How to make water heating in the country. A simple way to provide a summer cottage with hot water

Eco-friendly solar-powered instantaneous shower

When you come to a small cozy dacha only during the season, you want all the right conditions here. One of the points of comfort when relaxing outdoors in the summer heat is the presence of a shower. How good it is to wash under warm water in the evening - wash off fatigue after working in the garden or cool off in the midday heat.

Paying tribute to the fashion for individuality, you can create a unique shower or summer bathroom for doing hygiene procedures with your own hands, and at the same time, at minimal cost. This also applies to the design of the room, and the installation of the structure itself and all its elements.

Types of tanks for heating water

The main part for an outdoor shower is a water heating tank - conditionally, a water heater. But at the same time, the design must be thought out enough for the convenience of filling the tank.

Water can be poured into the tank with buckets or using a pump. For convenience, a summer water supply is usually carried out, which can be connected to a borehole pump when necessary or on an ongoing basis. The water in such a tank heats up to 40 degrees on average in 3 hours.

The plastic tank is the lightest

The use of plastic containers, hoisting them on the roof of a summer shower is a classic for a summer resident. Modern plastic has a number of advantages - lightness, strength, wear resistance, water in it heats up quickly and does not bloom.

Steel tank - maximum heat absorption and release

You can take advantage of the experience of generations, and use traditional round or square metal barrels. To reduce the cost of construction, you can take a tank made of ordinary steel, but it will last 6 years, no more. Galvanized steel is more durable - up to 10 years. A stainless steel tank is best suited for heating water; it can be used for up to 20 years without rusting.

Wooden tank - elegant and simple

As a water heater, you can also use a natural material - a barrel or a wooden box made of tightly knit boards. The inner surface of the barrel must be airtight and suitable for storing liquids, otherwise it will have to be greased and processed.

Energy from the sun - the ideal solution for heating water

Using a black plastic tank you can quickly heat up a small amount of water for a summer shower. But this is often not enough for a large family. Stainless steel tanks with a volume of 30 liters or more heat up for a very long time, even in constant sunny weather, as they reflect the sun's rays well. At the same time, painting in black is not aesthetically pleasing.

Solar panels are used to efficiently heat water in large tanks.

But in this case, it is more efficient to use ready-made solar heating systems with collectors.

Modern technologies make it possible to use solar energy as an instantaneous heater, as one example is the solar-powered shower from Arkema.

Unusual solutions for heating water in the country

If the farm does not have anything suitable for the tank, and there are no extra costs for arranging a summer shower this year, show your imagination - heated water storage tanks can be built from familiar things. For example, you can build a water heating tank with your own hands from used plastic bottles by connecting them to one another through the neck and bottom.

If hot water in the country is needed only for taking a shower, the option of hanging a portable shower bag in any convenient place will be compact and practical, it is very simple and convenient to use. Such a device can be used not only in the country, but also very convenient for lovers of long hikes. You can purchase a Camp Shower Bag in specialized stores.

You can make such a device with your own hands, you only need dense polyethylene, preferably black, for faster heating. You can solder it with an ordinary soldering iron, but care should be taken, the material is easily burned through and one careless movement can ruin everything.

In the case of self-production, the neck of a plastic bottle and its cork are used as an opening for filling water. In this case, not only the neck is often cut off, but part of the bottle is also left, using it as a funnel. It is very convenient, although not aesthetically pleasing.

There are many opportunities for creating comfortable living conditions at your dacha. One has only to think and look around - any device can become an element of a unique water heating system. Using a summer shower and a way to heat water from the sun is not only an opportunity to save money and get rid of energy dependence, but also an environmentally friendly way to contribute to the protection of the environment.

It is unlikely that today anyone will be satisfied with work or rest in the country, where there is no water. Neither wash your hands, nor bathe yourself, nor water the garden normally, but to ensure the maximum comfort of living: a sink in the kitchen, a shower and a bath in the house, a toilet, a washing machine and other delights of civilization, and it is pointless to speak. Therefore, the first thing that every summer resident cares about is the autonomous water supply of the country house. What is the scheme of the water supply system, how to choose the right pump or pumping station, how to install and connect them, as well as the laying of external and internal water supply systems - this is just an approximate plan of research and action, and this is what our article is about.

