Aluluth specifications. Characteristics, properties and application of reflective thermal insulation by aluof, foam


Reflective isolation by aluhform - a trademark of the company "Resource" is a complex heat, steam and sound insulation with a high reflection coefficient of radiated thermal energy.

The reflecting element ("heat mirror") uses polished aluminum foil (Aluof Al) or metallized polypropylene film (PE aluof). As the basis, foamed NPE polyethylene is used.

The overall efficacy of the thermal insulation system with the use of reflective insulation by the aluof increases by 20-70% (depending on private conditions, seasons, etc.).


  • High reflectivity;

  • Resistance to temperature change;

  • Zero water absorption;

  • Excellent heat, vapor and waterproofing;

  • Good sound absorption;

  • High mechanical strength;

  • Environmental purity;

  • Fast and simple installation that does not require special training;

  • Durability.
  • Heat and vaporizolation baths and saunas;

  • Heat, sound and vaporizolation of the premises;

  • Heat, hydro and sound insulation of pipelines, ventilation and sewage;

  • Subcoase vaporizolation with simultaneous heat-sounding;

  • As a reflective screen behind heating batteries.
  • In the systems "Warm floor" under cement and gypsum tie;

  • Heat, sound and vaporizolation of rooms with high humidity;

  • Heat-, hydro and sound insulation of pipelines, ventilation and sewage;

  • Luxury vapor barrier with simultaneous heat-sounding.
  • Installation of aluofom

    Aluof aluof reflecting Mounted directly on the wall and ceiling of the steam room of the bath or sauna reflective coating inside the room. If necessary, the entrance door is insulated. Installation is performed using a construction stapler, or small nails. The canvas should be installed "Online" connecting the joints with an aluminum ribbon. The prerequisite for the effective effect of this isolation is the presence of an air gap at least 9-15 mm from the foil surface to the nearest surface.

    Aluminum is a good conductor, so the wiring must be securely protected.

    The reflective coating is fastened with a wooden lamp, which is mounted internal finish (lining, etc.)

    Reflecting thermal insulation by aluof re Located on the surface of the ceiling plate with reflective coating up. The canvases should be installed "Online" connecting the joints with a metallized tape to create full vapor and waterproofing. The heating elements are mounted on the reflecting coating, and the contacts should be isolated in order to avoid short circuit. Then the entire surface is poured by a monolithic cement-sand tie (4-6 cm thick). At the same time, additional protection for the reflective coating is not required, as it is made of polymer metallized film and is able to maintain its properties in an alkaline medium of cement-sandy solution.

    The greatest part of the heat loss at the buildings is due to infrared radiation. In this regard, massive materials (basalt wool, penplex, etc.) are not able to give the maximum level of thermal insulation. However, this problem has a constructive solution - aluly.

    Aluch has the basis of foil aluminum, thereby able to securely protect the buildings. On hot days, it reflects thermal radiation, and in the winter it retains heat inside. Next, you will get acquainted with the main features of such thermal insulation.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    This type of thermal insulation has the following advantages:

    • The highest reflection indicator of heat. In this aspect, foil models are accurately benefit from volumetric materials. The efficiency is close to 100% (on average it is 97%), which practically eliminates the likelihood of heat loss.

    Tip: Similar thermal insulation is the best option for trimming.

    • Another essential advantage of this insulation is absolute moisture resistance. The aluminum layer is not "afraid of" even direct water from entering, which provides the material to the long operational period.
    • Due to its properties, aluch can also serve as sound and waterproofing. Laying of two layers will allow you to fully solve the problem with finishing overlaps.
    • High temperature resistance. The operating temperature range is quite high, due to which it can be used in all regions, even in the coldest.
    • Saving space. The thickness of the insulation does not exceed 5 mm, which significantly reduces the costs of the useful area when creating the heat insulating layer.
    • Easy installation. Alouy is very easy, which makes it easier to work with him. It disappears the need to create any robust frames - sheets can be immediately fixed on the source surface.

