It is possible to roam the clove from the bouquet. Growing a strong seedling

Bearded carnation ( Dianthus Barbatus. ) - herbate plant The family of cloves.

Stems: Non-driving, steals on the ground.

Coloros: Straight, durable, noded, 20-60 cm high.

Leaves: Sitting, Lanzetoid, are opposed. Depending on the grade, they can be light green, dark green or reddish.

Coloring flowers: White, cream, pink, red, burgundy, motley, often with eye and border. Velvety flowers, exacerating light fragrances, consist of 5 petals, the size of a separate flower - 1.5-2.5 cm. Simple or terry flowers Collected in the top tight thyroid inflorescences with a diameter of 8-12 cm.

Bloom: It begins at the end of May-early June and lasts 1-1.5 months.

Fetus: Cylindrical box. Seeds retain the germination of 3-5 years.

Where better to plant Barbatus?

Barbatus prefers lungs, non-acidic soils rich nutrient substances. Different with cold resistance and frost resistance.

Requires good drainage, does not tolerate water stagnation.

Unlike other types of cloves, it is undemanded to the light, can bloom in a half, but in shading flowering less abundant.

The plant is perennially, in the culture it is divorced as a twentieth bowl - in the first year, it forms a rosette of the leaves, in the second - flower.

Methods of reproduction of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation is multiplied with seeds, green cuttings, grains, the division of the bush.

Seed method

Seeds are sown in late May, shoots appear in two weeks. In early August, evolved outlets are transplanted on permanent place At a distance of 20-30 cm.

In July, it was possible to hang seeds immediately at a permanent place, shoots to swread, and for the winter, young plants hide a sweetheart.

Our advice:

When breeding seed fashion W. terry grades Some plants are extricut, and low-grade varieties give part of tall plants.

Greeting green cuttings

Therefore, very valuable cloves of Turkish cloves better to multiply with green cuttings.

They are cut in June, rooted on the garden, periodically spraying.

The cuttings are rooted in 3 weeks, and in the fall they can be transferred to a permanent place.

How to multiply with the tanks?

It is even easier to propagate Barbatus with letters. At the end of July-early August, the steering stems are sprinkled with earth (you can make shallow cuts on the stem for better rooting).

The top of the stem is tied to the peg so that it keeps vertically. After 5 weeks, the rooted tanks are cut off from the uterine plant and plant in place.

Our advice:

So that this carnation develops as a perennial, you need to sprinkle with nutrient soil all young shoots that have long naked stems.

With this method of reproduction of the carnation can live and good bloom in one place under 10 years.

Easy care

In order for the carnation of color from abundantly and long, the soil fertilize with a reworked manure or compost. Fresh manure can be made in autumn.

Carnation Turkish responsive for feeding with mineral fertilizers.

The lack of nitrogen causes the yellowing of the leaves and the growing growth. With a shortage of potassium stalks become fragile, flexible, leaves die away. With the lack of phosphorus, the ripening of seeds slows down.

Decorative use

Barbatus land in the Rabatkov, on the flower beds, are used as a curb plant. This carnation looks well with separate bright groups on the lawn and in containers.

Low grades give the charm to rocky gardens.

Variety of varieties and species

At the carnation bearded ( Dianthus Barbatus.) Many diverse in coloring and height of varieties. The most famous:

  • Schneeleball - bushes up to 40 cm high, terry, white flowers, with a toothed edge, inflorescences up to 11 cm in diameter;
  • Diadem - bushes up to 45 cm high, dark-car-puff flowers with large white eye, inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Heimatland - 45-50 cm high, shoots and leaves dark green with red tump, flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, dark red with sharply pronounced eyes, inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Kupferrot - 45-50 cm high, copper-red flowers with gear edge, 9-10 cm inflorescences in diameter.

Old varieties are also popular:

  • Mazurka - with white neahmer flowers with a pinkish ring;
  • Flame heart - with bright red flowers;
  • Midget - dwarf variety with dark red flowers;
  • Corner - with black and raspberry-purple flowers with white stamens.

From the innovations of foreign selection, it is worth noting the English variety of Wee Willy, Rondo, Roundabout, they are distinguished by a dwarf growth (15-20 cm).

