How to paint with a foam roller. How to paint the walls with a roller? How to paint walls with water-based paint with a roller

Before the start of painting work, you need to stock up on a roller and a bucket or bath in which squeezing nets are installed. This simple device will help remove excess paint. You can also use classic baths, as in the figure on the left. The performance of a roller is much higher than that of a brush. It can be used for priming and painting with lime, glue and oil paint. How to do it right, the site will now tell.

The squeezing mesh can be made of steel, plastic or plywood. It is necessary to drill holes with a diameter of 12-15 mm at a distance of 20 mm from each other in a checkerboard pattern.

You will not be able to paint the corners of the walls near the baseboards, platbands, etc. with a roller. Therefore, in such places, pre-paint well with a brush. Important, correct.

Wall and ceiling painting technique

The staining technique is simple and is done as follows. Dip in the paint, then to squeeze out the excess, roll over the grid. Now you can start coloring. On the walls, the roller leads from top to bottom and from bottom to top, on the ceiling - in the direction of the rays of light. The strips of paint are superimposed, overlapping each other by 4-5 cm. After dipping into the paint, the roller first applies a thick layer, so you need to roll several times in one place. Then the paint on it is consumed, and it is necessary to increase the pressure on the tool.

Walls can be covered in one step with vertical stripes or in two steps, applying first vertical stripes and then horizontal ones. They try to shade the paint well. Quality is achieved by applying more layers.

Important! When painting the ceiling or walls, completing the movement of the roller in one direction, this, as it were, structures the paint in one direction. Thanks to this, the ceiling does not glare and the paint lays down more clearly without mottling.

Sometimes the paint is applied with a brush, well shaded, and then rolled with a roller to level and get a uniform painting.

Using a roller, you can not only paint walls and ceilings, but also apply to the surface.

A roller is a much more productive tool than brushes: they can paint up to 300 sq.m of surface per day. It has a long service life. If it is made of high quality fur, then it will be enough to paint 3000 square meters of different surfaces.

After finishing work, the roller must be washed in water, and then with soap, depending on which paint was used. And from the lime composition, and from the remnants of oil paint, an unwashed tool will become unusable. Do it right and it will serve you for a long time. Find out how much paint you need, free will help.

As a tool for painting the surface of walls and ceilings, it is best to use a roller, as it is more convenient than an ordinary brush. But for the most successful result, you must definitely understand how to paint the walls with a roller, and understand the basics of painting work.

Using a roller instead of a brush can save time on finishing and reduce paint costs.

Today, construction services are not affordable for everyone, so many take up painting work with their own hands. After carefully finishing and leveling the wall, painting the surface seems like a fairly simple task. Nevertheless, small nuances and features arise immediately after the start of painting work, since the application of a water-based emulsion or any other dye requires certain knowledge and skills.

There are several reasons to use a roller to apply paint to wall surfaces:

  • significant savings in the dye used;
  • increase the speed of applying paint due to comfort during operation.

Before the beginning painting works you will need to choose the most suitable tool, since there are several varieties of rollers.

Varieties of rollers

This type of tool has already been used enough for a long time. The first rollers were created on the basis of natural fur. Most often they were made from sheepskin. With the passage of a certain period, it became clear that natural fur is too expensive for such a narrowly focused construction tool. For this reason, manufacturers of paint supplies have switched to using the latest developments, which have significantly reduced the cost of producing rollers.

The most popular type of material that is used to make rollers is foam rubber. Today, rollers based on foam rubber of various densities are sold in hardware stores and specialized markets. When choosing the right tool, it should be remembered that the application of water-based mixtures, varnishes and dyes based on acrylic is mainly carried out by this type of roller.

The next material for the manufacture of rollers, which is widely used in domestic markets, is mohair. Mohair rollers are recommended when painting coatings with natural resin mixtures.

Tools for painting walls differ in the hairiness of the base. Rollers with increased hairiness are used for painting surfaces with a large area, since they are able to hold the ink mixture in large volumes.

It must be borne in mind that during the period of painting work, the roller needs to be carefully squeezed, which is carried out using a special grate or grater. This procedure must be performed regardless of the degree of hairiness of the tool, otherwise the cost of the paint composition will increase.