    Are there significant disadvantages of this insulation? The only major minus of this material is a relatively high price. You can organize a high-quality insulating layer at a cost of 1.5-2 times lower. However, it should be borne in mind that it gives sound and moisture protection, therefore it disappears the need for the laying of the corresponding layers.

    Key specifications

    The most experienced masters when choosing a insulation, first of all, pay attention to the technical characteristics, as its effectiveness will depend on them. Next, consider the main indicators affecting the overall efficiency.

    Technical specifications Material type
    The coefficient of thermal reflection (from) 0,9
    Optical reflection coefficient (from) 97
    Thermal conductivity indicator (under normal conditions), W / m * with 0,031 0,032 0,033
    Specific density (for standard models of thickness) kg / m2 0,15-0,22 0,17-0,24
    Water-removal coefficient (in percent) 0,7 0,65 0,6
    Elasticity indicator (dynamic) MPa 0,26 0,39
    Heat-holder indicator (per day) 0,51 0,45
    Specific heat capacity M2 * C / W 1,95

    All available classifications

    Several varieties of the insulation of the aluof differing in their key specifications:

    • Aluof A is polyethylene, on the one hand coated with aluminum spraying foil. Most often used as vapor barrier, or an additional insulation. Laying in 2 (for cold layers 3) layer allows you to create reliable protection against heat loss.
    • B - represents polyethylene, covered with aluminum foil on both sides. These are more advanced models with the maximum operational period. Most often used for finishing roofs, attic rooms, attics, etc.

    Important! When buying, require the seller certificates of conformity. Today, often under the guise of popular materials sell cheap, partly "handicraft" analogues. This is especially true for the sphere of foil insulation, in which the population did not have time to understand.

    • C is a particularly flexible polyethylene, which on one side is covered with aluminum spraying, and with another adhesive main. This largely facilitates the installation of the material, since self-adhesive and additional fixation measures are undertaken unnecessary. Most often, such a kind used to arrange airlows and thermal highways (in combination with Kaolin)

    Application area

    As mentioned earlier, the aluof was widely used in many industries. It happened due to its high efficiency, which most competitors cannot boast. Use it for insulation:

    • Roofs, mansard and attic. Here, high moisture resistance comes to the fore.
    • Saunas, baths, garages.
    • Climatic systems.
    • Walls of private and industrial buildings. At the same time, it is permissible both outdoor and internally insulation (in the second case, the effectiveness will be several times higher).
    • Plumbing highways. In this case, a group of B.
    • Heating boilers, warm floors. This is achieved through a wide range of operating temperatures. Not many competitors are able to withstand such colossal loads (daily differences up to 400 degrees)
    • Transport facilities. In particular, more often the rest are used to finish containers and vans. Its properties are ideal for these conditions.
    • Country and agricultural buildings.


    In general, the aluof seems to be an excellent material that can solve many tasks. However, given the high cost, it can be recommended only in cases where there is very high humidity (baths, saunas, bathtubs, etc.), or when structural features do not allow to use more massive materials.

    The problem of reducing the heat loss today arises before each owner of the property (state, subject of the federation, legal andindividuals). The right choice of building heat insulation is an essential condition for creating a comfortable microclimate of premises, slowing the process of destruction of walls from thermal stress and humidity and reduction of fees for consumed energy resources (gas, electricity, solid and liquid fuel).

    A serious task is to improve the heat-shield properties of existing buildings. This problem can be solved, in accordance withnew requirements, only at the expense of the device for additional thermal insulation performed from the most effective materials providing long-term preservation of high-quality indicators during operation and environmental purity.

    It is known that heat is transmitted in three ways: thermal conductivity, convection and infrared radiation. Figures show The share of these components into the overall heat transfer for an empty building without internal partitions:

    As can be seen from the drawings, thermal radiation plays the dominant role in all cases.

    Heat transfer - This is the movement of heat at the molecular level (when he heated one end of the rod, the other end of the rod is heated due to heat transfer).

    Convection - It is moving heat through gases and liquids due to their movement. Warm masses rise up and replace cold.

    Radiation - This is the propagation of electromagnetic waves in space. When the body absorbs such rays, their energy goes into heat, heats upit transmits further, entering into molecular contact with solid and liquid bodies. Manufacturers of massive insulating materialsattention to the value "R."Lose insulation of the largest source of thermal energy - thermal radiation. Modern massiveinsulating materials, despite their thickness, do not have the ability to reflect thermal radiation. In fact, act as batteries accumulating heat, which is then emunched again. Bright confirmation of this any building in the evening after a hot day. Even with open windows and doors, the building remains "hot." This is the main reason that in the summer at noon in buildings that are not provided with air conditioning, but have a massive insulation quite hot. Fighting this phenomenon requires additional energy costs. When heating massive insulation in the cold time, condensate will form and, as a result, the penetration of water vapor into composite elements of the wall. With moisturizing, thermal insulators made on the basis of mineral wool and glass gambles lose their insulating properties up to 50%. According to its technical characteristics, not all heat insulators can be used in a residential room. The main material of the employees to stop the heat radiation losses is polished aluminum foil with a high degree of clean aluminum content. The use of foil allows you to reflect thermal radiation back to its source. Therefore, the building on a hot summer day will be protected by a reflection of thermal radiation outward, and in winter the reflection of expensive heat inside. All this contributes to more efficient use of thermal and energy resources.

    One of the most effective types of heat, steam, and noise insulation is Allyuh (Penophol ) - Reflective thermal insulation material of a new generation, reduced by 70% thermal losses in the winter building and the accumulation of heat in summer, reflecting 97% of thermal radiation, creating a "thermos effect" is environmentally friendly - completely harmless to humans, fireproof. By insulation, it is possible to walk - the material withstands the human weight without changing its structure. Keeps its properties in a wet state. Rodents and insects in polyethylene do not come true.

    Aluof (Penofol) is a multilayer material consisting of a layer of environmentally friendly food polyethylene foam with low thermal conductivity, on the one hand (type A) or from 2 sides (type B) coated (99.4%) food foil with high reflecting characteristics.Type C is produced with one-sided folgling, an adhesive composition with a coating material is applied on the other side. Foam can be thick from 2 to 8 mm in rolls long to 30 meters. It has unique thermal insulation properties at low thickness.

    Aluhform (Penofol) increases the heat-shield properties of structures without increasing volume and is used as independent thermal and sound insulation, or together with different types of insulation, significantly complementing their properties, provides a comfortable microclimate in residential and other rooms.

    Mounted under the roof of agricultural buildings by aluof will save domestic animals from the exhausting heat in summer and soften the frost in winter, which will not slow down to affect the growth and villas.


    Temperature application

    From -60Co to +100 OS

    Reflective effect

    up to 97% of emitting energy

    Thermal conductivity

    0.031-0.032 W / (M OS)

    Sound absorption, not less

    32 dB (a)

    Parry permeability coefficient

    0 mg / (m pas)

    Relative compression, EQ, MPa
    - under load 2 kPa
    - under load 5 kPa

    0.09 MPa
    0.2 MPa

    Tensile strength, not less

    Water absorption in volume

    0.035 MPa


    Calculated durability

    25 years

    Fire and specifications:

    Aluch type B.

    4 mm (foil from 2 sides)

    Silicate brick

    840mm (3.5 brick masonry)

    Brick clay

    672 mm (2.5 brick masonry)

    Mineral wool mats

    67 mm


    490 mm

    Mineral cooker plates

    77 mm


    348 mm


    46 mm

    Insulation Aluhform It is intended for heat, noise, and vaporizolation of enclosing structures of buildings, thermal insulation of air ducts and pipelines of cold and hot water systems and systems for heating of premises b, g, d in residential, public and industrial buildings, including agricultural, isolation of buildings and structures from Rodon, for isolation of transport containers, cars, awnings, tents, field hospitals, sleeping bags, etc.