High, up to 60 cm, Holland's zotto is notable for two-color flowers with rings or colored edges. Dutch breeders also brought turkish carnation The NOVERNA series, which blooms in the first year, can be grown as an annals.

Tina Simkovich
© Magazine "Ogorodnik"

The first cuttings are removed 2 months after the chiefship seas, depending on the time of their landing. To do this, use mature shoots that have 4-5 intercosals. Mature stalks must have 2 well-developed interstices, 2-3 pairs of leaves, sultan and round stem (Fig. 17, a). On the shoot, there are 2-3 developed nodes to ensure future harvest. So that the Musicians are well produced, you should not shoot cuttings from all shoots at the same time. Craftsmanship is carried out regularly: in summer period - Daily, in winter - in two weeks.

In winter, a mature escape can have 6-7 intercosals, so the cuttings are filmed with three pairs of leaves.

In the spring and summer, the shoots are ripening faster, and the cuttings can be removed with two interstices, a rounded thick stem, a widespid sheet with a plate and formed by the Sultan. The weight of the cuttings, depending on the time of year, changes and should be in winter at least 4-5 g, and in spring and summer 6-9 g. Sometimes the cuttings reach the maximum mass of 12-15 g. Such cuttings are removed only with young plants - from the upper escapes of the second order, as well as with ungually landing or shaded-vanya, with additional irradiation. The greater the mass of the cutting, the better quality material. Plants obtained from cuttings weighing more than 7 g are developing faster and bloom two weeks earlier than from cuttings weighing 3 g (with simultaneous removal).

In the spring and at the beginning of the summer, the development of lateral kidneys is observed on a mature shoot. It is noted that cuttings with such shoots already in rooting go to growth, and in the future they give very productive plants that bloom 2-3 weeks earlier.

Cuttings better to shoot in the morning when the plant has

good tour. Usually they are closed under node hands. On the correctly removed cutting under the node, part of the stem with a length of 0.5-1 cm with smooth edges (without burrs) remains. It is not recommended to delete bottom leavesSince it is noticed that such cuttings are rotten faster and rooted worse. In addition, the removal of a part of the assimilation apparatus delays the rooting process. Cuttings can be pulled out with the "leg", above the node. In this case, the lower leaves in rooting do not come into contact with the substrate and do not rot.

Before the next collection of cuttings pumping plants Carnations (per day) are abundantly watered. It makes it easier to catch the cuttings and prevents them from withering. When the plant loses the tour, the cuttings are poorly separated from the shoots, crushed and in the future they are worse.

Cuttings, taken from shoots ready to form an upheat flower (induced), are considered to be overgrown. They are inappropriate to use for rooting. The yield of rooted cuttings in this case will be low even under favorable conditions of shilling. Increase the percentage of their rooting is not even soaking in heteroacexin. After a 4-week stay on the racks, they look healthy, tourists, but remain without roots. Such cuttings differ from the standard elongated interstices: 4-5 cm instead

2-3 cm (see Fig. 17, B). The length of the cuttings taken from the overgrown shoots with three interstices reaches 12-15 cm. In plants obtained from such cuttings, productivity decreases. The number of vegetative kidneys on a cutlets does not exceed three, and, as you know, they constitute the basis of the branching of the bush and provide a crop. One of them when landing a cutlery is buried in the ground, and only two kidneys remain for the formation of the bush.

Carnation cuttings quickly lose water and when landing in the sipheavier state poorly rooted, as they are not able to absorb from the substrate moisture to a normal turgora. Therefore, it is impossible to allow pauses between the removal of cuttings and the landing of them on rooting, especially when processing growth stimulants with a dry way. If there was still a small wilting of cuttings, they are installed vertically into plastic containers
In an aqueous solution of the growth stimulator by 4 -12 h and transferred to a cool dark room.

In some cases, the cuttings are stored in special chambers for several months. As the main demand for planting material It happens in the first half of the year, summer cuttings It is advisable to accumulate and save until winter. Such high-quality cuttings in winter are well rooted and allowed a full boarding material at the beginning of next year. In this case, dry cuttings are immediately caught in small polyethylene bags 25 pcs., fold in cardboard boxes (50x40x20 cm, up to 25-30 packages). You can store cuttings and without packages in cardboard boxeseliminated polyethylene film, in a vertical position up to 400 pcs. In each box, there is a label with a variety, quantity and dates of cuttings.

