Games at a party for adults. Simple and fun games for New Year's Party Party Party Party Adult Houses

Understand what is drawn

Number of players: anyone. Additionally: Pre-prepared cards with tasks, handles, paper. The essence of the game is to portray the drawing of a given word (or a group of words), and the quality of the picture does not play any value, here the main thing is to try to convey the meaning of your "creation" as soon as possible.

Players are divided into two teams. The presenter invites in turns of representatives from each team. They pull the card at random cards with tasks and at the lead signal draw what they got, without saying not the words. The team tries to guess what the "artist" depicts. It is forbidden to write words and numbers, you can only draw. The team wins, which guessed more words.

You can cook sets of tasks on various topics:

  • homemade household objects (mirror, TV, coffee pot, painting ...)
  • food Products (Pizza, Banana, Ice Cream, Cutlet ...)
  • fabulous characters (inch, kikimora, fairy, nightingale-robber ...)
  • sports (Boxing, Figure Skating, Hockey, Basketball ...)
  • professions (accountant, janitor, fireman, teacher ...)

More complex options -

pail using emotion and feeling pictures:

  • delight
  • sadness
  • surprise
  • anger
  • pride, etc.

picture abstract concepts using drawings:

  • victory
  • wealth
  • education
  • poetry and others.

pail with drawings a short note addressed to a friend:

  • Call me tomorrow at 6 o'clock
  • Let's go in the evening to play football
  • Give me a birthday kitten
  • I got sick (a), I will not go to the cinema, etc.

pail with the help of the drawings the proverb (saying):

  • Work is not a wolf, the forest will not run away
  • According to clothes, they meet, and DR.

As you can see, you can think of a lot of tasks for drawing. Try, and you will definitely enjoy this creative game!

Guess, about whom I say

Number of players: even. Additionally: Leads for entries, knobs (pencils), box (hat).

This is a simple and fairly fascinating competition for associative thinking and smelting, you can spend it at the festive table. The presenter distributes small leaves and handles to all guests. They need to write on these sheets the names of various famous personalities, characters fairy tales, cartoons, etc. - 10-20 words. No one spies each other. The leaflets are folded and placed in a box (hat or something else) and mixed. Then players are divided into pairs and participate in turn.

The presenter of the stopwatch flows 1 minute, the player of the first couple pulls out of the box on one piece of paper and explains the personality of his partner that he got. The larger in 1 minute a person can explain the words of the characters, and his partner guess them, the better for their pair.

You can explain as you like, any words, most importantly - not to call out the name of the character himself; If accidentally spoke - the point is not counted. If a player cannot pick up the right wording or his partner cannot guess, they have the right to get the next task.

What to do if the same name comes across (and will it probably be)? Discuss in advance how to be in this case: can I repeat the description or not.

In the end, the results of the players who have the largest number of guessed characters are awarded.

Example. Suppose the player got the following characters: Pushkin, Alla Pugacheva, Piglet, Koschey Immortal. How to quickly explain to the team? For example, so: he wrote the novel "Eugene Onegin" (Pushkin); Primateonna of the Russian pop (Alla Pugacheva), a friend of Winnie Pooh (Piglet), a bony hero of fairy tales (blasting immortal).

Try it, this game is very gambling, she usually likes everyone very much.

Secret Thies

In advance you need to cook cards with glittered cuts from newspapers and magazines. Phrases may be as follows: "Why go for the night?", Or "It's time to look for a rich sponsor." What they will be witty, the better. During the game, leading with the words "And what does Elena think about Olga?", "What will Olga say to the retail one?", "And what is hesitated to say Natalia Tatiana?" Invites girls to pull at random card and read what is written there.

Remember and retelling

This is a more difficult version of the famous "spoiled phone" game.

The game involves one leading and 5-8 players (the more, the more fun), the rest of the guests are the audience. Players go out the door. The presenter causes the first one and expressively, not too quickly reads him in the presence of the audience a pre-prepared small story, consisting of 10-13 sentences. The task of the first player is to try to remember this text and retell it to the next player, who before that was behind the door. The second player, in turn, retells the third that he managed to remember. Etc. As a result, the last participant retells the ultimate interpretation to the audience. Usually (if, of course, this is not a meeting of the shorterkinds), the story varies very much to the end, so it turns out very fun!


The owner (mistress) of the party distributes opaque bags or envelopes to all guests, where small items (beads, coins, small buttons, beans, etc.) are placed in advance.), 15-20 pieces each. Then the game begins. Her essence: each participant walks around the room and offers rivals to guess the number of items in his fist, asking the question: "Even something?". If the opponent guess right, then takes the items located in the player's hand. Otherwise, he gives the same number of items from his envelope. If the player does not have items left, he drops out of the game. The game lasts 10-15 minutes, then the counting starts. The most successful "merchant" is wins - the player who has had the largest number of items.

Exactly the same

A pair is invited to participate in the game (the players of the couple are conventionally divided into "1" and "2"). Player "2" Assistant leader withdrawing the door and tie him a bandage to his eyes. At this time, the "1" player comes up with some unusual pose (you can stand, sitting on a chair and even lying). When he is ready, it is frozen in this position. Enter player "2". His task - blindfolded, to the touch to determine the posture that the player "1" accepted and copy it, i.e. Pictulate yourself. When he is ready, he opens his eyes. All compare the result. The game can be done as a competition between couples - who can better cope with the task.


One of the participants of the game comes out of the room, at this time all the rest are broken down on 3-4 groups according to any sign, for example, by age, in color of the eye, in detail of clothing, etc. The task of the returned player is to guess the sign that combines groups.

Detective in search of hidden words

The game begins with the choice of "Detective", then he is asked for some time to leave the room. At this time, the remaining players make a well-known proverb, a saying or a line from a famous poem (line from the song). Suppose the proverb "True's Trucks". This text needs to be divided into three parts: "True", "Eyes", "Coles, Cold." "Detective" returns, and he is told that "hidden" (riddled) the proverb and that, starting to find, he can ask three any questions to three any participants in the game.

