What is the name of the hybrid of bird cherry and cherry. Description and characteristics

Why are hybrids good? As a result of crossing the parental varieties, certain traits and properties of fruits that are of interest to a person are improved.

For example, bird cherry almost does not get sick, pests do not like cherries, and cherries are delicious.

And what happens when crossing? We will talk about this in this article.

Cherry-bird cherry hybrids

Knowledge is an amazing thing, it allows scientists to experiment where everything seems to be known. There is a capricious cherry with delicious berries and unpretentious bird cherry with astringent fruits. Isn't it possible best signs get two kinds in one by crossing them?

In the first half of the 20th century, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin was the first breeder to receive a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry. He called this hybrid Cerapadus, thanks to the addition of parts of the Latin words "cerazus" - cherry, "padus" - bird cherry. There is another option - Padocerus. The difference is in what kind of pollen the branch with flowers is pollinated. In Padocerus, the cherry blossoms are pollinated with cherry pollen, and in Cerapadus, the cherry blossoms received pollen from the cherry blossoms.

The Japanese bird cherry has become related to cherry, but the common bird cherry and the Virginian - American migrant - cannot be crossed with cherry.
The varieties created on the basis of hybrids of cherry and bird cherry have:

  • winter hardiness;
  • disease resistance;
  • large fruits.

Breeders are working to ensure that the fruits of the new varieties are arranged not one by one and in pairs, like a cherry, but like a bird cherry - with a brush.

Excellent varieties have been developed that combine cherry and bird cherry:

  1. Novella is a medium-ripening self-fertile cherry variety. Winter-hardy flowers and buds, not afraid of coccomycosis. Getting 15 kg of delicious, almost black berries from one tree is a reality.
  2. Rusinka - late grade... The annual fruiting of a self-fertile variety and up to 10 kg of sweet and sour fruits per plant attract gardeners.
  3. Padocerus M is a hybrid that has become the basis for breeding the Almaz cherry variety. Further work with this variety allowed the breeders to develop new varieties of cherries:, Aksamit, Korona, Firebird.

Take a note: Cerapadus is an excellent stock for thermophilic cherry varieties. Strong root system, resistant to cold winter, fast development and growth attracts gardeners with the opportunity to diversify their gardens with the cultivation of southern cherry varieties.

Plum Cherry Hybrids (SVG)

The genetic composition of cherry and plum is similar. Crossing of Peschanaya cherry and Ussuriyskaya plum gave a resistant plant, bearing fruit for 3 years.

Unlike ordinary plum and cherry varieties, the hybrid has improved characteristics.:

  1. The flowering period shifted by two weeks avoids frost damage.
  2. High productivity, fast annual fruiting.
  3. The decorativeness and neatness of low plants makes it convenient to arrange them in garden plantings... Do not shade other plants, look beautiful in compositions.
  4. Unpretentious: a stable root system, not afraid of drought.
  5. Plum and cherry give the fruit of the hybrids a unique taste. Universal use of the crop: fresh, harvesting and other processing methods.

Let's consider in more detail the best varieties SVG:

  • Hybrid Mainor- a dwarf plant of Canadian selection. In the second year, it bears fruit and pleases delicious fruits... The fruits are fragrant and fleshy. The plant does not freeze.
  • Gem- a tall plant. The original crown in the form of an inverted pyramid with a height of 2.3 m makes you wonder at natural fantasy.
  • Opata with raspberry fruits will force gardeners to substitute supports under the branches, otherwise a rich harvest will break them. The yellow-green flesh of twenty grams of fruit is sweet and juicy.
  • Omsk night... The shrub grows 140 cm, bears fruit in the second year. The bush in August is almost black from the abundance of fruits weighing 15-20 grams with an excellent sweet taste.
  • Far Eastern dessert... In the fourth year after planting, it will delight with the fruits of a thick burgundy color irregular shape... Weight up to 20 grams. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour. From one bush 18-20 kg - the harvest, you see, is impressive.
  • Amateur resembles the Far Eastern dessert.

Take a note: if there is an opportunity to purchase Hiawatha, Beta, Chinook, Sapa, Cheresote, Tsistena, cherry sliva should be planted on your site.

A bountiful harvest is possible when planting hybrids in pairs, one plant will not bear fruit. Perfect option- several varieties. plum and cherry are not pollinators for them. But, on the basis of which some varieties are derived, it will help pollinate the plants. The Opata variety is recognized as the best pollinator among hybrids.

