How much and when to drink water. Boiled or Raw? Choosing raw water

Everyone knows that 80% of a person consists of water, which performs many vital functions in our body. To maintain health, we need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day, and not just any, but with certain properties and qualities.

Tap water

Tap water in different regions and cities differ in chemical composition. In some places, there is a deficiency of certain salts and trace elements, while in others, on the contrary, there is an excess of them. The quality of drinking water in Russia is determined sanitary standards and rules. Water is disinfected, usually by chlorination; in some regions, ultraviolet radiation is used for disinfection. Passing through old water supply pipes, water can meet various pollution and contain impurities (rust, sand, metal salts). I recommend not drinking raw tap water, but first letting it sit for at least 3 hours in a clean container. In this case, residual chlorine will evaporate, and impurities will precipitate.


  • Affordable, cheap, there is almost every home.
  • The water entering the water supply system is thoroughly cleaned.
  • The quality of the water is strictly controlled and monitored constantly.
  • The tap water is always fresh.


  • Chlorine dissolved in water destroys healthy intestinal microflora and leads to dysbiosis.
  • Chlorine can react with substances in the water and form carcinogenic compounds that lead to cancer.
  • Water contamination with rust, heavy metal salts and other impurities is harmful to health. Rusty water can cause diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Boiled water

Most quick way to purify water is to boil it. Boiling destroys chlorine, precipitates impurities
and salts, pathogenic bacteria and viruses are destroyed.


  • An affordable, free way to make your water safer.
  • Boiling disinfects water
  • The water becomes softer, as most of the salts in the form of scale settle on the walls of the kettle.


  • With prolonged boiling, oxygen evaporates, all the beneficial trace elements contained in the water are destroyed.
  • When boiled, chlorine compounds can form carcinogenic substances.
  • It is impossible to remove salts of heavy metals and nitrates by boiling. With prolonged boiling, the concentration harmful substances increases.
  • At re-boiling water becomes "dead", unhealthy.

Filtered water

Tap water can be improved with a filter. Today you can choose a household filter or water purifier for every taste. They come in the form of jugs, faucet attachments and flowing ones. In order for the water quality to remain at its best, it is necessary to change the filter cartridges in a timely manner.


  • Simple and reliable way improve water quality.
  • The filter cleans water from mechanical impurities (sand, clay, rust), most harmful substances, chlorine, microorganisms.


  • A very costly way to purify water.
  • Filtration removes only certain substances; not a single household filter provides 100% water purification at home.
  • Bacteria can grow on the filter walls.
  • When using carbon filters, small particles of coal get into the water, which, when boiled, form dioxin poison.
  • More powerful filters remove useful minerals from the water, it becomes similar in composition to distilled water.

Bottled drinking water

Many people use plastic bottled water instead of tap water. There are more than
700 types of domestic drinking water. However, it can be different: extracted from natural sources or recruited from a tap and purified using a special technology, and then mineral salts are artificially added to it.


  • Clean, ready-to-drink water.
  • Does not contain harmful substances, chlorine.


  • Expensive. Even if it was taken from the water supply, it will cost hundreds and thousands of times more expensive than tap water.
  • Often the labels contain false information about the origin, chemical composition and degree of water purification.
  • Most of the bottled water is of artificial origin.
  • It is difficult to determine the quality of the water. There is no guarantee that it meets all drinking water requirements.
  • If the water is drawn from underground sources, it may contain germs. Bacterial growth is facilitated by room temperature, long shelf life of water in a plastic bottle.
  • Too soft water can lead to bone disease and cardiovascular systems
  • Ozonation of water, carried out during the purification process, can be dangerous if bromine ions are present in the water, as this produces poisonous bromide compounds.
  • From material plastic bottle phthalates, bisphenol A, antimone, hazardous to health, can get into the water.
  • There is an opinion, refuted by the manufacturers of bottled water, that preservatives and antibiotics are added to it.

Natural mineral water

Natural mineral water is considered the most useful. It is extracted from sources that are located in an ecologically clean place. Chemical composition water is balanced by nature itself, it contains biologically active mineral and organic matter have a healing effect on the human body. Natural mineral waters are divided into table, medical-table and medicinal. The salt content in table water should be less than 1 g per 1 liter, in medical table water - 1-10 g / l, and in medical water - 10-15 g / l.


  • Natural water does not undergo any processing.
  • It is useful for the body, has a healing effect.
  • Mineral waters contain a variety of trace elements (copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, iron, cobalt, boron, bromine, etc.), which play an important role in the human body.


  • You can drink only table mineral water without restriction. Medical canteens can be consumed in moderation, and medicinal - only as prescribed by a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of medicinal mineral water can be hazardous to health.

Spring water

Is it artesian or well water naturally emerging to the surface. It is considered ideal for our body, all useful minerals are preserved in it unchanged. It is better to drink water within half an hour after extraction, then concentration nutrients begins to decrease. It must be remembered that different springs have different water compositions.


  • Clean, fresh water.
  • Purified by nature itself.


  • Truly pure spring water is rare, especially in urban areas.
  • Water springs often contain nitrates, phosphates, arsenic, mercury, salts of heavy metals, petroleum products that are hazardous to health.
  • Spring water can harbor bacteria, especially E. coli.

Distilled water

This water is completely purified not only from harmful substances, but also from useful ones. It is produced in special devices - distillers, by evaporation plain water, then the steam settles and turns into clean water... Distilled water is used in medicine for the manufacture of medicines, in scientific experiments. In everyday life, it is used to operate cooling and heating systems, cars. For the human body, it does not represent any benefit. It can be artificially enriched with minerals, but it will be less absorbed.


  • Fully purified water.
  • Helps remove toxins from the body.


  • A laborious and costly method of obtaining.
  • Bad taste water.
  • It lacks important minerals.
  • With prolonged use, distilled water flushes out elements vital for it from the body.
  • If you drink it constantly, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, caries will increase, metabolic processes will be disturbed, bones will become more fragile.

Melt water

Freezing is used as a water purification method. It is believed that the cleanest and healthiest water is frozen the fastest, and only then water is frozen with admixtures of salts and harmful substances. Therefore, the water not frozen in the first hours is poured out, and the rest is defrosted and used as drinking water.


  • Cost effective way to purify water.
  • Purified from harmful impurities, hardness salts, heavy metals, antibiotics, pesticides.
  • Rich in mineral salts.
  • Biologically active. It stimulates the metabolism in the body, promotes better removal of toxins and toxins.
  • Regular use of melt water contributes to the healing and rejuvenation of the body.
  • The structure of melt water is as close as possible to the structure of water in the body.


  • Long cooking process.
  • The method is not suitable for water purification from microorganisms. Additional methods must be used to disinfect the water.


There are all kinds of methods for purifying, disinfecting and improving water. To do this, use silver, shungite, quartz, silicon, coral calcium, prepare "living" and "dead" water.


  • Water can be made useful and healing on your own.
  • A wide field for experimentation and creativity.


  • Time consuming ways.
  • It is difficult to control the quality of the water produced.
  • It is impossible to predict the effect of such water on the body. For example, regular consumption of water disinfected with silver can harm your health. Ions of this heavy metal accumulate in the body and cause diseases of internal organs and dysbiosis.

Thus, knowing all the pros and cons, you can decide which water is better for you to drink.

It is best to quench thirst and restore water-salt balance in the body, ordinary clean drinking water.

The human body's need for it averages from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day.

Let's figure out how much and when to drink so that the body replenishes the required amount of water.

Without fanaticism

It is quite common to say that you need to drink as much as possible, not counting. Say, water and hunger dulls, and even fats (!) Washes away. However, we must not forget that the average daily water requirement is from 1.5 liters per day, and men, due to more intense sweating, require more water than women. In hot weather, the need for water increases for everyone.

Healthy human kidneys are able to pass almost 20 liters of water a day through themselves, but the stomach cannot hold that much. In addition, if too much fluid enters the body, it gradually flushes out the mineral salts.

Especially dangerous is the lack of sodium, which maintains the pressure inside the cells. The body, "washed" of sodium, can respond with convulsions and heart problems. An excess of fluid is no less harmful to those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels.

Listening to yourself

When calculating your daily fluid intake, it's best to listen to your own body. If you feel thirsty, drink. But don't try to pour all of your daily fluid intake in one go. After all, the feeling of thirst passes no earlier than 10 minutes after the first sip.

By the way, in the heat, drinking plenty of water causes increased sweating, and everything that is drunk in one fell swoop is poured out through the pores. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed to get drunk, it is worth drinking water in small portions after 10-20 minutes.

Drinking regularly can also prevent overeating. Every time you feel like eating “I don’t know what,” try taking a few sips of water. Perhaps you were thirsty and not hungry. Over time, you will learn to distinguish between these different desires.

Water runners

Beer, wine, vodka and cocktails in cans are also liquid and even contain water. But as a means to quench thirst, they are not suitable at all. In addition to their obvious harm to the body, all alcoholic beverages are strong diuretics. In a simple way - diuretics. It is thanks to this property that those who like to drink lie in wait in the morning not only the well-known "bodun", but also "dry wood".

No less deceiving are the liquid consistency of coffee and caffeine-containing energy drinks, which also perfectly rid the body of not only excess, but also the right moisture... Slimming teas containing caffeine can help you lose weight by dehydrating your body.

Orange and grapefruit juices, some herbal and green teas, which are popular in the hot season, also have a diuretic effect. Therefore, be careful and carefully study the information on the packaging.

Watermelon also helps to remove fluid from the body, and they should not get drunk.

Before and after

Doctors do not recommend drinking water with meals, especially if it is cold. The liquid dilutes stomach acid and can slow down the digestion process. Better eat more fresh vegetables and fruits that are not water, but also struggle with thirst. And do not overuse too salty or spicy dishes - to extinguish the "fire" in the mouth, you will have to drink a lot of liquid.

The ideal time for fluid intake is half an hour before meals and two to three hours after. And the chief physician of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Tatyana Shapovalenko, recommends starting the morning with a couple of glasses of clean water on an empty stomach.

Water is a unique inorganic substance that determines the possibility of life on earth. it universal solvent, the basis for the course of biochemical processes. The uniqueness of water lies in the dissolution of both organic and inorganic substances.

Water accompanies a person from birth to death. Back in school, we were taught that the human body consists of water by about 70%. Accordingly, without this natural resource human life is impossible.

What kind of water should you drink?

Water must be physiologically complete for health, that is:

  • be naturally derived from underground source;
  • do not contain artificial additives;
  • not be exposed deep cleaning osmosis;
  • be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g / l).

Only drinking water of natural origin contains all the necessary macro- and microelements. This is the most valuable drink for the body that determines health! For information on how to drink water correctly in the morning, at what temperature the water should be, see the article

How useful and safe is drinking water in Russia?

Modern purification and disinfection systems bring the water in our taps to safe values ​​in terms of microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators. However, the deterioration of the water supply system leads to the fact that in the water there may be an excess of iron, chlorine and even organic matter and bacteria.

If water enters the water supply system from an underground source, this is a big plus. But most large metropolitan areas receive water from above-ground sources - rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Yes, it gets into our taps after multi-stage cleaning, but its quality indicators are far from the characteristics of artesian water.

Boiled or Raw?

Raw water is preferable for the body because it contains trace elements in the form of salts. It has a peculiar structure of the arrangement of water molecules. Often I call it alive, and for good reason - only such water helps cells to regenerate, prevents the formation of free radicals. But it is not recommended to drink raw (not purified) water due to the risk of the presence of harmful bacteria and toxic compounds in it.

Boiled water is not only useless, but also harmful. "Dead water" - some experts call it such a frightening phrase:

  • when boiled, useful salts precipitate into an insoluble precipitate;
  • the oxygen content is significantly reduced;
  • the chlorine contained in tap water, when boiled, turns into toxic compounds, leading to urolithiasis and oncopathology (see);
  • the structure of water changed as a result of boiling contributes to the fact that within a day this water becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

But the issue of water safety does not disappear anywhere - it is impossible to guarantee that raw water does not contain harmful microorganisms.

If, nevertheless, for security reasons you prefer boiled water, let the raw water settle for 2 hours, then boil and turn off the kettle at the very beginning of boiling: such water will be disinfected, and most of the minerals will remain in a state accessible for assimilation. Drink only fresh boiled water, do not allow its long-term storage and use.

What kind of raw water do you need and can you drink?

Tap water

This is raw water, purified at a water utility and brought to the requirements normative documents... Not the most the best way for health. If there is no other option, then you can drink it after pretreatment in one of the following ways:

  • boiling with the obligatory observance of the above recommendations;
  • filtering, which we'll talk about below;
  • settling for 2 hours and then using only the upper half of the liquid. But this method will not insure against microbes and toxic substances.

Bottled water

This is raw water, purified industrially, but meets all safety requirements. It is packed in both large bottles and plastic bottles that are sold in stores. It happens in the first and highest category.

  • The first is artificially purified water (tap water, from a surface reservoir) by the method of deep purification
  • The highest is water from an artesian well, purified by gentle methods and disinfected with ultraviolet light.

How useful is it? When properly cleaned, this water is really healthy and safe, it does not need to be boiled before drinking. However, manufacturers often save on the stages of water purification, as a result of which the sold product is far from what the label promises.

How to choose a bona fide manufacturer:

  • The longer a company has been on the market, the more reliable it is;
  • A reputable manufacturer does not skimp on packaging;
  • There will always be popular rumor about good water;
  • Advice for the most demanding buyers - take the purchased water to a special laboratory and check its quality and safety.

Spring water

it natural water past natural cleaning through the layers of soil. Each spring is unique. As a rule, such water not only does not contain harmful impurities, but is also enriched in the process of its passage through the soil with useful minerals. Of course, there is little benefit from springs located near cities or their borders. In Russia there are many springs protected by the state, the water from which deservedly belongs to the highest category. These water bodies have official passports and have limited access to them.

Spring water can also be seen in retail- the manufacturer prepares it in the same way as bottled. However, some of them, for the purpose of profit, sell ordinary artesian water, or even tap water, under the guise of spring water. In order not to be deceived, you should adhere to the recommendations regarding the choice of bottled water. Also, the bottle must indicate the specific place of water intake, i.e. spring.

If you yourself take water from a spring, do not forget to do it in a clean container and periodically check the quality of the water in the laboratory.

Mineral water

This is natural water with a high content of trace elements and salts from deep soil layers. Mineralization of water occurs when it passes through the soil. According to the content of salts, mineral water is subdivided into:

  • therapeutic (mineralization> 8 g ​​/ l);
  • medical dining room (mineralization 1-8 g / l);
  • dining room (mineralization less than 1 g / l).

What mineral water is better to drink?

  • Table mineral water. You can drink table water without risk to health. Such water is especially good after prolonged exertion, during the recovery period after poisoning, diarrhea, and acute intestinal infection. Still, you shouldn't drink it all the time.
  • Healing mineral water can be prescribed only by a doctor in a strict dosage and for a certain period of time. She (like medicines) has both indications and a sufficient list of contraindications for use, it cannot be used without a doctor's prescription.
  • Medicinal table mineral water It is also prescribed by a doctor, but in the future, the patient himself can conduct a course intake of this water.

By the way, only in a few countries do people drink mineral water instead of drinking water without restrictions, including Russia. Well, healthy children under 12 shouldn't even be given table mineral water.

Filtered water - harm and benefit

A household water filter can be found in every home. It is an economical way to obtain purified water from regular tap water. Filters are flow-through, which are built into the water supply system, and jug type, i.e. mobile.

Since each filter has its own purification base, you should first analyze the water from your tap to know what exactly to purify the water from (excess chlorine, iron, sulfates, etc.). Filtered water is useful if the following points are observed:

  • the correct filter system for a specific problem;
  • timely replacement of cartridges, and you should not wait for the resource declared by the manufacturer - it is better to cut this time in half;
  • periodic examination of the water obtained after filtration.

Universal filters

The benefits of such water- They completely cleanse tap water from impurities, incl. viruses and bacteria. Their work is based on the mechanism reverse osmosis, as a result of cleaning, only water molecules remain.

Harm - Salt-free or distilled water is not very useful for the body, therefore this filter is used mainly in industrial facilities. With the regular use of such water, demineralization of the body occurs - the water devoid of salts will take them from human organs and tissues. All this threatens diseases of the bone and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and premature aging.

Fancy filters are supplied with a system of artificial mineralization of already purified water. The digestibility of salts added to water artificially leaves much to be desired. The best water invented by nature, and artificial additives are a blow to the urinary system and metabolism! The next danger is that carcinogenic chlorine compounds easily penetrate through the membrane back into the water. And this is the risk of developing cancer.

Jug type filters

as a rule, water is purified only of specific pollutants. Fundamentally wrong is the general fashion for jugs that are supposedly suitable for any water. Without a preliminary analysis of the water, the filter may be useless in your particular case. Microorganisms caught from the water can multiply in filter cartridges, enriching drinking water sources of infectious diseases.

Is it good to drink melt water?

Not so long ago, there was a real boom among the population about the benefits of melt water. It is impossible to get true melt water at home. This method is comparable to settling - after defrosting, only the upper part of the melt water is used, and the harmful sediment is discharged into the sewer. But, alas, not all impurities will end up in this sediment.

Well water myths

Many people bring drinking water from wells from their relatives in the villages. It is supposedly tastier and healthier. In fact, well water is most often inadequate. sanitary regulations... V best case, the content of iron, nitrates and sulfates will go off scale there, at worst - pathogenic microorganisms will be found.

Well water is extracted from surface aquifers most prone to pollution waste water. Rainwater also often ends up in wells, contributing to pollution. For those who still have doubts, we note that when cleaning wells at the bottom, the remains of animal corpses are very often found, empty bottles and other garbage - clearly not healthy additives.

What kind of water to give to children?

Children under 3 years old should use bottled water of the highest category for drinking and cooking, having previously boiled it in compliance with the boiling rules. Children after 3 years of age can already drink bottled water of the highest category without boiling, but having reduced the shelf life of an open bottle by half.

But many doctors consider these restrictions somewhat overestimated and advise parents to give their children tested, clean water without boiling after a year. As for the special baby water - as a rule, it contains very few minerals (0.2-0.3 g / l), which means it will flush out the salts from the body.

However, it is easy to make really healthy drinking water yourself, and without special efforts... Below you will find out which water is best to drink and how to make "health water" at home.

What kind of water should you drink for your health?

So, what kind of water is good to drink for health, and where to get it? Suppose that a person has no gadgets, no filters, no devices that are offered to you, and for a lot of money. You can do everything at home in the kitchen. In order to get useful drinking water, that is, structured, you can use any water that runs from a tap, or from a stream, or spring water. Structured water Is a liquid, the structure of which corresponds to the water inside the body and which the body does not need to transform.

The recipe for making such healthy water is as follows:

  • In the evening, you take a 3- or 5-liter can of water. Let her stand from evening to morning. There will certainly be sediment in the water, even if it is not visible, but it will be. In the morning, you gently pour the top of the water into the pot, and the bottom layer, 1–2 cm with sediment, pour out.
  • You must put the purified water in an open saucepan on the stove to heat it up. Do not go far from the stove, watch out for the water in the pan. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of small bubbles. This is called the "white key" effect. When the spring beats, then there are small, small bubbles. This moment should be noticed by you. Large bubbles should not be allowed - this is already boiling.
  • As soon as you notice these small bubbles, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and place under cold water... The water in the pot needs to be chilled, and the faster the better. Water becomes degassed, structured, biologically active, alkaline. This is the same water that you need to drink, it is already an electrolyte, a very powerful energetic substance. And it is this water that enters the cells through the membranes. It is this water that she feeds on. It is the basis for the life of any cell. Everything else is secondary.
  • It is even better if you pour water several times from one mug to another before drinking. But this is only a fraction of the water that cells need.

What is the healthiest drinking water?

What other water should you drink for the health of the body? You can drink water with 3% hydrogen peroxide, it also sterilizes water, and you can do without boiling. The recipe for such "health water" is simple: absolutely calmly add 10-15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to each glass of water you drink. The water becomes sterile and all problems are solved. But you must drink water with peroxide on an empty stomach.

It is important not only to know what kind of water to drink for health, but also to observe the drinking regime. This rule is laid down in us by Nature: you need to drink water before meals, at least 10-15 minutes, and 1-2 hours after meals. Knowing what kind of water to drink, you will significantly extend your life, and without any problems, because water is life itself and both the nutrition of the cell and its disposal of metabolic products, that is, slagging, depend on it.

Many people think that boiled water is the healthiest drinking water. But it turns out that when boiling, the harmful properties of chlorine only increase, it turns into trihalomethane, a carcinogenic substance that, for example, when taking a bath, is absorbed into the skin that is defatted with soap and shampoos, although after boiling the pH of the water can rise to 1 unit from 5, 8-6.0 to 7.0, which is important.

Nowadays many people drink mineral waters. Smart people know that mineral water is drunk in the place where it is extracted from the well. There it is ionized, that is, in it all the elements are in a suspended soluble state, it is warm and healthy. Once it has been bottled and transported long distances, it is not the same water. In it, ions are replaced by molecules, harmful inorganic compounds appear - uric acid salts. The consequence of their entering the body is osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and whatever you want. And what is most dangerous, they teach children to this water. This cannot be done.

Water containing inorganic compounds is the most harmful water. Mineral water is good only when it is ionized and you drink it at the source in the sanatorium. In other conditions, you cannot drink it, especially on an ongoing basis. Although medicine allows you to drink this water. You can drink, but only temporarily. And sometimes people switch to constant consumption of this water.

There are other harmful drinks: Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola and others like them. These are dangerous drinks, especially for children. They contain a lot of sugar, preservatives and other chemicals. These are kind of poisonous substances. You can rarely drink them a little, but with systematic consumption, expect trouble, the appearance of such serious diseases as obesity, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Pure water is the only drink you need to keep you healthy. Everything else is civilized delights.

Drink only clean water.

How to make drinking water from tap water at home

How to make good drinking water yourself at home? If you do not have purifiers, then take note of these recipes for healthy water.

  • For 1 liter of water - 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey, 3-5 drops of 5% iodine (in such an environment, microbes die in a few minutes).
  • 10-15 rowan leaves for 1-3 liters of water make it clean in 2 hours (even marsh, hunters know this).
  • How to make drinking water flint? You can prepare flint water on black silicon. It is made by the method of usual infusion on natural material. 15-25 g of flint for 3-5 liters or more of water. Water in 5-7 days becomes lively, clean and you need to drink it 1 glass on an empty stomach and before meals, up to 1-1.5 liters a day. For cooking, use water infused for 2-3 days at room temperature, best of all in an enamel bowl with a lid, and for treatment you need to insist 5-7 days. Black silicon is a practically non-consumable material: it will last for a long time, just do not use the bottom 3-4 cm water layer and, before pouring fresh water, the silicon must be rinsed. Never boil the stones. All the healing qualities of silicon water last a long time, but it is better to store it at room temperature in a sealed container. Over time, a white film forms on the surface of the stone - evidence that the stone stops working. Clean the film with a toothbrush and salt water
    or split the stone into smaller pieces.
  • You can prepare flint water using field horsetail... It needs to be harvested in August, then more silicon accumulates in it. Tie 50-60 g of horsetail in a knot and dip in a bucket of water, bring to a boil, leave for 3-4 hours and use water for cooking.
  • Another recipe for how to make water healthy. For a 3-liter can of raw water, you need to take crushed shells (without an inner film) from 2-3 chicken or 8-10 quail eggs, add the juice of 1 lemon or cranberry, lingonberry, or 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and use. At the same time, the cleansing properties of this portion of the shell are valid for 4-5 days: water can be poured as many times as necessary, each time adding the indicated ingredients. In this case, the water is not only purified, but also alkalized, which promotes the absorption of calcium. After 4-5 days, prepare a new portion of the shell.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 liter of water - in a few minutes the water will be sterile and useful.
  • It is noticed that when working with hot iron, the blacksmith periodically immerses it in water, after which it, reacting with oxidized iron, becomes bactericidal and clean. Such water, when taken orally, normalizes the work of the digestive tract, about externally - good remedy for the prevention of boils, pyoderma, makes the skin elastic. Heat a few nails and put them in water, microbes die in 2-5 minutes. Do not throw away the nails, they can serve for a long time. By the way, this water is one of the better means replenishment of the body with calcium, and even if you add a little lemon juice to it, calcium citrate is formed, which is ideally absorbed by the body, unlike the usual calcium carbonate recommended by doctors, which crystallizes calcium. It is recommended to drink such water for diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and other systems, for metabolic disorders (arthrosis, arthritis, etc.), for problems with hair, etc.
  • Even the swamp water, in which the rowan leaves were placed, becomes clear after 3 hours.
  • Pour water into a jar, put a lighted candle next to it, sit next to it. Besides the fact that the fire will eliminate negative energy, water becomes biologically active in 10-15 minutes.
  • There is a ridiculously simple folk way determine whether you can or cannot drink water from a natural reservoir, lake or pond: you need to spit into the water, and if the spit has spread, feel free to drink water, if it remains in the form of a solid spot, stay away from it.

Now you know how to make drinking water from tap water, so don't be lazy, give yourself health, it's so easy!

People ask the question of what water is better to drink as often as the question about. So let's try to figure it out.

The simplest and cheap option which we have to use willy-nilly.

It is impossible to poison yourself with this water. However, to say that it has health benefits would also be a great exaggeration.

In our country, water is mainly disinfected with chlorine. This halogen itself is quite poisonous. Much worse, however, is that disinfection by-products (DBPs) are generated when the water is treated with chlorine. These are quite strong carcinogens that disrupt the functioning of the liver, kidneys and nervous system.

In addition to chlorine and DBPs, tap water contains:

  • arsenic (carcinogen);
  • aluminum (increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily liver pathology);
  • herbicides and pesticides;
  • substances that mimic the hormone estrogen;
  • remnants of drugs;
  • heavy metals.

The list is certainly not complete. Much depends on the specific region and the operation of water supply systems in it.

Do water filters save you?

Yes, but not completely. None of the purification filters used in everyday life makes it possible to remove all polluting compounds from the water. However, the concentration of toxins after passing the water through a filter, even the simplest filter jug ​​with activated carbon, is noticeably reduced.

Which water is better to drink boiled or raw?

This question always arises when discussing the possibility of consuming tap water. Should and can it be boiled?

Yes, it's better to boil. Since it protects against the entry of pathogens.

Which is obvious.

However, some time ago there were reports that boiling water, especially twice, can be unhealthy. Many people believed it. And now they are afraid to boil.

In vain. There is no danger.

When it comes about the fact that it is harmful to boil the code, they usually mean that it should not boil away. Since if its volume is significantly reduced, this will lead to an increase in the concentration of various chemicals that are always present in tap water.

Therefore, you should never drink water that has almost completely evaporated. Also, do not add a new portion to it and boil it again.

But if you just boil water, drink some tea and pour a new portion into the kettle, there will be no harm from this.

Those who are still afraid to boil water again can pour only a fresh portion into the kettle each time. But in no case should you give up boiling.

Bottled water

If you think that you are protecting your health by using bottled water instead of tap water, then you are most likely mistaken.

First, according to statistics, 40% of bottled water is tap water.

Secondly, storing water in plastic is extremely harmful, as plastic releases the synthetic hormone bisphenol A into the water, which is associated with health problems such as:

  • mental retardation and learning problems;
  • decreased immunity;
  • prostate and breast cancer;
  • obesity;
  • early puberty in children of both sexes.

So don't waste your money. Instead of bottled water, get a quality filter.

Can I drink distilled water?

One or two times, you can. Consuming such water on a regular basis every day is dangerous.

Distilled water flushes out electrolytes

Drinking water that has undergone a similar purification procedure leads to an extremely rapid loss of electrolytes by the body. In large volumes and in the absence of the proper amount of salts in the body, as it happens with, it can lead to a violation of the heart rhythm and cerebral edema. Up to death.

Of course, from a few glasses of such water drunk from time to time, nothing will come of it. But in no case should you drink it constantly.

Unfortunately, many beverage manufacturers, both sweet and non-sweet, run on distilled water.

Studies have shown that people regularly and in large quantities consuming a variety of soda, etc., excrete significant amounts of calcium, magnesium and other minerals in their urine. And this negatively affects their health.

The more minerals are washed out from the body, the higher the risk of early development of pathologies such as:

  • osteoporosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • ischemic heart disease, hypertension, etc.

Distilled water increases "acidity"

This negative effect from the regular use of distilled water cannot be considered fully proven, since some scientists, in principle, do not agree that any food products, including water, can change the pH of the blood.

Nevertheless, the hypothesis that it is possible, and that distilled water strongly "enrolls" the body, exists, and therefore it is unreasonable to dismiss it.

Distilled water is free of minerals. And, therefore, very aggressive. When in contact with air, it very quickly adsorbs onto itself carbon dioxide... And it gives her acidic properties... And so strong that some metals can even be dissolved by it (in laboratory conditions, of course, not all metals; do not try to dissolve the plug and then say that it does not work).

Thus, it can be argued that the longer and more a person drinks distilled water, the more he loses the minerals necessary for life and "acidifies" his body, thereby causing considerable damage to his own.

Is the water from alcoholizers and ionizers safe?

Since distilled water is harmful because it is acidic, the sensible idea arises that water can be alkalized. And it will become more useful.

How true is this sentence?

True, but not entirely.

Firstly, most of the various alkalizers are produced by MLM companies, which have an extremely dubious reputation.

Secondly, it is regular in itself.

It has been established that such water can be consumed no more than 1-2 weeks. Longer use leads to a decrease in the normal acidity of gastric juice, which leads to problems with digestion and, as a result, to a deterioration in health.

So in the end, which water is better to drink?

The purest and most salubrious water is found in natural mountain springs. But since this type of water is available to a very small number of people, it makes no sense to talk about it.

Therefore, the only thing that can be advised is to use ordinary tap water, after passing it through high-quality household filters which should be changed regularly.

It is very good to alkalinize the water a little. Only this should be done not with the help of alkalizers, but by adding natural lemon juice.