How to use red curtains in the interior. Curtains in the red living room, selection rules and ready-made ideas

Red is a versatile color that suits any environment, but it must be used with care. Red curtains can be the final element of the interior, add a "zest" or unnecessarily overload the atmosphere of the room. A long stay in a room with ineptly selected curtains of this color often negatively affects emotional state person. How to choose the right curtains in red shades for different rooms?

The entire rich palette of red can be used to decorate the windows of the living room. It will look good here and light pink, and wine, and burgundy, and scarlet. Curtains of these shades are suitable for those who want the atmosphere of a holiday to always reign in the living room. Curtains of such colors are indispensable for hospitable people, party lovers. Red curtains in the living room are usually chosen by a creative person.

Advantages of red curtains in the living room:

  • used in any style of interior;
  • give the room a more solemn and hospitable look, fill it with warmth and energy;
  • allow you to create an impression of luxury at minimal cost;
  • distract from any shortcomings of the situation;
  • talk about the good taste of the owner.


  • a long stay in a room decorated with red textiles can cause discomfort;
  • red curtains visually reduce the living room, create the effect of wall pressure, so they are only suitable for spacious rooms.

Red shades in the bedroom

When designing any room, one should take into account not only its size, but also its functional purpose. According to the designers, the bedroom should contain only soft, conducive to relaxation and healthy sleep shades. However, red curtains in the interior of this room are still acceptable. It is necessary to choose light or muted shades, you can use translucent fabrics. Curtains of bright scarlet, crimson and similar colors are not suitable for decorating a bedroom.

The advantages of red curtains in the interior of the bedroom:

  • suitable for the room of both a woman and a man, as well as a married couple;
  • give the bedroom atmosphere sensuality, passion, brightness, piquancy;
  • have a positive effect on the well-being of melancholic and phlegmatic people, tone up and encourage active action, help fight laziness.


  • may aggravate hypertension by causing nausea, dizziness, and increased blood pressure;
  • contraindicated for choleric people, as they contribute to outbreaks of aggression and anger;
  • undesirable for people with unstable nervous system as well as hyperactivity.

Pros and cons of red curtains in the kitchen

Bright colors look very attractive in the kitchen. However, one should be careful with the use of red tones in its interior. Too expressive shades are best extinguished by a combination with other colors: gray, white, beige. You can pick up curtains in calmer tones: pomegranate, coral, burgundy.

Advantages of red curtains in the kitchen:

  • stimulate appetite (but this can harm those who are on a diet);
  • create a festive mood on monotonous gray everyday life;
  • ideal for combined living room and kitchen space;
  • suitable for active, self-confident people.


  • increase the feeling of stuffiness, especially with insufficient ventilation
  • visually reduce the already small kitchens.

To properly include this detail in the interior, avoiding annoying mistakes, use useful recommendations.

  1. Red curtains are impossible not to notice: they immediately attract attention. For this reason, a window decorated with such curtains must be perfect.
  2. To prevent red curtains from looking like a random item in an interior decorated in other colors, add several elements of the same shade to the decor. For example, a floor vase, sofa cushions, a large picture frame.
  3. The smaller the area of ​​​​the room, the more transparent the material of the red curtains should be. Thus, the effect of color is reduced, which visually reduces the room and creates a theatrical effect.
  4. Curtains of this color look good in a room decorated in any design. However, they are most successfully suited to modern styles: hi-tech, minimalism, pop art. Classic design dull tones are suitable, pastel shades are suitable for country style.

Combination with other shades

In order not to overload the room with red, you should combine this color with other, more calm ones. The successful combination of shades will help to give the impression of impeccable taste and style. What colors should red curtains be combined with?

To create coziness in the room, fill the atmosphere with warmth, you need to choose curtains on which the active shade is combined with beige, chocolate or cream. For a sophisticated style, combine red with light brown, creamy tones. To give the kitchen a rustic atmosphere, you can use the combination of coral and pistachio or avocado color. Create positive attitude adding soft yellow shades will help. The energy of bright red will be extinguished by pale blue. Lovers of everything unusual can combine the main color with blue.

