Room violet: description. Reproduction and care of room violet

place of honor among indoor plants traditionally occupied by room violet - although caring for it brings a lot of trouble to flower growers, lush flowering becomes the reward. Currently, breeders have bred over 900 species of saintpaulias or uzambar violets, differing in the shape and color of flowers, in foliage, and in many other ways. Among such a variety, each grower will definitely be able to choose several varieties of indoor violets to his liking.

Variety of species of uzambar violets

But how harmless are indoor violets? You may have heard a strange superstition, according to which it is impossible to decorate an apartment with violets - men will not linger in the house, and personal happiness will not be built. Not surprisingly, many young women have a question: "Is it possible to keep violets at home?".

In fact, there is an opposite opinion among the people - gentle saintpaulias help smooth out conflicts in the family, bring love and prosperity to the house. And in accordance with Feng Shui, these indoor flowers are a symbol of family happiness, teach restraint, pacify selfishness (especially contribute to mutual understanding in the family of purple violets).

In addition, violet houseplants also moisturize the air remarkably, especially if you keep them on. Just do not plant too many saintpaulias in the bedroom, otherwise you may experience problems with sleep.

Video about indoor violets

A common feature of all saintpaulias is the leaves collected in a rosette. Otherwise, the types of indoor violets differ:

  • according to the shape of the structure of flowers (bordered, classic, fantasy, star-shaped, chimeras);
  • by the type of petals (simple, double and semi-double);
  • according to the color of the flowers (solid white, pink, blue, purple, etc., as well as flowers with a heterogeneous color);
  • according to the shape of the leaves (rounded, oval and elongated, with notches along the edges and smooth);
  • according to the color of the leaves (from light green to dark);
  • according to the size of the plant itself (miniatures, microminiatures, giants).

Less demanding to care for domestic violet flowers of the classic type with five-petal flowers

Fantasy homemade violets are considered the most capricious, on the petals of which there are specks, dashes and dots of various shades. If they are not properly looked after, the fantasy pattern will simply disappear from the petals. Difficulties for beginner flower growers also arise with chimera violets that have contrasting stripes on flower petals. When the pattern is not preserved in chimeras, therefore, reproduction is allowed only by lateral stepchildren or by dividing the uterine bush.

Less demanding for care are domestic flowers of classic type violets with five-petal flowers, star-shaped saintpaulias with flowers resembling an asterisk, and bordered violets, in which a border of various colors and widths runs along the edge of the petals.

What to consider when buying flowers indoor violets

Many varieties of Saintpaulia are now quite expensive, so buying a flower should be taken seriously, having figured out in advance the most important points. Most often, in flower shops they sell commercial violets with beautiful bouquet blooms, which are easier to throw away after flowering - such indoor violets require special care.

For successful cultivation and breeding violets, it is better to take leafy cuttings. Firstly, it is not a fact that next year an adult plant will bloom exactly the same as when purchased (saintpaulias are generally characterized by variability), after the lush flowering of violets at home, they may completely lose their decorative effect and weaken. Secondly, from one leaf when rooting, you can get several children and plant them in different pots. Of course, this does not apply to chimeras.

Most often, flower shops sell commercial violets with beautiful bouquet blooms.

If you have no idea what adult indoor violets will look like, you should look at the photos of the selected varieties in advance on the Internet. Just do not forget to ask the seller to indicate the variety of each cutting when buying, so as not to get confused later. And ask if the varieties you buy are characterized by non-preservation of varietal color (instead of variegated flowers, monochromatic ones are obtained).

When buying a young plant, make sure that the violet does not have spots on the leaves, signs of decay of the growing point, its leaves are not elongated (which happens from a lack of light), the rosette is symmetrical. There should be no plaque on the surface of the soil. It is not recommended to buy Saintpaulias in too cold or hot seasons - by the appearance of the plant, you will not immediately determine that its roots are frozen or overheated from the heat. Home violets bought in the spring feel best: caring for them is not complicated by eliminating problems with the root system.

Leaf cuttings should be transported home in plastic containers or boxes, so as not to inadvertently break. As a last resort, tie the stem in a plastic bag. If the leaves of a young plant are broken during transportation, immediately remove them from the outlet.

Basic rules for caring for homemade violets

Finally, indoor violets appeared in your home: how to care for these tender plants so as not to harm? First, it is advisable to quarantine the acquired flower for a couple of weeks in a room where there are no other plants. If you notice the slightest signs, spray the plant with the Maxim systemic fungicide and blot the leaves with a napkin after 20 minutes.

