Types of fungicides, a review of the most effective drugs and their description. What fungicides are best used to treat various diseases of garden trees and shrubs What are the names of fungicides

In the fight against numerous pathogens in summer cottages, the main weapon is fungicides - preparations for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases. Microbiological science offers a whole arsenal of effective drugs, among which you can choose the best one both for the treatment and for the prevention and prevention of plant diseases. Modern fungicides are safe for people, animals and bees, their application gives quick and tangible results. Some drugs have a prolonged period of action, provide long-term plant protection.

Soil free from pathogenic microorganisms, healthy plants in the country are a guarantee of a full-fledged harvest of vegetables and berries, bright colors of flower beds (help you!), Bent under the weight of the fruits of trees and shrubs. The main thing is to figure out how to prevent and, if necessary, cure diseases, choose an effective fungicidal drug, and correctly calculate its dosage.

To the large spread of many fungal infections that affect almost all types of fruit, garden and ornamental plants in the country give the following reasons:

1. The accumulation of pathogens occurs through infected plant remains. This is how root rot, late blight, fusarium spread. Fungal spores accumulate in the soil where the infected tops are left to winter, and are carried along garden beds along with unripe compost.

2. The scarcity and high cost of the main source of fertility until recently - manure, led to its replacement by other suppliers of organic matter for the beds. The green mass of tops, mowed grass, fallen leaves brought from a neighboring forest have become the most important organic fertilizers on the summer cottages. Together with them, pathogenic microorganisms are found in the soil, causing rot and other infectious plant diseases.

3. Incorrect use of drugs that prevent and treat infections, instead of benefit, can lead to the emergence of fungicide-resistant races of microorganisms. Some pathogens develop resistance (addiction) to fungicides, for example, such as Fundazol, Fundazim, Benorad. That is why it is so important to strictly follow the dosage instructions of the drugs and change them from time to time.

Varieties of chemical fungicides for the treatment of infectious plant diseases, their names

The principle of action of various groups of fungicides is not the same. Some of them affect pathogens at the cellular level, others affect enzymes, and others disrupt the breathing processes of harmful fungi. According to the spectrum of action, some fungicides are narrowly targeted, while others destroy a wide range of pathogenic microflora. Moreover, some are better used for the treatment of diseases that have already arisen, while others are better for prevention and prevention.

Modern drugs are divided into groups:


strobi, Profit Gold, Acrobat MC, Ridomil, Tattu. These drugs are most famous as effective remedies against diseases of pome fruits. fruit crops- apples, pears, as well as to prevent infection of fruits during storage.

Copper preparations

blue vitriol, Bordeaux mixture, HOM, Oksikhom, Kurzat, Ordan, Abiga Peak. The versatility of copper-containing products allows you to successfully use them in the country in the garden, vegetable garden, greenhouse for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Sulfur preparations

Thiovit jet, Cumulus, garden sulfur. They are used not only for processing the bark of trees and pollinating berry bushes. Sulfur is fumigated in storage facilities and greenhouses to eliminate pockets of infection with fungal infections on the walls and semi-buildings.


Vitaros, Previcour. Due to the properties of these fungicides, they are used for dressing seeds. This procedure serves to prevent diseases of adult plants. Previkur has proven itself in the fight against various rots and downy mildew.


Fundazol, Fundazim, Benorade. Preparations of this group are used as seed dressings, they practice the treatment of fruits with them before laying them in storage, they treat berry bushes.


  • Topaz- a leader in the fight against such an infection as powdery mildew. A feature of the remedy is a narrow focus on this disease. Efficiency increases with the preventive start of the use of the Topaz fungicide to prevent the disease and 3 repeated treatments every 2 weeks. Works on all plants exposed to powdery mildew.
  • Maksim- a disinfectant widely known among fans of growing potatoes. Fusarium and other soil-borne rots are destroyed by seed dressing, as well as planting material(tubers, bulbs, rhizomatous shoots) decorative flowers.
  • Speed and its analogue Rayok- these drugs have a wide spectrum and long-term effect. They protect fruit trees from scab, tomatoes from late blight, blackcurrants from powdery mildew. These fungicides, which, when preventively treated, quickly penetrate the tissues and are not washed off by rain, are conveniently used to prevent diseases. On stone fruit crops (cherries, plums), Skor and Rayok are used to treat coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis.
  • Other systemic fungicides: Teldor, Tilt, Byleton, Revus and many others.

Prevention and treatment of plant diseases using phytopreparations-biofungicides

Phytopreparations stand apart in a number of fungicides. It is widely believed among summer gardeners that drugs that are not synthesized chemically, but of biological origin, cause less harm to garden land and crops. Let's try to figure out what means for combating plant diseases enter the market under names with the prefix phyto-. There are many such fungicides: Fitosporin, Albite, Fitolavin, Trichodermin, Gliocladin, Alirin-B.

Oddly enough, mushrooms help reduce the number of harmful fungi in the soil! Scientists call these useful representatives of saprophytic fungi of the genus Trichoderma suppressors. This is what is hidden under unfamiliar and obscure scientific terms.
Mushrooms - saprophytes feed on the remains of the organic matter of the plant and animal world, and also know how to turn the mycelium of harmful pathogens into a nutrient medium for themselves. The term "suppressor" in this case means "suppressor". In addition to trichoderma, this group includes several more varieties of fungi. All of them successfully destroy populations of pathogens in the soil.

Saprophytic fungi are propagated in laboratory and industrial conditions. They are used to prepare preparations for the treatment and prevention of diseases in open and closed ground. The most famous are Trichodermin, Gliocladin.

Fungicides of bacterial origin include an equally popular drug - Fitosporin. It includes a live culture consisting of cells and spores of a certain bacterium. A feature of these microorganisms is the ability to suppress the development of pathogenic microflora, enhance plant immunity. Phytosporin is a fungicide with a wide range of applications. It is used to prevent and cure diseases of potatoes and tobacco, root crops, cabbage, tomatoes, black currants, and flowering plants.

Application of fungicides against plant diseases, list


Widespread viral and fungal diseases greatly reduced the plantations of everyone's favorite berries in summer cottages. By sharing planting material with neighbors, buying infected seedlings in the markets, gardeners contributed to the acquisition of healthy garden strawberries became almost impossible. They tried to save the situation with the improvement of planting material by introducing the Frigo industrial technology into amateur gardening. Many summer residents are trying to grow a healthy strawberry culture from seeds.

Treatment of strawberry beds with fungicides helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as a variety of bacterioses, spotting, rot, and powdery mildew. It is necessary to fight with diseases in all periods of vegetation of plants.

