi".


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Low-growing bushes for a border or for dwarf hedges. L. narrow-leaved (L. angustifolia) is most common. Her flowers are pale blue; The Hidcote variety has purple flowers. French lavender (L. stoechas) with purple flowers. View with green foliage and white flowers - Lavender green (L. viridis).


  • Flowering time: June - October
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

A fast growing shrub blooming all summer long with large flowers. It is easy to grow, but every year it is necessary to prune heavily. Hatma "Rosea" 2 m tall blooms pink flowers; "Barnsley" - pink and white with a red eye. Khatma Primorskaya (L. maritima) is not quite hardy.


  • Flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in the fall

Privet privet (L. vulgare) has exactly colored green foliage, but there are varieties with colored leaves. Privet ovalnival (L. ovalifolium) “Aureum” 2 m high has yellow leaves with a green center; "Argenteum" with yellow edges. Several species bloom in summer.


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: necessarily sunny
  • Reproduction: sowing seeds in autumn

Woody lupine is a rarity, unlike its grassy curb relatives. He does not live long, and his inflorescences are shorter than those of enduring perennial hybrids. Tree lupine (L. arboreus) 1.5 m tall has yellow fragrant flowers and greyish-green leaflets; Mauve Queen grade purple. Not for heavy soils.


  • Flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: best partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Brings out any soil and shade. Fragrant spring flowers are replaced by purple or black berries. In the Magonia of the hollow-leaf (M. aquifolium) 1 m in height, the flowers are located in compact inflorescences; Japanese Mahonia (M. japonica) 2 m tall with long inflorescences radiating out like rays.


  • Flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

The bush is covered with chamomile buds in summer, but it will look skinny when it does not bloom, if it is not cut annually. Olearia large-toothed (O. macrodonta) 2.5 m tall blooms in June and has leaves like holly. In Olearia Haast (O. haastii) leaves like a boxwood. Olearia scyllonian (O. scilloniensis) 1.5 m high blooms in May.


  • Flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Myrtle is not popular. The problem is that it is damaged as a result of heavy frost and icy wind. Common myrtle (M. communis) 3 m high is the main species. Small white flowers with fluffy stamens in the center. Variegata has cream leaves.


  • Flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Neat bushes are covered with evergreen leaves - the flowers have the scent of jasmine. Osmanthus Delaware (O. delavayi) 1 m high - the most popular species with tubular flowers in April - May. Osmanthus Berkwood (O. burkwoodii) is more vigorous. Mixed leaf osmanthus (O.heterophyllus) "Variegata" blooms in September, the leaves are like holly.


  • Flowering time: June - October
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: division of the bush in the fall

Color changes throughout the year. In spring, the foliage has a red tint, and in the fall the leaves turn purple. Nandina house (N. domestica) 1 m high is the main species. It blooms with white star-shaped flowers in conical inflorescences, and later berries appear. The “Firepower” variety is even more colorful.


  • Flowering time: March
  • Location: best shady
  • Reproduction: division of the bush in the spring

Pakhizandra is a groundcover that can grow under branchy. Densely located leathery leaves inhibit the growth of weeds. Pachisander apical (P. terminalis) 20 cm tall - the usual appearance with white inconspicuous flowers. Grade "Green Carpet" more compact.


  • Flowering time: November - February
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: rooted offspring autumn

The mass of flowers in early summer is replaced by large berries on the female plants of this short, thorny shrub. These fruits do not touch the birds. Pernettia pointed (P. mucronata) - garden view height 75cm; Cherry Ripe has red berries. The variety “Mascula” for men, “Bell” s Seedling ”is monoecious.


  • Flowering time: June - July
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Plants become unattractive with age - strong pruning is needed every year to ensure the formation of new stems. Shrub Zopnik (P. fruticosa) 1 m in height carries whorls of yellow flowers 5 cm wide. Zopnik golden-leaved (P. chrysophylla) is similar to it, but the leaves turn yellow in autumn.


  • Flowering time: July - October
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

In the spring, cut off all the stems, or simply cut off the side shoots affected by frost. Figueius Cape (P. capensis) 2.5 m high has red flowers with a yellow throat, located around the axis of the inflorescence; Figelius equal (P. aequalis) "Yellow Trumpet" is smaller and has one-sided inflorescences.