The "detective" should guess that the text of the proverb is divided into three parts and that the first to whom he will appeal to the question should insert the beginning of the specified text into the response phrase, the second is a continuation, the third is the last part. Questions and answers can be anywhere, humor and originality are welcomed!

Possible questions and answers: "How many months a year?" - "say on truth I did not count"; "Your favorite hobby?" - "I love to consider eyes movie stars "; "What do elephants eat?" - "What Elephants eat, I don't know, but the squirrel knows how prick nuts. "

Games and fun. True, with age, our games are changing, entertainment and toys become different, and everyone has different. That's the games for holiday programs each chooses to your taste.

Here games are collected, which are especially good in the friendly drunk company. These are games for those who love on holidays to think, run in huge shorts or flops who love to laugh at themselves and over others.

Offered Funny contests for a close company- And to play them or not, you decide.

1. Cool contest "Captains".

Competition is funny for viewers, but somewhat is traumatic for participants. We need two men. They are dressing up in everything related to the maritime subject: Cooks, swimming glasses, inflatable children's circles, flippers, life jackets, binoculars and so on - this will be captains of long-range sailing.

Then we plant "captains" in plastic tases and give two vents in hand - they will be oars. The task of "sailing" from the start to the finish, as quickly as possible. To straight from the place, the players are allowed to repel and their hands, and the legs are literally from all that they will fall on the way.

Or an option without basins - then the task in the flippers and with binoculars to go through the barrier of obstacles.

2. Competition - drawing "River or Parent".

it . On the wallpaper strip, we draw a stream, that is, many, many winding blue lines and different fish. We call 3 participants and suggest it to move the streams with tied eyes, but so that no fish is crushed. The presenter constantly reminds girls about the fish, asks to be careful and widerly spread his feet - the girls, of course, obediently follow his instructions. When the girls pass "Rouhs", leading is not in a hurry to unleash their eyes, distracting them with comments on how they were "distance", at this time the man is stacked by the man face up or at all a video operator with a camera.

When the girls take off the bandage, and they look at the "streams" - the first reaction, at the sight of a lying man - embarrassment and shock, the leading should be explained after a while. Sometimes girls do not wait for clarifications, and just try to break the camera or the nose of the lead, be alert.

3. "Dedka for Rack" for a friendly company.

For a diversity, a cool game on a garden theme. The presenter invites couples that have a garden, cottage, etc.

From men we make a "bed": we offer them to sit on the floor, folding the legs in Turkish, and hiding the hands behind the back. Ladies will be "repanks". They sit down in the space between male legs and pull hands up like tails at repka. The role of grandfather - Michurinz, first plays a leading.

To sleep vigilance "Michurinets", passing through an improvised garden, begins to "rub" about the timely watering of the turnips and suddenly it is unexpectedly enough of one of the closest "repro" for the "tail" and pulls it on himself. If a man - "Grokeka" did not keep his "repankment", then the man becomes "grandfather", and the woman returns to the hall. Now this "grandfather" must improve the moment and pull out the "repankment" from someone else's "Circling".

Couple wins: "Girling" and "Rack", which will not be able to separate Michurinets.

4. "Recall the gold childhood"

This is a fun entertainment from the series - to an amateur. For him, you need to prepare a few "family" cowards of a huge size, pots, for the completeness of the picture you can and children's capes.

You put on this "beauty" on players who still sounds music - just dance. As soon as the melody silences, players must quickly sit on the pots in advance over the entire hall and screaming very loudly: "Mom, I'm all!".

Then award is awarded the audience of visual sympathies for the best reaction.

Sometimes from this joke, they arrange a team relay, the meaning of which is as follows: the first player of each team (dressed in large panties) runs in the opposite side of the hall, where pots are worth. Runs up, removes the panties, sits on a pot and shouts: "Mom, I'm all!". Then quickly puts on panties and runs to his team. There she takes off the panties and transmits the second player, that they put on and quickly do the same as the first player. Wins the most agile and fast team.

5. "Eastern Martial Arts".

Competition from the same series as the previous one, only in the style of the struggle of SUMO, and for him will need diapers for adults (more size) and balloons.

We invite two men, ready to undress to the belt. We eat them in diapers, and on the stomach with the help of bilateral Scotch Krepim one large or two small balls. In the process of struggle, they must burst these balls, pressing her belly to each other. Naturally - without hands. It is possible and limit the circle for them to fight (it is correctly called doha), over the border of which they will try to squeeze each other.

To improve interest, you can arrange several rounds and even take bets from the guests - fans. Of course, he wins, of course, one who will give up his balls faster or pouches the opponent with Doha.

6. "Running in shorts".

For this competition, except for two - three teams, you will need huge family panties. Each member of the team puts them on the start, comes to the finish line, it removes the panties and returns to the start line with the cowards in the hands. Thus, this wonderful part of the wardrobe turns into a relay wand.

The fastest team wins, whose participants will overtake rivals.

You can complicate the game and add the second round to it: first we do everything, as described above, and the second race occurs together in some shorts. Ran back and forth together? Add the third. In this case, the team should be no more than five people, but the panties will have to sew more.

The game on the "amateur": on the one hand, it is more fun of all to spend on the audured public, on the other - it may be unsafe for them.

7. "Sorry his teeth!"

A couple participate in the game, to begin with, they need to make the neck scarves to each other. Then we put the pair to each other face and offer with the help of the teeth alone to unleash these handkerchiefs. Who is faster, he won!