To achieve pomposity, solidity, solemnity, it is necessary to decorate the windows with curtains of rich red tones. You can create the effect of the high cost of the interior if you combine this color with shades of gold, silver, valuable wood, Ivory. Desired result will intensify if you add various attributes of luxury to the setting.

Red color will look noble and subtle in combination with gray. It is good to add it to cold shades, such as cherry, red-violet. If you add to red its opposite color - green, you get a light and bright interior, not devoid of harmony. This combination will look especially good in the nursery (girl's room).

The traditional combination of red with white and black will help balance a more aggressive shade, add joy and emotionality to it. Red and white curtains in the interior bring romance and evoke beautiful associations. To some, they resemble frozen rosebuds, strawberries in cream, bullfinches, rowan berries in the snow.

In the design of rooms, it is not necessary to use pure red. You can choose more complex shades: wine, berry, carrot, purple, pink. They will help deprive the atmosphere of banality, do not overload it, and at the same time bring the desired tones into the interior.

The red color has a strong physiological and psychological impact on the human body. Even a single element of decor, decorated in this tone (for example, curtains), is able to create the most bright accent. Such an interior detail will fill the room with energy and is ideal for people who need it. For others, red curtains can cause emotional harm, so the choice of this item should be taken with great responsibility.

With the skillful use of red curtains, you can improve the interior of a room decorated in any style. Such curtains will help to make the room more stylish, interesting, festive. To complement the decor, it is easy to pick up any accessory of the same color to the red curtains.

When choosing curtains for the living room or bedroom, many people prefer neutral shades. Few dare to decorate the windows of their house with a red theater curtain. Exactly with excess pathos and solemnity this shade is associated with lovers of a relaxing family holiday.

However, sensual and passionate natures specifically choose red curtains to create a boudoir atmosphere in their apartment. When choosing red curtains, you should be extremely careful not to cross the fine line between flashy vulgarity and elegant taste.

Where to hang red curtains

The main advantage of bright red is its gender neutrality. This aggressive shade is favorable to men and women equally. Red curtains will look advantageous in the living room. In this room, the owners of the house usually meet guests and relax in a close family circle. Therefore, it is here that a warm friendly atmosphere should be created.

Red curtains should not be used in the bedroom small size. In this room they generally prefer not to hang them, but this warm color on the windows will be in perfect harmony with furniture made of natural material.

Buying red curtains bedroom, you should not take a bedspread on a bed of a similar shade if your room is small. So you reduce the visual space of the room even more. You can buy pillows with red decoration or lamps.

Red curtains will look good in a children's room. You can dilute a bright color with curtains of a calmer color. The room will sparkle with new iridescent shades and give its little owner a good mood.

Many housewives prefer red curtains for kitchen to create a warm "tasty" atmosphere. Again, a bright color can visually reduce the space, but you can decorate the windows with a light red organza, thereby bringing a touch of positive and warmth into the room without weighing it down.

Subtle artistic natures use red curtains even in bathroom in order to demonstrate to others your elegant taste.

Choosing red curtains

An aggressive shade can be softened by neutral tones of the general background of the interior. So red curtains will look warm and cozy in a room dominated by beige or gray. Can be used two-tone curtains, then the red color will dilute a calmer shade, such as a white curtain.

If you want to create theatrical splendor in the atmosphere of the house, then, of course, you need to hang red curtains in combination with golden lambrequins and soft tassels. The fabric must be chosen dense with many folds.

fashion trend modern design serve as roller blinds. For a room designed in a classic style, ideal roller blinds soft autumn shades of red, for the office - wine tones. For bright kitchen you can choose more bright shade red, perfectly transmitting sunlight.

The lungs look quite original in the interior of the room. brightly colored curtains. They can be hung in the hallway, nursery, living room as decorative element rooms.

creative solution unusual inserts in red curtains will serve.

Despite the ostentatious splendor of the red window draperies, with this rich and rich color you can create a warm and cozy atmosphere where the family hearth burns.

Apartment design

Scarlet curtains cause most people to associate with the theater hall, since the curtains separating the stage from the audience are usually made in the same color. Such stereotypes cannot but leave their mark on the visual understanding of the interior with red curtains on window openings: they bring a touch of elegance and chic to the decoration of the apartment.