Initially, the boxes are installed on racks in a room with a temperature of 6-8 ° C for two days, then they are transferred to constant storage in chambers with a constant temperature not higher than 1-3 ° C, a humidity of 70-78% and 5-6-fold air exchange per day. Even a short-term increase in temperature for several degrees is unacceptable, since the condensate is formed, which leads to an outbreak mushroom diseases and the mass death of cuttings. Optimum time Storage of cuttings in the chambers -3-4 months, only well-ridden cuttings are saved for so long. For more than four months, the cuttings are not stored, as it increases the likelihood of mushroom diseases. Before rooting, they are brought into a warmer room (8 ° C) for two days.

For the prevention of cutting diseases before rooting, disinfected for 15 minutes in a suspension of one of the fungicides: Topcin-M (0.2%), benomila or its analogues (0.1-0.2%) or excellent

(0.15%) together with beomylon (0.05%).

To stimulate root formation processes use growth regulators that cause influx organic substances In the location of the root formation, which leads to the thickening and growing of the tissues and the formation of roots. Growth regulators are kept in a well-closed glass dishes, in a dark and dry place (when stored in the light and in the raw room, drugs are quickly losing activity).

Cornering of cuttings is further enhanced when they are treated with a mixture of growth stimulant with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) or B1 (thiamine). This contributes to simultaneous and more rapid growth Escapes of rooted cuttings. In production practice for processing, the following methods are convenient: immersion of the bottom of the cuttings in water solution Growth regulator, fooling into a growth paste or powder, watering the substrate with a stimulator.

The cuttings are placed on 4 h in 0.05% aqueous aqueous solution of heteroacexin (winter) or 0.0015% solution of uindolylmalaic acid (summer). Processing is carried out in a darkened room at a temperature not higher than 20-23 ° C. Highel temperature (28-30 ° C) can lead to cerebral poisoning. Green cuttings are immersed in a solution of 2-4 cm (no more than 7 sizes).

Powder mixture of the stimulator is made as follows. In a measuring flask, a starting concentrated solution is prepared at the rate of 1 mg per 1 ml of alcohol (50-70%). Then talc take on the hitch the right amount The solution (for example, to obtain 0.5% powder -, respectively, 10 g of talc and 5 ml of solution), all thoroughly stirred, topping alcohol or water, and then dried at 50 ° C.

Before processing the cutting, the cuttings are slightly soaked in a 0.01% solution of potassium mangartage, drops shake and immerse the bases in the powder. Plants land carefully so that the powder does not face.

The mixture and of the following components are used: 400 g of talc, 60 mg of a-naphthyl amuscic acid and 20 mg of thiamine.

A positive result gives presets of cuttings (3 ° C) for 7-10 days. In this case, the level of rooting is reduced by the week. .

The cuttings are rooted in greenhouses on well-equipped racks with a subsorative heating, providing the temperature of the soil 22-23 ° C.

For rooting cuttings, various substrates use. Basic requirements for them: loose addition (optimal air content-15-50% total) and high moisture intensity. These requirements are satisfying perlite (grades 100 or 75) or a mixture of perlit and the rigoric peat (2-1); For meristemic
Cherenkov better use pure sand. The pre-rack is washed with water, disinfect with 0.5% insecticide and fungicides. The substrate pumped on the racks with a layer of 5-6 cm, moisturized, stirred, slightly seal and labeled according to the 4x4 or 4x5 cm scheme (500-600 cuttings are planted on 1 ml). The cuttings are perturbed to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, slightly crimped and immediately watered with a fine sieve with water. The term of rooting Chenkov -21-30 days.

Substrate on racks heated hot waterwhich is in metal pipeslaid in the substrate layer. Hot water Served from boiler room or from an autonomous electrocotel. The temperature regulators of the mouth-3 are used to control the temperature, which are controlled by electromagnetic valves using an intermediate relay. The sensor operates at a voltage of 24 W direct current. When water heating the substrate uses a recycling system. You can use edcto-heating.