The first sprayings begin as soon as the leaves start to grow. Repeated treatments are done every 10 days until mass flowering. At the stage of fruit set and before harvesting, the application of drugs is stopped. After picking the berries, the fungicide treatment has to be repeated to prevent the disease next year. The end of summer, the beginning of autumn, when these diseases are severely affected, we do at least two treatments. Preparations used on strawberry beds: HOM, Bordeaux mixture, Speed, Ridomil.

Fruit trees

The most common disease of the apple tree, which leads to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, is scab. The fungus infects apple trees especially strongly during seasons rich in heavy rains. The multiplied causative agent of the disease, having overwintered on fallen leaves, is carried by the spring wind and settles on the blossoming buds. Thus, scab spores fall into the ovaries. A diseased tree sheds damaged leaves prematurely and yields cracked, twisted fruits with corky skins.

A fungicide that has long been used to treat scab on apple and pear trees is Bordeaux mixture. It is bred for the so-called "blue spraying" in the following proportion: 800 grams of slaked lime and 600 grams of copper sulfate are added to 20 liters of water. The old recipe can be replaced with modern copper-containing drugs from the list above.

Fruit rot (moniliosis) - dangerous disease, causing serious damage to the crop of the orchard (, cherry, sweet cherry and others). The source of the spread of spores is last year's mummified fruits that overwintered on trees. Monilia spores often settle in the cracks of fruits affected by scab. Copper-containing fungicides are also used to prevent and treat the disease.

Brown leaf spot, stem rot, and many other infections that affect apple and pear trees, in addition to copper preparations, can be treated with strobilurins ( strobi, Profit Gold, Ridomil and many others).

Stone fruit cultures suffer from many infectious diseases - moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis. Infection with pathogens of cherry trees is widespread. The infection quickly spreads around the area, infecting trees in neighboring areas. Many collective gardening, in order to combat diseases that have passed into the epidemic stage, force summer residents to completely get rid of planting cherries.

It is possible to prevent the spread of insidious infections on cherries and plums with the help of timely treatment with drugs. Speed, Rayok, copper-containing fungicides. To get the result, summer season you have to resort to triple spraying.

berry bushes

Often, brown and yellowish depressed spots can be observed on the stems and leaves of black currant. The leaves curl up, dry out and fall off. Most likely, the plant is affected by anthracnose. Gooseberries can also be from this disease. Spores of another fungus, the intermediate host of which is sedge, causes a disease of goblet rust. Its bright distinguishing feature is the spore pads on the leaves, painted in orange.

Blurry purple spots on one-year-old raspberry stems, at the attachment points of leaf petioles, give out a disease called purple spot. Copper-containing fungicides cope with the treatment of most fungal pathologies in berries.

American powdery mildew (sferoteka) very often affects blackcurrants and gooseberries, especially old varieties that are resistant to this disease. An abundant white bloom appears on the tops of the shoots. The bushes look like sprinkled with flour. The leaves curl, stop growing, young shoots are bent, the berries, not ripe, fall off. In the shade and waterlogged places, the spores of the fungus are especially strong.

Since the mycelium of the spheroteca does not live in the soil, but on the shoots of berry bushes, before treating with fungicides, all visible to the eye the affected parts of the plants are cut out and burned. Used for treatment Fundazol, Topaz, herbal medicines.

Protecting tomatoes from late blight and other dangerous infections

How many enthusiasts, burning with the desire to grow delicious, carefully selected tomato varieties in their garden, abandoned their experiments, desperate to defeat the insidious late blight. Getting into ideal conditions for mass reproduction (warmth and high humidity) spores of the fungus instantly spread through the beds and greenhouses with tomatoes, not bypassing potato plantations. Their resettlement does not stop the drop in temperature in August - September. In parallel, other tomato infections may begin: brown spot, macrosporiosis.

The first signals of the appearance of phytophthora on tomatoes are small dark dots on the stems. Gradually, their area increases until it turns into spots. Brown. The same damage appears on the leaves. At first, phytophthora does not appear on the fruits in any way, they seem healthy. But the destructive activity of the fungus goes under the skin of the fruit, and soon depressed brown spots appear on them.

Phytophthora-infected tomatoes are treated with fungicides containing copper. In 10 liters of water, add 50 g of the drug HOM(copper oxychloride) or Abiga-Pak. Spraying is carried out with a fine spray, trying to moisten the reverse side of the leaves. When infected with phytophthora, a whitish coating (underside of the leaf) formed by the fungus can be observed. The best result in the treatment gives a triple treatment. The first spraying, as a warning of the disease, should be done as early as possible - a couple of weeks after planting the seedlings.

Daily inspection and removal of affected parts of plants, a short-term increase in temperature in the greenhouse to 55-60 degrees, reducing watering and maintaining a dry microclimate can help in the fight against late blight. There is a known way to save tomato fruits infected with spores, but not yet damaged - for 3 seconds, immerse them in water heated to 60 degrees, then dry and store laid in one row.

Cucumber garden treatment

The most famous and most ruthless enemy of cucumber vines in their summer cottage is peronosporosis. Another name for the disease is downy mildew. The first signs - characteristic spots on the leaves, require immediate treatment. The most effective for the prevention and treatment of disease treatment with copper preparations.

For instance, Ordan or its equivalent Kurzat bred at the rate of 50 grams per bucket of water and cucumber vines are sprayed. The waiting period for these drugs (you can not harvest) - 5 days. As a result of the treatment of cucumbers with copper-containing preparations, other fungal diseases are also prevented - olive blotch, anthracnose. The same treatments are useful for preventing diseases in plantings of other pumpkin plants - zucchini, squash, pumpkin.

An additional obstacle to the development of pathogenic fungi will be the raising of cucumber lashes on trellises, which will save them from contact with the soil, where spores of infectious agents are located. For prevention, it is worth thinning out the plantings of cucumbers, ventilate the greenhouse or greenhouse more often, and in the future select varieties and hybrids that are resistant to downy mildew.

decorative garden

Protection against pathogens of fungal infections is required not only for vegetable and fruit crops, it also suffers ornamental garden. Luxurious pine and others coniferous plants rust can hit, which cannot be dealt with without treatment Oxychome.

Rhododendrons, like tomatoes, are affected by phytophthora. For its prevention and treatment, watering the soil will be required. Fundazol, spraying Ordan and its analogues.

Many flowering perennials suffer from powdery mildew. First of all, these are autumn asters, delphiniums, peonies, cinquefoil shrubs, roses. In addition to pruning and removing the affected parts of plants, spraying with fungicides will help them ( HOM, Speed, Topaz).

The protection of tubers and flower bulbs from diseases is given attention during winter storage. Before laying, they are thoroughly dried and treated with Maxim.