    The maximum effect of the material is ensured by the presence of airspace at least 1-2 cm on the side of the alumina's foil. In a wet screed, cement and its components are an aggressive foil medium, so it is necessary to protect the foil with a polyethylene film or use specially produced laminated by aluof (foamphol). Aluminum is a good conductor - wiring must be securely protected! A simple installation of the alumina behind the heating radiator increases the efficiency of its operation by 20-30%. Aluof (Penofol) can be used to waterproofing wooden buildings designs. For the insulation of the outer walls inside the room with aluof, follicitized from 2 sides (type B), the lattice is made on the wall, which is stapled to the stapler or nails to the joint with the obligatory sklings of the foil tape to provide vapor barrier.

    With a brickwork thickness in 1-H brick R \u003d 0.5, in this case you can add between the brick masonry and the foam to 50 mm of the mineral wool in the first crate, which will give R \u003d 0.5 and as a result we get 2.72 and t .P. The use of aluphoma (foam) during the insulation of the walls increases the useful area on 4-stranded meters by 0.2 - 0.4 square meters. When mounting the walls, the roofs must be provided for ventilation from the foil side. As a floor insulation, baths, toilets can be used by aluminum on it, you can put a concrete tie, fill the grid and also put a concrete, and on top of a tiled cover. For the insulation of the floor aluminum can be placed under the carpet. With thermal insulation of pipes, it is possible to save on the thickness of the insulating layer and prevent the appearance of rust. For efficient insulation of pipes, aluminum (foamphol) with 2-sided foils is used.

    To create airspace between the pipe and the foil on the pipe there are bandage rings made of aluphoma or other material with a height of at least 20 mm, then the pipe is covered with aluof. For insulation of the ventilation boxes and pipes, the most effectively applied self-adhesive by aluof (foam) type C. When the ceiling isolation, roofs and attic reflective insulation significantly increases the heat-shield properties of the structure without increasing its volume.

    To avoid penetration in the summer of radiation through the roofs, you can use aluof with double-sided foils (roof heating in the summer of more than 80 ° C).

    All seams must be squeezed with aluminum tape to create a heat, and a steamproof layer. Aluminum scotch is repaired by damaged foil aluphoma.


    1. Scope of application
    2. Features of Aloufoma
    3. Benefits
    4. Varieties

    Reducing the heat loss is one of the main tasks as a private owner of its home and any other homeowner. Only the correct selection of hydro, heat and soundproofing materials can be guaranteed in the future (after completing construction or repair) the presence of a pretty comfortable indoor of the microclimate. Therefore, on the pages of this article site, we will tell about the innovative building material by aluof - with reflective insulation to reduce heat loss.

    Scope of application

    Aluch for arranging warm floors

    Aluch is used quite widely, today it is used for thermal insulation of various packages, in thermal dryers, in sleeping bags, in the flooring for tents, in construction, in transport (blinds, awnings), etc., but quite widely by the aluminum is used in construction. It is used mainly to reduce heat loss;

    Balcony insulation with alumina
    • in saunas;
    • in country buildings;
    • walls (with outdoor, inside);
    • in agricultural buildings;
    • roofs;
    • climatic equipment;
    • with the arrangement of warm floors;
    • ventilation;
    • boilers, heating devices;
    • pipelines;
    • metal structures.

      Warming of the engine compartment in a car using aluphoma

    In addition, the aluminum is used in the transport industry in containers, the bodies and motor compartments are protected by van.

    Features of application

    Since most of the heat loss occurs due to infrared radiation (this is about 60-65%), therefore massive thermal insulation materials do not provide sufficiently good protection of the house from heat loss. The main material that is capable of infrared rays to return back is an aluminum foil. The walls of the building that have such protection, in winter heat is returned in the inside of the building, and in the flight heat thermal radiation reflects out.