The optimal mode is created if the air temperature is 3-5 ° C below the substrate temperature. The temperature of the substrate at the base of the cuttings should be 19-20 ° C for 10 days after landing, then it is reduced to 17-18 ° C to avoid pulling between interstitial during the last stage of rooting. Air temperature in winter is maintained at no lower than 13, in the summer - not higher than 20 ° C.

Air humidity in the leaves zone for newly planted cuttings should be 70-80%. To maintain the desired humidity of the air during the rooting of the cuttings above the rack, it is easy to rising film shelters, which simplifies the care of plants. You can also use fog-forming installations, watering tracks between racks, rare ventilation. Summer installation includes up to 2-3 or more than an hour, in winter -

2-3 times a day with an exposure of 8 s.

The control of the fog-forming settings with the nozzles of the deflector type is carried out from the moisture sensor of the sheet surface "Electronic list". When the sheet is drying, the signal is sent to turn on, opens solenoid valveWater enters the system and its finely dispersed broke through the nozzles. Sent on the leaves of cuttings, water provides a decrease in the leaf temperature by 3-5 ° C compared with the air temperature. When operating the fog-forming installations, air humidity is set at 70-80%, the moisture content of the substrate -70-75%. This mode is especially necessary in the first 10-12 days.

With the appearance of the roots (for the 10-16th day after landing), air humidity reduce up to 60%, watering is reduced to one time per hour with the same exposure, in the future it is watered once every two hours and less often. If necessary, the cuttings of the cuttings with a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate are carried out.

2-3 days before the release of cuttings reduce the humidity of the substrate, the argument is perlite to such a state so that it crushes after compression, but the drying is not allowed.

The release of high-quality cuttings is ensured by creating optimal conditions For their rooting. The light mode is of great importance: during the summer, the darkening is used, from September to April - additional irradiation: photoperiod 12 hours, the specific power is 180 W / ml. On the 10-12th day after landing, when a callus is formed, the cuttings are shoved. It is advisable to use the moving installation in increments of 12 and 8 hours.

Preparing for the sample roofed cuttings have three well-formed interstices and a compact root system with a length of 2-7 cm. The yield of rooted cuttings with 1 ml of the inventory of greenhouses on average for

11 months reaches more than 660 pcs. The rooting is about 90%.

The root cuttings of the carnations are packaged in packages of 20-25 pcs, which are placed in boxes (boxes) with a label, where the variety, reproduction, the number of plants, sampling date and the brigade number are indicated. It is allowed to store rooted cuttings packed, but not closed on top, at a temperature of 1-3 ° C, the relative humidity of 70% and air shift is 5-6 times a day. From the day of the fishing before landing, the cuttings store no more than 2 weeks (GOST 25622-83. Strenniki carnations of removable and chrysanthemum Indian).

The reproduction of the carnation of the grass. After a friendly flowering, this pillow-shaped carnation gives good self-sacker. And it does not matter, it grows on a flowerbed or around her pebble coating. Seedlings may appear in the seemingly not prepared and not suitable for germination conditions - among the stones where there is no soil. And this quality is wonderful, because when the bush is breeding, it is not so easy to dew.

It is convenient to do this with the help of a small transplant scroll that captures the root system along with the soil. At the same time, the roots are practically damaged. After planting the plants watered well.

To carry the self-seeing plants to a permanent place is better when they are still small, and the root is not too much and deepened in the "chosen" place.

Reproduction of grinding cloves for preservation of a variety

For this, vegetative shoots are approximately 10-12 cm long, although you can use longer. From the cutter you need to remove the leaves on the two lower nodes. Then the blade cut out a shallow longitudinal groove from the bottom of the cutting - up, up to the second interstice. Sit down sloping down into the light sand substrate. For complete success, it is important that the planting mixture is pre-diskmed, for example, a solution of manganese, or crooked. For rooting, you can use and perlite. After planting a substrate to moisten, cut the cuttings with a film and put in the half. If rooting the cuttings in the house, then do it better on the eastern windowsill, on the street - in the greenhouse, and it is better to hide them into the shadow of plants.

