Plastering Arbolita. We study the main stages of plaster walls from the inner and outdoor than plastering arbolit

Due to its positive properties, the arbolit is a versatile and durable material for the construction of the house. However, when using concrete with wood chips filler, it is necessary to take into account the high degree of water absorption of this component. Based on this, the facade (and sometimes internal) finish of this material is a prerequisite. Most often, plaster is used for these purposes. To figure out how to shook the walls from Arbolit itself, first of all it is worth considering the features of this method of finishing.

Advantages of plastering of arbite walls

When applying plaster on the arbolit, you can significantly improve its characteristics, since such a coating performs the following functions:

  • Heat shield. The house maintains heat without the effect of "Parling". Thanks to good vapor permeability, the plaster allows the arbolit "to breathe".
  • Sound insulation. If the plaster is not painted, it will reliably protect you from unwanted noise.
  • Waterproofing. The plastered arbolit repels water, so rooms with high humidity (but not more than 70%) do not require additional finishes. To enhance water-repellent properties when applying plaster, it is recommended to use a torcret machine.

Also, plaster is necessary if the buildings have an impact of aggressive acid pairs.

Another plus of stucco is its composition that forms a rough surface, which allows to achieve a high level of clutch of plastering material with an arbium surface. In this case, you do not have to additionally process the walls and prepare them to finish.

In addition, to update the plastered facade of the building is needed no more than once every 8-9 years. To do this, it is enough to "go" along the walls of the primer, spending on this minimum of money.

If we talk about what exactly the walls can be plastering from arbolit, then it is worth highlighting several types of this finishing material.

Stucco compositions for arbium walls

For independent finishing of surfaces from Arbolit, it is recommended to use the following types of plasters:

  • Cement. The mixture of sainted sand and cement is suitable for standard walls of the thickness of about 30 cm. The plaster is applied with a thickness of 2 cm.
  • Gypsum. Gypsum and different fillers are used as a finishing material.
  • Lime. The main component is lime. In this case, after coating the surface of the plaster, it puts off the primer and paint the front paint.
  • Forms for decorative finish. Such plasterers are different types: lime, acrylic, latex and others. Acrylic composition is considered the most convenient in work. Also, decorative mixtures are distinguished by high steam-mindedness.

Some experts are added to a conventional cement solution lime dough (about 0.5-1 parts) or water-retaining additives.

However, it should be borne in mind that when adding some additives (polystyrene foam, foam glass or slag), the walls will be worse to "breathe". This is due to the different indicators of the vapor permeability of the materials, as a result of which the dew point is formed (the walls are frozen and inside covered with wet stains). If you do not want to break the air permeability of Arbolit, then it is recommended to use clamzite, barite, perlite or vermiculite as additives.

The process of applying plaster on an arbum surface differs from the processing of other concrete with its simplicity. You can apply the protective layer almost immediately after the construction, process the surface or use the reinforcing grids is not necessary.

Useful! The use of a reinforcing grid in the process of plastering will increase the service life of the finish, but without it, the plastering composition firmly "sticks" to the surface.

Nevertheless, before quickly plastering the walls from Arbolit, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with some features of the external and interior decoration with various materials.

Features of the internal and external decoration of arbite walls

If you plan to use plaster as a cladding, then it is necessary to take into account that this building material should not be used for the interior decoration of the premises with aggressive conditions.

Mixtures for plaster, which includes perlite, are good insulation, so after processing the surface can be saved by wallpaper.

Also for decoration inside the room uses lining, however, such a cladding has its own flaws:

  • high cost;
  • high fire hazard;
  • when installing, you must prepare a wooden crate.

Gypsumboard is used for interior decoration, with which you can make any shape and create a unique design of the room. However, it is also required to prepare a framework.