    As already above, it was the innovative sound, hydro, thermal insulation material, having a rather high heat reflection coefficient. The functionality of the aluphoma is based mainly on the properties of polished foil with a large aluminum content and the presence of air bubbles in polyethylene microfine. Such a structure can reflect up to 97 percent of heat radiation in the summer and preventing cooling in winter.

    Aluch applies for insulation of the pipeline


    Aluofom has many advantages over similar materials. If you see reviews, you can equip it with the help of it the most reliable and high-quality thermal protection. It also creates hydro, steam, and sound insulation and is able to function reliably even in conditions of high humidity. When it is used, the use of useful space is ensured, so it has a small thickness, among other things during operation, it does not wear out, does not rot and is environmentally safe. It is not required to work with it, any (special), the installation of this material is performed quite simply, as it has a slight weight. It does not have significant flaws.

    Aluch on self-adhesive basis
    Varieties of material

    Aluof, depending on the available technical characteristics, can be divided into varieties, such as aluph a, aluph b, aluof S.

    1. Aluof A. - Made on a polyethylene basis, which on one side has a coating foil. It can be applied as vaporizolation or an additional layer of thermal insulation, and sometimes it is placed in two layers. In this case, the aluminum is able to provide full heat and waterproofing.
    2. Alouf B. - made of polyethylene and covered with two sides of the foil. Use it for the arrangement of roofs, insulation of the attic room, gender, etc.
    3. Aluof S. (On a self-adhesive basis) - polyethylene on one side is covered with foil, and its other side is covered with glue, and on top of glue with a special coating material. This type of aluphoma is used mainly only on aircraft.


    Reflective isolation by aluhform - a trademark of the company "Resource" is a complex heat, steam and sound insulation with a high reflection coefficient of radiated thermal energy.

    The reflecting element ("heat mirror") uses polished aluminum foil (Aluof Al) or metallized polypropylene film (PE aluof). As the basis, foamed NPE polyethylene is used.

    The overall efficacy of the thermal insulation system with the use of reflective insulation by the aluof increases by 20-70% (depending on private conditions, seasons, etc.).


  • High reflectivity;

  • Resistance to temperature change;

  • Zero water absorption;

  • Excellent heat, vapor and waterproofing;

  • Good sound absorption;

  • High mechanical strength;

  • Environmental purity;

  • Fast and simple installation that does not require special training;

  • Durability.
  • Heat and vaporizolation baths and saunas;

  • Heat, sound and vaporizolation of the premises;

  • Heat, hydro and sound insulation of pipelines, ventilation and sewage;

  • Subcoase vaporizolation with simultaneous heat-sounding;

  • As a reflective screen behind heating batteries.
  • In the systems "Warm floor" under cement and gypsum tie;

  • Heat, sound and vaporizolation of rooms with high humidity;

  • Heat-, hydro and sound insulation of pipelines, ventilation and sewage;

  • Luxury vapor barrier with simultaneous heat-sounding.
  • Installation of aluofom

    Aluof aluof reflecting Mounted directly on the wall and ceiling of the steam room of the bath or sauna reflective coating inside the room. If necessary, the entrance door is insulated. Installation is performed using a construction stapler, or small nails. The canvas should be installed "Online" connecting the joints with an aluminum ribbon. The prerequisite for the effective effect of this isolation is the presence of an air gap at least 9-15 mm from the foil surface to the nearest surface.

    Aluminum is a good conductor, so the wiring must be securely protected.

    The reflective coating is fastened with a wooden lamp, which is mounted internal finish (lining, etc.)

    Reflecting thermal insulation by aluof re Located on the surface of the ceiling plate with reflective coating up. The canvases should be installed "Online" connecting the joints with a metallized tape to create full vapor and waterproofing. The heating elements are mounted on the reflecting coating, and the contacts should be isolated in order to avoid short circuit. Then the entire surface is poured by a monolithic cement-sand tie (4-6 cm thick). At the same time, additional protection for the reflective coating is not required, as it is made of polymer metallized film and is able to maintain its properties in an alkaline medium of cement-sandy solution.