How to make a structural roller. Textured roller for decorative plaster: which one to choose? Advice

Decorative plaster is a finishing material that is extremely attractive not only in terms of its technical characteristics.

This coating has opened up ample opportunities for both designers and ordinary people who want to give their home a stylish personality.

Using a roller allows you to recreate many types of surfaces.

A textured roller will help imitate wood, hewn stone, fur, leather and even animal paw prints, if animal motifs can be traced in the interior. An uncomplicated-looking video is fraught with tremendous design opportunities. All you need to do is select a roller with the desired texture and master the technique of use.

Rollers differ from other tools for imparting texture to plaster primarily by their purpose. Applicators, stamps, sponges, decorative tampons are intended for spot work or decoration of small areas. Using a structural roller for decorative plaster, it is possible to process large surfaces and increase productivity significantly.

All the numerous types of rollers can be divided according to two criteria: the type of material from which the work surface is made, and the pattern that they leave on the plaster.

Types of rollers by material of the working surface


Foam rubber for such a roller should have deep pores of various diameters, which, depending on the size, will leave traces on the plaster in the form of bursting bubbles or "lunar craters".

There is no need to forcefully press on the roller, otherwise the plaster will lie in an ordinary even layer, without any relief.

You should also pay attention to the following points:

  • Decorative plaster should be finely dispersed.

Embossed does not cope with stretching large particles and the effect of the desired surface is smeared

  • Do not work with plaster with solvents in the composition.

These substances dissolve the foam rubber with ease, the fragments remain on the surface, creating a non-aesthetic appearance.


A cheaper analog of a rubber roller. With its help, you can also work with various types of plaster and recreate many patterns, but such a roller will not last long.

Polyfoam is a fragile material that is prone to deformation, so during the work such a roller will have to be changed more than once.

In addition, the patterns on the foam tend to flatten, creating a pattern that is not as expected.

Alternatively, you can use a foam roller with a flat surface, but, unfortunately, it is not able to give the plaster an interesting texture.


The most preferred tool option. On the flat surface of the roller, there are protrusions or indentations that create a pattern.

Suitable for creating a clearly defined texture: brickwork, painting, patterns of various types.

In some cases, plaster can adhere to the roller surface. To avoid this, it is advised to wet the roller in soapy water, but it is not known how such manipulations will affect the appearance of the final coating.


A leather roller is capable of creating one of the most commonly used effects - a marble surface. In view of its elasticity, the skin creates beautiful marble stains.

Most often, such a tool is used for working with Venetian plaster.

The choice of roller must be approached carefully: it is better to use natural leather.

Artificial material can only deliver disappointment, since poor-quality leather at best will slide over the plaster without leaving any traces, and at worst it will dissolve and ruin expensive plaster.


One of the simplest rollers with all the advantages of rubber. However, such a tool additionally guarantees the environmental friendliness of the coating, because the tree does not enter into a spontaneous chemical reaction with the ingredients in the plaster. Therefore, wooden rollers are often used to decorate walls in children's rooms.

However, over time, the wood can absorb water in the plaster and swell. At the same time, the drawing becomes less clear. The fix is ​​simple: the roller is enough to dry, and it will be ready for further work.


A plastic roller is positioned as a cheaper analogue of a rubber roller. Allows you to create a variety of textures and patterns. On sale you can find plastic rollers with holes and holes to create bulges on the wall. This version of the surface is not trivial.

The disadvantages of this material include the fact that over time the plastic deforms, becomes covered with cracks and chips, which is not the best way to affect the final result.


Creates the effect of a "fur" wall. The pile material is diverse - from natural fur to polyamide threads. The pile length varies from 2 to 25 mm. The longer the pile, the more “furry” the wall will turn out to be.

When buying, you should be careful and check the quality of the attachment of the pile to the moving cylinder.

A poor-quality roller will ruin the surface, strewn with loose fibers.

Types of rollers for the final texture

The texture of the rollers can be completely varied and imitate brick, marble, wood, textiles, fur and even more complex patterns (braids, oriental ornament, waves, etc.)

