The resignation does not threaten: "The positions of the head of the Sverdlovsk region - strengthened. The president left him as head of the Sverdlovsk region to what led the "plot against the Governor Kuivashev"

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early resignation of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgenia Kuivashev and appointed him temporarily acting by the head of the region to elections in September 2017. This was reported on Monday, April 17, the Kremlin press service.

"Take the resignation of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Kuivashev at his own desire," the text of the presidential decree says. It follows that Kuyvashev appointed Vrio Governor of the Region until joined the position of person chosen by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

Cuivashev's powers as the governor of the Sverdlovsk region expired in May 2017. The governor elections in the Sverdlovsk region will be held on a single voting day in September 2017.

Evgenia Kuivashev 46 years old. He was the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service in Moscow. Then he headed the administration of Tobolsk, was the mayor of Tyumen. In 2011, Quiwashev was appointed President of Russia President Dmitry Medvedev in the Ural Federal District. A week after the inauguration of President Vladimir Putin, on May 7, 2012, Kuyvashev was appointed Vrio of the heads of the Sverdlovsk Region, replacing Alexander Misharina at the head of the region.

Two governors are reassigned, criminal cases are instituted against two.

In 2017, Putin has already retired already 10 heads of regions. On January 12, he appointed Murat Kumpilov Virio Chapter Adygea. At this post, Kumpilov changed Aslan Thakushinov, who led the republic for more than 10 years. In February 2017, they lost their posts of the head of Buryatia (Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn), Karelia (Alexander Hudilainen), the Perm Territory (Viktor Basargin), the Novgorod region (Sergey Mitin) and the Ryazan Region (Oleg Kovalev). None of them was appointed Vrio Governor.

The head of state noted in February 2017 that "about the announcement of the governor's corps is not a campaign, it is a permanent rotational process. "

On April 4, Resident Putin signed a decree on the disposal of the head of Udmurtia Alexander Soloviev. "Deciding to cut off Solovyov Alexander Vasilyevich from the post of head of the Udmurt Republic in connection with the loss of confidence," the text stated in the text. Earlier, the investigative committee of Russia opened a criminal case against Solovyov on suspicion of receiving bribes by 140 million rubles from the contractors for the construction of bridges.

On April 6, Putin sent to the early resignation "at his own will" chapter of the Republic Mari El Leonid Markelov. President of Russia appointed ex-Deputy Headset in the PFD, Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, Alexander Evstifeev, Vrio of the Head of the Republic of Mari El before the September elections.On April 13, it became known that Markelov was detained on suspicion of obtaining a bribe of 235 million rubles.

We will remind, earlier, information appeared in the press that the governors of several Russian regions will be retired in the near future, including in the Middle Urals.

« Apparently, it is planned to an early resignation in those regions where the election of the governor is coming. Intrigue is the one who will be assigned to the executing chapter of the region» - Polytologist believes. He stressed that in most cases, most likely there will be no personnel changes, and possible resignations will be technical in nature, before the upcoming elections.

Anatoly Gagarin noted that recently the position of Evgenia Kuivashev, due to the number of his initiatives and the alliance achieved between the administration of Yekaterinburg and the regional authorities, strongly strengthened. The political scientist believes that at the moment Evgeny Kuivashev is the most likely candidate for the post of acting head of the region.

He stressed that the Governor of the Perm Territory Viktor Basargin, The region, which is also under the close attention of the Kremlin, has already stated that it does not intend to participate in the elections and retire. Anatoly Gagarin said that the head of the Perm Territory was in the lower lines of the ranking of the governors and took all attempts to correct the situation, but in the end he did not cope.

In turn, Evgeny Kuyvashev has not yet announced its intention to go to the elections, but at the same time leads active activity in his post. In particular, active steps are made in the implementation of the Big Yekaterinburg project, as well as the reform of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, which is currently heading directly the governor, notes a political scientist.

As reported earlier, the "Vedomosti" edition with reference to its sources in the Kremlin reported that in the coming days the resignation of the heads of five regions of Russia should be expected: Karelia, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Novgorod and Ivanovo regions. Also under the closer attention of the federal authorities are the Perm Territory and Buryatia.

Recall that the governor of the Sverdlovsk Region with the President of Russia recently held Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. After the meeting, Evgeny Kuyvashev, published in the "regional newspaper" the article "Turnstanding Moment", which many observers regarded as an application for participation in the coming elections of the governor in the coming in the fall of 2017.