How can you get planting material:

  • horizontal layers are obtained by bending the lower branch for rooting;
  • cuttings;
  • growing from seeds is undesirable. The gardener runs the risk of getting a specimen with impaired characteristics. There are exceptions, but the risk in this case is not justified;
  • cherry plum does not form root suckers, this breeding option is excluded.

Duke - this is the name of cherry and sweet cherry hybrids in honor of the May-Duke variety, which appeared in the 18th century in Great Britain. In beautiful and unusual trees combines vitality and productivity, disease resistance and the formation of tasty fruits.

The first variety in Russia was bred by the great Michurin more than 120 years ago.

The specimen was called Krasa Severa. Until the eighties of the last century, there were few dukes. Since the 90s, the work has revived, and breeders have bred high-quality fruit varieties. But there are no limits to creating the perfect hybrid, work continues.

Gardeners are already growing well-known varieties of dukes on their plots, such as: Ivanovna, Toy, Nochka, Dorodnaya, Alisa, Maisky Duke, Maiskaya, Sister, Chernavka,.

  1. When choosing a location, you should take into account the level of occurrence groundwater... If he is tall, they plant fruit tree on an embankment hill, high-quality drainage is required. The distance between plants is 2 meters. Acidic soils require the introduction dolomite flour, clayey - humus and river sand... A well-filled landing pit will give good start young tree.
  2. It is not worth feeding the seedling with nitrogen fertilizers in the early years, this will lead to excessive growth of shoots to the detriment of winter hardiness. But the introduction of ash, phosphorus and potash fertilizers when digging a trunk circle, it will affect the formation of a strong tree and the future harvest.
  3. Hybrids from stone fruit progenitors inherited a predisposition to fungal diseases.

Moniliosis affects flowers, leaves, shoots. In a few days, the tree can die (you can read about other cherry diseases). You can avoid damage to other trees by cutting and burning dead shoots, flowers and leaves. Complex treatment with chlorine oxide, ferrous sulfate, Bordeaux liquid will relieve the tree from disease, and gardeners from worries.

It is even difficult to list all the hybrids bred on the basis of cherries, but it is not at all difficult to grow several of them in your garden.

For a hybrid of cherry and cherry plum, see this video:

A unique stone fruit culture - a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry - has high quality indicators. The plant has inherited best properties parent specimens: frost resistance, immunity to fungal diseases, high yield, special taste.

general characteristics

The hybrid was bred by IV Michurin by crossing the Ideal steppe cherry variety and the Japanese Maak cherry variety. A specimen obtained by transferring pollen from bird cherry to cherry is called cerapadus. When the parent tree is bird cherry and the pollinator is cherry, a padocerus hybrid is obtained.

Plants are ultra resistant to frost. They endure even the most severe cold without loss. Cerapadus - a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry - is used as a rootstock for any varieties of cherry, sweet cherry, currant.

New varietal hybrids combined in themselves best qualities mother plants:

  • frost resistance;
  • excellent rooting of cuttings, powerful root system;
  • average height;
  • sugary, sweet fruits of large size;
  • high productivity.

Plants take root well in all regions of our country.

Description of varieties of cerapadus

Cherry and bird cherry hybrids are presented in several varieties.

  • Firebird.
  • Crown.
  • Long-awaited.

The varieties differ appearance, quality indicators of fruits, frost resistance. Care and growing conditions are standard for all varieties.

Medium ripening hybrid. It is a tall plant. Root system well developed. Differs in increased resistance to coccomycosis. The variety is partially self-fertile. To increase yields, cherries or cherries should be planted as pollinators.

The fruits are red-blue, almost black, shiny. Weight 5 g. Sweet, juicy, with a tart note. The nucleolus separates well from the pulp. The variety is used fresh, serves for the preparation of various winter preparations, compotes, liqueurs.

Medium-sized plant 2.5–3.5 m in height. Has a compact spherical crown. The variety is self-fertile, belongs to the most frost-resistant varieties, takes root even in the northern regions.

The berries are small, weight 3 g. The peel is thin, bluish-claret. The pulp is lighter and juicy by several tones. Possesses sweet and sour harmonious taste. The fruits tolerate transportation well. They are used mainly for the preparation of desserts, liqueurs, less often they are used fresh.


Compact plant up to 2.5 m in height. The crown is tightly compressed, dense. Differs in high productivity and average frost resistance. Recommended for cultivation in the central zone and southern regions.

Fruits are medium-sized, 4 g, round-heart-shaped, dense in structure. Skin color is dark coral. The pulp is juicy, very sweet.


