How to choose a carpet on the floor for the living room. How to choose the right carpet for the interior of the room How to take a carpet for a room in an apartment

For thousands of years, the carpet has been one of the symbols of the wealth of the owners. Not surprisingly, the magic of this stereotype has extended to cheap machine-woven carpets. Then the demand was saturated, and a rare family escaped the temptation to hang a carpet on the wall in the living room or bedroom. Over time, this began to be regarded as a sign of philistinism. However, even the most current fashion today does not expel the carpet from the interior, it only allocates space for it on the floor and reduces the space allotted for it. And which one to choose, from natural materials or artificial, bright or neochen, it's up to you.

How to choose floor carpet material?

To begin with, let's clarify what materials are generally used in modern carpet weaving. Conventionally, all materials are divided into natural and artificial.

Group of natural materials


traditional carpet material self made. With all the naturalness and environmental friendliness, it still remains a potential allergen. Another nuisance associated with wool is the buildup of static electricity and the associated stickiness of dirt. With such characteristics, a woolen carpet cannot be recommended in a house with children, not to mention covering the floors of a nursery with it.

Of course, the carpet natural wool can be treated with various compounds, which:

  • neutralize static;
  • give fire-fighting properties;
  • make it repel dirt;
  • scare away moths;
  • fight fungus.

But any impregnation makes the statement about the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the material meaningless.

Sheep wool, handmade - these are signs of an expensive and high-quality carpet, most often with ethnic patterns, which looks good in eclectic, colonial, as well as classical style when it comes to English classics.

Among the advantages of woolen carpets are calm tones (wool does not accept paint well) and long-term preservation of the original color - natural dyes do not fade in the sun like synthetic ones.


Another traditional material, from which the most expensive handmade carpets are made, because it is natural silk obtained from silkworm cocoons. A thin thread allows you to work out the finest lines of patterns, but makes hard work even harder. In terms of durability, silk carpets have no equal - masters say that good job will retain both color and quality for 200 years.

And although Iranian carpets are still considered the best, manufacturers from Turkey, India and even Belgium can argue with this.

Of course, such a carpet will not warm the feet, but it is not bought for the sake of warmth. It is very delicate to the touch, shimmers and changes colors depending on the angle of view. If it shows an ethnic pattern, then it will look good in the same styles that have already been mentioned for wool.

If such a carpet is laid in the living room, you will also have to protect it from children. Or choose something simpler until they grow up.


Pure cotton carpets are rare. Usually these are lint-free models that can also be used as bedspreads. Such products are well tolerated by washing - both manual and machine.

Cotton carpet-spread is good decision for a home with children, because it can only be spread out during the games of a small child. And it will also fit perfectly into the style of country, eco or Scandinavian.

In terms of abrasion and other strength characteristics, cotton does not best material, therefore more suitable as stationary models carpets from it you will find on sale only in combination with artificial materials eg polyester.

Group of artificial materials

IMPORTANT! All artificial fibers are hypoallergenic.


On average, acrylic products "live" no more than 5 years. The carpet is rarely entirely made of acrylic, more often it is made in combination with wool, which reduces the cost of the material, but does not increase its wear resistance - with high traffic, acrylic quickly wears out.

The material is well tolerated dry cleaning by professional means, so it can even be recommended to give it to cleaning companies for cleaning.

IMPORTANT! It is not worth washing the acrylic carpet yourself, because they are usually made on an adhesive basis, which dries for a long time and therefore can become the basis for the reproduction of the fungus.


An artificial fiber that is produced from cellulose (a product of wood processing). Delicate and silky, it has long been used for the production of fabrics, as well as in carpet weaving.

However, it is worth knowing that under the influence of moisture, the viscose fiber loses its shape, and the carpet loses its attractive appearance.

IMPORTANT! Never wash viscose carpets. And if liquid is spilled, immediately remove moisture with a hygroscopic rag or napkin.

An inexpensive viscose carpet may grab your attention, but cleaning such a carpet will cost more than a regular carpet because you have to use water-free products. This is usually done in dry cleaners.

At home, it is recommended to clean the viscose carpet with a soft brush. The vacuum cleaner can be used, and even on both sides. It is also not forbidden to knock it out.

Depending on the pattern, such a carpet can become part of the interior in any style.


