Nuances in painting the ceiling with acrylic paints. Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint: how to refresh the ceiling

To give the ceiling beautiful view without making a lot of effort, you need to paint it with acrylic paint. After drying, the surface can be washed from contamination, as the material is resistant to moisture.

Using acrylic paint for the ceiling surface

Using acrylic paint, you can whitewash the ceiling, it is able to hide and mask small cracks and other defects. For full coloring, two layers of paint are applied, and the surface becomes stronger.

Acrylic type paint can be made in any color, using a pigment of the desired shade. If the ceiling is dirty, all stains are removed with a wet and soapy sponge. For painting, a regular cloth roller is used, and a brush is used for hard-to-reach places.

Also, the paint has its drawbacks, for its use in wet rooms, it is necessary to select special compound. Acrylic type paint is not able to pass vapors and moisture.

Due to its masking properties, acrylic paint will help to make the surface perfect.

Ceiling surface painting technology

All work on painting the ceiling surface is carried out sequentially:

  1. First, remove the previous coating, paint or whitewash.
  2. Then the surface is leveled, and all defects are corrected, the cracks are closed with putty.
  3. After such work, the primer of the ceiling is performed.
  4. At the final stage, the surface is painted with a roller, and a brush is used for hard-to-reach areas.

Before starting work on staining, proceed to remove the previous coating. Whitewash is washed off with a warm solution of soap. To do this, the ceiling must be wetted and left for 15 minutes, then the chalk elements are removed with a sponge. The whitewash is washed out to the very base of the concrete, the remnants of chalk should not remain, if necessary, they are torn off with a metal spatula.

Compared to chalk water-based paint it is much more difficult to remove, for this the surface is moistened several times, and a draft is made in the room. After that, the previous coating begins to swell, and it is removed with a spatula.

Before cleaning the ceiling from the previous coating, the floor surface is covered with polyethylene, while not spending much time on cleaning. After removing the old material, various cracks and defects may appear that must be eliminated. All blisters are cleaned with a spatula, big gaps embroider, then primed with a deep penetration composition, and all defects are covered with gypsum-based putty. The seams between the floor slabs are also sealed. Putty can be used as a starting or finishing type.

How to putty all the defects of the ceiling surface?

Major flaws, that is, differences, are puttied with a soft and elastic starting material. And then the work is done with finishing putty. In the same way, surface differences from two to five millimeters are sealed. Otherwise, the surface defect will be noticeable under normal lighting. At the end of the work, all areas are rubbed with a special mesh, and then the surface is primed.

Painting the ceiling surface with acrylic paint

First you need to prepare all the necessary appliances and tools so as not to be distracted during work, as the paint dries quickly. To do this, you need a plastic cuvette into which paint is poured, a roller, a brush narrow view, masking tape, a can of water, a sponge or rag, and directly coloring material. To facilitate the work, you can use the telescopic handle, on which the roller is put on, while staining can be done from the bottom of the room. The cuvette is ribbed on one side; this surface is used to squeeze the roller. If necessary, the paint is diluted with water, but all actions are carried out in accordance with the instructions. Too much liquid will cause the paint to lose its plasticity and become translucent.

In order not to smear the walls, they are glued around the edges with masking tape. After opening the can, the paint must be thoroughly mixed. Then a plastic cuvette is filled, and everything is painted over with a brush. hard-to-reach places, as well as corner sections, that is, where it is impossible to do this with a roller. If you do the work in a different sequence, then brush strokes will be clearly visible, and the appearance of the surface will deteriorate. At correct application, the roller will cover the brush strokes and make these borders invisible. After painting difficult areas, whitewash the main coating. To paint the surface near the wall, use a narrow roller, and for other areas you can use a wide type of device.

The initial coating is performed perpendicular to the surface where the window is located. The roller is moistened with paint, and excess material is removed using the ribbed surface of the cuvette. The strips are applied with an overlap of up to 6 centimeters, the direction should not change, gaps should not be allowed when painting.

After the ceiling is completely painted, they start applying the second layer, starting work from any corner located near the window. The second application is made perpendicular to the first. After completing all the work, the surface is left to dry.

Advantages of acrylic paint

most universal material for painting the ceiling is acrylic-based paint, it has a large number of advantages.