The water supply of the dacha includes several elements that ensure the intake of water from the source, its delivery to the premises, accumulation and purification, heating and delivery to each consumer. Consider an approximate diagram of a summer cottage water supply system:

  1. Water intake source (well, well or reservoir).
  2. A pipeline leading from a water source to a utility room or house. It must be equipped with a tap to drain the water back from the system, in case of a breakdown or departure during the cold season, so that the water in the pipes and appliances does not freeze.
  3. A pump or pumping station for taking water from a source.
  4. Coarse filter and check valve in front of the pumping station.
  5. Fittings that ensure the normal operation of the system. This is a ball valve, pressure gauge, pressure switch, etc.
  6. A hydroaccumulator is a water tank with which you can control the system by turning the pump on and off. In addition, the accumulator always contains a supply of water in case of a power outage.
  7. Fine filters. Equipment for water purification and water treatment. The set of filters is selected after studying the chemical composition of the water from the source. This can be done at the sanitary and epidemiological station. By the way, filters can be installed before the accumulator, so that it contains only pure water. Water for watering a garden, washing a car and other technical needs does not need to be purified, so you can run a drain pipe without going through the water treatment equipment.
  8. Water heaters or boilers for hot water production.
  9. Water distribution inside the country house. It can be performed in various ways: sequentially or using a manifold, when a separate pipe goes to each consumer.

This is just an approximate water supply scheme for a summer cottage. It can be supplemented, some elements can be removed. For example, a hydraulic accumulator is quite expensive, so many people decide not to use it. The sequence of elements in the diagram may also differ slightly depending on the type of pump and the source of water intake.

What source of water supply for a summer residence to choose

The water supply system in the country always starts from the source. It is good if you purchased a summer cottage with a ready-made well or a well of good quality. If there is no water source on your site, then you will first have to think about how to make it.

Before deciding what to build: a well or a well, and how deep, talk to your neighbors. Ask what they have, whether they are satisfied, whether there is enough water and what quality it is. Sometimes it is better not to philosophize too much, but to take advantage of the experience of others. You can also take water samples from neighbors for analysis to make sure of its quality.

Well- the most ancient artificial source of water supply. If the aquifer with high-quality, edible water, in sufficient volume (for a family of 4 people) is within 4 - 15 m depth, then it makes sense to equip a well. It will cost less than a well, since you only have to pay for materials, the rest can be done on your own. It is also more durable than a well (service life up to 50 years). And one more indisputable advantage is that in the absence of electricity, water in it can be scooped up with an ordinary bucket. There is also one drawback of wells: water can get into it, reducing the quality of the water. But this can be avoided by properly waterproofing the joints between the rings and the place where the pipe enters the well.

In some regions, it is customary to beat wells exclusively. They do this for various reasons: either good water is close (an underground river or a source), or vice versa - the groundwater is too low (more than 15 m).

Well "on the sand" affects the upper layers of the sandy horizon. It is the very first edible underground aquifer. It is located after dense loam, which filters ground, melt and rainwater. Due to the fact that in different regions this layer is at different depths, the depth of the well "on the sand" can be from 10 m to 50 m. The water supply in such a well is 500 liters. The service life is about 5 years, since the filters are clogged with sand and silt. But this is very individual, because depending on the terrain, at a depth of even 15 m, you can get to an underground river, and the source is inexhaustible, and the filters are not clogged. The service life can be up to 20 years or more. It is best to hit a well "on the sand" by hand, and look for a place using old-fashioned methods. As practice has shown, it is more likely to find an aquifer with quality water. If you use machine drilling, such a layer can simply be "slipped through".

Artesian well uses water from the limestone layer, which can be located at different depths, from 35 to 1000 meters or more. In limestone rocks, water is of high quality, its minimum supply is 1500 liters, and the maximum is practically unlimited. Most often, for personal needs, such wells are rarely equipped with a maximum depth of 135 m. First, it is necessary to obtain a permit for an artesian well and register it, since this aquifer is considered the property of the state. Secondly, its construction is much more expensive than a well "on the sand" and lasts from several days to a month. In an artesian well, the possibility of water and groundwater ingress is excluded, and its service life is close to the well, i.e. 50 years. It makes sense to split an artesian well with other neighbors.