Not only machine-made carpets are made from this material, but also handicrafts. These are long-haired shaggy, beloved by many. Soft, fluffy polyester carpet is similar to wool, but has a number of valuable qualities:

  • high wear resistance, which allows you to lay it in frequently passable places;
  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • low price.

Both adults and children like this carpet. However, it is worth treating it with an antistatic agent, because it easily accumulates static electricity. Another disadvantage is the difficult recovery after deformation.

Polyester (polyester) carpets are usually chosen for modern interiors- it can be high-tech, eco, and democratic Scandinavian.


Products from this material differ not only in extremely high color fastness, they are also not afraid of any pollution. The reason is simple and lies in the smooth surface of the fiber, which does not absorb anything into itself. A simple cleaning is enough to bring the carpet back to the look it had right after purchase. The abrasion of the carpet is very low, it can be laid where people constantly walk.

In homes with children, such carpets can be a salvation from spilled liquids and other contaminants. If the style of the interior is not associated with a particular era or country, a modern polypropylene rug will fit perfectly into it.

IMPORTANT! With all the advantages, polypropylene also has a significant drawback: it is a fire hazardous material, that is, it supports combustion well.

By the way, popular hat-set carpets are made from polypropylene.

It is worth adding that in the manufacture of a carpet, both one material and their mixtures can be used. This improves the strength characteristics, reduces the tendency to deformation, and facilitates the care of the carpet. In addition, the addition of synthetic and artificial fibers to natural ones reduces the cost of the finished product.

To choose suitable material carpet for the living room, it is worth taking into account such factors as the patency of the room, the children playing in it, the presence of pets in the house, for example, dogs and cats. Synthetics are easier to clean, more durable, and most importantly - cheaper, which allows you to change carpets. Handmade carpets made from natural fibers are more of an investment, because they are expensive, and even after many years of use they can be sold for good money.

Video: how to choose a quality carpet

Color and pattern

There are so many carpets produced in the world that in this variety there is sure to be both a pattern and a color that perfectly suits your interior. So, you just need to know what exactly you are looking for.

First of all, you need to focus on the style in which the living room is executed. If it is pronounced, you should not interrupt it even with a very beautiful carpet of a different style. Below is a list of styles with tips and examples.

historical styles


The Napoleonic style is also considered high classicism. Carpets must match - have a geometric or floral pattern in strict accordance with the ornaments of that era. Colors - white, saturated dark blue, dark red, black and silver.

Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Modern

Let's combine similar styles. Despite the fact that we are used to seeing a lot of smooth lines in the graphics of that time, it was not alien and strict geometry, with special love for black and white ornaments. Stained-glass windows are a special topic, their multicolor was reinforced in textiles, in particular, in carpets. The color scheme is unpredictable - from all the colors of the rainbow in one carpet to black and white severity.


When choosing a carpet for the interior of the Baroque era, one should focus on floral ornaments, a form characteristic of this time. The colors are set by the main gamut of the interior: white and gold will be combined with beige and faded light carpets. Black and gold furniture is more dramatic, but it also goes well with soft-colored rugs.


Here is where expanse for experiments. All oriental rugs can fit into this style, not to mention plain or modern colors and patterns. Eclectic combines different styles and in different proportions, so only one thing can be recommended: observe the measure.

ethnic styles

English (Victorian)

Sherlock Holmes and good old England. Oriental carpets fit well into such an interior. However, it would be very nice if the carpets looked vintage.


Here, either bright tribal ornaments, or the skins of zebras and leopards - both give an immediately recognizable African flavor.


Despite all the vagueness of the concept, we are able to determine the oriental style in the interior at a glance. Focus on the ornaments of the country that gave impetus to inspiration - this will give integrity to the interior. If it is fantasy, it is enough just to choose a carpet that is in harmony with the main range of colors.


Ancient Egypt strikes with the richness and brightness of colors in its paintings and jewelry. It is these works of art that are usually reflected in the stylized Egyptian interior. As for the floor carpet, it has a supporting role. It can be a simple ornament, reminiscent of those that we have selected as an example.


Bright colors, whimsical ornaments - this is what we expect from India. And there, by the way, a variety of carpets are produced. But for the ethnic style, only those that most sharply emphasize the national flavor of this country are suitable. Be guided by the fact that a person from the threshold could understand that you have conceived not just an oriental, but an Indian interior.


