About the world of plants and country life. types of evergreen trees that will give you interesting-struck

Winter is the most critical period for apple trees and you need to survive it with minimal losses. In general, the set of measures includes collecting a late harvest, collecting and destroying fallen leaves, digging the trunk, top dressing, watering irrigation, mulching the trunk area, removing lichens and moss from the trunks, cleaning the bark, removing dry and interfering branches, whitewashing, processing from pests and diseases, sealing hollows and warming of young apple trees.

One of the most beloved cultures used to create bonsai is Japanese serissa. This delightful plant is also called the tree of a thousand stars (its flowering fully justifies such a nickname). But the serissa has other advantages. Beautiful bark, miniature leaves, amazing silhouettes - all this more than compensates for her capriciousness. Growing a serissa is not an easy task. But still from indoor bonsai she is considered one of the most unpretentious.

Mushroom soup with chanterelles - which can be tastier and easier. In my opinion, only mushrooms and oyster mushrooms compete with foxes in their accessibility and ubiquity. Even in the most “non-mushroom” year, there is a bucket of yellow “foxes” on the market. In addition to accessibility, there are a number of advantages. Firstly, worms almost never infect this fungus. Secondly, you can collect a lot at once. Thirdly, it is not necessary to clean. In general, where not to look - one sheer benefit!

Strange, dazzlingly bright, outlandish, sloppy - what garden epithets are not awarded with only epithets. These perennials combine winter hardiness and unpretentiousness with an outlandish appearance. Culture has become one of the favorite species and is found both in fashionable design projects and in private gardens. The main advantage of Lychnis is its low maintenance requirements. After all, to admire the colors of inflorescences, you just need to not forget about timely top dressing.

In this article, we will talk about moisture-charging irrigation of fruit crops, which, I think, many gardeners neglect, especially in rainy autumn. It seems to many that the rain that rattled on the roof all night can wet the soil to a sufficient depth, and you can do without using additional artificial watering without spending extra money on water. But no, you can’t, and now we’ll tell you why and teach you the proper water-recharge irrigation.

Zucchini marinated for the winter with onions, peppers and physalis - a light, spicy, assorted vegetable snack. Zucchini is a neutral vegetable, it perfectly absorbs various tastes and smells. A small handful of onions and sweet peppers, a few fragrant spices - this is all that is needed to prepare delicious canned vegetables. This year, physalis grew in my garden. Jam is made from it, but in my pickled form, in my opinion, physalis is much tastier.

Soil is not just the habitat of plants. Along with carbon dioxide, light and water, it is a vital element, without which most plants cannot survive. The characteristics of the soil, its mechanical composition, acidity, water and air permeability, nutrition play a key role. Errors in the selection of the substrate are a source of great problems and risks. The most reliable option for indoor plants are purchased, ready-made substrates.

Korean salad with cucumbers for the winter - a burning cold appetizer in a sweet and sour marinade. This recipe is not for sissies, as it contains quite a lot of hot pepper (this is what the highlight of the workpiece is all about). Spicy vegetables will come in handy for the festive table or as a side dish for a meat dish, in particular, a barbecue or fried chicken. For a recipe for a Korean salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, choose high-quality vegetables - small pimply cucumbers.

Few people know, but gooseberries - the culture is literally eternal and very productive. From a well-developed gooseberry bush, which you looked after properly, you can collect up to a dozen kilograms of both tasty and large berries at the same time. So, let's first briefly list the activities that we need to conduct during the autumn period with gooseberry bushes, and then we will describe each of them in detail so that you have an idea of ​​what and how to do.

Primrose plants are ideally suited to the concept of a “lazy” garden. They are unpretentious, undemanding to care, can settle even where, it would seem, primroses do not belong at all. Equally beautiful leaves and flowering are a nice bonus for plants that you can "plant and forget." True, to say that they grow by themselves is not possible for all primulas. But there are many types that allow you to create beautiful flowering accents, simplifying the maintenance of the garden.

Meatballs with tomato and sweet pepper gravy is a classic dish that many fell in love with as a child. No matter what the pork cutlets are called: meat balls, hedgehogs from minced meat, meatballs or meatballs, as in this recipe, the essence of this does not change. A juicy cutlet in a fragrant thick sauce looks so appetizing that everyone salivates without exception. In gravy for meatballs, you can add cream or sour cream and season it with flour, but it is better to add more vegetables.

The controversy surrounding the digging of the tree-trunk circle of fruit trees has been, is and will be for a very long time, probably as long as the gardens exist. There are quite a few options for keeping the tree trunk around the fruit tree, there is black steam (digging), sodding, and mulching, and each of these events has both pros and cons. Digging the soil in the near-stem zone and mulching can be combined, including watering and fertilizing.

