How to lay tiles on the floor in the kitchen - instructions and practical advice from professionals. We put floor tiles in the kitchen correctly: step by step instructions Proper laying of tiles in the kitchen

Most demanded tile facing material for kitchen. It fits all technical specifications to deal with high humidity And so on. This article will tell you the secrets of how to lay out tiles in the kitchen on your own. To begin with, it is worth discussing the intricacies of creating a design.

Design project

First of all, you need to make a design project that will help you see the final result.

When developing it, it is necessary to take into account several factors:

  1. surface type. The selected tile should be easy to maintain. For example, glossy surface very brand. It will show the smallest dirt, even dried drops. clean water. The matte surface has its privileges - it does not slip.
  2. Color. It is necessary to take into account the style and design of the future interior, namely the color of the kitchen set and other furniture. There is no strict rules, according to your own taste.
  3. Shape and size. Thanks to right choice tiles, kitchen renovation can give the room different effects, for example, visually enlarge or reduce the room. You should immediately decide on the type of tile for the apron.
  4. Laying scheme. This is another important nuance that allows you to give the room a special appearance. The layout of the masonry depends on the shape of the tile. If it is rectangular, then it can be laid horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Vertically, the walls visually stretch upwards; horizontally, the area visually increases.

Material calculation

The amount of tiles required is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200blaying the floor, walls and. Knowing the original area, you can make an accurate calculation of the material. However, there are some nuances.

The following points must be taken into account:

  1. It is not always advisable to lay tiles on the walls where furniture, a refrigerator and other stationary large objects will be installed. This will save the family budget.
  2. Determine in advance the pattern and layout of the masonry. Laying ceramic tiles in the kitchen diagonally forms a large number of scraps. Accordingly, the consumption of material increases. If a decor or other pattern on the wall / floor will be used, then the number of such tiles is considered by the piece.
  3. Always buy tiles with a small margin. During the laying process, the tile can accidentally break or deteriorate (by making a cut of the wrong size). It's good to have a small supply.

Instructions for laying tiles in the kitchen

The whole process of work consists of several successive stages:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Applying a primer.
  3. Markup.
  4. Masonry.
  5. Seam grouting.

To begin with, we will collect the necessary tools and material for work:

Surface preparation

Regardless of the type of surface (floor or wall), the preparation process comes down to the same steps. The old cladding must be completely removed from the wall/floor.

Laying tiles is carried out on a clean and even surface. To do this, inspect it. If there are cracks or obvious irregularities, then it is recommended to level the surface and cover the cracks.

In most cases it is better to remove the layer old plaster, install beacons and plaster the wall. For plaster, ready-made plaster mixes. Sometimes drywall is mounted on the walls, this is the most fast way surface leveling.

If we are talking about the field, then a self-leveling compound is used to level it. Also manufactured cement-sand screed, flooded by lighthouses. In this case, laying tiles on the floor in the kitchen can be carried out only after the screed has completely dried.

Having leveled the base under the tile, the surface must be primed to increase the quality of adhesion of the tile adhesive to the wall. Often a deep penetration primer is used.

To lay the tiles on your own, markup is required. This will help plan the laying pattern. Marking is done with a pencil. If we are talking about the field, then you need to find the center of the room.

Pay attention to the fact that small trimmings do not come out near the walls. Make the markup so that visible side the tile near the wall was solid, and the trim was under the working area.

Laying tiles on drywall is easier. Plus, marking on drywall is easy. You need to fix the guide profile of the second row on the wall. The profile is set strictly according to the level.

Wall laying

At this stage, the place and option for laying tiles in the kitchen should already be known.

The laying process is as follows:

  • marking is applied so that there is a solid tile in the corners. Especially if the corners are visible;
  • tile adhesive is kneaded;
  • glue is applied with a conventional spatula on the wall surface with a thin layer;
  • glue is also applied with a comb to the tile;
  • the glue that has come out is immediately removed with a spatula;
  • put subsequent tiles in the same way;
  • plastic crosses are used to form a seam;
  • make sure that no tile adhesive remains in the seams;
  • control the level horizontally and vertically; when the glue on the first rows of tiles has dried up, the guide rail is dismantled, and the tiles are cut to size on the first row and placed. In this case, the tiles should already be on the floor.

Having laid out the entire wall, it remains to grout the joints with a special grout.