According to experts, Putin would not meet with the governor-outsider. This means that the chances of Kuivasheva have. Perhaps the decision on his fate will be made according to the results of the fulfillment of the latest president's instructions. So, by June 1, on behalf of the head of state, the road from Nizhny Tagil to the village of Serebryanka should be repaired. And just on May 29, the term of office of the governor will expire and it is time to decide who will be acting, and therefore the main candidate for the upcoming elections of the head of the region.

The main political issue of 2017 will allow Evgeny Kuivashev to elections. There is a doubt that the current governor of the Sverdlovsk region will gain the most votes when approving the candidacy of the Kremlin, and there is almost no anyone.

Today, the newspaper "Vedomosti" called the names of the heads of the regions, which in September will not be able to go for a new term. Among the retirements - Eugene Kuyvashev and the head of the Perm Territory Victor Basargin, who a few hours after the release of the article. In this context, the information about the Sverdlovsk governor carries an additional signal. An additional intrigue adds a rumor that the attack on the top five governors across the media was organized in a police station on the URFO. Who concretely arranged "lump" or "plums" - still have to deal. As well as in the accuracy of the entire list of "heads of the region to departure."

An anonymous informant of the portal site in the residence of the governor says that no one believes in resignation. " The apparatus, according to him, continues to work in the same mode and is preparing for the appointment of Evgenia Kuivasheva acting the head of the region - so that it is in this advantageous status entering the election race and eventually re-elected in the same position. As the main argument, our source leads the very meeting of Mr. Kuivashev with President Vladimir Putin, as part of which the report of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, the head of the state accepted without significant complaints and even more of the public censure. "What, you see, strangely in the context of an alleged decision on the coming resignation," concludes our insider.

Experts surveyed by the site site are not sure that the presidential administration adopted the final decision on Kuyvashev, and the conversation with Putin means only that it remains in the cage and is not a fact that with an eye on the current position. The former head of the information and analytical department Alexander Pirogov believes that the intrigue will be permitted at the very last moment.

Alexander Pirogov, political scientist:

Although under Kuyvashev, the chair is walking for a long time, in a situation where personnel policy in the country defines one person, clear and clear predictions to do. The Kremlin places non-dopeful criteria for survival to regional leaders. It is clear that there are weak governors, and Kuyvashev is one of them, but there is a damn, behind which there is a point of non-return. In each region, this border is hard at different locations. Cuivasheva meeting with the president says that he will remain in the clip. True, it is incomprehensible to what capacity.

Reasons for the possible resignation of the governor of pies calls several. Kuyvashev never managed to independently repay the political crisis, when regional authorities were frankly bent with the mayor of Yekaterinburg. Squeeze the parties at the negotiating table were only in Moscow.

Inter-elite conflicts did not disappear (for example, the transfer of urban-planning powers to the municipal level), are in sleep mode, and in the case of force majeure, this is a powder barrel. In the presidential administration, all this takes on a pencil. Rather, the minus is the state of the economy "on the Troyek" with the current lover of the Middle Urals.

Alexander Pirogov:

Thus, in the Kremlin, they evaluate the governors and, in order whether they are able to cope with the crisis phenomena on their own. This Sverdlovsk head has not yet demonstrated.

The power change should not be stressful for large business, since, rather, officials are more dependent on entrepreneurs than the opposite. These are taxes, and expensive infrastructure projects, lists another our interlocutor from business circles.

Portal Source Website:

In his opinion, the resignation of Kuivashev, if she suddenly happens, will show the political elite that the head of state is ready to put on efficiency in return for loyalty. "If we do not have a public policy and everything comes down to the vigorous reports, then the rumors do not have grounds. Kuyvashev and then it will pretend that we are fine, and Putin is to pretend that we believed it, "the source argues.

Alexander Pirogov is negotiated that in the Urals there are many influence groups that would like to change power in the region, but still believes that Kuivashev will re-hold. First, some powerful financial and industrial groups are interested in maintaining the current state of affairs; Secondly, Kuivasheva has strong ties with their patron - Sergey Sobyanin.

"The Sverdlovsky governor, like Basargin, is included in the zone of influence of the mayor of Moscow. Formal logic says that it is hardly able to weaken Sobyanin immediately in two regions, "said only federal federal, but not local elites will be able to influence the situation.

The occurrence of the permutation in the Perm region may affect the career prospects of Igor Khollyansky. According to, Viktor Basargin's candidacy is trying to the post of President of the President in the Ural Federal District. This option is quite possible, given the short "replacement bench" and the practice, in which the ex-heads of the regions were found in a new position, if it was not about the loss of confidence.