If you decide to equip a well at the dacha, and not a well, be sure to ask to perform calculations of its debit. This is necessary in order to select the right pump or pumping station.

Pumps and pumping stations for water supply - how to choose

The correct choice of a pump for suburban water supply is one of the most important tasks.

Pumps are submersible and superficial... Submersible pumps are also called deep pumps, they can pump water from a depth of 10 to 150 m. They are located in deep wells or boreholes. Surface pumps are installed in a house or utility room; they pump from a depth of up to 9 m.

To arrange water supply in the country, it makes sense to purchase a pumping station, which already includes a pump, a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure switch and a supply hose. Often, such a station can be purchased everywhere.

The most common is pumping station with self-priming centrifugal pump with built-in ejector... Such a pump can suck in water from a depth of up to 9 m and deliver it up to 40 m.Starting the pump into operation is very simple: open the filler cap, pour water into it so that it flows over the edge, close and turn on the pump. First, it will pump air, and then supply water to the system. The advantage of such a station is its low sensitivity to air in the system; it is enough to open the tap / valve on the pump to bleed it off. Such a unit is suitable for taking water from a well or a shallow well. It can be installed in a pit or caisson directly above the water source and supply water with a pressure of up to 40 m, or it can be installed in the house if the well or well is very close.

Pumping stations with self-priming centrifugal pump with external ejector used for pumping water from deep wells or wells (up to 45m), or located far from home. The stations themselves are installed in a house or utility room, two pipes lead from it, at the end of which an ejector is attached, and are lowered into a water source. One pipe supplies water to the ejector to create suction, and the other supplies water to the house. The disadvantage of such a station is the sensitivity to air in the system. And the advantage is that the station can be placed inside the house, and the ejector is in the water intake source at a distance of 20 - 40 m from the house.

When choosing a pump, pay attention to an extremely important characteristic - suction lift... Some indicate a height of 8 m, and others 20 - 45 m. Please note that the pump suction head of 8 m does not mean that it cannot be used for a well 15 m deep. The fact is that the water even in a deep well is much higher, at a depth of 2 - 6 m. This is due to the fact that the depth of groundwater is higher than the depth of the well, and according to the rule of communicating vessels, the water in the well rises.

Before you make water supply in the country and buy a pumping station, calculate the performance of your water source, check the level of the mirror, the pressure in the system and the volume of water consumption. For uninterrupted water supply at home pumping station capacity should be lower than the productivity of the water source (well or well), but more than the possible consumption / flow rate of water. To calculate water consumption, you can use the data from the table by simply summing up the water consumption in several consumers that can work simultaneously. Next, you need to calculate the head loss depending on the length and diameter of the pipeline.

Important! You can find out the performance of a well or a well empirically by pumping water out of it with a motor pump and an ordinary surface pump and measuring its amount. The mirror of water can be recognized by lowering a nut on a string into the water source, and then measuring the length.

After receiving the necessary data, you can proceed to the selection of a pumping station, all parameters will be indicated in the passport. Pay attention to the presence of a non-return valve and an inlet filter.

Do-it-yourself cottage water supply

Arranging the water supply of the dacha with your own hands is not such a difficult task as it might seem. Let's assume that we already have a source of water supply, either it came from the previous owners, or you dug a well yourself or drilled a well. It only remains to complete all the work on the installation of the pump, piping and other equipment.

Installation of an external water supply system in the country

For a well... The first step is to dig a trench from the foundation of the house to the well, preferably without bends. Since the pipeline can freeze in winter, it must be located at a depth of 1.5 - 2 m (the depth of soil freezing in the Russian Federation). It is possible to lay the pipe higher, but then it should be carefully insulated, for example, wrapped with an electric heating cable.

In the second ring of the well, we make a hole for the pipe. By the way, you can use plastic pipes, PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene, steel and others. It is advisable to choose those that do not crack from frost. We connect pipes with a diameter of 32 mm to each other. Pour a 15 cm layer of sand at the bottom of the trench.

