How to quickly remove fat from the microwave. How and what to clean the microwave from the fat inside, the most effective ways

Microwave ovens have long been included in our everyday life, and this is not strange, considering all their advantages and help in cooking and heating food. In this article, we will talk about how to wash the inside of the microwave from the fat in order to Appliances served as intended as long as possible.

How to clean the microwave with lemon?

This method is somewhat more efficient and faster than the others, which we will consider later. Another advantage is the pleasant lemon scent after cleaning the oven.

You will need:

  • A container that is suitable for microwave use.
  • 400-500 ml of water.
  • 1 tablespoon citric acid or 4 tablespoons lemon juice.

Important! Do not throw away any leftover lemon that has been squeezed out of juice. They also come in handy.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Dissolve citric acid in water or squeeze into it required amount lemon juice. You can also put the rest of the lemon in the water.
  2. Place the container with the solution in the oven chamber and turn on the device at maximum power for 3-15 minutes.

Important! The operating time of the microwave oven depends on the degree of contamination of the interior space.

  1. Wait 5 minutes after the appliance has finished working.
  2. Wipe down the oven by wetting the sponge in the same solution in particularly difficult places.

Important! If your microwave oven has an enamel finish, regular use of citric acid when washing it can damage the enamel. Therefore, alternate this cleaning method with others suggested below.

In the kitchen, all equipment should shine with cleanliness. And if you don't really want to spend a lot of time on leaving, read right now about effective remedies that will help you:

How to clean the inside of the microwave with baking soda?

If you didn't have lemon or citric acid at home, then you will probably find baking soda... She is also good remedy, allowing you to clean the microwave from the fat inside at home.

You will need:

  1. Microwave safe container.
  2. 400-500 ml of water.
  3. 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Dissolve soda in water.
  2. Place the container with the solution in the chamber and turn on the oven at maximum power for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Leave the camera closed for another 5 minutes after turning it off.
  4. Wipe the inside of the oven clean.
  5. Treat difficult places with a dampened sponge in the same soda solution.

If you are ready to finally carry out a thorough revision of the kitchen and bring it to perfect condition, our useful tips from the article ““.

How to clean the microwave at home with vinegar in 5 minutes?

This method effective enough to remove heavy carbon and grease. The disadvantage is bad smell the agent used. But, fortunately, it quickly disappears and only purity remains. Therefore, if you urgently need to wash the microwave from the fat inside in 5 minutes, this method is definitely suitable.

You will need:

  • A dish made of a material that allows you to use it in the microwave.
  • 400-500 ml of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar or 1 teaspoon of 70% essence.

Stages of work:

  1. Pour water into a bowl and add vinegar to it.
  2. Put the solution in the chamber and turn on the microwave for 5 minutes.

Important! The time can be increased to 10-15 minutes in case of serious contamination.

  1. Allow the fumes some more time to better dissolve the dirt. To do this, do not immediately open the oven door after the end of its operation.
  2. Wipe the entire interior with a sponge.

How to clean the microwave with vinegar and baking soda?

Old greasy food stains will help remove special composition from the ingredients that can be found in every kitchen.

You will need:

  • Soda.
  • Vinegar.
  • Water.
  • Capacity for microwave ovens.

Stages of work:

  • Prepare a solution by mixing water, vinegar, and baking soda.
  • Place the container with the solution in the microwave and bring it to a boil.
  • After turning off the appliance, do not open the door for about 20 minutes.
  • Remove any dirt with a cloth and wipe the interior dry.

Important! The use of all these cleaning agents in combination gives a very effective result - you can wash the microwave inside at home, even if the carbon and fat layer on the surfaces inside the chamber is solid.

How to clean the inside of the microwave from the grease using dishwashing liquid and a sponge?

After reading the name of this method, you probably thought about mechanically washing the camera with a sponge and detergent. By by and large you are wrong. This method will fit for washing light dirt in the microwave.