Very convenient to root in the outbound (at a distance of 1/3 of the top) plastic bottle Capacity of 1.5-2 liters. Three or four cuttings are accommodated there. But do not forget first a third of the tanks to fill in a small clay or loss of foam and only then pour a substrate. After planting, the capped top of the bottle is combined with the bottom and stick to the scotch. The plug in the first days is discovered as needed to air, in a week and a half can be opened at all. Watering carefully so that water flows around the edge of the bottle.

After about 15-20 days, it will be possible to see the roots through the transparent walls. When the raptitizer is fixed and new leaves will appear on them, they are seated in separate containers or planted into the garden, to the shovel.

The mixture for planting to use loose, moisture-permeable and quite nutritious. Usually mixed humid, peat and sand (1: 3: 1). You can take a ready-made universal substrate with a neutral reaction of the pH, adding a little sand into it. If there are no mineral fertilizers in the purchased soil, it is desirable to include in the landing mixture comprehensive according to the instructions, reducing the dose of half.

For planting cuttings, separate plastic pots with a diameter of 9 cm are used. Polished cuttings make up together on a warm littering window sill and to cover spanbond. It creates some kind of greenhouse planting effect. Soil support wet.

According to the resumed growth of the tops, determine whether the cuttings were rooted. After that, gradually teach them to open Sun.. At the same time, you can begin to feed the mineral fertilizer solution.

Finished seedlings Carnations - as a gift

Usually, seedlings from rooted cuttings or seeds are bought in mid-May. Well, if it is in separate pots, grown and with buds. We do not advise you to take specimens with yellowed foliage or if there are spots on them and shoots, as it is most likely a disease, and only in best case - Sign of bad care.

At home, passing the plant into a large container with nutritious, moisture, and well-transmitting soil, pour it. To make it easier to adapt, you can spray several times the crown. The place is needed solar, although varieties with drooping shoots need to protect against the midday sun. After the first flowering, it is usually cut, and at the end of the season they bloom again.

Reproduction of Carnish Carnation and Shining

It is usually cut off one or two fourth 10-15 cm long. Do it in the spring when you cut off the shoots on the aged bushes to rejuvenate them at least for the current season. Sut off the shoots and purposefully for breeding, at the end of May, when you can already distinguish and exclude floral tops. Can be rooted and fused, remaining from trimming after flowering - some survive!

Reproduction of cloves with letters

From time to time, a part of the bushes of gardening carnations falls out, therefore it is desirable to update them annually. In a not too thickened flower bed, when there is no threat to damage the neighboring plants, part of the bush is sitting down. If this is impossible to do it, take a few more weaves from each bustle and sprinkle their land. Over time, the tanks are rooted, they can be separated and transplant to a new place. For this method of reproduction of the carnation, it is important to use only a few shoots. Popped large beam, as a rule, moldsheet and dies. Or in the spring (you can, after flowering), tear off the green young shoots and plant them, folding together for several pieces. At the same time tightly crimp the soil and watered. It is better to do this in rainy weather. Planting in a half, the soil to save moisture is desirable to mulch.

It is very convenient to plant a cutlery in the pots are capacked between shrubs, and they need to pull them on a light soil with a glider, and on a heavy side, turning the surface of the soil to the light. In the first case, the polishing moisture will be collected in the well and preserved longer, and in the second - on the contrary, flock. Yes, and then, when landing for a permanent place, it will not be necessary to pay a lot of attention to the plant - just translate and pour. And it does not matter that the plants in the rotated pots will grow not vertically relative to the pot, all this is easy to adjust when landing for a permanent place. In fact, in pots, it is possible to root and pumps, putting the container (and even better small packages with soil) under the shoots. Behind them will have to take care of rooting.

The reproduction of Chinese carnations

If climatic conditions do not allow to leave a plant in the garden, it is easy to save it in the winter in the house. In the fall, select instances that are not yet blooming, transfer them to pots and bring to the house. At first, plants can be understood slightly, but with regular abundant irrigation it is easy to restore. Another option - in July-August to separate young sockets from an adult bush and root them. Such small rapties and preserve easier, and they take place much less. And by the end of winter, without backlighting and even on the northern windowsill, magnificent bushes are formed, which can be used as a satellite.