Important! Installation of water supply in the country implies that it is necessary to slope the pipeline towards the water source. If the summer cottage will not be used in winter, then all the water from the system must be drained. To do this, a drain valve should be installed at the turn of the pipe in the well.

We start a section of the pipe into the hole in the ring, bend the pipe and lower it down to the surface of the water. Insert a mesh filter inside the pipe. We place the pipe at a height of 30 - 40 cm from the bottom of the well. To fix the pipe, we pump out all the water from the well with a pump, drive a pin into the bottom and screw the pipe to it.

Then it is necessary to carefully waterproof the hole in the ring so that the top water does not get through it. We fill the pipes in the trench with a 15 cm layer of sand, then with soil, and around the well at a distance of 1.5 m 40 cm deep we make a clay castle.

For the well... All trenching and pipe-laying jobs are no different. But just above the well itself, it is necessary to equip either a pit or a caisson so that the pipes and the pump do not freeze if it is supposed to be installed directly above the well.

Consider installing a caisson. We dig in the well pipe 2.5 m deep and 2 times wider than the caisson diameter. We seal the bottom of the pit and fill it with concrete with a layer of 20 cm, it will bear the weight of the caisson. We install a caisson in the pit. We cut the well pipe at a height of 50 cm above the caisson bottom. At the same depth, we make a hole in the caisson for laying the pipeline. Next, you need to connect the pumping station.

Pour the caisson outside with concrete with a layer of 30 - 40 cm, then fill it with sand and cement mixed, and the remaining 50 cm with soil.

Connecting the pumping station to the well

If the pump is portable, then it can be installed directly in the caisson. If the water is close, the well, too, then you can install a pumping station in the house, and only a supply pipe can be brought into the caisson or pit and connected to the well pipe. Here, a tap should be provided for draining the system down.

As an example, we install a pump in the caisson, connect it to the well pipe, and connect the pipe leading to the house to the pump itself. But the rest of the equipment: a hydraulic accumulator, a control relay, filters are installed in the house or outbuilding.

Connecting the pumping station to the well

For wells located close to the house and with a high water level, a pumping station with a suction height of up to 9 m can be used. It can be installed in the house itself, in the utility room or in the well itself. But for deep or distant wells, you can use a pump with an external ejector, then the station itself can be installed in the house, and the ejector can be lowered into the well.

The room where the pumping station for the well will stand must be insulated or heated, the temperature must not be lower than +2 ° С.

Before entering the pump, we install a water drain valve, a coarse filter and a check valve. Then comes the pump, followed by a fine filter with shut-off valves on both sides. This is necessary to replace the cartridge in the filter. Then the accumulator, and after it, you can install a water treatment and water treatment system.

After all the elements of the pumping station, water treatment, etc., the 32 mm pipe is led to the cold water supply manifold. We install ball valves in the manifold and connect 25 mm pipes leading to consumers or groups of consumers (as the internal water supply scheme suggests).

For internal wiring, you can use steel pipes, metal-plastic, polypropylene and corrugated stainless. The latter are the most expensive, but also extremely easy to install. The best in terms of price and quality will be a water supply system made of polypropylene pipes. They are connected to each other and to the fittings using an electric soldering iron, which is very easy to use and can be rented.

Important! The difficulty of installing a water supply system in the country lies in the fact that in the winter, when the room is not heated, it is necessary to drain the water from the system. For this, the entire pipeline must be installed with a slope.

Hot water supply in the country can be provided using a boiler or boiler. If the main gas is supplied, it makes sense to install a gas water heater. If not, you can use an electric boiler. By the way, for the uninterrupted supply of hot water in the proper volume, provided that a gas boiler is used, it is also necessary to purchase an indirect heating boiler. For a family of 4, the volume of the boiler should be from 100 to 200 liters.

On the reverse side of the cold water supply collector, we divert the pipe to the water heater. Here we connect. The hot water pipe leaving the water heater is led to the hot water collector, where we also install ball valves and a water drain valve.