You will need:

  • Sponge (only not metal).
  • Water.
  • Dishwashing liquid.

Stages of work:

  1. Soak a sponge liberally in water and squeeze onto it detergent.
  2. Lather up the sponge.
  3. Place the sponge in the cooking chamber and microwave for 30 seconds using minimum power.

Important! Be careful not to melt the sponge.

  1. Open the door after the appliance has finished working.
  2. Wash off dirt with the same sponge. Vapors softened greasy stains can be easily wiped off.

How to clean the microwave at home with laundry soap?

Laundry soap is a universal product that helps not only to wash, but also to clean various surfaces... The microwave oven chamber is no exception.

You will need:

  • Foam sponge.
  • Laundry soap.

Stages of work:

  1. Apply to a damp sponge laundry soap and lather it well.
  2. Foam the entire inside of the camera and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with water using a clean sponge.
  4. Wipe the walls dry.

How to clean a microwave oven with household chemicals?

In our time, it would be strange if the manufacturers of household chemicals did not release a special product for cleaning microwave ovens. When buying a similar product, always read the instructions for its use.

General rules for the use of any household chemicals:

  • Typically, such agents are applied evenly to all of the inner walls of the chamber and left to act for a while. In cases of particularly difficult contamination, the product should be on the surfaces overnight.
  • After that, the walls of the oven are washed out and wiped dry.
  • In order for the smell of household chemicals to completely disappear, the oven door must be left open after cleaning.

Important! It is only necessary to work with household chemicals in rubber gloves... Thus, you protect the skin of the hands from components harmful to it.

If all your actions did not have a very noticeable result, and the idea arose of replacing the equipment with a newer one, then it's time to start looking through the rating on our website with.

  • The inside of the camera must be cleaned in the following order:
    1. Take out the ring and glass plate.
    2. Wipe down the top wall and grate.
    3. Wipe the sides.
    4. Wipe down the bottom of the camera.
    5. The door is the last one to wipe.
  • To avoid the formation of complex dirt in the oven chamber and less often to wash the microwave while cooking or heating food, use a special plastic hood. It will protect the walls of the appliance from food splashes.

Important! If you haven't bought a special cap yet, use it instead. glass cover or cling film.

  • In case of unpleasant situations when food in a microwave oven “explodes” and leaves splashes of fat or food particles on the walls, they must be removed immediately. This will greatly facilitate your work.
  • When cleaning the oven, make sure that no water gets on the inside of the appliance.
  • Do not clean the inner walls of the chamber with a hard brush or metal sponge, use abrasive products to remove dirt.
  • It is advisable not to touch the ventilation grill and a magnetron.
  • Unplug the appliance when wiping the outside.
  • Even if dirt has penetrated inside the appliance, you should not try to disassemble the microwave oven yourself.
  • So that there is no unpleasant smell in the microwave chamber, you can leave a few tablets of ordinary activated carbon, a plate of soda in it overnight, ground coffee or half a lemon.

Once the technique is perfectly clean, it's time to try it out and cook something delicious. Go right now to our review best recipes for microwave

It must be remembered that if not properly cared for, every household appliance can cause unpleasant situations. A dirty microwave oven is a huge risk to life. A thick layer of fat can cause short circuit... Keep track of the cleanliness of your kitchen assistants, and they will delight you with good work for more than one year.

It doesn't matter what kind of microwave you have, but it should look great! This can be achieved through quality care for her.

Whether you have a built-in microwave or not, you have to work hard. Fortunately, there is enough for this folk remedies, it is not necessary to use any modern detergents.

Vinegar essence and microwave

How to clean the microwave with vinegar? There are many options with salt, paraffin wax candle, but you can stay with vinegar. It is in every home, and when using it, you cannot scratch the surface, which cannot be said about salt.

For washing itself, use soft sponges, rags, old and unnecessary towels. This applies to both external and internal washing.

When washing, try to prevent water from getting into the inside of the microwave itself. An electrical appliance is so easily damaged.