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Painting features

Most inexperienced painters who have never worked with a roller often wonder how to paint walls with this tool. Not everyone knows which roller to use for painting walls, and which one for painting the surface of the ceiling. Some suggest that the roller is used exclusively by qualified professionals.

In fact, this tool is intended for use by people who do not have the proper experience in applying paint or water-based composition on the surface of the wall. It is quite easy to use, so no special skills are required to work with the roller. If a person has never been engaged in repair and painting work, he will still master the methods of staining various surfaces using a roller.

There are only 2 ways to paint walls. The first method of applying paint is as follows:

  • moving the hand vertically from top to bottom;
  • moving the hand vertically from the bottom up to the original place.

This method provides high-quality painting of a smooth and rough surface without the presence of unaffected areas.

The second way is done a little differently:

  • moving the hand horizontally from right to left;
  • moving the hand vertically over the horizontal layer applied by the previous method.

At this method paint application will need to cover the total surface area for painting. Both methods imply timely wringing of the roller web. Any type of dye can be applied in several layers.

It should be borne in mind that this type of painting tool is intended only for painting a flat area. End and corner areas must be painted over with a simple brush; painting these areas with a roller is not possible.

The roller is an indispensable painting tool that is used even without experience, but this does not mean at all that it is impossible to create quite expressive patterns and abstract effects with it. Since it is a professional tool, many experienced painters can easily recreate the beautiful and unusual patterns that are achieved by changing the hue when the roller is pressed during the painting process.

Painting is the final stage of finishing. Which roller is better to paint the walls with large area? From right decision of this question depends on how much time will be spent on the whole process and the quality of the final result.

The market offers a large selection of tools for painters. You should choose time-tested options. The roller is one of them, allowing you to quickly apply paint in an even layer. Well-painted surfaces give the room an aesthetic look.

What are rollers

Today, the market offers consumers a large number of their different types, differing in purpose. How to choose a roller for painting walls is greatly facilitated by the presence of a clear classification.

It is based on the following features:

  • type of material of the painting surface of the roller;
  • its texture;
  • tool dimensions;
  • forms.

Tools High Quality contains markings in Latin letters on the packaging. The manufacturer thus emphasizes its class by indicating the materials used for its production.

Quality product allows you to paint the walls without defects

The absence of letters indicates that insufficiently high-quality material was used in the manufacture.

Such cheap products can be used when making home repairs.

A specialist needs a professional tool to paint surfaces on a significant scale.

The table shows the existing species division.

Among artificial types, PE is the softest.

The fur roller is the most expensive

The highest cost for products made of natural fur. Prices for felt and rubber types are at the level of artificial rollers. You should choose them according to your needs, carefully examining them.

Soft artificial fur is used for painting a wide variety of areas, natural wool is usually expensive. The choice depends on the needs. Simpler cases involve the use of less expensive fixtures.

The above division contains additional subspecies. Rollers covered with natural or artificial fur are divided into ordinary ones for the floor and corners.

Ordinary fur coats are successfully used for walls with minor defects (irregularities). Subspecies for the floor is intended only horizontal surfaces, because there is a strong runoff of paint.

Rollers for painting corners differ only in shape. This is done for ease of use. Foam rubber is used when working with adhesive compositions.

Choosing a roller for walls

For smooth surfaces, use rollers with polyamide pile

The choice depends on the paintwork materials, adhesive solutions. In order for the selected roller to serve for a long time, it is better to rely on the advice of specialists:

  • foam roller of medium thickness - best option for water-based paints, liquid adhesives, primers;
  • fur with a short, medium pile - used on smooth walls;
  • the basis of polyamide threads is perfect for smooth surfaces;
  • for texture painting rubber and foam bases are applicable;
  • velor is used for all types of coloring compositions.

When choosing, the width of the tool is also taken into account. For an apartment, 30 cm of the sample is enough. Accessories should also be purchased: additional nozzles, an extension handle, a grater (removes drops).