Other evergreen shrubs and plants

Do not dwell on what you have already learned. See below for other evergreen shrubs and plants.


  • Flowering time: April
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Photinia Fraser (P. fraseri) “Red Robin” 2.5 m high. Its young spring foliage is bright red; if you cut the tops of the shoots, new red leaves will appear again. Inflorescences of small flowers appear after a mild winter. Needs a protected place. The variety “Robusta” looks like a species, but it has a new growth in copper color.


  • Flowering time: March - May
  • Location: best slightly shady
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

In the spring long inflorescences of small flowers appear, and also the most popular varieties have decorative bright red young leaves. Pierres beautiful Forresta (P formosa forrestii) 3 m high has white flowers and red young leaves. P Japanese (P japonica) is a more compact form.


  • Flowering time: May
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Black branches and leaves with wavy edges are used by florists, but there are also flowering species. All or part of the bushes can die in harsh winters. Thin-leaf pittosporum (P tenuifolium) 3 m high is quite hardy. Tobira pittosporum (P tobira) is the best flowering species, but too tender.


  • Flowering time: depends on the type
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Evergreen species of the genus Prunus are popular for hedges. Trim the hedge at the end of the summer. The laurel cherry (P. laurocerasus) 5 m high blooms in spring with white flowers. The plum lusitanian (P.lusitanica) 2.5 m high has leaves with red petioles and blooms in early summer.


  • Flowering time: depending on the variety
  • Location: best partial shade
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

The average height of rhododendrons is about 1.5 meters, and they bloom in May, but there are many varieties - the range of heights is from 30 cm to 6 m and the range of timing of flowering. There are hardy hybrids, dwarf hybrids and species (for example, R. arboreum).


  • Flowering time: October-January
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

This is a hardy shrub. In late spring, blooms with white flowers, which are then replaced by berries. Serrated leaves and thorny stems. Pyracantha bright red (P. coccinea) "Lalandei" has orange-red berries; "Teton" - yellow. Pyracantha atalantovidnaya (P. atalantioides) grows vertically.


  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: best partial shade
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Usually azaleas are called elegant plants with smaller leaves than rhododendrons, but not always. Evergreen groups are described here. They are short growing, reach a height of 60 cm - 1.5 m, and there are several groups, such as hybrids Vuyk, Kaempferi and small-flowered hybrids Kurume.

ROSEMARY  Rosmarinus

  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

A good plant for growing in a curb. Vertically growing stems are densely covered with narrow leaves, and in the spring small flowers appear on the stems. Medicinal rosemary (R. officinalis) 1.5 m tall has gray-green leaves and lavender flowers; Albus has white flowers


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

These are shrubs with thorny stems, or high vines. The flowers of most species are similar to non-double roses. Raspberry tricolor (R. tricolor) 60 cm tall has white flowers and red fruits; Meta raspberry (R. ulmifolius) "Bellidiflorus" blooms with double pink flowers. Henry Raspberry (R. henryi) - 6 m tall vine


  • Flowering time: June - August
  • Location: necessarily sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

Low-growing shrubs with silver leaves and yellow, button-like flowers. Santolina cypress (S. chamaecyparissus) 60 cm high is the main species - flower buds are sometimes removed to improve the decorative foliage. Sort "Nana" is used for edging.


  • Flowering time: January - February
  • Location: sunny or shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

A plant very much loved by flower arrangers. Sarkokokka matted (S. confusa) 75 cm tall has oval leaves and black berries; in Sarkokokki Hooker (S. hookeriana) "Digyna" 1.5 m tall, narrow leaves with a purple tinge. The variety “Humilis” is a dwarf, 30 cm high, and is used as a ground cover plant.


  • Flowering time: March - April
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under the glass in the summer

She has shiny leaves all year round, and in the spring appear inflorescences of small flowers, which are replaced by berries by autumn. Japanese skimmy (S. japonica) with a height of 1 m. It will take a female variety, such as “Veitchii”, and a male variety, like “Fragrans”, in order for the berries to appear. The variety “Robert Fortune” is monoecious.


  • Flowering time: July - August
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: rooted shoots in autumn

Despite its exotic appearance — the sword-shaped leaves and large inflorescences — it is quite hardy. Yucca filamentous (Y filamentosa) has rigid leaves 60 cm long with white fibers along the edges. The flowering stems are 1.5 m high. Yucca has hung (Y. flaccida) leaves less rigid, and Yucca has nice (Y gloriosa) leaves that are very pointed.