  • Acrylic type paint is elastic, can cover small cracks and defects when applied in several layers. Also, the material is endowed with the properties of resistance to pollution.
  • Such paint is resistant to abrasion and ultraviolet rays, this allows it to maintain its original appearance for a long time.
  • The acrylic surface is resistant to moisture, so it can be easily cleaned from dirt with a damp and soapy sponge. Thanks to these qualities, the paint can be applied in rooms with high humidity for example in bathrooms.
  • Acrylic type paint is able to withstand high temperatures, so it can be used in the kitchen or near heating appliances.
  • The material does not have a pungent odor, which is characteristic of other paints, so it is easy to work with it, without harm to your health.
  • Acrylic paints are easy to apply and dry quickly. But after drying, the surface becomes darker, so in order to determine the color, it is necessary to make test strokes.
  • When painting the surface with an acrylic composition, time and effort are saved on the work expended.
  • You can save a lot on paint of this type, since its consumption is minimal, and the cost is affordable.
  • Acrylic paint has a wide variety of colors and shades, this allows you to use it in various interiors. If necessary, the paint can be diluted with a special pigment, and independently create the desired shade.

How to mix the paint?

The quality of the work performed depends on how well the paint is prepared. The composition of the thick look does not hide the seams between the strips of paint, and clear boundaries of strokes are formed, this makes the surface not beautiful. Acrylic type paint is diluted with water to the required consistency, which is indicated in the instructions, and mixed with a mixer.

If according to the instructions it is recommended to add water to the composition, then it should be no more than 10 percent. Sometimes the paint does not need to be diluted, while the instruction “mix” should be indicated on the package, the composition is thoroughly mixed, and work is started.

Painting with a roller

The dimensions of the roller must correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If the room is of considerable size, then it is inconvenient to work with an object that is too small, and for a very long time. The paint must be placed in a container, that is, a cuvette with a ribbed surface, it is half filled, while the working tool must be completely saturated. Excess paint is removed on the ribbed section of the container, this is done to avoid smudges on the surface.

After the roller is saturated with paint, it must be rolled over any surface, wallpaper, mesh, ribbed section of the container so that the paint is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the working object. Otherwise, unpainted spots may appear on the surface, which will spoil appearance ceiling.

Work begins from any corner located near the window, the paint is distributed evenly over the entire surface with the help of a roller, the movement of which is performed away from you. When painting with a roller, the strokes should cross each other, then the paint will be distributed evenly, this will prevent the appearance of clear boundaries.

How to choose the right acrylic paint?

The most used paint is acrylic and water-based composition based on acrylic resin. This paint is durable and elastic, it is able to mask all minor surface defects. There are also vinyl-acrylic, acryl-silicon and styrene-acrylic type paints, their production is based on acrylic polymers.

Acrylic paint may vary in composition and consistency. There are compounds that are used for painting dry rooms, as well as moisture-resistant paint, it is used in the bathroom. Each paint should be used for its intended purpose, as its composition has different properties.

Acrylic paint is acquired in white, and the desired shade can be obtained by adding pigment, its amount depends on the saturation of the composition. But the paint can also be purchased already in ready-made, desired color.

Whiteness in the paint has three varieties, i.e. super white, white and milky white. To paint the surface of the ceiling, it is better to take paint with maximum whiteness. But most manufacturers may not indicate shades, but simply write the name "white".

For this reason, when purchasing, you must ask the seller to open the lid on the paint container, and compare the color with a snow-white sheet of paper. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to agree that the paint will be returned in case of an unsuitable shade.

Roller strokes should overlap up to 6 millimeters so that no clear boundaries are visible. The paint is applied to the surface in two layers, which must intersect. If necessary, the composition is diluted with water to the required consistency, which is indicated in the instructions. If breeding is not required, then immediately begin to work. The dimensions of the roller must correspond to the dimensions of the room.

Not every owner wants to stretch a canvas on the ceiling, do suspended structure or sheathe the plane with sheets of plasterboard. The simplest and a budget option surface renovation - painting. Restoration takes a little time and money, is available for do-it-yourself work, the main thing is to choose correct composition. Consider which acrylic paint for the ceiling is better than and how to renew the surface so that it pleases with cleanliness.

The best option, according to the masters, is a water-based mixture, which contains acrylic resins. Main advantages: elasticity, hiding power. On sale is a good selection of decorative products, which include various copolymer fillers.

What to look for when choosing a decorative mixture:

  1. Compound. Water, vinyl, silicone compositions differ, which have different densities and performance. Depending on the filling and components, mixtures for dry, wet rooms, and outdoor work differ. All parameters are indicated on the packaging, it is recommended to use paints strictly for their intended purpose.
  2. Color. Most often, manufacturers offer a white spectrum of colors, and the desired shade is achieved by using color - this is a coloring pigment, sold in liquid form in a syringe. It should be added carefully, in portions, mixing the composition and trying on the corner of the ceiling. But some manufacturers offer a good range of ready-made color mixtures.

On a note! You can evaluate the final shade only after the complete drying of the paint layer. Focusing on the juiciness of the shade while the layer is wet is impractical.

  1. The degree of whiteness of the composition has three gradations: white, super white, milky white. You can use any, but due to the fact that different manufacturers shades may differ, it is better to buy a finish with a margin.

Important! If required perfect White color, the tone of the paint is compared with a sheet of office paper - it is considered the standard of white.

  1. There are matte and glossy finishes. Matte ceiling good if the plane has small defects: cracks, irregularities. But glossy paint will emphasize all the flaws, so the ceiling should be carefully processed before decorating.

Advice! List of well-proven manufacturers: Tikkurila, Siro mat plus, Supermatt, Svyatozar, Tex, Dulux, Innetak, Himaton.

Pros and cons of acrylic paint

Choosing a quality composition, buyers increasingly prefer acrylic paint.

Big choice color solutions and high elasticity indicators are complemented by a considerable list of advantages of the material:

  • fast drying;
  • strength and elasticity of the protective film;
  • waterproof qualities;
  • ease of care;
  • low abrasion;
  • good covering property - paint applied in several layers will tighten small cracks;
  • resistance to fading, both under the rays of the sun and under lighting fixtures;
  • incombustibility;
  • no pungent odor;
  • ease of application;
  • good adhesion to the bases - the composition falls on concrete, wood, iron, brick;
  • the absence of particularly harmful components.

The disadvantage of the material is one - the price. The cost of high-quality paint is from $ 11 for a can of 3 kg. But this minus pays off with a very long service life of the decor. Even if the coating is dirty, enough wet cleaning to restore the ceiling cleanliness.

Preparatory work before painting

High quality ceiling paint acrylic paint begins with the preparation of the plane. Regardless of whether the matte or glossy composition will be applied, the surface must be cleaned.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  • free the room from furniture as much as possible;
  • cover the floor with cellophane, the remaining furniture, tighten the walls (just in case);
  • visually assess the surface and decor: if there are cracks, pieces of plaster falling off - remove and clean;
  • be sure to remove the old wallpaper: soak, clean with a spatula and a stiff brush;
  • if the surface is strong enough and even, it is enough to clean the joints, corners, and decorative coating paint can not be removed;
  • cracks, chips, expand, putty, primed 2 times with a deep penetration primer with antifungal components.

Important! An ideally even layer of paint sometimes begins to mold from the inside, that is, damage zones are found under the decor. This does not affect the surface in any way, but if the ceiling in the room has not been repaired for more than 5-6 years, the likelihood of detecting mold increases. It is recommended to remove a layer of old decor to prevent its appearance.

With minor defects, zonal cleaning of the ceiling is enough so that the edges of the zone are without height differences with the rest of the plane. After stripping and priming, sand the ceiling with medium fraction emery, then you can paint.

Advice! Corner areas and joint areas are cleaned with a hard brush to remove all residues of coating and dust. With a brush, you can wash these areas, and then dry and prime them well - so the paint will lie more evenly.

Before applying the paint, lamps, sockets, other functional and decorative elements: baguettes, ceiling skirting boards. In order not to stain them with paint, use masking tape - it does not leave an adhesive track after removal.

Advice! The ceiling primer must be compatible with the putty mixture.

Paint preparation

We’ll clarify right away that too thick paint will not fit well, and liquid paint will drain, so the structure of the mixture is the main factor in a high-quality coating.

How to dilute the composition:

  • read the instructions on the package - the manufacturer clearly indicates the amount of liquid;
  • pour water into the container in portions, thoroughly mixing the mixture after adding each portion;
  • if the paint is completely ready for use, the manufacturer can indicate on the package - mix, which means that thorough mixing is enough and you can paint;
  • you can mix with a regular stick or a mixer;
  • the optimal consistency of acrylic paint is liquid cream;
  • if the jar is opened and there is a film at the top, remove it and throw it away - you cannot mix the film with the rest of the composition, it will not dissolve, pieces of the film will remain on the ceiling.

On a note! Assuming to paint ceilings in rooms without heating, with frequent changes in climate, humidity levels, it is recommended to add components to the paint that increase resistance to rot and water.

The liquid is added with the expectation that the paint does not lose viscosity, that is, you will have to buy a diluted mixture, and prepare the composition, reducing the amount of liquid indicated by the manufacturer to prepare the paint for work.

Roller selection

Many home craftsmen suggest painting ceilings with a wide brush. But it is much easier to paint ceilings with acrylic paint with a roller. In addition to the fact that the roller has a higher working coefficient, a properly selected tool does not leave bristles and hairs on the surface, as happens with a brush.

In addition, painting the ceiling with acrylic paint with your own hands using a roller will be much faster. A brush is also useful, but for processing corners, areas of joints with walls. This will be a small brush. In addition, come in handy: a paint bath with a plane for wringing out excess paint, gloves and rags.

When choosing which roller to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, pay attention to the following:

  1. A monophonic finish is assumed - an ordinary roller is enough, with decorative cladding texture tool. These are rollers with a patterned cover that leaves a certain pattern with each pass.
  2. A simple option on a long plastic or wooden handle with a cover-nozzle is optimal choice for work.

And now about tool cases, they are different:

  • polyamide is considered the most wear-resistant, absorbs qualitatively and effortlessly gives paint;
  • polyacrylic is best used for compositions on water based without organic solvents;
  • polyester is well suited for acrylic paint, but wears out quickly, however, it will be enough to paint over a ceiling of any area at once;
  • foam rubber - not the most the best choice, when interacting with aggressive components, it crumbles into pieces;
  • fur is used for oil, enamel compositions.

If you need a pattern, velor, structural or textured roller. However, it is better to first apply several layers with a conventional tool to even out the surface in color and provide a good basis for the design, and only then apply a structural roller.

How to paint a ceiling with a roller

How to paint the ceiling with an acrylic paint roller:

  1. Pour the paint into the paint bath, immerse the tool so that the cover is completely saturated with the composition. Do not save, the excess will drain later.
  2. After impregnating the cover with paint, lightly roll the roller over the ribbed surface of the bath. This is necessary for uniform impregnation and removal of excess composition.
  3. Start work. If you don’t know how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, move the roller away from you, holding the tool at an angle of at least 45 degrees - this way you can see all the lack of paint and the paint lays evenly.
  4. It is not necessary to press on the tool so that drops do not flow. Paint is collected as needed, stretched over the largest possible plane.
  5. The first layer is painted along, the second - across. In this way, evenness of the coating can be achieved without areas that remain unpainted.

If there is no experience, then at first it is better to practice with a set and applying paint with a roller in an inconspicuous area. Treat the zones of corners, joints with a brush, then roll out the borders of the painted areas with a roller. All joints are painted first, then the free zone of the ceiling.

Before applying the second and subsequent layers, you need to evaluate the results of the work and allow the paint to dry. The remaining unpainted areas cannot be covered with a thick layer of color, this will stain, but several layers of a more liquid mixture will help to even out the ceiling in color. Before applying last layer, check that there are no streaks and smears on the ceiling that are not shaded with a roller.

Important! The last layer of the composition is applied perpendicular to the plane of the windows when openings are located on one side or towards the center of the room if the windows are located on different walls.

If stains remain after drying, clean them with fine emery. After zonal grinding, it is necessary to gently clean the entire ceiling - this will smooth out the tone of the plane. Dry the decor should be in natural conditions without drafts and excessive overheating of the air. If you still have questions, see painting the ceiling with acrylic paint with your own hands in the video below - the masters will help you find the answers.

Is it acceptable to paint a whitewashed ceiling with acrylic paint?

In general, masters do not advise leaving whitewash for painting, but sometimes it is impossible to remove a layer of lime from the ceiling. Therefore, when thinking about how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint after whitewashing, evaluate the white layer - thin, which means we paint, thick - blur and remove.

A simple test will help determine the thickness of the layer: draw a hard brush along the plane: there are scratches, the smallest pieces of whitewash fall off, then the layer will have to be removed. If you choose a water-based acrylic composition, you can do without a primer, the water-based emulsion itself is a primer, firmly fastening the chalk and coloring base. But oil, enamel compositions do not fall on whitewash, chalk layer will have to be cleaned up.

It is not always possible to do the work yourself, you have to turn to professionals. So, painting ceilings with acrylic paint with a roller, the price of which is from $ 3-6 per m2, is not too burdensome for the wallet. You can negotiate and cheaper if you first prepare the plane for painting with your own hands.

Carrying out repairs in the apartment, you should definitely think about giving the ceiling a beautiful and at the same time unobtrusive color. One of the most popular methods to do this is to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint - a video tutorial on this topic in addition to detailed instructions will be very useful for a novice repairman.

Paint of this type is attractive primarily for its versatility. The properties of acrylic paint, as well as how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, will be discussed in our article (see).

Features of acrylic paints

First of all, acrylic paint is various kinds depending on its purpose. So, there are paints for rooms with a normal humidity regime, for example, for rooms, as well as with an increased level - bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

It is advisable to choose and use acrylic paint strictly for its intended purpose., because the surface of the ceiling, painted regular paint, will quickly become unusable, while the moisture-resistant acrylic paint used in regular room, costs more than usual, which from a financial point of view is simply not profitable.

Indications for the use of a particular paint can be clarified with the seller or found on the label.

Advice! When properly applied, acrylic paints are quite economical in consumption, while their cost is also very democratic.

Returning to the types of paints, it should be noted that they are found in a glossy version of the final surface and matte (see).

Most often, the paint solution is sold in white with the ability to achieve the desired shade with the help of special colors. However, there are brands of paints with different, ready-made shades and colors.

Acrylic paint is not afraid of dirt, has good elasticity, which is especially good for covering very small cracks. It can be applied both directly to a concrete or plastered ceiling surface (see), and to wallpaper for painting. Paint is applied, as a rule, in several layers in order to increase its durability and achieve more saturated shade However, two layers are often enough.

Instructions for painting the ceiling with acrylic paint

Preparing the ceiling for painting with acrylic paint

Before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, the surface should be carefully prepared.

Consider the rules for preparing the ceiling for painting:

  • If the surface has already been painted, preparatory process will take somewhat less time, provided that the base is reliable and does not require alignment.

  • First of all, use a spatula to remove a layer of old paint.
  • If the previous layer has not lost its durability and is not easily removed, you can, in general, apply paint on top of it, but then the paint should have a thicker consistency, and also be applied large quantity layers.

Advice! Partial removal of old paint from the ceiling is not allowed, since in this case the surface after painting will be uneven. In extreme cases, the ceiling must be leveled using a putty solution.

  • If there are cracks and / or chips on the base of the ceiling, before the ceilings or walls are painted with acrylic paint, they should be carefully primed and puttied (see), placing a special reinforcing mesh under the putty, which will prevent the recurrence of cracks.
  • After the putty has dried, small irregularities and stains should be rubbed on the ceiling with a fine sandpaper, then the ceiling should be re-primed for painting (see).
  • If the ceiling has not been previously painted, then, depending on the degree of curvature of the surface, it should be plastered (or made suspended ceiling from drywall), and then in the same way carry out puttying and priming work (see).

Applying acrylic paint to the ceiling

Now consider how to properly paint the ceiling with acrylic paint.

The process is quite simple and is performed as follows:

  1. Everything is being prepared necessary tools and fixtures - a roller with a medium pile, brushes, a paint tray, a stepladder, as well as, in fact, a paint solution.

  1. Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint should start from the corners of the ceiling and its perimeter using brushes. This will then allow you to simply and quickly paint the remaining central area with a roller without stopping in hard-to-reach places.
  2. The first and all intermediate layers of paint can be applied in any direction, following only their uniformity. As for the finishing layer, it should be applied in the direction of the light source - the window. In this case, the paint after drying will look smooth and flawless.

Since acrylic paint dries quickly enough, in one day you can have time to completely paint the ceiling of one room. This quality combined with the absence of a specific smell, makes acrylic paints very popular.

So, we examined how acrylic painting is carried out, noted the features and characteristics of this type of paint. We hope that our recommendations, combined with your desire and diligence, will allow you to achieve the desired result in the form of a beautiful and durable painted ceiling surface.

Painting the ceiling is a laborious process, which not all performers are without the skills to perform. painting works can perform well. The only thing that can save the owner of the premises, who plans to save on the cost of qualified specialist services, is strict adherence to step by step instructions taking into account the advice of experienced craftsmen.

"Painting" of any objects consists in applying a coloring composition to a prepared surface. The main thing when performing work is to paint the ceiling so that stripes, streaks and other consequences of the performer's incorrect actions. It is important to take into account that all staining technologies differ slightly depending on the type of paint (, enamel, others). However, when applying acrylic paint, it is necessary to study the nuances of the work and strictly follow the instructions at each stage: from the preparation of the base to the technology for applying the coloring composition.

Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint: step by step instructions

Step 1. Foundation preparation. The main condition for surface preparation is to thoroughly clean the surface and ensure good adhesion coloring composition with a base:

  1. polish;
  2. wipe from dust (clean with a brush for cleaning the floor);
  3. apply a coat of primer.

Note! To create a mirror surface, you need to use finishing putty satengips type! The main thing when preparing the base is to grind the last layer well and strictly control that no cracks or grooves remain on the surface.

Special attention when cleaning the surface, it is necessary to pay attention to the removal of grease stains, since such a defect cannot be “painted over”: the stain can appear even a week after staining. To combat grease stains, you need to apply all available funds, up to the removal of the old layer of putty and the application of a new one.

If the ceiling has already been painted, be sure to check that there are no stains of a different color showing through the new paint. A proven version that is used experienced craftsmen, – trial strokes: apply 2-3 coats and test the surface.

Remember! In some cases, even five layers of new paint is not enough to cover the old layer! Therefore, if 2-3 layers did not bring the expected result, it is better to remove it with a scraper old paint and sand the base surface.

The last stage of preparation is the application of a deeply penetrating primer: the composition forms protective film, which will save paint consumption and ensure good adhesion of acrylic paint to the base surface.

After the primer dries, the surface must be rubbed sandpaper. Remember, high-quality surface preparation is a guarantee that acrylic paint will not crack or fall behind during operation!

Step 2 Ceiling painting. The main advantage of acrylic paint is that applying 2-3 layers of the composition is enough to not only change the color of the ceiling, but also decorate small cracks (up to 1 mm). When choosing a shade of paint, it is recommended to take into account the advice of experts:

  • to avoid bright contrasts– green/red, blue/orange, violet/yellow;
  • to get a neutral background, it is better to choose faded combinations and tones;
  • combinations located nearby are considered acceptable to the eye. The longest wave is red, and then, in descending order, are orange, green, blue, purple.

When applying paint, it is important to create an even layer that is pleasing to the eye. For this, the skill of the performer is not enough - you need to choose a good instrument:

  • 2 rollers (large with a medium pile, small with a long pile);
  • tassel;
  • special bath.

If you plan to paint curly and multilevel ceilings, then you need to select several rollers different sizes, and to apply several colors - use masking tape. General principle painting the ceiling - applying the composition from the corner closest to the window, towards the center of the room. Work order:

  • pour paint into a special bath;
  • roll out the roller well to avoid splashing of paint and the appearance of streaks;

  • paint hard-to-reach places: it is better to paint areas near the walls with a small roller, with a brush;

  • apply paint to the rest of the surface.

When painting, the roller must be held at an angle of 45 ° and do not put pressure on the tool so as not to get smudges. Strips of paint are carried out in parallel, overlapping each other so that there are no “bald patches” and the composition evenly covers the plane of the ceiling. The optimal number of layers of paint is 2-3, and each new layer must be applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Painting the ceiling is still a popular option for its decoration. The use of acrylic paints helps to emphasize the interior of the room. The surface can be created in different color scheme, finally installing the original ceiling plinth.

The affordable cost of materials and ease of application make it possible to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint with your own hands. The main tools used are a roller and brushes.

Advantages of acrylic paints

Start off repair work indoors, taken from the ceiling surface, since when painting it, it is likely that the paint can ruin the already pasted wallpaper or finish flooring.

The most popular coloring compositions on acrylic base. They have many positive properties, so they have taken a leading position in the modern building materials market.

Among the advantages it should be noted:

  1. Pollution resistant.
  2. The presence of such a quality as elasticity allows you to paint over small cracks, up to 0.5 millimeters. For this reason, the paint should be applied in several layers.
  3. This coloring composition is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and the abrasion process, and therefore does not change its original color over time.
  4. Acrylic paints are not afraid of moisture - the repaired surface can be washed to remove dirt. They also paint the ceiling in rooms with high humidity, namely in bathrooms and toilet rooms.
  5. Since acrylic-based formulations are resistant to friction and tolerate high temperature, they are used in the decoration of the kitchen.
  6. This type of coloring composition belongs to the water-based group and therefore it does not have a sharp unpleasant odor.
  7. Acrylic paints are easy to apply and dry quickly.
  8. The cost of this product is available to consumers.
  9. Wide color palette able to please even the most demanding customers.

Choice of acrylic based paints

Currently, experts consider acrylic water-based paint, for the production of which acrylic resins are used, to be the best. It is characterized by increased strength and elasticity.

More affordable are the compositions produced on the basis of acrylic copolymers:

  • styrene-acrylic;
  • acrylic silicone;
  • vinyl acrylic.

On sale, acrylic paint is represented by a wide selection of products that differ in consistency and composition. Some paints are intended for dry rooms, while others - for those where the humidity is significantly increased.

Manufacturers do not recommend using compounds for other purposes, for example, if it is moisture resistant, they paint the ceiling surface in the bathroom. Acrylic paint for the ceiling is usually sold in white, and the use of special colors helps to achieve the desired shade.

Depending on the required degree of saturation, add to the coloring composition right amount such tubes. The distribution network also has paints finished color and with shades.

Depending on the level of whiteness, acrylic compositions are:

  • white;
  • super white;
  • milky white.

Before you paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, you need to purchase the most white products. The label pasted on the pail may contain information regarding a color that differs from the actual whiteness.

Therefore, it is advisable in the store to ask the seller to slightly open the lid to compare the color of the composition with a piece of white paper for a copier. If their whiteness is similar, then the paint can be used to paint the ceiling plane.

After complete drying, the ceiling with an acrylic surface has a glossy or matte texture. When choosing a coloring composition, you need to remember that in addition to the whiteness of the ceiling, dullness is considered another indicator of its impeccable appearance. Than in more it turned out, the less noticeable will be the defects of the ceiling surface, which include unevenness and uneven coloring.

If you want to create a colored ceiling, it is better to use glossy compositions. But they can be chosen when the ceiling base is perfectly flat and has a significant area. Also glossy paint acquired when the premises are non-residential.

The highest quality among domestic and imported products has paint from companies: Svyatozar, Tikkurila, Dulux, Himaton, Himos and others.

Surface preparation for painting

Before painting with acrylic paint, the ceiling, floor and furnishings are covered with newspapers or plastic wrap so as not to stain them when preparing the floor for painting. Before that, you need to wear old clothes, headdress and rubber gloves.

Then proceed to cleaning the ceiling from dust and old whitewash. To do this, the brush or roller is periodically moistened with clean warm water and spend them over the entire surface of the ceiling. Work continues until the water in the container where the tools are lowered stops becoming cloudy.

Particular attention should be paid to the junction of the ceiling with the walls. The corners are washed with a brush. If the coating is semi-matte or glossy, then experts advise adding a little detergent and after rinsing, treat the surface with sandpaper.

If there are cracks and depressions on the ceiling, they are sealed. First, these places are opened with a spatula, cleaned and covered with putty. Next, the surface is primed to increase the degree of adhesion of the ceiling to the paint, to ensure the durability of the coating and as a preventive measure against the formation of fungus and mold.

The main thing at the same time is to select putty and primer so that they are compatible. Since the ceiling is painted when it is even and smooth, the dried putty is sanded to create a rough textured surface.

Before applying acrylic paint, if desired, intermediate decoration is performed ceiling covering previously prepared items. Borders, baguettes and rosettes can be purchased at stores or made by yourself.

Mixing the coloring composition

You need to know how to dilute acrylic paint for the ceiling, since the final result depends on the correct preparation of it. The fact is that a thick coloring composition is not able to hide the junction of the paint stripes. The paint should be diluted with water until the consistency recommended by the manufacturer is obtained. Mix them together with a mixer.

When the instructions indicate the addition of water to the paint, its volume is usually no more than 5-10%. In some cases, it is not necessary to dilute the coloring composition, then the instructions simply indicate the need to mix it, but this should be done carefully.

If you plan to apply paint in one layer, then high-quality mixing will be enough. The best option it is considered to be dilution to the consistency of milk. If there is a film on the surface, it is not necessary to mix it with the paint, because after drying it does not dissolve.

As a result of this action, the resulting composition is obtained with lumps. Experts advise to carefully remove the film, and strain the remaining substance and only then mix. In addition, antifungal components can be added to the paint, which are highly resistant to wet cleaning.

The right choice of tools for painting the ceiling

When choosing how to paint the ceiling surface, you can opt for a brush or roller. Each tool has its own characteristics. It is better to use a brush if necessary to paint the area small size. If the ceiling plane is significant, then the roller is used. The technology for applying paint with a brush and a roller is different.