If we talk about how to cover the walls of the house from the outside, the cheapest and accessible option will be all the same plaster. Some prefer the brick due to its heat and sound insulation characteristics, but in addition to its high cost, it requires constant care. At least when installing bricks and do not need to prepare a layer of insulation, there is sure to leave a gap of 40-50 mm between arbolite and brickwork to avoid humidity. In addition, for brick facing, it is necessary to establish a good ventilation system, otherwise the arbum blocks will quickly collapse.

If you are planning to perform work with your own hands, while spending the minimum of effort and cash, it is better to give preference to conventional plaster.

Plastering of arbolite blocks is considered the easiest and most reliable way to decorate their finishes in order to decorate and protect against moisture. Optimal characteristics for applying, moisture-resistant, but breathable mixtures distributed by a thin layer in the range of 20 mm are possessed. Handle walls are recommended on both sides, the difference is manifested only in the solutions used and the technologies of their installation. The result achieved largely depends on the quality of products and flattering, in order to avoid errors, it is worth examining all the requirements in advance.

Selection of composures for plastering

The need for mandatory protection is easily explained, with all its advantages, this composite building material has a high degree of water absorption (40-85%) and is not intended for operation in an open form. At the same time, it is impractical to close it with impermeable facing due to the reduction of the ability to air exchange and the absence of the possibility of withdrawal from them by randomly accumulated condensate. This rule acts both when processing walls outside and when working indoors. Application of moisture-proof, but porous and breathable mixtures solves this problem completely, the formed coating combines protective, leveling and decorative functions.

  1. The cement-sand solution applied to 2 cm. This type is selected mainly in the draft finish, including when planning the closing outside the ventilation system. It is valued for cheapness, resistance to moisture and most external influences, but inferior to other types in permeability, the maximum effect is achieved when protecting rooms with high humidity, unheated and economic buildings: garages, workshops, baths.
  2. Limestone plaster, characterized by increased vapor permeability and plasticity and predominantly used during the draft decoration of arbite walls indoors. In front work, it is used in a complex with moisture-repellent paints.
  3. Gypsum blends, ideal for inner cladding.
  4. Decorative compositions based on acrylic or silicone resins, liquid glass or complex binder. These species have different characteristics, the common properties include good coverage, wear resistance and the ability to change the color by entering pigments. Silicate or silicone brands have the best indicators of UV stability, permeability and water repellence, they are practically not subject to pollution and do not need to be updated for a long time.

The plastering layer is used as a rough, leveling, heat, sound or waterproofing and acid-resistant, in a number of cases, their functions are combined. Each of the listed varieties has its advantages and disadvantages, to call any of them for the attitude of the versatile arbium is impossible. Widespread grades on a cement basis with minor additives of gypsum or lime, positively affecting parametail indicator, or water-holding impurities.

To avoid errors, it is recommended to use specialized dry mixtures, with independent preparation it is important to track the degree of permeability of the input components. Special attention is required to heat insulation types, foam glass, crushed slag or polyfoam crumb to enter them, cannot be administered, the optimal combination is achieved when the cement or complex binder with crushed clay, perlite, vermiculitis, or similar breathing filler. In the introduction of antiseptic or anti-corrosion additives, there is no need, the arbolit has a group of bioscistance and does not need additional protection against any external influences except moisture.

The accurate features include ensuring high-quality clutch, the false layer does not need to be reinforced with a grid or in pretreatment of soil. This is explained by the same permeability and elongated shape of the chip, the solution penetrates into the upper layer and is reliably held between the individual fibers. But this property has a negative side - high consumption of materials and risk of cracking due to the rapid absorption of moisture from plaster.

On average, 34 kg of CPS, 30 - lime mixture, 9 - finishing based on plaster and 8 decorative types are led by 1 m2.

When the draft finishing of arbolic blocks is performed, the thickness of the applied layer is maintained within 20 mm, purple - 7-10. Expensive silicone, acrylic and silicate varieties are distributed through a plane using a brush, a peel or a wide spatula. The thickness of their layer after drying does not exceed 1-3 mm, but for obvious reasons they are not applied directly on the surface and need a rough base. The walls outside the house at the same time it is recommended to process brands with high UV stability, acrylic in this plan is inferior to silicate.