Freshness - this is the feeling that arises first when looking at the Provence-style interior. It will not be difficult to choose a carpet - the same pastel shades and floral motifs that are automatically associated with this style are repeated in carpets.


white walls, white furniture and ultimate simplicity and functionality scandinavian style as if they were created to be a background for color accents, which are generously scattered by designers to breathe life into this white silence. The carpet in this case is no exception - it can be the central color spot of the interior, so its choice should be approached very carefully. Colors can be any, but saturated ones look more cheerful.


And here you don't really have to choose. Authenticity requires laying tatami on the floor. And if this rule is not respected, then something simple and strict can be recommended, perhaps with accentuated edges, for example, a plain, smooth carpet that is in harmony with the main colors of the interior. Pictures can be placed on cabinets, screens.

Modern styles


You can do without carpet. And if he asks for a living room decorated in grunge style, then this is a plain carpet with any pile length that is nice for the owner. Shaggy will take root here in the same way as a perfectly smooth rug. The colors are not bright - the color itself is unimportant, even if it is purple, the muffled tone is important.


Another cheerful style, reminiscent, like Provence, of life on fresh air. Only here there is less French: lining on the walls, check and roses in textiles. If the living room uses bright textiles with floral pattern, then let him be the main color accent. Then a carpet or plain in pastel colors, or with simple geometry, or with a pale floral pattern.


A minimum of things resembles asceticism. Therefore, neither oriental nor acid carpet will be inappropriate here. Everything is simple and functional - a plain carpet underfoot, easy to clean, in harmony with the walls in color. No frills, even a long pile is useless.

Pop Art

The best training ground for young and creative people who have not yet recovered from comics, as well as for those who want to look like that. When choosing a rug for a pop art living room, you should look at the brightest and most original ones.

High tech

Add more first-class technology to minimalism, and you get high-tech. Everything that was said above about minimalism applies to this style. Only now you are free to choose a rug of more pleasant colors and more authentic wool. True, monophonic still rule.


Lovers of nature and everything natural, of course, will prefer this style in the design of their living room. With flowers, everything here is determined by nature, with materials - too. It is not surprising if the carpet in the living room turns out to be green like grass, or in the form of fluffy “stones”.

So, now it is clear that the design of the carpet is determined by the style to which it belongs, and the color is selected taking into account colors rooms, unless the carpet serves as a color accent in a monochrome living room.

Try to pick up a carpet following simple rules:

  • for bright and colorful furniture, a calm shade of a carpet is better, better than a plain one;
  • the floor covering can be beaten as follows: either in contrast (for a dark floor - a light carpet and vice versa), or take a carpet a tone lighter or darker than the floor;
  • a large drawing reduces space, so such drawings are contraindicated in small living rooms;
  • warm or cold color carpet can also add variety to the color scheme of the room: if it is cold, take a carpet of a warm shade, and vice versa. Support this contrast with a few more color accents, such as sofa cushions.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ability of carpets to “report” about the interests and hobbies of people living in this house. For example, next to the piano, it is quite possible to lay a carpet with a pattern of black and white stripes that form the keys. The young artist will love the bright colors of the carpet with crayons.

Shape and size

Two more characteristics of carpets, but not related to style.

As for the sizes, there is a generally accepted classification and common proportions:

  • small carpets are 0.6x1.1, 0.8x1.5, 1x2, 1.5x2 m;
  • medium - 1.5x2, 2x3 m;
  • large - 2x3.5, 2x4.2.5x4.3x4, 3x5 m.

Before you go shopping, experiment with colored tape - lay it out with the space that you intend to take under the carpet. Or start from the size of the model you like and lay out its perimeter with tape. This will allow you to estimate the future area of ​​​​the carpet in advance.

Now on sale you can find not only standard carpets of rectangular, square, oval and round shapes, but also with variously cut edges. However, priorities should be set as follows: first of all, it is worth focusing on style and color, and only if there is a choice, one or another form can be preferred.

This does not mean that the shape of the carpet does not affect the overall perception of the interior. This is especially clearly seen if the carpet occupies a small space and serves to zone the room. But we will talk about this in the next chapter.

Where to place?