Storage and greenhouse processing

To prevent the disease next year with late blight and peronospros in greenhouses where tomatoes and cucumbers grew, they are treated with fungicides. Work is carried out before the onset of cold weather, removing plant debris and digging up the soil. The walls, frames, glass are wiped with a solution of copper sulfate, the room is fumigated with sulfur preparations. Consumption - 50 grams of sulfur per 1 cu. m. greenhouses. Don't forget to process garden tools, pots, seedling boxes and other similar equipment.

In a similar way, preventive work is carried out in cellars and cellars before laying a crop in them for the winter. Before processing with copper sulfate and burning sulfur, the storage facilities must be dried.

Safety precautions for use

Knowing that most of the drugs for combating infectious plant diseases do not pose a serious danger to warm-blooded animals and humans, traditional individual protective measures should be taken during treatments - wear closed shoes and clothes, and a mask will not interfere. Most fungicides are safe for bees and other insects, but they can destroy beneficial microorganisms and thus disturb the biological balance. Some types of preparations transmit an unpleasant odor to the soil and plants; if diluted incorrectly, they can cause damage to leaf tissues (burns).

The choice and use of fungicides should be approached with awareness of responsibility, so that instead of benefit, not only damage the future crop, but also the surrounding nature.

Growing horticultural, garden or ornamental plants is a favorite pastime of many gardeners and summer residents. However, you need to understand that growing a healthy culture without proper care impossible. It is important to provide each flower in advance reliable protection from all kinds of diseases and dangerous pests.

Biological action of fungicides

When caring for a garden, summer residents often have to use highly effective drugs- fungicides for plants, which are potent chemicals capable of providing effective control of pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of fungal diseases, such as:

Fungicides are divided into two groups according to the method of exposure:

  • contact;
  • systemic.

Every gardener should know what fungicides are, how to use drugs in home gardening.

The use of fungicides for plants eliminates the possibility of penetration of active substances inside. They manage to cover only the outer part of the culture, where generative and vegetative organs fungus, causing further progression of the infection.

All funds are able to act for a different period, which depends on the length of stay chemical compounds on the surface of culture. A special result is noticed with regular treatment every 3-5 days with an interval of 10-12 days.

The key feature of contact fungicides is local action to green spaces. They are not used to treat signs of damage, but to destroy pathogenic fungal formations that are on the surface or in plant tissues. It is important to understand that fungicides are not able to penetrate other parts of the plant, so treatment with them is completely safe.

Action systemic drugs built on a different principle: when processed, they affect all internal systems, moving through tissues and making a number of changes in the physiological and biochemical processes that occur inside plants.

Subsequently, they decompose in the internal organs of flowers, horticultural or agricultural crops, which causes the rapid formation of metabolites. In this state, the plant develops strong immunity, which contributes to the rapid cleansing of the harmful fungus.

Some gardeners are of the opinion that it is unsafe to use systemic fungicides, since the decomposition products formed after processing can harm the plant. To prevent possible complications, it is necessary to use chemicals of the first type - contact. However, it is important to have time to carry out all processing procedures a month before harvesting.

Types and principle of operation

When searching for fungicidal preparations in specialized stores you can find ready-made solutions in the form of a powder, suspension or emulsion with good water solubility. Depending on the composition, there are several fungicidal preparations:

  • Inorganic. Among them are drugs of 1-4 hazard classes for humans and warm-blooded creatures.
  • Organic. The composition of such products contains active microorganisms that can have a depressing effect on pathogenic fungi.

For use in summer cottages, it is recommended to use biological fungicides, since they are distinguished by excellent efficiency and at the same time are practically harmless, both for horticultural crops and for the human body. However, when carrying out processing activities, all safety rules must be observed.

Chemical fungicides

Many modern summer residents and gardeners are looking for the most effective drugs to combat fungal diseases. Looking for good decisions they focus on innovative chemicals that guarantee high performance at low doses.

However, it is highly discouraged to get involved in such means, and the effectiveness declared in advertising is not always a reality. In the list of really good chemical-type fungicides that have managed to prove their effectiveness after lengthy experiments and studies, it is important to highlight:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • blue vitriol;
  • abiga-peak, sun;
  • cineb;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda ash;

Such tools have been tested by experts and have earned the right to be called one of the most effective of their kind. However, when using chemicals on the site, you must be extremely careful and carefully study the instructions for use. Otherwise, you can harm yourself and your crops.


The range of fungicides with highly effective action is very extensive. In addition, in recent years, new solutions have been entering the market that can protect plants from all kinds of diseases. Among them contact biological fungicides. They are made according to a completely different principle than the previous chemical ones. These drugs are based on active bacteria that localize pathogens of fungal diseases and have a detrimental effect on them.

Biofungicides allow you to effectively deal with the problem without damaging green spaces, animals, fish, bees, and people. If you want to purchase good biological products, pay attention to the following list:

  • Gamair P;
  • Trichodermin;
  • Alirin-B;
  • Albite;
  • Phytosporin;
  • Agate;
  • Planzier and others.

It is important to understand that to start processing plants chemicals contact action is needed long before flowering, as well as after harvesting. As for biological solutions, they effectively work throughout the growing season. In addition, among the biofungicides there are also such preparations that can be used at the stage of fruit ripening. In any case, a novice gardener must understand that all fungicides are only preventive tools. If the active substances reach the causative agents of the problem, this causes their death. However, if the disease progresses, and the culture is severely affected, then it will not be possible to solve the trouble with such drugs.

How to work with contact fungicides

As mentioned above, the use of fungicides is a rather demanding and painstaking process. Before starting work, you need to carefully consider safety issues by preparing specialized clothing, latex gloves, glasses and headdress. After processing, clothes should be washed thoroughly, and hands and face should be washed with soap and water.

Before you start processing garden, horticultural or agricultural crops, prepare a ready-made solution, following the correct dosage and all the recommendations that are included in the instructions. Also, do not disregard the advice of experienced professionals, guided by their personal experience and skills.

Particular effectiveness from the use of fungicides is noticed when processed in the early morning or evening, in dry, calm weather. If spraying was carried out before or after rain, a good result should not be expected. The active substances are simply washed off by rain and will not take effect. As a result, the defeat will progress.

When spraying, you need to select the operating mode for fine spraying. The resulting cloud of solution should extend to the lower and upper parts of the plant.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to spray the green parts of crops that will be eaten. To increase safety, it is necessary to have time to process green spaces before flowering and fruit set.

Use the container where the solution was for re-work Absolutely forbidden. Instead, it must be disposed of in designated areas for pesticides. Fungicide storage areas should be restricted from general access, while the drugs should be kept in sealed packages.