The cuttings are not cut, but climbed. Sit into separate cups immediately and cover with packages. To ventilate about once a week. Soon young light green leaves begin to grow, but the plants are left under the film for another one or two weeks.

For rooting, the mixture is used from sand and garden land (1: 2). When grilling in February-March, young plants bloom in June-July.

Carnation today has more than 300 species, and some of them are quite suitable for room growing. Good decision There were several compact hybrid species for potted breeding, and the total number of varieties today is several hundred. This modest and unpretentious flower has always attracted the attention of gardeners, it is no coincidence that its Latin name Dianthus can be translated as "Divine".

Carnation came to Europe from North China, she also grows in Japan and Primorsky Krai. Since the plant is distinguished by unpretentiousness, several types of carnations got the most wide use in European countries. Various varieties Can differ much from each other, so you can choose a flower to your liking.

The following varieties became most popular for potted breeding:

  • Chinese carnation. This is a very beautiful plant with a wonderful variety of shades of petals. They can be red, pink, white, two-color. Petals have a corrugated edge, which gives them a special charm. Stem creeping, plant is among the annuals.
  • . This species is different from other things that its buds are collected in thyroid inflorescences, the diameter of which can be up to 12 cm. Flowers also have a corrugated edge, they can be both terry and simple. Flowerwood This species attracts a variety of colors: Buds can be white, pink, lilac, often decorate them. One of the features of this species is undemanding to light.
  • Hybrid carnation is one of the most beautiful and favorite flower films. it annolete plant Not more than 20 cm high. It is completely covered with bright large buds.
  • Carnation Grenadines - a kind of cloves of a garden, specially derived for growing in room conditions. It is distinguished by large terry buds with corrugated edge of petals.

All these species are very often combined into one - room carnation, as they make approximately the same cultivation requirements and occupy a little space.

It is characterized by a pleasant fragrance and long floweringBut, unfortunately, all these plants only annuals.

All kinds of room carnations can be distinguished by several characteristic features: They relate to light-loving plants and require a long daylight. It is important to observe the correct temperature regime: the strong heat of the carnation tolerates badly, the perfect temperature for it is 13-15 degrees.

The lack of light or, on the contrary, too hot sun rays lead to a slowdown in growth, and the plant will bloom much worse.

Other mandatory rules for the cultivation of cloves on the windowsill:

  1. Plant, Earth in a pot never needs to dry completely. In this case, moisture should not be stated in the soil, so you need to take care of the drainage layer. For watering it is better to choose a soft dilated water, it should not be cold. The carnation loves the evening spraying, especially after a hot day.
  2. For the carnation it is recommended to select neutral soils. Ideal proportion: Sheet Earth, Peat and Cherry Earth in a 1: 1: 2 ratio. The carnation is afraid of microorganisms, so the soil must be pre-shed with antiseptic solutions.
  3. The feeding is necessary for lush flowering, so the carnation is bred complex mineral fertilizers And spray the soil. The number of fertilizers should not be redundant, sufficient 1 spraying of the soil once every 10 days. Fertilizers in the soil are beginning to make after the first month from the moment of transplant.

To the bush turned out to be lush, young shoots need to be quenched, forming a crown.

The plant does not suffer from this procedure, as it quickly gives lateral processes. In general, the rules. If you do not forget to water her and provide enough light to her, you can not doubt that it will soon bloom and will be happy to please the owner with magnificent buds with a subtle pleasant aroma.

At home, the carnation is easiest to multiply by seeds, and if you experiment with the crossing of several varieties, you can achieve interesting color combinations Buds. Sowing at the beginning of spring, in March-April, and seeds of carnations typically differ in very good germination. Sowing material should not be stored for a long time: the ray of all board seeds received from last year's plant.

Growing tricks:

  • The seeds are not necessarily overwhelmed, it is enough to put in a container with a soil to a depth of 2-3 mm and mixed with water.
  • Capacities need to be put in a bright place, the first shoots may appear already a week later.
  • When the seedlings are good, and they will have no less than 5 real leaves, you can begin the formation of the future bush. For this, the top is pumped, the same will need to do with side shoots.
  • Proper pinch will allow you to form beautiful krona And achieve abundant flowering.

