Moisturizing air at home. How to moisten the air in the room without a humidifier: folk methods and simple devices

In winter, the level of humidity in the apartment drops to 15-20%. And this is bad. Why?

First, because the dehydrated air overwhelms the skin and mucous membranes, it helps to reduce immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, small children are especially sensitive to its exposure.

The second reason is insufficient humidity harms plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimal level of humidity in the apartment is about 40-60%.

You can measure air humidity using a special device - a hygrometer. If you do not have it, use the following method. Fill the glass with cold water and leave it in until the fluid temperature drops to 3-5 ° C. Then get the glass and install it in the room away from the batteries. Observe the glass surface for five minutes. Result Rate this way:

  • If the walls of the glass first fucked, and in five minutes he dried, the air in the room is dry.
  • If in five minutes the glass remained swam, the moisture is average.
  • If the streams of water appeared on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Dry air? Then use one of the following techniques to restore the normal level of humidity.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the easiest ways. Each time after taking a shower or bath, leave the door to the room open. Evaporation will penetrate the apartment and moisturize the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but to give it first cool: so the number of steam will increase.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that does not require any effort. Just put the dryer with postiprated things next to the battery: clothes dry faster, and the air will enjoy moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning products on things. Otherwise, you will breathe chemistry.

A similar way to moisten the air is to hang wet towels on the battery. You can increase the validity of a similar humidifier using a water bottle.

How to build such a design, described in detail.

3. Boil

All you need is a plate and a saucepan or kettle.

  • Option 1. To bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and put it on the table or the windowsill so that the couples moisturize the apartment.
  • Option 2. Boil the kettle and leave it on slow fire for longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you cook food (often air is cut at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree or eucalyptus to the water. Their fragrance calms down, and the pairs kill the microbes and reduce the risk of cold and flu. In addition, cinnamon sticks, herbs or other spices can be thrown into the water, so that the air is bullshit.

4. Establish water capacity

You can do without boiling. Just fill the vases, bottles and other vessels with water and install near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers, it turns out a beautiful composition - guests are most likely not even guess that these are not decorative elements, but self-made moisturizers. Just do not forget to periodically wash the tanks and change the water.

5. Get room plants

Flowers not only moisturize the air, but also ionize it. Some are also perfect and disinfect.

Especially much moisture give the following plants:

  • nefrolypp (home fern);
  • fatsia;
  • cipers;
  • sparmets (bedroom linden);
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • hibiscus.

6. Install aquarium or fountain

Both of these decorative elements also moisturize the air. Of course, buy them specifically for this purpose is irrational. But if you want to start fish or decorate the house with a small fountain, you should not forget about this additional property.

7. Check and make wet cleaning

Even in winter it is not superfluous 2-3 times a day to air the apartment in order to maintain a comfortable level of humidity. Well, about the fact that from time to time you need to wipe the dust and wash the floors, you probably know themselves.

8. Build an electric humidifier

Option for owners of crazy handles. This humidifier walked around Lifehakra somewhere in 300 rubles. The ultrasonic steam generator can be ordered on Aliexpress for 180 rubles, a fan for 50.

Important to remember

Increased humidity in the apartment (more than 70%) no better air. It contributes to the appearance and emergence of allergies. Yes, and simply creates an unpleasant feeling of dampness. So do not overdo it with moisture - and will be with you strength!

Dangerous phenomenon is the formation of dry air indoors. Humidity is a necessary condition for a favorable microclimate, which prevents many unpleasant sensations, as well as the development of many diseases. A good not every family to pocket, so in our review we offer alternative options for such devices for your consideration. So let's figure it out how to moisten the air in the room without a humidifier. Also from our review you will learn to stay in the room, as well as how to build a simple design for moisturizing from undergraduates.

To decide whether it is needed in the apartment, let's find out how dry air is dangerous. It is worth noting a variety of factors for its impact on human health.

  • the severity of the load on important organs increases, resulting in functional disorders, such as reducing immunity, scattered attention and sudden fatigue;
  • there are problems with the mucous membrane of the eye, which provokes the appearance of cutting and inflammation;
  • people with a dry surface of the skin appear rashes and irritation;
  • drink breathing tracks. And allergy and asthmatics disturb the lung cleansing function;
  • collipid diseases are rapidly;
  • shevo and nails start to break;
  • favorable prerequisites are created for the electrification of synthetic tissues, carrying carpets, as well as drying items and musical instruments.

Completions after a cold may manifest itself under the influence of unfavorable conditions. With the initial symptoms of the disease, it is necessary and reduced to 18-20 degrees, which will preserve the optimal level of humidity.