In this article, we examined the option of a stationary water supply system in the country, which can be used both in summer and in winter. But if the house is not heated in winter, and its heating is turned on only when someone arrives, for example, once a week, then before the onset of frost and before each winter departure, it is necessary to drain water not only from the system, but also from each consumer. Even from a toilet bowl, washing machine, etc. For a summer water supply, such difficulties are not needed. It can be made from garden hoses connected to each other and spread out over the surface of the ground. After the end of the season, water is drained from the hoses, they are twisted and removed to the utility room until the next season.

A roof over your head, the sounds of nature and fresh air, the opportunity to get a lot of pleasure away from the bustle of the city, what else is needed for a normal holiday in the country? Such an idyll, as a rule, lasts until the first thought that it is time to start preparing hot water for washing dishes and taking a shower, and all the idyllic mood immediately disappears like a morning haze over a pond.

It would seem that just a few liters of hot water and the idyllic mood will last almost forever. But where to get these few liters?

Is hot water in the country a luxury or a necessity?

A few decades ago, during the boom of dacha and gardening partnerships, the possession of the most ordinary boiler in the dacha automatically elevated the owner of the dacha to the rank of a very, very respected person, because he could heat a bucket of water on the board of the cooperative! Today, times have changed, and there is no longer any need to go to the office with a bucket of water, because there is electricity in the country, and you can also draw water not from a public pond, but simply by opening a water tap. But at the same time, for many, the issue of installing special equipment or just a water heater for a summer residence is very painful. Today, for some reason, there is still an opinion that a water heater for a summer residence is a luxury item. True, there are more intelligible arguments about the fact that it is not worth installing a water heater in the country for some reason, there is simply no.

On the other hand, it is the possibility of installing such equipment that most often confuses the owners of the dacha - hot water in the dacha is, of course, good, but this requires sophisticated equipment and is it worth placing it in the dacha. So, think those who understand that hot water in the country is not only a new level of comfort, but also the possibility of a good rest without additional responsibilities for heating the water.

Thus, the answer suggests itself - there must be a water heater in the country!

Hot water supply to the cottage, what is needed for this

The main, and perhaps the main element that determines the possibility of installing a water heater for a summer residence is the presence of a water supply source or water supply on the site. Even the most simple and archaic well will solve almost all problems with the installation of a water heater. The main thing is that there is water on the site!

Further, for the normal installation of equipment, it goes without saying that the dacha must be connected to the rest of the utilities - it must be electrified and, at a minimum, the installation of a sewerage system must be planned.
Such minimum requirements for the arrangement of a summer cottage make it possible to install hot water equipment, because without a normal water supply, its drainage and electrical energy, the installation of a water heater is simply meaningless.

Although, even at the construction stage, when it is only planned to install a wastewater drain and a pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator, it is quite possible to install a small water heater for a summer cottage with a refillable tank. Today, for such cases, a simple and at the same time original solution has been found - an electric water heater with a tank into which a certain amount of water is poured and installed like a regular washstand. Unlike traditional electric boilers, such a device allows you to provide control over the operation of the heating element to the control board, which will automatically turn off the heating element when the water reaches the required temperature. By itself, such a unit will not be able to completely solve the issue of meeting all the needs for hot water in the country, but it is quite possible to have 8-10 liters of hot water on hand and in such conditions.

Types of water heaters for summer cottages

The ability to install such equipment should meet the hot water needs of the guests. Thus, the optimal consumption for servicing all needs during the summer period is the consumption of warm or hot water 50-80 liters per adult and up to 100 liters per child per day. This is an average value, since the water consumption can fluctuate both upward, for example, when organizing a wash, or decrease when 1-2 people come to the dacha.

Today, equipment for obtaining hot water in the country can be considered:

  • Electric water heaters for running water;
  • Electric storage water heaters;
  • Water heaters with electric heating of bulk water;
  • Equipment that heats water using a solar collector;
  • Solid fuel water heating boiler;
  • Liquid fuel water heaters;
  • Equipment for liquefied and natural gas.
Such a variety of water heating systems in practice comes down mainly to 2, well, a maximum of 3 options, which will be the most realistic for installation.

For the most modern climate systems using renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or solar collectors, practical use faces many problems ranging from the need for purchase, installation and maintenance, and ending with the instability of work in winter, because modern technologies have not yet reached a level of development that allows full use of these types of energy.

Liquid fuel types of water heaters for use in the country have also not received sufficient distribution, since they require special equipment, the need to install in special rooms and place, in addition, a fuel tank. Such difficulties for installing even the most modern water heater for a summer residence are not within the power of every owner, especially since considering the cost of diesel fuel, the cost of heating water will be simply astronomical.
Solid fuel water heating installations allow you to minimize the cost of heating water, because solid fuel implies the use of firewood and peat briquettes and pallets and even coal, which significantly reduces the cost of heating 1 liter of water. But on the other hand, in the 21st century, melting Titan in order to wash the dishes looks at least uncomfortable. It is also inconvenient, as well as allocating a separate room for placing this equipment, as well as the need for a chimney and a separate room for storing fuel.

For the installation of gas equipment, in addition to the presence of a gas supply line, a lot of permits, projects and approvals are also required. And the installation of such a water heater, provided that it is used 2-3 times a month, will pay for itself in 10 or even more years.

So the best option is to install it as a main water heater for a summer residence or a heating device for running water or a storage type water heater.

Instantaneous water heaters features, installation procedure, safety requirement

The installation of a water heater for a summer cottage, using the principle of heating running water, has a huge number of positive points. The water heater itself for a summer residence of this type, having a small case, allows you to make its placement as inconspicuous as possible. There are no special requirements for its installation, other than those indicated in the instructions. The undoubted advantage of such devices is the ability to drain the water in the device during the winter conservation of the summer cottage, when there is a threat of water freezing and defrosting of equipment for other types of equipment.

The ease of use of such a device allows it to be installed both permanently, with a piping system, and using flexible hoses. The water heater itself can, depending on the model, be installed both with a tap for use above the sink, or with a flexible hose for taking a shower.

For the most modest hot water needs, there is a water heater installed directly on the tap, and heats the water almost immediately.

At the same time, water heaters of this type are very demanding on safety issues - their installation is mandatory, and this should not be discussed, this cannot be delayed and postponed for later, requires equipment of a reliable grounding system. The flow-through type of heaters today has a heater made of high-strength plastic or ceramics, inside which there is a heating element, such a technical solution allows you to quickly heat the water passing through the heater, but if the inner surface is damaged, there is a danger of electric shock.

A feature of the installation of this type of water heater for a summer residence is its high power; only a very powerful electric heater can heat the water by 30-40 degrees when passing through a small reservoir. This means that you need to ensure that the electrical cable has a cross-section of at least 2 mm. In addition, a heater equipped with a water flow sensor starts working when the water flow reaches a certain level, which is why it is extremely important for a flow heater to have a pumping station or a centralized water supply system in the country.

Installation of a wall-mounted instantaneous heater is carried out in the following order:

  • In a convenient place that meets all requirements, the water heater is attached to the wall;
  • With the help of a reinforced water hose, it is connected to the water supply system;
  • A tap and a shower are connected through the hot water supply hose from the water heater;
  • The protective ground wire is connected to the indicated place on the body;
  • The tightness of the connections is checked, the device is filled with water;
  • The water heater is connected to the network;
  • The tap opens and the device starts working.

Storage water heater

Unlike instantaneous water heaters, storage-type water heaters in their design have a special tank in which water is heated. This design allows you to have at your disposal from 25 to 100 or more liters of hot water around the clock. Storage water heaters with such a reservoir can also be used as storage tanks for the reserve volume of water.

The structures have various types of fastening and arrangement, they can be wall-mounted and located on the floor, water heaters can be vertical and horizontal, have a cylindrical shape and a rectangle shape. The control of such devices can be carried out both with the help of standard controls located on the body, and with additionally installed blocks with advanced programming functions.

As well as flow models, storage water heaters must be equipped with a grounding system, this can be either a separate connection or a ground connected to the outlet.

Heating water to the required temperature is carried out by a heating element located in the heating tank. The tank itself has a layer of thermal insulation for more economical consumption of electricity - heated water can maintain a high temperature for a long time, and when it cools down by 10-15 degrees, the automation will turn on the heating element and heat the water at the required temperature.