Carnation begins to bloom about 3-4 months after landing. So planted in the spring bushes will delight you with blossom all summer. Seeds can also be planted under the winter, but in this case the carnation will bloom only next year.

For two-year-old I. perennial species Other methods of breeding are used: this is the transplantation of cuttings.

In any case, it is important not to plunge excessively young plant in the soil. The landing should be poured in a timely manner, the sand is often added to the sand, so that the moisture is not stored and did not lead to the reinforcement of the roots.

However, you can still call several common problems that you need to know before landing. Although the plant is not too demanding to conditions, it is afraid of pests.

Pests Carnations:

  • The carnation is striking the web tick - in this case the reverse side of the leaves will be covered with a white bloom, and the plant will bloom much worse.
  • Also, the threat carries the wave, malievable dew and other common pests.

The carnation must be protected from threats: if any plant on the windowsill turned out to be affected, the pot with a carnation is better to immediately remove to another place. If there are signs of the disease, the leaves are washed with soap solution. It should be monitored so that the soap does not fall on the roots - it can only damage the plant. Peno leave on the leaves for several hours (but not at night), and then wash off.

You can also use folk remedies: from by a paustic tick It can be successfully fighting with the help of infusion and yarrow.

If these measures do not give the result, it is better to purchase special fungicides in phytoapptext. One of the effective funds is Aktellik - this drug kills most pests, but is toxic, so it is used only in extreme cases. Other effective tool - Phytodemer, it is safer, but still need to carefully follow the instructions.

Often, the carnation is ill if it is used by a poor-quality soil. Bought in the store, and the more familiar in the garden, the Earth must necessarily shed a weak mortar solution to kill microorganisms.

Because this plant has long been grown in room conditions, you can use several tricks, worked out gardeners:

  • When growing two-year and perennial grades The plant every time you need to update the cutter. The old carnation blooms much worse, and the petiole after the transplant will again give large buds.
  • If the cuttings were planted at the end of summer, you can achieve blossoms even in winter time. To do this, you need to organize a long daylight: when the sun sits down, the plant is additionally illuminated by a special lamp.
  • When the bud starts to fade, it is desirable to immediately remove it from the bush. The same needs to be done with side flowers if there are too many of them. And the plant may not have enough strength for full bloom.
  • In the summer, the room with a carnation is preferably tired. She needs fresh air And does not like too high temperatures.

For proper care Room carnation can be turned into excellent decoration.

She will have a place on the balcony or on the loggia, it can be easily located on the windowsill, as the bushes do not occupy unnecessary space. You can land several plants with different color Buds in one container, organizing a mini-flowerba on the windowsill.

The modest and at the same time a very beautiful flower will raise the mood and will delight all family members for a very long time. Room carnation is the easiest way to diversify the home interior.

More information can be found from the video.

In nature, cloves are found on bright, dry places - meadows, mountain and oxide slopes, cripples. Therefore, when they disembark them on flower beds, you have to create the same conditions. Carnations are most often used in bright mixlets, along the edge of the flower and on alpine Gorki. These plants absolutely not covered with water and lack of light, but they are well tolerated drought. By forming dense turns, they suffer only from rhizuerous weeds, such as drinking, oily, dandelions, which are difficult to remove from carnation bushes. Therefore, before landing, you need to very carefully clean the soil from foreign roots and rhizomes. Put in the same way that the cloves are sensitive to smoke and gases, so they do not have a place in the carriageway and garages. Be sure to be sand, because with a silicon shortage of a carnation during flowering stems break.

Carnations multiply both seeds and vegetatively. In the latter case, 2 methods are possible - shifting and grain. Repairing greenhouse cloves recently breed almost exclusively by the culture of tissues, which gives planting material free of viruses.


It is necessary to propagate the carnation regularly and quite often, because many species belong to minors, i.e. Live 3-4 years, and indeed perennial with age lose decorativeness, since their bushes are spread, they are waiting and "bald" at the base. Oddly enough at first glance, very few cloves multiply the division of the bush. Most of the species has a single rod root, from which the shoots diverge. Such bushes, no matter how lush they were not, it is impossible to divide. Sometimes part of the shoots are rooted independently, giving new plants, but the main mass of the carnations, especially varieties, needs special vegetative reproduction.

