How to leave a rose in a pot. Home rose care

Rose is the favorite flower of most of the fair half of humanity. Almost perfect, it is a worthy decoration of any flower bed or flower garden, it looks gorgeous in every bouquet arrangement.

Indoor rose in a pot is a compact bush up to 45 cm in diameter with small, very decorative flowers various colors. Some of them have a pleasant aroma, some of them have no smell at all. A rose grown in a pot at home will be a wonderful element. home interior, will revive and decorate it with the elegance of its branches and the beauty of flowers.

Growing a home rose is a painstaking and troublesome business, but rewarding. In terms of the degree of difficulty, it is not at all more difficult than caring for an ordinary garden rose, but you should know some features.

Factors for the quality growth of a room rose

Heightened attention and all-consuming care are the conditions under which home roses will delight with their flowering continuously. The necessary conditions for high-quality growth of a room beauty:

  • nutritious and fresh soil in which the home rose could breathe easily, with the obligatory presence of good drainage;
  • abundant watering throughout the growing season;
  • regular feeding of the plant, in particular during the period of active growth and flowering;
  • placing a flower on the southern or southeastern side of the room;
  • abundance fresh air during the warm season;
  • control of air humidity, which should not be too dry, otherwise it will lead to the appearance of pests and dry leaves;
  • temperature: moderate in summer and cool in winter;
  • lack of drafts;
  • transfer to a more spacious container as needed.

In a disastrous way, the plant will be affected by:

  • watering with cold water;
  • trauma to the roots that can occur when loosening the soil;
  • overheating in the sun and dry air in the room;
  • ignoring withered leaves, shoots and flowers on a rose;
  • wintering at elevated temperatures.

How to care for a room rose in a pot?

So, a beautiful flower, purchased or donated, has become a part of the apartment interior, and I want it to delight others with its flowering for a long time. How to care for a room rose in a pot? For optimal adaptation of a plant to a new environment for it, it needs to create the conditions in which it grew while on a store shelf: irrigation regime, appropriate air temperature and humidity, spraying, location (sunny side or shade).

Compliance with the usual regime will give the plant the opportunity to adapt to new conditions as painlessly as possible. It is not necessary to transplant it immediately after purchase and take any actions that disturb the peace of the flower. It is during this period that drafts and sunburn... The plant only needs to be watered clean water, the leaves need to be sprayed periodically, especially in hot summer period... Such a warm shower will revive the plant, its leaves will sparkle with new colors, and blooming roses will bring a touch of romance and joy to the environment.

Transplanting process

Home roses can only be replanted after the flower has fully adapted. This process should be carried out with great care, avoiding damage to any root process. It is also advisable not to disturb the earth lump, even with the numerous granules of fertilizers available. You can only remove a small amount of old earth along the outer layer. By lunar calendar it is advisable to transplant during a period when the moon will be in the growth phase.

Roses are planted and transplanted into the following soil composition: sand, soddy earth and humus earth in a ratio of 1: 4: 4. A certain amount of complex fertilizer should be mixed into the soil. A planting pot for a rose should be slightly larger in size than the previous one, but not too large; its bottom should be covered with expanded clay drainage.

A rose in an old pot should be watered abundantly, let it soak for half an hour, turn the container over, carefully remove the plant along with an earthen lump and place it in a new pot just as carefully, sprinkling it with prepared soil along the edges, compacting it as it is planted. After the transshipment, the rose must be placed in the shade or on the north side of the room. After a day from the moment of transplantation, it is recommended to put the rose flowers on a lighted windowsill or balcony, while avoiding drafts and direct sunlight and providing an influx of fresh air. A sign of a lack of moisture in a flower is its drying out.


A rose at home needs regular watering, which should be done as the upper soil layer dries up, under the root. Sometimes, on especially hot days, the rose has to be watered twice a day. The water must be well-separated, clean, room temperature.

In the summertime, a rose in a pot needs good watering and timely fertilization. Washing and spraying the leaves during this hot season is a must. It is important to monitor the condition of the plants, remove dried leaves from the shoots in a timely manner and prevent overheating.

Feeding home roses

Feeding the plant should be done about twice a month with a mullein solution or mineral fertilizers. It is also recommended to produce foliar feeding, spraying the plant with special solutions of low concentration. It is not recommended to feed the plants in damp or cloudy weather, and it is also impossible to fertilize sick or newly transplanted specimens.

Many rose lovers wish to have luxurious and lush bushes in their flower collection. This can be achieved if the rose flowers are constantly rotated so that they receive uniform illumination from all directions.

Preparing for a dormant period

In the autumn, when the temperature gradually begins to drop, the rose from the balcony should be transferred to the room and identified from the south side of the room. At the time of a decrease in the activity of flower growth and the formation of buds, feeding should be stopped, and watering should be reduced to 1 time in 3 days. Thus, the plant is prepared for winter - the most important of the stages, at which a number of certain conditions must be observed:

  • temperature control (from +15 to +17 degrees);
  • accommodation room rose in a place where the air is not dry;
  • fencing the flower from household electrical appliances (microwave oven, TV, PC).

