Separation of an orchid's baby from the mother plant. How to plant children orchids at home

Most orchid lovers know that from a baby an orchid does not grow far quickly. How long does it take to build foliage and roots on Phalaenopsis babies? What is generally needed to get a baby on an orchid at home? We understand!

Methods of propagation of the phalaenopsis species

In the wild, the life cycle of the phalaenopsis is similar to the cycle of an ordinary flower. It consists of six stages:

  • flowering plants;
  • pollination;
  • seed nucleation;
  • seed formation;
  • seed ripening;
  • germination.

The pollination stage occurs with the help of insects flying to fragrant flowering, after which the plant develops seed capsules. The seed pod, as a rule, ripens within 6-8 months, after which it bursts, and small seeds fly around in the air and germinate on the bark of trees, on stones and other stable surfaces.

But how does an orchid give babies at home? There are 4 ways:

  1. Budding / Cherenkovanie.
  2. Root propagation.
  3. Division.
  4. Reproduction by seeds / sexual method.
Answering the question of where the children come from orchids, we emphasize: the babies appear on the peduncle or from a growth point.


Most often, this species at home reproduces by budding, although experienced flower growers also practice the sexual method. This process is quite time-consuming and not suitable for beginners.

In order for a phalaenopsis baby to appear on the orchid, or rather on the peduncle, the plant in most cases needs to go through a flowering cycle. This method is called cuttings.

The plant does not dry the stem, and after some time, the sleeping buds wake up and swell. Often, lateral shoots appear from them, forming new buds, but sometimes at first 2 small leaves appear there. Within 2-3 months, the leaves will increase in size, gain strength and feed on the resources of the mother plant.

After a few more months, the roots appear on the baby and as soon as they reach 2–3 pieces in length of 5 cm or more, the phalaenopsis baby can be planted.

Root propagation

In critical situations, a basal shoot appears on the flower. Why in critical? Because phalaenopsis will do its best to continue its cycle in babies, but the orchid will not have the necessary conditions for flowering.

A root baby appears in the lower part of the trunk: at first it will resemble a growing peduncle, but after 7-14 days it will become clear that this is offspring.


In fairness, one more method of propagating orchids should be mentioned, however, it is in no way connected with the natural processes of the plant and is rightly considered barbaric. This is a method of dividing the trunk and it is as follows.

After the orchid gains good tops and aerial roots, it is cut horizontally at the growth point, separating the upper part from the bottom, leaving only 2 leaves. It is here that the future orchid may appear, and the upper part is dried from below and planted in a new pot along with aerial roots.

Quite often, orchid lovers try to provoke reproduction, forced to give offspring with the help of hormonal paste. This method is considered quite effective, but it should be used exclusively on healthy plants.

It is also possible to get 2-3 children from 1 kidney at once, united by one growth point. Such "Siamese twins" are characterized by low viability and often die before transplantation. Well, of course, the owners of such plants then ask why the orchid does not bloom, does not grow roots, does not grow leaves. The reason is a violation of the genetics of the plant and its natural qualities.

What sprouts are phalaenopsis

Depending on how the orchid gave the baby, babies are classified as:

  • baby on the trunk;
  • root baby;
  • delenka;
  • seedlings.

We will not consider the process of development and care of seedlings and delenki, since in the first case this process is quite laborious and lengthy, and in the second we will talk about resuscitation of the plant.

In general, the young orchid on the peduncle and at the base looks the same, both of them can bloom while still on the mother plant, but still there is a difference in how to care for the baby phalaenopsis orchid. To do this at home is quite simple, the main thing is to know their features.

Root baby: developmental features

As already mentioned, such a baby appears in extreme conditions for the mother plant. The appearance of a radical baby is always an occasion to review the conditions of detention of their tropical beauties.

Important! If your blooming orchid gives offspring - this does not mean that it is good! Perhaps she uses every opportunity for reproduction.

Another reason for the appearance of a baby on an orchid stem is flowering from the growth point of the mother plant. After the flower stalk is released from this place, phalaenopsis will no longer be able to grow new leaves, and in order to extend its life cycle, it can produce offspring.

