Measures to combat gray mold on tomatoes. Gray rot on tomatoes, signs and ways to fight

Harvest from his garden requires a lot of effort and hassle on the part of the owner. This is a permanent care, and material costs for the purchase of specialized products such as fertilizers and pesticides. And in the case of planting plants in buildings called greenhouse appear also the cost of maintaining the latter in the proper order. Well-maintained greenhouse shown in the photo.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse

Greenhouse is a good help for the gardener. In it, you can create all the conditions for growing many crops. In general, this is a great way to get a harvest, even in a very warm period of time. But if you do not comply with any rules of operation of such a device as a greenhouse, temperature differences may occur, which will undoubtedly affect the plants there, and the consequences will be negative.

The time comes when the seedlings are planted, the fertilizers are applied for their intended purpose, and only the timely weeding and watering remain on the shoulders of the gardener. The harvest season becomes a gratitude for the worker, his labors are returned to the table in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits.

But what to do if waiting for the gathering of well-deserved fruits appears an unexpected problem of rotting? How to fix the situation and get at least some harvest? Answers to these questions can be found in various sources. Measures of influence differ depending on the type of the affected plant and the infection that was picked up by it.

Consider a vegetable culture like a tomato. Without it, probably, no housewife can do while cooking, so he is present in almost any garden. Greenhouse also does not do without this culture. There are a great many varieties and varieties of tomato, but, unfortunately, this crop has many diseases. Even rot can be different, so that the methods of dealing with it, too, will vary.

It all depends on the source of infection. Everything, like other organisms that inhabit the planet. The same bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms. You can also identify infectious and non-infectious causes of occurrence. In the first case, the pathogen appears from the external environment, penetrates into the fetus and begins its unfavorable activity, in the second case, the disturbances start due to genetic reasons, improper care or lack of it, as well as some unintended reasons, for example, improper climate, increased or decreased humidity.

Vertex Rot

The most common disease affecting mostly ripe fruits. Vertex rot of tomatoes in a greenhouse reduces the amount of fruit harvested. It manifests itself in the form of a dark rotting spot, which slowly grows, gradually capturing the entire surface. May develop due to bacteria and improper care. The lack of moisture in this case plays a big role. And the lack of loosening leads to a deterioration in air permeability. Most often, this disease is subject to elongated fruits. With an infectious method of infection, the fruits spoil en masse.

How to deal with the vertex rot of tomatoes in the greenhouse? At the first signs you need to take action immediately. The treatment is done by improving the care of the crop, for example, by cutting the stepson, if this action has not been carried out before, tying up the bushes, regulating the irrigation, and creating too long intervals between irrigation is detrimental to the harvest. The most effective measures include:

  1. Spraying of plants and infusion of calcium nitrate solution under the root. It is necessary to apply more than once. The operation should be performed 1-2 times a week. The solution is made in the calculation of 10 g of the chemical per bucket of water.
  2. Irrigation of chalk solution. Folk way. The effect requires a longer period of use.

As a matter of fact, the struggle with the vertex rot of tomatoes in the greenhouse is ongoing. How does the tip rot on the tomatoes in the greenhouse can be seen in the photo.

Gray rot

Signs of this disease are similar to the previous one. Fruits and leaves and stems may also be affected. The methods of struggle are simple. All parts of the plant that have undergone fungal infection should be removed. Brown spots with watery content appear at the end of the growing season. Disinfection of the soil on which the beds of tomatoes are located can be of great benefit. Gray rot of tomatoes in the greenhouse is very common, as well as white. On the photo white rot.

Root rot

By name, it is clear that it is the tomato root that is affected. In this case, unfortunately, only disinfection of the soil can help. In the more severe case of root rot, it will be necessary to replace the top layer of soil. Of chemical means will help the solution of blue vitriol. It should be used when infusing under the root of the affected plant. Root rot depicted in the photo.

Internal rot

With this disease, the fetus is no different from the others. Only when cutting the black inclusions that are in the pulp become visible. In this case, as well as in all the others, infusions are necessary for the root system and the observance of all necessary care procedures.

There are many such diseases. White rot may occur, it is distinguished by a kind of down and has a fungal nature of appearance, fomoz forms a rotting dark brown spot around the place of attachment of the fruit, and so on. Everyone has their own signs and methods of healing. Most manifestations need to be treated with chemicals. Of course, this should be done depending on the disease.