Plants of this variety are tall bushes. They require arresting of the growth point. They are resistant to almost all diseases characteristic of cherries and bird cherry.

The fruits are arranged in groups. Medium size, 4 g. The pulp is sweet, with a refreshing, almost imperceptible sourness.

Long awaited

Plant height up to 2.5 m. Possesses good rooting. The crown is round, compact, dense. Fruiting is consistently high.

Fruits are dark cherry, large, 5–6 g. The flesh is brown-red, dense in structure, very juicy. The stone is large in size, well separated from the pulp.

Growing features

Cerapadus is undemanding to soil. It takes root well on medium fertile soils with a neutral acid reaction. For planting, it is better to choose an open, sunny area. The conditions for breeding and caring for cherry and bird cherry hybrids are similar to those for sweet cherries and cherries.

Only purchase seedlings from hybrid nurseries. Such plants are not very common among gardeners, so it is difficult to find high-quality planting material. Immediately look for a pollinator with flowering times similar to the selected variety.


Bird cherry and cherry hybrids are planted in autumn and spring until the buds swell, regardless of climatic conditions.

Almost all varieties of hybrids have sufficient frost resistance, therefore, during autumn planting, they manage to take root well before the first frost.

Planting pits are prepared 2–3 weeks before planting, the site for 6–7 months. It should be dug up, leveled, mineralized or organic fertilizers... The size of the landing pit is 60x80x80. Immediately before planting, the size of the pit is adjusted in accordance with the volume of the rhizome. When planting plants in a row, a distance of 3 m is maintained between them. A step of 3.5–4 m is made between the rows.

Immediately before planting, for 2 hours, the roots of the seedlings are immersed in clean, settled water or root solution. Prepare a nutrient mixture:

  • soil from the hole;
  • organic matter - 20 kg (humus, compost);
  • potassium and phosphorus or nitrophoska - 100 gr.

Stir the soil and pour it into the hole, forming a small tubercle on which the roots will be located. Holding the seedling with one hand, fill the hole in half, tamp the ground, fill the bucket warm water... When the liquid is absorbed, fill the hole completely and add 2 more buckets of water. Mulch the near-stem area with peat, non-coniferous sawdust, shavings, green grass.

Correct care

Cerapadus is completely undemanding to the conditions of care. Agricultural technology consists in the removal of weeds, stable regular watering, fertilization, and loosening of the tree trunk circle.

Young plants are watered every 2 weeks. After complete rooting, they switch to the regime 4 times a season. Top dressing is applied 1 time in spring, before flowering or as needed, based on the state of the plants. The first procedure is carried out 2-3 years after planting. Loosening of the soil is carried out after each watering. In spring and autumn, deeper cultivation is foreseen - 15–20 cm.

Formative pruning makes maintenance much easier. Typically, the growth point of cerapadus is stopped at a height of 60 cm, and 2-3 tiers of skeletal branches are formed. In each, 3-4 of the most powerful shoots are left, the rest are completely removed. Formative pruning is carried out for 3-4 years, in the spring, before the start of sap flow. After that, sanitary pruning is required, including measures to remove dried, damaged, growing inward, thickening the crown of the branches. The procedure is carried out in the autumn, in case of damage by diseases or pests - at any time of the year.

Diseases and pests

Hybrids are rarely exposed to diseases of a fungal nature, but they suffer from an invasion of pests:

  • cherry moth;
  • shield, false shield;
  • mealybug;
  • gray pocket moth;
  • sawfly beetle.

Pest control

Sucking pests (aphids, scale insects, pseudo-scale insects, mealybugs) are caught with special sticky traps, which are placed on the lower part of the pillar. The gadget is a piece of cloth smeared with honey or some other sweet, gooey substance. The affected leaves are washed with soap or tobacco solution. If the primary methods do not help, use insecticides "Aktara", "Fitoferm", "Iskra", etc. The solutions are made in accordance with the instructions, the treatment is carried out until the insects disappear completely.

The rest of the pests are fought mainly insecticidal agents: "Kinmix", "Fufanon". The affected branches, leaves, fruits are removed.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of diseases and pests is proper care... In spring and autumn, be sure to deeply loosen the soil of the near-stem circle. This allows you to destroy the larvae of insects hibernating in upper layers soil. It is better to whitewash the lower part of the trunk before the start of sap flow. The plant is treated with Bordeaux liquid several times a season:

  • to swelling of the kidneys;
  • after fruiting;
  • in the pre-winter period.