8. "Karapubuz"

This cheerful relay for men. Three - four volunteers are called from the hall. They are dressed in cape, breastphings, hang on the neck of the pacifiers and give a bottle with juice. Task: While the music sounds, they can drink juice through the nipple, as soon as the music is silent, "Karapubuza" should take a pawrant in the mouth and say loudly: "Nam-Yam!" repeatedly. The most important thing is that music and pauses alternate very quickly and were different in duration.

The winner is announced by one who will quickly drink juice. He is the main prize - a bottle of beer, the rest of the comforting prizes of rattles.

For greater comic and in his company, you can arrange this contest, for example, with eating porridge from children's pots

9. "Explosion" of emotions.

If there is a desire to shout loudly, then the presenter can spend such a funny game. The first pronounces very quietly word "g ...". The next should say a little louder, and so - on the increasing, while the last in the chain of participants does not have to yell from all over the power.

For more fun, you can have each incoming to meet the phrase; "Hello, and we waited for you" and again choir your favorite word. However, this game can be held with any sophisticated word, the main thing is that emotions grow with each pronouncing.

10. "Cheerful Football".

For this cool team competition, we get plastic bottles with a liter - a half and a half and fill them with two-quarters with water. We really do not recommend using glass dishes, so it can hurt the player and seriously injure.

So, you dial two teams with the same number of players. It can be mixed or only men's and only women's teams.

Tie the above-mentioned bottles to the belts of the participants so that the centimeters remained twenty - twenty-five to the floor. We give a soccer ball and denote the chairs of the gate on both sides of the room or hall. What do you need to do players? With the help of bottles, score the goal of the opponent's team. Moreover, strictly-setting is prohibited to kick the ball with your feet - only bottles go to the move (they need to use almost like a stick).

Arrange two half minutes of three - four. Be sure to appoint penalties - they will become additional comic moments. The result of the game is supplied as in ordinary football.

11. "Fighting in the chicken coop."

What do you need a cheerful company? Communication, music, dancing. And, of course, it is impossible to do active and cheerful people without contests and fun games. Steep contests with an interesting production will help each of the company to express themselves in all its glory. Sea of \u200b\u200blaughter and bright emotions, flight of fantasy and glowing the body, - that's what is waiting for a funny company during the competition program.

Sports contests

At any holiday sometimes you need "Shake". For guests from Mala to Great to Great and not bored, there are energetic and fun sports contests. In a team or single game, every guest celebration will be able to feel like a true athlete and win the medal of fame.

In order for the women's holiday to manage, we propose to include our fun and good contests in the program. Check the intellectual, vocal abilities of the weak floor and determine the level of sense of humor will help our amusing tasks. Try.

Competitions for a holiday

How to entertain guests at the festival, when dancing are tired, but there is no longer to eat? You can, of course, show albums with photos and share stories from life or arrange a joint viewing of movies, but it is much better to organize the evening of contests and competitions that are diverse leisure and children, and adults.

Contests in nature

Fun in nature and so guaranteed by the company, because clean air, which fills the lungs and brain, dope and inspires. And if adding some simple but fun competitions to this, then the causation in nature will be remembered for a long time to all participants of the event.

Paging contests

As a rule, at the table, guests are going after moving contests or incendiary dances to breathe and relax, and therefore feasting contests are calmer, but no less fun. In addition, it is at the table that you can get acquainted with a closer look and find out each other. Judge for yourself.

Competitions on corporate

Corporate events and shared holidays are designed to rally the team, make it friendly. A cheerful atmosphere contributes to this very much. Make a variety, add even more brightness, laughter and jokes will help funny contests and original contests.

Riddles for the New Year

Uniquely original and truly valid riddles for the new year will join adults and children. These fun guarantors of a good mood will make the course of the holiday to interesting and will not let anyone get bored! Choose the most beautiful of them and surprise relatives and friends.

Riddles for holidays

Any holiday is fun and joy, smiles and laughter, dancing and songs. But when the guests and got well, and merrily danced, the time comes for more relaxed entertainment. An excellent option for such a pastime is interesting riddles. Each guest of the celebration will be able to show its smelter and intelligence, dexterity and possibly even creative thinking.

Each participant of the competition is issued on the monetary bill. At the signal of the leading participants throw up the bills up and begin blowing on them so that they flew forward and do not fall on the floor. But if still the bill fell, you should not despair, because you can go down to the knees and continue to blow on it so that she in turn moves forward.
Participant whose bill will be promoted as far as possible, wins.

Baba Yaga

Players are divided into two teams and are built into the ranks. Players standing in their ranks are first, a velter and bucket are awarded. The mop must take in my right hand, to stick to the bucket and hold it with your left hand. In such a state, the player must run away the intended distance, and then transfer its equipment to the following.
That team will win whose players will cope with the task.

Female sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are handed bananas and a bowl with ice cream. The task of each of the girls is to eat an ice cream banana. However, it is not worth a hurry, because in the competition the main artisticity. When determining the winner, the presenter addresses the guests who choose the best girl.

Cheerful balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is issued an air ball and thread. Thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should attach the end of the thread and arbitrarily descend down.
In addition, the stationery button is attached to the forehead of each player up. You can do this with a patch. Each player must literally burst the opponent's ball. Whose ball burst, he drops out of the game. Who won, he won.

Presentation in 3-d

This competition will deliver a lot of fun and joyful emotions and viewers, and the participants themselves. The participants form teams of 4-5 people. Each team chooses his phanta, which will indicate them to a certain situation that they should show in 3rd. For example, relaxing at the Mor: Someone shows the hands of the Choices and voiced by their screams "My My", someone imitates the sea gentle breeze, someone voiced the splash of sea waves, and someone shows a bright glow from the sun. Situations in the phantas can be completely different, for example, flight into space, morning in the forest and so on. Whose team will show the best 3-d view, the team and will receive your prize.


In the center of the hall put a small indoor church, preferably with milking branches. Heads raised all over the tree, on the back of which wishes are written. Each of the participants take turns tie their eyes and ask to remove one of the leaves.
After that, the player must fulfill the desire that was written in the leaflet.