When removed lower leaves soil is poured into the pot, and when the Saintpaulia trunk is too exposed, a transplant is carried out

It’s not worth transplanting right away - an indoor violet flower can easily grow in a small container until the size of the outlet exceeds the diameter of the pot by more than three times.

Violet home care requires the following:

  • regular watering when the soil surface dries;
  • weekly top dressing with mineral fertilizers;
  • lack of drafts;
  • additional illumination with a lack of light;
  • removal of wilted flowers;
  • cleaning the leaves from dust with a brush or a damp sponge.

Video about transplanting violets

To form a symmetrical rosette, young plants need to be rotated 45 degrees every three days. If you have an adult violet growing, home care will include the mandatory removal of old leaves. When the lower leaves are removed, soil is added to the pot, and when the Saintpaulia trunk is too exposed, a transplant is carried out with the deepening of the outlet to the lower leaves. On average, transplantation is carried out once a year, because during this time the soil in the pot is depleted, and the plant in the pot becomes cramped.

The main thing to remember when buying indoor violet flowers is that care for them must be regular, otherwise the plants will simply refuse to bloom. Well, those flower growers who know well how to care for house violet and do not forget about these delicate flowers, will definitely admire the bright and lush bloom saintpaulius on their windowsills.

When purchasing a long-awaited plant, we always look forward to the first flowers. But now a month passes, the second third, and the violet does not please with abundant flowering, let's try to figure it out and understand how to care for violets.

For the growth and development of each plant, certain conditions are necessary. For violets, light is paramount. In rooms with insufficient lighting, violets may die.

If the apartment has enough windows, then you need to choose where the light is soft, diffused. South windows must be used with caution, as direct sunlight is contraindicated for violets. In this case, the windows can be covered short curtains or sheets of white paper.

How to choose a pot?

Indoor violets are small compact plants, and even varieties with abundant foliage have a small root system, therefore, the capacity for the plant requires a small one. Saintpaulias do not grow well and develop in large pots. The optimal container size for young plants should be 5-6 cm. For an adult violet, a flowerpot of 10-12 cm will suffice.

Correct soil

A mixture of soil for violets is in every specialized store, but it is not always of high quality.

Since these plants need an acidic substrate, the following components must be present in the composition:

  • Leaf ground -5 parts;
  • Peat-3 parts;
  • Sphagnum, charcoal -10% of the total mass;
  • Large river sand- 1 part

Violet care at home

Caring for indoor violets is not difficult, you just need to comply with certain conditions of detention and properly care for the plant.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Violet put on a well-lit place where direct sunlight does not fall. It should be noted that violets with dense, dark green foliage need more light than a plant with light, wavy leaves. It is also not desirable that the plants touch window glass. If the daylight hours are short and less than 15-16 hours, then the flowers are provided with artificial lighting using a fluorescent lamp.

In summer, a comfortable temperature for violets should be about 20-24 ° C, in the autumn and winter months about 18 ° C.

Watering and feeding violets

The plant is watered as the soil dries, settled water room temperature.

Several watering methods are acceptable for violets:

  • Water is poured into the pan;
  • A container with a flower is immersed in water for one hour;
  • If the house is too hot, more than +25 ° C can be watered from above, but so that the water does not fall on the leaves.

Violets do not like spraying, but need humid air. To do this, a saucer with wet expanded clay or sand is installed next to the plant.

Violets are fed several times during the year. In spring and autumn, mineral fertilizer is applied twice, in winter, organic matter is used once. V summer period if the plant is in good condition, it is not necessary to feed, in other cases, complex fertilizer for violets is used, which is in every gardening store. To avoid burns, you need to dilute fertilizers in more water than indicated on the package, and top dressing should be carried out only on moist soil.

Reproduction of violets

The most favorable time for breeding saintpaulias is spring and summer. Healthy leaves of the second row from an adult plant are suitable for this. They are cut off with a sharp, clean scalpel. Cuttings can be placed in a container with warm water with the addition of coal or a biostimulant, or planted in cups with a prepared substrate. For this purpose, take small plastic pots or ordinary cups, with drainage holes. Fine expanded clay is poured at the bottom, then earth with the addition of perlite (3: 1), which will provide better breathability. The cutting is deepened by 1.5 - 2 cm. After the leaf is planted, the soil is watered with warm water and the container is covered with a plastic bag with holes, this will help faster rooting and adaptation.

How to seat children?

As soon as small rosettes about 3-5 cm in size appear at the base of the leaf, the plants can be transplanted. Children are separated so that at least one pair of leaves with a developed growth point and a root system remain.

In order to injure plants minimally, you need:

  • Moisten the soil well;
  • Take out the plant along with a clod of earth;
  • Gradually remove the soil from the roots.