The root children of the phalaenopsis orchid develop quite slowly. In the first few weeks, they release 2-3 leaves, which will develop within 3-4 months. The growing body receives nutrients from the mother, therefore, you need to pay attention to the state of the root system.

The roots should be green after moisturizing or silvery in the dry state, a good sign is the appearance of bright green tips, indicating the development of the plant. The leaves of the mother should be with good turgor and not have either dry or wet spots.

Unlike stem babies, there is no need to plant root ones, but we will talk about this a little later.

Features of the stem baby

Before you think about whether it is already possible to separate the baby from the mother's orchid, you need to know when it can exist separately:

  1. Stem babies should grow roots of a length of 5 cm or more.
  2. A young orchid on a peduncle should have at least 3 leaves, measuring 5 cm or more.

How to care for a root sprout

A basal baby in the scientific literature is called basal. This once again confirms that this plant is completely and completely dependent on the mother, and, therefore, he needs a similar care. In fact, this is an orchid without its own roots, and if you decide to separate two plants, then only one can survive.

In this situation, opinions can be very controversial. Most gardeners consider it reasonable to separate them only when the mother has a sick root system. Since the new growth is located in close proximity to the growth point, then, no matter how you separate the two plants, one of them will be damaged.

It is worth noting that there is a successful experience in the division of such plants, but this is rather an exception, confirming the rule!

Caring for a baby orchid on a peduncle

The appearance of offspring on peduncles in phalaenopsis does not happen very often, even with hormonal stimulation of the kidneys. Of course, many questions arise about planting an orchid's baby separately from her mother as soon as possible. This is especially important for weakened plants.

How to care for a plant with children and how to stimulate the growth of a young orchid? In order for a plant from a small sprout to become a teenager, able to live separately, it is necessary to build up the root system. Thanks to the nutrition from the mother, the offspring also develops, however, experienced flower growers do not let everything go by its own, but help the plant gain strength as soon as possible.

We increase the roots of the baby

The following biostimulants are used for root growth:

  1. Kornevin.
  2. Heteroauxin.

For lovers of natural ingredients, you can use an aqueous solution of honey or aloe juice.

To accelerate root growth, we need sphagnum moss. It should be soaked in a small container in a solution of any stimulant mentioned above, squeeze out excess moisture and attach to the neck of a young plant with a thread. Daily moss should be moistened with a spray bottle.

After the appearance of the first roots on the baby, the moss is removed to prevent waterlogging and rotting of the roots, the mother plant is placed in a well-lit place and watered according to the usual schedule.

How to plant a baby orchid

The separation of the baby and planting in a new pot is carried out when the plant gains a significant mass of tops and roots. Here, a young plant is already difficult to call a baby, it is a real young flower. Of course, it will bloom not earlier than in 3-5 years, but the very miracle of its birth can not but rejoice.

You need to plant an orchid baby as follows:

  1. We cut the baby along with the peduncle with a sharp sterile tool 0.5 cm above the growth point and 0.5 cm below. The fewer residues of flower stalk you have left, the better.
  2. Let the slices dry from 6 to 12 hours. Slices do not sprinkle with anything!
  3. In the prepared pot, measuring about 10 cm in diameter, pour small expanded clay for drainage and a little bark of the smallest fraction.
  4. We sit the baby there, after putting a piece of polystyrene under the neck.
  5. Add in the volume of the pot of bark and place on a pallet.
  6. The first watering should take place no earlier than 5 days after planting.
It is also important to remember that fertilizing a teenager should begin no earlier than 30 days after it is separated from the mother plant and transplanted.


Until the moment the baby grows into an adult flowering orchid, from 3 to 5 years will pass. Physical and moral strength, patience, as well as love and care must be invested in the plant. Summing up a short summary, it is worth noting the main thing:

  1. There are 4 ways to propagate the Phalaenopsis orchid, however, the most common are cuttings and root propagation.
  2. You can get orchid children at home with the help of hormonal stimulation, but this does not guarantee a healthy plant in the future.
  3. It is possible to separate the baby phalaenopsis orchid only from the peduncle, since the root shoots share a root system with the mother.

If you want your young orchid to be healthy and durable, you must provide it with the correct lighting conditions, temperature and humidity level, as well as water it about 1 time in 7-10 days.