As for the Perm region, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin appointed the head of the Department of Economic Policy of Moscow Maxima Reshetnikov Acting Governor. His arrival is expected late at night.

Vrio Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgenia Kuivashev Expanded the election of the head of the region in September of this year. His supporters note that the President clearly appreciated the work of Kuivashev, otherwise would not leave him at the head of the region.

Frontal resignation - good sign for the governor

Supporters of the Virio Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgenia Kuivashev commented on his resignation and appointment, which today officially informed the Kremlin. Recall that the President of Russia Vladimir Putin He accepted the voluntary resignation of the Governor Kuivashev and appointed him temporarily acting the governor to the upcoming elections, which should be held on September 17.

The first governor of the Sverdlovsk region, now Senator in the Federation Council Eduard Rossel He stated that the appointment of Kuivasheva VRIO is a good sign for the region.

"This suggests that the President of Russia appreciated the work of Evgenia Kuivashev as the governor. He worked in local governments in Tyumen, held the post of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the URFO and was submerged in questions concerning the entire district. And finally, she worked for five years as the governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

It means that it has the potential to work in this post for the next five years, "

- commented Rossel edition Ean.

Senator also promised Kuywashev his support in elections. His readiness to help the head of the region expressed and speaker regional applications Lyudmila Babushkin. In the comments for the regional newspaper, the politician was told that Kuivashev was submitted for consideration a lot of legislative initiatives, and no wonder he received the confidence of the president.

"The governor not only effectively built the work of the executive authorities, but also is an active subject of the legislative initiative. I am sure, Evgeny Vladimirovich will meet the confidence of the president, which he rendered, "- quotes the publication of the word of the speaker.

The resignation of the governor was waiting for a long time ago

It should have happened. And it should have happened from day to day. And (sorry for the tautology) happened. In the employment record of Evgeny Kuivashev, from April 17, the mark "Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region" is acknowledged. The fact is that Evgenia Vladimirovich's powers will soon expire. Vladimir Putin appointed Kuyvasheva head of the region in May 2012, and elections will be held only on September 10. Therefore, without "I.O. Governor", we were not able to do with you in any case.

By the way, before the autumn in the area, the "Acting Responsive" prefix will be not only among Evgeny Kuivashev, but also in all ministers. However, it is not so important. The main thing is to work well.

Note that the current governor has repeatedly expressed the desire to go for a second term.

In the coming years, the Sverdlovsk region should be included in the top three regions of the leader, - promises Uraltsam Evgeny Vladimirovich. - The program "Five-year-old development" We are developing for a high-quality roaring region ahead. I am sure together we will be able to make the native area even stronger, competitive, more attractive for life.

Also for the post of governor of the Sverdlovsk region expressed a desire to fight the mayor of Yekaterinburg Evgeny Roizman. But his colleague is the city manager Alexander Jacob on the side of Evgenia Kuivashev.

Evgeny Vladimirovich owns the situation in the Sverdlovsk region, demonstrates a large luggage of knowledge about the region, has a solid experience in senior positions in local governments, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Ural Federal District. In addition, Yevgeny Vladimirovich has a strategic, comprehensive, comprehensive program "Five-Year-year-old development", aimed at achieving ambition purposes - the prosperity and well-being of each resident of the Sverdlovsk region, "said Jacob.

It says!

"Kuivasheva has the potential!"

For the Sverdlovsk region, this appointment is the best sign, "says the former Governor of the Middle Urals, a member of the Federation Council Eduard Rossel. "This suggests that the President of Russia appreciated the work of Evgenia Kuivashev as the governor over the past five years. It means that it has the potential to work in this post the next term. Through the past five years, the Sverdlovsk region against the background of other regions looked very good from the point of view of its socio-economic situation. The governor has consistently developed all our positive endeavors.

By the way

Evgeny Kuivashev - Personality Disclaimed. We collected a small photo crying to illustrate it:

Dossier "KP"

FULL NAME.: Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich

Place of Birth: The village of Lugovskaya, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District.

Career: In 2000, he became the chapter of the administration of the village Pojkovsky. In parallel, he taught the theory of state and the right to the Poovsk branch of the Tyumen State University. Since 2005, the head of the Tobolsk administration. Since 2007 - Mayor of Tyumen. 2011-2012 - Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District. From May 29, 2012 - Governor of the Sverdlovsk region