To fertilize and repel insects, the peri-stem circle is sprinkled with wood ash.


Frost-resistant, high-yielding hybrids are attractive not only for their quality indicators, but also for their appearance. The fruits are distinguished by an interesting, non-standard, harmonious taste. Suitable for processing and fresh consumption.

Novice gardeners may not know about the existence of cerapadus, but people who are experienced in these matters are aware that Michurin once crossed two types of plants and got a hybrid of Maaka bird cherry and Ideal cherry variety. This was done with the aim of grafting cherries winter-hardy properties bird cherry.

The name of the hybrids comes from the Latin names for cherry (cerasus) and bird cherry (padus). So, if cherry flowers are pollinated with bird cherry pollen, the word cerapadus is obtained, if on the contrary, then padocerus.

A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry - the best varieties

Breeders continued to search for the perfect match different varieties cherries and bird cherry, as a result, several varieties were obtained:

  1. "Novella"- a universal variety, has an increased winter hardiness of buds and flowers, as well as resistance to coccomycosis. It is a partially self-fertile variety, the ripening period is medium early. The fruit weighs up to 5 grams, is almost black in color, the yield from one tree is 15 kg.
  2. "Rusinka"- stands out for the winter hardiness of buds and flowers, is completely self-fertile, which ensures annual fruiting. The yield per tree is 8-10 kg. Ripening later. The fruits themselves are not very large - up to 3 cm, sweet and sour in taste, quite suitable for eating unprocessed, but for the most part they are processed.
  3. "Padocerus-M"- bird cherry-cherry hybrid, which served as a source for breeding the cherry variety "Almaz", which later became the ancestor of the famous variety "Kharitonovskaya". The result is further work selection experts were cherry varieties "Korona", "Firebird", "Aksamit".

Planting and caring for a hybrid of bird cherry and cherry

Caring for a hybrid of cherry and bird cherry with cerapadus practically does not differ from anything. They do not have special requirements for growing conditions, and also absolutely do not need additional protective measures against fungal diseases.

Planting hybrids is done by cuttings, since propagation by seeds (seeds) does not give the expected result due to the splitting of the parental traits, which leads to the manifestation of much worse traits than in the parental plants.

Cuttings should be planted on a loose mound to avoid excessive waterlogging and deep cold. It is imperative to provide an insulating pad and drainage: gravel, wood waste... You can start landing work with the onset of stable heat, when the earth is already warmed up enough.

About five years ago, a neighbor gave me seedlings of an amazing fruit tree called cerapadus. I had never heard of this before, but I took the seedlings. Then we just bought the plot, we still had to plant some trees. And now I am so grateful to my neighbor! It turned out to be a hybrid of Japanese bird cherry and steppe cherry, and Michurin himself bred it, who wanted to make bird cherry a cultivated tree. After all, bird cherry is from the Rosaceae family, which includes pears, apple trees, cherries, plums. There are so many benefits and beauty from this tree!

I remember that somehow in winter almost everything froze, but the cerapadus survived and began to bear fruit. The berries are more like cherries, only smaller - about a centimeter. True, not everyone likes them to the taste, but they seem pleasant to me, so sour. Most importantly, they are useful. They contain everything that is valuable in both berries. It is known that bird cherry is treated using various parts of the plant, stomach diseases, eye and lung diseases, and also rheumatism. It contains a lot of phytoncides - destroyers of microbes and various molds. And about cherries, even in ancient herbalists, they wrote that it refreshes and cleanses the body, fights well with microbes.

I learned all this when I tried my first crop from an unusual hybrid. I became especially interested in these berries when last fall everyone in the family fell apart due to an autumn cold. I did not have time to make any other blanks then, but these berries just ripened in September. I made an infusion of them and soldered my sick.

She took half a glass of fresh crushed berries, poured boiling water over them until the glass was full and covered with a lid. After 5 minutes, she filtered through a sieve, added 2 teaspoons of honey and gave her husband and son to drink.

Surprisingly, the temperature dropped very quickly. In general, a cold passes much faster if this infusion is drunk 2 times a day.

Of all useful properties I don't know the cerapadus. Probably, they have not yet been fully studied, I came across very little literature about him. But I think it's very healthy berries... This year I dried them for brewing in winter.

If possible, I advise you to have this amazing hybrid of bird cherry and cherry in the garden. They bloom beautifully, the eye rejoices in the spring. I wish you health.

Sinitskaya Elena

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