Apron masonry

Under the apron is meant the working area between the countertop and shelves. The height of the apron should be slightly higher by 20–30 mm so that the set installed on top overlaps the edge of the top row of tiles.

The hood is usually located above the lower level of the suspended headset. Therefore, in this place, the tile on the apron will go up a little.

The process of laying an apron is reduced to the following steps:

  • also set the starting profile for the first row;
  • the bottom of the tile of the first row should be slightly lower than the top of the countertop;
  • apply glue to the wall and to the surface of the tile with a comb;
  • apply the tile to the wall and press it moderately;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the adhesive under the tile completely fills the entire space;
  • also remove the protruding glue from the seams between the tiles;
  • usually there are sockets on the working wall; therefore, using cutters, make holes in the necessary tiles;
  • if you plan to decorate the apron, then do not forget about it;
  • after completion of the masonry, all joints should be rubbed.

Floor laying

Laying floor tiles in the kitchen takes place in a similar sequence, but there are some peculiarities.
The process of laying tiles on the floor in the kitchen is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Apply markings on the floor, determine its center and the location of the pattern, if any.
  2. Laying tiles in the kitchen on the floor must begin from the far corner from the entrance.
  3. On the small plot Apply tile adhesive to the surface with a comb. If the floor is even, the adhesive layer will be minimal.
  4. Also apply glue to the tiles.
  5. Lay several tiles on the floor at once, forming a square.
  6. Apply a level and align everything horizontally.
  7. Extruded glue through the seams should be removed immediately in order to fill them with grout.
  8. Be sure to insert crosses between the cladding elements to form an even seam.
  9. When the adhesive has set, you can start grouting the joints.

Decoration of window slopes

In addition to laying tiles in the kitchen with their own hands on the floor, walls and apron, many decide to lay the tiles on window slopes.
To do this, you need to purchase a plastic outer corner. The end of the cladding will be hidden in it.

The thickness of the corner is determined by the thickness of the tile. If its thickness is 7 mm, then the corner should have 9 mm. If the thickness of the corner is smaller, then the edge of the end of the tile will be visible.

So, here we have considered all the secrets of how tile is laid in the kitchen. By adhering to these recommendations, you will be able to cope with all the work on your own, without involving a specialist. For more confidence, we suggest you watch the prepared video material.

Putting the kitchen in order - glue the apron

How to lay tiles in the kitchen yourself without inviting expensive craftsmen? There is a standard, quite simple technology, adhering to which, you yourself will cope with any work.

Preparatory work

We calculate the number of tiles needed

To do this, you need to determine the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls on which it is supposed to lay tiles, add 10% for trimming and a possible battle and divide by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tile. As a result, we get the desired number of tiles. If there is a desire to place switches and sockets clearly in the center of the tile, then the number of consumable tiles increases accordingly. Also, the method of laying the tiles also affects the consumption. It is greatest when laying diagonally.

Aligning the walls

The preparatory stage begins with cleaning the surface of the wall. To do this, you must first remove all old paint from the surface, which may prevent the tile from adhering well to the wall in the future. If there is an old tile, it is carefully removed from the wall, and the remains of cement or glue are knocked off. Then we make the surface of the wall as smooth as possible with the help of plaster. This is rough work, you can not display the surface along the beacons, but, nevertheless, it is advisable not to allow a level difference of more than 5 mm.

We prime the surface

A deep penetrating primer is applied to a plastered dry wall in order to more firmly bond it to the tile. In addition, modern primers contain antibacterial components that prevent the development of fungus and dampness.

It is advisable to apply a primer on plaster twice, after drying one layer, apply a second one.

We outline the location of the tiles on the walls

Determine the vertical and horizontal using the level. Or, alternatively, you can use a thread with a small weight suspended on it - a plumb line. When laying kitchen tiles in the form of an apron, only along working surface, you should mark a horizontal line on the wall at the level of the table, which will be the lower border of the tile. Along it, a metal profile is attached to the dowel-nails.

  • Supplement - all of the above preparatory work carried out before laying the tiles on the floor.

Main works

Apply glue to tiles

Tile adhesive is a dry powder that must be brought to the desired consistency by mixing it thoroughly with water according to the instructions on the package. Then the glue is infused for about 10 minutes and mixed again.

For the convenience of subsequent use, we plan to reverse side tiles with an arrow in the direction of the top and stack the tiles in a pile with the same direction.