Preparing walls for painting

Prepare the base before painting

To use the roller to paint the walls, you first need to prepare the room. It is required to remove curtains, furniture (or move, cover with a film, special covers).

If necessary, cover the floor with cardboard paper, doors and windows - plastic wrap(it is possible with a cloth, but there is a possibility of leakage), glue the plinth with paper tape.

Wall preparation is reduced to a number of operations:

  • after turning off the power supply, remove the covers from the switches, sockets;
  • cover the remaining "insides" with masking tape;
  • if necessary, dismantle heating radiators;
  • cleaning and smoothing the surface: removing wallpaper (if any), hiding defects with putty, sanding dried walls.

Paint tray

The work involves the availability of basic and auxiliary means:

  • screwdriver, knife, paint pan;
  • set of rollers, grinding accessories.

After all the preparations, choosing a roller for the walls, you can get to work:

  • the pallet is filled with a small amount of dye;
  • the roller is dipped, rolled out to remove excess, uniform distribution on its surface of the coloring matter;
  • painting begins from the corner, then spreads in any convenient direction;
  • to avoid the appearance of streaks, the tool is smoothly, without pressure, moved from top to bottom and back;
  • corners are finished with a brush. About the varieties of rollers, see this video:

The remaining layers are applied only after the first has dried.

Roller care

Clean the instrument with water or solvent

Upon completion of all work, he needs to be cleaned of used dyes, varnishes, adhesives. Then it should be stored. In order for the tool to last a long time, it is necessary:

  • water based paints, wallpaper glue launder clean water, dry without spinning;
  • Solvents are used for cleaning varnishes and acrylic paints immediately after the work is done, so that the surface to be treated does not dry out;
  • storage should be in a dry place. For more information on caring for the instrument, see this video:

The widespread use of rollers is due to their practicality. Being on the floor, you can a short time perform area treatment. The disadvantages of this method are the impossibility of normal painting of corners, joints and the absorption of a large amount of paint by some working coatings (they require pressing).

Wall painting is a responsible task that seems simple at first glance. But it's not. Painting walls and ceilings is often the final step. repair work. To make a mistake, to admit trouble - that's the trouble with the processes carried out earlier. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with how to properly roll. This information will help improve the quality of the painting. The surface of the walls will be evenly painted, without any streaks.

Roller - an indispensable tool during repairs

The most popular tool for painting walls and ceilings is a roller. It will help to quickly and easily paint large areas of premises. At first glance, this tool is quite simple to use. But not everyone knows and owns the technique of staining with a roller.

All tools, like materials, have their advantages and disadvantages.

To undeniable advantages This tool includes:

  • Large areas can be painted in a minimum amount of time.
  • Convenient to use. Often an extension handle is attached to the roller, which allows you to reach distant surfaces, for example, to the ceiling.

The disadvantages of this painting tool include:

  • Hard-to-reach places, for example, in the corners, are quite difficult to paint. Often used for this purpose additional tool- a brush.
  • For each composition of paint, it is desirable to select suitable type tool.

The popularity of this tool suggests that its advantages are more significant than the disadvantages. It is used not only by amateurs, but also by professionals. So how to paint the walls with a roller?

Roll size

Before you read the instructions for applying paint to the surface with a roller, you should familiarize yourself with the variety of this material. After all, the quality of painting directly depends on the type chosen. The rollers differ from each other not only in size, but also in the material from which the “fur coat” is made. After all, this soft ring around the roller, which is constantly rotating, will directly interact with the paint.

When choosing the size of the roller, you should know the approximate area of ​​​​the surface to be painted. A wide roller width is necessary for rooms with a large painting surface. The maximum width of the "fur coat" is 30 cm. Such rollers are used to perform painting work on large flat surfaces.

The width of the smallest roller is 3 cm. It is used for staining hard-to-reach places- in corners, at joints and seams. It performs the same role as a paint brush. All work with this tool is performed last, when the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room has already been painted.

All rollers also differ in the material from which the "fur coat" is made. Today in the assortment of building stores you can find rollers:

  • Foam.
  • Velor.
  • polyamide thread.
  • Fur.

Rollers with foam rubber

Such a tool is necessary for painting the surface of the compositions.