Each of them allows you to create a specific surface. The richer the final texture should be, the deeper the pattern is cut on the roller.

It is worth noting that for each room you need to choose your own wall texture and, accordingly, your own type of roller.

Imitation brickwork will look good in the hallway or in the kitchen work area, but completely out of place in the bedroom. Therefore, a roller with replaceable nozzles would be a very convenient option.

DIY decorative plaster roller

Despite more than a wide range of factory rollers on sale, many people prefer to make a tool with their own hands.

There may be several reasons for this: the desire to save money, which was already spent a lot on repairs, or the lack of a roller with the desired pattern on sale, or the desire to give the interior individuality with the exclusive texture of the walls.

Whatever the reason, there are several ways to make a structural roller yourself:

  1. To simulate brickwork, a foam roller is taken as a basis. With an ordinary clerical knife, grooves are cut out on it in the shape of bricks. It is a mistake to cut out the bricks themselves, since after smoothing the plaster, they will not turn out to be convex, but pressed into the wall, which will deprive the imitation of realism.
  1. In order to reproduce a textile fabric, there is nothing better than the textile itself. A regular foam roller should be wrapped with coarse canvas tape and secured with threads.
  1. To imitate a marble surface, a plastic roller trimmed with a piece of genuine leather is the best fit. Sewing is better carelessly, with folds.
  1. To give the surface the effect of a natural board, it is necessary to wrap a plastic roller with a narrow piece of dense textile or sheathe it with a crinkled cloth.
  1. To create a specific pattern, it can be cut on the surface of the auxiliary roller. Foam or foam is best suited for these purposes. It is worth considering that the foam rubber must be tough.

In some cases, various massage rollers and kitchen utensils (rolling pins, etc.) were used as a textured roller.

Roller technique for decorative plaster

In order for the final texture to meet expectations, the roller should be worked in compliance with a certain technology:

  • movement must go from bottom to top, chaotic movements must not be allowed, otherwise the structure will be indistinct;
  • for the same reason, the strips carried by the roller should be located close to each other, but not overlapping;
  • the first stripes must be drawn with the help of the building level, otherwise there is a possibility of them "filling up" relative to the floor and ceiling;
  • work must be carried out taking into account the drying time of the plaster. Even slightly dry, it becomes much less plastic. Perhaps it is worth applying decorative plaster with a roller in fragments, after which work the surface with a roller and only then proceed to the next section of the wall;
  • The rollers are subject to wear. In the case of prolonged work with a roller made of a short-lived material, it must be replaced in time.

The structured roller is one of those tools that, in their simple design, store a wide range of possibilities. To obtain the desired structure of decorative plaster, you just need to use a high-quality roller and follow the technology.

To create a picturesque finish with a small scale of work, all kinds of sponges, combs and other devices are usually used. In the event that it is required to process large areas, the plaster is applied using rollers, which reduce the time for this procedure. This tool can be purchased at a hardware store or made by hand at home.

Specificity of textured rollers

High-quality finishing gives the room an unusual and stylish look; today, among a large number of materials, decorative plastering of walls or coating them with paint stands out. To this end, professionals use a variety of tools, but structural rollers are especially popular.

When working with them, it is not necessary to have certain skills and mastery, even using this method for the first time, you can get quite a decent result. Instruments have certain qualities, advantages and differ in their types.

Design features

Rollers for painting walls have a very simple device, they can be made of various materials, their cylinders are fixed with a handle by means of a metal rod. With the help of these devices, a complex ornament and original drawings are created that can decorate not only a classic, but also a modern interior. The tool includes the following components:

  1. 1. Clasp, which is a supporting element and is the basis of the roller. It has a curved configuration, thanks to which a kind of cylinder is fixed on one side, and a handle on the other, which gives the instrument integrity.
  2. 2. The handle, which is held in the hand during the work, is usually made of rubber, plastic or wood. In order to make it convenient to hold and prevent slipping, special recesses are made on the parts.
  3. 3. Roller, which is the main part of the roller and is made in the form of a cylinder. It is located on the side of the clasp opposite the handle and has the ability to rotate with ease. Mostly plastic or metal is used for its production.
  4. 4. A fur coat worn on top of the roller and intended for direct application of paints and varnishes. It is made of velor, foam rubber or fur.