  • The resulting adhesive mass is applied to the back surface of the tile over the entire surface, and not pointwise!

Using a flat spatula, the entire tile is covered with glue. Before laying the tiles on the wall, excess adhesive is removed with a notched trowel, which is kept in a container of water at all times to prevent the adhesive from drying out.

Laying tiles

We lay the tiles, starting from the bottom. We apply to the wall and press the first tile with effort. To increase the strength of the adhesive bond, the tiles should be soaked in water before use.

In order to adjust the thickness of the seams, we insert plastic crosses on the sides and top of the tiles with a thickness that matches the width between tile joints. Next to the first, lay the next tiles until the end of the row.

Then we move on to the next row. Do not forget to periodically check the plane of the wall with the rule. With a strictly horizontal lower border and a uniformly plastered wall, the tile should lie flat.

  • In any case, it is possible to correct the correct laying of the tiles within 15 minutes from the moment the adhesive was applied, until it has hardened. Then you have to remove the tile, remove the adhesive and lay the tile again.

According to the second method, when laying the tiles, the adhesive is applied not to the tiles, but to the wall. So the tile is laid faster, however, with slightly larger errors.

Tiles can be positioned differently on the wall relative to each other. Here are the different options:

  • The classic version of the arrangement "at the seams" involves checkered cells with horizontal and vertical seams.
  • The method in which the rows are shifted relative to each other by half a tile is called "in dressing".
  • The "diagonal" option is the arrangement of rows of tiles at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. It most of all increases the consumption of tiles due to its numerous undercuts.

We cut tiles

For the corners of the walls and along the edges of the surface to be tiled, it becomes necessary to cut the tiles required dimensions. To do this, it is convenient to use a tile cutter, or, in extreme cases, a glass cutter, having beaten off an unnecessary part of the tile along the cut line at the corner of a table or chair.

Round holes in the tile for a switch or socket are made by a grinder with a special diamond nozzle. Professionals use a water-fed tile cutting machine for this purpose.

Plastic corners are usually used to decorate the corners and ends of the tile. The thickness of the corner should be 2 mm more than the thickness of the tile so that the edge of the tile is hidden under it. When laying tiles without using plastic corners the edges of the tiles immediately adjacent to the corners must be cut at a 45 degree angle on the machine for perfect adhesion of the corner tiles. This method is more difficult than the previous one. If the wall is "littered", then make a beautiful inner corner it will turn out only if it is preliminary leveled by gluing drywall.

Final part

We rub the seams between the tiles

A day after the end of the laying of the tiles, the glue dries. Now you can remove the metal support profile from the wall without fear that the tile will move. We remove auxiliary crosses from the seams and proceed to mashing the seams.

You can use a grout that matches the shade of the tile, or a color that contrasts with it. Dry grout is diluted to the desired consistency and carefully distributed between the tiles with a rubber spatula. The remains of the grout are immediately removed from the tile with a damp cloth.

Production and appearance Ceramic tiles are now improved, but the popularity of ceramics has remained unchanged for centuries.

Why is ceramic tile so good?

  • versatility of application - from decorating a fireplace to a balcony, kitchen, building facades;
  • choice of color, size and shape for every taste;
  • resistance to various aggressive substances;
  • moisture resistant, heat resistant;
  • strength and durability;
  • easy to care for;
  • made from natural raw materials.

The relevance of tiles on the walls

Thanks to the listed positive properties of tiles, use in the kitchen will right decision. Diversity colors, textures and sizes, fit this material into the interior of any style - from country to minimalism. The tile will protect against water, hot steam, oil splashes during cooking. Apron along the work surfaces, will be nice and clean, as the tiles are easy to keep clean.

What tiles can be put in the kitchen

Any ceramic tile can be used in the kitchen for wall decoration, kitchen apron. To avoid mistakes when choosing, follow the recommendations of professionals:

  • tiles are chosen after they have decided on the style and color solution kitchen set and other elements of the kitchen interior;
  • buy tiles with a margin of 10-15% in case of a fight when laying, trimming;
  • the required number of tiles is calculated by the master who will lay them. The seller in the salon does not see the walls and features of the space, the calculation will be inaccurate;
  • the size of the tiles is selected according to the size of the apron. A large format of ceramics in a small kitchen looks losing.