If a brush is chosen as a tool, so that during work the paint does not flow down it, you can attach it to its handle, below the brush foam roller. It must be held perpendicular or at a slight angle relative to the surface to be painted.

When the brush is dipped into the paint, it is necessary not to let the bristle touch the bottom of the container, as it will deform. Taking it out, you need to knock on the edge of the can. As a result, excess coloring composition will be removed from the bristles, but it is impossible to wipe the tool on the container.

Working with a brush, strokes are done evenly so that the stripes are wide, then they should be shaded. The handle is held as close to the surface as possible, and as it moves, the angle of inclination is increased. When the smoothness of the surface matters, the strokes are applied by crossing. In this case, two strokes are made in one area - one up and the other down.

In the process of using the brush, it is periodically rotated around its axis in order to avoid uneven wear of the bristles. Taking breaks while painting, the tool is not allowed to dry, otherwise it will become hard and unsuitable for further use.

When work with acrylic paint is completed, the brush is thoroughly washed so that not a drop of the coloring composition remains on it. Usually white spirit or turpentine is used for this purpose.

Before you paint the ceiling with acrylic paint with a roller, you have to choose a tool, taking into account the parameters of the ceiling surface. Its size must correspond to these values.

If you have to work with a roller, then the paint is first poured into a container. In a special bath, the composition should reach half. The tool must be completely soaked when immersed. After dipping the roller in a container with paint, it is rolled over a non-working surface, which can be, for example, a piece of wallpaper or linoleum.

This technique allows you to evenly distribute the coloring composition over the surface of the tool in order to obtain a uniform coating as a result. If you do not adhere to this rule, then “non-paints” appear on the floor, which form ugly spots on an already dried surface.

The application of the coloring composition begins at a distance of about one meter from the corner. The start of work is to distribute a plentiful layer of paint over the ceiling surface.
The roller should be moved away from you. When using this tool, strokes should be placed crosswise relative to each other, as a result of which the paint layer will be distributed over the surface much more evenly and paint marks will not be noticeable.

Acrylic paint technology

In order for the result to please for a long time, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules on how to properly paint the ceiling with acrylic paint. For example, the force with which a person presses on the brush depends on how smooth the surface will turn out.

Weak pressure will cause the composition to lie in narrow stripes, while the layers will be thick and with gaps. In turn, as a result of too much pressure, the layers are thinner, but the formation of streaks cannot be avoided.

If working with acrylic paint is done for the first time, then experts recommend "training" on another object, for example, in the country. A slight pressure should be made, increasing its degree as the coloring composition is consumed.

It is advisable to start from the corners, using a special brush in order to paint over with high quality and not even miss the slightest plot. You also need to try to apply only one layer in one movement and not overlap the already painted areas with it. Otherwise, areas that differ in color will appear on the ceiling surface. You need to move in one direction.

The next layer is applied perpendicular to the first. Then the paint and joints are smoothed, for which they are carried out along the ceiling with a brush or roller without a coloring composition. Before you start painting a second time, you need to look at the freshly painted surface from another place.

When unpainted places are found, they are immediately corrected, and when the paint has dried, these places are marked and, at the next painting, the shortcomings are eliminated in the first place. The main thing is not to apply thicker paint on them. The second layer is made liquid in order to thereby blur the first one and at the same time remove defects.

Places dyed twice are treated using a dry roller. When the first layer is applied, wait until it dries. In the instructions that come with the paint container, the manufacturer indicates the time required for this. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

If you lay the second layer on a damp surface, the first will turn out blurry. The painting will need to be repeated again, and at the end the composition is applied towards the light so that there are no joints left. The ceiling is rarely covered with just one layer of acrylic paint.

The coloring composition of imported production is applied in two layers, and Russian products - in three. After the ceiling is painted with acrylic paint, it is necessary to wait about a couple of hours to make sure that the surface is completely repaired and has a uniform color.

When all the work has been done correctly, and the spots have appeared, you should not try to paint over them. You need to arm yourself with fine sandpaper and grind the entire ceiling plane with it. This technique will only work if no more than 1-2 layers are applied.

If there are more of them, in this case the cost acrylic ceiling doubles, since the way out of this situation will be a complete rework, including the processes of grinding, puttying and new painting surfaces.

The range of acrylic paints is striking in its diversity. They differ in the type of surface obtained. There is paint for the ceiling acrylic matte and glossy. They produce compositions both for rooms with a normal microclimate, and for those where humidity is high. Experts do not recommend using in dry rooms moisture resistant paint, which is explained by its high cost.