The gardeners who decide to decorate their land with beautiful shrubs immediately have a question: what kind of shrub is better to plant?

Ideally, such a plant should meet the following requirements:

  1. Be beautiful throughout the summer season.
  2. Unpretentious care.
  3. Frost-resistant, able to endure our difficult winters.

Wintery flowering shrubs

Below are the names and characteristics of such ornamental shrubs: frost-resistant, unpretentious and beautiful flowering.

Many shrubs have proven to be winter-hardy, undemanding and at the same time very decorative in our climate. I'll tell you about the most popular, which can be planted in almost all regions of our country.

Derain white

Famous for brightly colored red bark. There is a form with large green leaves, which by the autumn become multi-colored, and a more compact turf with white-leafed leaves. So that the bark of the tree is always bright, the bushes are cut short each year, leaving a few centimeters above the level of the hemp from the shoots. With such a formation, the bush forms expanding thickets.

  • Shrub height from one and a half to two meters.
  • It blooms in early summer.
  • Derain is extremely cold-resistant, decorative and unpretentious in all respects.
  • It grows on any soil, well tolerated and heat and shade.
  • Suitable for planting in the background area or along the fence, as well as for hedges.

Especially beautiful is such a turf in the fall.

This is a variety of green leaves with green leaves that are burgundy in autumn.

And this turf variegated.

The leaves of this plant all summer are painted white pattern.

This shrub is quite suitable for creating hedges.

Derain is growing rapidly and so that the hedge is always neat, it will have to be carefully looked after.

That is how the turf blossoms.

The plant can be formed and lush bush, and a small tree.

Derain does not lose its decoration even in winter.

Well, where else can you find a shrub with such original, red shoots.

Deciduous barberries

Differ enviable winter hardiness, easy to maintain. Leaf color is yellow, green, purple, red. Barberry suitable any fertile soil, open space or partial shade. It is easy to cut, but you can not cut it, limiting the spring removal of damaged and excess branches.

  • The height of different species and varieties varies from 60 cm to 2 m.
  • Extremely unpretentious, frost-resistant shrub. It grows in the shade, in the sun and on almost any soil. The color of the leaves is striking in its diversity.
  • The application is universal, from planting low-growing varieties on slides to creating hedges. It can serve as a background, and edge, looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Barberry Thunberg.

Such an elegant bush will decorate any hill.

Barberry goes well with conifers.

Here the barberry bush serves as an edge near the fir.

Barberry on the lawn.

On a green lawn motley bush looks very colorful.

Barberry hedge

Picturesque and practical hedges are obtained from barberries, but we must remember that this shrub is scary prickly and it is not particularly pleasant to work with it. Read more about the use of barberry in garden design.


Virtually all spireas are fast-growing, frost-resistant shrubs, unpretentious and flowering. There are two groups of spirees - spring flowering and summer flowering. In spring-flowering species, for example, in ashy spirea, the drooping branches are entirely decorated with tiny white flowers. These spireas bloom once. In spring flowering spirea, old and weak branches are cut out after flowering.

Summer blooming spireas are characterized by long flowering. Pink (different shades) flowers, as a rule, are collected in flat spherical or spicate inflorescences. From letne-blooming spirey, Spumey Boumald (height 60 cm), blooming with elegant, carmine-pink flat inflorescences are interesting. In Goldflame variety, young leaves are yellow and orange, so the bush and in the spring looks very elegant.

The varieties of Japanese spireas (height 60 cm) are also very interesting. For example, the Crisp variety is distinguished by very bright decorative flowers.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the grade from 0.5 m. To 2 m.
  • If you pick up spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties, then flowering can last almost the whole spring and summer.
  • Spireas do not require fertile soil. Grow quickly in the sun and in partial shade. Most of them do not need shelter even in the frosty winters.
  • These shrubs are not only decorative, but also have a wide variety of sizes, forms of bushes, colors of leaves and different flowering times. Thanks to these qualities, it is possible to decorate the garden only with spireas.

Spirea Wangutta.

Such tall shrubs are suitable for single planting or for growing in hedges.

Here you can create such a picturesque corner by planting spireas with hosts and juniper.

Japanese spirea

From undersized Japanese spireas, elegant curbs are obtained. It is appropriate, it looks and rockeries.


