How to make a room brighter and visually larger? Designers advice. How to decorate the interior of a dark room in an apartment Bright curtains in a dark room

A dark room is like Tolstoy's unhappy family - all bright rooms are equally good, each dark room is bad in its own way. If you got a room with a window facing north, with a window shaded by trees, with a small window, with a shaded balcony block, long narrow room, asymmetrical room - in general, if you got a dark room and need to make it lighter, then this article is for you.

Here I will tell you how to make a dark room brighter in the daytime, with natural light, and I will not touch the electric light.

You don't have to use all the design techniques that I'll cover - choose the ones that suit you best and you like.

The first way to brighten up a dark room is the white box – white walls, white ceiling and white floor. In photo 1 you see a kitchen that is configured in such a way that only part of the space gets daylight, and the main part of the room is in the shade. The "white box" reflects more light.

Photo 1, 2 and 3

In photo 2, you see a room that may seem bright - no, it's just that when photographed, a window with daylight always seems dazzlingly bright because the rest of the room is shaded. In fact, this room is very dark, if it were not a white box, then it would receive almost no daylight, since the window is north and the room is asymmetrical. Due white color“boxes” (floor, walls, ceiling), it becomes much lighter.

The white ceiling in dark rooms has absolutely no alternative, the Russian consumer is gradually getting used to the white walls. But the white floor causes protest, because white is the most rarely used color for the floor in Russia.

But a dark room with a white floor becomes noticeably more lit, the difference is very noticeable. And besides, the "white box" is not only a way to reflect maximum daylight into the room. This is also a way to make a narrow room visually more spacious, especially if the furniture is also white, as in the photo above. Sounds terrible (all white), but it works!

Photo 3 shows a very dark, narrow room, which in any other color than white would be just a crypt. The white floor, ceiling and furniture make it brighter during the day and smarter in the evening when the electric light is on.

If a white floor is combined with white walls and white furniture, then the room becomes both lighter and visually more spacious. Then the lack of contrast and transition between background surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) and furniture makes the space more homogeneous (the boundaries of the room seem to blur), and, in turn, because of this, the space seems wider.

The room in photo 4 seems large and bright. In fact, it is small and not very well lit - there is one high narrow window and two very small ones, the total area of ​​the windows is small. But due to the white walls, floor and white furniture, a completely different impression is created. Mentally paint the walls, floor, and furniture and you'll see the difference.

In dark apartments, they make white floors, white doors and white walls in all rooms. Everyone immediately thought about the soiling in the hallway and corridor. But modern materials(tiles, linoleum, veneer, washable wallpaper and resistant paint) are very easy to clean and do not lose their appearance for a long time. Yes, you need to wash more often. But it will be clean and bright 🙂

Many people are afraid of the “white box” solution, and even more so the “white box with white furniture” solution, because it seems very sterile, boring and “hospital”. But avoiding “white silence” in the interior is simple - add bright accessories and medium-sized furniture in bright colors, as in photo 5-8. If you don't like bright colors, just use more details (photos 9 and 10).

Dark rooms with low ceilings show a “white box” very much - among other things, such a design of the background surfaces still creates the feeling that the room is easy to breathe, this is very important in small rooms. To avoid boredom, use a variety of decor, from which white lace is especially shown - lace, carving, macramé, patterns on glass, etc.

In photo 12 you see the most beautiful headboard, which greatly decorates a small dark room (note the height of the ceiling) and at the same time does not absorb light at all. That is, the room remains white, it does not even use additional colors, but at the same time you definitely cannot call it boring.

Photos 12, 13 and 14

So, the first way to maximize the daylight in a dark room is with a white box. If the room is small, then the furniture and part of the decor can also be made white. For decor, you can use a few bright accessories or accessories in soothing colors, but in large quantities.

If this method is completely unacceptable for you, modify it: use for background spaces, curtains and large furniture the most light colors that you can only bear. Add white elements and accessories to them rich colors, as in photo 11. This will help reflect the maximum incoming daylight. Contrasting bright elements are needed to give the interior clarity, as in photos 13, 14 and 15, but there should not be too many of them - literally two or three.

Photos 16, 17 and 18

What colors are suitable for walls in dark rooms? From cold: light blue, light green and mint, light turquoise, light light pink - these colors reflect a lot of light. But light lilac, light blue and light gray are not recommended in dark rooms - with a lack of daylight, these colors acquire a dirty gray tint and look dreary.