Nowadays, fashion says that you should not buy a carpet that will take up the entire room from wall to wall - that way we will not distinguish it from carpet. And if he smaller size rooms, we have some freedom in its location. By the way, no one forbids spreading more than one carpet in a room.

The location can be approached functionally: its place is where the feet touch the floor when the person is sitting. Therefore, most often carpets are laid next to sofas and armchairs.

Another criterion for placing a carpet in the living room is the zoning of the space. It acts as a binder for a group of pieces of furniture, which turns out to be a kind of "island". For example, a sofa and armchairs can be combined with a carpet into an island of relaxation in front of the TV.

In the same way, you can use it to highlight the area reserved for work or hobbies. The carpet of "keys" has already been mentioned above - it perfectly highlights the area reserved for playing music.

Often the center of the living room space becomes coffee table. Under it, you can place a suitable rug, the dimensions of which will be prompted by the neighboring furniture. The round shape is associated with integrity, completeness. It works well for highlighting the center.

Small rugs are suitable for placing color accents. They can be placed in front of armchairs or, if the room has a fireplace, then in front of it.

If there are several rugs, they may not be the same, but at the same time they should have something in common - a color scheme or material and a manufacturing method.

  • One of fashion trends- selection of a carpet and curtains, if not with an identical pattern (this is also possible), then at least with a similar one. If there is no suitable carpet - let it be sofa cushions curtain fabric.
  • Carpet exactly the same color as the walls the best solution because it looks rather boring.
  • The stripes on the carpet can change the perception of space - it "lengthens" along the stripes. This can be used to visually correct rooms with "bad" proportions. Paths have the same property, so you should not lay a path in long room- it will become even longer.
  • round carpet and round chandelier - good combination. But it is worth knowing that a large round shape visually reduces the room, which means that it is only suitable for large living rooms.

The choice of carpet for the floor in the living room according to Feng Shui

  • The Chinese believed that the best flowers for floor carpets will be red and brown. It is these colors that will give the home life force and attract wealth for its owners.
  • According to Feng Shui, the ideal shape for a carpet that will lie in the living room is round. In other words, a round red or brown carpet underfoot is an optima. And square and rectangular ones are associated with the energy of mental labor, so it is better to lay them in offices. Oval are suitable for any room.
  • There are also tips on the length of the pile - a long and fluffy pile is preferable, because it is he who brings health and happiness to the inhabitants of the house.
  • Of the materials, it is better to give preference to natural.
  • Regarding the floor: it is highly undesirable to lay carpets on top of damaged floors. The same applies to dirt - floors must be repaired and washed clean before carpet is laid on them. Only in this case the item will work.
  • To clean the energy of the carpet, every time before cleaning, lightly sprinkle it with salt and dry herbs. They take on the negative and are easily collected with a vacuum cleaner.

What carpets are better not to lay in the hall

  • Undesirable in the living room carpets with a long pile - their place in the bedroom. If ease of cleaning is a significant factor, then it is better to choose with a short pile. In addition, there are almost no traces of furniture legs on it.
  • You should not lay velor carpets in the living room either: despite the ease of cleaning, they are very sensitive to pressure, and not only furniture. They even retain footprints, and frequent traffic will quickly render them unusable.
  • It is better not to put a carpet made of natural material where they most often go.

Photo gallery: carpets in the interior of the living room

A green carpet brought life to the living room with beige walls and floor from natural wood Rainbow circles and bright armchairs in a living room with white walls and dark floors

If you want to quickly and cost-effectively spice up your home, a new carpet will help you with this. Even such a modest transformation will give a new sound to the interior. These amazing, soft and warm products have been known for over 2.5 thousand years. Persia is considered the birthplace of the carpet, where to this day carpet weaving is a real art, surrounded by certain traditions.

In Russia, such products were considered rare and cost fabulous money. They lost their exclusivity only in the 19th century, when European weavers mastered the carpet art. Most well-known manufacturers carpets, in addition to Iran - this is France, Belgium, Germany.

How to choose a carpet for the interior

V Lately fashion encourages us to abandon carpets: carpets on the walls are considered a relic of the past, and floors are increasingly simply covered with parquet or linoleum. But, despite this, this piece of furniture will never lose popularity. Carpet is able to give your apartment an attractive and elegant look, it can become both a dominant element that sets the tone for the rest of the home, and a bright color accent. Unlike laminate or tile, carpets have good sound absorption, warm the cold floor and give the room a cozy feel. The carpet is able to create a special atmosphere only if it is properly selected, fits into general style and color design interior, otherwise it will simply seem like a foreign object. Here are some tips for choosing carpet colors:

  • Small bright spots in the colors of the carpet can be supplemented with sofa upholstery, countertops or curtains;
  • Never pick up a carpet to match the walls, otherwise the room will look dull and featureless;
  • The carpet should contrast with the shade of the floor: bright and warm shades - soft green, orange or yellow - go well with light wood or tiles. If the flooring in the room is gray, the carpet might be purple or burgundy. Rich ocher carpets and different shades of green harmonize with mahogany or terracotta floors. To a dark floor like oak or "wenge" fit white, pinkish, gray and beige shades carpet;
  • If the pattern of the carpet contains geometric or floral ornaments, it is advisable to choose furniture in the upholstery of which there will be a similar pattern or similar curtains;
  • If the wallpaper or furniture drapery is very colorful, rich, with intricate ornaments, the carpet should be plain or with a calm, discreet pattern. If the walls are painted or the wallpaper pattern is simple, the interior will be complemented by a carpet with an intricate ornament.

What should be considered when choosing a carpet product?

If you have decided on the style and color scheme, it's time to think about the size of the carpet. Too large a product will completely hide the beauty of a wooden floor, and a very small one will look superfluous. If you choose a rug for a coffee table, it should fit all the legs of the table, but a rug for a dining table should cover significantly large area- chairs should fit on it. If you plan to carpet the entire room, try not to leave open areas around the edges.

You can lay several carpets at once, different in texture and ornament, the main thing is that they are combined in style and color. In addition, with the help of carpets, you can perform such a technique as zoning, and this will make your apartment even more comfortable.

Now let's talk about the materials from which a carpet can be made.

Initially, cotton or wool served as the material for carpets, now the choice of fabrics is much wider. Often manufacturers use a combination of natural and synthetic fibers. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Synthetics, if, of course, of high quality, resistant to fading, dirt and wear. However, it is not suitable for people who suffer from allergic diseases. Acrylic is resistant to moisture and sunlight, so these carpets are most often used in the hallway or bathroom. Penopropylene is resistant to dirt, water resistance, affordable price, while it is not very pleasant to the touch, so it is suitable for rooms with high traffic or offices. Nylon coating - one of the most popular, it is practical in care and cleaning, soft, resistant to abrasion. Approximately 70% of the carpets on the market are made from this material.

Natural materials are less practical than synthetic ones. Velor carpets look very rich, have a beautiful texture, but at the same time, traces of vacuuming remain on their surface. Cotton carpets can be of almost any color, they are not very resistant to abrasion and may fade over time. The most capricious carpet is jute, it is not resistant to moisture and sunlight. Very strong and resistant carpet is obtained from sisal, it does not fade, is resistant to abrasion and antistatic. Wool - perfect material for a carpet, such a product is easy to care for, it is very soft and warm to the touch. Carpets made from cut fibers are not very practical, although they will make any room elegant and beautiful. The pile on these carpets returns to its original position rather slowly after cleaning, so in some places such a product may look wrinkled. And, finally, carpets made of fur and skins are more design move than pressing need. Such carpets are suitable only for interiors in a certain style (ethnic), giving it exoticism and sophistication.

To check if the carpet is reliable, do a simple test: run your fingers against the pile. If the villi remain in your hand, in the future this product will quickly lose its density and spread. In addition, the carpet should be pleasant to the touch: a low-quality product will have tangled, hard and dry strands, while a high-quality carpet will be soft and silky.

Carpets in the bedroom

The bedroom is a room with low traffic, so when choosing a carpet, you need to be guided not only by practicality, but also by aesthetics. The main criterion is the material from which the product is made. It is preferable to choose carpets from natural materials - wool, sisal. They are environmentally friendly, differ in thermal conductivity and practicality.

You can place them in different ways: if the room is large, the best option will be the placement of the carpet under the bed or near its foot. Additionally, you can line a section of the room near dressing table, while the carpet must be of the same design.