Find Orange

The master announces the competition and its conditions: before each participant of 3 boxes (which are not transluted and completely closed), the hole is made in each box, in one of the boxes hidden an orange (apple) and in one of the boxes are sitting, for example, spiders or worms (But, in fact, there are no spiders). According to the team "Start", each participant should push his hand into all its three boxes and faster than others to find an orange. Someone from the guests, but, most likely, everyone will not immediately decide to drink the hand, knowing that the "unpleasant" creatures are sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, who first find orange, he won. And at the end, the guests themselves guess, and the presenter will confirm that there were no worms and spiders. And the participant who will be able to overcome their fears faster than others and find an orange, the prize is relied.

That more couple

Guests are divided into pairs. Each couple takes the back to the back to the back. Sitting on the floor, hacking each other's hands. Without changing the position and not extinguishing the hands, on the "Start" command, the pairs should get to their ball (air), which is at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. A couple that will cope with such a fun task faster, will become the winner.

What is my head?

Each participant in turns tie his eyes and put on the head on 5 different items, for example, a book, spoon, calcination, coin, keys, ball, candy, bank, and so on, and participants must guess that they have on their heads. Which of the guests can recognize all 5 "their" objects, he will receive a prize.


New Year's contests at the table - the opportunity to have fun, not rising from the chairs. A large selection will allow you to choose cool and funny contests. Depending on where you are celebrating. On the corporate party, behind the family table or in the company of friends. Be sure, the New Year's fun will be remembered by each party party.

Funny New Year's contests at the table 2020

Funny New Year's competitions at the table help to have fun. Mix and have fun. A relaxed atmosphere reveals creative talents of guests, brings together a team.

Roleplay "Rack"

The number of participants is 7, plus one lead. It is desirable that the participants at the table can be next to each other. Alternatively, you can call those who want to scene. The role-playing game involves replaying the famous Russian fairy tale "Rack". In a fun company, the game passes with a bang. The presenter prepares 7 pieces of paper. Each of them writes the name of the role. Repka, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. Next to the title should write words. Participants explain that when they will say their role, they must express these words.

Words for roles:

  1. "Rack" - "both-on".
  2. "Grandfather" - "killed."
  3. "Grandma" - "oh-oh-oh".
  4. "Granddaughter" - "I'm not ready."
  5. "Bug" - "Gav-GAV".
  6. "Cat" - "Meow-Meow".
  7. "Mouse" - "Pi-Pi".

Each participant pulls his piece of paper from the header. Stand on a fairy tale - repka, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. The game begins. The host reads the text of the fairy tale, and the participants say their replicas when the lead will utter the name of their role.

Tales text:

"I planted my grandfather (the 2nd player would kill) repka (1st player - both). Rose repka (1st player - both-on) is a big sort. The grandfather came (the 2nd player would kill) pull the repka (the 1st player - both-on), pulls, pulls, can't pull out. I called my grandfather (the 2nd player would kill) a grandmother (the 3rd player - oh). Grandma (the 3rd player -h(2nd player would kill), Dedka (the 2nd player would kill) for repka (1st player - both-on), pull-pull, can't pull out. Etc.

I called grandmother granddaughter. Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull, can not pull out. I called the granddaughter of the bug. Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for Rust. Tent-pulled, can't pull out. Cook a bug cat. Cat for a bug, bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka. Tent-pulled, can't pull out. Call a cat mouse. Mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for a repka. And pulled out the repka! That's the fairy tale, and who listened - well done.

Another word option for roles:

  1. "Rack" - "both-on".
  2. "Grandfather" - "T-EX".
  3. "Grandma" - "killed."
  4. "Granddaughter" - "I'm not ready."
  5. "Bug" - "Rr-p, flea tortured."
  6. "Cat" - "And I myself am."
  7. "Mouse" - "Pi-Pi, I want to write."

The game "Who is the coolest?"

The presenter chooses 5 male participants. Offers them a plate with boiled eggs (screwed). Participants say that one of the eggs is raw. It offers everyone to choose one egg and split it about your forehead. With each broken egg, the tension of participants is growing. At the end, everyone is announced by winners.

"I promise" (45 options for answers)

The game "I promise" has many variations. The most funny when guests pull the paper with already written promises. The presenter comes up to each guest in turn. Stretches a box or a jar with twisted pieces. The guest reads a promise from a piece of paper.

Promises are written a wide variety. Comic game, therefore, some answers are funny. Exemplary inscriptions:

  1. I promise to marry this year.
  2. I promise to marry in the new year.
  3. I promise this year no longer marry.
  4. I promise to call the North Pole in the new year.
  5. I promise to dance this year with the boss.
  6. I promise to come up with a new project.
  7. Stop it 100 times on the day to look in the mirror.
  8. I will no longer worry.
  9. I'll start telling vulgar jokes.
  10. I'll call the former drunk.
  11. I will remember often call your husband to work.
  12. I will refuse sweet. I will drink semi-sweet.
  13. I will come up with a new experience. I use a friend as a experimental rabbit.
  14. I will start saving water. I will walk to wash your friends.
  15. I will not go on social networks. Every day I will call friends by phone.
  16. I promise to buy new socks my husband.
  17. I promise to throw some hole socks.
  18. I promise to do vocals. To begin with - in the shower.
  19. I will bring up children. Not only your own.
  20. I will begin to fight with all fears. Not only with its own.
  21. I promise to lose weight by the summer. 2035.
  22. I promise not there are more chocolates. And less too.
  23. I promise not to scold friends for drinking. I will head them.
  24. Rent on rights and buy my wife a car. Washing.
  25. I will learn to show focus with the discharge of reporting for the year.
  26. Start fat. For your grandmother.
  27. I'll do sports. I will start with pastel mode.
  28. I promise to finish the work unfinished for the year. At least in 2007.
  29. I will fill with harmonies of joy. From chocolate.
  30. I swear to do not work at the weekend.
  31. I will praise yourself more often. I am perfect (Aya).
  32. I promise to plant a cat on a diet. First on sour cream.
  33. I promise to call less on the phone. At least for someone else.
  34. I'll start mastering yoga.
  35. I will start playing sports.
  36. I will start the daily block on the Internet.
  37. I promise to count the costs for the month. I will start to save on vacation in Africa.
  38. I will read books more. At least in the toilet.
  39. I promise to plant a tree, build a house. In the online farm.
  40. I'll start doing charging. I will charge from coffee with a cola.
  41. Paint the hair into the blonde.
  42. I will stop asking for a duty of friends. I will ask for colleagues.
  43. Rearrange to postpone cases in the "Long Box". Head "New Box".
  44. I promise to stop watching TV shows and soap operas.
  45. I will find the work of the dream. At least someone else's dreams.