Turquoise, as in photo 19, is used so often in bathroom design for a reason - it reflects a lot of light and makes the whole design very light.

From warm colors dark rooms are suitable: milky white, cream, the lightest beige and ivory, light warm pink, very light pistachio, vanilla and all light yellow shades (they are especially indicated for northern rooms, since yellow walls partly compensates for the lack of sunlight).

Peach, terracotta (they absorb a lot of light and in cloudy weather also get a dirty shade), olive and orange (they absorb a LOT of light) are not recommended. In photo 23 you can see how bright Orange color darkens the room.

Photo 22 and 23

In general, in dark rooms, experiments with bright background surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) almost always fail - especially in the northern and eastern rooms. Photos 24 and 25 are an eloquent example. The top walls of the bathroom were painted with umber, a beautiful and rich color, and then they were repainted in blue. Feel the difference.

Photo 24 and 25

So, the second way to make a dark room lighter is “light + white + bright”: light walls and floors, a snow-white ceiling, white elements (doors and at least a couple of pieces of furniture) plus a couple of bright accessories for contrast.

The third way is almost forgotten for some reason, I don't even have good illustrations. This is a horizontal wallpaper combination according to the principle “darker bottom + very light top”. Approximately as in photo 26, only the colors do not have to be contrasting. But the furniture against the background of the lower part of the walls should, of course, be light.

This combination of wallpaper is well suited for dark rooms. The lower third of the walls are pasted over with darker wallpaper, the upper third with lighter ones, the joint is usually covered with molding or wooden platband- white or in the color of the floor or doors.

Photo 27 and 28

Now for some small tricks that will help you lighten up the interior. Make some of the surfaces white glossy. If there is a built-in wardrobe in your room opposite the window, make the doors glossy and at least one of them mirrored. If there is no closet, but there is furniture on the side of the window, make it glossy white. In photo 27 you can see how well the white gloss reflects light.

A similar role can be played by a mirror placed in the same way - on the side or opposite the window (photo 28). But do not abuse mirrors - contrary to popular belief, an excess of mirrors is not so positively perceived in the interior - read more about this. In short, white gloss reflects only light, while a mirror reflects everything.

Use pastel colors in a dark room. The pastel contains a lot of white/whitish undertones and reflects daylight very well. Plus, everything pastel shades perfectly combined with each other and allow you to create very light, visually light, but at the same time not boring color combinations, as in the photo in the article at the link. Pastel is especially indicated if the room is dark because the window is shaded by trees.

Photos 29, 30 and 31

Hang only snow-white tulle and, if possible, white curtains (photos 29 and 30). If it is possible to do without curtains at all, closing only lower part windows so that the room is not visible from the street - fine.

For example, if your room is shaded by dense foliage of trees growing in the yard, as in photo 31, or opens onto non-residential space, from where no one can look into your room, you can simply close the lower half of the windows with transparent film or muslin, or light white tulle - and thus win some more daylight. This method, of course, is not suitable for everyone.

Photo 32 and 33

Make the most of the window. In photo 32 you can see that dinner table placed in such a way that people do not receive daylight at all - there is nothing near the window, and the table is pushed into the most shaded place in the room. Consider arranging the furniture in your room so that you spend maximum time in its most lit place.

In a dark room, wall decor is important. Use paintings or posters in light, light colors. If you want more brightness, let them have bright colors too, but let the background and overall color be light and be sure that the top of the picture or poster is lighter than the bottom. Light flowers are very good (photo 33): orchids, jasmine, white peonies, white lilacs, sakura, lilies, etc.

Well, if you use paintings or posters behind glass (photo 34) - glass reflects daylight, although its disadvantage is that then the picture becomes less visible.

In dark bedrooms, use light-colored bedspreads (photo 35), especially if you use the bedroom during the daytime. Few people think about it, but the veil is large object, and the larger your bed, the more important the bedspread plays in the overall color of the bedroom. Therefore, if your bedroom is dark, choose not only the curtains as light as possible, but also a bedspread. Light bedspreads are very beautiful, as you can see in the photo on the left. In general, bedspreads of the “light background + beautiful exquisite pattern” type are an excellent choice for any bedroom, but especially for a dark one.

Now a little about what is NOT suitable for dark rooms. All dull, faded, muted colors are contraindicated in dark rooms.