For children prepare containers measuring 4 cm in diameter. The substrate should be light, with the obligatory addition of vermiculite and sphagnum. The plant is transplanted into a recess in the center of the pot. In this case, the growth point should not be deepened. After about 30 calendar days, the children will grow up, while the size of the outlet will exceed the diameter of the pot three times. Next, I transplant the plants together with an earthen clod, which is placed in the center of the container, and soil is added from the sides.

Reasons Why Violet Doesn't Bloom

Flowering violets may be absent due to improper care, inappropriate conditions of detention, due to diseases or when attacked by pests. Let's analyze all the cases in more detail.

Light. The lack of light is common cause, lack of flowering in violets. Incorrectly located flowers in the apartment suffer from a lack of light. This is easy to recognize if you look at the foliage of the plant, it always stretches up. But the sun is also contraindicated for violets, otherwise burns will appear on the foliage.

For abundant flowering these houseplants need 12 hours of continuous lighting every day.

Fertilizers. During plant feeding, predominantly nitrogen compounds should not be used, as this contributes to the active growth of the green part, and the formation of flowers will be delayed. If there is an excess of potassium in the fertilizer, then the violet may stop growing and turn yellow.

Water. Flowers on the plant may not be due to improper watering. It is impossible to allow complete drying of the soil and waterlogging, as well as the use of hard, cold water.

Air humidity. In ordinary city apartments, especially during the heating season, air humidity is only 20-30%, while violet needs 50% for normal development. Therefore, it is worth installing a saucer with wet expanded clay next to the flower.

Priming. Ordinary soil from the garden will not work. It is important that it is light, well breathable. But over time, the best soil can become caked, so once a year or a year and a half the plant needs a transplant.

Capacity. Flowers may not appear at all if the violet is planted in a large flowerpot.

Age. If the plant is more than three years old, then most likely it will not bloom. Violets bloom on young rosettes at the age of 1-3 years. They update the violet in winter, planting child rosettes, by spring it will adapt and bloom.

Plant diseases and pests


  • Powdery mildew. The infection appears when not enough light, air temperature less than +18 degrees, dusty room. Looks powdery mildew, how white coating on plant stems. Violet stems are wiped with a slightly damp cloth, the room is ventilated, and the drug "benlat" is used.
  • Gray rot. Occurs due to temperature changes, frequent watering cold water. It looks like a gray, fluffy coating on petioles and violet leaves. For processing, "thiram", "phytosparin", "agate" and other fungicides are used.
  • Fusarium. This fungus leads to decay of the root system, it occurs due to improper care ( frequent watering, cold water). The plant does not bloom, the foliage turns gray and falls off. For treatment and prevention, a solution of benomyl, fundozol is used.

Insects - pests often found on violets

In order for the violet to please with good and long flowering it is necessary to observe the conditions of detention, properly care for and from time to time check the plant for the presence of pests.

For a beginner grower, violets are an excellent choice; planting and caring for them at home should not cause any difficulties. Violets (Saintpaulias) were formerly grown as garden plants. V room conditions they began to be grown only in the last century. They look beautiful in a pot, do not need time-consuming care, and if you create the right conditions for them, they will bloom luxuriantly and for a long time.

What should be the external environment for violets?

Often you can hear from beginners, they say, we grow flowers according to all the rules, but they do not want to bloom. This happens if something is missed in creating a suitable violet external environment. First, these flowers love good lighting. Light day for them should last at least 10 hours. But these flowers do not like direct sunlight, and therefore shade them. The light is diffused. In winter, when the length of daylight hours is less than the violet needs, additional lighting is used - fluorescent lamps.

Violet is sensitive to air humidity. It is necessary to put a cup of water next to the flower pots.

Indoor violet is a heat-loving plant. From spring to early autumn, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be + 20 ... + 22 ° С. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than + 18 ... + 20 ° С. Drafts are contraindicated for this plant. At the same time, violets need fresh air, so you need to ventilate the room regularly, but the flower pots will have to be moved to another room for this time.

Watering: choosing a method

Caring for violets is also proper watering. If it is too plentiful, then the plant may get sick, in addition, root rot may begin. soil in flower pot should not dry out and become a hardened lump, so on average you need to water 2-3 times a week. This general rule, and in each case, the frequency of watering depends on the humidity of the room, the season and the material from which the pot is made.

There are 3 main irrigation options:

  • usual,
  • pallet
  • wick.

The latter method is convenient because correct settings violet can be watered once a week or less.

The wick method involves the use of a cord that absorbs moisture from a container of water and ensures that it enters the pot with the substrate. This allows you to maintain the proper level of moisture and at the same time prevents root rot. The wick method allows you to smooth out changes in the conditions of detention, for example, late spring when the sudden heat begins.