List of drugs

Most available fungicides have high toxicity. Therefore, before you purchase them and use them on your site, you need to find good reasons. It is also necessary to carefully read the instructions for use and make sure that you can carry out the processing activities yourself. Let's highlight the list of the most popular and effective fungicides for plants.


This preparation from the contact-systemic group contains copper oxychloride and oxadixyl. Most often it is used for preventive purposes and suppression of various diseases of garden and indoor crops. Fights great late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot and other dangers. The absence of toxicity increases the safety of using the product.

To start processing, you must first prepare a highly effective solution. To begin with, 1/3 of the water should be poured into the tank of the device, and then start the mixing mechanism and pour in a little of the drug. In the future, it remains to pour the rest and mix the solution well. The finished mixture is used for abundant spraying of a culture that has succumbed to the fungus. In the process, it is important to use exclusively pure water.

As far as dosage is concerned, optimal performance keep at around 1 packet of Oxychoma per two liters of liquid. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out up to three procedures with an interval of 10-14 days. Only freshly prepared solution is used for processing.

Among significant benefits facilities:

  • highly effective systemic contact action;
  • the ability to maintain the effect for a long time;
  • minimal toxicity, if the treatment is carried out at the correct dosage;
  • economical consumption for preventive purposes.


This biological fungicide is high efficiency in the fight against fungal pathogens and bacterial diseases. The composition of the biofungicide contains spores of the soil fungus Trichoderma lignorum and crushed grain substrate.

The drug is able to eliminate more than 60 varieties of pathogenic organisms that cause all kinds of diseases, including:

  • root rot;
  • seminal infections;
  • fusarium and other troubles.

The action of active substances causes improvement of soil fertility indicators, rapid saturation of the root system with additional nutrients, as well as an increase in the germination of planting material.

To prepare a suspension where the seeds will be soaked, it is enough to take 10 grams of the drug and dilute it in one liter of water. If the product is used by watering plants, then the optimal dosage will be the same as in the previous case. When watering, it is important to deliver the suspension directly under the root, using medium portions of water.

A ready-made spray solution is created as follows: 10 grams of the product is supplied per 5 liters of water.

Trichodermin renders excellent preventive action during transplantation work. In this case, the consumption rate is determined as follows: on a 25-cm (in diameter) pot, such an amount of the drug is used that is placed on the tip of a knife.

By the way, not only adult plants, but also young cuttings can be treated with this tool by placing it in water, where they are kept before planting. In this case, the consumption is 5 grams per 5 liters.

In order to effectively fight all kinds of diseases, it is necessary to prepare such a suspension: dilute 5 grams of the substance with 5 liters of water. Then the damaged culture must be removed from the pot and cleaned of the soil composition.

The affected root elements will have to be removed, and the main rhizome should be thoroughly washed with a suspension. After that, it is better to transplant the plant into another pot, where a fresh substrate was previously placed.

The problem of protecting garden, ornamental and agricultural crops is of interest to many gardeners and summer residents. To effectively deal with all sorts of diseases, highly effective chemicals are often used, including fungicides. With their help, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of the problem and prevent its further progression.

However, in order for the drug to be very effective, but at the same time safe, when choosing suitable solution preference should be given to those agents that have the least toxicity. When choosing the best drug, consider the recommendations of professionals, and also read all the instructions and recommendations that come with it. Such simple actions will help prevent unwanted consequences from improper processing.

In the world, there is a huge variety of categories of medicinal preparations for plants, each of which has its own characteristics, principle of action and purpose. Given this fact, today we will consider in detail one of these categories, representing fungicides for plants, and talk about all their features, purposes and indications that will be relevant for all gardeners and gardeners.

Fungicides belong to the category of chemical (rarely biological) drugs, the main purpose of which lies in the prevention and treatment of various fungal invasions in the vast majority of plants that exist on our planet.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of fungicides also has a beneficial effect on the treatment and prevention of several other diseases, which is a kind of pleasant side effect.

How do they act?

Fungicides for plants are divided into two categories, each of which has its own principle of action.

So, contact fungicides are not absorbed and do not spread inside the plant, but only envelop it with a thin film, which both protects and also adversely affects existing fungal invasions, causing their death quite quickly.

Systemic fungicides are absorbed and absorbed by plants, and are also effective against both outdoor and indoor fungal diseases, but are not weathered (fungicide cannot wash away rain).

Regardless of which group fungicides belong to, they all have a similar detrimental effect on the fungus, which is expressed in the following points:

  1. Disrupt the process of fungal respiration.
  2. Neutralize the ability of the nucleus of fungal cells to divide, which is more relevant for fungicides systemic action.
  3. Stimulate the formation in the plants themselves of substances that adversely affect fungi. The resulting substances are harmless to humans and plants.
  4. When applied externally, they can destroy the outer parts of the plant affected by the fungus, simultaneously causing necrosis in them. This measure is necessary to prevent the possible spread of fungal spores into healthy plant tissues after the drug is discontinued.
  5. Removes and breaks down pathogenic toxins in the body of the plant, which can provoke the development of both fungal and other diseases, as well as weaken the immune system.
  6. They prevent the production of ergosterol in fungal cells, the suppression of which also leads to the death of fungal invasions.
  7. Suppresses the formation of nucleic acids in the cells of the fungus, which makes their development impossible.
  8. It inhibits energy metabolism in fungal cells, which finally reduces their vital activity to nothing!

Also, there are biological fungicides, the effect on the fungus of which is in the following points:


As mentioned above, fungicides are of chemical and biological origin, and are divided into:

  1. Contact drugs.
  2. Systemic drugs.

In turn, in each group of fungicides there are preparations aimed at treatment, prevention, or treatment and prevention at the same time, which should be taken into account when choosing each individual agent.

When buying a fungicide, remember that the drugs are great at fighting any fungal invasion, but to increase their effectiveness, purchase fungicides that target exactly one of the above fungi, depending on which one appeared on your plants.

In general, today there are more than 14 chemical classes of fungicides, the list of which is presented below:

  • fungal fungicides;
  • childrenocarbamates;
  • imidazoles;
  • carabamates;
  • morpholines;
  • pyrimidines;
  • triazoles;
  • organophosphate pesticides, etc.

Instructions for use

Often, fungicides are used in three main ways, such as:

  1. Etching.
  2. Spraying and dusting.
  3. Incorporation into the soil.

Dressing consists in treating seeds or tubers with a fungicide for dressing before planting in order to protect the seeds from fungal infection and prevent their death.