This uncomplicated design improves productivity and reduces paint consumption. During work with this kind of tool, there are practically no streaks and splashes, and the end result is much more effective than when painting with an ordinary paint brush.

Types by material of manufacture

Rollers differ from other devices, thanks to which the texture is made on the plaster, in their purpose. With the help of applicators, decorative tampons, sponges and stamps, spot work or decoration of small areas is performed. The structured roller is designed to handle large areas of the surface.

There are many types of these tools. But they all fall into two categories: according to the pattern created on the plaster and according to the material that covers the surface of the moving cylinder. They also differ from each other in the width of the roller.


When opting for a tool of this type, you need to know that foam rubber should have pores with sufficient depth and different diameters. These features allow leaving a pattern similar to craters on the Moon and burst bubbles on the treated surface.

When applying decorative plaster with a roller with such a coating, this should be done easily, without pressing on the device, which will exclude the compression of its soft texture, entailing smoothing of the pattern. It is important to remember that when in contact with solvents, the structure of polyurethane foam is easily destroyed, so you cannot choose types of plasters containing this kind of substances to work with it.

Experts advise, before applying decorative plaster, to wrap the foam cylinder with ropes of various thicknesses, a net for vegetables, or simply cut out a pattern on it. Such a solution will make it possible to embody very original ideas.

Fur (pile)

Natural or synthetic fur, such as polyamide or acrylic, is used to make a fur coat for such rollers. Its pile has different lengths (from two to twenty-five millimeters), on which the relief depends - the larger it is, the more bumpy the surface will be. When purchasing these tools, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the pile. If it crumbles, the bristles will remain on the plaster, thereby damaging the appearance of the coating.


Rollers with such a structure allow producing surfaces that are identical to marble or natural stone. In work, they are usually used to apply Venetian plaster to the wall.


Rollers made of this material can be called the most budgetary models. The options for their surfaces are very diverse, since the concavities and convexities have all kinds of shapes.

The disadvantage of this material is its fragility. In the process of use, cracks and chips appear on them, which have a negative effect on the quality of the pattern.


When applying decorative plaster, you can use wood rollers. In terms of its functionality, this tool surpasses even the most common rubber counterpart due to its ease of use, since the degree of adhesion of the plaster to the surface of the material is much less.

When using this tool, observing all the rules, you can get a very high-quality result. In addition, due to its environmental friendliness, wood is not capable of entering into a chemical reaction with the composition of the plaster. This property is very important when carrying out finishing work in premises for children. The disadvantage of wooden rollers is the ability to swell due to prolonged contact with water, which affects the size of the pattern. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to carefully rinse and dry the instrument after each use.


All kinds of grooves and bulges located on the roller of such a device allow you to create the most complex textures on the surface. It can be animals, plants, geometric shapes, paintings and even brickwork.

Usually rubber rollers are used by professionals. This is due to the fact that certain skills are required when working with such a tool.


As for the application of intricate patterns and complex textures, this material is absolutely not inferior to rubber. However, due to its ability to be easily damaged during the processing of large surfaces, repeated tool changes will be required. A better option for foam rollers would be to work in small areas.

Principles of work

According to the texture of the finished pattern, the rollers are divided into textured and textured (structural) types with the appropriate name. The former convey natural materials to the surface, while the latter are capable of applying a complex ornament. Before you start painting the walls with a textured roller, you should carefully study all the subtleties of this process. There are a number of specific rules, adhering to which you can achieve an amazing effect:

  • it is recommended to start painting from the corner of the room located by the window;
  • for paint, you need to purchase a special tub with corrugations, the size of which will allow you to comfortably dip the roller;
  • after applying the first layer, you need to wait for it to dry completely, then you can start applying the second;
  • when painting a wall, paint should be applied from bottom to top and then in the opposite direction.

Working with textured rollers requires mandatory adherence to all technologies and time intervals required for drying materials.

Self-manufacturing methods

It's no secret that many finishing tools are expensive. Therefore, making them with your own hands will become a budget option that allows you to significantly save money.

Experts say that in order to design a textured roller with your own hands, it does not take much time and effort. The main thing in this process will be the presence of imagination and patience. There are several ways to implement such an undertaking, which will require an old and out of order tool.

Based on a worn out fixture

To do this, you need to find an old roller made of any material and of any size. The main thing is that the tool retains its handle. The rest of the elements for its complete set can be easily found in every home.

To do this, you will need a little dense fabric to form figures from it, you can also twist all kinds of flaps from its segments that resemble origami in their appearance. All prepared elements are attached to the roller by means of pins or a special stapler.

With a rope

In order to make a roller, you need to find a clothesline or a cord similar to it and wind it around the old structure. The degree of pattern density will directly depend on the frequency of the wound cord.

Winding can be done using various methods and intersections, as a result of which the original pattern is formed. Before starting work with a roller of our own manufacture, it is required to check its performance on a sheet of plywood.

Using a knife and foam rubber

In the case when a roller with a foam cylinder remains in a satisfactory condition from finishing work, it can be made the basis of a textured tool. For this, various geometric shapes of any size are cut with a knife with a sharpened blade. But it should be remembered that the size of the texture of the picture will correspond to the dimensions of these figures.

In the same way, processing of a foam tool is allowed. If you have a product made of foam rubber, you can subject it to a constriction with a thread, thereby contributing to the formation of wrinkles on the surface of the fur coat.

By means of a plastic bag

This method is one of the simplest and least expensive. To do this, you will need to fix the crumpled bag with adhesive tape on the old roller. The result is a complex and unique pattern consisting of embossed stripes.

In addition to the bag, you can use hair ties, thick paper, pieces of fabric, or a vegetable net. All of these simple items are great for making your own texture roller.

From a rubber tool

You can build a wall paint jig using an old rubber roller. To do this, first the desired pattern is applied to it, using copy paper, and then cut out with a knife. For this purpose, it is allowed to use ordinary rubber with a thickness of five millimeters or more.

It is necessary to ensure that the pattern on the roller is a single whole and has wavy lines. At the end of the work, the rubber with the harvested relief is attached to the workpiece.


To make a textured device, you will need thick foil, a crochet hook and acrylic putty. First of all, the foil is cleaned of possible contaminants of various origins. Then a pattern is applied to it, which is later transferred to the surface to be painted.

With a crochet hook or a similar object of a similar shape, volumetric patterns are squeezed onto the foil, according to the previously drawn lines. There must be the necessary intervals between the embossed strokes, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be blurry, the ideal value in this case is considered to be five millimeters. An acrylic putty is applied to the back of the roller, after it dries, foil is glued to the tool.

Made of silicone and rubber

This option requires a sheet of thin rubber, a marker and silicone sealant. First, the rubber surface is cleaned and degreased. Then the desired drawing is applied to it with a pencil or marker and, according to the resulting markings, a sealant.

For this method, the image of waves or simple geometric shapes is optimal. In the manufacture of such a roller, you can use buttons with an interesting embossing, plaster objects or artificial leaves. The selected element is coated with vegetable oil, the rubber is covered with a layer of silicone sealant, and then an impression is made. After the sealant has dried, the rubber will adhere to the roller.

Having available tools at home, you can create rollers for decorative plaster and embody almost all conceived options for the surface structure.

Decorative plaster is widely used in interior decoration. For many years it has been used both for interior and exterior work. It has wear-resistant properties, water-resistant, after application to the surface, forms a durable layer. This type of finishing material allows you to use many different design solutions, gives the room texture and original color design. Various patterns are applied to the surface using decorative plaster rollers. Having studied the technology, it will not be difficult to make the finish with such a material. You can do it yourself without involving expensive professionals.

Decorative plaster

Before learning how to apply different ornaments to a layer of decorative plaster, you need to familiarize yourself with this material in more detail. It is a particularly durable coating that contains certain fillers. For example, pebbles, chips of marble, granite, mica, quartz, wood fiber. Necessarily in the composition of such a solution there are polymeric and acrylic substances, they are responsible for the binding functions. Thanks to them, the plaster acquires elasticity and sets after a certain period of time. It is quite enough to apply an ornament to the surface using textured rollers.

Types of plaster

There are two main types of decorative plaster:

  1. Textured. Such a solution forms a relief immediately after application. This is due to the presence of granules in it. According to their size, the mixture is divided into large, medium, small and fine texture.
  2. Structural. Forms an elastic and smooth layer; decorative plaster rollers are used to apply the relief. The color of the solution is predominantly white, tinted by adding special dyes.

Types of rollers for decorative plaster

The features of this material allow you to create a unique and original relief on the surface. Each of them corresponds to a certain type of rollers. Let's consider the most common ones:

Rollers for textured plaster: selection rules

In order to apply the necessary relief to the surface of decorative plaster, the main thing is to choose the right roller.

How to create complex patterns on the surface of decorative plaster?

Natural ornament on a plastered wall looks very nice. In order to create it, it is enough to use a relief roller and a not very thick solution. It is necessary to apply the mixture in accordance with the chosen direction, which is not recommended to be changed later.

The situation is much more complicated with complex artistic patterns. Of course, there are decorative plaster rollers with certain reliefs. However, it is impossible to use the above technology, since in some places the mixture will be applied in a very thick layer, and other areas will remain completely without finishing material. In this case, it is most important to first apply the plaster with a spatula, and only then go through with a curly roller. The speed, pressure and direction of movement must be the same throughout the entire area. After the first strip is carried out, all subsequent ones are performed end-to-end to the previous one, overlaps and indents are not allowed.

DIY roller

Rollers can be purchased at any hardware store. However, if there is a desire to give the finish a truly individual and unique look, then such a tool can be made independently. For these purposes, a rubber roller, thick tourniquet, strips of rubber or leather (sometimes you can use ordinary erasers) and glue are perfect.

It is necessary to cut out some kind of figure from leather or other materials described above. Its shape is selected individually. It is necessary to glue the figures at a certain distance so that a distinct relief appears on the surface of the plaster. It is advisable to decorate the edges of the nozzle as equally as possible, so that when working with a roller there is no difference between the sides.

Application of decorative plaster with a roller

So, let's get acquainted with the detailed technology of applying ornaments to the plaster surface.

Other ways to apply patterns

Decorative plaster rollers are not the only tool for applying designs to surfaces. For these purposes, you can use a foam sponge, a brush, a stiff brush, or a rough cloth.

Using rollers for decorative plaster, you can give the room an original and unique design. Don't be afraid to experiment and make unconventional decisions.

empstenup/ March 15, 2016 / /

Processing a wall in a room with a large vertical area involves the use of various tools. One of them is a decorative paint roller. With your own hands, this tool can be assembled from scrap materials, or you can purchase a finished product. The roller is very easy to handle. In addition, sets of nozzles with different textures are sold. With their help, you can create various effects on the wall.


The design of the rollers is as simple as possible. The tool has a working part that is in direct contact with the walls, with the paint composition. This is a plastic cylinder. There are also wooden varieties, but much less often. The surface of the cylinder is coated with attachments and materials with different properties. The characteristics of these coatings depend on how high-quality the result of the work will be.

Do-it-yourself metal bushings are pressed into the through holes. The latter are located at the ends of the cylinder. The clasp handle is attached to the axis, which itself is threaded into the holes.

The axle has a thread at the end through which the roller is put on. This is where the corkscrew nut is usually placed. Sometimes a locking cotter pin is placed inside. It requires a recess with a different shape. The cylinder rotates freely around its axis due to the design features of the assembled form.

The handle of the tool has a smooth or rough surface. If the tool is professional, the grip area is covered with rubber. To install the tool with your own hands on the bar, a special cavity is located on the end of the handle. Thanks to this, painting the upper sections of the walls does not take much effort.

Practical use

The working part of the tool is selected individually, depending on what texture you need to apply the material with your own hands, what kind of coating is to be processed.

We first put the cylinder with an outer coating on the axle with our own hands. For professional tools, there are so-called uniform cylinders. They wear covers made of different materials.

Productivity will increase if you only use rollers of a suitable texture with your own hands. It also allows you to apply a coating, changing the shading in different places, using substances with different compositions.

If the wall roller is of high quality, then the paint is applied without splashes and other traces. And the coating itself does not contain any traces of wax. With the right choice, you can save a lot of time on processing large areas.

Mount type

  • Hot-melt roller. In this case, the coat is glued to the surface of the nucleus by the method of thermosynthesis. Such attachments are considered to be durable. Therefore, they are often recommended to professional craftsmen. The absence of a seam is an important design feature. But such devices themselves are more expensive compared to their closest counterparts.
  • With glued fur coats. The parts are fixed directly to the core with an adhesive backing. Most often, foam rollers are made in this way. It depends on the characteristics of the glue used how high-quality and durable the tool itself for decorative finishing will be.
  • With replaceable paint coats. For fastening, plugs are used.

Fur coat materials

One or another work surface for painting must be chosen depending on the features that will be encountered when painting the walls. The cover materials are the main difference between the different models of attachments that are available on the modern market.

The textures of the cover and the surface of the wall will match each other completely according to the results of the work. Covering rate is the area of ​​the walls that can be covered with your own hands at a time. The length of the pile determines what this characteristic will be.

The following materials are used most often in production. All perform the decorative function in about the same way.

  • Polyester paint roller is a cheap tool, but it cannot boast of durability. The dye composition impregnates the fibers well. The paint is transferred to another surface with no less high quality. There is no lint on the finished coating.

  • Polyacrylic roller- great for working with water-based paints. Or for formulations in which there is a minimum of aggressive substances. They have a pile of different lengths. The latter is determined by the functional characteristics of the tool.

  • Artificial polyamide roller. Possesses high wear resistance. The material does not deform under the influence of aggressive substances. Therefore, it can be used to apply different colors with your own hands. The fibers are most often 2 cm long.

  • Rollers with wool fibers for walls they distribute paints and varnishes perfectly, have good absorbency.

  • The wall roller with velor contains polyamide fabric. From above, the product resembles plush fabrics in texture. Suitable for working even with oil paints. The good thing about the roller is that it does not spray paint when applied.

  • Flock fibers are made on the basis of polyurethane. In an electrostatic field, they adhere to tissue substrates. These are durable and durable fur coats. They are distinguished by a high indicator of wear resistance. Suitable for a smooth finish.

Foam rubber is distinguished by its ability to return to its original shape after deformations. Virtually no caking. Such devices will even help to apply water-based paint. But the surface is not able to withstand chemically aggressive substances.

Tools with removable wall coats tend to be more expensive. You should not choose such rollers if the work is one-time.

A special painting ditch is a must-have addition to your purchase. Such a part is provided with a ribbed surface. On it, you can roll a tool soaked in paint, which will allow you to remove excess material that is not needed.

Several different painting tools or replacement coats will be helpful in situations where solvent-based formulations are used. It is recommended to wrap the instrument tightly in plastic bags when you need to store it in its previous state for several days.

Painters and designers alike use gadgets to the same extent. Convex patterns on the surface will allow you to create any pattern, not only abstract, but also quite definite.

2 videos about decorative paint rollers

Types of rollers in pictures (35 photos)

Rollers for decorative plaster will help to add a stylish design to the room and make it unusual. It is amazing that such an affordable and familiar tool for leveling walls has become a full-fledged tool for decorative finishing. The secret of transformation is hidden in textured rollers, which allow you to create a figured print on the wall, imitating various types of surfaces, for example, the texture of stone, wood, leather, "fur coat", etc.