For an apron, tiles are more often used:

  1. Size 10x10. Requires less trimming, easier to lay if there are many corners and bends of the surface.
  2. Clinker tiles, or boar. Appropriate in any style - loft, classic, country, art deco, minimalism and other styles.
  3. A real mosaic from 1x1 cm to 5x5 cm, or an imitation with recesses that create the effect of seams between mosaic pieces.
  4. Medium format tiles - 15x15, 20x20, 20x30, 25x30 cm.

If the interior features or the size of the room require other options, feel free to choose what suits you.

A bold decision, for example, would be to decorate the walls with photo tiles. This is a ceramic tile, made individually, with a photographic image applied.

Do-it-yourself technique options

Tiles are laid on the walls different ways. Most often used:

  • "seam to seam" - the tiles are laid in rows strictly above each other, this classic way styling;
  • “in a run” - the second row of tiles is shifted relative to the first so that the seams between the tiles of the second row are above the center of the tiles of the first row, this is repeated in each subsequent row;
  • “Diagonally” is a time-consuming method that requires careful marking of diagonals and cutting tiles;
  • "chess" - combine tiles of two contrasting colors;
  • "modular grid" - use three or more tiles of different shapes and sizes, distributing them randomly horizontally and vertically.

Tiles are laid out in one of these ways, sometimes a combination of methods is used in the same room, highlighting different zones with this design.

Visually adjust the size of the room will help a certain way of laying tiles.

How to glue ceramic tiles on the wall in the kitchen

Laying ceramic tiles for different rooms and surfaces has general principles:

  1. A laying plan is being drawn up. The required number of tiles is calculated, taking into account trimming, combat.
  2. Prepare walls for installation.
  3. Remove old coatings. If necessary, the walls are leveled. Then primed for better adhesion(adhesion) tiles to the wall.
  4. Next, proceed to laying the tiles.

How to put on an apron

First determine the height of the apron. This space is from the countertop of the kitchen set to the hanging cabinets, 60-70 cm. To avoid unnecessary trimming, the height of the apron is adjusted, and the whole tile looks better than the halves.

The first row of tiles is launched 2-3 cm below the level of the work surface. The last row is launched under wall cabinets for the same distance.

Laying technology:

  1. On the prepared wall, using a level, draw a horizontal line at the beginning of the first row. Under this line, a metal profile is attached to the wall or wooden block. This support will not allow the tile to slide down under its own weight.
  2. Lay out the tiles start from the middle of the wall, from the most prominent central place, moving from the center to the edges.
  3. The adhesive solution is kneaded immediately before laying. Follow the instructions on the packaging. Pour the dry component into the water, stir until smooth. Defend 10-15 minutes. Mix again.
  4. With a spatula with teeth, apply the adhesive solution to the wall, or to the tile, whichever is more convenient for you. Apply to the wall, resting the lower edge on the profile, press evenly. Tap with a rubber mallet to let out excess air.
  5. Mounting crosses are placed at the upper and lower corners of the tiles, which regulate the thickness of the seam.

Are tile joints required? Yes. When the tiles expand from elevated temperatures, they protect against cracking. They also compensate for inaccuracies in the size of the tiles.

  1. Apply glue to the next tile. Repeat the steps as with the first. Thus lay out the entire first row. Do not forget about the crosses between the fragments.
  2. After gluing ten tiles, remove excess adhesive with a damp cloth. If this is not done, the dried solution will be difficult to remove.
  3. The second row begins after the first has completely dried. This is in a day.
  4. Having finished with gluing all the rows, the masonry is allowed to dry. Then they tap with a mallet in search of a dull sound that speaks of emptiness. Such an element is removed and glued again, carefully applying the adhesive composition to the tile.
  5. The next step is to wipe the tile from the remnants of glue and proceed to grouting the joints with a fugue. Don't forget to remove the crosses.
  6. Fill vertical and horizontal seams with a silicone spatula. An hour later, after the fugue has dried, the seams are trimmed.
  7. After completing the filling of the joints, give two hours for the complete drying of the grout. The remains of the fugue are removed with sweeping movements using a kitchen sponge. Wipe with a dry cloth, then wash. So there will be less stains from the grout.

Don't forget to unscrew the support profile.

How to stick on a flat wall

If tiled work is to be done on even walls, then there are no special laying secrets. It is enough to prime the walls, and then follow the instructions for laying the tiles.