Very interesting solution- choose a carpet to match the color of the bedspreads on the bed or the curtains on the windows. The product can be with a small or long pile, the only caveat is that heavy interior items should not be placed on fluffy products, otherwise traces will remain on the carpet.

For a small bedroom, you can choose paired rugs or a small oval-shaped cover that partially goes under the bed. As for color, the rug should either be in harmony with the rest of the decor or be in contrast.

Carpets for the living room

Floor covering in the living room should emphasize the advantages of the room and hide the disadvantages. It would be nice to lay a small carpet in the recreation area, which will be designed in warm colors: beige, cream, light green, dove gray or pale pink are the most suitable shades. If you want to emphasize the geometry of the room, choose products of strict shapes - rectangular or square.

The carpet in the living room can also become a color accent in the interior - a yellow, purple, red or green carpet to match the small decor elements (vases, pillows, curtains, paintings) will look very beneficial. You can also focus on the color of the upholstery or wall decoration - then the carpet will become a link in the interior of the room.

Carpets in the nursery

In the children's room, it is desirable to lay carpets that are resistant to abrasion and wear. You must be prepared that children are real fidgets, so the carpet must withstand frequent cleaning.

The choice of pattern and color is limited only by your imagination, it is desirable that they be warm and bright colors that are pleasing to the eye of the child. Make sure that the product you purchased is hypoallergenic, because the health of the child is first and foremost.

Carpets for the kitchen

Carpet in the kitchen - not too much practical choice, although if you choose the right coverage, it will not cause unnecessary trouble. First of all, focus on practicality - these can be rubber-based products that do not slip on tiles and are easy to clean. Bamboo and sisal products with a latex backing look interesting, and propylene coatings will serve you for many years.

Carpets in the corridor and hallway

The corridor and the hallway are rooms with high traffic. Give preference to synthetic products with dense weaving and low pile - they are resistant to dirt and high humidity.

In the hallway, small rugs of cheerful colors look good, which will refresh the interior and at the same time delight you with their performance characteristics.

Choose a carpet carefully - and a quality product will serve you and your family for a very long time, delighting with its beauty and practicality.

Varieties of carpets

Carpets and rugs can be divided into several categories:

  • According to the method of production, they can be manual or machine-made.
  • According to the composition, they can be made of silk, wool, viscose and synthetics.
  • By external characteristics: pile and lint-free.

For the production of wool carpets, natural material is used - sheep's wool. Such a carpet will last more than a dozen years, in addition, walking on a woolen coating is good for the body. The disadvantage of this coating is the sensitivity to the effects of moths.

Silk carpets have a characteristic sheen and do not fade when exposed to sunlight.

Viscose carpets are an alternative natural materials, products made of viscose can have a sheen like silk carpets, have a light and smooth texture, as well as a variety of colors.

Synthetic carpets have a number of positive characteristics, such as reasonable prices, variety of designs, suitable for people prone to allergies, resistant to moisture, easy to clean. The only downside is the wear and tear.

The shape and size of the carpet in the interior

There are no strict rules on the shape and size of the carpet for any premises, but there are some nuances in their location and purpose.

Carpets of large sizes are appropriate in the living room or office. They can be both lint-free and textured. Usually rectangular in shape, less often round and oval.

Carpets small size appropriate to place in front of the sofa. It is advisable to complement round carpets with round elements in the decor, it can be a table, chairs, stools, panels.

In the bedroom, it is better to use several identical small carpets located on three sides of the bed.

The color scheme of carpets in the interior

Carpet of bright colors in a calm, neutral interior complemented small decors in the form of paintings, vases, panels, pillows.

The carpet can support the overall color scheme of the interior. It can be in the color of walls, floors, curtains, furniture.

When choosing a carpet, not everyone can decide among the variety of options offered. Choosing the right carpet for the floor, taking into account the color and other features of the interior, is a difficult task. We will tell you how to successfully fit the carpet into the interior of the room, whether it is a bedroom, kitchen or living room.

Add carpet to a room that doesn't have any other accents and the problem is solved. By itself, the placement of the carpet is enough reason to think about the design with its help, but several zoning tasks are also solved: the carpet helps to make the interior more complete, to connect the various parts visually. Color and size are the deciding factor.

What do we pay attention to when choosing the color of the carpet?

After evaluating the desired and existing interior, you can decide what color carpet is suitable for this situation. First, you need to analyze the main layouts:

  • contrasting (the carpet stands out against the background of the floor, comes into contrast with the walls, is opposite in lightness or shade to large pieces of furniture);
  • non-contrasting, supporting (the product serves as a background, complements the existing environment, is made in the colors of the main range of the interior, possibly merges with the floor.

Secondly, the color of the carpet can be determined based on the existing interior details. There are several items that are customary to build on.

  1. The opposite color of oversized furniture.
  2. Combination with the main color of the furniture.
  3. Contrasting floor color. For light laminate suitable brown carpet - shades are selected according to lightness and intensity. This is the most correct option.
  4. Under the color of the walls or ceilings. In this case, make sure that there is no search in one color. Otherwise, the room may merge into one big spot. It is better to choose a similar tone, but a lower color intensity of the carpet (with bright walls) and vice versa (with a more muted finish).
  5. Under the color of curtains and other home textile. In this case, the warning above applies. In a large room, this technique will connect parts of the space, and in a small room, more attention to detail will be required.
  6. Enhance accents. If the room has an interesting picture or design of an unusual color, you can repeat its shade in the pile of the carpet. And the carpet itself can become a bright spot.

In the case of a colorful and multi-colored carpet, the same principles remain. The color is chosen according to the background or the largest pattern. But with a bright and intense print or ornament, one should not overdo it with the rest of the decor: furniture colors, images on wallpaper, paintings, posters, curtain ornaments, bedspreads, blankets, and so on.

There are several various ways decorate the interior with a carpet:

Using carpets to highlight functional areas

Use carpet to define or separate areas such as seating or dining areas, and foyer. This is especially useful in studio apartments or large rooms that need to be defined.

Add variety

Use rugs to create variety in the space of the room. When two carpets are combined in the same room, the same pieces of the same size can visually reduce the room and sharply divide it into two parts. To create the best effect, select carpets different size to fill the room with dynamism.

Harmonize space

When using more than one rug, it's best when they complement each other in style. Otherwise, you can get an unpleasant effect of clutter, flea markets. Too many warring patterns in a room will reduce harmony. This technique is possible in eclectic styles, but requires special skill.

Take off from the colors of the carpet

Use your favorite carpet as the basis for the color scheme in the room. On the other hand, if you lay it down after almost all of the interior is done, use it to accent or tie in existing colors.

Use carpet to visually calm a room or brighten it up, depending on what your interior needs.

If the upholstery or wallpaper has a bright decorative pattern, choose a quieter carpet. When the walls and upholstery are subdued enough, you can try a more intense pattern or bold colors.

Decorate the wall

Use carpet as wall decoration to otherwise show off a beautiful rug or accent a wall. Read more in our article.

Play with form

Do not get hung up on the fact that the carpet should be rectangular. Let the way you group the furniture in the room dictate the shape of the rug. Try to figure out which shape will look best: oval, round, square, or even rectangular. For example, when arranging large furniture in the center of the room, a square shape is suitable. And for round table- corresponding outlines of the carpet.

Make sure you get the correct size

When buying a carpet that covers the entire floor, subtract one meter from the length and width of the room. Leaving the edges of the floor bare will visually make the space appear larger.

When placing carpet under a dining table, add 60 cm on all sides based on the size of the table. This allows the back legs of the chairs to remain on the carpet even when the seats are reclined.

Carpet tracks for the corridor should be 10 cm narrower than the corridor and 40 cm shorter.

Room update

Just buying a new carpet and throw pillows can change a room: update it and give it a new feel. This good way change the image of the room according to the seasons of the year or introduce trendy colors and emerging trends. Without big expenses and noisy alterations.

The interior of any room is created with the help of a bunch of little things, which each, in its own way, makes the interior design special and interesting.

One of these interior elements is a carpet, which can decorate both the living room and transform the bedroom or children's room.

Today we will tell you how to choose a carpet for the living room, bedroom and any other room, comment on which carpet is best for a particular design option, and how to buy a carpet good quality and not to be mistaken, taking into account certain features of this element of the interior.

How to choose a carpet for the living room, bedroom, nursery and other rooms

Before choosing a carpet, you must decide what kind of carpet you need, what color scheme you need to choose a carpet, what size of carpet will suit you, and what form of carpet will be the most successful for your interior.

See how it can be in different styles

How to choose a carpet by color and pattern

The first step in choosing a carpet is choosing the color scheme and pattern that will decorate your carpet.

If your room has furniture in bright colors, it is better to choose a carpet in a calm color scheme.

If you need to choose a carpet suitable for furniture with multi-colored upholstery, we advise you to pay attention to solid-colored carpets, which are now on the market in great abundance.

So that the carpet goes well with such original furniture, you need to choose a carpet that will match one of the colors in color upholstery furniture.

For a truly stylish design in your room, we recommend choosing a rug that matches the textiles used in the room.

If you are wondering how to choose a carpet for bright room, pay attention to the carpet of cold shades. When the design is in dark colors, the carpet should make some accent. Here it is appropriate to choose a carpet in warm colors.

TO light laminate and linoleum with a simple pattern is better to choose a carpet in similar shades. But if you have a dark floor in your room, we advise you to choose a carpet of bright colors that will transform your room.

How to choose a carpet to make the design of the room stylish

Designers advise how to choose a carpet so that it decorates your interior, making it stylish and original, and not faceless and typical, like everyone else.

Before choosing a carpet for a room, think about the tone of the walls in your living room, nursery, bedroom or dining room.

The color of the carpet should not match the color of the walls. In this case, the room can turn out to be faceless and boring. We think you don't want to.

The pattern and pattern on the carpet should also match the overall color. color palette interior.

If you want to choose a carpet with a square pattern, we advise you to choose curtains and decorative pillows with a similar print.

Today, carpets with dark stripes (usually black and gray) are at the height of fashion, which are suitable for a room whose interior is made in one color.

But a room in neutral colors will look amazing if you decide to choose a carpet with bright, multi-colored stripes.

How to choose a carpet by shape and size

When choosing a carpet, keep in mind that it should not occupy the entire floor area. If you want to choose a small size rug for big room, choose a bright carpet.

If the carpet occupies a large area of ​​the floor, then it is better to take a carpet that is close in color to the flooring.

A two-meter carpet is worth choosing for those who want to use it to zone the space in the room.

It is worth choosing a small carpet if you want to focus on a particular area, for example, the area near the fireplace.

For a large room suitable carpet oval or round carpet. Carpets with this form are located in the area of ​​upholstered furniture.

A round-shaped carpet looks beautiful if it is complemented drywall constructions on the ceiling of a round shape or a rounded chandelier.

Carpets with long pile look very nice. It is better to place them in a room where there is little traffic. For the living room, it is better to choose a carpet with a small pile. It will last you longer.

For a nursery, we recommend choosing a bright carpet. Round carpet, oval or asymmetric carpet - in the nursery, any carpet will look interesting, the main thing is that it be made of high-quality and environmentally friendly materials.

How to choose a carpet according to the style of the interior

Carpets create a cozy feeling in any room, but carpeting should match the style of the interior, so before choosing a carpet, find out which carpets are appropriate for a particular design style.

If you need to choose a carpet for a room in modern style, we advise you to choose a discreet and strict carpet in one color. For modern, it is permissible to choose a carpet with a geometric print and avant-garde symbols.

Choosing a carpet for a room classic design, pay attention to carpets with a rich pattern, baroque and arabesque ornaments. If the room has antique furniture, you should choose a carpet in dull shades.

For high-tech, as well as for modern style, a soft carpet, preferably plain, is suitable. High-tech also welcomes clear geometric prints on carpets.

Carpets in oriental style convey the symbolism of a rich oriental culture. Therefore, it is difficult to make a mistake here, because carpets in this style are decorated oriental patterns and drawings.

For country or other ethnic styles, carpets with a bright color scheme, such as woven striped rugs with bright colors, are suitable.

For lovers of minimalism, we advise you to choose a laconic, monochrome carpet in light colors.

The English style in the interior dictates its own rules for choosing a carpet. Usually the British prefer green, red or burgundy carpets.

We briefly told you how to choose a carpet. And now we will back up the information with very successful and interesting examples the use of carpet in the interior, which will also help you choose a carpet for a room in a particular style.

How to choose a carpet: photo examples