Cherenkovania All cloves are multiplied without exception, but in annual species it does not make sense. For drawing, the crying sand or perlite is used. This is important because cloves are easily ill to mushroom infections. It is better to shine at the end of May - early June, when vegetative shoots are already well distinguishable from the flowers. For rooting, vegetative shoots are used with a length of 3-9 cm, depending on the type of carnation, but not less than 3-4 pairs of leaves. You can take and longer cuttings, especially in tall species. The cut is made immediately under the node. Leaves from two lower nodes need to be removed. Over the entire length of the lower interstices, longitudinal cuts on 1/3 of the stalk thickness are made to a very sharp knife or scalpel. Cut cuttings are placed in the substrate and provide them with sufficient air humidity by closing with a film or can. The glorification of a large amount of material can be carried out in a cold greenhouse. It is useful to use and fog-forming installation, but without heating the soil. Roots are formed in 2-3 weeks.

Reproduction Digging Perhaps the carnations with long vegetative escapes. To do this, there is a longitudinal incision on the bottom side to the depth of the thickness of the stem, then this part of the escape is pinned to the ground cut down, fall asleep and regularly moisturize the soil. After the formation of the roots, new shoots are formed from the roots located above. A new plant can be separated from the Musician and transplant. We can also be obtained, falling asleep by the base of the bush of wet earth, the signs of the appearance of the roots are the same as the shoots of the chains.

Dividing bush Very few species forming the turns easily rooting shoots, such as bearded cloves, it is Turkish, and herbanka. Valid division in early spring, then young plants bloom in the first season.

Seeds We often breed species grown as annual and twarmrooms. Carnations are often sold as zorts, that is, it is known in advance that plants grown from seeds will be unequal painting.

Singing carnations to pots with sandy soil in April-May. Optimal temperature Soils for germination + 16 + 20 o C. Seedlings are weak, therefore, pots are required, so as not to lose germs. When the shoots appear 3-4 pairs of leaves, they carefully transplanted into new pots or to the shovel. For a permanent place, they are transplanted by the following spring.

Saw on the permanent seat of the carnation is uncomfortable. They grow slowly and either will be lost or will be clogged with weeds with rare crop, or most of them will die from grinding, with a thick crop. IN open sad Carnations can be soiled or in early spring or under the winter. For spring sowing Most of the species boom for more than two weeks, during the provision - 1-2 weeks after stating snow. In the first year, perennials form outlets, in such a form winter and bloom in the second year.

Annual cloves of the Shabo Group and Chinese cloves grown as annuals are sown in January-February in boxes at a temperature of + 12 + 15 ° C in a mixture of sheet, ferrous-clay land and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1. Picked when real leaves appear in the same mixture with the addition of humus. Plants are contained at a temperature of + 8 + 12 ° C so that they do not stretch, having them in the brightest places, or additionally hosted. In the soil planted in May.

Diseases and pests

The carnations growing outdoors in good conditionsDiseases are rare. The greenhouse cloves are subject to a huge number of diseases. On the street, the development of disease contributes to dampness, bidding of landings and excess nitrogen with a lack of potassium, so carnations can not be pure nitrogen fertilizers and manure, especially fresh. It is better to use complex mixtures, necessarily containing potassium. Bacterial diseases Transmitted by pests or fall into the plant during damage. Usually this wet rotwho are also affected by gladiolus, hyacinths, irises. Common mushroom diseases are also among the carnations and tulips. Because of common diseases and some pests next to them, the carnations are better not to plant. Viral diseases of the carnations are not amenable to treatment, and their pathogens are saved in the soil for a very long time, so the landing site of the carnation needs to be changed at least once every 5 years.

Painted spots with velvety rod - on the leaves and stems - the result of mushroom diseases. They are found everywhere and often cause the death of plants. Especially malicious they are with wet warm weather. Mushroom lesions are treated with copper preparations and other fungicides. Fusariosis is especially dangerous, because in this case the fungus develops inside the plant and does not die during processing. Gets down root system And the base of the stem, leaves and stems are yellow and fold. Sick plants must be removed and destroyed, the soil as it should be poured by fungicides twice, with an interval per month.