Wintering plants

V winter time the rose does not grow and does not bloom, it looks very painful, it constantly sheds its leaves. During this so-called dormant period, the flower is recommended to be placed in a cooler room, the optimum temperature in it is +6 ... + 8 degrees. In well-heated rooms, the plant can simply die from dry air. Therefore, it is advisable to keep it at this time on a glazed balcony or loggia, while it is imperative to control the temperature.

The soil should be slightly warmer than the air, so the rose pot can be placed in a box of sawdust. In winter, the plant is very rarely watered, not sprayed. If home roses are in the room, then the plants need to be sprayed, because the air constantly dries up when the room is heated. At proper care homemade rose will delight you with new buds in March.

Spring care

In the spring, homemade roses begin to come to life: they throw out new shoots and leaves. At this time, the plant should be constantly watered, preventing the earth from drying out, and fed (immediately after watering) - a solution of mullein or bird droppings is suitable for this. The dosage of fertilizers should be observed, because their excess can lead to the death of the plant.

Pruning a home rose, which is desirable for the growth phase of the moon, is recommended before starting winter period... It can also be done in the spring, when the home rose is just starting to grow. Sharp knife or secateurs - necessary tools to carry out such an important process. Each branch is cut by about 1/3, leaving no more than 5 living buds, while the leaves should not be removed. Ignoring the pruning of a home rose will result in poor flowering next year. The plant will look sluggish and sloppy.

Reproduction and planting of roses

The home rose reproduces quite simply. To do this, you can use cut branches or specially cut cuttings about 15 cm in size with 3-4 living buds and several leaves - future seedlings of roses.

It is recommended to place the cut cuttings in clean water at room temperature for about two weeks, until the first strong roots appear. When the latter are well developed, rose seedlings can be planted in small planting containers in previously prepared soil.

Diseases and pests

Like most plants, Chinese rose exposed to the negative effects of diseases and pests. This is, first of all, powdery mildew, which occurs due to overcrowding of plants in one place. The disease can be identified by white bloom on the branches of the plant and its leaves, which gradually dry up, curl into a tube and fall off. In this case, drugs "Topaz", "Fundazol" will help.

The spider mite is a pest that does not disdain any plants; it does not ignore the home rose with its attention. Its appearance can be determined by pale dots, gradually increasing and turning into whole spots of whitish color.

Therefore, in order to protect the plant, it is recommended to treat it with prophylactic agents, while observing the temperature regime and the required humidity. When the first signs of a disease are detected, the plant should be urgently treated. From the spider mite, special preparations - acaricides - will come to the rescue.

Sometimes the domestic rose is attacked by the rose aphid, which "specializes" in leaves and buds, which curl up under its influence and become covered with secretions of a sticky character. In this case, the plant should be treated with insecticides.

A tiny rose in a flower pot is the dream of many house plant lovers. Delicate aroma of flowers and grace of twigs will not leave anyone indifferent. But it is believed that growing indoor rose is very difficult.

How difficult is it to care for a miniature home rose? It is not at all more difficult than caring for an ordinary garden one, if you provide it with the same conditions. The rose is not a tropical plant or a desert flower, it needs temperate climate, cool wintering.

Indoor rose (genus rose, or rose hips (Rosa)), belongs to the family Rosaceae. Potted roses are compact bushes up to 35-45 cm. Now several hundred varieties of miniature roses have been bred, the assortment is constantly being replenished. They are conventionally divided into the Mini-Flora, Miniature and Polyantha groups.

The flowers of a room rose are small, very decorative, fragrant or odorless, of various colors.

Room rose care differs according to the seasons of the year. As in natural conditions, it requires a cold wintering. Too high temperatures in summer are also harmful. In the warm season, these plants are recommended to be taken out into the open air.

Blooming miniature rose bushes are also on sale in winter. It is very beautiful, but after the flowering period, a dormant period is required for the plant to rest. And in this case, the dormant period is shifted to spring - the time when in nature plants wake up and develop. The lack of such rest can lead to the death of the rose.

Lighting... All roses are light-loving plants. Best windows for roses - southern, southeastern and southwestern. In summer, indoor roses on the southern windows suffer from the heat, but during this period they are usually already taken out into the open air. If this is not possible, then you need to rearrange it to another window or shade.

Temperature... The temperature should be moderate in summer and cool in winter. Indoor roses at home suffer more not from too high air temperature, but from overheating and drying out of the substrate in the pot, in winter - from hypothermia of the roots. Cold drafts in winter are harmful, and small daily temperature fluctuations are beneficial.

Air humidity... Too dry air leads to drying out of the leaves and the appearance of pests. Roses prefer wet air... But if the plants are on open balcony or in the garden, they do not need to be sprayed daily. It is advisable to arrange a warm shower once a week - such a summer rain will do them good.

Watering... Miniature roses are very sensitive to water overflow, especially in winter and spring when there is no growth. When young buds appear on the plants, watering is increased slightly, and when enough leaves have already blossomed, then water more. In summer, indoor roses require abundant watering. With the onset of autumn and the cessation of flowering, watering is reduced.