This type of equipment works great both in urban conditions and in the country, but in the case when the room will not be heated, the storage water heater will have to be disconnected from the water supply system for the cold season, and the water must be drained from the tank.

Comparing the power consumption of instantaneous and storage types of water heaters, the latter looks more economical, this is due to the fact that the storage ones require periodic switching on of the heating element, and not its constant operation.

The installation of the water heater is carried out in accordance with the instructions and does not require a special project or permits. As well as the flow-through type of heaters, it is connected to the water supply system, although it is recommended to install an additional filter here. Connecting the cold water supply and hot water outlet can be done both with flexible hoses and with pipes.

As practice shows, no matter what type of water heater was chosen for the summer cottage, its installation and the first activation will be another argument in favor of visiting the cottage much more often.

Hot water at the summer cottage is practically not needed, but in everyday life a modern person simply cannot imagine a comfortable stay without it. Thanks to it, you can easily wash dishes, take a shower, wash things and even carry out some kind of work related to construction in the winter. Therefore, the question of how hot water is carried out in the country with their own hands is of great interest to many gardeners.

Various options

To begin with, it must be said that there are many different ways to provide a summer cottage with this benefit of civilization. They all have their own specific characteristics and require the right approach.

However, it is immediately worth mentioning that geysers for water in the country will not be considered, since not all such areas are gasified and such units require some care.

Electrical systems

  • These methods of providing the site with hot water are considered the simplest, both in design and during operation.... Moreover, they can also be called one of the safest.

  • To create such heating of water in the country, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment.... It should be noted that it is best to dwell on the three most common designs, which are chosen based on personal preferences.
  • First of all, professional craftsmen recommend paying attention to boilers... and are very practical and to the question of how to make hot water in the country, most often you can hear the answer associated with such units.

  • Also, some summer residents use special tanks, which are usually installed in the attic and have their own heating system.... Such constructions are convenient in that they do not depend on the water supply and can be used independently.
  • If country houses are created from a block of containers, then to save space, you can install a flow-type heater... It does not take up much space, but the cost of such high quality products is quite high.

  • Some owners of such sites consider such systems to be the most optimal, and the availability of electricity is just an element of necessity.... Therefore, in some cases, they are helped out by the seasonal rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence.

Almost all devices of this type have high power and consume a large amount of electricity.
However, when used wisely, costs can be kept to a minimum.

Stoves and tanks

In the last century, warm water in the country with their own hands was taken using special stove designs. Moreover, this method is quite simple and is used in our time by those owners who took care of installing such a heating element.

The principle of operation of the system lies in the fact that a special tank must be installed on the chimney, in which water will be located. It is heated by the temperature of the combustion products when using the firebox.

It is worth noting that there are simply a huge number of different designs of such systems. They can differ in the size of the tank, the presence of a second container and the height of the location on the pipe. Therefore, you should choose a specific type of such heating very carefully, focusing on the design of the house itself.

Most often, the installation instructions recommend installing such types of heating in baths. In this case, the water tank is usually located outside in order to have access to it. It is worth noting that in the bath itself, an additional bathing container is usually hindered.

The use of such systems is associated with certain inconveniences and not always they can satisfy the requirements of modern owners of summer cottages.

Natural heating

This method is the simplest and the cost of its reproduction is minimal. Moreover, it does not require constant monitoring and does not require additional energy.

The fact is that it fully uses infrared solar radiation, thanks to which heating is carried out. To do this, in a place free from shadows, which is covered with black paint. On sunny days, the water heats up in a few hours and is quite suitable for taking a shower.

It should be noted that the use of such structures is highly dependent on weather conditions. Therefore, professional craftsmen recommend additionally lowering heating elements in the form of heating elements into such a tank. They will allow you to maintain the desired temperature even in cloudy weather.

Even a relatively small tank of this type will be much more efficient than elementary heating of water on the stove.
However, it is worth remembering that it cannot provide high temperatures.


After watching the video in this article, you can study this issue in more detail and learn about all water heating systems. At the same time, based on the article that was proposed above, it is worth concluding that there are several fairly simple methods for solving such a problem.

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