Neither for furniture, nor for carpets, nor for curtains, nor for decoration - for anything do not use colors such as in photo 36. In bright yellow electric light, they can be quite OK, but in daylight, as you can see, they take on such unpleasant "worn", especially in cloudy weather. Nothing makes a dark room look as gloomy as these colors. Moreover, there are very beautiful muted shades of green, lilac, burgundy - no matter how sorry, but you simply will not see their beauty.

Photo 36 and 37

Grey colour not suitable for dark rooms. Gray, even its light shades, is in a very difficult relationship with daylight and especially with its lack. Gray during the day often takes on an unpleasant deathly hue, especially in rooms facing north and northeast. In photo 37 you see an example - an elegant gray shade would be very beautiful if it was better lit, otherwise it became flat and cold. At the same time, pay attention to this photo, how well the light floor works as a reflector.

Mother-of-pearl wallpapers are not suitable for dark rooms. Many people confuse gloss and mother-of-pearl, or think that anything that glitters and reflects light is good for a dark room. This is not true. Gloss reflects light without distortion, while mother-of-pearl distorts and darkens it. Silk-screen printing and metallography are not suitable for dark rooms - they darken the walls even more. In photo 38 you can see how strongly the intaglio absorbs light - about two meters from the window the wall is already completely dark. Imagine this wall just light, without mother-of-pearl, and you will understand the difference.

So, if you got a dark room - do not despair. Think carefully about its design and, in particular, the layout, discard dark and dull colors in favor of white, pastels and pure bright colors; ask in stores for samples of materials to look at them at home in daylight (or buy with a subsequent return if they don’t fit), approach the issue as meticulously as possible - and you will succeed. I hope this article was helpful to you - if so, click the +1 button, "like" button or your icon. social network. Thank you!

Each room in an apartment or house, with the exception of a bathroom and wardrobe rooms, has at least one window. Insolation is one of the key factors in the microclimate of the apartment and is provided not only for the sake of beauty, but also taking into account the requirements of sanitary standards.

Rule 4: Choose the right lighting

Paradoxically, it is not advisable to use fluorescent lamps in lighting closed rooms, says Olga Kondratova. The fact is that they emit light that is too harsh for the eyes, which does not add comfort to the home environment.

Rule 5: Lighting Zoning

With a lack of light, it is better to organize several lighting scenarios: basic, additional and decorative. Chandelier on the ceiling, sconces on the walls and a floor lamp - with such a set, even in the darkest room it will be comfortable and cozy.

Rule 6: Light wall finishes and bright accents

For background wall decoration and furnishing rooms without windows, the designer advises using white, as well as light shades. Ivory and cream.

Bright colors will be appropriate in textiles and accessories. Yellow, olive, blue and turquoise colors are well suited: they will fill the space with freshness and energy.

Rule 7: No need for aggressive tones

But the designer does not recommend using black and orange colors in closed rooms: they absorb light, which is already in short supply.

Rule 8: Hanging Mirrors

To visually expand the space, mirrors will come to the rescue. The room will seem larger if one of the walls or the ceiling is decorated with a mirror with a facet or sandblasted pattern.

Rule 9: Window Simulation

To simulate a window, in the absence of a real one, a stained-glass window with illumination is capable. And if you arrange it on the ceiling, you get the effect of a second light.

Modern wallpapers are so diverse that anyone can choose a decent option for their home. There are a huge number of different colors, among which most of the available colors, many beautiful drawings and photographs. A well-chosen color and pattern on the wallpaper can help eliminate the shortcomings of the room and highlight the advantages.

Today we want to talk about what wallpaper options you can choose for a small, dark room to make it comfortable and cozy, and not lifelessly gloomy.

Floral theme in the interior of a tiny room

Design difficulties

In our apartments and houses there are different rooms: wide and narrow, light and dark. For large and bright rooms, it is quite easy to come up with and implement any interior, but in a dark, small room everything is much more difficult.

Why such premises are found is easy to explain, the following factors are to blame:

  • Depending on the location of the house, many rooms in the apartments are poorly lit. There are also places where there is very little natural light.
  • In densely built-up residential areas, situations often arise when one house closes access to sunlight to another. On the lower floors of the house, trees can also block the light.
  • Illumination may be disturbed after repair work associated with the redevelopment of the premises.

However, the situation can be corrected if you choose the right wallpaper, they can help increase the illumination of the room and, possibly, its visual perception. Thus, from a dark and small room, you can get a completely habitable bright room.