Water for irrigation is taken at least a day, at room temperature or slightly warmer. It is very harmful to water with cold water.

Fertilizer... Top dressing once a week during growth and flowering with fertilizer for flowering plants.

Transfer... Do not rush to transplant a room rose immediately after purchase. The plant needs to adapt. The roots of the plant are tender, shake up the earthy clod at healthy flower it does not follow. It is better to transplant by transshipment into a suitable pot.

The usual transplant is carried out annually in the spring, the bush is transferred into a larger pot. New pot for a rose, it should be 2-3 cm larger than the old one in diameter and 5 cm in height. According to the form, they choose classic or deep. Immediately after transplanting, keep the plant in the shade.

The soil... Roses love the soil to breathe, so it must be breathable and breathable. Sometimes it is recommended to loosen the soil in a pot, but it is better not to do this - the roots of the roses are tender and shallow, the plant will suffer from their damage.

The substrate is used nutritious: a mixture of 4 parts of sod, 4 parts of humus earth and 1 part of sand. There is also a commercial specialty blend "Rose". Necessarily good drainage.

Dormant period... All roses are plants with a mandatory dormant period, therefore, from mid-autumn, when the flowering ended and the leaves began to turn yellow, they are placed in a cooler room. The optimum temperature is 6-8 ° C. This is exactly what is big problem in growing indoor miniature roses.

On a windowsill in a well-heated apartment in winter, it is almost impossible to provide a rest period. Modern windows with double-glazed windows do not allow to make cool mini-plates between windows. Almost the only option for keeping potted roses in winter is a glazed balcony or loggia with a thermometer to control the temperature. But there is also one nuance here - cold soil. The soil should be slightly warmer than the air. You can put pots of roses in a box with sawdust.

Watering in winter is very rare and little by little. Do not spray.

With the right winter care already in March, buds begin to appear on the roses.

Pruning... Caring for a room rose also includes pruning shoots in the fall. Cut by about a third, leaving 5 live buds on each branch; leaves are not removed. If pruning is not carried out in the fall, then flowering will be weak and will come later. Pruning can be done in spring, when the plant is just starting to grow.

Reproduction of a room rose... The pruned branches of the rose can be used for propagation. Of these, cuttings about 15 cm long are cut with a sharp knife. They should have 3-4 living buds. Rooted in water at room temperature. Usually the roots of cuttings appear after a couple of weeks, but it is better to plant cuttings in the ground when the roots are well branched. Autumn cuttings grow on the windowsill all winter, they do not need a rest period.

Pests... The rose can be affected by powdery mildew, which occurs due to overcrowding of plants in one place. The disease is characterized by a white coating on the stems and leaves of the plant. At the same time, the leaves gradually dry out, curl and eventually completely fall off. They are treated with topaz, foundationol, etc.

The most common pest of indoor roses is the spider mite. Pale dots appear on the leaves, which increase over time and turn into solid spots of whitish color. Roses are treated with special preparations against ticks - acaricides.

Sometimes rose aphid appears, which infects buds and leaves, after which they curl and become covered with sticky secretions of this pest. When infected with thrips, the leaves acquire a brownish tint with a silvery sheen. If these pests are found, the plants should be treated with insecticides.

Rose is a luxurious flower, the queen among all the many varieties and species of plants, and enjoys special love and well-deserved popularity. If you want to always enjoy a beautiful view, then get indoor roses at home. This - wonderful decoration at home, because flowers delight us with their magnificent view and pleasant freshness. It is worth noting that this type of plant is considered delicate and demanding, so information on how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home will not be superfluous. In this article, we will share with you how to feed roses in an apartment, how to care for a decorative tea rose in a pot, for bush and potted roses.

Types of indoor roses in pots

To begin with, it is worth defining existing varieties plants. Most often, there are undersized species on sale, which we will consider in more detail below.


This flower is bred from crossing two mini roses - Chinese and multi-flowered. Here short description of this plant species:

  • Rose bushes reach a height of 25-50 cm.
  • The bushes are quite dense, but compact.
  • The flowers are odorless, and quite small in size. The diameter of the roses is 3-5 cm.
  • Most often, the color of the petals has the following color: red, white, lilac, pink.
  • Polyanthus roses bloom for a long time and very profusely.
  • Flowers can be simple, semi-double and even double-double.

Bengal roses

Another name for this variety of flowers is Indian or Chinese. These are not wild-growing roses, their appearance is most likely due to artificial selection and cultivation. Type characteristic:

  • In length, the bush can reach 50 cm.
  • Flowers can be single or have 2-3 buds in the inflorescence.
  • Repeated flowering from July is long lasting.
  • Roses of this type are semi-double and double.
  • The color of the petals is very diverse. The exception is the yellow color, which does not occur.
  • The plant has little or no aroma.
  • Bengal flowers are thermophilic plants.
  • The leaf blades are small and narrow.


These roses are the most popular among flower lovers. What characterizes this plant species? Features of miniature flowers:

  • Flowers and leaves are small.
  • A wide range of colors and colors of petals.
  • The length of the bush does not exceed 30 cm.
  • The rose blooms for a long time and repeatedly. But there are also once-flowering varieties.
  • Shoots are branched and thin.
  • Miniature roses can be planted at home in pots, but can also be used outdoors in the open field.

Important! Another common variety of indoor roses are Patio roses, which in fact belong to a variety of low-growing plants of the floribunda group.

Plant care rules immediately after purchase

So, you have purchased a houseplant and immediately think about how to care for roses in a pot from the store. Immediately after purchasing a flower, we advise you to take a number of useful actions:

  1. You need to start with a thorough examination of the bush. First of all, make an assessment of the general condition of the rose, and also check it for pests. Then remove withered and dry leaves, flowers or buds, branches.
  2. It is advisable to prune the plant. It is best to keep 4-5 buds on each of the shoots.
  3. To protect the rose from pests, treat it with a special preparation. For example, Fitoverm.
  4. A fungicide solution will protect the plant from diseases. An example of a drug could be Profit or Previkur.
  5. If the soil inside the plastic container is too moist and wet, then it is necessary to get the flower along with a lump of soil. This must be done very carefully and carefully. After that, place the plant on a piece of paper or a piece of cloth so that excess moisture is absorbed into it. Place the flower back into the container.

Where to put the pot?

Having carried out all the above procedures, you should place the rose in a cool place, in which there are no drafts and direct sunlight does not fall on the plant.

Important! The plant will take several days to adapt to the conditions in your home. During this period, do not touch the rose, transplant.


But, of course, the flower must be watered and sprayed in a timely manner. For these purposes, you can use the solution "Zircon", which is a growth stimulator. But you can't use it every day.

After 2-3 weeks, you can start transplanting your room beauty.

A pot for a rose is an important attribute

The capacity in which your rose will grow plays an essential role, since the state of the flower depends on its appropriate size. How to care for roses in a pot from a store, what nuances should be taken into account when choosing a new vessel for a flower? Several important aspects can be highlighted:

  • Most often, plant pots are made from plastic or ceramic. Both options are suitable, but the first is cheaper, and the second is more natural and breathable.
  • The pot should have a hole in the bottom and on the pallet.
  • Experienced growers are advised to choose elongated containers.
  • Simple and quick way select the desired size of the pot as follows: measure from the previous vessel two fingers in width and height.
  • But the most important requirement is the ratio of the root system of the rose to the size of the pot.

Important! The distance between the earthen lump with the roots of the flower and the walls of the vessel should be 2-3 cm.

  • The best shape for a pot is a truncated cone open upwards. But beautiful and stylish, at first glance, vessels in the form of a ball, in fact, are completely unsuccessful and even harmful to plants. This is due to the fact that in the wide part of the pot the soil is very poorly ventilated, as a result, the roots can rot.

Important! It may seem that it is better to take a larger pot, so that the plant is not too crowded, and there is a reserve for the future, but you should not do this. An unnecessarily large vessel will negatively affect the rose, as the soil will turn sour.

Transplanting a room rose

So, after buying a beautiful flower and adapting it to your home, you can start transplanting the plant. If you still do not know how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home, how to transplant a flower, then it's time to study this process in detail.

Materials (edit)

First of all, this requires:

  • Substrate. It is best to purchase land mixture in a specialized store or department. In addition, there you can buy soil designed specifically for a particular type of plant.
  • Drainage. Materials for removing excess water and moisture can be: broken bricks or shards, pebbles, expanded clay, polystyrene.
  • Pot. How to choose it, we described above.
  • Sand or small stones 2-4 mm in size.
  • Vermiculite. Mineral that helps protect the roots from temperature extremes. And he also retains the useful elements of fertilizers, which subsequently gradually give to the flower.
  • Stimulants. Suitable substances are succinic acid, "Ribav-extra" and "Zircon".
  • Fitosporin. If desired, you can add such a remedy to protect the flower from soil diseases.

Do-it-yourself soil

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made earthen mixture. If possible, you can make an excellent substrate yourself. To do this, combine the following ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Sod is one piece.
  • Humus - one part.
  • Coarse sand - ½ part.


And now let's go directly to the process:

  • We take out the flower from the container and inspect it. If the roots of the rose have filled the entire vessel, and even more so if they began to curl, then they must be stirred up without fail.

Important! If this is not done, then undisturbed roots develop much worse in the future. Almost always from purchased copies root system goes in circles along the bottom of the container.

  • Some growers are advised to rinse the roots and remove the substrate in which the flower was in the store. Then soak them in a solution of stimulants. And others are of the opinion that such a procedure is unnecessary, and it will be enough just to spray the roots of the plant with these means.
  • If there are several bushes in the pot, we advise you to plant them in separate vessels, so that later they will not hinder each other.
  • Preparing the substrate. To do this, the soil that you purchased in the store must be mixed with sand and vermiculite. The proportion is as follows: for one liter of soil there is one handful of mineral and two handfuls of sand.
  • We put drainage on the bottom of the pot.
  • We immerse the rose with an earthen lump on the roots into a new vessel, fill it with the prepared substrate.
  • After that, we recommend covering the flower with a bag or jar to create greenhouse conditions. You need to keep the plant in this state for at least ten days.

Important! But at the same time, of course, it is necessary to regularly air and spray the rose, removing the shelter for a while. You can cover the flower only after the leaves are dry.

  • After ten days, the plant can no longer be covered.

Important! A room rose transplant is carried out annually in the future.

Important ingredients for caring for a room rose

Not everyone knows how to care for roses in a pot from a store, and what factors affect the plant. In order not to overlook anything, let's dwell on each of the aspects of care in more detail.

Plant location

Beautiful and lovely indoor roses are sun-loving plants. Therefore, the following cardinal directions are optimal for their placement:

  • Southwest.
  • Southeast.

A window facing the right side will be the best place to put the flower.

Important! Although the plant loves the sun, this does not mean that it can be installed on the south side.

Excessive heat is detrimental to the flower: under its influence, the rosebuds become smaller, the same happens with the leaves. In addition, they begin to fade and crumble quickly. Another negative consequence is the drying out of the soil and overheating of the root system, and all due to the fact that the pots themselves become very hot in hot conditions.

Important! Overheating for indoor roses is extremely undesirable, so give preference to vessels of light colors. Between May and September, wrap the pots with white paper to help protect the plant from the scorching sun.

The role of lighting

Since school curriculum in biology, everyone knows about the role of sunlight for plants. It is thanks to him that the flower lives, grows and blooms. Therefore, the question arises, how to care for roses in a pot from a store at home in order to provide them with the optimal amount of light? Here's what to do:

  • In the fall and spring, provide your rose with an extra light source.
  • You can lengthen the daylight hours by using a fluorescent lamp.
  • After sunset, the lamp is turned on and left until midnight.
  • Place the source at a distance of 30 cm from the top of the flower.

Important! Proper lighting of a plant can help it bloom well into the winter.

Humidity level for indoor rose

For a given flower, moisture has great value. Delicate plant it is necessary to spray regularly and systematically. A spray bottle is best suited for these purposes, through which it is convenient to carry out refreshing procedures every week.

Important! Under bright sunlight, exclude water droplets from falling on the leaves, because this may cause burns on them. So best time for spraying it is considered evening.

Create conditions optimum humidity you can use containers of water, which must be installed between the flower pots. During the evaporation process, the water will help humidify the air.

Watering the flowers correctly

Unfortunately, not everyone has information on how to care for roses in a pot from a store, and just water the plants from time to time. It seems that this is quite enough, and the main reference point is the drying of the soil. But in fact, irrigation is a very important part of maintenance and has its own characteristics.

Important! Roses have a deep root system, and therefore, they need abundant watering.

There are several nuances to consider:

  • Watering is especially important when the plant is in bloom.
  • It is best to water the flower near the trunk, while trying not to get the leaves wet.
  • If you make a roller of earth around the rose, then the water will not spread.
  • The roots of roses do not absorb cold water, so the water must be heated. Moreover, the temperature is different for each season. So, in the warm season from May to September, the optimal indicator is water from 18 to 24 degrees. The same temperature is recommended for watering during the period of active flowering of the rose: from the formation of buds and until the complete end of their flowering. In the cooler months from October to April, the water already has a lower temperature regime 16-18 degrees.
  • Do not water the flower with tap water, as it is oversaturated with calcium salts. Moreover, tap water hard and chlorinated.

Important! It is best to use filtered water for irrigation or distilled water for at least a day. There is another option, how to irrigate the rose with quality water: freeze it in the refrigerator, and then let it melt and warm up. Melt water serves as an excellent irrigation for the plant.

In general, two of the most frequent mistakes watering indoor roses:

  • The plant is often irrigated, but little by little. As a result, only the surface soil is moistened, and moisture does not reach the root system.
  • Excessive watering. Abundant irrigation, which occurs quite often, will eventually lead to the death of the flower.

Important! It is optimal to water the roses once every 5-7 days. Irrigation should be abundant to moisturize all of the soil in the pot.

Top dressing

The next important aspect of how to care for roses in a pot from a store is plant feeding.

Important! Useful material and trace elements improve the general condition of the flower, contribute to its healthy growth, beautiful sight and also prevent various diseases.

It must be carried out according to the following rules:

  • First time feeding indoor flower should be done in the spring when buds are tying.
  • The procedure can be carried out no earlier than one month after the rose transplant.
  • Diseased flowers cannot be fertilized.
  • Top dressing is carried out regularly in the spring and summer, with a frequency of once every two weeks.

Let's mark the main fertilizers and their effect on flowers:

  • Phosphorus. It has a beneficial effect on the growth of roots, shoots and can accelerate the onset of the flowering period of roses.
  • Nitrogen. Has a positive effect on the growth of stems and leaves indoor plant and also increases its mass.
  • Potassium. Plays a special role in the formation of good buds and flowers, and also increases the plant's resistance to disease and drying out.
  • Bor. This fertilizer affects the leaves, or rather, their correct growth.
  • Calcium. Protects shoots from wilting due to harmful viruses.
  • Magnesium, manganese, iron are needed by the plant to maintain the rich green color of the leaves of the bush. In addition, fertilizers prevent leaves from falling off prematurely.

Pruning plants

How to care for roses in a pot from a store at home so that the bush has a beautiful and lush shape, while at the same time it is dotted with beautiful flowers as much as possible? This result cannot be achieved if the plant is not pruned.

Important! Optimal time pruning is considered early spring, because it is advisable to carry out the procedure before the active growth of a room rose begins.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • First of all, remove the flower from underdeveloped and weak stems, as well as intertwined branches.
  • Leave about five strong and sturdy shoots on the bush. Their length should be medium.
  • Excessively long shoots must be shortened. But make sure that there are live kidneys on them, six of them will be enough.
  • For long, but slightly undeveloped shoots, five live buds will be enough.
  • It is best to remove very weak shoots. Well, if this is not possible, then leave no more than three buds.

As a result, your indoor rose rejuvenates, timely pruning accelerates the awakening of the buds, and stimulates young shoots to grow. In addition, buds are formed only on young shoots.

Bloom and care in winter

How to care for roses in a pot from a store so that they bloom in winter? To do this, you need to follow these rules and recommendations:

  • Starting from the middle of the autumn season, it is necessary to create conditions for the plants under which the temperature will be 5-8 degrees.

Important! Place flower pots on your veranda, balcony, or between window frames.

  • Another nuance is the limitation of feeding and watering roses.

Many indoor plant lovers prefer to have a rose among their pets. This is not prevented by the whimsicality of the plant, susceptibility to pests, difficulties in care. In addition to the beautiful bloom of the "queen of flowers", rose bushes create a unique style for a botanical corner.

Even a single indoor rose can elegantly decorate the window. Propagation of this plant by cuttings retains all the characteristics of the original species and enjoys an advantage over other methods.

What roses are bred and grown in the room

Indoor indoor roses come in a variety of colors. Miniature varieties usually have very slender bushes, exactly repeating the most beautiful tea and hybrid tea species.

There are a lot of varieties and types of roses. For indoor growing take compact plants, because the root system of a rose requires quite a lot of soil, does not like constraint.

Potted crops can be the following types of home or indoor roses.

  • Rose Cordana (Rosa Kordana) - small size, lush, odorless.
  • Miniature roses.
  • Climbing roses - have elongated stems.
  • Shrub.

These are just some of the varieties that can be cut and grown at home. Do not force hybrid tea garden roses to grow in the room. They are almost do not lend themselves to grafting in room conditions. How to propagate roses?

Reproduction methods

The following methods of propagation of these flowers are known:

  • seeds, which is very time consuming and almost never practiced;
  • cutting roses is the most common and popular way;
  • layering, if the stems are long, climbing.

Also, a rose is grafted onto a rose hip, obtaining a copy of the desired variety. But this is no longer reproduction. And also the grafting is used exclusively in horticulture.

How to propagate roses by cuttings? Many species propagate by cuttings, but this is not always an easy task. Rose Cordana, for example, difficult to reproduce... And miniature varieties intended for rooms and interiors are easier to cut by cuttings.

Method of growing roots in water

This method is most suitable for miniature and dwarf roses. Green cuttings roses are propagated most often. These are annual shoots that have given buds. For the formation of roots in water, it is recommended to follow these rules.

Features of the method of growing roots

According to one of the opinions, when the roots appear, the rose is placed in the ground. This increases the chances of survival, and the plant itself does not weaken.

Other growers believe: the appearance of roots in miniature roses takes up to three weeks and grows them up to a centimeter. They must branch out. They are planted in a container of 200 ml with holes for draining water.

Some take into account the phases of the moon and believe that landing should be done on a waxing moon. But in order to take this factor into account, you need the moon to shine through the window, giving the plant additional lighting.

That is, the windows should be south, on the north side it does not matter. Besides, waiting for the "correct" moon, you can miss the time for a successful planting, weaken the plant.

Very often, the first bloom of a rooted rose does not have to wait long, the bud appears soon. But it depends on the variety and other conditions.

Rooting cuttings

Breeding material - cuttings are obtained in the process of pruning indoor roses. If the rose grew on the street, but is small in size, suitable for indoor growing, branches can be taken from it.

But not every variety of garden roses will take root in indoor pot... The climbing rose is considered suitable for rooting. And here is the teahouse garden rose almost does not give good results, except for a small percentage.

The most suitable shoots for rooting are received in spring and summer, with ripe buds or flowering. Long shoots are fine too. A prerequisite is the presence of kidneys. The length of the handle is up to 12 cm.

A knife or scissors for slicing is desirable disinfect alcohol or potassium permanganate. The cut is made under the kidney below and above the kidney at a distance of up to 1 cm from above. The existing leaves are cut in half.

Rooting method in the ground

Cuttings are planted in the ground immediately after cutting. There are drugs that promote rooting. In the preparation "Kornevin" you need to dip the lower cut of the cutting. And from the means of "Epin" they make a solution in which the slices are kept for up to half a day.

Stalk immersed in the ground 1/3 and tamp the soil. Naturally, before harvesting the cuttings, containers with soil must be prepared. Each container is covered with a jar or a common greenhouse is made under the film.