Palm trees did not accidentally gain leadership among indoor giants. Lovely, austere and elegant at the same time, they have been adding clean lines and tropical mood for decades to homes. And although the affiliation of plants to palm trees is determined at a glance, the palm family is far from homogeneous. And first of all - by its exactingness and moodiness. Among indoor palm trees, there are both unpretentious and species, the cultivation of which is only possible for the elite.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with bell pepper - delicious tomatoes for the winter. These blanks do not belong to the category “put everything in a jar, filled it with marinade”, no - you have to tinker. But, as they say, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Firstly, the skin of ripe tomatoes is easily removed. Secondly, a blender mashes tomatoes in seconds. Thirdly, it is better to spend 15 minutes on sterilizing the blanks than the same 15 minutes on a trip to the store.

The time has long passed when daylilies in every city courtyard and garden looked the same. Today, a variety of deliciously flamboyant ones can even compete with tulips. And new varieties appear almost every day. Extravagant or touching modern daylilies made a leap forward and firmly entrenched in their lists of favorite perennials. And even the most elaborate and rare varieties still match his reputation as an unpretentious culture.

Planting garlic in the winter is a responsible event, here you need to choose the right planting material, correctly determine the timing of planting, know the subtleties and rules, nuances and features. Let me start with such nuances. Garlic has two different forms: one is referred to as non-shooting, the second - shooting. What is an arrow? The simplest is a flower stalk. The arrow forms only winter garlic, that is, the one that we sow in the autumn.

Growing evergreen trees in the garden offers many benefits. Firstly, the needles or leaves do not fall during the year, and the plants allow the territory to look beautiful even in winter. Secondly, the plantations have thick and dense leaves, which make it possible to make screens or hedges out of them. Thirdly, such trees can reach large sizes. Also, plants have a variety of shades from green to yellow and blue, they will perfectly brighten up everyday life with their variety.

Evergreens for solitary hedges and planting

Some gardeners use evergreen plantations as seedlings, whose dense foliage prevents the formation of weeds. For example, juniper, which grows well on steep terrain or on slopes, is a good choice.

If you need to create a screen between traffic or neighbors, evergreens will do just fine. To do this, choose thuja or juniper, which grows quickly and lends itself well to cutting.

Conifers and shrubs

Today, the market has many evergreens, such as cypress, holly, spruce, pine, etc. Any conifer will look beautiful in an open place. They should not be planted near the house, because a thick shadow will prevent natural light from entering the windows.

This evergreen tree is a fast-growing species, reaches a height of 40 meters. The young plant has a conical crown, which over time takes on a rounded shape. Over the years, the tree trunk is cleaned and looks very impressive. Breeders bred various varieties based on weeping pine, spherical and narrow-conical.

Reaches 40 meters and Korean pine cedar. Evergreen   the tree prefers fertile soil. Today, several dwarf decorative varieties are bred. For example, Vinton grows no more than 2 meters, Glauka has bright blue needles. These species are perfect for a rock garden.

Shade-hardy and frost-resistant species is the Weymouth pine. The tree grows very quickly and is unpretentious to soils. There are decorative varieties that have a dwarf, "weeping" shape, with silver, white or golden needles.

A small evergreen tree, or rather, a multi-stem bush - cedar elfin has a long beautiful needles. The plant prefers high humidity of the soil and air. Such a tree will best develop in areas with frequent rainfall, with its bluish green color, it will stand out against the background of the garden.

A beautiful decorative tree is black pine. She has a black trunk and gray-green needles. The plant is drought tolerant, shade tolerant, not afraid of severe frosts.

Mountain pine can be attributed to both small single-stemmed trees and multi-stemmed shrubs. It has a thick dark green crown, unpretentious, can grow on stony poor soils. Its landing on a rocky hill will create a unique mountain landscape.

Colorado Blue is popular. The evergreen tree is a native of North America. The plant reaches a fifteen-meter height, differs in a pyramidal shape and gray-blue needles.

Of course, do not forget about the cedar. This elegant evergreen tree grows up to eighteen meters high and has long needles emerging from bunches. On its basis dwarf representatives are derived.

Growing evergreen trees in the garden offers many benefits. Firstly, the needles or leaves do not fall during the year, and the plants allow the territory to look beautiful even in winter. Secondly, the plantations have thick and dense leaves, which make it possible to make screens or hedges out of them. Thirdly, such trees can reach large sizes. Also, plants have a variety of shades from green to yellow and blue, they will perfectly brighten up everyday life with their variety.

Evergreens for solitary hedges and planting

Some gardeners use evergreen plantations as seedlings, whose dense foliage prevents the formation of weeds. For example, juniper, which grows well on steep terrain or on slopes, is a good choice.

If you need to create a screen between traffic or neighbors, evergreens will do just fine. To do this, choose thuja or juniper, which lends itself well to cutting.