"New Year's face" (the projector will need)

Another name of the competition is a photo studio. The essence - everyone pulls the piece of paper on which it is written what you need to portray face. You can use emotions, facial expressions. Or pull the ears, nose. Whatever, if only it was ridiculous. The presenter comes to the participant with the camera, a camera or smartphone and photographs. Photographic equipment must be connected to the projector so that the pictures immediately saw all guests of the holiday.

Roles for participants for inscriptions on papers:

  1. Forgetful Santa Claus.
  2. The messenger snowflake.
  3. Frivolous Snow Maiden.
  4. Dancing Chunga Chang.
  5. Cheerful Baba Yaga.
  6. Northern deer without horns.
  7. Hungry Santa Claus.
  8. Snowman on the sea.
  9. Sleepy Snow Maiden.
  10. Sly Koschey Immortal.
  11. Rear-year tree.
  12. Capricious princess.
  13. Strong bogatyr.
  14. Those frozen snowman.
  15. Smiling mouse.
  16. Tired New Year's rats.

"What is in my pants?"

Pre-lead presenter prepares journal and newspaper cuts with ambiguous phrases, words. At the holiday, the presenter is suitable for guests with an envelope in the form of pants. Invites them to pull out a piece of paper. The guest begins a replica from the words "I have in pants ...". And ends with a phrase or word with a piece of paper.

"News from next year"

Competitors are issued paper with written words. They should group words into an interesting news from the New Year. Must be funny. The participant must try to use all words from a piece of paper. Exemplary set of words for 5 cards:

  1. Mat, zoo, washing, snake.
  2. Japan, Oranges, Handball, Girls.
  3. Delmeni, Olympiad, Square, Scab.
  4. Nettle, beard, snowman, bike.
  5. Mandarins, barrier, football, fishing rod.

Games for the New Year's Table

Games for the New Year's table allow you to better know each other. Cheerful company and interesting contests are the perfect recipe for the New Year holiday. And must be the lead or Tamada. He sends a holiday in the right direction. Prepares props, costumes, gifts.

Cool greeting game

General congratulations from colleagues. Everyone says some interesting adjective. For example, the sunny-star, the company, worse, playful, terrible, exploding, enchanting, ghostly and the like. The presenter enters the words in order of congratulation. Then reads guests.

Congratulations text:

"In one _________________________ The country in ______________ The city was _____________ boys and _______________ girls. They lived __________, they communicated one _________________ Company. And they gathered in ____________________ days in _______________ place together. And began to celebrate the offensive ___________________ new year. So let them sound _____________ toasts, fight ____________________ glasses, shed __________________ Drinks, sound ___________________ words, on people will be ___________________ smiles. I want to wish you all so that the new year was for everyone ________________________, the tables were broken from ________________ snacks, at home was filled ________________ wealth. Let your ________________ desires come true, dreams become ________________ reality. And the work will be ___________________. Let you surround ______________ friends, loved ones give _________________ Joy and surround you ___________________ care. I wish you sailing on the ship _____________ Happiness, ________________ love and __________ joy.

New Year's wishes

For this game, the lead will have to prepare in advance. You should inflate many, many balls. It is advisable to inflate the helium, gas that will raise balls to the ceiling. Each ball should be tied a long thread. So that the thread hung to guests and it would be easy to get, stretching up the hand. To the bottom of the thread should be tied a folded piece of paper with wishes.

Paper inscriptions:

  1. In the new year the road is waiting for you.
  2. Soon you will head your baby soon.
  3. In the new year you will be the most stylish.
  4. Buy a car.
  5. Good luck will accompany in all matters.
  6. Boldly buy a lottery ticket. Must be a story.
  7. Get big money.
  8. Go to the sea.
  9. Waiting for a meeting with long-standing friends.
  10. Will be in the family add.
  11. Waiting for a plane ticket.
  12. You will have a new job.
  13. Do not miss all year.
  14. Return an old friend.
  15. The luck is waiting for you around.
  16. Someone in love with you.
  17. Wait for a gift for the day of lovers.
  18. Take a luck on the personal front.
  19. Soon you will find the sponsor.
  20. Does not leave you luck.
  21. Many kids give up.
  22. All year live in fun.
  23. Love will decorate all my life.
  24. Joy awaits where you are not waiting.
  25. Waiting for wealth around the corner.
  26. There will be a lot of joy.
  27. Soon the big lucky.
  28. You fly to Canara.
  29. Fate Surprise is preparing.
  30. Life without alarms.

Balls should be placed so that they are under the ceiling smoothly above the tables or over the guests. Everyone at any time can get his wishes and read. It is important that the wishes are more than guests. This is the decoration of the hall, and the New Year game.