The moisture in the greenhouse evaporates slowly. Therefore, you do not need to water every day. Favorable soil temperature - up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Roses are obligatory good lighting required... If you cannot put them on the windowsill, we make the backlight (daylight hours - 15 hours). Rooting period - up to 5 weeks. When the leaves begin to grow, then air can be supplied to the greenhouse, and then completely remove the film (jar).

If rooting was done in a common container, over time roses seated one at a time... The distance between the roses should be about 5 cm. Being in the light, the roses should not be exposed to the scorching sun.

With the growth of the root system, a lump of earth is transferred into a large container. In a 500 ml container, a rose can live until next spring without transplanting. Regular care: watering, temperature conditions.

In autumn, they can stand on the veranda in cool conditions. In winter, you also need to keep them away from the heat of the battery. As the winter day begins to increase, the plants will respond with growth. In the first year, you should not expect abundant flowering, since it occurs later with thorough rooting.

Rooting by air layers

If the culture of a compact (indoor) size has long stems associated with the variety - climbing, then it can be propagated by layering. It's over reliable way not life-threatening for the rooted branch.

Air layers can be rooted in any plant. And this is exactly what they do for reliability, if the cuttings are not enough. When propagating by layering, it is advisable to take a flowering branch.

Leaves are removed from the bottom and make longitudinal cuts with a sharp cutting object (razor or knife) on the bark. Then put a bag of sand in place of the cut. This soil needs to be moistened regularly for rooting.

After three weeks or less, root buds will begin to develop on the incised stem. With a darkening of the stem in the place of the cut and the absence of roots, the conclusion is drawn: rooting by layering did not work. You need to cut this shoot above the spoiled place and plant it in the form of a cutting.

You can learn about successful rooting by the growth of new shoots. Need to moisten the soil regularly avoiding excess moisture. Drying out is also unacceptable. The size of the pot is also important.

Soil and fertilizers... Ready-made soil for sale in a package for roses, which has all the necessary components. You can also make a soil from a mixture of sand and peat.

Sod sand - good composition soil for the further development of the plant. The substrate is prepared by taking light soil, adding to it twice as much turf, the same amount of peat and a little sand.

Humus is a good fertilizer for the rose. When new leaves appear on a rooted rose, you can make mineral fertilizers and organic.

Container size and greenhouse conditions

The opinions of florists differ. Some insist on matching the pot to the size of the plant and believe that the cuttings need a small capacity, no more than 200 ml.

Others say: the rose loves a large amount of soil and you can immediately take a larger pot. One way or another, the container should have a good drainage, drain holes.

After the roots have taken up all the space in a small pot, the rose must be transplanted directly with a clod of earth into a larger container. If the pot is too large, there is a danger of uneven moisture, moisture stagnation, and the appearance of pests that spoil the roots.

When a single rose is rooted in a balcony box, other plants with similar climatic preferences can be planted there. It is quite possible to plant several cuttings of a rose in one box.

It is required to take into account that wind and draft are also harmful to the culture during rooting. For protection from wind, as well as for long-term preservation of moisture and creating the necessary climate use greenhouses... This polyethylene film covering a container, or a jar for each bush.

Dangers and pests

Spider mite is almost the most common reason plant diseases. Signs of infection - yellowing leaves, stuntedness... Sometimes home flower cannot be saved. Regular inspection of the foliage of the plant from the back side, as well as the tops, is required.

Although healthy appearance houseplant speaks for itself, to combat spider mite when it is detected, drugs are used, for example, Fitoverm, potash soap for spraying.

Mini roses are resistant to diseases, but sometimes they are affected by a gray bloom on the foliage. The result of the disease is yellow leaves... Aphids are also a pest that can infect a delicate plant.

And this happens in a weakened state, caused by waterlogging of the soil, excess fertilizers. In order to avoid ticks, it is recommended from time to time spray bushes.

The emerging mold must be washed off the plant, as well as the entire window sill must be cleaned and allowed to dry. Good air circulation and ventilation are needed against mold.

A home rose garden doesn't just decorate a room and its window. With the help of this beautiful and harmoniously created plant, you can achieve a chic floral design for the illuminated area of ​​the interior.

If you have the skills, new plantings are made, even rooting roses from bouquets. Having for a start one indoor rose, over time you can acquire whole plantation... Moreover, there are compact varieties of beautiful indoor roses.

Rose care includes seasonal shoot pruning on which to try rooting methods. If the cutting methods are different, then you should always divide the batch of cuttings into two and look for suitable rooting conditions using both methods. After all, the conditions for adaptation differ depending on the variety and other factors.

the Rose room care at home photo, growing conditions

Rose is the queen of flowers, a symbol of beauty and perfection. She pleases the eye, but is very capricious to the conditions of detention and requires increased attention. You will learn how to properly care for a room rose at home from our material.

Indoor rose: photos, types and their description

Indoor roses belong to the Rosaceae family and number up to 20 thousand varieties. The most common types for growing at home are Bengal, remontant and polyanthus.

Dwarf Bengal roses (Rosa bengalensis) - up to 20 cm high with small leaves. Flowers are large, double, red or Pink colour, flowering takes place year-round. Popular varieties: Katerina Violett, Hamti Demti, Baby Carnival.