With the help of curly rollers, you can easily create a picture on the wall

Varieties of rollers

For a long time, craftsmen have worked on the walls with improvised means: sponges, a comb, a stiff brush. Today, the range of construction tools for decoration allows you to find a suitable roller with a ready-made relief, which, after processing the plastered wall, turn it into real volumetric images. Roll cylinder coatings variations:

  • rubber;
  • foam rubber;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • silicone;
  • the cloth;
  • leather.

Before choosing a roller, you need to decide on the desired pattern on the wall.

Tools with a soft surface, such as fur, create a “fur coat” effect on the plaster. The marble finish is obtained with a fabric roller with a crinkled cloth, while a natural stone finish is obtained with a leather surface. As a rule, they work with such rollers when it is necessary to process a painted surface. Standard foam cylinders can be retrofitted by winding twine, threads, or foam pieces to create natural patterns such as tree bark structure.

Features of structural plaster rollers

If you are interested in a more pronounced decor, then you cannot do without hard-coated rollers. Their cost is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary clamping ones, but this is due to their high aesthetic value. In addition, they can be used multiple times. The most productive will be rubber rollers, which can have a convex pattern to get a depressed pattern or a slotted one to form three-dimensional textures.

Since such an innovation for decorative plaster came from Western countries, it is in their stores that a variety of textures and patterns reigns: leaves, flowers, animals, birds, geometric shapes.

Work with a structural roller is carried out in two ways - first, they apply plaster, wait for it to be fixed, after which they finish finishing in a layer or apply plaster to the wall (already decorated with putty in one layer), dipping the roller into the composition. But basically, the second method is used to carry out a patterned color painting by making prints with this rubber product.

Stages of plastering walls

Before applying decorative plaster, the wall must be carefully prepared

In order for the plaster to last longer and not crack, it is necessary to do a preliminary treatment. To do this, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt, old wallpaper, dust, and a primer is applied to it. After that, for leveling, they pass with putty. For putty use spatulas 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm in size. The application of the putty must be uniform. And don't push too hard.

After the first layer of putty has dried, apply the second layer using a 600 mm spatula. It is necessary to apply and smooth the putty in two mutually perpendicular directions. Then you can proceed to the decorating process, which consists of the following stages:

  1. Dry plaster is mixed with water, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Then they are engaged in applying the mixture to the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm in order to proceed to creating a decor, or more dense, if it is also necessary to level the surface. Smooth with a spatula.
  3. They give about ten minutes for the composition to thicken, and begin to pass it with a textured roller from top to bottom, forming a pattern. It is more convenient to work in pairs, when the first person is engaged in applying plaster, and the second creates a relief, for example, a "fur coat".
  4. The subsequent processing of the wall with paint is performed after 48 hours, as the plaster finally dries up. If it is necessary to paint over the entire wall, then a roller with a long nap is bought, and to add color only to the protruding parts, a tool with a short nap is taken.

Principles of accurate drawing

Using rollers for decorative plaster, you must follow several rules:

  1. The roller is not pressed strongly against the wall, the movement should be smooth and unhurried.
  2. The second line of paint begins where the border of the first pattern is, without overlapping.
  3. At the ceiling, the roller needs to be pressed slightly upward, but keep the pressure low further.
  4. If the pattern comes out too embossed, it can be smoothed out with a wet sanding mesh.

How to create a fur coat surface

A “fur coat” wall means that plaster is sprayed onto the surface using a broom, brush or a special machine. "Fur coat" is especially popular for the front surface, but it will also look interesting indoors. The modern option for creating a fur coat includes the use of a textured roller, which allows you to make the layer even and presentable.

Facade processing under the "fur coat" is carried out in the same way as in the room. First, putty is applied, plaster is applied and a roller with a pile is carried over the plastered layer. If an error occurs or you see that the plaster is uneven, you should remove the excess with a spatula. It is impossible to take breaks in the process of creating a "fur coat", otherwise the composition will have time to dry, and there will be a too noticeable joint at the edges.

The use of structural rollers will allow you to decorate the wall as well as any repair specialist. Decorative plaster has long outgrown its main purpose (wall leveling) and is a great way to create exclusive interiors, even in ethnic style.