How to glue on concrete without leveling

The concrete surface usually does not require leveling. But it has low adhesion. For a good grip on the surface of the concrete is attached plaster mesh from metal.

The second way is when laying ceramics on concrete, the surface is carefully primed with Betonokontakt. The agent dries 12-18 hours. Then proceed to the tile work.

How to put on drywall

Drywall walls are primed before gluing the tiles.

The difference between laying tiles on a GKL surface is only that the layer adhesive solution should be as thin as possible. This is to reduce the load on drywall.

The second difference is that after gluing, the tile cannot be removed or corrected. When dismantled, the ceramics will move away along with a piece of drywall. Glue the tiles immediately carefully and carefully.

A high-quality tool, the use of a special adhesive solution - will speed up the process of laying tiles.

If, when laying ceramics, the adhesive solution is applied to a wall with an area equal to 3-4 tiles, the process will accelerate. It remains to take fragments and press them against the wall one by one.

The Raimondi Leveling System special clamps system helps to fasten several tiles together, while aligning them in one plane. With these wedges and clamps, tiles do not need to be leveled flat.

When decorating the walls of the kitchen with ceramics, take care of the combination with other finishing materials, furniture, accessories. Buy material from trusted suppliers, follow the installation recommendations, and the result will be cozy interior pleasing to the eye and soul.

Useful video

And kitchens. It is moisture and heat resistant, durable and easy to clean, and a variety of textures and shades allows the material to fit into any interior. It is known that the cost of laying tiles with the involvement of professionals can double the cost of repairs, so skilled owners prefer to do it on their own. How to lay tiles in the kitchen correctly and without extra costs, you can find out from our article.

Size and calculation of the number of tiles

kitchen apron

In order not to be mistaken with the size and, before purchasing, you should evaluate the premises and the planned amount of work. For small kitchens, it is recommended to purchase mosaics or tiles 10x10 cm, and for spacious ones, tiles with a side of 20 or 30 cm are more suitable. Regarding color and texture, the choice is limited only by the wishes of the owners, but in order for the room to look harmonious, it is worth choosing the material to match kitchen set and other design elements.

Measurements of the room will help determine the amount of tiles. It is necessary to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall or floor that is planned to be tiled, add to them a 10% margin for possible damage to the material during laying and trimming, and then divide by the size of one tile. That's how you'll know exact amount required for repair.

Note! If there are sockets, switches, pipes and other objects at the installation site that require cutting tiles, it is better to buy tiles for the kitchen with a good margin.

Calculation of coverage in the program "Tile"

Another way to find out the required amount of material is to use a special online program. Many construction sites have built-in calculators that, when entering the initial data (length and width of the surface of interest, tile dimensions), will quickly calculate the need for tiles. The advantage of such services is the ability to choose also the installation option, which significantly affects the material consumption.

Surface preparation for laying

Laying tiles in the kitchen begins with surface preparation. The first task is to level the walls. If the surface is in satisfactory condition or minor flaws, it is enough to cover it with plaster (2.5 cm thick), and walls with cracks or height differences should first be sheathed with drywall and only then proceed to the cladding. It is also necessary to eliminate the remnants old paint if it exists. For washing, special solutions are used, and the flaky coating is scraped off with a sharp spatula or scraper.

Leveling walls with plaster

For cladding choose moisture resistant drywall and attach it to wooden slats or a profile nailed to the walls every 40 cm. To make the surface smooth, the ends of the material are cut at an angle of 45º before joining. After the installation is completed, putty is applied in the places of seams and fasteners, and then the material is coated with a primer in two layers. If the walls were leveled with plaster, deep penetration primer treatment is also required.

When, in addition to wall cladding, it is planned to lay tiles on the floor in the kitchen, the previous coating is dismantled, and the surface concrete screed checked for horizontality. If crumbling areas are found, the damaged material is cleaned. Then the surface is dedusted and the mixture is prepared for repair, usually it is a standard cement-sand mortar or cement-based adhesive.

Coating priming

Potholes and cracks are filled with a mixture, carefully leveled and left to dry. Then the floor is primed in two layers, using a composition that improves adhesion, for example, "Concrete-contact". After complete drying, the surface is ready for further work.

How to lay tiles in the kitchen?