Spraying and dusting consists in treating plants mainly with contact fungicides, which are sprayed onto healthy or damaged plants using a spray bottle. As a rule, several such pollinations are carried out per season, starting in spring and ending in autumn.

Application to the soil allows you to rid it of fungal spores and pathogenic microorganisms. Systemic fungicides are used for tillage, so that in addition to disinfecting the soil, they can be absorbed by the root system of the plant.

Fungicides for processing indoor plants are also very popular among the masses, the most effective and safe of which we have presented below:

  1. Fundazol. The fungicide has a systemic effect, and is both a therapeutic and prophylactic antifungal agent that can be treated with most houseplants. Fundazol solution is prepared at the rate of 1 gram of the drug per 1 liter of water. Fundazol can both be watered and sprayed on plants, but when sprayed, it can leave light spots on the leaves that are not dangerous, but spoil the appearance;
  2. Agat-25K. A preventative fungicide that can be used as a light fertilizer. The fungicide is a biological type preparation, and its solution is used at the rate of 1 measuring spoon of the drug for 3 liters of water. The plant should be sprayed with a solution of about 3-4 times, at intervals of 20 days. The preparation is also suitable for dressing seeds;
  3. Vectra. The drug is effective against powdery mildew, septoria and gray rot. The drug is diluted at the rate of 0.3 ml of the active substance per 1 liter of water. After completion of the treatment, the drug retains its effect for about 2 weeks;
  4. Oksikh. A fungicide that has both contact and systemic action and is great for both garden and houseplants. The drug shows the most pronounced qualities in the fight against diseases such as late blight, macrosporia, black bacterial spot, septoria, powdery and downy mildew. Oxychoma solution is diluted at the rate of 4 grams of the substance per 2 liters of water. The diseased plant is sprayed about 3 times, at intervals of 14 days.

Fungicides for outdoor plants, especially as crops, can be successfully treated with the above preparations, as well as some other fungicides listed below:

  1. Sulfur is colloidal. The drug has proven itself in the fight against powdery mildew, anthracnose, ascochitosis and even mites. A solution of this sulfur is made at the rate of 10 liters of water per 100 grams of the drug. Plants are treated in 5 approaches, at intervals of 2 weeks;
  2. Speed One of the best drugs to date, which has a long period of action. Skor is a systemic fungicide that protects plants from almost all fungal infestations. A quick solution is made at the rate of 30 milliliters of the drug per 1 liter of water;
  3. Strobe. Excellent remedy for powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust and all other fungi. Suitable for both vegetables, cereals and fruit trees, and for wild plants our latitudes. The strobe solution is made at the rate of 0.4 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.

List of drugs on our market and their names

There is a huge amount of fungicides on our market, which is constantly updated with new samples. The most popular and well-established drugs are presented in the following list:

  1. Abiga peak. It is produced in the form of an aqueous suspension, and is suitable for the treatment of fungal and bacterial lesions of all vegetable, flower and fruit crops. The drug can be used at any time, and its dosage, as well as the scheme of application, should be studied in the attached instructions;
  2. Acrobat MC. Available in the form of water-dispersible granules, it is suitable for antifungal treatment of potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and grapes. Spraying is carried out exclusively during the growing season, and the last treatment is done no earlier than 30 days before harvesting, so that the fruits have time to piss off this toxic drug;
  3. Alirin B. It is a biological fungicide, and is available in powder or tablet form. The drug is focused on the treatment of the root system of plants from rot, as well as the destruction of fungal spores in the soil itself. Moreover, the drug removes toxicity from the soil after it has been treated with other pesticides, by restoring the microflora in it, and splitting toxic elements into safe chemical compounds. Suitable for all garden and home crops. Processing can be carried out in any season when it becomes necessary to destroy fungi in the soil, or save root system from death;
  4. Bordeaux mixture. It is produced in powder form and is intended for fungal protection of all vegetable, citrus, fruit, fruit, grain, melon and ornamental crops. The mixture is toxic and should only be used with protective clothing. The treatment is carried out during the period of active growth of the plant, and the fruits are plucked a month after the last treatment. The drug is compatible with most other fungicides and pesticides;
  5. Gamair. Available in the form of powder or tablets, and belongs to the category of biological fungicides. Suitable for the treatment of fungal invasions, as well as the fight against necrosis of the core of the stem, soft rot, bacterial cancer of the tomato. Compatible with most types of both garden and indoor plants. It is used during the growing season, and for its manufacture requires the addition of hamair to the solution liquid soap, at the rate of 1 milliliter per 10 liters of working fluid;
  6. Glyocradin. Supplied in the form of tablets or suspension concentrate. Biological fungicide for the suppression of fungi in the soil, and the destruction of their spores. Suitable for all kinds of fruit, vegetable and indoor crops. The drug should not be combined with other fungicides of chemical origin. Processing is carried out at any time of the year when it is necessary to suppress fungal spores in the soil;
  7. Quadris. It is a powder, and is a contact fungicide with a wide spectrum of action, which is suitable for fruit, vegetable, fruit and berry crops. Processing is carried out during the growing season. Processing is prohibited during the flowering of plants, as well as if the temperature environment exceeds 30 degrees. The drug begins to act after 2 hours, and continues to act for 7-12 days, until the next treatment;
  8. Oksikh. Supplied as a soluble powder, it is a systemic contact fungicide targeted at protecting tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. Use during the growth period of plants, but during the flowering period it is forbidden to use;
  9. Thanos. Supplied in the form of granules. The drug is focused on the protection of potatoes. Thanos is used up to 4 times per season. The drug is applied to the soil at intervals of 10-15 days;
  10. Fundazol. Supplied in powder form, it is a common systemic fungicide that has earned respect among the masses. Apply foundationol throughout the growing season, conducting 3-5 treatments per season. The last treatment should be carried out 7, 10 or 20 days before harvest, depending on the crop;
  11. Hom. Supplied as a powder packaged in sachets. It is a systemic contact fungicide that has proven itself in the fight against apple and pear scab, late blight and curliness. The drug is used during the growing season, with the exception of the flowering period. Treatment with the drug is prohibited at ambient temperatures above 30 degrees.
  12. Horus. Supplied in the form of granules, and is aimed at protecting fruit pome crops. It performs best in cool weather, not exceeding 15 degrees Celsius. Use throughout the season, starting in early spring. Stop using 15 days before harvest with seeds, and 30 days before harvest with stones.

Precautionary measures

When working with fungicides, always wear protective clothing in the form of gloves, goggles, an apron and a respirator, and strictly follow the instructions on the package. Keep fungicides away from children and pets.

Prohibit the use of fruits treated with fungicide before it dissolves in them. Fungicide preparations are toxic, do not allow them to enter drinking water sources.


Today we learned the names of the main groups of fungicides presented on the markets of the CIS countries, which will be useful to all summer residents and plant lovers. Remember, when buying a fungicide, be sure to read the instructions, otherwise you risk ruining your plant with an inept selection of dosages.

Every growing season, gardeners and growers fight for the harvest. Complicating their task is the fact that plants suffer from various diseases and pests. People use against themfungicides for plants, drug listThis group is extensive and constantly updated. How to understand such a variety of chemicals? Are they really universal and help solve all problems?


Consider the most popularfungicides - drug listand their characteristics, but first you need to know their classification. This will facilitate the selection and subsequent purchase of a suitable product.

Depending on the chemical properties

According to their chemical nature, fungicides are divided into:

  • to inorganic;
  • organic.

The group of inorganic preparations includes:

  • copper-containing - Bordeaux liquid, Burgundy liquid, oxychloride and copper oxide;
  • sulfur-containing preparations - colloidal sulfur, lime-sulfur decoction;
  • mercury compounds.

Organic fungicides for plants refer to different chemical compounds. The leading role is occupied by heterocyclic compounds, these are various nitrogen-containing derivatives. Many organic preparations are effective against pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the effect on the pathogen

On this basis, drugs are divided:

  • on protective (preventive);
  • medical.

Protective fungicides prevent infection of crops with phytopathogens that have a negative impact on the root system and metabolism.

Phytopathogens are various pathogens. They secrete biologically active substances, which, in turn, adversely affect the development of plants.

Curing fungicides are drugs that strike at phytopathogens that have already invaded plant tissues. Curing contact fungicides cannot penetrate into the tissue and have a local effect. They are divided into preparations of selective and continuous action. The former suppress the reproductive and vegetative organs of the fungus, and the means of continuous action also suppress its resting forms. Therapeutic systemic preparations penetrate into plants, spread through the vessels, stop new foci of infection and destroy phytopathogens.

According to the purpose of application

Fungicides according to the purpose of application are divided into the following varieties: For soil treatment - soil. They are introduced immediately into the soil for its disinfection, this is especially true for soil in a greenhouse and hotbeds. Fumigants are usually used - these are preparations in the form of gases or vapors.

For dressing seed material - use drugs that fight diseases and infections spread by seeds or in the ground. For the treatment of plants during the growing season, these are mainly protective fungicides that prevent diseases. For processing plants at rest. They have a contact eradicating effect, destroy wintering pathogens and pests. Since the substances severely damage the green parts of plants, they are used in early spring before the awakening of the kidneys, in autumn and winter.

Depending on the nature of distribution within plant tissues

According to the distribution of the substance in the tissues, fungicides are:

  • contact;
  • systemic.

After treatment with contact preparations, they remain on the surface of plant parts. In contact with the pathogen, the active substance causes its death. The effectiveness of drugs depends on weather conditions, duration of action, concentration. Systemic drugs penetrate into plants and spread through the vascular system, suppressing the pathogen during metabolism or acting directly on it. Efficiency depends on the rate of penetration of the active substance into the crop, as well as on the weather (it affects to a lesser extent).

Most systemic fungicides have both preventive and curative properties.


Fungicides by their nature are:

  • chemical;
  • biological ( biogenic origin).

Chemical fungicides have an unstable effect, after the termination of their action, the treated area is again populated by pathogenic microorganisms. It would seem that treating plants and soil on a regular basis will help solve the problem, but everything chemical substances toxic, so use them permanently prohibited. The composition of biological preparations includes various strains of microorganisms that destroy harmful microflora. They have a persistent long-term effect, are non-toxic, but are effective only at the onset of the disease or as a preventive measure.

Overview of effective drugs


Biological preparation with growth stimulator for plants . It is used for seed treatment and treatment of vegetative vegetables, cereals, ornamental and indoor crops. They also process potatoes, strawberries and apple trees.

"Abiga Peak"

The drug of contact action against fungal diseases. The active ingredient is copper chloride. Used for the destruction of fungi on the vine of grapes, vegetables and fruit crops, flowers and medicinal plants. Moderately toxic when dosed correctly.


A biological preparation used as a soil fungicide and for treating plants from fungal diseases - powdery mildew, phytophthora, rust and others. In addition, it reduces the toxicity of the soil after the use of chemicals. The active ingredient is beneficial soil microflora.


Biological preparation of protective contact action against fungal diseases. They cultivate agricultural crops. In addition, it stimulates the growth of plants and increases their immunity.


Biological fungicide with a protective effect against fungal and bacterial diseases,with proven effectivenessfrom powdery mildew. Fits the best for flowers - carnations, roses and berry crops. Used for processing planting material - seeds, seedlings.

Bordeaux mixture

One of the most popular and strong remedies against fungi. Suitable for processing melons, citrus fruits, vegetables, fruit and ornamental shrubs. Helps to cope with late blight, various spots and rot, scab.

"Bona Forte"

Complex fertilizer for indoor plants with contact action. It is used as a top dressing, growth stimulant and remedy. Effective against pathogens of powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.


Contact chemical drug with the active ingredient chlorothalonil. They process cereals - oats, wheat, vegetables and potatoes. Destroys pathogenic fungi that cause late blight, potato leaf spot and downy mildew. It is most effective as a prophylactic. It is well kept on plants, is not washed off by precipitation and water during irrigation.


Fungicide of contact and systemic action, intended for the treatment of seeds and bulbs before planting or harvesting for storage. Effective against pathogens that settle on the surface of the seed material, as well as penetrating inside.


The drug of contact-systemic protective and therapeutic action is aimed at suppressing the phytopathogen. It is used to treat plants from scab, gray rot, powdery mildew.


Biological preparation with fungicidal and antibacterial properties. Treat them with indoor and garden plants. Successfully copes with clubroot, fusarium, spotting and late blight.


The biological preparation is designed to combat root rot. Used to protect indoor and garden plants. Tablets are added to the soil before planting seeds.


Fungicide chemical nature, which is used for the treatment and eradication, as well as for the prevention of diseases of vegetables and grapes. It has a stimulating effect, its use during the harvest period is allowed.


The fungicide is designed to control downy mildew on vegetable crops and with late blight on potatoes. Active substances suppress fungal spores well. Effective at the first manifestations of diseases.


contact drug. They cultivate the soil, pickle the seeds and process the plants. It has proven itself most effectively in the treatment of rot, fusarium and mold.

blue vitriol

Contact preparation for fungus control on stone fruit, pome fruit, berry crops. But they process only trees that are at rest. It is a component of Bordeaux liquid.


Another biological druglist of fungicides. Suitable for indoor and garden plants. It does not destroy pathogens, but helps crops fight them on their own, that is, increases their resistance to pathogens.




It is considered universal biological preparation. Its active components are bacteria, which, getting into the soil, begin to settle on the roots of plants and synthesize antibiotics and enzymes. It is these substances that prevent the development of root rot. Also, "Planriz" increases the immunity of plants.


A chemical preparation intended for the treatment of gooseberries, currants, strawberries and raspberries. It protects plants from the most common diseases such as scab, spotting, powdery mildew.

"Profit Gold"

Contact-systemic chemical fungicide that protects plants well from fungal diseases. Consists of two active components. One of them is quickly absorbed by plant tissues, the other remains on the surface. Processing is not flowering plants and after harvest.


This is a narrow target drug. It protects plants of the nightshade family from alternariosis, sugar beets from powdery mildew and fruit trees from scab. Quickly penetrates into the tissue and has a long protective ability.


A chemical preparation that suppresses fungi and microbes equally well. They process grapevine, vegetable and flower crops, fruit trees. It quickly prevents infection, stops the growth of mycelium and spores. It is allowed to use it during the flowering period of crops.



Chemical drug with systemic and contact action. It is used for the prevention and treatment of fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, vineyards from fungal diseases. Differs in high-speed performance, it is possible to use at any weather. Low toxicity.


A chemical systemic preparation intended for preventive purposes and treatment of plants, including indoor ones, from powdery mildew, a number of blotches and rust. It is quickly absorbed by the culture, so precipitation does not matter to it. The active substance accumulates in the soil, it is processed no more than once every 3 years.

"Pure Flower"

Highly effective fungicide against powdery mildew, blotch and gray mold. It quickly penetrates into the plant and spreads through the vessels, preventing new lesions.


chemical drug for garden , but protects mainly young shoots and leaves, has a local effect, does not penetrate into all tissues. They process trees and shrubs in the garden, copes well with monilial burn.


A chemical preparation that copes with the most resistant races of late blight. It acts locally on lesions, is resistant to adverse weather conditions and has a long protective ability. The active substance binds to the natural wax of plants and forms a film.


Prophylactic agent for the treatment of vegetable, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. They also process bulbs and seeds. Reduces the risk of phytophthora development in the area.


Biological fungicide intended for the prevention of root rot, anthracnose, black leg and moniliosis. It contains an antibiotic that also helps protect plants from bacterial diseases. Its use is allowed for orchids and other indoor plants. "Phytolavin" process grains, vegetables, currants, potatoes and hops.


Systemic chemical drug with therapeutic and prophylactic effects. The active substance penetrates into the tissues of the plant through the leaves and roots. Effectiveto fight fungus. Very toxic. Used for seed treatment.



A biological preparation used for the treatment of indoor, ornamental and vegetable crops. Well protects representatives of the nightshade, pumpkin and cruciferous families, berry and flower crops. Fits for processing coniferous plants.

Before choosingfungicidal preparations, you need to accurately determine the disease and be sure to take into account the type of plant. The solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions that the manufacturer usually places on the package. It also contains warnings information about toxicity and information about what protection measures are needed when working with this product.

Fungi are the causative agents of many diseases in plants. For their destruction, special chemical, biological substances are used. Fungicides are one of the varieties of pesticides - products designed to destroy pests and diseases of different crops.

What is the fungicidal effect of drugs on plants

The name of the substances - fungicides - comes from the merger of two Latin words "fungus" and "caedo", which mean "mushroom", "I kill". The compositions are directed against pathogenic fungi that cause plant diseases. Study the effects of fungicides:

  • fungicidal - responsible for the destruction of the fungus;
  • fungistatic - partially suppresses the development of unwanted organisms;
  • prophylactic - prevents the formation of fungus.

Fungicides belong to the category of pesticides: they are included in the group consisting of insecticides, bactericides, nematicides, acaricides. Protective and preventive properties are manifested due to the content:

  • sulfur and its compounds: barium polysulfides, calcium;
  • metal salts: especially copper, mercury, cadmium;
  • salts of dithiocarbamic acids;
  • phenol derivatives;
  • derivatives of triazole, imidazole;

For a detailed acquaintance with the action of fungicides, study their main varieties. Each type has its own characteristics:

Classification features

Examples of drugs


According to the action on the pathogen: protective, therapeutic.

  • protective - used for processing healthy plants in order to prevent diseases;
  • therapeutic - destroy the existing disease.

According to the purpose of application: standard, for dressing seeds, processing greenhouse and greenhouse land, for perennials during their hibernation.

By the nature of distribution within plant tissues: contact and systematic.

  • contact - active in that part of the vegetation, soil where they were introduced;
  • systematic or systemic - penetrate into the vascular system of the culture, move through its tissues, act for 30 days;
  • system-contact - consist of components of contact and systemic action, this combination is considered the most effective.

According to the active substance: organic, chemical.

  • organic - contain microorganisms that, after exposure to crops, soil, decompose;
  • chemical or inorganic - consist of chemical compounds: rich in copper, iron, mercury, sulfur, nickel, manganese.

Prevention and protection against diseases are carried out with the help of watering, spraying, seed dressing. Methods for using fungicides:

  • dressing seeds, bulbs, tubers - disinfection of planting material is carried out, further infection with a fungus is prevented, the death of seeds, plants;
  • spraying and pollination - contact fungicides are used, the formulations are sprayed onto the affected crops with a spray gun, if necessary, the procedure is repeated, start pollination in the spring, finish in the fall;
  • application to the soil - systemic fungicides are used, which not only effectively destroy fungal spores, pathogenic microorganisms, but are also well absorbed by the root system of plants.

Like any other chemical compositions, fungicides should be applied subject to certain safety rules. Use the following guidelines:

  1. Wear protective clothing before work: gloves, goggles, apron, respirator.
  2. Read the instructions on the package.
  3. Make sure that small children and animals do not come into contact with substances.
  4. Do not eat processed fruits, wait for the substance to dissolve.
  5. Remember that fungicides are poisonous, so keep them out of your drinking water.

Effective fungicides for indoor plants

For the treatment of indoor plants, emulsions, powders, solutions are produced. There are biological and chemical antifungals for plants. The latter are recommended to be used before the period of active growth, after the end of flowering, harvesting. Biological fungicides are often allowed to be used at any time.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Application features

Benomyl (concentration 500 g/kg).

Suitable for the elimination of many fungal diseases. Can be used in conjunction with pesticides, growth regulators, top dressing. After preparing the solution, no precipitate remains.

Etching of planting material, foliage is carried out. The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water, 20 g of concentrate. Processing up to 2 times in 3 months. The maximum effect of spraying is noticeable at high temperatures.

Antibiotic complex based on Streptomyces fradiae.

Release form - flowable paste in jars of 10 g. Protects against fungal diseases, improves immunity, promotes seed germination, development of the root system, maturation of a quality crop.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor crops. The solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. concentrate, 3 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 3-4 times in 3 months at intervals of 20 days.

Suspension concentrate propiconazole.

Copes with powdery mildew, scab, oidium.

Processing of pears, apple-trees, grapes is carried out. The liquid is prepared from 2-3 ml of Vectra and 10 liters of water. For one fruit-bearing tree, up to 5 liters of working solution is used, for a growing crop - up to 2 liters. Processing is carried out at least 10 days before harvesting the fruit.

Biological antifungals for the garden

Fungicidal biological products contain active bacteria that destroy pathogens and prevent their reappearance.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Application features

Copper oxychloride (concentration 400 g/l).

Release form - aqueous suspension. Refers to contact fungicides. Deals with fungal diseases.

Processing of ornamental, vegetable, flower, industrial, fruit crops. Spraying is carried out when it is warm, there is no wind. The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 40-50 g of concentrate (the amount depends on the type of crop being processed).

bacillus subtilis.

Release form - dry powder and tablets. Eliminates alternariosis, rhizoctoniosis, septoria, root rot, powdery mildew, fungal infections on foliage, in the ground.

The working solution for irrigation is made from 10 liters of water, 2 Alirin tablets, 1 liter of water, 1 tablet is taken for spraying. Up to 3 treatments per season are carried out, between procedures there should be intervals of 5-7 days.

Biofungicide "Baktofit"

Bacillus subtilis, spores and cells of the producer culture, metabolites.

Protects against the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms. For the prevention of powdery mildew. Recommended when it is impossible to apply chemistry.

Processing of fruit and berry crops, carnations, roses. The solution is prepared from 2 g of the substance, 1 liter of water. Should be applied when cool and damp. Sprayed 24 hours before rain. Processing at intervals of 5 days.

Bordeaux mixture

Slightly soluble copper compounds in liquid.

The mixture is an acid neutralizer. It must be applied very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of burning the plants. The fungicide is stored for 24 hours if 7-10 g of sugar is added to it (amount for 10 liters of working solution).

To create a solution, 300 g of lime is quenched with water. The same is done with copper sulphate. 2-3 liters of boiling water are added to the mixture with lime. Each solution is brought to a 5-liter volume. The mixture with lime is filtered through gauze, copper sulfate is gradually added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed. You should get a liquid of a bright blue hue - this will indicate correct proportions. The liquid is sprayed.


Mushroom culture Trichoderma harzianum VIZR-18.

Biological fungicide, used for the treatment, prevention of root rot.

Treatment of indoor and outdoor plants. 1-4 tablets are placed in the soil when sowing. Protection lasts for about 1 month.

bacillus subtilis.

Biological fungicide, suitable for the treatment, prevention of diseases, effectively fights leaf spot of bacterial origin, powdery mildew, late blight, fusarium.

Spraying, watering indoor and outdoor plants. Irrigation solution is prepared from 1 tablet, 5 liters of water. Spraying is carried out with a liquid of 2 tablets, 5 liters of water. Remember that the activity of the drug is reduced in cool, humid weather.

blue vitriol

copper sulfate.

Release form - soluble powder. Protects, heals, eliminates pests, improves immunity, the ability to resist infection by harmful microorganisms.

Processing of pome, stone fruit, ornamental, flower, berry, fruit crops. 50-100 g of copper sulfate is mixed with 10 l warm water. The solution cannot be prepared in a metal container. The liquid is used on the day of creation. Processing in the morning and in the evening, 2 times a year, in spring, autumn at positive temperatures, when there is no wind or rain.


Soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis.

Release form - liquid, powder, paste. Microbiological fungicide, ideal for the treatment of bacterial fungal diseases. Cannot be used with drugs that have alkaline reaction. Fitosporin-M tolerates freezing, the field of which the effectiveness of the composition does not change.

Suitable for dressing seeds, bulbs, foliage of adult plants.

Systemic fungicides for the garden

Systemic fungicides quickly move through the vascular system of adult plants, protecting their growths that have developed after treatment. The main goal of such compositions is the elimination of existing diseases, the prevention of their occurrence. The most effective fungicides are listed in the table:

Fungicide name

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Application features


Release form - 1 liter bottles, 6 ml sachets. Helps to get rid of brown spot on vegetable crops, grapevine, powdery mildew, late blight.

Cymoxanil, copper chloride.

Protection against fungal diseases, preventive, curative action. The effect lasts up to a month. Not dangerous for bees and warm-blooded.

The solution is made from 30-50 g of powder, 10 liters of water.


Release form - ampoules of 2 ml and bottles of 10, 50, 100 ml. The liquid contains 1.5-2 ml and 10 liters of water. Long-term protection against scab, powdery mildew, coccomycosis. The effect is noticeable already 2 hours after spraying.

Suitable for fruit crops. Processing up to 1 time in 2 weeks.

Kresoxim-methyl (concentration 500 g/kg).

Protects, prevents the appearance of powdery mildew, black spot, rust, scab, basal shoot cancer.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 3-5 ml of Strobi. Used to prevent diseases. If there are already fungal spores, then it will not be possible to get rid of them. Suitable for dressing seeds before planting.


The release form is water-soluble granules, which, after preparing the working solution, are resistant to washing off: it occurs due to the ability to bind with vegetable wax. Penetrates deep into the foliage, so the effect is noticeable even 1-2 days after the disease.

Suitable for tomatoes, potatoes, onions.

Penconazole (proportions 100 g/l).

Available as an emulsion concentrate. Protects against powdery mildew, sulfur, rust. It is characterized by moderate toxicity for humans, animals, safety for fish, birds.

Recommended for processing vegetable, ornamental, fruit crops, vine. In the presence of sulfur, 2 ml of concentrate, 10 liters of water are taken. powdery mildew treated with a solution of 4 ml of the substance, 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out 1 time in 14 days.

Cyprodinil (concentration 750 g/kg).

Release form - water-dispersible granules. Treats Alternariosis, moniliosis, scab. In grapes, berry rot is prevented, in fruit and stone fruits - moniliosis, leaf curl, coccomycosis.

The substance is not washed off with water. It is recommended to apply when it is cool, damp. The effect is reduced when the air temperature is more than 25 degrees. Processing is carried out 14-30 days before fruit removal. The working solution is prepared from 2 g of Horus and 5-10 liters of water (the choice of volume depends on the disease).


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