Phanti from the header

Guests are invited to pull out a piece of paper from the header. Picture what is written in it. On the papers from the cap can be written as follows:

  1. Washing 5 times.
  2. Rogablish a pregnant dog.
  3. Stroke yourself on the head.
  4. Stroke a neighbor's head.
  5. Kiss a neighbor on the cheek.
  6. Move the authorities.
  7. Drink a full wineglass.
  8. Picture as shouting gorilla.
  9. Picture as screaming parrot.


In the game about the tsiferki master asks to guests questions. Those must respond monosyllars by saying any number. Examples of questions:

  1. How old are you?
  2. In which house do you live in?
  3. How many times a day you eat?
  4. How many fingers do you have on your left hand?
  5. How old is your spouse (spouse)?
  6. How many times have you stayed in school for the second year?
  7. How many wine glasses drank today?
  8. After which the bottles will sleep in the salad?
  9. How many teeth do you have?
  10. How many beer liters can you drink in the evening?
  11. How many minutes sleep at night?

Another version of this game. The lead distributes papers to guests. Those must write a favorite number or digit on paper. You can write a sequence of numbers or numbers. The presenter sets questions. Guests must say in response to the figure, which is written from them on a piece of paper or show a piece of paper.

Toast "Who was born?"

The lead asks for guests, who was born in January? Those who were born this month get up, pronounce a toast. So the presenter moves throughout all 12 months of the year. The competition is not called. Just a prime option to hang people, and a good opportunity to drink.

"Crocodile in New Year's"

The crocodile is played by New Year's also, as in the classical version. But participants show something new year. For example, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree decorated, ice or something like that. The lead writes the name of the role on a piece of paper that the participant pulls. After that, he is trying to explain his role without words. Guests shout loudly versions.

Game with soap bubbles

Three people participate. Two direct participants, one lead. Participants sit on the chairs opposite each other. The presenter sets questions, the answers to which can be "little", "a lot" or numbers. After the question to one of the participants, he blows into soap bubbles. If there are many bubbles, then the answer is "a lot." If there are few bubbles, the answer is "little".

  1. Do you work a lot during the day?
  2. Have you worked a lot throughout the year?
  3. How many work duties do you have?
  4. How many ballpoints did you write for the year?
  5. How many hours for the year did you sit in the smoking room?

Funny contests for New Year's corporate

At the end of each competition, each participant must receive a gift. A small surprise that will remind you about a fun holiday. What could it be? Small features of the symbol of the year, magnets, calendars, candies, chocolate coins.


"Who is superfluous on the ball?"

The presenter chooses several players. The situation is announced "they fly in a balloon, which is blown away. So that the ball is not blown away, you need to throw a ballast. Who is superfluous on the ball? ". Participants in turn say why they should be left on the ball. Argued by your skills, professional advantages, experience. In the process of voting, the rest of the guests decide who to leave on the ball. Those who threw off is offered to drink a stack of vodka. Or any other alcohol. A few stacks with different liquids or mineral water can be put on the dish.

Victorina New Year

The presenter sets questions to guests sitting at the table. Those respond. Who will answer more questions, won and worthy of the prize.

Questions for quiz with answers:

  1. What is the found holiday, where it is impossible to know the participants? (Masquerade)
  2. What is the name of a snowman spouse? (Snow Baba)
  3. What is the name of Santa Claus in Belarus? (Zyuzya)
  4. What is the name of Santa Claus in Finland? (Jollupukki)
  5. What is the name of the second new year in Russia? (Old)
  6. Why gives Santa Claus gifts to children? (per verse)
  7. What makes Santa Claus get their gifts? (from a red bag)
  8. Who lives in an ice hut on the edge of the forest? (Winter)
  9. What is the winter knocking passersby from the legs? (Ice)
  10. How do you dance near the Christmas tree? (Water dance)
  11. What is the name of the snowy doll on the playground? (Snowman)
  12. Who is the easiest beauty and winter and summer? (Christmas tree)
  13. What does the sky goes on the New Year's Eve? (Fireworks or Salute)
  14. Who goes, flies, spins, falls from the sky in winter? (Snow)
  15. Sharp, prickly, from heat weeping? (Icicles)

"Remember the alphabet"

The first guest rises at the table and pronounces toast. The first word of the toast should begin on the first letter of the alphabet, on "A". The next sitting guest remembers the toast on the letter "b". Thus, all guests must pronounce one to one toast, remembering the letters of the alphabet.

"Toast with an abbreviation"

Each participant at the table is issued a piece of paper with an abbreviation of some structure. He must come up with this word toast and pronounce. After that, drink, of course.

Abbreviations for the competition:

  • TASS;
  • Mi-6;
  • Mossad;
  • Traffic police;
  • NKVD;
  • OGPU.

"What's in the box?"

The presenter pulls into the center of the hall box. Previously, no one seen, there are several gifts in it. Guests beyond the tables will ask questions about items. Who guesses, he gets the subject as a gift.

Sample List of Gifts:

  1. Toy - symbol of the upcoming year.
  2. Box of color pencils.
  3. Big Orange.
  4. Inflated or blown balloon.
  5. A bouquet of flowers is small.

Approximate questions:

  1. What color is it?
  2. Is it a living or not alive?
  3. Is it soft or solid?
  4. Is it for fun or to stand on the table?
  5. Is it edible or not?

"Alphabetical New Year's Christmas tree"

Each of the guests is invited to come up with an adjective alphabet for a certain letter. Move through a chain. Begins the extreme at the table, then his neighbor. Finishes the last guest. The first is telling the adjective "A" letter. The adjectives are completed, as well as the alphabet, on the letter "I".

"News from childhood"

Several guests are offered on paper to write the name of the thing that reminds them of childhood. You can list a few things or write offers. Then the lead takes the papers and reads out loud. The rest of the guests should guess who wrote what note.


Competition "Unexpected Cocktail"

4 people and 1 leading participate in the competition. The participants are tied eyes. Prepare the dark thin scarves in advance so as not to lubricate cosmetics from women's faces. Alternatively, only men can be invited as participants. So, 4 people blindfolded rose from the table. The presenter puts opposite each participant on a glass or festo. Gets from the table bottles with alcohol. Immediately think about how many bottles will be. It usually grabs 3 or 4. For example, vodka, champagne, white wine, martini. The presenter indicates the first glass then on the bottles in turn. And he asks for the guests: "Pour it in this glass?". Guests are answered. If yes, the presenter pours a little specified alcohol into a glass. So the presenter is held in all four glasses. Everyone offers to pour from each of the prepared bottles. Guests have the right to answer yes or not. At the end of the competition, participants unleash their eyes, they utter a New Year's toast and drink an unexpected cocktail out of their full Fozhar.

"A sandwich"

Similar to the previous contest. 2-3 people stand from the table. They tie their eyes. The second half of the participants are invited. They are preparing for a favorite unexpected sandwich. For culinary fancy prepare a table with plates. On plates bread, cutting cheese and sausages, sprats, fruits, alcohol. From all this, sandwiches are made to choose from. Participants with closed eyes should eat on the sandwich and determine what it consists of.

Competition "Snowballs in the goal"

Competition like the game "arrows". Several participants (4-5 people) are built in the hall. At a distance from them (about 8-9 steps, it is possible more) Clean buckets or empty office urns. Each participant is issued a package with snowballs. As snowballs, use crumpled paper - sheets A4. Or small plastic christmas balls. Further turns on valve music for 1 minute. Who will throw snow in the buckets more, he won.

"To the touch"

Competition for couples. Several people sitting on the chairs. 3-4 men. They sit on the chairs next to each other. Their companions or wives are issued by the mittens. Women tie their eyes. Each of them in turn puts on the hand a mitten. Takes up every man trying to recognize her. Who chooses, it becomes. The feeling zones are better to discuss in advance. Roles can be changed. Women will sit, and their satellites-men feel their satellites.

"Lunohod" or "Marshod"

Select in advance which space object will participate in the game. Lunohod or rover. The perfect game for drunk participants. The first wisp goes to the hall, rises on a squat. It goes so, seriously pronouncing the words "I - Marshod 1, I am a Marshod 1 ...". The next who laughs, gets up first in the circle. Also in squatting goes in a circle, saying, "I am a mercier 2, I am a rover 2 ...". And so on, while the number of participants does not exceed 5-6 people.

"Dress me in the mittens"

2 or 3 pairs (man and woman) are invited to the hall. The essence of the game - a man should wear and fasten the classic shirt on a woman. Men's hands must be dressed in winter mittens.

Competitions with access to the scene

For competitions on the stage, the most liberated or most drunk guests are caused. For the rest of the guests, the view will be even more interesting if the participants will not be shy.

"I blindly blind from what was"

Competition for couples. Girls are provided with attributes for dressing partner. The one wins, who has the parquet, will be the most beautiful and can concern that nothing fell. As attributes we offer to take the following accessories:

  • new Year's tinsel of different colors;
  • plastic Christmas balls (single balls or sets);
  • cosmetics with glitter, sparkles.

"Get into the goal"

Old as the world contest, but works on each corporate party. Men to the belt belongs a thread with a pencil at the end. They for a while under fun music should get a pencil into an empty bottle. Bottles are set near each participant.

"Who managed, he jumped"

A converted game with chairs. No furniture on the scene. 5-6 major strong men come out. And 7-8 women. The main thing is that women were 1 less than men. It is advisable to choose more worst women. This is a question not etiquette, but the health of men. 😊 Male representatives are built into the circle. Women stand around them with a chain back. Starts perky music. Women run or walk around men to music. As soon as the music ends, each woman should be on the hands of a man. That, which turns out to be without a partner, leaves the scene. Then one man is removed. Game continues.

Funny moment. When 2 girls and one man remain on stage, you can make a joke. While women stand back, a man must move away. When the music starts, the girls will turn, but there are no men. Will run behind him to win. Guests are widowed by this spectacle.

"Prize to count three" (or triple trap)

Two goes on the scene. Between them put a chair with a gift. They are invited to pick up a gift according to the scheme "Who is faster" about "three". As soon as they hear from the lead word "three," must pick up a gift.

Words leading:

"I'll tell you a story

One and a half dozen phrases.

Only I will say the word "three",

The prize immediately take!

Once pike we caught,

Considered what inside.

Small fish saw,

And not alone, but as much as ... seven.

Dreams of a challenged guy

Become an Olympic champion

Look, at the start not the fuck,

And wait for the team "Once, two ... march"

When you want to remember poems,

They are not bubbling until late night,

And about them to repeat,

Time, different, and better ... five.

One train at the train station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you have taken the prize.

I put you a grade "Class!".

"Chair as a gift"

2 participants are called on the scene. They are issued in a chair. As well as boxes with packaging paper, scotch, scissors. There may be bows, ribbons, decorations. Participants will have to be for 30-60 seconds (time chooses a lead) decorate the chair, wrap it in the gift paper.

"Dresses Santa Claus"

Most likely, the holiday will not be Santa Claus. Of course, if this is not a costume party. 2 women, 2 men are called to the scene or in the hall. Leading gives girls a set of clothes of Santa Claus. Plus needed cosmetics, cotton beard, red nose. Girls to the music for 1 minute should dress the best Santa Claus. Who won, the guests will decide.

"Princess on the Pea"

Guests are planted on the chairs. Pre-at the chairs are styling outsiders. The remote control from the TV, a small solid apple, a spoon, saucer. The guest must understand what he sat down. Time game. Who will faster will understand what sits, won. In this case, an unknown subject can not be concerned with hands or somehow pry.

Important! You can not put on the chairs what is easily crushed. Otherwise, costumes and dresses are spoiled. There will be no New Year's mood here.