Laying tiles in the kitchen is not an easy task. At the same time, wall and floor cladding has its own nuances and differences. In addition to the material you will need:

To fix the tiles, any polymer cement adhesive composition intended for internal works. The most famous is Ceresit, but it can be replaced with a cheaper domestic counterpart.

Advice! If indelible traces of paint or other defects remain on the surface, it is better to purchase cementless glue.

Wall covering

We apply the markup

Consider how to lay tiles on the walls correctly. Usually in the kitchen, only open surfaces are tiled in working area, the so-called apron. If you also chose this option, you should mark with a horizontal line the level at which the kitchen table and sink. At this mark, a metal profile is fixed with dowels, which will become a support for the bottom row of tiles. Before fixing, it is necessary to check with a level that the profile is placed correctly.

Then you need to prepare the adhesive solution. To do this, the mixture is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions and mixed with a drill with a special nozzle. Then the solution is allowed to brew for 10 minutes and stirred again. The laying of the tiles is started immediately after the glue has been kneaded.

Important! So that during pauses in the application of the solution, the glue does not harden on the spatula, the tool must always be in a bucket of water.

The adhesive mixture is applied to the tile with a flat spatula, and then the excess is removed with a notched tool so that even strips of mortar are obtained on the tile. Spatulas are selected depending on the size of the material. For tiles with a side of 10 cm, use a tool with 6-8 mm teeth, and for a larger one, with 10 mm teeth.

Solution application

In order for the tile to be securely connected to the wall, the material is applied in the selected place and pressed evenly tightly. The resulting result is controlled by the level and, if necessary, immediately leveled. The process is repeated until all tiles have been laid. Crosses are installed between the rows, which regulate the position of the tiles and the thickness of the seams.

Often it is not possible to veneer the entire surface with solid tiles. it is better to do it with a tile cutter, but, in extreme cases, you can do without it by making an incision with a glass cutter and carefully breaking the tile along the line. But you need to do this carefully and, preferably, with gloves, so as not to cut yourself on sharp edges. For cutting more complex contours, for example, for a socket, it is recommended to use a grinder with a diamond blade.

Correct installation will be checked by level

Laying tiles on the floor

Having chosen a tile on the floor in the kitchen, you first need to practice laying it out without glue. By laying out the tiles in several ways, which will be described in more detail below, you can choose a more suitable and easy-to-implement pattern. If places are identified in which the material needs to be trimmed, this should not be done in advance. Cutting and laying small pieces is performed at the end, after completion of work with the main part of the coating.

Adhesive distribution

Having decided on the installation option, the surface is cleaned of debris and the adhesive solution is prepared. Floor tiles, unlike wall tiles, are mounted on double layer glue. The first is evenly distributed over the floor with a notched trowel, and the second (5-6 mm thick) is applied to the material with a conventional trowel.

Regardless of the method, laying tiles on the floor always starts from the center of the kitchen. To make it easier to navigate, markup is applied and the first four tiles are laid out on it, referring to the level. The tile must be tapped with a rubber mallet for a snug fit and air removal. Further laying of the material is carried out in a circle, starting from the first row, then the edges are lined. Crosses are installed between the rows in the same way as in the case of wall tiles.

At the end of laying, you should wait at least 3 days before you start walking on the floor. Then the seams are treated with a grout mixture and the tiled floor is ready.


After the glue has dried and the dividing crosses have been dismantled, it is necessary to grout the tile joints. To do this, use a special powder composition, which is diluted with water to a consistency of medium density. The colors of the grouts are different, so you can choose it to match the lining.

Grouting tiles

The mixture is evenly distributed along the seams with a rubber spatula or a wire cut of a suitable diameter. The grout takes 4 hours to set, after which its excess is removed with a damp sponge or rag.

Interestingly, using the grout, you can further refresh the already worn tiled flooring. How to update old tile on the kitchen? Very simple. Seams that have lost color, and sometimes moldy, are the main reason for the unpresentable appearance of the tile, and if the material itself is still in good condition, it will be cheaper to renew the grout.

The old mortar should be removed with a joint or an awl, the joints between the tiles should be washed with soapy water and left to dry. Then the seams are treated with a primer and filled with a new grout mixture. Such repairs will not require large expenses, and the tile can last much longer.

Options for laying tiles in the kitchen

In addition to the technical side of the issue, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the decorative functions of the tile. As already mentioned, there are different ways of laying tiles, the most popular are three - classic (“seam to seam”), “running apart” and “diagonally”.