Cleaning method

How to clean the inside of the microwave with vinegar? The method is quite simple and common. To do this, you need utensils that can fit in the microwave. Pour water into a bowl and add a few drops of the essence. Put the device on and turn it on for 5-7 minutes. Then remove the dishes and start wiping the walls inside.

Vinegar is also good because it does not damage inner cover... But various detergents, if possible, are not recommended for such cleaning.

Usually, the vinegar method helps to cleanse the inside of the microwave from grease and burns. The parts of the microwave that you can pull out (stand and wheels) can then be soaked separately in a solution of vinegar or baking soda.

Are there any alternatives?

Why clean your microwave with vinegar when there are other options? Nothing bad can be said about soda, in principle this is also efficient way... Speaking of vinegar, you can add that it is easily removed from the walls of the device, there will be no traces of it, when heated, it will simply evaporate and the insides will definitely not hurt.


Cleaning with vinegar is very quick and effective. Many housewives use this method. Dirt and grease with carbon deposits are removed at once. For the smell, you can then wipe the inside of the microwave lemon juice or, conversely, to get rid of the smell.

Today it can be seen in almost every home. She has become an indispensable attribute modern kitchen... Using the microwave, you can quickly defrost food, prepare delicious food, and reheat food before serving.

A kitchen assistant is usually used very often by all family members. In this regard, sooner or later, yellow dried spots of fat appear on its surface. How to clean the microwave at home and help it become snow-white again?

If your kitchen assistant gets dirty, keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to wash it like a kettle or a saucepan. In each case, you should apply your own tricks and secrets. How to clean a microwave oven at home so that it does not have to be taken to a repair shop after that?

If you wash your kitchen assistant outside, then a damp sponge and any kind of detergent are enough. The inside of the microwave oven gets dirty much more and more often. In this case, it is necessary to clean hard-to-remove greasy or spots that have already dried out.

In order for the device to shine white again and not be damaged, you should know the structure of its inner surface. It is usually multi-layered. Last, outer layer designed to reflect microwaves and is protective. That is why it should not be damaged.


Before you should carefully study the instructions for its operation. It should have a section indicating which detergents can be used to clean the inner layer. First of all, they should not contain abrasive particles. In other words, you cannot use various microwave cleaning powders. Only use a soft sponge for cleaning the kitchen assistant. It is easier to remove dried stains with a coarse brush, but it significantly increases the likelihood of damage to the protective layer.

Nowadays, you can easily buy a detergent. The selection of these products is quite large. There are special means designed for washing microwave ovens. When buying, preference should be given to sprays, creams and gels. It is this shape of the cleaning product that will gently remove dirty stains.

In the household chemicals departments of supermarkets, you can buy "Mister Muscle" and special napkins for the microwave oven - "Magic Power". Cleaning products such as Sanita 500-Antizhir and Sunklin are also sold.

How to clean the inside of the microwave? Simple enough. To do this, you need to apply a little product to the contaminated surface and leave it for a few minutes. After that, the gel, cream or spray is removed with a soft cloth.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you need to go through several options to find the most effective remedy... In addition, household chemicals cause considerable harm to health. If you are allergic or have Small child, you will have to use another option.


How to clean the inside of the microwave using a safe and simple enough method? Plain water will help to remove grease stains from the protective layer completely free of charge. However, it should be remembered that this method is only suitable for light contamination.

How to clean the microwave at home with water? To do this, pour a small amount of it into a bowl, and then put the container in the microwave oven. The microwave is turned on at full power, setting a timer for five to fifteen minutes. After switching off, it should take a little time for the stains to get better wet. Only then can the dirt be removed with a soft cloth or sponge. This method is very effective in eighty percent of cases.

Lemon acid

How to clean the microwave at home if stains are difficult to remove? In such situations, when applying plain water desired result do not receive. But you shouldn't despair. There is an easy way to clean up your helper at no extra cost. To do this, you will need to use citric acid... It will perfectly clean the dirty surface and whiten it.

How to clean the microwave with citric acid? The principle of using this product is the same as in the variant with water. Only a teaspoon of citric acid should be added to the prepared container with liquid. This method is also good because after cleaning the inner surface in the microwave a pleasant fresh smell remains. Instead of citric acid, the juice of one lemon or several slices of this citrus can be added to a container with water.


There is another great tool that will answer the question of how to clean the microwave from fat. This is vinegar. In terms of its effectiveness, it is on a par with citric acid. Therefore, the choice of the tool is yours.

This method of cleaning the inner surface of the kitchen assistant is as simple as all of the above. In a container with warm water vinegar should be added in the amount of three tablespoons. The prepared mixture is placed in the microwave, which is turned on for five minutes. In order for the stains to soften well, after turning off the device, wait a quarter of an hour. After that, the walls are cleaned with a soft sponge or cloth. If the surface is not very dirty, then it can be simply wiped with the resulting vinegar solution.


This product is abrasive. However, it can also be used to clean the inner surface of the microwave oven. How to quickly clean the microwave with baking soda? For this, the product in the amount of two to three tablespoons must be added to a container with warm water. After that, putting the resulting solution in the microwave, start the timer for five minutes. The container must remain inside the device for another fifteen minutes after turning it off. Only then will the stains be completely soaked, they can be removed without much difficulty with a soft sponge.

Orange skins

The microwave can be cleaned with everyone's favorite citrus orange. This will require his skins. They are placed in a glass mug containing water. The container is placed in a microwave oven for three to five minutes. After that, it is enough to carefully clean the walls of the inner surface from greasy stains.

The microwave oven has long been our indispensable companion in the kitchen. In it you will quickly heat up and prepare any dishes, instantly defrost minced meat or semi-finished products. But the more often you use the microwave, the faster it gets dirty, becoming covered with grease stains on the inside and outside. Today we will talk about how to quickly clean the microwave from such difficult dirt.

Basic cleaning rules

There are many ways to remove grease from the microwave, but before you get started, there are a few rules to learn:

  • Before starting the cleaning process, be sure to unplug the microwave oven from the power supply:
  • metal sponges and brushes cannot be used;
  • the same applies to abrasive cleaners and detergents;
  • try to use as little water as possible during cleaning so as not to accidentally flood items that are sensitive to moisture;
  • for cleaning both outside and inside, aggressive household products must not be used;
  • even if strong dirt has penetrated deep inside, do not disassemble the device yourself.

The easiest way to clean up is to use special chemical agents... Almost all companies that produce household chemicals have long been producing drugs designed specifically for microwave ovens. Most often they come in the form of a spray. It is very simple to use it: apply a spray to the surface (the bottom of the oven and its walls), leave it for a while, then wipe it with a damp cloth, and then dry it.

Use special products and soft sponges to clean the microwave oven

Such products should be applied very carefully so that they do not fall on the gratings that cover the magneton.

But we offer you several ways, thanks to which you can significantly save your family budget and at the same time return your assistant to a clean shiny look. You do not need special household chemicals, you can get by with the tools that you will find in your kitchen.

Home tricks: we clean the microwave with tools that are always at hand

There are 5 great tools for cleaning the inside of your microwave oven at home:

  • Fresh citrus fruits such as lemon
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • laundry soap.

The first remedy is not only effective, but also pleasant. Citrus will cleanse the oven walls and flavor the air inside and outside the oven.

  1. Take one large lemon or two small ones. Cut into wedges of any size, place in a suitable bowl and cover with a glass of water.
  2. Place the dishes in the microwave and turn it on at maximum power for 5 minutes. After the process is over, leave the dishes inside for a while.
  3. Unplug the microwave from the mains. Use a soft, slightly damp sponge to remove the softened grease and dirt, and then wipe the surfaces dry with a hygroscopic cloth.

Instead of using whole lemons, you can use the peel cut into small pieces.

Top up the microwave container only halfway with water to avoid ruining the appliance when boiling.

If you don’t have citrus fruits at home, then you will surely find citric acid. This tool has long proven itself for its cleansing properties. It is enough to dissolve 25 g of citric acid (1 sachet) in a glass of water and place a plate with the solution in the microwave. The acid dissolves fat on evaporation. After the oven shuts down, leave it closed for another 10 minutes, after which, by removing the plug from the socket, thoroughly wipe the inner surfaces with a sponge or cloth.

Note! On the Internet, you can often see comments that cleaning with citrus or citric acid can "kill" the microwave. To avoid this, follow 3 rules: the container must be filled with water halfway so that it does not flood the elements during boiling; do not turn on the microwave at full power; the oven should work no more than 5-7 minutes.

Vinegar, baking soda and laundry soap

In exactly the same way, you can clean the microwave with vinegar. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water, put the dish with the solution in the microwave for 5 minutes. Vinegar fumes are great at softening grease, but the pungent smell can be unpleasant. Therefore, ventilate the area while cleaning or use a cooker hood.

A solution of baking soda (1 tablespoon per glass of water) will also perfectly clean the inside of your microwave. The cleaning method is the same as in the previous paragraphs. Thanks to soda, the surfaces will acquire a bright shine.

Laundry soap is a well-known and reliable remedy for a long time. Despite the unassuming appearance and not a very pleasant smell, laundry soap copes well with almost any type of dirt.

Use a lather or sponge on the soap. Wipe the inside of the microwave thoroughly and leave a layer of foam for a few minutes. After that, remove the soap with grease and dirt with a damp sponge, then wipe dry with a cloth. So that after the first turn on the smell of burning does not appear, the soap must be removed very carefully, clean. Leftover soap particles can later get into the food you cook, and neither will you enjoy it. Not your family.

Tip: you can save yourself the trouble of cleaning the inside of the microwave, because prevention is always better than "cure". Purchase a microwave-safe lid from a cookware store. Cover dishes with it all the time while you cook, and you will forget about greasy spots on the walls. Such a cover is very easy to clean.

Thus, you can easily and easily clean the inside of your microwave oven from dirt, grease and foreign odors.

Your assistants in cleaning up

Cleaning the microwave oven outside

The outer surfaces of the microwave oven also need regular cleaning. Be sure to clean the door with glass spray. It can be easily replaced with a much cheaper and more environmentally friendly product. homemade... Make a solution: one part vinegar, one part ethyl alcohol, and two parts water. Soak a cloth in it and wipe the door thoroughly until all traces of dirt have been removed.

The outer surfaces of the microwave also need cleaning.

With the same solution, it is very easy to clean the rest of the outer surfaces of the microwave. Before starting the cleaning process, be sure to unplug the microwave to protect yourself from electric shock. Thoroughly wipe the surfaces from dust, then with a cloth dampened in the solution. The cloth must be slightly damp, not wet, otherwise water may enter the inside of the device and cause a short circuit after switching on.

Dust the back of the microwave oven regularly. As you know, dust can cause static electricity, which will damage the microwave oven. Cleaning should be carried out with a dry cloth, without using any means, after disconnecting the oven from the mains.

If, nevertheless, you allowed a strong contamination of the back of the microwave, use a soap, soda or vinegar solution.

Remember to wipe the bottom of your oven if it is suspended.

After cleaning, wait for a while until the device is completely dry, and only then can you turn it on.

Video on cleaning the microwave from grease

We hope these tips will help you cope with your pesky microwave grease. Share with us in the comments your methods and secrets and ask the questions that arise - we will try to answer them. Good luck and comfort to your home!

The microwave oven has long become an indispensable thing in the kitchen, because it can be used to quickly reheat or cook food and defrost food. Like any commonly used household appliances, the microwave needs care and periodic removal of dirt and grease splashes. Although modern models are equipped with a self-cleaning system, most of the devices still have to be washed manually.

Although the process of cleaning the device seems simple at first glance, there are some nuances in it. The fact is that the inner surface of the kitchen assistant has a special coating designed to reflect microwave waves. As a rule, it is quite thin and it is easy to damage it by using products with large abrasive particles or sharp objects to remove grease and dried-on products. As a result, the operation of the microwave oven will be disrupted and it will become unusable faster.

To care for your microwave, it is better to choose special products in the form of creams and sprays, which are sold in stores, or use gentle home methods. But before you clean the inside of the microwave, you need to steam off the dirt. Softened food residues will be much easier to remove from the walls of the apparatus. Almost all methods of fighting fat without the use of household chemicals are based on this principle, the hostess can only give preference to the most convenient for herself.

Lemon... One of the most popular microwave care options is using citrus fruits. To clean the microwave with lemon as quickly and efficiently as possible, fill a deep bowl or glass halfway with water, squeeze out a little juice and add a few slices of fruit. The container is placed in the apparatus and run for 5-7 minutes, so that the liquid boils a little. After waiting another 10-15 minutes after turning off the timer, the door of the device is opened and its inner surface is first treated with a damp cloth, and then with a dry one.

Soda... Use this alkaline agent it is impossible to remove dried food residues in a pure form, since cleaning the microwave oven with baking soda can damage the special coating inside the device. Therefore, the powder is preliminarily diluted in water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of the substance to 400-500 ml of liquid. Only after that, the bowl with the solution is placed in the device and turned on for a quarter of an hour. 10 minutes after the end of the cycle, first remove food debris and grease from the walls with a damp cloth and then wipe them dry.

Vinegar... This method makes it easy to remove stubborn dirt from the stove. To cleanse the microwave with vinegar, 2 tablespoons of the substance are added to a glass half filled with water, after which it is placed in the microwave for 5-10 minutes. Having opened the door of the device 15 minutes after the timer has turned off, you should carefully walk along the inner surface with a napkin, thus removing both dirt and excess moisture.

Lemon acid... This method has proven itself in the fight against both fat and unpleasant odors. But it is possible to effectively clean the microwave oven with citric acid, as in other cases, only by diluting it with water and steaming the working chamber of the device. To do this, a couple of tablespoons of the powder are diluted in a container half filled with water, after which they are placed in the device and turned on for 20 minutes. 10 minutes after the end of the cycle, its walls are wiped with a damp cloth and dried with napkins.

Orange... This method of removing dirt is perhaps one of the simplest and most enjoyable. Juicy citrus helps both remove fat from the microwave and destroy unpleasant odors... The procedure boils down to the fact that the zest of one orange is placed in a deep bowl, which is then poured halfway with water and placed in the oven for 10-15 minutes. When heated, the skins release essential oils that settle together with the steam on the particles of dried products and soften them. A quarter of an hour after turning off the timer, the device is opened and passed with a napkin along its inner surface, removing the remaining dirt.

When starting to clean the microwave in any of the ways you like, you should first wipe the working chamber with a damp cloth. This will remove fresh dirt and prepare the microwave for further processing. Regardless of the method chosen, the container with the liquid placed inside the oven must always be half full, otherwise, instead of steam, splashes may occur and the effectiveness of the procedure will be noticeably reduced.

After removing food debris from the microwave, attention should be paid to the turntable and cabinet. The first, like other kitchen utensils, is washed with dish liquid. To care for the external parts of the device, you can use detergents for glasses and dishes, but it is important to disconnect the device from the mains before doing this. You need to work carefully, avoiding moisture getting into the ventilation openings.

A special lid for the microwave. Use it to prevent fat from getting on the inner walls of the microwave while heating food.

After general cleaning of microwave equipment, it is advisable to regularly keep it clean in the future, wiping it every time after use, because fresh dirt is much easier to remove than old ones. I also recommend buying a special lid, which should be used to cover food during cooking to protect the inner walls of the microwave from grease and splashes.