Tip! Particular attention should be paid to the wetting options for infants. Think out the methods of safe air saturation.

Article on the topic:

In a separate publication, we will look at what this device is and why it is necessary for children, which there are varieties of devices, what characteristics it is necessary to pay attention to when choosing.

How to find out the optimal air humidity in the apartment

What if there is dry air in the apartment? First, it is necessary to identify the degree of moisture. The normal one includes a value of 50-70%. This indicator is not only for your dwelling, but also for furniture, for office equipment and musical instruments. With the arrangement of winter gardens and disembarkation, this value should be 60-75%. You can determine this indicator in different ways. The easiest option is to apply. This device is not so common, so you can use a special Table of Assman. To do this, measure the air temperature with a wet and dry thermometer, and then correlate the readings with the values \u200b\u200bin the table.

There is a people's way. In the glass you need to pour the water and put it in the refrigerator. Then the cooled water must be set in the room. Better away from batteries. If the dried surfaces are dry out in less than five minutes, the air is definitely dry.

For your information! The indicator to determine the desired indicator can be a fir bump. If its scales are strongly attached to each other or a little, then the presence of moisture is optimal. If scales are open, it is worth making any measures.

How to moisten the air in the room without a humidifier: basic ways

Humidifier often applies to humidifying air in the apartment. This mechanism distributes water drops in the air. It is small and easy to manage.

There is a design and certain disadvantages. It consumes a lot of electrical energy, may be noise when used, and some models have a fairly high price.

If such shortcomings have a value for you, then do not despair. The people invented a large number of ways, how to moisturize the air in the room without a humidifier.

Water use

High-quality moisture movement is perfectly produced by ordinary water. You can arrange special containers filled with water everywhere. At the same time, the container should be sewn, which will increase the area of \u200b\u200bevaporation. It is better to use plates than mugs and glasses. Water must be changed, since bacteria can quickly develop in liquids.

I solve how to moisturize the air in the apartment without a humidifier you can do, without a large number of plates in all rooms. This is a good helper will be. This option is perfect for the children's room. With it, you can not only moisturize the room, but also take the children. If you place special plants in the aquarium, it will increase the moisture content in the air.

For your information! Remember that aquarium requires special care. Before buying it is worth assessing your strength. Think, maybe it is worth choosing a fountain that will cost cheaper and does not require complex care. Inside such a device there is an engine that promotes water circulation, which contributes to the rapid saturation of the air around.

Drying wet things

The effects of dry air in the apartment can be the most negative. Therefore, for moisturizing, you can use an old way - drying wet underwear. As a rule, drying clothes in rooms is not recommended because of the appearance of mold and condensate, but with a very dry air such an event will only benefit. A simple method is to wet more towel and hang it on. Under the influence of high temperatures, the fabric will warm up and intensively evaporate moisture. For drying it is impossible to use. You can use another simple device - wet bandage. In the container it is necessary to pour water and lower one end of matter there, and the other is distributed to the battery. In this case, one part will be filled, and the second beaten content from the bank. At the same time, the air will be perfectly moisturized.

How plants affect the level of humidity

If you do not have a concept, how to moisten the air in the room without a humidifier, then it is worth using plants. They not only produce oxygen, but also saturate the air moisture. At the same time, air masses are ionized and cleaned with all sorts of bacteria.

The highest humidity rate is present in the jungle. Therefore, it is precisely such plants as an orchid, a fern or phythonium can bring much benefit. But for such crops is required abundant watering. Can be purchased and plants that are characteristic of the middle strip of Russia. This is a ficus, domestic fern, drazes and hibiscus.

There are plants with antibacterial effect. They allow you to remove stress and improve sleep quality. Let's consider such options for plants:

  • sheflfler allows you to maintain favorable humidity. With its cultivation, consider certain subtleties of care. Moderate watering is important, abundant light and temperature not lower than 17 degrees. The soil should not become dried;

  • monster perfectly saturates the air particles of moisture. For it, it is necessary to ensure sufficient moisture, lighting and high-quality watering. This option is not suitable if you have small children or pets, as the leaves in this culture of poisonous;

  • cyperus is a magnificent interior decoration, in addition, it can allocate up to three liters of moisture per day. Care is simple: normal irrigation and ventilation is needed;

  • ficus can grow in any apartment. For this culture, it is necessary to provide high-quality watering, heat and abundant light;

  • drazena is an unpretentious plant. She also highlights moisture. With regular watering and good lighting, the drazes is formed into a beautiful plant.

When choosing any plant, you need to study the peculiarities of the care of it.


Air humidity is one of the most important components of the microclimate of the residential premises, from which the health and comfort of people depends. How to moisturize the air in the apartment to prevent serious diseases and discomfort? Before choosing a way to combat, understand why it is necessary, to study all possible options - from household humidifiers to people who do not require costs and connecting to electricity.