Use this roller to work with emulsion paints undesirable. The paint will be saturated with air, and when applied, bubbles will form on the surface. During drying, they will burst, leaving behind round stains on the painted surface.

It is better not to choose such a tool for painting walls. After all, the porous material is gaining a lot of paint in itself. When painting, you will not be able to avoid smudges. And it will take a long time to eliminate such traces.

Velor rollers

This type of tool can be used to work with emulsion and oil paints. Velor allows you to create a thin and uniform film on the surface. After all, the material from which the “fur coat” is made absorbs little paint and rolls it out in a thin layer.

Polyamide thread

At first glance, the surface of the roller resembles the texture of a terry towel. And it is not surprising, because the “fur coat” of such a roller is made of fabric that is stitched in a special way.

The advantage of this type of painting tool is the absence of a falling pile. They are easy to clean from paint. Such rollers are characterized by a long service life.

The disadvantage of such a roller is the tendency to splash paint. Therefore, all painting work should be done carefully.

Roller with fur

Fur "coats" of such rollers are made from both synthetic wool and natural sheepskin. The synthetic version is characterized by an attractive cost, but a shorter service life, compared to natural wool. Such tools are used to work with various compositions of coloring agents. Before use, the tool must be soaked for several hours in clean water and then dry well.

All rollers with fur differ from each other and the length of the pile. When choosing a tool, you need to consider the structure of the wall. If the surface is embossed, it is better to choose a "fur coat" with a long pile.

The advantage of this type of rollers is their versatility. They can be used for various purposes. But such tools also have their drawbacks. With prolonged use, the “fur coat” begins to shed. As a result, lost lint can be found on the surface, adhering along with the paint to the wall or ceiling.

Most often for internal works choose safe, environmentally friendly paint on water based. Many people ask about how to paint the walls with a roller water-based paint. First of all, you should read the recommendations of wall painting experts.

  • Carefully measure the surface area to be painted. Decide on a color and go shopping. In the store, read the information on the packaging. So you can determine the approximate consumption of paint and buy the required amount. In addition, you will know in advance about the drying time of the surface.
  • Remove curtains, cover furniture with special covers.
  • protect from possible drips and smudges of the skirting board paint. Windows, doors and floors should also be protected with plastic wrap.
  • Prepare the surface for painting in advance. and remove with a scraper old paint from the surface. Walls or ceilings should be degreased. If there are cracks or crevices on the surface, they should be repaired with putty. After the surface must be leveled with sandpaper.
  • It is necessary to turn off the power supply and remove the covers of switches and sockets. Their internal parts must be covered with masking tape.
  • If possible, the radiators should be temporarily removed.
  • The surface should be treated several times with a primer, which will increase the adhesion of the paint to the wall material.
  • Paint the walls. After the first layer has completely dried, a second layer of paint must be applied.
  • Install switches and outlets. They remove covers from furniture, wash the floor. Set furniture in place.

How to apply paint on the wall

Now we can get an answer to the question of how to paint the walls with a roller.

The paint container must be carefully opened and mixed well. Specialists use for this purpose a mixer nozzle worn on a drill. Indeed, during long-term storage, a thick sediment collects at the bottom of the container.

The paint is carefully poured into the tray of a special rolling tray. The level of paint should not reach the axle of the roller wheel. Now the roller should be rolled over the paint several times so that the “fur coat” picks up as much paint as possible.

Now it is necessary to roll the roller along the corrugated rolling surface, pressing a little. This procedure must be performed until the "fur coat" is evenly saturated with the coloring composition. And all excess paint should drain back into the pan.

Now the paint can be applied by rolling the roller over the surface until it stops painting. After that, we again dip the tool into the pan, roll it out on a corrugated surface and paint the wall.

Performing work in this sequence, you will be able to apply paint to the surface in an even layer. In addition, you will save yourself from splashing paint drops and smudges. But how to paint the walls with a roller, what is the technology of this process?

Application technology

Properly carried out painting work involves uniform painting of the surface without stripes and gaps. The painting technology used by specialists when working with large areas will help to achieve a good result. They know how to properly paint walls with a water-based paint roller. The basic rule is to break the surface into conditional squares.