The most winter-hardy proved to be a hydrangea tree - a bush of North American origin. Other species (originally from China and Japan) are less hardy, more capricious in care.

Tree hydrangea is common in our gardens, but for some reason everyone wants to see plants with blue, pink or even reddish inflorescences on their plots. Such hydrangeas, of course, are spectacular, but more capricious, although among them there are varieties that some growers successfully grow in the northern regions.

But if you have not yet grown hydrangea in the garden, start with tree hydrangea - simple to care for, spectacular shrubs with huge caps of white flowers.

It grows well in the harsh regions of Russia hydrangea paniculata, a very beautiful wintering shrub up to three meters high (we do not reach such a height) with a thick globular crown. Inflorescence is a broad-pyramid panicle 15-30 in length and 30 cm wide. The flowers are white, reddening by autumn.

  • The height of the bushes to two meters.
  • It blooms from mid-summer.
  • Hydrangeas are extremely moisture-loving, they tolerate shading well, like well-drained fertile soil acidic. Therefore, when planting add peat. The soil can be acidified with iron vitriol.
  • Hydrangeas are planted in single bushes or groups. The plant is well combined with other coniferous and deciduous ornamental shrubs.

Such a picturesque shrub will surely attract attention.

Mottled Shrub

Deciduous shrubs, prostrate or compact. Kustovidnye forms of Potentilla have three names at once: Kuril tea, Potentilla shrub and five-leaf plant. Potentilla makes attractive an abundance of small flowers. The most common form is considered to be yellow flowers.

Flowers solitary or in few racemes or umbellate inflorescences, medium-sized. Decorative plant and bright green carved small foliage. Potentilla badly tolerate dry air.

  • Bushes one and a half meters high.
  • Shrub blossoms for a very long time - almost from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn.
  • Potentilla light-requiring, although they tolerate small penumbra, quite drought-resistant, demanding on the richness of the soil, which should be moderately wet.
  • Winter-hardy: species forms withstand forty degrees Celsius, varieties are less tolerant of low temperatures.
  • Potentilla is suitable for creating borders and low hedges, looks elegant in single and group plantings, harmoniously combined with coniferous plants.

Here is a neat shrub Potentilla shrub.

Potentilla perfectly tolerates a haircut and from it colorful hedges and borders are obtained.

Green apple leaf

Large, cold-resistant shrub. Both its forms - with golden and purple leaves - are always decorative: in spring, when the leaves bloom, during flowering (it blooms with white shield inflorescences) and after it, when clusters of red fruits are formed.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety from one to three meters.
  • Flowering in early summer, for 20 days.
  • Bubblepipe is unpretentious, drought-resistant and tine-resistant, but it is better to plant in the open sun so that the leaves retain a bright color.
  • Suitable for high hedges and single plantings.

Bubblepipe Diabolo.

These are such different blisters. There are shrubs and other colors of the leaves.

Bubbleplug Lutheus.


Snowfenders are white and pink. If you are interested in the most cold-resistant shrubs, then plant a snowberry white, it calmly tolerates even the most frosty winters.

Over time, it grows strongly and can grow in any conditions, both in the open sun and in the dense shade of trees. They appreciate the shrub for a lot of large, decorative, as if from white marble, fruits that are formed in the autumn.

It is amenable to cutting, bushes are thinned out in early spring, sheared in summer.

  • In width it grows up to 2.5 meters, in height up to 1.5 meters.
  • Snowberry grows on any soil, prefers a sunny place. Minimal care: the plant is drought-resistant, does not require fertilizing, easily tolerates heat, is not susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • With its white fruits it looks good on dark greens: on the lawn, against the background of conifers.

Hedges from the snowy look look fancy, and do not require much care.

Fruits of snowberry.

Ornamental shrubs for giving average winter hardiness

The plants described below, although not particularly frost-resistant, do not require special shelter for the winter. In most cases, it is enough to just cover the bushes with snow.


If the action is open, in June she will be dressed in small flowers. The color of flowers (and they are both terry and non-double) varies from white to intense pink.

In our climate, the action is considered unpretentious rough. It blooms white and pink flowers. The soil is not very demanding, grows well wherever water does not stagnate. Adapts to the sun and to the penumbra. Faded branches are cut after flowering. Old branches cut to the ground.