Repaired roses - with dense, dark green leaves, small buds, shaped like a glass with a pleasant scent. Cold-resistant, bloom twice: from mid-July to mid-August and from late August to late September. Popular varieties: Etienne Leve, Frau Karl Druschki, Ulrich Brunner fiss.

Polyanthus multiflora (Rosa polyanta - Rosa multiflora nana) - with frequent small, almost odorless buds. Frost-resistant, tolerates high humidity well, up to 30 cm high with small dense leaves. A rose at home blooms with paniculate inflorescences from June to the first frost, flowers are small up to 4 cm in diameter. Popular varieties: Orange Triumph, Clotilde Super, Miniatures.

Buying a rose in a pot: what to look for

It is recommended to purchase a room rose from late spring to mid-autumn: in warm weather, adaptation to new conditions is much better. Professional florists advise taking roses with unopened buds. If flowering has already begun, then most of the flowers are cut off to stimulate plant growth.

Before purchasing, the leaves and soil are examined from all sides for diseases and pests. The buds should be evenly colored and taut, the foliage should be clean and green, without dryness and signs of wilting, and should be firmly attached to the stem. The earth is well moistened throughout the entire depth to the bottom of the pot: if the soil dries up during transportation, then the flower will soon die.

Before buying, you need to watch the rose you like in dynamics, examining the plant every 3-4 days. Although the rose will be grown at home, you should buy hardened plants that are grown outdoors in your area and not in a greenhouse. Then they are not afraid of fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Rose care at home

At first, caring for a home rose in a pot should be completely identical to the store one at the time of purchase. Later, when the plant adapts, it will be possible to slightly change the conditions of detention, but adhere to certain rules.

Temperature and humidity

Home rose does not react well to heat and dry air. Due to such conditions, it becomes overdried upper layer substrate, leaves dry out and pests appear. Therefore, you cannot put a rose next to heating appliances.

In summer, the air temperature should be moderate - up to plus 20 grams. Celsius, and in cool winter - up to plus 5 grams. Celsius. The plant prefers moist cool air, but is afraid of drafts. In May, after the end of the night frost, indoor roses can be displayed on the terrace or balcony.

Watering and spraying mode

Caring for a room rose after purchase consists in watering at the root after the top layer of the earth has dried. To do this, you need water at room temperature, which has settled for at least 3 days.

Foliar watering - spraying, carried out every 2-3 days in the evening boiled water from a spray bottle. During the period of spring and summer growth, the number of waterings is increased up to 5 times a week. In autumn, after flowering, it is reduced to 1-2 times a week. Once every 7 days, arrange a warm shower, pouring abundantly from a watering can with a nozzle, heated to plus 40-45 gr. Celsius.


The plant is placed on the southeast or west side. In summer, roses are transferred to shaded areas with access to fresh cool air. With a short daylight hours in winter, the plant is illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

Nutrient soil and top dressing

A nutritious soil for a home rose is prepared by mixing turf, humus and sand in a ratio of 4: 4: 1, adding complex fertilizers in granules, such as: Activin, Planton, Biopon. Fertilize indoor roses, alternating between mineral and organic feeding, twice a week during vegetation and growth, from spring to late summer.

In cloudy weather and in winter, plants are not fertilized. Top dressing is not applied to sick and newly transplanted roses. For better penetration of fertilizers and aeration, the soil is periodically loosened after watering.

Pruning roses in pots

Removal of yellowed foliage and wilted flowers is carried out during the growing season on the growing moon. The second time, the procedure is repeated before wintering: the length of the shoots is reduced to 10 cm, leaving up to 4-5 buds on each. After that, the plant is placed in a cool shaded place. Pruning on time stimulates early and lush bloom.

Indoor rose breeding video

Homemade rose is propagated by cuttings that remain after pruning. The procedure is performed in the same way as for garden varieties, and is described in detail in.

A room rose is transplanted annually in the spring on the growing moon according to the lunar calendar. The rose is watered abundantly and 20 minutes after the water has been absorbed, the container is turned over, and the plant is carefully taken out.

A lump with roots is easily separated from the pot, it is placed in a new container and sprinkled with fresh earth, leaving 2 cm free to the edge. The plant is placed in the shade and engraftment is periodically checked. If the vegetation process begins after a month, the first feeding is carried out.

The container for the transplant is chosen larger than the previous one: by 2 cm in diameter, and up to 7 cm in height. Before use, fill the ceramic pot with warm water for 2 hours. Before the next use, a pot that is already in use is cleaned with a stiff brush in boiling water without using soap. Before laying the earth in a container with a drain, make 1 cm of drainage from expanded clay. In the absence of a hole for water drainage, the drainage layer is made 3 cm.

Transplanting a room rose after purchase is not carried out; the plant needs up to 30 days to adapt.


It takes a lot of effort to grow a homemade rose in a pot. The culture is quite picky and demanding on the conditions of detention, which you can easily create in a house or apartment according to our recommendations. Provide the roses with the necessary care and the beautiful flowers will delight you for many years.