Surface marking and paint application

The technology of how to properly paint walls with a roller lies in the rule of squares. We measure the width of the roller, multiply it by 5. This is the value of the side of the conditional squares into which we divide the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall.

It is necessary to paint the surface from the top corner. There are no instructions on how to properly paint the walls with a roller on the left or right side. It depends only on your wishes.

So, how to paint the walls with a roller without traces? Let's get back to squares. We conditionally divide it into 5 vertical stripes. We color the second strip first, skipping the first. Now, skipping again 3 and 4, we color the strip number 5. Now go back and paint strips #4, #1 and #3.

When applying the second layer, the surface should be painted in the opposite direction: 3, 1, 4, 5 and 2.

The movement of the roller should occur from the bottom up, then in the opposite direction. When the strip is painted, you should sharply tear the roller off the surface and proceed to painting the next strip. Here's how to paint walls and ceilings with a roller.

The first corner square is colored. Now you can proceed to the next, located under it. The whole process must be repeated exactly. Particular attention should be paid to the joints between the squares. Make sure that there are no unpainted areas here.

After the vertical strip is completely painted to the floor, you can start painting the next adjacent upper square.

And how to paint the ceiling with a roller? The photo of the work performed confirms that the technology for applying the coloring agent is identical to the painting of the walls.

At first glance, this sequence of staining is a bit surprising. It seems that the technology is complicated, because everything can be done much easier. But experts say that it is this technology of applying paint that will evenly distribute the coloring agent on the surface.

Cleaning the roller

Do you want to reuse the roller? To do this, after painting it must be cleaned immediately. When using water-soluble paints, the fur coat should be removed and rinsed well with water. It can not be squeezed out, but should simply be hung out to dry. After oil enamels, the roller is cleaned with organic solvents: acetone, gasoline or white spirit.

Final stage

After completing the work, it is necessary to give the paint time to dry well. It can be either a few hours or several days. The time of complete drying of the paint is also affected by temperature and humidity.

AT summer period You can speed up this process by opening windows and vents. In addition, the specific smell of paint will quickly disappear from the room.

Now you can delete protective film, masking tape, install sockets and switches, put furniture in place.

Plastering and painting works accompany any kind of repair. The quality of wall painting depends not only general form rooms, but also opens up new possibilities for design. Therefore, to this process must be treated responsibly. Traditionally, painting is carried out using a roller. This tool is considered universal, as it allows you to quickly perform Finishing work on the walls of a large area. To properly paint the surface of the floors, it is enough to choose the appropriate type of roller and master the elementary technique of applying paint.

Painting features

Wall painting is a difficult type of decoration that requires special preparation of the room, careful selection of materials and special tools. If you plan to do the painting work with your own hands, then you need to have certain skills in order to evenly distribute the paint composition over the entire surface of the walls. Application should be carried out in such a way that the final layer is free of marks and streaks.

As for the materials, it will be possible to do the work qualitatively with acrylic or water-based paint.

To date, there are two ways to paint walls:

  • Fulfill vertical movements hands from top to bottom.
  • Perform movements from the bottom up to the starting point.
  • The roller can be used to paint the surface horizontally.

Thanks to the first method, the base becomes smooth without stripes, while the second technique allows you to simultaneously cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall to be painted. In this case, both in the first and in the second case, the coloring is carried out in several layers.

Painting work can be started only when the surface of the walls is prepared and has an ideal structure without cracks and defects. It is worth noting that the roller is used for flat areas; in order to paint over the ends and corners, you need to choose special brushes. Besides, textured roller can be created on the walls unusual patterns and compositions. To do this, you must separately purchase nozzles with a pattern. By pressing the roller during the painting process, the shades of the paint will change and the result will be beautiful abstractions.