If you finally replenished the ranks of those happy gardeners who waited for the offspring to appear in your orchid, then congratulations, but now you have a logical question - how to plant an orchid baby at home?

In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated about this. You just need to follow the sequence, and carefully monitor the condition of the little beauty. About how orchid propagation occurs by children, and how to do it at home, we will tell in this article.

Phalaenopsis orchid kids - how they look

As you know, on the phalaenopsis orchid leaves grow only below. Usually they are from 3 to 7 pieces. Many people are surprised when the leaves begin to grow on the peduncle. Indeed, this can cause many questions if you do not know that this is the phalaenopsis baby.

What do orchid children look like? Just like the parent, only in miniature. First, leaves appear, then the roots begin to grow. It even happens that the baby blooms right on the mother plant.

However, there are other situations where a baby cannot develop completely without help. Then you need to take certain measures.

Correct cropping

You can’t just take and separate the sprout of an orchid from an adult plant. In order not to harm either the maternal flower or the baby, you need to carefully trim the baby, following some recommendations.

Regardless of where the children appeared on the orchid, pruning is carried out with a very sharp tool that must be pre-treated with an alcohol solution, vodka or other disinfectant. You can trim with scissors, a scalpel, knife or pruner.

You need to prepare charcoal or cinnamon powder in advance. Activated carbon from a pharmacy is also suitable, but it will need to be crushed first. This powder is required to process all sections that are formed, both on the baby and on the parent.

How long do babies live on the phalaenopsis?

Children Phalaenopsis orchids develop for a long time. First, the kidney wakes up, and it is clear that something is growing from it. Then the first leaves appear. They are quite small compared to their parents.

And only then does the formation of the roots begin. A baby is considered mature when she has several roots, at least 5 cm long.

The time required for development can be different, and depends on the microclimate and the nutrition of the bush. On average, this time can be designated as 6 months. If during this time the baby has not fully developed and has not grown roots, then measures must be taken.

Root stimulation

First of all, you need to try to stimulate their growth, and force them to give roots. To do this, eat one simple trick. You need to take a small amount of sphagnum moss, moisturize it, and fix it in the place where the roots of the baby should grow. Wrap the outside with a film or bag so that moisture does not evaporate.

Periodically moisten the moss so that it does not dry out, it is possible not just with water, but with Kornevin's solution. After 2-3 weeks, you can evaluate the result. Koreshkov still, of course, will not be, but you can understand whether they began to develop, or there is no result.

Formation Features

Orchid is in many ways unusual. So with reproduction - it is never known where the offspring is formed, and how it will develop. However, this is not at all uncommon, but a completely natural process.

It is believed that offspring arise before the death of a flower. But this is only partly true. If the baby appeared on the peduncle, it is quite logical that he will soon dry up. After all, the plant has already faded.

But if we are talking about a radical baby, then there is no reason for concern. Such a phalaenopsis baby should not be considered a harbinger of something bad.

How to separate offspring from the mother plant

How to separate the baby from the orchid depends on where she grew up. And this can happen in different places, because this is an unpredictable plant.

Above we wrote about the rules of pruning, and below we will tell you how to separate the baby orchid from the mother plant in each case.

How to Plant a Baby Phalaenopsis Orchid

To say in advance where and when a process is formed on a flower is almost impossible. It is believed that this depends on the age of the plant and its health. But, of course, external conditions also leave their mark on this. But every baby that has grown can become a full-fledged plant, with proper care.

On the peduncle

The most common development option. How to grow a baby orchid from a peduncle? Very simple, do nothing, do not trim, but wait. The flower stalk in phalaenopsis is older than 5 years old, capable of not only flowering, but also reproduction.

If the shoot appeared on the peduncle, then this is called a stem baby. It is cut along with part of the peduncle. Leave it both above and below the baby. Enough for a couple of cm on both sides.


If the baby appeared as if from a substrate, at the base of the flower, then this is a basal process. Before separating it from the parent, you need to slightly dig up the substrate, and make sure that the baby has roots. You need to trim it in the place where it grows together with an adult flower.

A root baby is not difficult to separate, it is important not to damage the uterine plant.