It is clear that you will have to work with the lighting in such a room, increase the number lighting fixtures, successfully distribute them into zones. But lighting partly solves the problem, you won’t always keep it on. Therefore, it is worth considering the possibility of pasting wallpaper in light colors, a pastel palette is also suitable. If you want to bring some color into the room, you can pick up accent wallpaper and place it in the brightest part of the room.

One of the rooms in a multi-room apartment

strong contrast in small room it is not necessary to achieve, it does not contribute to an increase in illumination, however, it is permissible to use more than one color, but several. Successful combination colorful and calm shades, allows you to get the illusion of a bright space.

Perfect for this kind of room. plain wallpaper, you can consider what options wallpaper stores offer us and choose. It is advisable to stay on pastel colors. It is also acceptable to use a small drawing and a small relief, they will not spoil the overall picture, but will add originality.

It is strongly not recommended to use a large ornament on the wallpaper for a small, poorly lit room. Since such a pattern will negatively affect the perception of the room as a whole, it will give the impression that it is smaller and darker than it actually is.

Another design technique will allow you to transform the room by increasing its illumination: stick light wallpaper with a small, discreet pattern on the wall opposite the window, and cover the rest of the walls with canvases in the same tone, but a little darker. Thus, you will achieve an original perception of space, it will seem to you that the light expands the room, reflecting from one of the walls. In reality, this will happen, which means that in this way we will immediately get two very light walls in the room.

Work with the geometry of the room will help striped wallpaper. Depending on the direction of the strips, they can increase the height of the ceiling or lengthen the walls. A strip of medium thickness works well, while any color can be used: bright colors will make the interior more lively, restrained more strict.

Expansion of the premises through the use light wallpaper

Colors and their combinations

To lighten the space of a small and dark room, you can use several colors. A couple of light ones and one bright one will be enough to make a balanced interior, and to put a little emphasis on important places in the room.

If you apply a larger number of bright colors, the room may turn out to be too blurry, saturated. Of course, outwardly it will look more lively, light and even bright, but it will be difficult to stay in it for a long time. Do not forget that the use of contrasting combinations in such a room is also inappropriate.

Wallpaper for a dark and small room should work with all its texture for lightening, so options should be considered with a glossy finish. Very good, if not, then they can always be added to liquid wallpaper or paintable options. Reflective elements are very easy to mix into the mix liquid wallpaper. After applying it to the walls, the sparkles will be located on them in a chaotic manner. By adding similar elements to the paint for painting walls or wallpaper, you can also achieve a similar result.

When choosing glossy wallpapers, we know for sure that matte wall paintings are not suitable for our room, since they contribute to the absorption of light, and not its reflection.

Comfortable and warm atmosphere in the bedroom

Do not forget about the side of the world, which the windows of your room face. In our situation, most likely it will be the north side, which means that they are perfect for us:

  • yellow colors, sunny and cheerful;
  • beige tones, soft, light and at the same time very warm;
  • various variations of orange, gold colors.

White and its shades will not be appropriate here. In low light, they will look gray, nondescript and dreary, and we do not need depressive moods at home.

You can use the original move when choosing wallpaper in the store. Just ask for your favorite wallpaper rolls to try on, and in the immediate conditions of the room, see how they will look on the wall on a typical day in natural light and in artificial light. If this type of wall suits you, buy them, otherwise keep looking for the right color.

The psychology of color

Understanding the psychology of color will make it even easier for you to choose wallpaper for a room with small dimensions and poor lighting. As you probably know, psychologists have long identified the influence different colors on people.

An approximate list of primary colors and their influence is as follows:

  • One of the positive colors that can improve mood is peach. It is quite soft and light, but at the same time slightly assertive. It is used in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens.
  • To accumulate in the room vital energy often used yellow color palette. Such wallpaper colors remind us of summer, relaxation and fun, which means it brings joy and pleasant emotions. Yellow is a bright enough color, so it will be in place in the living room, kitchen or bathroom.