Also, red curtains in the interior can reproduce the boudoir atmosphere in the room. Well, if you are looking for just such properties. If, on the contrary, you need to get rid of them, then in this case the solution of the task will not be so simple. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly use red curtains in the interior, and avoid common mistakes.

Red curtains in the interior. All for and against

Decorating window openings in red colors is not to everyone's taste, and this is not groundless: this shade is quite aggressive. But the cons often turn into pros. Let's talk about them first.

Advantages of red curtains in the interior

Red curtains keep gender neutral. They do not bring into the atmosphere either masculine or feminine, and as a result, they can be suitable both for a bachelor's "den" and for a girl's boudoir.

Red curtains look pretty impressive. Their mere presence allows you to make the decoration of the room very bright and lively. Here you can draw an analogy with the value of chili pepper in the culinary arts, which is capable, with proper use, despite its hotness, to make food tastier.

The light of a red hue directed from the windows in the daytime can have a beneficial effect on people of a phlegmatic and melancholy temperament. Red curtains can also push for more active life lazy people suffering from blues.

curtains given color on window openings visually make the hall more hospitable. Because red tends to warm and fill the room with warmth. She doesn't look cool or gloomy.

Disadvantages of red curtains in the interior

For what situations is it desirable to exercise the greatest caution or avoid their use altogether?

Red curtains have a bad effect on the mood and health of hypertensive patients. Prolonged stay in such people can cause dizziness and bouts of weakness.

Curtains and other furnishings of this color are undesirable for choleric people, since such an interior can cause attacks of aggression. Nervous and active people will also feel uncomfortable in a room with dominant red. In general, red curtains in the interior are the choice of balanced, calm people.

In addition, such curtains visually make the room smaller: a window framed by curtains, as it were, approaches the person who entered the room. As a result, red curtains are best used in fairly large rooms.

The combination of red curtains in the interior

Red curtains in the interior are optimally combined green, gray and beige decor shades.

The beige tone allows you to calm the red color a little, reducing its activity. At the same time, he himself is influenced by a neighbor, and when transformed, he looks much more appetizing and velvety. To beige tone both warm and icy shades of scarlet can be suitable.

Tip: For a theatrical or boudoir effect, it's best to opt for "heavy" reds. You need to combine them with gold, silver tones.

In the neighborhood with our color looks different. It becomes brighter, but at the same time it looks noble and elegant. Shades of the cold spectrum are perfectly combined with gray - for example: violet-red or cherry. But even hot tones will not fall out of harmony.

Green - is the complement of the red tone. Such colors are often combined with each other in case of creating a spectacular bright environment. It is preferable to combine light green shades with pink.

To reproduce a dramatic setting, red curtains can be ennobled. But such a combination is quite complicated and will require some skills. This spectrum is more suitable for bedroom decoration.

Proper use of red curtains in the interior

When decorating a window with red curtains, you don’t have to add a lot of details of this tone to the decor. If you are afraid that the curtains will look like random elements, then complement the decoration of the room with 1-2 small items of the same color. For example, you can take two pillows for a sofa or a lamp and flower pot. If there are more than two elements in the room with the same color solution, then this color will not be perceived as random.

The transparency of the curtains depends on the spaciousness of the room, since it has the property of reducing the effect of color. If you do not need a boudoir effect, then the use of transparent textiles is the most logical way out.

Tip: don't be afraid to use complex shades of red: floral, strawberry, burgundy. This will create more interesting interiors.

Two-tone curtains are the next method to reduce the activity of red. Its combination with a neutral tone in the textile pattern allows you to add the necessary tones to the environment, but at the same time not overload it with energy.

Red curtains can fit into the bedroom decor. But it is better not to combine them with a bedspread made of identical textiles, especially if the room is small, choose a neutral shade for the bedspread. Well, it is optimal to support the curtains with several small pieces of furniture.

In a huge bedroom, a red bedspread is allowed, but preferably from a different textile. It is better if it differs in ornament, texture and shade. Thanks to this, the room will not be so “aggressive” and will acquire coziness and comfort.