From the sinus leaf

The third kind of children are those that grow from the point of leaf growth. Also, making sure the normal number of roots, it is cut off with a piece of tissue of the mother plant.

A baby from the leaf sinus develops from a sleeping kidney located there. In other circumstances, a peduncle could grow from there.

Without roots

Wherever a young shoot appears, it can develop correctly, or have certain problems. A baby without roots is not a sentence for a baby. You can plant an orchid from a shoot in the absence of a root system, it will only take more time and diligence.

If the baby is already 6 months old, and all the roots are gone - it's time to transplant her. A greenhouse is created for her from a plastic transparent glass. Drainage is poured into it and moss is laid. The baby is fixed on weight, so that only its root neck slightly touches the moss. Top with a cropped bottle to create a greenhouse effect.

There is also a way of rooting the baby on the foam. A hole is made in a piece of polystyrene foam and a process is fixed in it so that the root neck does not stick out on the other hand, but is 5mm inside. The design is lowered into the water. The method is good if the room has a suitable microclimate for the development of the shoot without a greenhouse.


This is a process that formed in the basal zone and does not have its roots. It is powered by the mother plant system, and is part of it. It is believed that this is how the plant renews itself, and soon the upper part of the adult plant will die, leaving growing offspring in its place. Such processes do not separate, but are left to develop on the flower.

Child care at home after transplantation

The process is transplanted into a separate pot when it has its own roots. As we have said, their length should be at least 5 cm.

Further care is practically no different from care for an adult plant. If the transplant is successful, orchid babies at home develop very well. But it is not enough to be able to separate the process from the trunk, and to properly land. The processes require careful adherence to the recommended microclimate.

It is important to ensure a comfortable temperature in the range from 22 to 27 degrees. Observe the watering regime, avoid excessive moisture, and provide daylight hours of at least 12 hours.

When the baby blooms, the beginning of flowering

On average, the processes of orchids reach maturity at the age of one and a half years. Then, under favorable conditions, and if necessary, after some stimulation, the plant will be ready to bloom.

The first flowering begins as usual, with the distillation of the peduncle. On a branch for the first time, usually no more than 5-7 flowers bloom. But with each subsequent flowering, there will be more and more. And after 5 years, from the trunk of a new orchid, like her parent, a new baby is formed.

"Dendrobiums" and "Phalaenopsis" are extremely popular among amateur gardeners in our country. It is typical for these plants to develop the so-called “baby” at the top of the pseudobulb. Propagating flowers with such processes and planting is easy and convenient.

“Children” on the orchid of the “Phalaenopsis” species can form at the base of the basal neck or on the peduncle of the “sleeping” bud, which is typical for the stage of the end of the main flowering period. The most common occurrence is the formation of a "baby" from a "sleeping" kidney, which is located on the peduncle of a houseplant.

General information

For example, some orchid species, such as Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis, can form “babies.” There are two common ways of breeding "Dendrobium", represented by dividing the bush, as well as planting "children". On the peduncle, they can be located singly or in the amount of several pieces. The “children” of “Phalaenopsis” and “Dendrobium” are born with enviable constancy, and it is very correct to transplant them.

That is why it is not difficult to propagate these varieties at home, and even beginner flower growers can plant “children”. They always look typical and are processes on the trunk of a plant.

When the "kids" appear

In order for a “baby” to form on a houseplant from a still “sleeping” bud located on the peduncle, one should not completely remove the peduncle after flowering has ended. It is simply shortened, and a distance of at least 2 cm should be left above the kidney.

In addition, the formation of "children" is facilitated by the presence of a sufficient amount of light after the flowering stage of the plant has ended. It is thanks to the lighting that “sleeping” kidneys wake up. However, in addition to lighting, it is required to maintain a sufficiently high temperature regime after flowering.

In the presence of relatively high temperature indicators at home, not standard flower stalks are formed from "sleeping" buds on the plant, namely "babies" for reproduction. This happens if:

  • the end of the flowering stage of a house orchid at home;
  • a sufficient amount of intense light;
  • relatively high air temperatures.

Providing optimal conditions, it is possible to quickly achieve the appearance of processes on the plant, which easily reproduces orchids of certain species at home.

To obtain quality material in the form of processes, which can then be separated and planted, care for the mother plant should be adjusted.

How to separate and transplant the sprout of an orchid (video)

Home Care

The rules of basic care for room orchid at the stage of growth of "children" imply strict implementation of the following actions:

Watering a plant

You should continue to water the plant, while you must adhere to the general scheme of irrigation, which involves irrigation as the planting substrate dries. It should be remembered that each specific case of the formation of a "baby" depends on the growing conditions of the plant. As a rule, the time interval between high-quality irrigation can vary from five to ten days.

Rarely and accurately, you can irrigate the plants in the shower. This procedure allows you to grow strong and healthy “babies” that form leaves and a good root system. The shower helps to remove dust deposits from the mother plant, and also releases the stomata, through which indoor orchids carry out active gas exchange with the surrounding environment. Rinse leaves thoroughly on both sides.

Fertilization under Phalaenopsis

Fertilizing is extremely important, as they allow you to grow healthy processes on the mother plant. Fertilizing should be timed to the end of the main flowering period. Performing such events is easy. It is necessary to introduce high-quality fertilizers specially designed for feeding orchids during the implementation of every second watering. It is required to use a half dose of special fertilizers from the one indicated on the product label.

It should be remembered that only high-quality processes having leaves and root system can be separated and planted. It is somewhat more difficult to transplant “children” without a root system, but it is still possible to separate and transplant processes on which roots have not appeared.

Dates and methods of transplantation step by step

When forming on an adult room orchid completely ready for separation and planting the "children" who gave the roots, they should be planted. You can transplant after the root system has appeared on the “baby” and it can be easily traumatized from an adult plant.

As soon as the “baby” has taken root and formed complete leaflets, a small transparent container should be prepared as a flower pot or box, as well as pine bark in the form of small pieces, sphagnum moss and high-quality charcoal. Deep into the cup, you need to carefully insert the roots of the disconnected process, and then fill the tank with a mixture based on the bark, coal and sphagnum, which fits between the roots of the "baby". Seal the substrate carefully. The planted sprout can be provided with a reliable support.

It should be remembered that the separation of the "baby" is performed only by a well-sharpened and completely clean tool. It is allowed to use a knife or scissors. Some gardeners use special miniature secateurs for this purpose. Sliced \u200b\u200bareas are dried and treated with activated carbon. The roots of the process, which are characterized by a high level of fragility, require special care. In the first days after planting, watering plants is not performed. It is possible to carry out spraying from a spray gun.

You can find out how to plant an orchid correctly.

If the “children” did not produce roots during the entire time they were on the mother plant, then such processes can be jigged. Extension of the root system can be performed in the ground or on sphagnum moss. However, this process will be lengthy, since it requires the implementation of particularly careful care of the plant.

How to get a “baby” orchids (video)

It is necessary to carefully monitor compliance with the temperature regime, and it is best to use a special indoor greenhouse for germinating the roots on the "baby". This design allows you to maintain optimal microclimatic conditions with minimal effort and time.

How to separate the baby from the Phalaenopsis orchid is a question that interests all owners of these amazing plants. If the plant released a baby, this is a great chance to grow phalaenopsis for a gift to relatives or for sale. Before replanting a new orchid, you need to know some rules that will not harm either the young or the mother plant.

In order for a baby to form from the "sleeping" buds, in no case should the cut-off peduncle be completely cut off after it fades. All that is required is to shorten the peduncle in such a way that 1-2 cm remains above the upper bud. The second necessary condition, which contributes to the formation of children, is a large amount of light at the end of the phalaenopsis flowering process. In addition, orchids should stand in a room with high temperature indicators (27-30 ° C). Most often, it is due to the elevated temperatures from the "sleeping" buds that the peduncles do not appear, but the children.

In order for the children to form, 3 basic conditions are necessary:

  1. The period after flowering phalaenopsis.
  2. A lot of light.
  3. Relatively high temperature in the room.

If you provide the plant with these conditions, then the orchid will safely begin to give offspring.

When phalaenopsis has already pleased its owner with children, it must be remembered that they live on the plant for about six months. During this period, they grow up, grow 4-5 leaves and form roots. You can start the separation of the children if the roots have grown by about 5 cm.

How to separate a baby from an orchid (video)

Baby Phalaenopsis Branch

Orchid is a very finicky plant, so the process of separation should be started with all responsibility. It is better not to rush phalaenopsis with the growth of children, for this reason it is not necessary to additionally treat it with moss or other substances. Most often, one peduncle gives 2-3 children, and when they are ready for separation, the plant is allowed to be planted from the mother's orchid. It is not recommended to separate a new plant if it has less than 5 leaves.

Before planting a new plant, it is necessary to prepare a place for work and all the necessary tools in advance. For such a process you will need:

  • soil in the form of pieces of bark;
  • moss sphagnum;
  • special pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm;
  • secateurs;
  • sharp knife;
  • cinnamon.

First you need to separate the phalaenopsis baby, for this you need to cut a young plant along with a 1 cm long flower stalk. The places where the slices were made should be carefully treated with cinnamon, but before that they need to be dried a little. Phalaenopsis should be transplanted into a small plastic pot. The baby is placed in the middle of the pot, it is very important that the root neck is at the height of the edge of the vessel. The roots should be carefully placed in a transparent container. After this, the plant must be held by the root neck and fill the tank with soil. It is very important that the roots are also covered with soil. If they cannot be placed in the soil, then you can leave it on the surface or cover it with moss. After that, you will need to knock on the walls of the pot. Such manipulation is carried out so that the soil can settle. Tamping the substrate is strictly prohibited, as this can break the roots of the phalaenopsis.

Watering a transplanted plant is allowed only after 2-3 days. During this period, the cut will be delayed, and you can not worry about the dangers of introducing and spreading infections. If an adult phalaenopsis is allowed to be watered a week after transplantation, then orchid children will not be able to withstand so long without moisture. This is due to the fact that children and their roots do not have a large supply of nutrients. After 7 days, the orchid's baby is watered according to general rules - as the soil dries.

It should be noted that the soil for new phalaenopsis plants can be created independently. Do it from the bark of pines.

Separate the orchid's baby (video)

Caring for a transplanted baby

A very important condition for a successful transplant is considered the proper further care of the plant. First of all, you should put phalaenopsis in the shadow and limit the ingress of the rays of the sun. Room temperature should be a maximum of 21 ° C. It is best to place the transplanted plant on a window on the east side of the house. The first time the orchid is watered after 5-6 days, while the foliage should be carefully irrigated with purified warm water. Feeding can be done after 30 days. For fertilizer use special feeding "For orchids", carry out such a process 1-2 times a month, but the concentration should be reduced by half compared with an adult plant. To reduce the amount of salts, it is necessary to wash the soil under running water for 15 minutes once every 30 days.

If you follow these simple rules, you can get new plants that will be a great gift for family and friends.

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- These are new formations on orchids that have leaves, an individual root system. They are also called cakes. Mini plants can appear from sleeping buds on a peduncle, roots or stem (how to understand that children grow on orchids, read). And they grow on the mother plant until it is fully formed.

A grown-up baby looks like an ordinary orchid, only in miniature. Six months later, the formation on the peduncle has at least a couple of leaves, the root system is up to 5 cm. Some children, next to the mother flower, are trying to bloom, they have a peduncle.

Reference! In phalaenopsis, children can appear on a peduncle from a sleeping kidney. Sometimes they are placed in the middle of the boom, but more often on the tip.

Orchid reproduces several children at once. This process occurs either naturally or by stimulation. If the orchid made its formed copy without any intervention, then it is in perfect conditions and in excellent condition.

How to understand that the shoot is ready for separation?

Separating the baby from the mother plant is a painstaking process. It is important to consider that the baby can be separated when it is fully formed and ready to grow on its own. Basically, this happens when there are 3-4 roots at least 5 cm long and 5 leaves. It is the appearance of the root system, says that the plant is able to absorb moisture and nutrients individually. The duration of the extension process is about 6 months.

When is it too early to disconnect?

Children with roots less than 3 cm are not advised to remove. The underdeveloped root system will not allow the young flower to grow actively. But there is an opinion that at the same time the parent plant does not develop enough, the onset of flowering slows down. In this case, the children are cut off, and.