Moisture is needed by nature and man

For what to moisten the air in the dwelling and why it is important

Follow the humidity of the air is necessary, because the well-being and health status of residents directly depends on this indicator.

  • The overwhelmed air provokes a hole in the throat, dryness of the mucous nose, which leads to discomfort during the day and sleep disabilities at night.
  • Warm dry air with high dust content is dangerous for allergic and small children. Cough attacks, bronchospasm, complications of colds are directly related to the microclimate. Doctors advise at the first signs of the disease more often to air the rooms and reduce the temperature to 18-20 degrees, it is in such conditions that the optimal humidity is easier to maintain.
  • Wearing lenses often provokes eye drying syndrome, which develops into dry hot weather, as well as in winter in rooms with insufficient air humidity.
  • For women, a significant argument take care of the humidification of the air can be the fact that in a dry room, the skin of the face also dries and loses its elasticity. If you are constantly dry and dull skin, brittle hair, think about it is possible in the apartment just very dry air.

Air moisturizing will prevent a lot of problems

In addition to the above negative consequences for human health, excessive dryness leads to drying and screening of floors, doors, furniture. Many signs the unpleasant effect of static electricity accumulation, when innocuous items suddenly beaten current. It turns out that this is due to insufficient moisture content in the air.

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What does humidity depend on and what are the indicators optimal

Most often, the question of how to moisturize the air in the apartment, arises in the cold season with the beginning of the heating season. However, if you live in a hot southern region, then the problem of dryness can disturb you all year round.

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What regulations are required to man

To ensure a comfortable microclimate in the home, it is necessary to figure out what is the concept as the humidity of the air, and which indicators will be the most optimal. There are two main characteristics - relative and absolute humidity.

In everyday life, as a rule, the first definition is used - the relative humidity of the air. This indicator is denoted as a percentage, which indicate the content in the air of the water vapor at a certain temperature relative to the maximum amount of steam, which can be in the air at the same temperature.

Optimal air humidity 40-70%

Simply put, with the same number of water evaporations than warmer in the room, the smaller humidity will be in it. For example, if in the apartment +15 degrees and with the humidity of 60%, then you should not think that this indicator will continue when the temperature rises to +25. In this case, the humidity will decrease and will be about 35%.

Scientists have long established that a person feels best at relative humidity of air within 40-70%. It is in this range that the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses is hampered, allergens and dust accumulation decreases.

Since humidity is inextricably linked with air temperature, the most comfortable microclimate indicators look like this:

  • bedroom - temperature 16-19 degrees, humidity 50-70%;
  • living room - temperature 19-23 degrees, humidity 40-60%;
  • children's - temperature 18-21 degrees, humidity 60-70%.

Electronic hygrometer

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How to determine air humidity

To determine the amount of moisture in the air serves as a device called a hygrometer. You can often find modern air conditioners and indoor thermometers with a built-in sensor. To obtain reliable data, the hygrometer is better to put away from heating devices and household humidifiers.

If you do not have a measuring device, take advantage of the old folk methods. Of course, you will not get accurate numbers, but at least you will understand whether the apartment needs in moisture.

For approximate humidity definition:

  1. Pour into a bottle of water and put it in the refrigerator.
  2. After a couple of hours, get the bottle and leave the room for 5 minutes.
  3. During this time, the walls will cover condensate droplets.
  4. If after five minutes the small condensate almost dries, then this means that the air is very dry.
  5. With a normal humidity, the drops, not tremendous, will be lazily sliding down, and when the base is excessive under the bottle, the condensate puddle is formed.

Cold water bottle will serve instead of a hygrometer

A good indicator of humidity can serve as an ordinary firing bump. Moreover, it is firing, and not pine - she has more tender and sensitive scales. If the scales are tightly pressed in the room in the room, they are tightly pressed to each other or only slightly open, it means that the moisture content is normal. Fully opened bump indicates that the air is too dry.

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Rooms for enhancement of humidity

It is not always possible to buy a functional device for humidifying air, so the question arises how to moisten the air in the apartment without a humidifier. Use simple but efficient devices.

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Portable humidifiers or pulverizer

To moisturize the air in a residential or office space, it is convenient to use portable humidifiers that are inserted into a water bottle. The devices periodically spray water in the form of microbrum. If you wish, you can find a compact device running from USB with a glass installation or a small vase.

You can also take a spray gun with a small spray. This simple device is convenient to use the heating season and in the summer heat. Just spray water around yourself or near the heating device and forget about excessive dryness.