  • Most varieties of deytion do not exceed a height of 120-170 cm.
  • Bloom in spring and summer (depending on the variety)
  • The shrub is easy to clean; drought-resistant not susceptible to diseases and pests. It is desirable to press the branches to the ground for the winter (at - 25º the kidneys freeze slightly)
  • From the action we get picturesque, unformed hedges. You can plant a mixborder in the background or cover the base of tall shrubs.

Beauty deytion.

It is not recommended to plant hedges from the action in the northern regions. All the same, this bush is not winter-hardy enough for such purposes.

In the southern areas deytion is quite suitable for the creation of hedges

Keria Japanese

Unpretentious shrub, blooming annually in April-May with yellow flowers. May bloom again.

The non-curved shape is very elegant: slender, slightly drooping branches, one and a half meters long, yellow flowers that look like large buttercup flowers. And after flowering the bush looks charming, thanks to a very beautiful bright green leaves, like young birch.

  • The height of the bushes to two meters.
  • It blooms in spring. Flowering is long, almost two months.
  • Prefers a place in the sun. It can grow in partial shade, but decorative qualities are noticeably lost. Requires regular watering and periodic feeding.
  • Used for single and group plantings. It goes well with conifers, looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Keria differs in early and bright flowering.

This plant can be grown in pots. Of course the size of the bush in this case will be much more modest.

Keria can be grown on the balcony.


In flowering more beautiful than all the above shrubs. But to show her drooping branches in all its glory, she needs a lot of space. Loves fertile soil and annual pruning, but generally unpretentious. Immediately after flowering, branches with faded flowers are shortened.

It is more compact and restrained in the growth of veigel Variegata - a bush up to 120 cm high with pale pink flowers and yellow-leafed leaves.

Weigels do not like to grow in the wind. When planting it is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of at least two meters.

  • On average, weigela height is 1.5 - 2 meters.
  • It blooms in May and June with pink, white or ruby-red tubular flowers. Prone to re-bloom.
  • Weigela grows on any soil, in direct sun and in partial shade.
  • The most frost-resistant varieties that winter well both in Siberia and in the Moscow region: “Alba”, “Striatum”, “Styriaca”, “Bristol Ruby”.
  • Given the high decorativeness of this shrub, it is usually planted in the foreground: at the entrance to the house, at the paths or on the lawn.

Weigela pink hybrid.

Weigela harmoniously fit into any corner of the garden.

Weigela Red Prince

Henomeles (Japanese Quince)

A very common shrub, because it can grow on any soil, both in the sun and in the shade. It blooms brightly in spring, and in the fall it brings golden fragrant fruits. Shrubs do not need pruning: they are occasionally thinned.

The diameter of the chaenomeles 3 - 5 cm.

It should be noted that weigels, deuteriums, and kerries in severe winters can severely frostbit the branches. But nothing terrible will happen: the bushes are growing rapidly.

Of all the abovementioned assortment, I like summer spireas, weigels, blister-berries and barberries most of all for their beautiful and long flowering, high decorative effect throughout the season.

Shrubs should be placed in accordance with their growth and the ability to grow in breadth.

On the rules for trimming ornamental shrubs

All of these plants are not rare, they are quite easy to purchase.

Ornamental shrubs, which can bloom all summer and still have good frost resistance, are of interest to many gardeners and summer residents. Many of them are given by the peculiarities of growing evergreen perennials in the Moscow region and other regions of middle latitudes. Flowering perennial shrubs, photos of which will be presented below, often perform the role of an excellent decoration for a country house or cottage, making the backyard territory very attractive, harmonious and bright.

Flowering perennial shrubs to give

In combination with different varieties and shades, they create a sense of the handiwork of the genius master, who perfectly combined all the accents in any particular place in the garden.

Every gardener, summer resident or ordinary connoisseur of exotic vegetation who has a home territory will certainly appreciate the attractiveness of ornamental plants, which will be discussed in this article.

Given the characteristics of the site, your personal preferences and fantasies, beautiful shrubs can serve as an addition to other plantations, and as an independent garden composition that will play a key role in landscape design at the cottage.

Today we will expand the topic in detail: “Evergreen shrubs: photos with names”, and let's deal with the best varieties for growing in our conditions.