The wick method has many advantages. It provides good conditions for the growth and development of violets - plants bloom earlier and bloom more profusely. This method allows you to provide plants not only with water, but also with nutrients, while the dosage of fertilizer is calculated and the corresponding water solution. The method ensures uniform receipt by the violet of all nutrients and moisture.

Such irrigation also has its drawbacks. If the diameter of the cord and the material from which it is made are not chosen correctly, and the wick absorbs more water than necessary, this will lead to waterlogging of the substrate and rotting of the roots. During the cold season, if the violet is simply left on the windowsill, the water will flow through the wick very cold, which can also negatively affect the condition of the plant's roots, so you will have to rearrange the violet pots to where they will be warmer.

Breeding violets at home with wick watering can be associated with some difficulties. When using this method, the socket is enlarged. If the grower grows only a few rosettes, this does not really matter. But if he grows many varieties at once, then the enlargement of the outlet reduces his possibilities - there will not be enough space for all varieties. In addition, if violets are grown not on window sills, but on racks, then difficulties may arise with the additional load that a container of water will create. For her, you need to find a place and pick it up so that there are gaps between the container and the pots.

Due to the difficulties that arise with the wick method in cold weather, many experienced flower growers switch to another method of watering for the winter, most often a pallet one, since it is much simpler.

Underfloor irrigation assumes that water will not fall on the above-ground part of the violet. Direct contact is generally excluded here. warm water poured into a pan on which they put pots of violets. When it is seen that the soil is saturated with moisture (but no later than 15 minutes from the start of the procedure), the water from the pan can be drained.

Caring for violets at home also involves choosing a watering method after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Some growers choose drip irrigation as the easiest way.

How to take care of violets? This flower, like other plants, must be regularly washed from dust, literally leaf by leaf. This is done about once a month. But after this procedure, the leaves need to be dried - paper napkins are used for this.

Violet is very sensitive to water temperature and quality, therefore, for irrigation and showering, it is better to use water that has been previously settled for 2 days, then boiled and cooled to a temperature of + 18 ... 22 ° C.

Plant nutrition

In order for Saintpaulia to bloom beautifully, you need to feed it with mineral fertilizers. They only do it twice a year. In the spring, the violet is fed during the period of active growth. The second time this is done after it has faded, that is, in the fall. In winter, the plant, when it is at rest, does not need to be fed. For this, complex mineral fertilizers.

During transplantation, plants use a small amount of humus or humus for feeding. It should also be noted that only adult plants need to be fed.

How to transplant violet?

This flower should be repotted no more than once every 3 years. The plant periodically needs fresh soil. You can buy a special substrate for violets in the store, you can take garden soil that has undergone a special treatment against pests. There should be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. The pot itself is selected so that its diameter is 2-3 times smaller than the diameter of the plant. In too large a container, the violet simply will not bloom.

For transplanting, the earth should be moist, but not sticky to your hands. Only new pots can be used for transplanting so that the plant does not become infected. Contrary to popular belief, plastic pots are better than glossy ceramic pots.

For transplantation, loose soil mixed with sand or peat is required. Expanded clay is used for the drainage layer. When transplanting, the violet is planted so that its lower leaves barely touch the surface of the earth. For some time after this, the plant needs to be covered plastic wrap, creating greenhouse conditions for it. You can only water the next day after transplanting. But you need to ventilate regularly so that condensation does not gather under the film.

Propagation of violets by cuttings

The most popular option is the propagation of violets by cuttings. It is best to choose a leaf from the middle of the outlet, that is, neither too young nor old. It can be pinched off or carefully cut off with a small, sharp knife so as not to damage the plant and leave a tall stump behind. Cut the cutting as close to the ground as possible.

It is desirable that the black was at least 47 cm long. It must be cut obliquely, at an angle of 45 °. If the cut surface is 2-4 cm long, this will be enough for the leaf to take root well and give more rosettes.

Not all leaves take root, so it is advisable to take 2-3 leaves at once from the variety you like, if possible. It is not necessary to buy a pot for rooting such a leaflet. Can be used disposable plastic cups or a container of yogurt. It is best to take shallow glasses. If there is a shallow container of large diameter, then several leaves can be planted in one container at once. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm, so that it would be convenient to dig them out later.

Not all violets reproduce equally well from cuttings. There are so-called chimeras - these are varietal flowers of unusual colors. Their leaves are well rooted, but they do not retain the features of color or beautiful shape leaves.

How to grow a violet from a leaf, in the ground or in water, is of interest to many beginner flower growers. In fact, both methods are equivalent. In both cases, this medium must be disinfected, for example, using activated charcoal. If the cutting is placed in water, care must be taken to ensure that it does not rot. Water should be taken warm, but not hot. The roots of the leaf will appear in about 1-2 weeks, and then it can be planted in the ground. Some growers wait longer - until new shoots appear, and this happens after about 1-2 months in the water. Shoots appear from the place of the cut. If the grower decided to wait for their appearance, then you still need to guess so that they grow up enough so that they are not sprinkled with soil when planting. You can not dig the cutting too deep, otherwise the sprouts will not appear soon. The maximum depth is 1.5 cm.

Some believe that violets germinated in water will bloom faster. In fact, this is a controversial issue. Experienced flower growers who know how to care for violets at all stages of the development of this plant will surely say that when grown in water there is always a risk that the stalk will begin to rot. Water quality does not always meet the requirements of this plant.


Rooting violets in the ground has its advantages. But here, too, there is a nuance: you need to choose a super-light substrate, more loose than what is usually used for "adult" violets. The soil mixture will have to be prepared independently on the basis of a special soil for saintpaulias, to which pure river sand (pre-calcined) is added. You can also use sphagnum moss for this, it is also sold in flower shops. Moss, even if it is fresh, needs to be slightly ignited in the oven for disinfection. So that it does not burn, it must be laid out on food foil.

The substrate should be regularly watered with warm water so that it does not dry out. Rooting in soil is slower than in water, but the risk of root rot is excluded. The seedling must be kept away from drafts. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for him. It is recommended to make a greenhouse for him, covering for this with plastic wrap. Approximately 2 months after rooting, when the grown sprouts are already visible, the plant must be transplanted into a permanent container, having previously treated both it and the plant itself with special agents against pests and fungi.

Its popularity among flower growers is due to many reasons. This beautiful plant pleases with a variety of colors and shapes. In addition, the violet is unpretentious and, with proper care, grows and reproduces well. But, nevertheless, you need to know some subtleties, thanks to which you can grow this magnificent flower like a room violet. Care and reproduction, the subtleties of growing - even a novice grower will be able to figure out these issues, and violet will delight him with his flowers almost all year round.

A bit of history

Africa is considered the birthplace of violets. But it got its name in honor of its discoverer, Baron Saint-Paul. He brought this marvelous flower to Europe and contributed to its spread. Initially, the violet was considered a very capricious plant. But when it was studied and understood the rules of care and reproduction, the popularity of the flower increased significantly. Today, domestic violet is found in many parts of the world. A lot of varieties of this plant have been bred, listing which is simply not possible.

Types of violets

There are several types of this plant. The common violet is the most common variety. This room violet (care and reproduction will be described later) has ordinary petals arranged in one row. There are a lot of colors of this species. Many varieties were bred by flower growers and are not registered, although they are very popular.

Terry violet has petals arranged in several rows. The inflorescences of this flower are quite large and very beautiful. Semi-double representatives of this family are distinguished by the presence of several underdeveloped petals in the middle of the flower. They add volume and make the plant even more charming.

Categories of violets

Depending on the color, several categories of this flower are distinguished. Violet, the description of which is always made with an emphasis on color, can be monophonic. At the same time, its petals have a uniform, identical color. The next category is dominated by fantasy coloring. Spots or dots of a different color are observed over the entire surface of the petals. If a violet has a bright border along the edge of the inflorescence, then it is called bordered. And finally, chimeras. hallmark violet is a bright line that runs strictly in the middle of the petal. All of these categories have wide use among flower growers, many of whom are breeding and collecting violets.

Popular varieties of violets

Indoor violet (care and reproduction are the same for any variety) differs not only in the color of the flowers, but also in size. Mini saintpaulias are very small plants. Their socket can be no more than 6 centimeters in diameter. These are microminiature varieties. If the size of a violet reaches 15 centimeters in diameter, then it can be classified as miniature. These varieties bloom very profusely and beautifully. was bred by a domestic florist. The development of violets of these varieties is always very abundant.

They have large double, white inflorescences. On the surface of the petals there are purple or black spots. The color of the leaves is light green and not uniform. Saintpaulia "carnival" - distinguished by lavender inflorescences, which are very numerous. Each petal has a white border and a light mesh pattern. These varieties have dark green leaves with wavy edges. Ampel violets have very long shoots. They are best grown in hanging planters, which will be at some distance from the surface.

Buying Saintpaulia

How to choose nice flower in the shop? Violet, the description of which must be provided by sellers, must have a healthy appearance. First of all, pay attention to the leaves of the plant. They have a light or dark green color, depending on the variety. They don't have to be yellow. If there are spots or other signs of illness on the leaves, then it is better to refuse the purchase. The socket should not show signs of decay. The purchased violet should be carefully examined and all flowers and leaves that show signs of wilting or deterioration should be removed. The leaves of the plant can be washed with running water. This must be done carefully so that moisture does not get inside the outlet. Then you need to dry the soil and transplant the plant into a more nutritious substrate. A pot of violet is placed in a plastic bag, after sprinkling with warm water. After two days, moderate watering should be carried out. On the fifth day, you can remove the package, making sure that the violet has successfully passed the adaptation period.

soil for violets

Violet is very demanding on the composition of the soil. She loves acidic soils. Therefore, the basis of the substrate must necessarily be peat. Heavy, clay soil can cause the death of the plant. The soil for planting should be light, airy, with good drainage qualities. This is important for such a flower as room violet. Care and reproduction will be more effective if all the subtleties are observed. The plant does not like waterlogged soils. But peat itself has the peculiarity of quickly drying up and turning sour.

Therefore, baking powder is added to it, such as vermiculite or perlite. Their properties to absorb, retain and release moisture, saturating the violet root with oxygen, are very important. Moss-sphagnum is also an excellent component for the soil. It has bactericidal properties and absorbs water well. Additives should be no more than 50 percent of the total mass. The substrate should not be highly saturated. This will lead to rapid leaf development and poor flowering. Better buy ready soil, which will be optimally suited for planting violets. For self-preparation of the soil, you should take three parts of leaf, two parts of soddy and one part of coniferous and peat soil. Also add baking powder.

Violets pots

How to grow a violet so that it looks very aesthetically pleasing? Everything is important here: proper care, lighting, watering and, of course, right choice pot. Its diameter should be three times smaller than the outlet itself. You can use pots with a stand, which will make the plant more stable. Due to the small size and light ground pots with flowers are easily turned over. Too big a pot can lead to the death of the plant. The root system will not be able to fill all the space and will begin to rot. Violet leaves will turn yellow, there will be no flowering and the plant will die.

large mature plant easily fits in a pot, the volume of which is equal to a 200 gram glass. It should also be borne in mind that a quarter of the entire space must be given to drainage. If the variety is large, then you can take a larger pot. The pots should have enough holes in the bottom to allow moisture to escape. Therefore, planting violets is usually carried out in plastic pots. Clay containers retain water, and there is a risk of mold. For drainage, you need to choose a highly porous material that will provide a sufficient amount of air.

violet roots

The root system is very important for any plant. Healthy roots are the key good growth and development. Since violet is very demanding on soil and watering, problems with this flower begin in this area. Planting violets should be carried out with a mandatory inspection of the roots. They should be white color without signs of damage or decay. In an adult plant, they completely fill the space of the pot if it is chosen correctly. Before growing a violet, it is necessary to inspect the plant, eliminating signs of diseases and pests. If the roots have an unhealthy appearance, then a series of measures must be taken to restore them. The plant is pulled out of the pot and the soil is removed from them. Then the roots are washed with running water.

Now you need to carry out preventive pruning. We remove all black, rotten and old processes with sharp scissors or a scalpel. The base of the roots must be cleaned until healthy tissue appears. Cut out all infected areas. Leave the violet in the open air for 40 minutes to dry. We wash the clean dishes well, pour water into it and place the flower there. We put it on a bright window, avoiding direct sunlight, and wait for the formation of new root shoots. Water should be changed periodically and it should cover all the roots. After 2-4 weeks, the violet will be ready for a new planting.

Proper watering

Blooming violets is always a beautiful, eye-pleasing sight. But sometimes improper watering leads to the death of the plant. If there is a lot of moisture, then the roots of the flower begin to rot. They turn yellow, the inflorescences dry up and the plant dies. That is why correct and uniform watering is important. Its volume does not depend on the season. Water should be at room temperature and always settled. This requirement applies to many indoor plants. There are three methods of watering violets that are considered optimal for this flower. Very often, water is poured directly into the pan of the pot.

When the violet gets drunk after a while, you need to pour out the excess liquid to prevent waterlogging. In the second method, flower pots are placed in a container of water for a certain time, sufficient for the plant to be saturated with moisture. The third way is the traditional watering of the soil in a pot. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves, flowers, and especially in the violet rosette. They are very sensitive to excess moisture and can die from it.


The violet plant is very photophilous. The color of the flowers and their development depend on this. However, it should be remembered that straight lines are detrimental to the plant. Literally in a matter of hours, violet leaves can burn out in the sun. The windows on the north, northwest and northeast sides are considered optimal for breeding. There, violets receive a sufficient amount of light without compromising their appearance. You can also use artificial lighting. It is used for correct formation sockets. Ideally, it should be even on each side. Violets in March begin rapid development. If the light comes in unevenly, then the leaves will begin to rise and turn towards the light source. For proper development, an artificial lighting lamp is installed on top. This is what all collectors do when preparing violets for exhibitions. But for home breeding quite enough and simple window. It is only necessary to periodically turn the pot to the light source on each side.

Temperature and Humidity

Violets need proper care throughout the year. Requirements apply to both temperature and humidity levels. Violets in March begin to develop especially rapidly. The result will be a long flowering that lasts almost all year round. The air temperature must be at least 16 degrees. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve abundant flowering and good plant growth even if all other requirements are met. Do not allow sudden changes in temperature, plants do not like this. Under natural conditions, violets grow near waterfalls and other bodies of water. In such places, the humidity is quite high. There are several ways to ensure such a climate at home. The easiest is to put a container of water next to the flower. You can also place plant pots on a pallet filled with wet sand, pebbles or expanded clay. Also apply regular spraying. This method is effective at high room temperature, above 24 degrees.

Otherwise, white spots may appear on the leaves of the plant, which will ruin it. appearance. If the plant has withered a little, its leaves have fallen, then it is necessary to carry out resuscitation. To do this, the pot is half placed in a container of warm water. From above, the plant is covered with polyethylene and mixed in a shaded place. After a day, the condition of the violet will improve and it can be returned to normal conditions. When placing it should be remembered that Saintpaulia does not like drafts. Therefore, we choose a warm, cozy place with enough light, avoiding direct sunlight.

Propagation of violets by leaf

Violet pink, white, blue, terry or simple, any kind of this plant, propagated by leaf, cuttings, seeds or dividing the bush. The first method has two options. In the first case, a carefully cut sheet is placed in a container (small planter) with a nutrient substrate. The pot is placed in a cellophane bag and tightly closed. There should be enough air inside for leaf development. Thanks to the cutting, there will be enough moisture, and temperature regime will remain unchanged. Periodically it is necessary to water the leaf, avoiding strong waterlogging of the earth. When the first new leaves appear, the package must be removed so that the plant can independently develop and adapt to new conditions. Instead of a bag, you can also use a glass jar. The second option for leaf propagation is simpler. The cut leaf is placed in a glass of water until roots appear. When they reach one centimeter, you can plant the plant in a pot. From one leaf, one to several young rosettes are obtained. It is worth noting that for reproduction it is better to take large, healthy leaves of the middle row.

Transplanting sockets

It is necessary to separate the sockets from each other very carefully so as not to damage the root system. Each specimen should have good roots and several pairs of leaves. The top of the plant should match the bottom. These proportions must be observed. If there are too many leaves, then they need to be removed. This will help the plant to take root better in new conditions and quickly adapt. It is better to transplant young sockets into small pots. They should not be too deep or high. Very important good drainage. In the early days, you can make a small greenhouse from a bag or glass jar. Young violets should be aired and watered regularly. Other breeding methods, more complex, are available only to experienced flower growers. Therefore, you should choose reproduction by leaf or division of the bush. This best option which are used by many flower growers.

Diseases and pests

Like all plants, pink violet or other flowers have pests and are subject to various diseases. The main thing is to identify the problem in time and fix it. The gall nematode is a disease that promotes the rapid development of root processes in which worms appear. There is no cure for this disease. It is necessary to destroy the plant, throw out the infected soil and thoroughly rinse the pots. When spider mite it is necessary to treat the plant with any insecticide intended for indoor plants. Thrips, insects with wings that infect domestic flowers, are destroyed by timely treatment with Intavir or Fitoverm. This will prevent the spread of insects and protect neighboring plants. The earth mite leads to a change in the external and deformation of the sockets. Violet does not open buds and stops blooming. In this case, it is necessary to treat the plant with an insecticide. Leaves affected by gray rot must be removed immediately so that the disease does not spread. By following all the rules of care, you can grow beautiful, blooming violets. different varieties that will delight you all year round.

Violets are one of the most charming and beautifully flowering indoor plants that have long enjoyed well-deserved popularity in home floriculture. The botanical name of indoor violets is Saintpaulia in honor of the name of the discoverer. Back in the 19th century, Baron Walther von Saint-Pol, who at that time was the governor of East Africa, on a walk accidentally found very unknown beautiful flowers. Thanks to him, the seeds were sent to Germany, where they were successfully germinated. After the flower exhibition, the whole world learned about the unearthly beauty and perfection of violets.

In 1893, indoor violet was demonstrated for the first time at an international flower exhibition in Ghent, where the plant aroused great interest and was recognized as the best novelty.

Biological description

Violet-flowered Saintpaulia, commonly known as Uzambar (room) violet, belongs to the genus Saintpaulia of the Gesneriev family. V natural conditions plants grow along rivers and near waterfalls in the Usambara Mountains, which are located on the border of the two East African states of Tanzania and Kenya.

Home violet is described as a perennial evergreen, which has:

  • superficial root system;
  • shortened juicy stem;
  • basal rosette of leaves;
  • long petioles;
  • covered with villi, leathery, broadly oval in shape with a slightly pointed apex, leaf blades up to 8 cm in size;
  • numerous small flowers collected in inflorescences-brushes;
  • a calyx composed of 5 sepals;
  • fruit in the form of a box with small seeds.

Domestic violets are long-flowering indoor crops. If you provide the flower with suitable lighting and proper care, it will bloom for at least 9-10 months a year.

Varietal diversity

In the middle of the 20th century, about a hundred varieties of these indoor plants were bred, and today there are already more than 30 thousand of them, while about 2 thousand are domestic. And every year, thanks to the careful work of breeders, the variety number is growing rapidly.

For convenience, varieties are classified into groups, therefore, when describing varietal violets, the type, color, shape of flowers, type and color of leaves, as well as the size of plants are noted.


Flowers with a diameter of 3 to 8 cm are simple, semi-double or double, and the petals themselves are both the same size and different size can be corrugated, wavy, fringed.

The color of the petals can be either plain snow-white, pale pink, pale blue and deep blue, red, burgundy, purple, or two- and multi-color. Flowers of many varieties have a border of a different color or stripes, spots, blotches of various shades. On one plant, from several dozen to hundreds of flowers can bloom.


Most plants have a light to dark green leaf color, although there are other variations such as pure white, bordered, or variegated with various patterns. Inner side the leaf may differ from the outer one, sometimes drastically, for example, have a purple color.

The edge of the leaf blade is solid or notched, wavy or corrugated. The surface is smooth or with pronounced deep veins, and according to the degree of pubescence, it is smooth, sparsely or densely pubescent.

According to the type of leaf blades, they are distinguished - "boys" and "girls". The main difference between the “sexes” is in color: boys have a uniform green color, and girls are distinguished by the presence of a light spot at the base of the leaf.

The size

On average, in a violet, the diameter of a rosette of leaves varies from 20 to 40 cm, although there are miniature varieties of only 5-6 cm, as well as giants - 40-60 cm. Ampelous species with lush foliage that falls over the edge of the pot are very popular.

With age, some varietal violets may develop a border on the petals that was not there at the first flowering.

chimera violets

Chimera violets are considered the most unusual, fantasy and expensive - the result of the painstaking work of experienced breeders. Experts get a variety empirically, repeatedly crossing and planting up to 1 thousand copies, and then selecting flowers that fit the description of chimeras.

The chimera is easily recognizable by its petals. beautiful patterns. The abundance of colors is simply mesmerizing. Such exclusive plants do not propagate vegetatively, as subsequent generations completely lose the characteristics of the variety.

In addition, chimeras are characterized by increased susceptibility to various diseases and pests. Such varieties require increased attention and careful care. Although, in order to admire such beauty, it is worth observing all the rules for their cultivation. Exclusive domestic chimera violets are real treasures for collectors.

Today, breeders are working on the aroma of indoor violets, as their wild relatives, unfortunately, do not exude almost no smell.

Features of care

Caring for violets consists in fairly bright, but diffused lighting. The length of daylight hours should be 11-13 hours, so in winter period plants are usually supplemented with artificial lighting (phytolamps, fluorescent lamps). Flowers do not tolerate direct exposure to sunlight, and also do not like drafts.

The optimum temperature regime is about 20 ° C, humidity is not lower than 50-60%. Watering is necessary regular, but moderate, while you need to make sure that the moisture does not stagnate. Too much moisture can lead to root rot. Water only with settled water at room temperature or a little warmer.

Violets are fed with universal fertilizers 1-2 times a month, especially during the period of growth and flowering. The plants are repotted annually, usually in the spring.

Faded buds and damaged leaves are removed if necessary. Flowers also need preventive examinations, as they are quite susceptible to various diseases of fungal etiology ( gray rot, black leg, etc.). The most common pests are mealybugs and aphids.

At home, flowers are successfully propagated by leaf cuttings, part of the leaf blade or daughter rosettes.

Indoor violet is a real decoration of any home, which gives its owner joy and a lot of positive emotions.