Dance contests

Some contests are good to do dance. Participants will perform uncomplicated movements, and to repeat the guests at the table at the tempo of the music.


To the music (find thematic music easily by the name "Macarena" "LOS Del Rio) People on stage or on the dance floor perform movements for leading to the account:

1 - Right hand pull forward;

2 - pull the left hand forward;

3 - put the right hand on the left shoulder;

4 - put the left hand on the right shoulder;

5 - Right hand to remove the head;

6 - to remove the left hand over your head;

7 - put the right hand on the right thigh;

8 - remove left hand to the left hip;

9 - twist the hips.

Dance Quiz

Questions about dancing. It turns out that the participant who answered correctly tries to show the dance on his example. Leading will have to get tangle of dance melodies from questions and mysteries:

  1. He was born in America, as it is called? (Cha-cha-cha)
  2. The main dance of the carnival in Brazil. (Samba)
  3. Fire dance, passionate. You are now so beautiful, do not stand, like a cabinet, but stoney to us ... (Rumba)
  4. This dance is the most proud. Dancing in huge and front halls. But now he almost disappeared. (Polonaise)
  5. In what dance couples move circling like snowflakes? (Waltz)
  6. What is the famous Ukrainian dance called? (Hopak)
  7. Hot spanish dance. (Flamenco)
  8. What is the name of the classic dance of the peoples of the Caucasus? (Lezginka)
  9. What dance paired from Poland? (Krakowak)
  10. Women's dance, where legs are taken and highly drowned out? (Cancan)
  11. What is the name of the vintage dance similar to the waltz? (Padegras)
  12. What is the name of the fruit dance of sailors on the ship? (Apple)
  13. What dance do you need shock moving legs? (Chechet, step)
  14. The name of the famous Greek dance. (Sirtaki)

"Balls in the pants"

Requisites - a lot of inflated balls, large wide colored pants (2 pairs). Two men are called on the scene. They put on pants. As competitive clothes, it can be anything. Even a big snowman costume. To the music they are offered to dance and impose as many balls as possible in their pants. Wins the one who in the pants will be more balls.

"Pictures of the train"

Couples (man and woman) are invited to the scene, from 6 to 8 people. They are invited to improvise. Show movements, gestures, faithful movement of vehicles. Select the train, plane, personal car, taxi, sapsan.

"Horror around the tree"

Several people are invited to the scene or in the hall. 4-5 people. They are asked to dance around the Christmas tree, portray roles. And the Christmas tree will also be a person. This is one of the roles. As a result, the "Christmas tree" dances in the center of the hall. Around her guests depicting the hedgehog, bunny, wolf, fox. The roles permissible to come up with others. For example, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Kolobok. Christmas tree - a constant character.

New Year contests for the whole family at the table

In New Year's competitions for the whole family, children can be involved, even very small. At the table for kids little entertainment, except for eating sweets and mandarins. And games will help to take children and discharge the furnishings among adults.

The game "What to do?"

The game is suitable for mid-evening when all family members have already slept a little. Then they give non-standard funny answers. So, the presenter asks the players questions. They must answer unusually. It turns out if you triple such a game among children.

  1. What if the cat dropped the dressing christmas tree?
  2. What if under the New Year there is no tangerines in the store?
  3. What if you are stuck in the elevator?
  4. What if the dog ate all the New Year gifts?
  5. What if you were accidentally locked at home, and went on vacation?
  6. What to do if there is no Olivier on the table on the table?
  7. What if Santa Claus came without gifts?
  8. What if the Snow Maiden is lost?

The participant who came up with the most cheerful answer won. In the case of children, there are no losers. All kids should be given a sweet gift.

Come up of grandmother Snow Maiden

Everyone knows that Santa Claus has granddaughter. And who could be his wife or companion? Task for big and small - to come up with my wife Claus. Who she looks like her name. Let the participants come up with the most detailed history. The best story is honored chocolates.

Mathed heart of a snow queen

Competition participants are issued with small ice floes. They will have to prepare in advance. In the ice tanks to freeze the water gradually. You can play one or in a team. The team wins the team that melt the ice faster is faster.

Playing a tastor or "What is my mouth?"

The play in the taster is appropriate and on a family festival, and on the working corporate. The essence of the game is to tie the eyes to the participants, shove them into the mouth of some unusual food. They should determine as accurately as possible that they have in their mouths. As food, you should choose what is not for the tables. Good use exotic fruits, unusual cheese.

Received on the fly or "Beauty will save the world"

Game number 1. Before the game presenter prepares the envelope. It will include paper paper cuts (Different color shoes). In the color of the paper chosen objects of clothing. Clothes hides in a bag, a box or an opaque container. It is announced that the guests are all beautiful, but can become more beautiful. The presenter offers guests to choose one piece of any color. During the color of the paper, the guest gets clothes that should put on himself. At the end of the game, guests get surprisingly beautiful, and, of course, are funny.

Game number 2. The second version of this game. For seating at the table, guests presenter transmits a bag with different clothes. It is good to use all sorts of devices from the jokes store. Multicolored noses, ears, mustache, rims with interesting attributes, tinsel. Under the music, the bag is transferred from the guest to the guest from hand to hand. When the music is interrupted, the one who turned out to be a bag, should be rapidly pull something out of the bag. And wear it on yourself. With the interruption of music, it is better to verify that every participant of the game is disguised.

"Sweep a gift"

Competitors (children are best suited) Gifts are issued in packed boxes. Who will quickly deploy his gift, won and worthy of additional award. In the competition, it is good to use the same gifts in the same boxes. So children will be on equal terms.

Funny cool games and New Year's contests at the table will necessarily use the party. New Year's corporate party, family holiday or meeting old friends. This evening participants and guests will never forget. Laughter, dancing, dressing up. We hope you liked a big selection of New Year competitions. In the meantime, so far. Or before the meeting, dear readers.