Nuances performing work

The sequence of actions depends on the novelty of the structures: it is immediately embossed to plastering recently erected systems (soil treatment is required only when doubtful), previously operated - after removing old building materials and thorough cleaning from weak particles. The masonry from the factory blocks or plates, as well as the wall, flooded in monolithic technology, does not need hardening of auxiliary lighthouses, they can be processed without prior preparation. The exception is made only when building construction in hot weather - the surface is neatly wetted.

Stucco on arbolit do it yourself

Arbolit, "specific" building material that strongly absorbs moisture and can gradually collapse under its impact. However, this fact does not yet mean that the walls of arbolite can not be placed with wet solutions.

It should also be known that by building its walls, at least outside, it is recommended to warm up and decorate with finishing material. Only in this case, their surface will be reliably protected from the negative impact of moisture, and accordingly will serve much longer.

Asking the question than plastering the arbolit, it is important to know that for these purposes you can use almost any modern finishing materials. It can be used to plastering walls from arbium blocks and conventional cement plaster. However, due to the fact that the arbolit absorbs water very much, the process of plastering the walls is slightly complicated.

First, put the plaster on the walls from Arbolit recommended with a thickness of at least 2 centimeters. The composition of the cement-sand mixture itself is recommended to add water-retaining additives or on the extreme case 0.5-1 part of the lime milk.

The plaster on arbolitis itself is not much different from plastering walls of bricks for example or slag block. In a sense, it is even simplified due to the presence of a rough surface of the arbolit, with a large number of cracks - the solution to it is much better.

Some difficulties may arise with the thickness of the plaster on arbolit, since those people who encountered this building material for the walls know that it does not always have the extremeness of its geometric forms. And if the surface differences of the wall are essential, then sometimes you have to throw two or three layers of plaster to align them to finally.

In this case, unfortunately, without using guide lighthouses can not do. Before you set them, you should carefully make marking the plastering surface, find the most protruding places on it, etc.

About how it is done already told in past releases. As for the plaster of arbite blocks, the situation here is similar. The only difference in the number of pumped layers, and in their thickness.

The first plaster layer should not be done too large, well, before throwing a second layer, you need to wait some time. The benefit of the arbolit, as mentioned above, very much absorbs moisture, in what you can make sure you can see the video, looking at the video about the arbite blocks.

Video about arbolite blocks

Arbolit - material, one can say unique. It combines high strength and low thermal conductivity, which makes it possible to lift houses in two or three floor, taking into account the heat engineering characteristics of the elements of the building. But he has one quite serious minus - high water absorption, equal to 75-85%. That is, the water that fell on the arbolit is immediately absorbed, reducing the characteristics of the building material. Therefore, the plaster of arbolite outside is a necessary process.

Someone solves the task of protecting the walls of the house from Arbolit with other technologies, for example, installing windproof facades, and makes a big mistake. Because this wall block material absorbs not only water, but also moisture. And this is further the appearance of mold and fungi, cracking and other unpleasant moments. No one forbids use to finish windproof in the form of panels, siding and other materials. But the arbolit must be plastering.

Types of plaster

What today offer manufacturers in category plasters for exterior walls. In principle, the list is not very large, so it will be easy to choose the desired composition.

  1. Plaster dry mixtures based on cement.
  2. Based on lime.
  3. Decorative compositions.
  4. Silicone.


Cement plasters are still quite recently manufactured with their own hands by mixing the sifted sand and cement in proportions 3: 1 with the addition of lime milk. Today, the mixtures are sold in a dry form in paper bags with precise proportions of ingredients that simply need to be diluted with water. The concentration is indicated on the package. Mixing is made by filling the composition into a container with water, and not vice versa. The mixing process itself is carried out by a construction mixer.