Cozy living room small sizes
  • Orange color has similar properties, wallpaper in this coloring energizes, increases brain activity and awakens appetite. Toning the body, orange predisposes to action. Wallpaper in this tone is appropriate in the kitchen, in the living room.
  • The luxurious golden tone is used as accents; it cannot be the main one due to its high impulsiveness and saturation. With it, you can add brightness, solemnity and nobility to the room. Wallpapers with drawings of this color fit perfectly into classic interior living rooms
  • A calm, comfortable, warm and cozy atmosphere in the room will help create the colors of the beige palette. This relaxed tone promotes rest and relaxation, which means that the main place of its application is the bedroom.
  • In combination with beige, a brown tone is often used, as it were, it stabilizes the interior. looks the most advantageous, it brings comfort to the house, and with its internal energy it helps to relieve stress.
  • Pink is considered to be a characteristic romantic color. In its bright performance, it soothes, brings tenderness, while in its bright and rich performance it excites passion. Similar color scheme It is customary to use in bedrooms, bathrooms, children's.
  • Red tones have always been associated with the holiday, they bring joy and fun. Most often, red is used in large living rooms, where it is necessary to achieve a solemn atmosphere in the interior. In the kitchen, it is also appropriate, because it helps to awaken the appetite.

Design of a bedroom in an apartment on the upper floors high-rise building
  • Even in a small and dark room, consider using wallpaper. purple. Despite the fact that it belongs to the galaxy of dark tones, it also contributes to the expansion visual space. If you successfully combine it with a light tone, you can expand the space and brighten it.
  • Blue tones are also designed to expand the space, they can be used in both large and small rooms. They add freshness, lightness, reduce human fatigue and emotional stress. Wallpaper in blue is most often used in bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms.
  • The blue tone, on the contrary, narrows and reduces the space, it is a cold and deep color that acts extremely calmingly. Wallpaper in this color is applicable in large rooms where there is very good natural and artificial lighting.
  • Natural green colors promote relaxation and rapid recovery of the body. Depending on their saturation, such tones can be used in rooms of any size. Wallpaper with green colors is actively used in children's rooms, living rooms, and kitchens.

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that when choosing wallpaper for a small, poorly lit room, it is important to pay attention not only to the color of the paintings, but also to the size of their pattern, the glossiness of the texture and the presence of relief on it. Do not forget about the side of the world, which the windows overlook from the room. If you take into account all these factors, and besides, you take wallpaper from the store for fitting, the probability of error will be minimal.

Undoubtedly, a dark room has many advantages: the eyes rest from bright, striking light, and the twilight relaxes nervous system, also in such a room a person falls asleep 20% faster. However, a dark room, in its permanence, makes an apartment uncomfortable and significantly reduces the cost of an apartment upon purchase. A dark room is especially dangerous for rooms - offices, nurseries and libraries. Therefore, many ask important issue How to make a dark room brighter?

- Bright hues.

You can brighten up a room with light colors in the design of the room. A dark room, of course, can be made absolutely white, but it is better to use pastel colors: beige, cream and light lemon. If sunlight does not enter the windows of the room, then the white color of the walls will appear dirty gray.

But it is desirable to make the ceiling in the room perfectly white, even mirror white, so that the light color of the walls is reflected in the ceiling and brightens the room.

It is also best to lay on the floor flooring light color, but you can also throw a bright yellow carpet to the background light walls there was a bright spot and enlivened the room.

- Curtains.

For daylight, the choice should stop at transparent curtains, but the question arises of night curtains. They should be chosen light, but from the most dense material that will not let in the light of night lights and signs.

If the room is very small, then preference should be given to white curtains, but if the room is spacious, but dark because of the trees outside the window, then you need to hang yellow curtains, they will give the impression of bright sunlight.

And as an extreme case, you can make a window without curtains in the interior, this is also welcome, so as not to clutter up the daylight with objects.

- Furniture.

The first thing to know is no large furniture. Secondly, it is advisable to pay attention to glass furniture or small interior items with polished or mirrored facades. A few small pieces of furniture are better than a huge “wall” or “slide” that weighs down the room.

- Mirrors.

Any decorative mirrors for the interior should be selected according to the principle of better less and a few pieces. A pair of mirrors should be arranged in such an order that they multiply the light as best as possible, it would be great if a chandelier looked in the mirror.

- Partitions.

If the room has partitions and they are not bearing walls- down with them! Due to the absence of partitions, the room will acquire additional natural light and will visually appear larger and brighter.

- Blue accent.

A slight accent of blue or turquoise color will add light to the room, but there is a small rule - do not overdo it.

Otherwise, with an excess of this color, we will achieve a completely different effect - a visual reduction of the room and even “coldness”. But a small accent of blue with the addition of yellow things will create the appearance of the sky with the sun and “warm up” the room.