To fill the room with a pleasant aroma, add essential oils to water. With the help of oils, you will not only neutralize dryness, but also create a specific microclimate. For example, the fragrance of lavender relaxes, eucalyptus and a tea tree kill microbes, and the orange reduces appetite.

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Air humidifiers on the battery

This simple invention is a decorative ceramic hook flask for fastening on the battery. The principle of operation is as simple as possible - water in the vessel is slowly evaporated, filling the room by moisture, destroyed by heating devices. Such devices serve for a long time and do not entail any expenses. Thanks to a thoughtful form, they look like decorations.

If you do not want to spend money, use ceramic bottles or unnecessary vases of a narrow form. Touch them so as not to be thrown into the eyes and wait for the result. You can also add aromaaslo.

Stylish pieces

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Room fountain - decor with functionality

If there is no desire to mess with live flowers or care for aquarium, you can simply get a room fountain or waterfall. Now there are quite a large selection of these designs in stores, so it's not difficult to choose a model for every taste and wallet. Burdening water not only introduces a peaceful in the interior, but also well moisturize the room.

Room fountains well moisturize air

If desired, a small table fountain is easy to make with your own hands, taking the pump and a suitable decor as the basis: stones, jug, tea cups. Mini-oasis is useful not only to people, but also indoor plants.

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How to quickly normalize humidity by people

There are a lot of simple people, with which you can also achieve the desired result. It is important to understand that most of the methods bring only a temporary result. Therefore, they should be applied regularly or search for other long-term solutions.

Improve microclimate in different ways

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Regular ventilation of the apartment

If you do not live in the hot southern region, you can safely say that the air from the street contains a lot more moisture compared to the apartment. Regular ventilation contributes to the normalization of the microclimate in the home. It is especially useful to do this in the autumn-winter period when heating devices work.

Unfortunately, sometimes ventilation does not bring the desired results, for example, if the windows overlook the lively motorway, it is better to leave them closed. The same is recommended to do the inhabitants of the lower floors in dry weather so that instead of the desired moisture in the apartment, the clouds of dust fell into the apartment.

Apartment must be regularly ventilated

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Electric stove or kettle in the new role

To quickly moisten the room air in winter, you can use a small electric stove. Just put an open saucepan with water on it and allow water to boil. Hot steam will quickly make air wet and secure. For an additional effect, add herbs or fragrant oils to the water.

If there are no plates, you can use a rotor teapot, a slow cooker or other suitable device that allows you to boil water. As a rule, this method gives a very quick effect, so it is impossible to abuse, so as not to damage the furniture and wallpaper.

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Wet Towel Tricks

Wet towel on a hot battery is a traditional people's way to quickly increase moisture in the apartment. As the towel dryed, it is moisturized again and returned to the battery.

You can build an improvised cold humidifier from a wet towel and fan. The towel is thrown onto the grille and include a fan on small rev..

The same effect is easy to achieve, just leaving wet underwear to dry in the apartment. Of course, this does not add aesthetics to the room, but will help to quickly cause air humidity.

Battery underwear can be an alternative to humidifier

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Humidifier from plastic bottle or banks

Lovers of making their own hands can make an improvised air humidifier from a plastic bottle. To do this, take a bottle with a capacity of 0.5 or 1.0 liters, screw the lid, after which the "window" is cut along the entire length. The bottle is suspended to the pipe of heating and pour water into it. Humidifier is ready.

You can build a system of moisture from a glass jar and a piece of bandage or cotton cloth. The jar with water is put under the battery. The bandage or rag is wound on the pipe going to the battery, and the end is lowered into the jar. Water will be absorbed into the fabric and gradually evaporate from contact with a warm tube.

Bottle homemade humidifier

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Water containers and multicolored balls

The easiest way to increase the moisture in the room with the help of placed in different places, and especially near the heating devices, water tanks is easily. No need to think that it should be basins or pots, use beautiful vases and other attractive dishes. Under the batteries, it is convenient to install elongated rectangular porridge for flowers.

Hydrogel in the form of color balls, tens of times increasing in size in water, gradually evaporates moisture, giving it air indoors. Fill various vessels from the rose balls and disappoint from the apartment. Do not forget to periodically pour water to be, what to evaporate. For beauty in a vase, put alive or artificial plants.

Hydrogel in the interior

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Home Mini-Garden for Comfortable Air

The microclimate of the apartment is significantly improved, if you get in room colors. By this, you will not only decorate the interior, but also moisturize the air in the apartment without a humidifier. Plants need to choose moisture, requiring regular spraying. Well moisturizes indoor air ferns, ficuses, palm trees, drazes, hibiscus.