IN classic version a rectangular or square tile is used, laid seam to seam. Bring variety to the pattern decorative elements- panels, ornaments, materials of bright colors. This method is suitable for beginner tilers because of the ease of implementation, besides, it gives a minimum number of cuts.

Classic variant

Laying "in a run" forms a pattern that resembles in appearance brickwork, and is more commonly used for rectangular tiles. It is recommended to choose a tile for this pattern in plain, calm shades. This option is more relevant in traditional style kitchens.

Laying "out of the way"

Laying tiles diagonally opens up opportunities for complex compositions and looks more interesting. Installation is quite complicated, so before you glue the tiles in the kitchen diagonally, you should practice and mark the walls or floor. You also need to consider that only square material is used for this method.

There is another method, less popular due to its complexity. It combines several styling options and is called combined. At the same time, the pattern is made up of blocks laid out diagonally, “in a run-up” and “seam-to-seam” (not necessarily all methods are used in one drawing). This approach requires careful thought and sketching, but, with the right calculation, the result looks professional and unusual.

In addition to experimenting with installation methods, you can diversify the design by purchasing tiles with different textures or resembling other materials. It could be tile wood effect, imitation natural stone or skin. The main thing is that the color and texture are combined with the interior and the general style direction.

Combined pattern

Remember that drawing up a pattern, choosing a tile and its subsequent laying is a creative process. By choosing the right finish for walls or floors and using your imagination, you can emphasize all the advantages and features of the room, and be deservedly proud of the result of your work.

After a firm decision to lay tiles in the kitchen, you may be confused and not know what, how and in what sequence to do.

Let's highlight the main stages this process, no matter where you choose to tile.

Laying tiles in the kitchen

Laying tiles in the kitchen is no less difficult and time-consuming task than preparing the surface for tiles.

At this stage, only 3 components are available to you (tiles, glue, grout) and 3 tools (a spatula for applying glue, rubber spatula for grouting and crosses for separating tiles).

The quality of the floor surface or will depend solely on your skill, well-prepared surface and skillful use of additional equipment (level, tile cutter, grinder, sponge).

Only over time, the shortcomings of tiles or glue will appear, but they can be avoided by choosing proven and high-quality materials.

How to lay tiles in the kitchen

So, the main steps on how to lay tiles in the kitchen:

  • Preparatory stage. Choose the color, shape, size and texture of the tiles.
  • We draw a diagram of the layout of tiles in the kitchen in expanded form.
  • We carry out the calculation and purchase required amount tiles. A margin of 10% is required.
  • Training necessary tool and auxiliary building materials.
  • Removal of old coating from the floor / walls and leveling the surface for tiles.
  • Laying tiles.
  • Seam grouting.

How to lay tiles in the kitchen correctly

The process of laying tiles itself also consists of a series of sequential steps.

  • An adhesive solution is applied to the wall with a special spatula. The application area must be larger than the size of one tile.
  • With the same notched trowel, apply the adhesive solution to the tile.
  • We attach the tiles to the wall according to the previously applied markings.
  • Using a level and a long metal ruler, we check whether each next tile is in the same plane as the previously glued array.
  • If necessary, with light taps of the mallet, we align the position of the tile. Adhesive composition very mobile and will not interfere with indentation. If the tile "sank", it must be removed and the process of applying glue and laying on the wall should be repeated.
  • Between adjacent tiles we install delimiting crosses, the width of which is selected depending on the size of the tile itself.

How to lay tiles in the kitchen

  • The walls are cleaned to their original state.
  • Before leveling the wall or laying tiles, a deep penetrating primer should be used.
  • Stock up on a tile cutter or grinder, even if, according to calculations, you don’t need to cut anything.
  • Before laying tiles at a certain height (kitchen apron), a horizontal stop (metal profile or rail) is pre-installed. This will prevent the bottom row of tiles from slipping. Also, if necessary, you should drill channels for wiring or sockets.
  • Tiles are laid in the direction from the bottom up and from the center to the sides (if there are openings or areas without tiles in the center).
  • The first tile is exposed most carefully.
  • As often as possible, check the flatness and level of the tiles in the vertical and horizontal directions.
  • Residues of the adhesive solution from the joints should be removed before grouting.
  • The remains of the grout on the tile should be removed immediately, as over time, traces of it are difficult to remove.