However, the above manipulations often do not give the desired result, so it is better to give a new formation to finally get stronger on the flower. But delaying with a transplant is also not worth it. In this case, long roots can be harmed.

For the process of separating the baby from the parent orchid, it is necessary to prepare the tool in advancewhich will be convenient to work with. It can be:

  1. sharp scissors;
  2. garden pruner or blade.

Anyway item to be trimmed must be sanitized without fail: Pour over boiling water or rub with alcohol.

How to carry out the procedure?

In addition to propagation by processes on the peduncle, phalaenopsis can give offspring basal and stem children. This is one and the same species, but differ in the place of occurrence: closer to the roots or in the axils of the leaves on the trunk. Such children often arise due to the death of the flower growth point, mechanical damage to the stem, and a long absence of watering.

From the roots

  • Remove topsoil.
  • Assess the state of the root system of the young appendix.
  • With a sufficient length of the roots, we make a slice with a previously prepared tool.
  • Carefully trim the common root connecting the mother plant and the baby.
  • The slice should be 1 cm from the generated copy.
  • Slowly take the flower out of the pot.
  • Places the sections treated with an antiseptic.
  • We plant in a separate container.

From the stem

Important!Such kids do not have their own root system. For nutrition and moisture, they use the stem of the parent plant. It turns out a common trunk, one for two.

Such processes are not subject to separation, they grow together with the mother's orchid in a pot. An orchid with such a process will look rather unusual and interesting. Stem babies appear to replace the dead top of the flower. Over time, the old flower will die, and this process will become an independent plant in a flowerpot. You can find out what to do and how to care for a baby that appears on a peduncle stem.

From the bottom

Mostly children appear on the peduncle, but it happens at the base of an adult specimen. In this case, you should wait until the roots appear and plant:

  • the plant is removed from the substrate;
  • we clear roots of excess soil;
  • with a sterile knife we \u200b\u200bcut off the young process;
  • powdering slices with ground cinnamon or activated carbon;
  • planted in pots.

It happens that children grow, grow, but their root system does not. Exist . Stimulate their root system in wet moss or in a container of water.

  1. First you need to make a mini greenhouse. Put a drainage layer on the bottom, then moss or other moisture-absorbing material.
  2. We also make a special support for the sprout so that it does not touch wet moss. Such a structure should be put in a warm place with diffused light.
  3. Place the moss on the bottom of the greenhouse, you can pour special soil, and put the baby in it. In this case, the lower part of the process should be treated with preparations for root formation. For example, Kornevin.

Advice! It is still worth patience, because the sprouting of the roots is not a quick process.

Further care

Behind the parent flower

After separation, the parent flower also requires increased attention. He should gain strength and grow stronger for further flowering. Adhere to the following microclimate parameters:

  • sunlight is shaded;
  • to exclude hit of the scorching rays of the sun;
  • humidity 50-60%;
  • room temperature + 20-23 ° C;
  • daily irrigation of foliage;
  • water regularly after each drying of the substrate;
  • prevent stagnation of water in the pot;
  • the use of complex mineral fertilizers in the form of spraying green mass or under the root;
  • use quality water.

It is best to recreate the young flower with greenhouse conditions, even despite the presence of a complete root system. Build a mini greenhouse for the young plant, or you can just cover the pot with a plastic bag. In which maintain a temperature of + 27 ° C, and increased humidity. The stay in the greenhouse is about 1 year.During this period, you do not need to water the flower daily.

The first time after precipitation - on day 4, preferably with warm water. The place where the young orchid is located must have access to sunlight. Twice a month, the process should be watered with nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of the vegetative part of the plant. After 3 years, the baby will finally mature, and will be a completely independent plant.

Sooner or later, the orchid grows old and begins to die. Trying to hold on to life, she lets out a sideways baby. A similar phenomenon is quite rare (we talked about how to help orchids acquire offspring). Be sure to follow the instructions, do not plant it ahead of time. Appearance is deceptive, because on the processes, first leaves are formed, and then roots. Also choose high-quality soil and the right pot.

Useful video

Watch a video on how to properly separate the baby from the mother plant: