Diseases of garden and indoor roses - description from the photo and methods of treatment. Garden Rose Diseases and their Treatment

Roses diseases negatively affecting the appearance of the plant. They deplete, and in heavy cases Can lead to death. In order to avoid these troubles, each owner should be able to properly protect their garden roses. In the article, we will tell you in detail about what are the varieties of lesions and how to process roses from diseases. When identifying the slightest signs of the pathological process, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Experienced gardeners know what is better spraying roses special meansrather than allow the further spread of the disease. Since preventive measures make it possible to protect the beauty of the plant and lengthen the flowering period.

Diseases and pests garden roses

Varieties of garden roses

Most roses diseases appear due to inattention and non-compliance with elementary rules of care. Most pathological processes in plants cause fungi and bacteria. Thanks to modern drugs, they are easily treatable. Rarely encountered viral diseases. The things are much worse with him. Since it is impossible to cure a queen of flowers from this severe ailment. All diseases sadovy Shustarnikov Can be divided into infectious and noncommunicable.

Infectious diseases roses

  1. Puffy dew.

Puffy dew on roses

This disease is characterized by the appearance of a whitewash on the surface of leaves and shoots. It usually appears at a temperature of less than 18ºС and high humidity. For pulse dew in the initial stage, the appearance of small spots, which over time they grow up and affect the entire flower, breaking the metabolism in it. As a result, the garden shrub begins to deform and die out young shoots.

Prevention of diseases of roses is carried out with the help of rapid chewing inferior, or drug

  1. Rust.

Rust on roses

Developed by infection of the ground part of the plant with PHRAGMIDIUM fungus. Garden rose disease is manifested by the formation of growths yellow color. Soothes begin to get out and crack.

As prophylaxis, it is necessary to trim and thin the dry branches throughout the entire period of active growth of the plant and spray with special immunomodulators, burgundy liquid 1%, Topaz, Falcon preparations.

  1. Necrosis of the bark.

Infectious burn or stem cancer roses

This group of diseases, as a rule, cause mushrooms. In very rare cases - bacteria. For him, the defeat of Cambia and the bark is characteristic.

  • Burn caused by infectious processes in the plant.

Roses that are under constant moisture are susceptible to the defeat of the sample mushroom. On the affected plant, shoots are covered with brown, and then brown spots with a reddish edge. After that, non-short ulcers begin to form on the cortex. Then in their place to form brownish growths and the affected areas dried.

  • Ordinary cancer.
  • Diplodium crust necrosis.
  • Tuberculia cordial cortex.
  • Diaport Cancer Stem Part of Plant.
  • Drying branches (cytospose).

Absolutely all varieties of roses are subject to these diseases. All the affected areas of the plant must be trimmed and burn.

Preventive treatment is performed using copper and iron vapora.

  1. Gray Gnil.

Gray rot on roses

The disease causes Botrytis Cinerea Mushroom. The debut of the pathological process falls on winter. On the stems of roses, brownish pressure appear, from which gray and fluffy mushrooms are growing. Then black contiguous spores are formed in its place. It is also possible that the appearance of sulfur rot in the summer due to the large amount of precipitation. If the treatment of roses from diseases is not produced, then the plant is covered in a completely gray raid and rotates.

  1. The damage to the root system caused by rot.

There are 2 diseases in which root system Amazed by rot: trachemicosis and white sclerosocial rot. The causative agent retains its viability in the soil over the years. For the pathological process, it is characterized by root rotting, which leads to the termination of the inflow nutrients Plant. At first, the shoots suffer, and then the plant dies.

Watering the soil is necessary "Phytosporin-M", "Gamair".

  1. Diseases caused by bacteria.

These include the roots of the roots and the stem part of the garden shrub. For roots cancer, the formation of growths on the roots, as well as the root cake. At the beginning of the pathological process, they are soft, then hard and over time hesitated. Cancer the stem part of the plant appears with brown depressions without grooves. On the affected areas of the plant, the bark dies. After that, on the queen of flowers are formed dark spots.

  1. Diseases caused by viral pathogens.

Viral Diseases Roses - Viral Mosaic

False powdery dew on roses

Gardening culture is striking such viruses as: tobacco necrosis, stripes, tobacco curses, tomato bronze, tuma mosaic, apple mosaic and many others. If a we are talking About viral lesion, this is a mixed infection that consists of several species. Symptoms of the pathological process are very similar to each other. For more accurate definition The virus requires a number of laboratory tests. Viral diseases of roses and their treatment begin with removal and subsequent burning of the affected areas of garden shrubs. If the rose is very amazed by the virus, it is completely burned. For the prevention of transmission of the disease all garden tools For trimming is treated with alcohol or 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

  1. Spotted damage to the deciduous part of the plant.
  • Askochitous. It is characterized by the presence of yellowish spots on the leaves, as well as an outflow of brownish color with mushroom disputes.
  • Purple. Correct the top of the sheet. They are visible small dark or purple spots, bordered by the crimson
  • Brown. On the top of the leaves are covered with dark stains, and on the bottom light without kaymy.
  • Black (Marsonina). It strikes the leaves, in rare cases, shoots whiten by whisk, which over time becomes black and sticky. The leaves of the garden shrub acquire a dark color, and then creep.
  • Cercosposition (gray). On its manifestations it looks like black spot. Dark spots appear on the leaves with no more than 5 mm
  • Ramularity of the leaves of the plant. After defeating the disease, the leaves acquire a brown color, dry and tremendous.
  • Pestolation. In the central part of the roses leaves, the disease is manifested by dark brown spots. The yellow strip clearly distinguishes the patient and healthy part of the plant. It is characterized by premature falling leaves.
  • False powdery dew. The causative agent of the disease is fungus. It manifests itself a purple and grayish raid. The most famous and common disease.
  • Septoriasis (septorious spot).
  • Fillostyactom (philostose spot).

Non-infectious diseases of garden roses

  • The process of age aging.
  • Chlorosis. Appears when insufficient quantity nutrient components in the soil. The leaves of the plant be pale, yellowish accomplishments appear on them. Chlorosis may appear due to increased soil acidity, excess, as well as lack of moisture.
  • The burn caused by the impact of ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Lack of nutrients in the soil (potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen).
  • Toxic effects of fertilizers. It occurs with increasing the amount of treatment with chemical solutions. When processing plants, pesticides must be taken into account humidity and air temperature.

Rules of Spring Plant Processing

Diseases of roses after winter are beginning to be activated, causing plants lesions. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this period and carry out preventive treatment of roses. It is during this period that the plant goes to the active phase of growth.

First you need to remove winter shelter. Then hold a thorough inspection of pink shrubs for diseases and pests. Now there are a huge amount of drugs for treating garden roses from damage to pathological pathogens. Among the large range it is very difficult to choose how to spray roses in spring from diseases.

Copper vigorous is a proven chemical preparationwhich has been used for many years to prevent, as well as the treatment of roses in spring diseases. For this purpose, 1% or 3% are made water solution copper mood. They perform spraying of plants and soil, which is located next to it.

New sorts of garden roses

Breakingers from all over the world are constantly trying to bring new varieties of plants that will be less species to the conditions and habitats. Roses Resistant to Diseases label these sign ADR. Of course, he can not guarantee that it is with this variety of a garden shrub that will be fine. But the quality mark is awarded only by the varieties that have the best characteristics.

Most of the garden shrubs marked with this quality mark are quite rare, and some are well known in many countries of the world. Among them can be found: dense, neachhrovaya, soil and flower beds.

The most stable varieties include such types of garden roses:

  • nexwork "Escimo",
  • korotic "Crimson Meidiland",
  • floribundum "Cherry Girl", "Novalis",
  • plenty "apricola" and many others

Subject to uncomplicated rules of care and proper feeding Plants can avoid the appearance of garden roses. If you saw the first signs of the disease immediately take action. Such an approach will allow not only to quickly cure your flower, but also protect the entire garden from infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Now there are many varieties of garden roses that are resistant to diseases. But this does not mean that the flowers will not need to be care.

Most often suffer relaxed or incorrectly planted plants. In addition, the dismissive attitude towards care will inevitably entail the emergence of diseases and problems in development.

For good growth, beautiful flowering roses requires constant attention from gardener. Preventive inspections, the ability to immediately determine the first alarming features make it possible to quickly prevent almost any ailment.

Quite often, the "queen of the flower garden" is sick due to:

  • weather conditions (for example, high humidity or long-term heat);
  • poor illumination, insufficient air access;
  • cramped in rosary;
  • mechanical damage to the trolics, root cervical.

The greatest damage is caused by infectious diseases, the pathogens of which are fungi, viruses, as well as bacteria. But there are also functional diseases: they appear with a lack of any element in the soil.

What do roses sick?

Puffy dew

In the summer, mildery spots of white-gray plates are often found on roses, which later acquire a grayish-brown color. Buds and shoots die, leaves twist. So manifests a tormental dew: its pathogen - SPHAEROTHECA Pannosa.. Mushroom winter on stems, plant residues. Appearance of plaque - pretty sign The fact that the flower is reconciled by nitrogen fertilizers, but the deficiency of potassium is experiencing.

In addition, it is not recommended to carry out sprinkling in the evening: such procedures are more useful in the morning or during the day. The bushes planted in a dense scheme, and even in a poorly illuminated place, are more susceptible to the attacks of pathogenic organisms. Tormentous dew is easier to warnAfter all, then it will have to fight with her for several seasons.

So what to do:

  1. in order to prevent the rosary, including the Earth around, pollinated ash, and also spray once a week with infusion of a cowboy in the usual proportion of 1:10;
  2. affected twigs, buds cut to a healthy place and burn. Three times every ten days are treated landing, the soil of the Bordeaux liquid (usually 1%);
  3. from system fungicides for spraying will be suitable Topaz, soon, Vectra.

Gray Gnil

Spore fungus Botrytis Cinerea. Inhibit the growth point of young shoots, the kidneys and buds are striking, which are not up, not even exposed. On the petals you can see the characteristic brown ulcers, the leaves are yellow. Crude weather contributes to the development of a gray fluffy plaque on the stems.

The fungus is activated with thickened landings, high humidity, as well as due to lack of potassium and phosphorus in the ground. Gray rot is greatly affected by multi-skinned varieties, mainly white, creamy, yellow color.

What to do:

  1. the pink solution of manganese is the best prophylactic agent: they can be sprayed or watering bushes;
  2. cut contaminated parts and remove from the site;
  3. try to create the highest possible dryness in the rosary, feed the phosphorus and calcium 2: 1;
  4. effectively spraying drugs Vectra, Fundazoll., iron vigor.

Black spotty

Infection Mush. Marssonina Rosae. It occurs in the late spring, and the first symptoms manifest themselves only closer to August. Brown or black spots are formed on leaves, they quickly increase, racing over the surface. The relaxed bush resets the foliage, it blooms very badly. Black spotting begins to progress when high humidity.

It is quite difficult to get rid of the disease, since the fungus is perfectly preserved on false foliage. Therefore, intense spring trimming, cleaning last year's plant residues And mulching are extraordinary methods of treatment. By the way, yellow varieties are more prone to black spot.

Methods of struggle:

  1. definitely break sick leaves;
  2. in sunny weather, chops are poured by a soda solution (half a cup of 3.5 liters of pure water);
  3. following people's way - a glass of milk to dilute in 12 liters of water and arrange a "victim" shower;
  4. treatment landing Zinab, Blessing, Topaz, Sorrow, Fundazole. Bordeaux liquid can also help, as well as copper Kuner.


Especially strongly rust fungus Phragmidium. The repair, park varieties, rosehip are affected. In the spring on the root neck, shoots, the bottom of the leaf plate appears bright redhead pustulas with disputes. Already since July they are black, fond of foliage, deform and dry shoots. Fighting with rust is very difficult, especially in a rainy summer. If the rose is badly damaged, it is not subject to treatment: such copies are destroyed.

Methods of treatment:

  1. for prevention do extra-green subcords Superphosphate exhaust (0.3%), potash nitrate (0.3%);
  2. the affected parts need to be cut, shit the rest and burn. After each trimming, the tool is treated in denaturate;
  3. landing, the land around is sprayed with copper-containing drugs as well Topaz, profit.

Viral Mosaic

The characteristic signs of viral mosaic - the appearance of yellow divorces on sheet plates. In addition to the marble pattern, the leaves often become wrinkled, very narrow, curly. Plants weaken, slow down their growth, they quickly die. The reason for the spread of viral mosaic often becomes the wave, ticks, as well as the vaccination of roses.

The disease is easy to transfer through tools, hands, gloves. Sick instances are not used for breeding. Some gardeners are in no hurry to dig patients of bushes, if they are still quite strong: they are feeding with fertilizers with the full composition of trace elements. Too affected plants, of course, destroy.

Got sick and led roses - we are looking for and eliminating the cause

Rose is a whimsical decorative plant. With incorrect care, it can get fungal and viral diseases. How to recognize an infection than to treat roses from Tly and Diseases, and what prevention measures to do, you will learn from our article.

The most dangerous diseases of roses are viral, as they lead to the death of the plant completely, and it is almost impossible to cure it. But there are such diseases much less often than fungal - amazing one of the parts of the plant (leaves or stem, less often flower). One of them is the phillostose of roses leaves, we have already considered in all details.

Infectious burn or stem cancer (lat. Coniothyrium Wernsdorffiae)

Provoked by the fungus Coniothyrium Wernsdorffiae. A plant in the autumn-spring rest period is infected. Spores penetrate through the cracks resulting from frosts in the rose stem, or wounds remaining after incorrect trimming, or without processing a garden boiler.

The disease extends to all types of roses and can flush on blackberry and raspberry through poorly disinfected tools. Disputes of stroke cancer are transferred to water, reproduction promotes wet windless weather and late, after July 20, feeding with nitrous fertilizers.

Roses diseases and their treatment requires a lot of time and attention. It is necessary to constantly monitor the behavior of infection, and if it continues to develop, it is better to remove the bush completely, and when infected by adjacent plants - destroy the entire rosary so that the fruit and fruit and vegetable crops.

Signs of infectious burn

  • Garden roses disease manifests itself on the stem, dark brown ulcers appear, which when walking throughout the diameter leads to the death of escape. On ulcers begin to grow black dots (picnides), which serve as a source of further infection.

Treatment of infectious burn

  • Sick shoots remove, without damaging ulcers on the stem;
  • Clean the small wounds to a healthy base, the most convenient to use the paper knife. Lach the garden harder;
  • To the dissolution of the kidneys, the disease of the roses is important to prevent, treat the struck by the bush with 3% burglar fluid, it will destroy the disputes so that the pests of roses do not spread them;
  • Infected shoots to cure every week to spray Fungicide "Hom".

How to prevent infective burn

  • Prevent plants freezing, which leads to cracks in the stem;
  • To cover roses from frost with moderate humidity and temperature not more than 10 degrees Celsius;
  • Before shelter process the soil of 3% copper vitrios or 1% burgundy liquid;
  • Disinfection tool before pruning;
  • In the second half of July, spray with potash fertilizers.

Rust roses (lat. Phragmidium Disciflorum)

It occurs in spring due to infection with the phragmidium fungus. Amazes the entire ground part of the plant at the end of April - early May, disputes are transferred to water. Top on the sheets and shoots appear the growth (sperm) of yellow color, they are black for autumn. On the lower part of the sheet plate there are empty, which dust with disputes and infect neighboring plants. Rust is striking berry shrubs, decorative and coniferous trees.

Signs of roses disease: photo, description

  • Foliage is covered by the spots of red and brown color. After time, the sheet plate dries and disappears;
  • The shoots change the shape and twisted, they begin to crack and spray disputes.

Rust on roses, treatment

  • Processing with drugs in which they include zinc and m-food (Abiga-Peak Fungicides, Topaz, Bayleton, Copper Summary);
  • Spraying with 1% burgundy liquid.

Rust Prevention

  • At the end of the summer, it is necessary to break roses from dry leaves and branches;
  • At the beginning of the fall, processing 3% copper vitrios or borobo liquid;
  • To make chemical immunomodulators ("Ealina - Extra", "Zirkon", "Immunocytofit").

Black spotty (lat. Marssonina)

Calling with Marssonina Rosae fungus, hitting the plant affects the leaf plate, flower petals and sewers. Spores are transferred to water drops, black spotting develops in July and August.

How to recognize the disease

On sick plants there are small dark specks, which rapidly increase in diameter to 15 mm. Conides with arms of fungus are formed on them. The leaves fall into the sequence from above - down. Rose is weakening and gradually dies.

Black spotting on roses Treatment and prevention measures

  • The leaves and shoots affected by black spottedness are cut off, they can not be sent to compost, because they are burned;
  • Purchase roses are treated with copper and zinc fungicides ("Fundazole", "Captain");
  • In the fall, before shelter plants for the winter, they are sprayed with 3% copper or iron vigor.

Puffy dew or rose conidiasis (lat. SPHAEROTHECA PANNOSA)

Caused by a fungus that strikes the leaves and shoots, less often flowers and buds. For the development of the dispute (conidium), warm weather is favorable (from 20 degrees. Celsius) and high level Air humidity B. summer period. It is transferred to the fungus by air, water when watering and rain, insects. Puffy dew amazes almost all decorative plants, fruit and vegetable crops, so it is important to start fighting in time.

Signs of infection of roses, illness and treatment

  • Roses leaves are covered with dark red spots, in the future, the sheet plate is deformed, dries and disappears;
  • Escape is covered with loose pustles, which are similar to the pads. They have fungal disputes.

How to prevente infection of mildew

  • Cut the bushes and prevent the landing thickening;
  • Do not overflow nitrogen fertilizers, comply with the deadlines for their introduction (until mid-summer);
  • During the formation of buds to treat fungicides ("Topsin-M", "Bayleton", "Fundazol");
  • Every 2 weeks spray the bushes of roses with a 10-day infusion of a cowboat;
  • From mid-July, make feeding with potassium sulfate.

False powdered dew or peridosorosis of roses (lat. Pseudoperonospora)

It arises due to the infection of the fungus and infects the plants at the beginning of summer. Disseminate disputes with rain and wind. For development, a favorable sharp decrease in temperature, soil wetlafting, high humidity, as well as a shaded area with poor air ventilation. The disease amazes many decorative plants, vegetable and berry culture.

Signs of roses disease, and their treatment with a photo

  • On the sheet plate there are shapeless stains of dark red or purple color, over time, foliage begins to lose shape, twisted and falls out;
  • Fracks appear on roses stems, the leaves of buds are darked and die off;
  • With the help of magnifying glass, you can see a web plaque on the back of the sheet.

Treatment and measures for protection against peridosporosis

  • The false milderous growing plants completely emerge, burn away from healthy;
  • With small defeats, treat roses by fungicides ("Staters" or "Ridomil Gold");
  • During the formation of buds, it is made to make a means of copper and zinc (burgundy liquid, "downtown", "ditanom-M45";
  • Timely handle feeders containing potassium and phosphorus.

Gray rot Roses (lat. Botrytis Cinerea)

It occurs due to the infection of the fungus Botrytis Cinerea and moves down on the plant from top to bottom.

Signs of infection

Dark stains appear on the affected areas if they sink sprouts, it dies. Yellowish spots arise on the leaves and petals. Over time, gray fluffy mycelium begins to appear on them. The development of a gray rotting fungus contributes to protracted rains and an increase in air humidity, poor ventilating when growing in greenhouse conditions.

How to cure and prevent roses of illness

  • Purchase plants process every 2 weeks of fungicides ("EUPares", "Fundazol");
  • Periodically water the land with garden preventive preparations or growth stimulants, which include mangalls;
  • Sick parts of plants cut and burn. Do not allow the accumulation of fallen dry leaves and branches.

Viral mosaic - rose disease and their treatment (lat. Rose Mosaic Virus)

It occurs due to the damage to the virus and is transmitted through infected tools when trimming and vaccination. S. infection begins bald leaves: They are covered with light small stains and fall.

For the whole garden, there may be a dangerous development of rose disease and the struggle with them should begin immediately. A virus mosaic can flush into lilac bushes, currant, gooseberry, less often raspberries.

Prevention measures from mosaic - dangerous sickness of garden rose

  • When planning, visually check plants for diseases;
  • Mandatory disinfection of tool for trimming in 1% iodine solution.

How to protect against rose diseases

  • Looking for roses saplings only in places with constant sunlight and good ventilation, for fertile soil with a level of acidity (pH) not lower than 6.5-7.6.
  • With the arrival of March to the dissolution of the buds need to be done. The first - urea or dung influence (in proportion of 1:20 with water). Two weeks later - Potassium nitrate for best blossom and juicy color.
  • The feeding during flowering is not needed.
  • After cutting off roses, the nobility of manure is carried out, loose and mulched the soil.

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Roses disease and their treatment takes a lot of time and effort. Compliance with the agrotechnical rules of landing and care, and preventive protection measures will allow to protect plants from diseases.

Rose is a decorative-blooming queen of the garden. It is a symbol of love and admiration from ancient times. Today this plant is often used in landscape design and decorating garden sites. Garden and home roses of disease and pests are often amazed. The lack of proper care and not the business industry enterprise is one of the causes of the death of this flower.

Pests - prevention and struggle

Conduct timely measures both preventive and protective, will allow the rosary of the disease and the invasion of malicious insects.

Any prophylactic treatment of roses is carried out strictly according to the established safety regulations. After all, for this are used chemical substanceswhich are harmful to the human body. Respirator I. latex gloves - The first two things that each flower should be.

The greatest danger to the rosary represent pests during the actual growth and development of plants. At this time, roses release new shoots, leaves and floral kidneys, which are food for larvae and insects. Plants require frequent inspection and attention.

The larvae of the peelings, beetles and caterpillars are ricking insects that violate the life processes of flowers. As a result, the plants are poorly blooming and suspend their height. The appearance of these pests is evidenced: the hole eating the pulp, the tearing of leaves and stems, damage to flower buds is outside.

Pests, sucking juice from the ground part of the plants, provoke a violation of the growth and development of colors. As a result of this, plant leaves are yellow, twisted and die over time. To the sucking insects, which cause tremendous harm to roses, belong to the whiteflies of rosal, shields, ticks and a wave.

Whew Rotary - Malicious insect, which shares on roses mainly from the bottomside of the leaves, shoots, stems and flower buds. The mass invasion of rosic rosic can be observed with the naked eye during the examination of the flower, despite the fact that the larvae was very small. These pests very quickly multiply. 7 days after the appearance of the larvae turn into females. Each individual can give offspring - about a hundred larvae. For the year this insect reproduces up to ten generations, which by the end summer season Transformed into the individuals of two floors with cinema forms. For the winter they lay eggs to appear new larvae in the spring.

These insects grow very actively, sucking juice from the entire ground part of the plants. Busta roses, affected byphids are poorly developed, their leaves are twisted and tremendous, and flower buds in the open form have an ugly shape. It is worth knowing that such plants become vulnerable to disease and poorly carry cold. The mass appearance of ants in the rosary is a sign that the tough settled on the bushes of roses.

Semitochny ladybug - Insect that loves to enjoy tool. It eats up to 250 Tsi larva a day.

In prophylactic purposes, the plants spray in early spring, even until the swelling of the kidneys contact insecticides. After that, the processing of acutellic, borobos or metatone. The kerosene solution is also effective - 2 g of substances contribute to one water bucket.

Some flower products use garlic-bulky infusion, which is prepared as follows. Grinding onions and garlic on 300g mixed with 400 g of chopped tomato leaves. The cooked cashem is placed in a three-liter container, poured with water and closed tight on six o'clock for insteading. After this time, infusion is needed to mix well, strain through the gauze and bring up to ten liters of the volume with simple water. To improve contact with foliage, liquid soap is added to the solution. This is an excellent tool in the fight against web tongs, aphid, caterpillars, curses and sawers. The processing frequency is five times a day for a week.

This is an insect that is very often appearing in rosary and causes much harm to plants. The appearance of this pest indicates a white spottedness on the leaves, which over time becomes marble. Bushes, affected by the coked, quickly lose their decorativeness. In very damaged plants, foliage very quickly turns yellow and falls. Of the pending female in the fall of eggs, which are located at the ends of the shoots, the larvae goes early in the spring. They can be observed on the underside of the sheet plate. Insects white colorLovely suck juice from plant foliage. In adults, the body has an extended light yellow color. Cycada B. adulthood Very active and mobile. For the year of females can produce up to three generations. Treatment of affected bushes is carried out at the stage of mass appearance of pest larvae insecticidal mortar. The ground part of the plants spray twice every ten days.

Special danger to roses represents cobed tick. In greenhouse conditions, these pests can come true and develop throughout the year. Present a four-green insect light green with black spots on the back. In winter, the body of the tick acquires a red or orange color. One female can postpone up to 170 eggs, from which larvae will appear in five days. The brand development cycle is 15-25 days. There is no more than thirty-five insect. Both larvae and adult individuals affect the lower part of the plants sheet plate, sucking juice from them, which leads to a disruption of metabolism and life functions of roses. Dehydrated leaves are first yellow, then twisted and fall. Roses affected by a spider tick, very quickly lose decorative qualities. The female ticks are very well transferred to wintering, staying in the soil or in other secluded places. In early spring At air temperature, about 13-14 degrees, females begin to postpone the light-pink-colored eggs that can be seen through the magnifying glass.

On the indoor rosesah, the web tick appears in the rooms where too dry air is. To increase the level of moisture, plants conduct frequent spraying. This is one of the main prophylactic measures that prevents the appearance of this pest. The affected copies are sprayed with an Akrex preparation - 0.08% concentration. Also, α-0.05% concentration or oohth with a concentration of 0.1% is also suitable for destroying the paouth mold. For plants in greenhouses, phytodeterm, actor or vermitek are used. It is worth remembering that such drugs do not have any impact on eggs. They destroy only adult individuals. For this, the rose bushes spray 4-5 times every three days at a temperature of 30 degrees.

Other common pests

Diseases of roses - infectious and fungal

In addition to pests, garden roses, as well as home, can affect various diseases. I would like to note that among all the varieties of indoor colors of the kind of richness, chinese rose needs to special care and attention. From a lack of lighting, irregular watering, a rebupping or shortage of nutrients, it weakens. It reduces its resistance to diseases and pests.

Most often indoor roses, as well as garden, are sick with fungal infections that affect all parts of the plant

This disease appears on young leaves and branches. More often this disease amazes indoor roses. Eliminate the risk of powdered dew can be if the colors provide right conditions wrapping - moderate air humidity, not less than 60%, and temperature mode within 17-18 degrees. A sign of the emergence of this disease is a torment of a grayish shade, which covers the leaves, stalks and flowers of the plant. Over time, it develops into a solid mass on the surface of the affected part of the flower. This disease disrupts all life processes and destroys plant tissues. As a result, the leaves twist and fall, and young shoots - die away.

What to do?

In autumn, the affected flowers are cut, burning damaged parts. It is then a thorough port of soil, after which the larvae and insects die from the lack of oxygen.

Immediately after trimming, the autumn or early spring is carried out by the irrigation of the bushes with a three-percent solution of copper sulfate in a complex with a solution of iron vitrios of the same concentration. Such prevention reduces the risk of the appearance of the disease next year.

During the growing season, the flower products began to successfully apply a copper-soap solution for roses. Three hundred grams contribute to nine liters of water liquid soap And thirty grams of copper sulfate, pre-divorced in one liter of water. Processing is carried out every eight days.

Fungal disease - Marsonin

Black and brown spotting on foliage - the first sign of the appearance of this disease. Peak manifestation of Marsonina falls for July-August. Leaves, petioles and horses are covered with dark brown spots. In the launched cases, the leaves are completely darkened, die and fall. The mushroom with disputes remains wintering on the foliage and branches of roses.

What to do?

It is thorough to deal with this disease. All affected parts on the bushes are cut and burned. After that, the Earth resistance is carried out with a turnover of the formation. Early spring, until the renal dissipation, the bushes spray with special chemicals.

This disease that appears in the form of orange dusting circles resembling the appearance of the ulcers. This fungus loves a wet and warm medium. Therefore, the risk of rust appears on roses in spring under such conditions increases significantly. At the same time, plants completely violated the growing process. The affected flowers become oppressed - the leaves and shoots dry over time, and the floral buds are deformed.

What to do?

Before starting treatment, damaged parts are cut on the bushes. Then conduct the soil resistance. Before wintering plants are treated with iron or copper vitrios. In the spring, during the period of active growth, until the rose blooms are sprayed with a solution based on copper and household soap.

Yellow or whitewashed leaves are a sign of the appearance of this disease. Most often, chlorosis is sick of roses, suffering from lack of nutritional components in the ground - zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium and other elements. Very often, this disease complains flowerflowers who have a Chinese rose.

What to do?

First you need to identify the cause. To do this, analyzes the soil or flower. After that, the plant fills the missing trace element.

This is one of the most dangerous diseases of roses, which is actively developing in conditions of high humidity or in the heat. Roses leaves are covered with brown spots and after a while completely die away.

What to do?

In order to prevent the appearance of this disease, the flowers spray one of the fungicides. This procedure is carried out in rainy or hot weather.

Give your roses due care, spend preventive measures and frequent inspections, and then you do not have to resort to extreme methods to save your rosary from diseases or pests.

Unfortunately, all indoor plants are susceptible to infectious diseases that cause various bacteria, mushrooms, viruses. AND non-infectious diseaseswhose development contributes unsuitable conditions ambient. And although indoor roses are not so capricious as some other plant species, still pests and diseases and do not bypass them. Diseases of indoor roses is quite difficult, so it is much easier to prevent them than to treat. It is easy to achieve, if it is correct and timely care for them.

Diseases of indoor roses

First of all, young and weakened plants are subject to diseases, as well as those who have not been ensured correct and attentive care. One of the most common fungal diseases indoor plants It is a torment dew. The main reasons for its occurrence can become poor ventilability of the room, the crowded plants in one place, as well as excess fertilizer. The disease is characterized by a white bloom on the stems and leaves of the plant. With its development, the leaves are gradually drying, twisted and over time completely fall. Treatment is carried out by removing the affected shoots, leaves and buds and preparations of topaz, Fundazol, etc.

Another similar to the previous disease is false torment dew. Very often, these two diseases are confused. The difference is that with false mildew white flag From the spore of mushrooms covers, as a rule, only the bottom side of the leaves. On the upper side of them, you can usually observe yellowish or light spots. This disease is very quickly applied to wet leaves. The treatment is to remove the affected shoots, leaves, buds and the processing of fungicide. In order for mushrooms are not accustomed to a specific drug, it should be replaced from a periodically to another from the group of fungicides.

If they appear on the leaves of indoor roses brown spots, gradually increasing in size, which later merge and affect the entire sheet completely, then these are signs of another disease called spotting. It has both bacterial and fungal nature. Most often, the disease exhibits itself in the second phase of vegetation. The treatment is made by removing the affected shoots and leaves and spraying with any copper-containing drugs (copper vigor, burglar liquid, oxych) or topcin and foundazole. It is also important to reduce watering affected plants and stop spraying them to complete recovery.

If the leaves of your plants were covered with red, orange or dark brown lines of small size (pustules), they were struck by the so-called rust of roses. Its occurrence contributes insufficient and incorrect care of indoor roses. It is very important to create optimal conditions To grow and develop these plants - to ventilate the room in time, avoid high temperatures of air and high humidity. Treatment in this situation mainly is to remove all the leaf suspicion, since the spraying of fungicides can not always contribute to the termination of the development of the disease.

Pest rooms of indoor roses

In addition to the diseases listed, indoor roses may be affected by a variety of pests. The most common one is the so-called web tick on the room rose. The reason for its occurrence is most often not sufficiently moistened and too warm air in room. At the beginning of the defeat, these pests on the leaves can be noticed the pale points, which over time increase and turn into solid spots of whitic color. In this case, it is necessary to wash off with plants with a web with a shampoo from animal ticks and raise moisture in the room. After that, it is necessary to treat roses with special preparations against ticks - acaricides.

There are other pests of indoor roses. This is a rosal TLL and TRIPS. They are especially dangerous in spring-summer period. Rosena TLL typically strikes buds and leaves, after which they are twisted and covered with sticky discharge of this pest. With the defeat of the TRIPS you can see the stains and significant deformation of flowers, as well as the change in the color of the leaves - they purchase a brownish-grayish shade with silver glitter. When detecting these pests, plants should be treated with insecticide.

It should be remembered that with the right and timely care of indoor roses of many diseases affecting these beautiful plants, you can avoid. For their health, only two most important conditions are needed - fresh cool air and bright diffused light.