The owners of apartments with dark rooms cannot be called lucky. When the windows are located on the north side or the trees outside the window interfere with the access of light, when the window openings are too small or the room has custom shape and size, without special techniques to achieve the effect of a large amount of light in the room will not work. Without this, any room seems uncomfortable and cramped. The design of a dark room must be thought out carefully so as not to darken it even more.

Designers offer some ideas and tips on how to brighten up a dark room. But each advice should be considered in the context of the layout of the apartment you have and the purpose of the room. Before purchase building materials, decorative elements, pieces of furniture, take samples to see how they will look in a particular room, and make sure that they can be returned if they suddenly do not fit.

In order to brighten a poorly lit room, you can use a number of professional design techniques, which also allow you to expand the space and add airiness to the room. The design of a dark room does not involve the use of all of the above techniques, but only those that are suitable for a particular room and will appeal to the owners of the home.

It is hardly possible to get rid of trees in front of the window that interfere with light entering the room or expand the window opening, so we consider only those ideas that can be applied indoors.

Surface decoration

The first and main way to make a dark room brighter is to decorate the walls, ceiling and floor in white. White surfaces will reflect more light. Creating a “white box” effect in a room will make a dimly lit room visually larger, more spacious, especially if large pieces of furniture (sofa, table, shelves, wardrobe) are also white.

If it seems that white walls, white ceiling, white floor and even white furniture- it's boring, you can add bright accessories or small pieces of furniture in bright contrasting colors. If bright colors on a white background are also of no interest, use a large number of details of natural colors that will decorate the room. For example, you can decorate the entire wall black and white photographs or drawings, put a lot of different accessories "under the tree." You can also decorate some surfaces with openwork patterns, for example, cabinet doors or a headboard. Such patterns can be combined with patterns on glass, macrame, knitted napkins, etc.

It seems to many that white is a rather easily soiled color, therefore, painting or repairing walls and floors will often be required. But the materials currently on the market (tiles, washable wallpaper, resistant paint, etc.) allow you not to think about it. Naturally, such surfaces should be kept clean.

For those who under no circumstances want to decorate their bedroom, study or living room in a "hospital" color, you can suggest decorating surfaces in the following colors: light blue, light green, light pink, mint, ivory, light yellow. If possible, use the lightest colors in the palette.

Another way to decorate walls in a poorly lit room is to combine light and dark materials. The bottom of the wall is approximately 1/3 more dark shade, and the top is light. This method will add light and allow you to visually make the ceilings higher.

Furniture in a dark room

Firstly, it is not worth overloading such premises with furniture. Especially avoid placing bulky furniture in the center of the room, as it will absorb light. It is better to use furniture on graceful legs with open space from below. Such items make the atmosphere in the room lighter and more airy.

It is desirable to make the surfaces of cabinets located opposite the window glossy. So they will reflect the light. The use of mirrors is also possible, but it is worth remembering that if the gloss reflects only light, then the mirror reflects everything.

It is necessary to correctly position the furniture in an insufficiently lit room. For example, if the light hits only part of the room, that's where you need to place a dining table or working area. Do not deprive yourself and your loved ones of natural light, which is already scarce in the room.

dark room lighting

For dark rooms, it is necessary to consider multi-level lighting. The ideal option suspended ceiling is considered large quantity spotlights. The main task is the location of light sources at different levels.

Instead of false ceiling you can make bumpers around the perimeter of the ceiling, in which to place hidden lighting. You can also use floor lamps, floor lamps, hang the sconce on different height. Additional lighting can be built into cabinets or niches, if they are provided in the interior.

Decorative elements and accessories

In darkroom design great importance attached to wall decor. You can use photographs or posters placed under glass. It reflects light. Moreover, it is in decorative elements can be used bright accents but without being too zealous. Three or four bright little things will be enough.

In the decor of such a room, you should not use a huge amount of textiles. Do not overload the room with pillows and bedspreads. It is also better to refuse heavy curtains. For window decoration use white tulle or thin linen curtains. If possible, the window can generally be made as open as possible and not use curtains.

Common mistakes in decorating dark rooms

Many people think that bright central lighting in such a room will solve all problems, but this is not so. To illuminate as much space as possible, it is worth placing light sources at different levels.

If you approach the issue of decorating a dark room correctly and tastefully, you can make a rather cozy place out of such a room.

Comfort to your home!