Plastering houses from arbolite cement compositions is the hardening of surfaces that will withstand heavy loads, especially percussion. The only minus is a reduced vapor permeability. It cannot be said that it is very low, but lower than that of other compositions. That is, the walls of arbolitis, plastered with cement mortar, badly "breathe".


This type of plaster is made of river pure sand and lime. The ratio can be different from 1: 2 to 1: 5 depending on the fat content of the lime used. Such solutions do it with their own hands - not a problem. First, the lime is quenched, and then sand adds to it.

Manufacturers of dry plaster mixes offer several varieties of this material:

  • with the addition of gypsum;
  • cement;
  • clay.

The first option is not recommended for outdoor use. But the last two in this plan are perfect. As for the last mixture, in the pure form of clay and lime are not mixed. In such a composition, or cement, or sand is added in a small amount.


Here is a wide variety of mixtures that differ from each other with a polymer component.

  1. Silicate, which make up liquid glass. This is an elastic with a high indicator of vapor permeability material.
  2. Acrylic. Acrylic resins are added to the composition. Elastic solution with low vapor permeability.
  3. Epoxy based on epoxy resins.
  4. Polyurethane.
  5. Polyvinyl acetate.
  6. Acrylo-styrene.

All designated plasters withstand high temperatures - up to + 90 ° and do not change their characteristics under the action of sunlight.


This type of plaster facades is distinguished into a separate group, because it is the most expensive material, of all the above-mentioned, but with excellent performance. Silicone plaster life - at least 25 years. It is easily applied, comes on sale in the finished form.

Now to the question, what plaster is better for Arbolit. In principle, there is no difference for this wall material than it will be placed. After all, the main task of the plaster layer is to protect the arbolit from moisture. And all the above described materials are easy to cope with this. In this case, the choice must be made by the optimal ratio of price and quality characteristics. Plus, it is necessary to look at the fact that the structure from Arbolita should be placed. For example, if this is a garage or other business building, it makes no sense to apply expensive solution. By the way, today many use the plaster of Arbolit Clay. This is the cheapest option. Not the most presentable, but there is a place to be.

Arbolita plastering technology

So, the question than plastering the arbolite from the outside, resolved, the composition is selected, you can move to the construction and repair operations. Like all processes in construction, the plaster of walls from Arbolit is divided into two parts: preparation and main process.


There are no complicated actions at this stage. It is not necessary to primitive the plane of the walls, because for arbolita it is too. The blocks of it have a porous structure due to the wooden chip used in the concrete as a filler. Therefore, any plaster mortar to fall on them without prior preparation. By the way, there is no need to mount the reinforcing grid for the same reason. The only thing to do is to do the wall by the broom.

Now two points:

  1. If the plaster is the final layer of finishing (followed by finishing), so to speak, aligning, then the framework of metal profiles is collected under it.
  2. If the facade of the house will be closed by windproof design, then there can be no particular requirements for the flattering layer. In this case, the shocking of the walls will simply perform protective functions.

In the second case, the application of plaster will look like this: With the help of the cell, the solution is attacked on the surface of the wall and aligned with a grater. The layer must be small - up to 5 cm.

The preparatory work in the first case includes the installation of metal profiles. This is done like this:

  1. At the edges of the walls, two vertical profiles are installed, which are exposed exactly vertically and in one plane among themselves. Bashed to the wall of them can be plaster in the form of several heaches.
  2. Then the durable thread in several rows (4-6) is then stretched between profiles.
  3. After that, intermediate vertical profiles are installed every 100-150 cm with fasteners on plaster. Installation requirement - set profiles exactly on stretched threads.

Applying plaster

Now plastering house. The cooked solution of the Kelma is thrown between the laid profiles and is aligned with a long rule, stretching the material from the bottom up with the movement of the tool across the laid beacons. At the same time, the profiles laid on the wall perform support functions for the rule.

This technology allows you to interrupt shockting. The main thing is to fill in a mixture of the gap between two lighthouses. If in one day all the walls cannot be aligned, the process can be transferred to the next one. Nobody requires accurate evenness and smoothness from the applied plaster. The task is to align the large differences of the walls and fill the porous structure of the surfaces of arbolit. By the way, that is why the plastered arbolit is a material that requires a large number of plaster.