Conifers and shrubs

Today on the market there are many evergreens, such as cypress, holly, spruce, pine, etc. Any coniferous tree will be in the open. They should not be planted near the house, because a thick shadow will prevent natural light from entering the windows.

Gardeners are very fond of evergreen shrubs. They will not obscure the garden, but with their color they will add variety. Many bushes also have unusual foliage, which makes them even more attractive.

Common pine

This evergreen tree is a fast-growing species, reaches a height of 40 meters. The young plant has a conical crown, which over time takes on a rounded shape. Over the years, the tree trunk is cleaned and looks very impressive. Breeders bred various varieties based on weeping pine, spherical and narrow-conical.

Reaches 40 meters and Korean pine cedar. Evergreen tree prefers fertile soil. Today, several dwarf decorative varieties are bred. For example, Vinton grows no more than 2 meters, Glauka has bright blue needles. These species are perfect for a rock garden.

A shade-hardy and frost-resistant species, the tree grows very quickly and is characterized by its unpretentiousness to soils. There are decorative varieties that have a dwarf, "weeping" shape, with silver, white or golden needles.

A small evergreen tree, or rather, a multi-stem bush - cedar elfin has a long beautiful needles. The plant prefers high humidity of the soil and air. Such a tree will best develop in areas with frequent rainfall, with its bluish green color, it will stand out against the background of the garden.

Beautiful is She has a black trunk and bluish-green needles. The plant is drought tolerant, shade tolerant, not afraid of severe frosts.

It can be attributed to both small single-stemmed trees and multi-stemmed shrubs. It has a thick dark green crown, unpretentious, can grow on stony poor soils. Its landing on a rocky hill will create a unique mountain landscape.

Colorado Blue is popular. The evergreen tree is a native of North America. The plant reaches a fifteen-meter height, differs in a pyramidal shape and gray-blue needles.

Of course, do not forget about the cedar. This elegant evergreen tree grows up to eighteen meters high and has long needles emerging from bunches. On its basis dwarf representatives are derived.

Pseudotsuga is one of the most important tree species supplying wood in temperate countries, especially in North America. The tree is characterized by rapid growth, which allows you to get more wood at an earlier time than many other conifers. Therefore, pseudo-rot is widely cultivated for wood in the United States and in many countries of Western Europe with suitable climatic conditions.

Branches and cones of "mammoth trees"

but   - sequoia evergreen, b   - giant sequoiadendron

The most powerful conifers in the world are the so-called mammoth trees, also inhabitants of North America. Their two species are giant sequoiadendron (Sequoiadendron giganterum) and evergreen sequoia (Sequoia sempervirens). In appearance, they are both quite similar. But their needles are completely different: the first tree has short thick scales, the second has long narrow plates. Interestingly, both species on the globe do not occur anywhere except in North America in the wild. In botanical terms, these are endemic, or endemic, plants of the North American continent.

Mammoth trees are real giants of the plant world. In their homeland, in the mountain forests of Sierra Nevada (California), they reach a height of over 100 m. Along with some eucalyptus trees, these are the tallest trees in the world. They are also one of the most durable (live up to 4-5 thousand years). The trunk thickness of these colossi is amazing - up to 10-11 m in the lower part. For example, the case is known when the huge stump of one of the mammoth trees served as a dance floor and 16 pairs freely danced on it. To transport by rail the trunk of an old tree, sawn into pieces, a whole freight train is barely enough.

The appearance of the old mammoth trees is very peculiar: prohibitively thick bulky trunks that are completely inconsistent with the "liquid" crown. Surprisingly, with their gigantic size, mammoth trees have, however, very small cones - no larger than plums - and very small seeds. This is one of the paradoxes of nature.

Mammoth trees are endangered plants. In previous geological epochs, they grew not only in North America, but also in Europe and Asia (fossil remains indicate this). However, over time, the area of ​​their natural distribution has greatly decreased. In many areas, they became extinct, and now they are preserved only in the southwestern part of North America.

The names of mammoth trees - "sequoia" and "sequoiadendron" - have an interesting origin. Both of them are given in honor of the creator of the first Native American alphabet - a North American Indian named Sequoia, who lived from 1770 to 1843.

There are both types of mammoth trees in the Batumi Botanical Garden. But one of them - the evergreen sequoia - feels better in the local humid climate (it grows at home in more humid coastal areas). Its trees, despite their "infant" age (they are about 70 years old), look like mighty old giants. Their height is more than 40 m, diameter - 1.3 m. These giants are much larger than 200-300-year-old pines and spruce in our north.

Sequoia bark is interesting. It is dark brown, very thick (in old trees - up to 30 cm) and very loose, fibrous, resembling asbestos. The resemblance to asbestos is not only external. This bark hardly burns, as a result of which the tree is not afraid of forest fires. It is even useful for sequoia if fire passes through the earth, destroying dry fallen needles - its seeds grow better on exposed soil.