White, gray or brown rot, regardless of the harm from its presence in the garden is huge. It can deprive the worker of a good part of the harvest. Unfortunately, the unique means of protection against any kind of rot has not yet been invented, so you have to get by using traditional methods or treat plants with chemicals that at least affect rot. Of course, the benefits to humans from tomatoes, which are fed with chemistry, are few. Therefore, carrying out prophylaxis before the appearance of rot, regardless of whether it is white or gray, is necessary. You just need to ensure full watering, but not from time to time, but regularly. Then you can not neglect tying up the bushes of tomatoes and cutting the so-called "stepsons". After all, they take away moisture from the fruit, thereby stimulating the appearance of signs of disease in tomatoes. Measures taken for the prevention of rot in tomatoes in the greenhouse, will give their effect.

Therefore, taking up the cultivation of such a delicate culture, you need to fully possess information about the order of care, various subtleties and tricks that help to gather a more generous harvest. Greenhouse will help in this process with its properties, its application will facilitate your work duties.

Gray rot in some regions causes very serious damage to growing tomatoes. First of all, this disease affects the plants, the stalks of which were damaged during their care. The development of gray rot usually falls on the stage of fruiting tomatoes, and best of all this attack develops when wet weather is established. If you do not provide proper care for growing up tomatoes and do not start timely control of gray mold, it will spread very actively through the greenhouse, striking the tops of the shoots, as well as inflorescences with ripening fruits.

A few words about the disease

  On the tomato nodules affected by the destructive gray rot of tomato, the formation of grayish-brownish specks begins, gradually becoming covered with an unpleasant gray patina. And in the nearest areas near the places where the leaves break off, the malicious attack appears as brownish elongated spots. For three to five days all the spots grow on the stalks to four to five centimeters, covering them around the perimeter. A little later, they turn pale in the middle to a pale straw hue, and on closer examination you can see ring-shaped blurred stripes. By the way, in the first six to eight days after the appearance of such spots, there are no signs of fungal sporulation.

Necrosis of the bark and vessels often develops inside the tomato stalks, as a result of which water is stopped in some areas of the stalks, which in turn provokes the early wilting of the plants. Leaves slightly higher than necrosis turn yellow, and an impressive amount of aerial roots begins to form on tomato stalks.

When affected by gray mold, the parts of the plants located above the spots often fade. And after about a week and a half on the edges of the specks (and sometimes in the center), an ash-gray bloom appears. This is what conidial mushroom sporification looks like.

In the case of the establishment of rainy weather, as well as at high humidity, the ill-starred attack can strike flowers with fruits. By the way, the rounded shape is typical for specks on them.

How to fight

Despite the fact that the protective measures against gray rot of tomato are developed quite well, they are often used with some delay, and this in turn partially reduces the effectiveness of the measures taken.

The most important protective measure against the ill-fated disease is considered to be maintaining a relatively low humidity in greenhouses. To reduce the wound surfaces of plants and thereby prevent the infection from penetrating safely, it is important to treat tomatoes as carefully as possible not only when removing leaves and fruits, but also when forming crops. To this end, it is important to cut off the damaged parts of the stalks and leaves only in dry weather and with an extremely sharp knife.

It is extremely important to remove plant residues from greenhouses as well, since they contribute to further infection of tomatoes. And the spots on the affected cultures are often coated with a special paste with fungicides.

To reduce the development and further spread of the stem form of the destructive gray rot of a tomato in one and a half to two times help the treatment of the growing crops with sodium humate.

For prophylactic purposes, tomato stalks are treated with “Trikhodermin” suspension. It is especially useful to carry out such treatments after the removal of leaflets (to contain the development of secondary foci of infection). And among the chemical preparations in the fight against the gray rot of the tomato, the drugs “Bayleton” and “Euparine multi” proved to be well proven.

Gray rot is common in greenhouses, but is especially harmful in film greenhouses. All aboveground organs of plants are affected - leaves, stems, inflorescences, fruits. Brown weeping spots appear on the fabric, which soon become covered with a rich gray bloom. Elongated spots of gray or brown color are visible on the stems, mainly in the lower part. At first, they are dry, then become a little closer. Over time, the stem is ringed. During the growing season, the disease is spread by watering and caring for plants. The disease is more pronounced in the event of damage to plants (pinching, garter, etc.), but the infection is able to penetrate into tissues and without damage.

The development of the disease is promoted by high humidity (90-95%) and air temperature of 17-25 ° C, low illumination and thickening of the landings. The source of infection is the soil and the affected plant residues, on which the fungus spores remain.

Tomato varieties Otradny and Leningradsky are relatively resistant to the disease.

Prevention and treatment of gray rot tomatoes

1. Disinfect the greenhouse by burning sulfur briquettes.

2. To reduce the relative humidity of the air by airing.

3. If symptoms of the disease are found, treat the affected areas of the stems with crushed charcoal, chalk, ash, potassium permanganate or copper sulfate (5 g per 1 liter of water).

4. Do not thicken the landing.