Red curtains in the interior of the hall may well repeat the colors upholstered furniture is the traditional solution. But along with this, the surface of floors, walls and other furniture is better to choose light, neutral tones.

Red curtains are associated with the theater, because the curtain covering the stage is traditionally made in the same color. This leaves its mark on the perception of the interior with red textiles on the windows: it brings a note of ceremoniality and theatrical splendor to the home environment. In addition, red curtains can create a boudoir atmosphere in the room. Some people get exactly the same results. Many, on the contrary, want to avoid them, and in this case the task becomes more complicated. Let's talk about how to properly include red curtains in the interior, avoiding fatal mistakes for him.

Red curtains in the interior: "yes" and "no"

Many do not like red window decoration, and for good reason: this color is very energetic and even aggressive. However, disadvantages often turn into advantages. Let's start with them.

Red curtains are gender neutral. They do not endow the interior with either feminine or male character, and therefore suitable for both the ladies' bedroom and the "den" of the bachelor.

Red curtains are very effective. Their presence makes the interior bright, "passionate". They can be compared to chili peppers, which, if used correctly, can make the dish more tasty and spicy.

The red light coming from the side of the windows during daylight hours can positively affect phlegmatic and some melancholic people. Red curtains will activate, tone up and stimulate slow lazy people prone to blues.

Red draperies on the windows make the living room look more welcoming. The fact is that red warms and “fills” the room. It doesn't look cold or lifeless or dull.

Now about the shortcomings of the red "clothing for windows." In what cases should you exercise maximum caution or completely abandon this decision?

Red curtains can negatively affect the state of hypertensive patients (critical increase in pressure). Nausea, weakness and even dizziness can be the result of a long stay in an interior with red draperies.

Red walls and curtains are practically contraindicated for choleric people, since such an atmosphere can contribute to outbursts of anger and aggression. It is also undesirable for hyperactive and nervous people to spend time in a room with an abundance of red. In a word, we can state with confidence that red curtains are a solution for calm, seasoned, healthy people.

Red curtains visually reduce the room: the wall with the window seems to be approaching the person entering the room. Therefore, red curtains are good only for fairly spacious rooms.

Red curtains in the interior: in accordance with the situation

Red curtains are most suitable for rooms with a light neutral color (white, gray, beige).

Beige slightly calms the red color, smoothing out its assertiveness. At the same time, he himself, being next to red, is transformed, becoming more appetizing, warm, velvety. To beige background any red shade will do, including both cold and hot tones.

Red curtains in the children's room

To create a dramatic atmosphere, red curtains can be added to the interior, decorated in black. But this combination is difficult - it requires tact of expression. This scheme is more relevant for the interior of the bedroom.

Red curtains in the interior: how to do it right?

If you want to decorate your windows with red curtains, you don’t have to include many elements of this color in the interior. If you are afraid that the curtains will look like a random object, add two more red components of a small size. For example, a couple or a vase and table lamp. If there are at least three objects in the room in a single or similar color design, this color is no longer perceived as random.

The smaller the room, the more transparent the red curtains should be. Transparency reduces the effect of color. Do you want to avoid the effect of theatricality and boudoir? This is not difficult! Transparent fabrics- that's all you need.

Two-color curtains are another way to reduce the activity of red. Its combination with a neutral color in pattern and fabric is an opportunity to bring the desired tones into the interior without overloading it with the energy of fire and blood.

Red curtains can also be hung in the bedroom. However, you should resist the temptation to sew curtains and a bedspread from the same fabric. If the bedroom is small, it is better to make a bedspread in a neutral color. Well, the red color of the curtains can be supported by a couple of not very large items.

In a large bright bedroom, a bedspread can also be made red, but it is better from a different fabric. Let the bedspread differ in shade, pattern, surface texture. The bedroom will come out less "aggressive" and "flat", but more interesting and cozy.

In the living room, red curtains can match exactly - this is a classic trick. But at the same time, let the walls, floors and other furniture be light and as neutral as possible.