Flowers improve microclimate

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Aquarium as an effective humidifier

Good affects the microclimate and passion of aquarium. In fact, the aquarium is a conventional water tank, and the water has a property to evaporate. It should be noted that modern aquariums with deaf covers are little suitable for humidifying air, so it is worth choosing open models with suspended lighting lamps.

Very good as humidifier and popludariums - shallow aquariums intended for growing marsh plants. They are usually done open, therefore there is an intensive evaporation of moisture, which is required for moisture.

Aquarium plays the role of evaporator moisture

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Iron or saparwriter - Non-frameing approach

Some resourceful mistresses are used as a homely humidifier iron with a ferry or a steamper for clothes. The devices simply include the network and spray pairs on the room when they feel unpleasant dryness. Connoisseurs argue that in an hour of such processing to really increase moisture from 30 to 80%.

A significant drawback of this approach is electricity consumption. In the case of an iron, it is important not to forget about the safety and possibilities of burns, especially if there are small children in the house. The method is more suitable for winter. In the summer, more effect is easier to achieve a wet cleaning.

In the bathroom, the air is always wet

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Bathroom - Available Humidity Source

To normalize air humidity in a small apartment, it happens just to turn on the water in the bathroom and open the door there. The moisture will quickly spread through the room and will save from dryness. By the way, the open door is useful not only for microclimate in the apartment, but also for the bathroom itself, where the elevated humidity leads to mold and damaging finishing materials.

Designing a big house, pay attention to the bedrooms with installed baths - this approach is effective and very useful for the health and youth of the skin.

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How to make a moisturizer do it yourself

To moisturize the air in the apartment with minimal cost, make an effective humidifier with your own hands.

The easiest option is to use cold water containers and a fan from the computer system unit built into the lid. Fissure filter is used to increase efficiency. Water flow rate - from 0.4 to 1 liter per hour. After half an hour, the humidity reaches 60%.

The work of the cooler will cause water fluctuations, which in turn will lead to the formation of a cold steam, which will begin to slowly spread around the room.

Video: Budget Humidifier for Home

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What are the humidifiers of the air and whether to buy them

The humidifier operating from the mains is a rather unusual device and to meet it is not far from every home. To decide whether to spend money on it, you need to measure the humidity in the apartment several times. As a rule, in the heating season, this indicator drops to 20-30%, if so, then you need a moisturizer.

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Classification and types of electrical appliances

Most often, the humidifier acquires families with small often pool children or allergies. The humidifier reliably supports the specified humidity, as a result of which the concentration of causative agents of colds and dust decreases in the air. This reduces the risk of diseases and complications after them.

All humidifiers are divided into four types:

  1. Traditional humidifiers of the "cold" type.
  2. Steam "hot."
  3. Ultrasound.
  4. Humidifiers-cleaners, climatic complexes.

Before the acquisition of a humidifier, it is necessary to decide what area it will serve, what maximum humidity will arrange you, whether the cost savings are relevant, and is it possible to refuel the apparatus with purified water.

In the traditional moisturizer it is necessary to change cartridges

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Traditional humidifiers of "cold" type

The principle of operation of such a humidifier is that evaporation of moisture occurs naturally, without heating and other tricks. The design of the traditional humidifier is extremely simple and consists of three main elements - water tanks, a replaceable evaporating cartridge and fan.

The main advantage of such a device is self-regulation, that is, when the air is enhanced by water evaporation, the moisturizer will not be evaporated and the humidifier will stop working. However, there is also the reverse side of the medal - this device will not be able to raise the humidity above 60%, which is necessary, for example, during the child's illness.


  • small power consumption;
  • there is no need to constantly monitor the presence of water if it is over, the device will not break;
  • self-regulation without a hygrostat.


  • the need to change moisturizing filters, which in a few months fail;
  • in the tank, it is necessary to pour only soft, and even better distilled water;
  • the maximum humidity is 60%, which in some cases is not enough.

Steam humidifier has high performance

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Steam "Hot" Humidifiers

Such devices form steam through ordinary heating of water to boil. With the help of a steam humidifier, you can quickly increase the moisture content in the apartment to the required level.

Considering that the reservoir is boiling water, it is better to choose sustainable models that are not easy to flip, especially if there are small children or pets in the family. For the same reason, the presence of a handle will also be worth it, in order to, if necessary, the device could be rearranged from place to place.

The advantages of the steam humidifier:

  • high performance, is able to significantly raise moisture in a short period of time;
  • you can use water of any rigidity;
  • does not require replacement of cartridges;
  • most models automatically turn off when water dropping.


  • the most uneconomical of all moisturizers, consume a lot of energy;
  • it may be dangerous for children and animals due to severe heating.
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Ultrasonic Humidifiers of the New Generation

To date, this is the most common and affordable view of the air humidifiers. The release of water vapor occurs due to the high-frequency ultrasonic fluctuation of a special membrane. The pulses of the membrane are transmitted to water, as a result of which it boils and the formation of steam.

Manufacturers care about the appearance of their devices

All ultrasound humidifiers have high performance and compact sizes. They are safe and economical in terms of electricity consumption.


  • compact size of the device;
  • small power consumption;
  • high performance;
  • the ability to increase moisture in the room above 60%.


  • on the objects of furniture in the room with a humidifier can form a white mineral flaw, if using hard water.
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Multifunctional climatic complexes

The climatic complex combines the functions of many devices. It monitors the humidity, air temperature, purifies it from dust and allergens, ionizes and flavors.

Climatic humidifiers-cleaners first drive the air through mechanical or water filters, freeing it from dust, moisturized, and then cooled or heated, depending on the specified program.

Climate complexes can also include split systems with built-in air humidifiers. Together, the inclusion with the heater neutralizes the dryness "on the root".

Climate complex

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What heating devices are least dried by air

The main thing is that it is worth understanding - the humidity falls when using any heating devices, because the higher the temperature, the lower the humidity with the same content of water vapor. To reduce the need for air moisture, use heaters that do not burn oxygen and work in gentle mode.

The least drained air and do not destroy oxygen such types of heaters:

  • Infrared. They are not heated by air, but objects, therefore their negative impact on the microclimate of the room is minimal.
  • Convector with a closed heating element. The TEN enclosed in the housing does not burn oxygen, and the presence of natural convection does not raise dust.
  • Oil. They never have repeated to critical temperatures.
  • Ceramic. Just like all heaters with a closed heating element, few interact with water vapors.

Do not install fireplaces and fan heating agents with open heating elements. It will be very difficult to maintain air humidity at a sufficient level in rooms with such heaters.

If you came to the conclusion that the microclimate of your home requires adjustment, it is time to determine how to moisten the air in the rooms, make it without a humidifier or still buy a special device.

The problem of dryness of air indoors is familiar to many. It is especially relevant in winter. What is dangerous excessive dry air and how to moisten it to a normal state?

The atmospheric air always contains a certain amount of water vapor. The percentage of them is called air humidity. After summer rain, the moisture is high. At low temperatures, humidity is smaller, frosty air is dry. In the apartment, air humidity is even lower than outside, due to the operation of heating devices.

What moisture is considered normal?

Normal for a person is considered humidity 40-60%. Within this norm, most people feel comfortable, although this does not mean that with other indicators, air is unsuitable for breathing. Residents of dry deserts and wet tropical forests of this confirmation. Normal can be considered that the humidity of the air, to which the person is used to, and it is only 10-15% different from the generally accepted.

Measure the level of humidity can be hygrometer. Some observations will also help determine whether the humidity is normal.

Signs of high humidity in the apartment:

  • breathe hard, as in a bath or in a greenhouse;
  • windows dove;
  • dampness and in incredible premises.

Signs of too dry air in the apartment:

  • the mucous dry is dry - the lips are cracking, in the throat, the nose is laid;
  • light shame;
  • dry skin and hand leather, peeling, burrs and cracks in their arms;
  • highly electrified hair and clothing from synthetics;
  • in room plants, leaf tips dries.

The climate of your area can help determine with confidence, whether the humidity is normal in the apartment. If frosty periods alternate with thaws, when the temperature rises above 0 degrees, snow melts or rains, just just watch. Regularly open windows and windows for airports and notice that during rains and thaw all your unpleasant phenomena with dry skin and rolling through themselves.

What is dangerous dry air in the apartment?

The reduced humidity in the house, in other words, is too dry air, it is impossible to be considered dangerous. Rather, it is an unpleasant phenomenon that can lead to diseases during the coincidence of other circumstances.

Human mucous membranes isolated a wet secret, which serves as a protective barrier to penetrate pathogenic bacteria, seasonal infections - ARVI and influenza. When cutting the nasopharynk, the oral cavity, this barrier is thinned or damaged and does not protect the body sufficiently. Constant irritation of the upper respiratory tract leads to the development and exacerbation of various diseases - pharyngitis, bronchitis, asthma. This problem is especially relevant if there are small children in the family. They suffer most of all from the underwent air.

Dry skin and hand leather requires constant use of cosmetic moisturizers. People who are inclined to certain diseases of the skin or allergies for caring funds, winter is always considered a period of exacerbation. And the reason for this is dry air indoors.

How to deal with increased dry air?

How to increase air humidity in the room? The answer is simple - evaporate in the room a certain amount of water and saturate the air in pairs. That's just how to do it most effectively?