There is a remarkable feature in the reproduction of sequoias. This is one of the very few conifers that can recover from a stump after felling. Almost all other conifers, like our pine and spruce, never give growth from a stump. In the homeland of sequoia, groves of this tree are often found, which are of overgrown origin.

In America, sequoia is called "redwood" - mahogany. Its wood has a beautiful reddish color and is used for a variety of crafts. It is valued extremely highly. In 1969, for example, 1 m3 of sequoia wood cost $ 2 thousand in the USA (this is the price of a first-class passenger car of the latest brand). Sequoia wood is difficult to ignite and quickly absorbs water, which makes it easier to fight a fire.

This concludes our acquaintance with the main conifers of the Batumi Botanical Garden. As you can see, these plants in many respects deserve attention. They have many interesting features in their structure and development, reproduction and distribution. They also play an important role in human life, delivering building material, fuel, food, raw materials for paper production and much more.

There are about 600 species of conifers on the globe. Among them there are powerful trees and undersized shrubs, moisture-loving plants of swamps and drought-resistant inhabitants of sand dunes. Coniferous leaves are very diverse: some have long, narrow needles, others have wide plates, and others have short thick scales.

Conifers can be found almost throughout the globe - from the tropics to the Arctic Circle, from highlands to plains. The most cold-resistant of all trees on earth - larch - is among conifers. The geographical distribution of conifers is noteworthy. The largest number of their species is now found in the Northern Hemisphere. But they are distributed very unevenly here: in some areas it is not enough, in others it is a lot. North America and East Asia (Japan and China) are especially rich in conifers. Europe is comparatively poor in them. How to explain this fact? Before, in the Tertiary period, conifers were distributed more or less evenly in the Northern Hemisphere and there were many species. This is evidenced by data obtained in the study of fossil plants. But later, in the Quaternary, the coniferous flora experienced a strong influence of glaciation. The approaching glacier destroyed some conifers, pushed the others far to the south. Conifers in Europe and most of Asia were especially affected by the glacier. Conifers in North America suffered much less damage. And in Southeast Asia, where the glacier did not reach at all, the coniferous flora remained almost as rich as in the Tertiary.

Evergreen deciduous trees

We don’t have such plants in Central Russia - the climate here is too harsh for them. Evergreen deciduous trees are thermophilic. These are, with rare exceptions, the inhabitants of subtropical and tropical countries. Having visited the Batumi Botanical Gardens in winter, you can get a good idea about this group of plants. Subtropical evergreen trees grow beautifully here right in the open. Unlike northern trees, their leaves are usually large, dark green, glossy, often like varnished. Try them by touch - they are thick, as if made from thick drawing paper.

Of the evergreen deciduous trees in the Batumi Botanical Garden, a false camphor laurel (Cinnamomum glanduliferum) is often found. The hard shiny leaves of this tree, when rubbed, emit a specific smell, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of camphor. Wood also has a fairly strong characteristic odor. Aromatic wood is not uncommon among trees in warm countries.

False camphor laurel is an inhabitant of mountain forests on the slopes of the Himalayas. At home, it grows in very humid areas - where at least 1,500 mm of precipitation falls annually. Therefore, in a humid Batumi climate, he feels very well. Perhaps, not a single evergreen deciduous tree can compete with it in terms of growth rate (especially in thickness): 80-year-old trees seem to be millennial giants. Their trunks in several girths. They are not cylindrical, but look like a bunch of individual trees fused together. False camphor laurel is an excellent decorative breed. It adorns some streets of the city of Batumi.

In the Batumi Botanical Garden, the false camphor laurel has several close relatives, also evergreen trees. One of them is a real camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), which grows wild in China and Japan. It is this plant that supplies a valuable medicine - camphor. When rubbed, it emits a real "camphor" smell. Wood is also very fragrant. Products from it retain their smell for centuries. A real camphor laurel looks very much like a false camphor.

A cousin of false camphor laurel is the cinnamon of Loureira (Cinnamomum loureirii). This tree is interesting because its bark by smell is indistinguishable from the famous spice - cinnamon. Quite a “cinnamon” smell is emitted by the leaves as well, if rubbed. However, cinnamon is not obtained from this tree. Its supplier is Ceylon Cinnamon - an inhabitant of the tropics. (He, of course, is not in the Batumi Botanical Garden in the open ground.)

All four plants belong to the same genus, whose Latin name is "cinnamomum." As you can see, nature has endowed representatives of this genus with a wide variety of smells. The genus cipnamomum belongs to the laurel family - the very same to which the noble laurel belongs, giving everyone the well-known aromatic "bay leaf". The laurel family is rich in odors.