The quality of wall decoration depends on various factors, of which the main one is right choice tool. Since huge areas are painted with a roller, its appropriate size and “fur coat” should be selected in advance. If voluminous painting work is planned, then it is advisable to purchase large options with a width of at least 30 cm. Small tools are also on sale (the size of their nozzle does not exceed 3 cm). They are ideal for painting hard-to-reach places: seams, joints and corners. Depending on what material the surface of the roller is made of, there are different types tool.

foam rubber

Such a roller is designed to work with water-dispersion mixtures and is not recommended for emulsion painting, since this solution forms air bubbles on the surface of the walls in contact with foam rubber. So, after finishing, small stains will remain on the base, and the painting will be spoiled.

The foam nozzle has a porous structure, so it absorbs a lot of solution and when applying paint vertically, it will not be possible to avoid smudges.


Good for water-based and oil paint. Its short pile allows you to evenly distribute the solution, while forming an even and thin film. The nozzle of the tool economically consumes paint and allows you to quickly complete the work.


It is used for walls with a relief surface. This roller is made from both artificial and natural materials. The length of the pile on the "fur coat" can be different. The tool is universal, as it can be used to work with all types of paints.

Roller with polyamide thread

Painting order

As a rule, walls are painted at the very end of the repair, so all painting work must be done correctly and accurately so as not to spoil the finish of other surfaces. Since the floors have large area, they are recommended to be painted with a roller. It will speed up not only the entire workflow, but will allow you to get perfect decor in finishing. Painting consists of the following steps:


You need to stock up on all the tools. To do this, you should purchase a special trough for paint, color mixtures and nozzles for a roller. Then the room itself is prepared: furniture is taken out (it can also be moved and covered with foil), covered with flooring, windows and doors.

Be sure to turn off the power supply, hide all appliances under the molar tape.


The surface of the walls is polished with sandpaper Thus, roughness and irregularities are removed. After the base has leveled, you need to clean the walls of dirt and dust. To do this, use a washing solution and a soft sponge.


Several layers of primer solution are applied around the entire perimeter of the area. It will saturate the surface well and provide a high-quality color in the future.

Paint application

The mixture for work must be prepared in advance, and then thoroughly mixed with a drill with a mixer attachment. The paint is poured into a special tray-trough and the roller is dipped into it. The "fur coat" should be well saturated, after which it is squeezed a little on the corrugated surface of the bath, after which they make rolling movements until the solution is saturated evenly over the entire nozzle. Now you can apply the mixture to the wall, performing vertical or horizontal movements with a roller. When he stops painting, he is again dipped into the pan and work continues.

Work technology

An important point when painting walls with a roller, compliance with the rules for applying the mixture is considered. The workflow starts from the top corner of the room - this ensures uniformity of shading, and also helps to avoid the appearance of stripes and gaps.

Professional craftsmen recommend that you first divide the wall area into separate sections. Thus, the working area is divided into squares, the number of which is determined by the size of the roller nozzle. That is, one square is equal to the width of the tool, multiplied by 5.

Painting is performed from the upper right or left corner of the square. To make things easier, working area additionally distinguished into 5 vertical stripes, the first of which is skipped, and then paint is applied to the second. In the same way, the third strip is skipped, passing the fourth strip with a roller. At the very end, they paint the extreme line and the fifth strip, proceed to painting the fourth, first and third run.

As for the second layer of paint, they cover the surface of the square in reverse order: start from the third mark and smoothly move to the first, fourth and fifth, ending with the second stripe.

For many, such a procedure may seem complicated and impossible. Actually it is not. If you have patience and evenly distribute the coloring solution around the entire perimeter of the square, then the result will be spectacular. It is worth noting that the movement of the roller is best done from the bottom up. This must be done quickly. When the first of the conditional squares is painted, you can proceed to the next one.

During painting work, it is important to ensure that there are no "gaps" left on the surface of the walls. Having completed the finishing of the vertical stripes, the painting of the next upper square continues in the same way.

Final work

When the most difficult and time-consuming process is completed, you need to clean the roller, clean the room and dry the walls. As a rule, this takes several days. The drying process depends on temperature regime in the room, as well as from the humidity of the air. To speed it up, you can open the vents and windows, but this cannot be done in winter. When the room no longer smells of paint, and the surface of the walls becomes dry, it will be necessary to complete the repair, as well as restore the room to its original form.