The easiest and simple way to cheat wet fabric On the battery or pour water into a wide vessel and put in a warm place for evaporation. Humidity will rise, but it is a little efficient way. The advantage of this option in its safety is a wet cloth you can hang on the battery and forget about it, especially convenient to do so at night.

Boiling chain. It is able to moisten the air much faster. Fast and effective tool, but works for a short time and requires constant supervision. Not suitable for the bedroom and may be dangerous for children.

Wet cleaning Good moisturizes air, but for a short time. Often it is recommended to do it in the premises of kindergartens. At home, she will not be superfluous either.

HouseplantsEspecially with large leaves, the air is well moisturized. They evaporate the water with all their surface, and what it is more, the more moisture is given to the atmosphere. One or two large moisture-loving plants are able to normalize air in the room. Monsters, diphenbahia, indoor lemons, cirers, hibiscus, Szindapsus are considered the best. The advantages of this method are evaporation constant, care is simple. By adding to regular watering, the leaf spraying can be easily solved by the problem of low humidity. Disadvantages: It is necessary to care for indoor flowers, in the event of a trip to vacation there is a problem of watering, large plants require a place and good illumination.

Aquarium Easily solves the problem of normalizing air humidity. Cons - requires care and special knowledge.

The most reliable way to buy humidifier. The market presents a wide selection of these devices, there are different options for the price and method of action. All of them are effectively coping with their task and do not require constant supervision. Cons - some material costs.

conclusions. If the problem is too dry air in the apartment is relevant for you, if the children are constantly sneezing and cuffed, if you feel the smearing of the skin on your face and hands, then look at the store inexpensive air humidifier and try it for some time, at least in the children's room. In the event that a humidifier does not work for any reason, hang wet towels on the battery and make a wet cleaning more often.

One of the key factors of the comfort and health of a person is the optimal air humidity in the house or apartment. There is a norm for this indicator in various premises and at different times of the year, fixed by the State Standard (GOST 30494-2011).

Most are primarily concerned about the temperature mode, ignoring the humidity indicator. But it is precisely how much cold or heat will be felt. The amount of steam radically affects the health of people, the condition of indoor flowers, books, wooden furniture and household appliances.

Problems associated with raw and dry air in the apartment

The indicator of relative humidity makes it clear how much the air in the room is saturated with water vapors. People, pets and items poorly tolerate extremely high and very low humidity.

If the air is too dry, the body strongly loses fluid through the skin and with breathing.

Consequences of air humidity deficit in the apartment:

  1. Microscopic cracks, dermatitis, peeling, early wrinkles arise on the skin. Hair becomes inelastic.
  2. The mucous membrane of organs of vision dries out, which is accompanied by itching, redness and discomfort.
  3. Blood becomes curly, which causes the slowdown in its circulation. As a result, weakness occurs, the head begins to hurt, the performance decreases and the load on the heart muscle increases. The total tone of the body decreases, the development of chronic fatigue syndrome is possible.
  4. Immunity decreases, which leads to an increase in the frequency of ARVI. Difficulties in the treatment of current diseases, especially if the nasophack is amazed, as the mucous membranes of respiratory organs dry.
  5. The juice in the stomach and intestines becomes more viscous, as a result, the digestion slows down.
  6. Allergic reactions are developing.

Excess moisture in the home is no less harmful than the deficiency. Dampness serves as a graceful environment for the growth of pathogenic microflora, mold.

Excessive moisture in the apartment provokes:

  1. Respiratory diseases, for example, runny nose, asthma, bronchitis, allergies.
  2. The cheese of the room often appears a feeling of stuffiness.
  3. Due to the growth of colonies of pathogenic microorganisms, not very pleasant smells arise, the lingerie dries very long.

Deviations of humidity from a normal level in a large or smaller side are fraught with drying or rewarding room colors, wood furniture is deformed, paints in the pictures of flexible, the paper spoils the structure.


The main factor that affects the humidity is the relative air temperature, it is important not only heat itself, but also the temperature difference outside and indoors. In heat, more steam is accumulated than in cold. For this reason, the ventilation in the cold months makes the air in the room fresh, but land. The temperature in the room is considered optimal from + 18 ° C to + 22 ° C.

Moisture from the air in the apartment "Pick up":

  • central heating radiators;
  • soft furniture;
  • air conditioning;
  • carpets.

Raise the content of water vapors indoors:

  • plants;
  • aquarium;
  • boiling water;
  • wet underwear;
  • faulty plumbing equipment flowing pipes of water pipes;
  • damaged roof.

Condensate, which is almost constantly on the windows, testifies to the high content of water in the air of the dwelling.


What level of humidity is optimal, depends on the purpose of the room in the house:

  • non-residential room (dining room, living room) - 40-60%;
  • bedroom adult family members - 40-50%;
  • children's bedroom - 45-60%;
  • dark room, office and other similar non-residential premises - 30-40%;
  • kitchen - 40-60%.

Not installed GOST optimal level of humidity for the bathroom, toilet, storage room, corridor.

Since in the summer and winter climatic conditions differ significantly, the air humidity is changed:

  • warm months are 30-60%, while the permissible maximum is 65% (if the region is in a climatic zone characterized by high humidity, the norm increases to 75%);
  • cold months of the year - 30-45%, the maximum allowable level is 60%.

As a rule, the objects of life are suitable for the same level of steam in the air, as well as a person, but there is its own nuances. Plants are more picky and in general require more moisture in the air.

Air humidity rates for categories of objects and plants:

  • antiques, furniture - 40-60%;
  • books - 30-65%;
  • household appliances - 45-60%;
  • plants of tropics growing in an apartment - 80-95%;
  • subtropical flowers - 75-80%;
  • the remaining plants are 40-70%.

How to check air humidity in the apartment

To determine the level of content of water vapor in the air, a special device is created - a hygrometer. Externally, it usually looks like a clock or an electronic scoreboard. It must be placed in the depths of the room, away from drafts to minimize the accuracy of the testimony.

There are also simpler, but no less effective ways to determine the level of humidity in the house:

  1. Glass of water. Pour water and place in the refrigerator for three hours. During this time, the water will cool up to + 3-5 ° C. Then get the glass and put it in about the center of the room, away from heating appliances. As a result of a sharp temperature difference on the walls of the capacity, condensate will appear:
  • if it dry in less than 10 minutes - the air in the room is very dry;
  • the walls during this time remained the same swovers - moisture in the norm;
  • if endings appeared on the walls of the glass - the humidity is increased.
  1. Spruce bump. Place away from the heating devices the usual bump fir and watch it for a few hours:
  • if the air indoors is dry - its flakes will be revealed;
  • the increased content of the pair will make the scales feel more denser.

Tip! Watch for the state of houseplants. If in the room the humidity is below the norm, the tips of the leaves will rear.

Another indirect sign of air overwhelm - electrical discharges proceed from synthetic clothing.

How to raise moisture

There are several ways to cope with dry air in the home. The easiest of them is a moisturizer. A few varieties of such devices are available on sale:

  1. Traditional. The principle of operation is based on the water property evaporate. The fluid is poured into a special reservoir, evaporating particles are driven out through the fan. The main thing when using such a device is a systematic replacement of filters.
  2. Steam. Provide an increase in air quality due to a hot pair (up to + 60 ° C). Such devices can independently turn off, but are not suitable for children's rooms, since there is a risk of burns.
  3. Ultrasound. It appeared on the moisturizers market quite recently, because they are considered a novelty. Have a lot of advantages over the rest of these devices:
  • consume very little electricity;
  • have a small size (compact);
  • ultrasound models are absolutely safe to people's health;
  • different with high quality.

Another device for moisture is "car wash." The principle of the device resembles a vacuum cleaner. The purification of air is carried out by means of an ionizing element, while the humidity in the room rises to 60%.

Tip! Do not violate the rules of exploitation of the ultrasonic humidifier, as this can lead to the formation of a white plaque on the floor and furniture.

Modern humidifiers make it possible not only to eliminate the dryness of air, but also support the indicators at the optimal level. This makes it possible to protect the health of people living in the apartment, as well as ensure the safety of clothing and furniture items.

Humidifiers have a certain radius of action, which allows you to choose a device based on the size of the room. Detailed information The manufacturer indicates packaging and in the instruction manual.

Eliminate air dryness and saturate with water molecules will help other methods:

  • decorative fountain;
  • aquarium;
  • the use of air conditioner and heaters at a minimum;
  • splashing water with a pulverizer;
  • hanging on radiators of heating wet towels;
  • abundance of houseplants;
  • systematic wet cleaning.

Methods of reduced humidity

The market shows the dryers outdoor, desktop, wall, and on the principle of moisture - assimilative, adsorption, condensation.

Simplest ways to reduce humidity:

  • ventilation;
  • exhaust ventilation device;
  • use of climatic systems and dryers;
  • timely repair of sanitary equipment and flowing water pipes;
  • using the air conditioner, the periodic switching on the heater.

The number of water vapors in the room is the most important indicator that directly affects the well-being of residents, furniture and objects of decoration. Normal humidity is in the range of 40-60%, it is necessary to adhere to these values, otherwise unfavorable microclimate will affect health.