Features of the application of decorative perennials on the site

To successfully arrange your site, it is important to determine in advance the appropriate ornamental plant that can grow in a particular place and specific climatic conditions. When choosing a suitable variety, you should be guided by this factor. The second feature is to search for a landing zone.

In case you bought sun flower, plant it in open areas with abundant exposure to light and heat. Any fences that create shadow or partial shade should be excluded. As for the group of shade flowers, they should be placed in shaded areas, away from buildings or large trees. Failure to follow the basic rules in choosing a site for planting can degrade the brightness of colors, deprive the shrub of flower opulence, and sometimes lead to its death.

Also, when looking for a beautiful perennial, it is important to consider the overall picture of the dacha area. For example, in places with limited space it is better to use compact types of ornamental plantsbecause Huge and lush options will not look aesthetically pleasing. In turn, low cold-resistant varieties with a compact and well-groomed shape will be an appropriate addition for small areas.

These varieties include dwarf varieties Green Carpet and Tamariscifolia. This option will be the perfect complement to create amazingly beautiful alpine slides, rockeries, lawn edging and curbstones.

Choosing a shrub for hedge, it should take into account different varieties of stunted and medium-growth plants with a lush crown. Otherwise, instead of a presentable fencing you get the columns of high and unattractive thickets. Some juniper hybrids fit perfectly under any design conditions. If you wish to arrange beautiful compositions for the garden, which may be white, pink, mixed or solid colors, you need to pay attention to these types of decorative perennials:

They are distinguished by an amazing versatility and beautiful combination with other green areas. If you have a desire to create an arch, or to transform the design of the arbor, use climbing species.

Shrubs that bloom all summer: winter-hardy varieties

A selection of beautifully blooming ornamental perennials is represented by a huge variety of varieties and offers. This allows you to choose the perfect solution for any problem. In addition to shrubs that bloom all summer, there are also species that have lush foliage, unusual crown and a unique form of leaves. A wide range of different varieties is a very valuable feature. The fact is that landscape design is divided into three main areas:

If you choose the right plants, they will look irresistible.

Decorative leafy or flowering shrubs for the garden can be not only a beautiful design for the backyard area, but also perform many useful functions. Very often they are used as a hedge and reliable protection against unwanted penetration (in the event that spiny plants were used);

With the help of certain species, it is possible to conveniently zone the territory, forming recreation areas and a place for growing fruit and garden crops. Due to the abundance of various bushes and bushes with unique shades (white, pink, monophonic, two-ton), curbs, alpine slides, hedges and other elements of the garden landscape can be beautifully decorated, which makes them a very valuable find for all lovers of unique vegetation.

Decorative perennials for the garden

Will consider the most popular types of beautiful perennials for the garden and garden:

Popular perennials for giving

Perennial Shrubs

How to create a hedge of ornamental plants

When making landscape design on your site, it is important to pay attention to the option of a hedge of ornamental shrubs. Currently, such a design is in great demand and is interesting for many summer residents. Depending on the imagination and the available sizes, such a “fence” may look like a small fence, or a high green wall.

You can reproduce any design intent, withstand a specific shape or shade, with the result that the end result will be truly unique. A green hedge is often used as a disguise for unsightly elements.such as old fence, unnecessary constructions, etc. Choosing shrubs to create hedges, you should be guided by some parameters:

  • Type of ornamental shrubs. Perennial plants that can serve as a reliable hedge are represented by a huge variety of varieties and varieties. When choosing the right solution, it is necessary to take into account not only aesthetic properties, but also practical ones. You can use the uniform shrubs, or a mixed version, which consists of different varieties that create a beautiful composition;
  • Vegetation development rate. Before buying, be sure to study the varietal characteristics of a particular variety and consider such nuances as: the frequency of staying at the cottage, the availability of pruning and cutting, readiness to pay due attention to the formation of the crown, etc .;
  • Future height hedge. It is important to understand that different types of ornamental shrubs may have different heights. Make sure that it suits you and will aesthetically complement the landscape design of the villa. Also do not miss such an indicator as planting density by the eyes. Perhaps in the future you will have to plant them in two or more rows;
  • The composition of the soil composition. Not all ornamental shrubs can easily grow in natural conditions. Some of them need special soil with an abundance of individual nutrients, suitable drainage and acidity. Consider this feature to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future;

Do not be afraid to spend some time on the care and care of ornamental shrubs. All spent forces will be justified in a short time!