It is not necessary to make a choice in favor of pure red and tones close to it. Pay attention to more complex shades: berry, wine, floral. These less popular shades will make the interior unbanal.

Multi-colored interior: a stylish riot of colors

Red curtains are one of the options for decorating an apartment that can significantly change its appearance and make the interior more colorful.

Interior design is a rather entertaining task, the purpose of which is to create the most comfortable conditions for life. To achieve the required characteristics, a variety of directions, materials and styles are used, in best form describing a person's preferences and features of his character.

Red has some versatility as it can blend harmoniously into any environment. At the same time, it must be applied with extreme caution so as not to violate the concept of the existing style. Fuchsia-colored curtains are able to bring harmony into the interior, becoming its final chord and without overloading the overall atmosphere of the room. However, to achieve such an effect, some effort will have to be made to combine all the design elements and bright curtain coverings.

Red curtains are hard to miss because they draw the eye, focusing on the details located near them. Based on this, all related elements, such as a window and the space around it, must have an ideal appearance so as not to violate the integrity of the picture.

The use of red curtains with improper design can split the existing interior. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to supplement the decor with some random elements made in exactly the same shades. The perfect solution would be to stay indoors. floor vase, bright sofa cushions or a picture frame of the appropriate color.

The area of ​​​​the room is important, since the red color to some extent contributes to the visual reduction of free space. Therefore, in order to design small rooms sheer red tulle or loose curtain material is ideal. Such a solution will make it possible to significantly reduce the influence of color without violating the overall concept of the interior.

Curtains made in similar colors can take their place in almost any interior, but they look more harmonious in combination with modern styles such as or pop art.

But the main thing for this color remains classic style in the interior, and the space for its implementation is desirable with large area. To decorate red curtains, lambrequins and fringes are often used.

The above features of using red curtains will help you decorate the apartment, making its design more elegant and colorful. However, it should be noted that bright colors cannot be used on their own, as they will make the design of the room unnecessarily aggressive and depressing. Therefore, it is imperative to shade in order to maintain the integrity of the design and not violate its concept.

The use of red curtains for decorating rooms

Red color is quite practical and bright. However, its use in rooms of various purposes has subtleties that should by no means be ignored. First of all, this is due to the peculiarities of color, which can not only visually reduce free space, but also affect the person himself. We are talking about the color perception of such shades, which can affect the mood and well-being of people. Based on this, for decorating rooms of various functional purpose the following guidelines should be used.

Red curtains in the interior of the living room look as good as possible, especially if we are talking about the design of a large and spacious window opening. In such conditions, a white-red combination of shades is perfect, creating a slight contrast and emphasizing the aesthetics of the room.

A room with red wallpaper and the exact same curtains, but in darker tones, will create an unforgettable atmosphere that few can match. Also good decision is the use of burgundy and scarlet colors, giving the room richness and depth. will create a feeling of celebration, and transparent light tulle will provide a uniform transition between the wall surface and the window.

The bedroom is a place of relaxation, and using red colors in it is quite risky, but still possible. At the same time, they should be soft and subdued enough to promote good rest and good sleep. In turn, the use of overly bright tones like scarlet, crimson or fuchsia should be used with caution, as it can create an overly cheerful atmosphere in the bedroom. But active people this will not stop, the main thing is to combine everything correctly.

It is thanks to the invigorating effect that the use of red curtains in combination with yellow and gold ornaments is appropriate for decorating an office, a men's club or a bachelor's home.

Bright tones and shades look great in the interior of the kitchen. However, their combination and formation is especially important here. colors generally. Since this room is multifunctional, use red curtains for the kitchen with caution. Excessively expressive and bright tones must be extinguished with other shades: gray, white, beige. Great solution there will be a combination of black and red or dark purple small curtains, tinted with light wall decoration.

Shades of red are actively used in children's rooms, while not violating the harmony and restful sleep child.

Compliance with the above recommendations will make it possible to fit red curtains into almost any modern interior. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the character of the people living in the house, since such a color scheme does not at all contribute to a calm life, but, on the contrary, fills it with passion and desire.

We offer you to see a few more photos of red curtains in ready-made living space designs: