The transplant of large coniferous trees. Landing in large trees

Maintenance rooms are coniferous, deciduous, fruit trees with a height of 2 meters grown in special farms in the open soil. The planting material has a formed crown, developed root system.

Landing large-scale on the site - a reasonable solution in creating a landscape, allows you to create a permanent decorative effect in the minimum time. The reception is quite common with the landscaping of deserted sites, bookmark the gardens, parks.

When disembarking adult plants, it is not necessary to leave free space on the prospect of the growth of seedlings, solve the tasks of its fill. Hutting the large-scale fruit trees, reduce the duration of the garden entry into fruiting.

Services of Garden's Dream on landing large

Our landscape company performs work on planting areas by various breeds of adult trees. Our advantages:

  • perfect ownership of the technology of transplanting largests;
  • the presence of special equipment;
  • the possibility of purchasing ,;
  • operational performance;
  • caring after transplantation.

We drastically transform a plot in a few days, we guarantee high survival rate of largests.

Prices for large-scale

We offer you to buy trees-large-breeder from proven. You can also order landing in our company.

Tree name, parameters Price (without landing)
1 Ordinary Pine (Pinus Sylvestris)
height 2-3 M. 4,900 p.
height 3-4 M. 6,900 p.
height 4-5 M. 11,900 p.
height 5-6 M. 15 900 p.
2 Ord Ordinary (Picea Abies)
height 2-3 M. 4,900 p.
height 3-4 M. 6,900 p.
height 4-5 M. 11,900 p.
height 5-6 M. 15 900 p.
3 Spiny Sizai Fir (Picea Pungens Glauca)
height 2-3 M. 9,900 p.
height 3-4 M. 14,900 p.
height 4-5 M. 19 900 p.
height 5-6 M. 24,900 p.
4 Fir Sibirskaya (Abies Sibirica)
height 2-3 M. 18 900 p.
height 3-4 M. 25 900 p.
height 4-5 M. 35 900 p.
height 5-6 M. 40 900 p.
5 Pine Cedar Siberian (Pinus Sibirica)
height 2-3 M. 18 900 p.
height 3-4 M. 25 900 p.
6 Thuja West Smaragd (Thuja Occidentalis Smaragd)
height 1.5-1.75 M. 3,500 p.
height 1.75-2 M. 6,500 p.
height 2-2.5 M. 15 900 p.
height 2.5-3 M. 19 900 p.
7 Thuja Western Brabant (Thuja Occidentalis Brabant)
height 1.5-1.75 M. 3,500 p.
height 1.75-2 M. 6,500 p.
height 2-2.5 M. 12 900 p.
height 2.5-3 M. 16 900 p.
8 Birch Hand / Ward (Betula Pendula)
height 2-3 M. 5 900 p.
height 3-4 M. 7,900 p.
height 4-5 M. 15 900 p.
height 5-6 M. 19 900 p.
9 Acer Platanoides (Acer Platanoides)
height 2-3 M. 5 900 p.
height 3-4 M. 7,900 p.
height 4-5 M. 15 900 p.
height 5-6 M. 19 900 p.
10 Maple sahary / silver (Acer Saccharinum)
height 2-3 M. 6,900 p.
height 3-4 M. 8 900 p.
height 4-5 M. 16 900 p.
height 5-6 M. 20 900 p.
11 Kishtan Konsky (Aesculus Hippocastanum)
height 2-3 M. 6,900 p.
height 3-4 M. 10 900 p.
12 Apple tree fruit (Malus Domestica)
age 3-4 years 5 900 p.
age 4-5 years 8 900 p.
age 5-6 years 12 900 p.
age 6-7 years 16 900 p.

Note: Prices for trees are indicated without delivery.

Landing cost

The landing is calculated as a percentage of the cost of landing material:

  • 45% of the cost of trees when ordering up to 40 000 r.
  • 35% of the cost of trees when ordering 40-70 000 r.
  • 25% of the cost of trees when ordering plants in the amount of from 70 000 r.

The minimum cost of landing work is 9 000 r. If the customer has acquired plants alone, the average market value of plants is taken as the basis.

Technology and landing time

All its splendor trees are demonstrated in summer, but at this time you can only decide on the choice. The transplant is extremely undesirable, since the lush krone of deciduous trees requires a lot of moisture, and the disturbed root system cannot provide its full-fledged admission.

The transplant of adult wood crops begin after the foliage discharge, slowing the vital processes. Optimal time for disembarking - winter.

Sophisticated weather conditions, large size of the landing material, the need to apply special techniques led to the development of technology designed for profile companies.

Stages of winter landing of large

The landing site is chosen and marked in advance. The site is covered with protective material that restrain the freezing of the soil. Planting pits are prepared with a reserve: deeper and much wider earthen coma. The pits are lined with the substrate, then lay the sand layer to improve the drainage properties of the soil.

Lifting, the installation of a large-meter in the well is carried out using a car crane. The root comes are lifted above the ground in the case of spring seed. The space of the landing pits fall asleep with soil, carefully bother it under whom, compacted around.

To eliminate emptiness, the well is poured abundantly, insulated with a layer of peat, covered with shields. High instances after landing are strengthened with spacers.

Care of trees

Trees need abundant irrigation with biodevices, irrigation of the trunk, processing of crown, loosening, mulching of the rolling circles.

You can order the services of our specialists by phone, call!

Each person has its own image of a personal garden located in a homeland territory.

Some dream of chic and majestic flower beds, only from perennial plants, and others want to see their garden, consisting only of trees and shrubs. Moreover, the latter do not want to wait until small seedlings become adult plants, which is solved by the acquisition of large-air trees.

However, it is worth knowing some information about such large rooms. This is its species diversity, methods, landing deadlines, and, most importantly, the cost of material and services provided.

Species diversity of large trees

An experienced gardener knows that trees are largely adult plants (2-10 (14)), which differ in a fairly developed root system (at least 100 liters of volume in the soil) and a completely formed crown.

Their main advantage is the possibility of rapid restoration of the old garden, its reconstruction. You can also quickly create a projected landscape design.

Thanks to the landing of a large planting material, you can achieve the following results:

1. Alley , with a properly taken distance when planting plants;

2. Soliter in the territory - a certain bright emphasis that turns out full attention;

3.Groups - Contrast and harmonious, with or without dominance.

Before such beauty is created, it is necessary to determine specific species.

Therefore, depending on the method of implementation, the following 3 types are distinguished:

1. Large holders with one hundred percent survival By growing in special containers. This is a fairly new technology that can be proud of the quality and excellent result. Production of such plants has been established in Poland and Germany. Despite all the advantages, the high price is the only drawback.

2. Accessibility of about 80% There is a large-scale material with 2 types of root systems: closed or open. Particular attention should be paid to such plants in the first year of planting.

3. The most common view is the large-scale womb . Such plants are grown in special conditions, which becomes a guarantee of high and strong immunity.

Big trees are striking their breed variety.

Gardening of the country site can be carried out by 2 groups of plants:

1. Large large-scale (for example, a sharp-holder maple, Lipa largest, mellular, fruit trees large-scale - domestic apple tree, barbed plum).

2. Coniferous bigger (for example, spruce spray, barbed, Siberian pine, cedar, western, juniper, diverse views and varieties of cypresses).

All this indicates that any gardener in its site will be able to plant such largest plants that are most suitable for its taste. After all, their diversity is very wide, which only surprises.

Basic ways to landing large trees and their timing

There are several basic ways of planting, which are carried out manually or using specific specialized equipment. Each of them has their own characteristics.

For example, the easiest option is to land a special machine, but this is not gentle for the plant itself, which cannot be said about the planting of the material manually, using small-sized technology.

But much more depends on the site itself. For example, if the landscape design contains a large percentage of landscaping (all sorts of wood-shrub groups), which may indicate the absence of bypass pathways, then it will not be possible to get to a particular place. In this case, only the manual method of disembarking or transplanting material will remain.

As for the deadlines, they are standard for all plants - spring or autumn. But there is also a winter landing, and a summer, carried out only by large trees with a lump of land.

In this case, there are some features of such events, namely:

- Preference is given to the winter season, because it simplifies the transportation of the tree. In this case, whom will remain in the integrity in the simply state, which will not harm him. There is only one drawback - this is the preparation of the landing pit because of the frozen land. But this is not a problem in our time.

- In summer, special attention is paid after landing is paid to abundant watering, cropping leaves manually, their treatment with substances that increase the survival rate stimulating growth. Directly trimming the crown is carried out to improve the growth of the root system.

There is also a feature in the transportation of a sapling. Whom must be well packed up to the planting process. If there are a transplant of some largests in the same period, the conduct of all of the above activities is also mandatory.

Main value categories for large-scale trees

As noted above, large-blooded wood plants grown in containers are the most expensive. An organization that implements goods, in any case, should provide only high-quality material, thanks to which he can keep its high brand.

Buy trees are large in specialized garden centers or in country nurseries. Typically, a specific price list is provided, or an independent inspection of the proposed plants is possible. The latter and can boast any nursery, in which prices will be the most acceptable, and the choice is wider and rich.

The price of trees also depends on the height and from decorative qualities. For example, an ordinary pine 2 m. It will cost to approximately 10,000 rubles, but the 7-meter is about 19-20 thousand. In the same category there are all coniferous largest largest.

The cost of some deciduous plants ranges from 8 thousand to 18 thousand rubles, as well as depending on their height and decorativeness. Drawing attention to fruit largests, 5-10 years of age, you can see that their price will fluctuate within 20 thousand rubles.

It remains to note the cost of a transfer or landing of large plants. The technology is played here a significant role, as well as the number of trees themselves. On average, one unit has to pay for about 7500 rubles. - It is the smallest seedling in height, less decorative.

The best guarantee of a beautiful country site is a high-quality and beautiful vegetable material. And if large-level wood plants act in his role, the successful result will be quickly and simply provided.

One of the main and oldest directions of our company is a landing and transplanting service. This procedure is very specific and time consuming. Below you can get acquainted with the stages of this type of landscape work.

Trees belonging to big-member are trees with a height of 2 or more meters, with a formed crown. Features of growth and physiology of trees - an important factor in planting adult trees. Different views are transferred in different ways. For example, when transplanting Clean is an ostrooty, ashenuclear, hennal and other types of Clean, ash, skumpies should pay attention to their physiological development during the life of the plant. Types of Clean, having the color of the leaves, when planning in the shadow - is not illuminated - losing such color. It is important to remember the following that the root neck must be higher above the ground surface of approximately 10 ... 20 cm. It is necessary, in order to prevent the unwanted growth of the root row. Optimal soil acidity For Clean hesitated within 6.0 ... 7.5. Land mixtures of leaf land, peat and sand in a 2: 2: 1 ratio are preferred.

When planting a horse chestnut, the soil acidity is the same as in Clane (6.0 ... 7.5), the seal and sedimentation of the soil is also taken into account to prevent the root cervix. For normal growth of this tree, a drainage layer of rubble and coarse sand should be provided with a thickness of 10 ... 15 cm, which is stacked during the preparation of landing pit. Watering is performed regularly, especially at the first time.

Lipa mellite and large-scale, rowan ordinary and other species of rowan prefer light fertile soils, do not tolerate drought and salinization of the soil environment. Soil acidity in the range of 6.5 ... 7.5. The root neck should also not be bundled and above the surface of the Earth should be at an altitude of 10 ... 15 cm. The optimal land mixture will be a mixture consisting of leaf land, humid and sand in a 1: 2 ratio.

When planting firings, Tui Western and others. It should be considered that the root neck should be strictly at the level of the earth's surface. All plants before landing should be thoroughly water. The optimal acidity is the acidity of 4.5 ... 5.5. At the bottom of the landing pit, a drainage consisting of rubble should be laid, a layer of 20 cm, since the firing is poorly tolerant of water. Soils are preferably drigly or sandy. The soil mixture consisting of a delicate land, peat and sand in a 2: 2: 1 ratio, recommended when planting firs. Full fertilizer in the form of nitroammofoski (100 ... 150 g / tree) will help a tree in a suitability at a new fit. Ate need mulching (peat crumb or wood chips) and a shallow (4 - 5 cm) of soil looser, since their root system Sensitive to lack of oxygen. After landing, it is necessary to carry out regular watering, in the calculation of 15 ... 20 liters per tree.

Landing technology of large-scale

Green construction is made throughout the year, that is, year-round under the observance of certain conditions, protection measures and care. This allows you to warm the territory at any time of the year and plan the timing of work. The most common winter (from the end of November and March), as the plants are at rest, which makes it easy to transport a large-meter along with the landing room.

Work on landing of large-scale trees is behaved in stages, depending on this time. It is distinguished by 5 main steps, which can then be divided into more detail:

  • Preparation of large-scale largest transplantation in the nursery. Digging, packaging coma and preparation for transportation. If necessary, processed with additional means and trimmed.
  • Transportation. The largest is installed in the car, strengthen observing all security measures. Deliver to the place of landing.
  • Creating conditions for temporary storage of wood before landing. Shelter root system, touch.
  • Landing a large-meter. Locked in pre-prepared landing pits or trenches.
  • Care of planted trees.
Diagram of painting and forming a piece of wood

Maintenancers at the facility are strictly in line with the project, because when creating such a project, both the necessary vital conditions for wood and the optimal distances at landings were provided.

Winter landing of large rooms with a lump in packaging (drawers of shot down boards and shields, stitched canvas from dense burlap) are conducted using special machines and mechanisms. It can be special extinguishing machines. Immediately after squeezing the earth, it is carefully packed - durable burlap - good material for these purposes.

The planting sites of the set sizes are prepared with the help of excavators, the walls of the holes are cleaned by shovels by hand and make it sheer. The bottom of the pits are blew at 15 ... 20 cm and poured a layer of vegetable ground with a thickness of 25 cm, a "pillow" is formed. It is aligned, trambed, the center of the pit is denoted by a small peg for centering the plant when landing. In winter, the swelling of the pit is carried out only with a molding ground on top of the root neck of the plant for 4 - 5 cm., And the landing of the largeer is produced at a temperature not lower than 15 * s.

After preparation of the landing pit, a winter landing of large-scale mains is made in compliance with certain sequences and agrotechnical requirements:

preparation of landing poems
preparation of landing poems
  • prepared landing places bring vegetable land for planting. When landing on the territory with severe clay soils on the bottom of the pit it is necessary to put a drainage layer of coarse sand and rubble, and limestone crushed stone, as a moisture-intensive material, is not recommended;
  • the use of landing material directly to landing places;
  • installation of a large-scale tree with a coma in the landing place with the help of a car crane. This process produces experienced workers who know the rules of loading and unloading heavy loads. After installing a large-scale driver, it is necessary to free someone from the packaging;
  • the device is an area of \u200b\u200ban area equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe section of the landing pit - a circle or square, - and earth roller in order to eliminate water spreading during watering;
  • watering a planned large-meter on the established standards (on average 20 ... 30 l / wood) to saturation of the seating in moisture with subsequent mulching (as a mulch, it is possible to use crushed boring, granules 1 ... 3 cm, layer 5 ... 7 cm);
  • strengthening special stretch marks, if necessary, installing a support.

To increase the survival of trees, it is necessary to apply growth biostimulators, which allows it to acclimatize it faster in a new place and form a new mass of the roots. For example, "heteroaceksin", "Korniner", "Herbamine", "Bioplex". The rate and time of watering and feeding should be considered in a specific situation and taking into account the concentration of growth stimulator.

When landing largests during the growing season, the main thing is to prevent the desire of landing coma during the transportation and planting of the tree. For this, 20% of vegetative organs is removed on average. In the summer, it is more convenient to transplant plants in containers, as the planting plant is experiencing less stress when landing. Watering needs to be produced weekly, even if it rains. Planting works of large-scale at temperatures above 25 * C should be stopped.

Care of planted

Care of planted large-gauges is in the system of measures to restore the disturbed functions of the body. The first year after landing is the most critical, because the root system is strongly broken, the active part is partially destroyed - suction roots. To restore the root system, systematic watering is required.


Watering is done depending on the soil availability of water and the growing season. If landings are made in winter or spring, it is necessary to water at least 7 - 12 times over the entire season of vegetation, taking into account weather conditions. At first, after landings, more intense irrigation is needed, even if there are climatic precipitation. The best time of irrigation is morning, up to 11 -12 hours and evening, after 6 hours, at a temperature of water 15 ... 22 * \u200b\u200bC. We use watering using growth biostimulants.

The norms of incoming heteroacexin when caring for trees:


Irrigation An overground part is also an important event when caring for a planted plant. The method of fine-block spraying (sprinkling) is treated with an overhead part of the tree. Coniferous plants are wicked up in spring the next year after landing. Sprinkling can be combined with mineral fertilizers. For example, urea normally 1 g / l of water, 0.2% solution of ammonium nitrate, 0.5% solution of superphosphate, 0.4% solution of potassium chloride. Care and careful monitoring of planted large-scaler are produced during the first 2nd-3 years after landing. After 3 years it is necessary to remove stretch marks and fasteners.

The loosening of the priority circles

The loosening of the priority circles And mulching are used to improve soil aeration. Oxygen is better reaching the root tree system. Depth of loosening 5 ... 6 cm, no more, as you can damage the root system. Mulching can be done using sawdust, peat, chips from wood bark - this allows the porosity of the upper layer of the soil and increase the moisture intensity.

Thus, planting adult trees is a complex and multistage process. But without them, the terrain looks defective and unformed. Trees are the best material for landscaping the territory, since with their help you can create any composition: both grove, and a small forest, and alley, and coniferous corner, and parking plants and strengthening strips, and much more. And the way to plant largests is an opportunity to enjoy the picturesque landscape after the use of landing works.

Our nursery of decorative plants sells large-level trees of deciduous and coniferous rocks, as well as fruit largests. What is a large-scale tree: this is an adult tree with an already formed by the crown and root system, this choice for those who do not want or can not wait until the garden will grow out, a thick live fence is formed, and apple trees and cherries will begin to delight harvest.

All our large-scale trees have passed pre-sale preparations:

  • the crown of trees is packaged in advance so that damage to the branches during transportation and landing were minimal;
  • for better preservation of the root system of a large-scale tree, a land of land in which the roots of the plant are packaged in burlap, a grid or, in responsible cases, marked.

We are ready to land for you any bigger from our range and guarantee its survival rate within 2 years. If the client expresses the desire to plant a tree itself, we organize the delivery of plants, supply related materials: soil, preparations for better survival. And also give a detailed landing and care instruction.

Trees-bigger, sale

If you want to improve your kindergarten for a few months, then it is worth thinking about buying such "seedlings" as trees bigger. These are trees that have already grown to a certain age and size. Therefore, in your garden you will plant the already formed and adult tree, and not a thin young twist with several leaves. Thus, the view of your garden will be beautiful and lush after months, and not years.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, contact that kennel, which is in your area. Local plants are adapted to the climate, but still you will require responsibility in choosing, landing and further care. The largest car can not look like a large tree, although its height is an important parameter. Such trees tend to have 12 years old, and you need to choose them by the magnitude of the earthen coma, on which the resistance and the "vitality" of the tree depends.

Most often it is possible to buy large rooms Family conifers, and also have decorative decorative trees. Something is covered from the abroad, the main part is grown in local nurseries.

Deficial largest largests are ideal for creating a garden. Spacious branches and shape of the crown, unusual coloring of leaves and bark - all this creates a special effect and beauty. The most "survivi" is considered the Maple Ostroland, Lipa Melo-Choir and Kanchin Konsky.


Saving the beauty of the garden in winter will help coniferous trees: Thuja, cedar and, of course, spruce.

Landing large-scale

Plant trees bigger In my garden you can from December to March. Landing technology is based on the fertilizer of the place where you will plant a tree, and on the fertilizer it yourself. Incorrect landing can reduce all your care. Therefore, in the landing pit it is necessary to put a fertile mixture, the tree is to strengthen with stretch marks, which can be removed only in a year or two. It is very important to pour the root system correctly. One tree will require about 35 liters of water.

Get ready for the bigger to be very careful in the first time. Therefore, watch them. The root system should not displace. To make a tree better, use a mixture of fertilizer and growth stimulator. Stop the growth of weeds near and cope with high humidity will help the carpet from the bark or chips. It also looks good as garden decoration.

You can decorate the garden by large rooms now, and immediately enjoy their beauty.

The largest largest trees that are in height rose at least 2- 2.5 m. For greening parks or squares, higher trees are most often used - from 3.5 to 5.5 meters. In the garden sites, the gardeners in recent decades also land the landing of large-breeders so that these fruit trees began to give crops faster.

The transplant of large trees is radically different from landing and transplanting seedlings. Large trees can not be transplanted without the help of excavators and other techniques. After all, they are transplanted along with the land of the earth, and in large plants and the root system is huge, and its weight together with an earthen room can reach up to 500 kg. How to transplant large trees and how to do it correctly - this will be discussed below.

Options and rules for using adult trees for landscaping

The first stage of landing is the choice of large-scale landing. After all, they are planted immediately at a permanent place where not one decade will grow. Therefore, it is necessary to plan in advance which types of trees and shrubs will grow in certain places.

To landscap in the squares, parks and the creation of green areas near the multi-storey houses, it is necessary to smear the most unpretentious of all kinds of trees. Usually for such purposes, poplar and American maple are suitable. They can grow in any conditions, they are undemanding to the soil, can grow in various climatic conditions, quite easily transferred both heat and freezing.

But it is best to use those trees that grow in forests or groves in concrete climatic conditions for landscaping.

Almost all the lengths that are found in the wild, are well adjacent to each other and in urban parks.

Basic rules for using Landscaping Longs:

  • it is impossible to transplancing plant largest forest areas;
  • trees brought from other regions must have quarantine certificates;
  • these long periods should have a crown of the right sizes, healthy, developed roots without signs of damage;
  • on plants there should be no signs of lesion by any diseases, and should not be "harmful" bugs;
  • longs can not be planted near water or sewer communications. It is impossible to plant them near the power lines, near the heat mains;
  • there are also certain distances to buildings and structures on which it is recommended to plant lengths and shrubs.

How to transplant bigger (video)

Transfer and landing of plant largest

Before disembarking, largests are cleared the place where they are planned to be planted. Then the pits of seedlings are digging. They can be digging in advance, or with the help of special equipment to dig up before the brought trees will be empty there.

Trees are descended into prepared pits, which then shovel the ground with a soil level.

If the landing is produced in winter, the root neck is not plugged into the ground. After all, in the spring, the ground around the tree will see, and the root cerv is in its place. It is also necessary to strengthen the plants after landing with special holders (better rope) so that the long periods are rooted and did not fall.

Coniferous trees should be planted as they grew up in the same place in relation to the sides of the world.

What adult trees and shrubs are easier to transfer a transplant

Such rocks include trees that grow under natural conditions in the region:

  • birch of different species;
  • alder;
  • rowan;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • cherry;
  • barbed fir;
  • siberian larch.

Rules of digging and the size of the earth coma on the roots

Before digging the long tree, it is necessary to correctly calculate, which value should be an earthen com on the root system. It is usually calculated from the calculation of the radius of the strain. INelchina such a coma usually should be at 11 - 12 times the magnitude of the part of the tree, which is 1 m from the root cervix. Usually the sizes of this coma change within:

  • length - from 1.2 to 2, 4 m;
  • width - from 1 m to 2.5 m;
  • height - no more than meter.

Most often, high large breeders are not digging manually, but use special mechanisms. When digging such large seedlings, it is recommended to slightly increase the size of the coma to not injure the root system. And only small seedlings can be digging manually.

To snatch the earth from the soil, use a special jack, which can raise at least 15 tons of cargo immediately.

How to dig a fruit largest (video)

Features transportation

A large tree along with a lore land is placed in a special metal container in the form of a basket. It is in him a tree and move to a new place. When the largest landing is delivered, it is lowered by a hole with a container in advance. The container is then disassembled and pulled out to the surface, and a huge seedling remains in the landing pit along with an earthen room.

Huge excavation comes wrap in special metal grids or in coarse burlap cloth. Such packaging allows the root system to move well to transport, and the land with the roots does not appear. But in winter it is possible not to pack earthen coma. Only follows after digging leaves to leave the trees with the earth to stand outdoors so that the soil is well freez. Usually for this you need to 7 - 10 days.

For the transport of such large trees, truck cranes can be needed, cars - all-terrain vehicles with special manipulators, high-sided trucks, small loaders and other special equipment.

When loading and unloading large rods, it is necessary to monitor so that the bark is not damaged, the land from the roots did not appear. Too large trees (above 8 meters) difficult to transport in the citySince their crown may not fit when driving under the bridge, tunnel or power line. Therefore, too high trees are trying not to replant.

Technology landing large trees to a new place

When replanting large-rangers to another place, specific rules should be followed:

  1. First you need to decide, in which location the largest largests will be defended. These plants should not be under the right rays of the sun. Therefore, for them they choose a shaded area.
  2. When digging, a special transplant is needed, which, with small size, is able to dig up quite large trees. At the same time, it should extract plants from the soil with large kits of the Earth, not traumating the root system.
  3. We also need special materials in which the coma of land will be packed with roots. Usually used special metal structures, burlap.
  4. The transplant is digging a long one from the ground, dropping around the tree special shovels, which gradually climb into the cone when immersed in the ground.
  5. Then the long period along the ground rises from the soil and moves to special containers. In these baskets, trees are planted into the prepared pits. Burlap over time is processed in the ground, and the basket cells do not interfere with root growth.

Care for adult trees after transplantation

Correct care allows transplanted large-gauges to acclimatize in a new place faster, and then quickly start increasing the vegetative mass.

Especially carefully needed to follow the long periods in the first season after a transplant. After all for trees, especially adults, the transplant is stress. In addition, roots can be injured. Therefore, to restore roots, it is necessary to regularly water the long periods in the first season abundantly.

If such "seedlings" landed on a new place in the winter, or in the spring, then watering such trees should be poured at least 10 - 12 times per season.

The main rules of care for such long terminals include:

  • watering, carried out only under the roots of plants;
  • crop the crown regularly to form it correctly, as well as its sprinkle;
  • introduction of various fertilizers as in the rolling circle, so in extractive feeders;
  • improving oxygen access to roots;
  • it should also be improved the composition of the soil so that the moisture absorbed better absorbed, and there was no stagnation of water in the soil;
  • most largest largests that land for landscaping do not like acidic soils, so it is necessary to conduct procedures for the deoxidation of the soil;
  • it is also necessary to loosen the soil after irrigations, remove weeds and make a mulch so that the moisture is less evaporated;
  • if the tree is borrowed, the in the spring should be held to equalize it;
  • spring trunks should be blued to protect the bark from the invasion of pests and diseases.

What trees put near the house (video)

Specialists who are engaged in landscaped work, can turn a desert place in a beautiful green square. And correctly, crucial trees and shrubs will perfectly complement each other, creating a wonderful place to relax even in a noisy megalopolis.