In such a form with profiles inside the walls are left for several days so that the plastering layer is good. The profiles are then dismantled, and their places of installation are filled with plastering or repair (cement-sand) mortar.

Note that the plaster Arbolit inside is made at exactly the same technology.

Advantages Wall plastered from arbolit

If we talk about the advantages of this method of protecting the walls, erected from Arbolit, then we need to note three criteria.

  1. Waterproofing wall material. Any solution described above has these qualities. And the thick of the layer, the higher the waterproofing characteristics. It is believed that they increase depending on the technology of applying a protective composition. For example, a total technology using a special typewriter.
  2. Heat insulation - there is no doubt, because the thicker the outer walls, the warmer in the house. Increase this characteristic in different ways, for example, use plaster with perlit on the arbolit or with the addition of polystyrene foam crumb.
  3. Soundproofing - here is the same as with thermal insulation in terms of the thickness of application. But if you make a crumb into a solution of PP, then this characteristic will increase several times.

Conclusion on the topic

So, a few questions affecting themes were considered - the better to shock the walls, and how to plaster the house from Arbolit. From the information provided it becomes clear that this process is no different from the same associated with alignment of brick, block, concrete or stone surfaces. The only difference is the absence of a reinforcing grid. The remaining requirements for the processes are the same.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account that the arbolit is a specific material. But it's easy to work with it. The stucco on it falls well, preparing the plane of the finish is not necessary. And this reduces the time of construction operations and funds for the purchase of additional materials.

When erecting walls from arbite blocks, it is necessary to remember that the arbolite absorbs water very quickly. Therefore, before masonry, the blocks need to be saved to avoid drying the solution, which leads to cracks. This is especially true in hot and dry weather. Recommendeduse a "warm" solution on the basis of perlite to avoid "cold bridges".

One of the best finishes of arbite walls outside, in our opinion, is a ventilated facade. This is on the one hand, protecting the material from external influences and, on the other hand, the possibility for excess moisture is not accumulated inside, but to be easily passing through the walls, leaving them dry.

Ventfasad can be both mounted and brick with a gap about 5 cm.

The most popular Arbolitian finish is plaster. The plaster with perlite is now very popular, which not only protects against purge and improves appearance, but also gives significant insulation of the walls.

If you decide to make a masonry solution and plaster with perlite yourself, then perlite is better to wet until mixing. Wet perlite is much easier to impose - it does not figure out. In addition, perlite opens the water first, then gives it to create additional difficulties in the preparation of a solution with dry perlit.


The finishing of arbolit products is one of the most important technological operations. The durability of the designs themselves largely depends on the quality of the finishes, as well as buildings that are built on. Consumer examination of various destinations, conducted in various climatic zones of our country, showed that in structures with a good protective finishing coating, the arbolit has a stable humidity that does not exceed 12%, and the buildings are well-found in good condition. Conversely, with poor-quality protective finishing coatings on the surfaces of the structures, a large amount of crack appears, the flat layer is peeling, the designs themselves are blown. The humidity of arbolit in such structures, regardless of the orientation of walls and climatic zones, is usually high (more than 30%). With such humidity, the strength indicators of arbolite sharply decreases, its deformability increases, the thermophysical properties deteriorate and conditions are created for its biological lesion.

Due to the fact that the arbolit has a coenproof structure and high sorption moistening of the surface, the designs from this material must be coated with protective finishing coatings. The type of protective finishing coating is determined in each particular case, depending on the designation of the building, its location, existing factory technology and economic feasibility.

Cemer-sand solutions, concrete, slab facing and paint and varnish coatings are currently used as protective finishing coatings. To date, the arbolite finish on some operating enterprises is carried out by the formation of a cement-sand layer with a thickness of 15-20 mm and, as a rule, one side is separated.

In several enterprises of MINLESPROM, the USSR is carried out bilateral nutrition. Most often, the building was built from arbium structures, they are separated at the construction site. In this case, the walls from the arbolic structures of the PC-clumsy cement-sandy solution, then with the outer one-rone, the blades are used with the additives of pigments (less often with paint coatings), and with the inner, depending on the design of the building, plastered wallpaper or painted with time-personal colorful compositions. . However, the quality of such from the divide is not always high.

In order to protect Arbolit in moistening structures, we conducted studies to find effective protective finishing coatings. For research, such protective paint and varnish coatings were born, which Ho-Rosho has proven themselves during operation with cellular concrete. These are the paints of the CPCH, KCh-26, VA-27A, Latexno - silicone whitewashes, lime-silicone-skia whirlpool and others.

The quality of the finishes was evaluated by the frost resistance of protective and finishing coatings and arbolite protected by them, according to the resistance of them to alternate moisturizing and drying, to reduce the adhesion strength of the textured layer and arbolit from the indicated influences. As a result of the research, the following is established:

the best resistance to the effects of frost showed the coating of cement-perchlorvinyl paint as an aspect layer and in arbolit;

paints KCh-26 and Va-27 A, not intended for external coatings, but showing sufficient persistence to the action of frost, can be recommended for finishing and protecting the ins-three-line surface of the enclosing structures of non -otupa-mum buildings with a wet operating mode;

recommended by the "Guidelines for the design and cargo of products from Arbolita" latex-silicone, can also be applied to protective finishing coating of arbolite designs. However, it should be noted that when it is prepared and drawing, difficulties arise related to the resulting reaction between protein components and its bundle. Simultaneously in research it was noted that small cracks were formed on the coating of the paint VA-27A after 45 cycles. The formation of cracks on the paint coating KCh-26 began after 35 cycles, and the latex-silicone paint began to flaps from the textured layer after 40 cycles.

Thus, the most durable in this regard is the coating of cement-perchlorvinyl paint both in arbolitis and the texture layer.

The results of the study of the frost resistance of textural layers with various chemical additives and protective finishing coatings also shown:

reducing water absorption through the factular layer contributes to the increase in its frost resistance;

the studied additives introduced into the textured layer have a positive effect of both the decrease in water absorption through the factory layer and on the adhesion of the textured layer with arbolite; The best results were obtained by introducing a polyvinyl acetate emulsion to a flat layer, calcium nitric acid and GKG-94;

during the studies, an increase in the clutch forces of the textured layer with arbolite after testing samples to frost resistance, which is probably due to good waterproofing properties of these coatings, which cause small water absorption of samples. This allows us to recommend, such compounds for the implementation of construction practices;

the adhesion strength of the textured layer with arbolite is reduced during moisturizing and drying, as well as the strength of arbolit, but more intensely. This is explained, apparently, the different value of humidity deformations of the textured layer and arbolit and the concentration of stresses in the boundary zone;

all protective finishing coatings, applied to the textural layer, increase the frost resistance and resistance to alternate moisturizing and drying the textured layer compared with the control samples without coating in proportion to the decrease in water absorption through the spoken layer.

The most effective coatings were latex-silicon-organic whitewashing and paint CPCV, less efficient - coatings with calcium stearate and lime-silicone painting. Good protection against moisturizing ensures the processing of the textured layer with hydrophobizats and polymeric materials (GKZH-10, PVA, Latex SCS - 65GP).

As studies have shown, the surfaces of the surfaces of arbolite structures significantly increases the durability of this material, gives products and built of them buildings a beautiful appearance. However, these types of finishes have not yet been widely used in the production of arbolit, as deficit and fairly roads. Considering all these factors, we have proposed protection and decoration of arbolit concrete layers with a simultaneous decorative coating device from ceramic breccia.

From the book by A.S. Sheerbakova, L.P. Goroshuna, V.S. Vodchufarov "Arbolit. Improving quality and durability »1979