Business plan for selling handmade souvenirs. Making souvenirs with your own hands at home

As practice shows, a souvenir business can bring in up to $2,000 per month. But it largely depends on how to organize it, on what to focus your business.

Business features

First of all, let's see how attractive the souvenir business is. According to research, about 30% of their income people annually spend on souvenirs. Moreover, the niche is huge, variable, and in each of its variations there will always be a buyer. So, you can implement your ideas in the following directions:

  • souvenirs for football and hockey fans;
  • for tourists;
  • corporate, private orders;
  • author's work and more.

Depending on what audience your business will be designed for, its seasonal fluctuations also depend. For example, most corporate orders will be for public holidays: New Year, eighth of March, etc. Tourists buy most of the products in summer period when there is a maximum influx of tourists to the city. Football and hockey fans are more likely to buy scarves, figurines and badges ahead of the next match. Author's works, as a rule, are bought all year round no noticeable spikes in sales.

Knowing when the product hype is expected, you can activate the business in advance and saturate the market with the right products.

Business types

Despite the fact that the business is considered to be a home business, ideas for its implementation will help organize both a small additional income and a significant profit. The implementation of the idea can be online or offline. You can make souvenirs with your own hands and sell them, or you can act as an intermediary, selling products made by other craftsmen.

Mediation Ideas

In this format, ideas can be implemented in two ways.

  1. Purchase goods in bulk from companies that are engaged in the industrial production of souvenirs. You can find them via the Internet, and not only within your state.
  2. Work with craftsmen who make souvenirs with their own hands. Many women who stay at home make various souvenirs with their own hands at their leisure. You can find them on thematic or women's communities or forums.

The advantage of this business implementation technology is that souvenir products you can set a markup of 200% of the purchase price. This compensates for the low cost of one unit of goods.

DIY manufacturing

If you are not yet ripe for big business, you can point to sell crafts made by yourself. True, in this case, you yourself will have to generate ideas for souvenirs - unique things are most in demand. And at home, you can make anything with your own hands. It all depends on what audience your ideas are designed for.

If souvenirs for sports fans are mainly purchased in bulk from suppliers, then copyright items, for tourists, corporate clients need original ideas made by hand. It can be:

  • wooden crafts;
  • crystal figurines;
  • miniatures depicting sights;
  • commemorative postcards and more.
  • soap self made;
  • original candles;
  • decoupage items;
  • carving and more.

As a rule, the implementation of such work is also the privilege of women who do it at home with their own hands.

Printing on T-shirts and mugs

Men prefer to implement ideas more thoroughly. For example, open a point for printing pictures and inscriptions on T-shirts and mugs. Of course, this is a little home-based business, but it fits the concept of a do-it-yourself business. Such a case involves scanning a photograph ordered for printing or creating a unique picture, printing it on thermal film and applying it to the desired surface. The implementation of any idea will take no more than 15 minutes. The simplicity of the technology allows you to print even at home, if the volume of orders is relatively small.

For this you need to have:

  • scanner - 3,500 rubles;
  • printer 4-5 thousand rubles;
  • computer - 15 thousand rubles;
  • printing press (an ordinary iron is enough at first if you organize production at home).

From raw materials must be purchased

  • t-shirts - 80 rubles / piece;
  • mugs - 25-50 rubles / piece;
  • thermal paper - 5 sheets (A4) 300 rubles.

If the business is not home, you will need funds to rent a room. It is most reasonable to take it in large mall where there will be high traffic per day. In this case, the cost square meter per month can reach 30 thousand rubles.

Profit calculation

Calculating the exact profit and cost of a business is difficult. It all depends on whether you will run a business at home or from an office, what direction of souvenirs you will engage in, make them yourself or act as an intermediary.

But even with the most expensive option, it may well be a profitable business for women. The project will require relatively small investments - no more than 30-35 thousand rubles. If we talk about souvenir printing, then you can sell mugs for 300 rubles, T-shirts - for 350 rubles. Such a home business will pay off in about a year. But this is still a very conditional period, since a lot depends on the number of orders, the theme of souvenirs and other things.

Sale of goods

Another important question, which must be solved by organizing a souvenir business - the sale of goods. You can open a small souvenir shop. Its location is chosen depending on the theme of souvenirs. For example, it makes sense to sell sports paraphernalia at stadiums and sports grounds. Items for tourists are on the main street of the city, where their flow is as large as possible. Products designed for women sell well in shopping malls.

If you make products at home, you can look for already working points and sell it there. In this case, large stores, supermarkets are also suitable.

You can create an online store. This the best way business organization for women. In this case, they can, without looking up from household chores, take orders, advise and send them by mail. If there are no funds to develop an appropriate site, you can sell the souvenirs you have made through social networks and free classified ads on the Internet.

Starting your business

Whether to register your business officially depends on its format and volume products sold. For example, for women who sometimes make something to order, it makes no sense to spend time and money on paperwork. But if the sale of souvenirs brings a steady income, it is better to formalize this business in the manner prescribed by law.

If you are engaged in mediation, selling the products of other craftsmen or your own, it is best to register individual entrepreneur– You are unlikely to have to deal with large shipments. If you sell goods by purchasing them in bulk from large manufacturers, or your company has several founders, it makes sense to register an LLC.

Then we look for a room. For a small shop, you can rent a room with an area of ​​​​15-20 square meters. m. Buy counters, stands and cash register. The latter must be registered with the tax office.

First, you need to buy goods in small wholesale lots. Then, having found out what sells best, focus on the purchase of this product.

Business rules

Regardless of whether you sell souvenirs for women or for tourists, your business must be organized according to certain rules. Then his chances of success are greatly increased. The main rules are:

  1. Do not conduct business in secrecy. Tell all your friends and acquaintances about it.
  2. Take part in specialized exhibitions. This will help not only to tell about yourself, but also to study the market, get acquainted with new products, communicate directly with the target audience.
  3. Even if you have an offline business, don't ignore the Internet. Look for suppliers and customers there, advertise yourself through it.
  4. Remember that only exclusive products will bring success.
  5. The presentation of the goods must be appropriate, especially when you sell goods for women. And this applies not only to souvenir shops, but also to online stores.
  6. Even when implementing hand-made, avoid the same type.
  7. If you are a master yourself and sell your products, team up with other craftsmen.

encyclopedic reference: gift shop - commercial enterprise specializing in sale of souvenirs, gifts, postcards, original interior and household items.

Despite the fact that postcards, souvenirs, gift wrapping and interior decorations are not among the essential goods, they are in steady demand. If you decide to try your hand at developing your own business and, being a creative person, are looking for something to your liking, try opening a gift shop.

Step by step to the growth of sales of souvenirs

Step one: select format

The variety of souvenirs is so great that before you open your own souvenir shop, you need to decide on a specialization. You can focus on selling exclusive items and VIP gifts - this niche is almost empty. However, keep in mind that in this case, an impressive investment will be required.

When calculating how much it costs to open a gift shop, looking for a quick and inexpensive start? Choose from: an ethnographic souvenir shop (such as products from India, China, Thailand or Turkey), a small postcard shop, or a handicraft shop.

step two: preparing the legal and material base

The easiest way is to register an IP. So you save time on paperwork and will be able to keep tax records according to a simplified scheme. Because you have to retail, take care of buying and registering a cash register.

As for the premises, the most budgetary (in terms of start) option is to rent a small area in a shopping center. Places on the first floor are suitable for you, in this case, even at first, you will have a good client flow. It will be worse to trade on the second, and on the third it makes no sense to become at all - no matter how attractively low the rent may seem, you will not recoup it. You can also find a separate room for rent - it will have more space for implementation design ideas. This option is good if you plan to introduce a fundamentally new category of goods to the market (for example, no one in the city offered souvenirs from India before you).

To organize a retail space, you will need racks, showcases, stands and other equipment. To save money, you can purchase used equipment or make some of the items yourself - this will be quite in the format of your store.

Step Three: we form an assortment

The easiest way to start selling souvenirs is to purchase goods at a wholesale base. To do this, you need to devote a little time to monitoring the market. You should be interested in reliable suppliers who provide uninterrupted supply and constantly maintain an extensive range.

If your choice is the sale of original ethnographic products, search foreign manufacturers or wholesalers abroad. Well, if you find the opportunity to go for the goods yourself - this will allow you to offer goods that no one else in the city has at a very attractive price, already taking into account a good margin.

Another option is to personally engage in the manufacture of goods for your shop, organize a small workshop for the manufacture of souvenirs, or offer to exhibit the work of people who are engaged in needlework.

Be that as it may, the assortment must be dealt with constantly. After 2-3 months of trading, items that sell best and should always be in stock will stand out. However, you need to have new items coming out often, otherwise regular customers in search of something new will soon switch to another gift shop.

Where to get money?

Most market participants started with their own money - large initial investments are not required. The most voluminous items of expenditure are the rent and purchase of goods. At good start(it is best to start work during the holidays) your souvenir shop will pay off in 3-6 months, maximum - in 1 year.

Underwater rocks

Please note that the trade in gifts and souvenirs is highly seasonal - there are almost no sales during the "low" period. In addition, this type of business depends on the general welfare of society - during economic downturns, the demand for souvenirs drops sharply.

Pay attention to advertising - without it there will be no client flow. In addition, the atmosphere is important for a gift shop. Think carefully about the interior - not necessarily expensive, but certainly stylish. Make branded business cards, packages, price tags.

Summing up

Trade in souvenirs can become not only a business, but also exciting hobby. Starting a business in this niche is relatively easy, you can do without large investments. Is the gift shop good value? This is a great option for those who want to do what they love and want to gain financial independence. However, don't expect huge profits.

The fashion for unusual gifts has returned again, thereby increasing the profit from sales of souvenirs and gifts by 20-25%. Taking into account the statistical data, you can safely open a souvenir and gift shop, the profit of which will grow every year.

In this article, we will look at the gift shop business plan and find out how profitable this niche is now and whether the market is free.

But before relying on extras, let's look at what it takes to open such a store in more detail. So, in this review, together we will draw up a business plan for a gift and souvenir shop with calculations for 2018.


  1. Analyze what products competitors offer, what is bought and how often, the price. The information will be taken into account in the business plan. This will allow to purchase a range of gift products with high demand.
  2. Pay attention to online gift shops, you can also learn a lot from them: how they conduct a dialogue with the buyer, what they offer, what delivery time is. Later, you can emphasize that when you come to your place, you can buy something right away, without waiting for delivery.
  3. Explore the local market: if an exclusive gift shop already exists in some area, then there will be no point in opening it. Of course, there will be revenue, but still not big enough for you to call the business successful. In addition, if a competitor store is already producing small volumes of sales, this does not mean that they are doing something wrong. It is possible that this product is simply not in demand in a certain area or city.

There are always a lot of gift shops, so you definitely need to think about how your store will differ from the rest. It would be appropriate to open a business with its own "zest". You can import products that no one else in the city has at all. For example, Korean handmade jewelry. Let their range be not large, you don’t need to specialize in this, but it would be nice to mention the existence of such an opportunity.


Very important point in opening a gift shop, of course, is its location. Please note in the business plan that the store should be in a high traffic area, preferably in the city center, or in large shopping centers.

Even if your price is 10-15% higher than that of stores located in another part of the city, they will still buy from you, as more is in the field of view of potential buyers. In addition, based on the psychology of people, they will always go to the center, a crowded place, to buy good gift, rather than buying it somewhere "on the outskirts".

At the initial stage, it is not necessary to immediately open a large point with 5,000 items of gifts and a large area. Start small, for example, from 20 m². We will consider opening such a store in a shopping center with high traffic. The price of such premises will, of course, vary from Moscow to other regions. In the list of expenses of the business plan, we take the average cost - 15,000 rubles per month.

If the room has already been renovated, you do not need to redo it - just decorate it to your taste. Typically, gift shops use their own products as decorations, which the client can immediately buy. You don’t need a designer, you can arrange everything yourself - focus on the layout and design of existing competitors, personally inspect similar points in your city, view photos in Russia and abroad.

Equipment for work

To operate a gift and souvenir shop, you must purchase the following equipment:

  1. Computer for accounting - 15,000 rubles. With it, you can also post updates, new deliveries that come to the store, their photos on social networks;
  2. Cash register - 15,000;
  3. Equipment for bar-coding - 7,000;
  4. Various stationery and small necessities - 10,000;
  5. Stands for laying out, cabinets, racks - from 50,000;
  6. Other unaccounted expenses - 50,000.

In total, in the business plan, the cost of purchasing equipment will be about 150,000 rubles.

Of course, for any business, it is necessary to issue official papers and register with the tax service. You can open as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It will cost from 5,000 to 11,000 inclusive.

Store assortment

Before you open your own business, you need to deal with the assortment, thoughtless purchase of gifts and souvenirs will not give positive results. Maybe it will be goods for everyone or exclusive handmade products, which will be slightly higher in price? Depends primarily on what competitors are selling

If you are aware of trends and know what kind of purchase customers need, and there is no such store in this area, then feel free to open, as such a business will already be successful due to its individuality, and therefore demand.

Gifts should be for any occasion and for any clients: wedding, birthday, graduation, anniversary and more. Some people like to buy original and unusual gifts for themselves, just like that.

Gift products of a wide profile (postcards, balloons, confetti) are purchased from wholesalers, and exclusive products are purchased from online stores. When accounting for expenses in a business plan for the purchase of an assortment, do not give preference to the cheapest product names, tempted by the price. Having bought a gift that immediately breaks in their hands, customers will be disappointed and tell their friends about you. A bad reputation for business is absolutely useless, it will affect demand in the shortest possible time.

Handmade crafts are always welcome, it is wise to open a separate line of goods in the store: handmade soap, jewelry, postcards, embroidery and much more. Hand-made goods can be bought directly from manufacturers at an agreed price, and then sold with a markup in the store. You can partner with several local manufacturers at once to find out whose assortment is bought better.

For a traditional souvenir and gift shop, there should be at least a 200% markup on products.

The product range is expected to be as follows:

RangeDescriptionPurchase expense Sales income (*20%)
Engraved knives
20 000 400 000
ToysStuffed Toys
12 000 240 000
Festive officePhoto frames
Pens and pencils
6 000 120 000
Board gamesThematic board games
Games for adults and children
8 000 160 000
Interior itemsCandles and candlesticks
Themed towels
9 000 180 000
AccessoriesBijouterie: rings, beads, bracelets, earrings.
Themed hats, ties, socks
11 000 220 000
SouvenirsMagnets with the symbols of the city and the theme of the holidays
piggy banks
10 000 200 000
Interior itemsCandles and candlesticks
Themed towels
9 000 180 000

The cost of purchasing an assortment is − 76,000 rubles.

Sales income - 1,520,000 rubles.


If it is planned to open a small store, then the minimum number of employees can be taken. Director and two salesmen (shift work).

The director should deal with such tasks as searching for goods, communicating with suppliers, concluding contracts, controlling deliveries, hiring employees, and much more.

Costs in the business plan for the monthly salary of employees:

  1. Director - 30,000 rubles.
  2. Seller (2 pcs.) - 40,000 rubles.

Total, monthly payout expenses wages employees will amount to 70,000 rubles.

Tax deductions - 21,000 rubles.

Carefully monitor the quality of work of your employees, the success of the gift shop directly depends on them. Especially from salespeople who should be as courteous as possible and be able to sell well. The buyer comes not only for a gift, but also for the right mood, it is important for him to make sure that he is giving a really useful and unusual gift.

Store advertisement

As advertising, you can use any advertising methods, both traditional - leaflets, banners, promotions at the opening, and promotion on the Internet. In the business plan of the project, you need to make a list of at least 50-100 advertising tools that you will master in the first months.

Take advantage of the most basic ones that do not require any costs - this is advertising in in social networks and among friends. Create groups, post photos of products. It is not necessary to hire a professional photographer, you can borrow from friends good camera and take pictures of yourself.

The name of the store should be memorable so that even people who do not know about it do not pass by. At the end of the shopping center, you can place a sign or banner, which will cost 10,000.

Costs and payback

Starting investments for opening a souvenir and gift shop:

  1. Premises for rent - 15 000 rub.;
  2. Store Equipment - 150 000 rub.
  3. Product range- 76 000 rub.
  4. Advertising - 10 000 rub.
  5. IP opening - 10 000 rub.

Total: 261,000 rubles.

The monthly expenses in the business plan include:

  1. Room rent - 15 000 rub.;
  2. Staff salaries - 70 000 rub.;
  3. Tax and social contributions - 21 000 rub.;
  4. Product range - 5 000 rub.;
  5. Advertising and promotion - 5 000 rub.
  6. Income tax - RUB 228,000

Total: 415,000 rubles.

According to statistics, 20% of the sold goods remain on the shelves of the store, so the real income will be 1,216,000 rubles for 1 calendar month.

Net Income: 1 216 000 - 415,000 \u003d 801,000 rubles.

Payback:261 000 /801 000 = 0.3 months.


Risk Probability of occurrence Force of influence response measure
Low demand for the productMediumhighPurchasing power analysis

Reducing the price of goods or purchasing cheaper products

Carrying out a promotion for "stale" goods

Opening a competitor storeMediumMediumPurchasing a product that is different from a competitor's offerings
Staff turnoverMediumLow

Implementation % from purchase

Hold a material competition once a quarter among store sellers for goods sold

Trading is almost always a profitable business. Entrepreneurs often choose this direction in order to start a business. The main problem is the choice of product range. A variety of souvenirs are quite popular among consumers. In addition, a business built on their sale does not require large initial costs.

Business Options

There are several options for running a business selling souvenirs. So, you can open a store or your own department in a large shopping center. In order to purchase goods, you can contact both large companies that produce souvenirs from polymer clay, crystal, etc., and to "handicraftsmen" who want and offer "handmade" products. In the latter case, the product is likely to be more expensive, however, and the demand for exclusive handmade work in Lately getting higher.

In addition, you can offer products through the online store. This type of business is becoming more and more popular as many netizens prefer to buy goods through websites from the comfort of their homes.

Another option for organizing a business is not only selling, but also making souvenirs on your own. To do this, you can do it, make wooden souvenirs with your own hands, etc.

Where to start?

The initial investment depends on the type of business. If you decide to open a small souvenir shop, then first you need to draw up documents for registering a legal entity.

After that, you should find a place to organize a store. It can be bought or rented. The amount you have to spend depends on the area where you live. For a small store, an area of ​​​​15-20 square meters will be enough. meters.

In order to decorate the store, stands and counters are used. You will also need a cash register. If the initial capital is small, then you can buy used equipment, which will cost much less than new.

Goods are first purchased in small quantities. The next step is to determine what is used. most in demand, and from this choose the final assortment. Souvenirs from epoxy resin, wood, beads, etc. If you master any of the technologies, then you will be able to produce products on your own.

Souvenirs for tourists are a success. The products of this group can be products made craftsmen. This includes wooden, crystal souvenirs, miniatures, which depict the sights of your city or region.

It is better to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers, it will be cheaper (this does not apply if you decide to introduce exclusive hand-made souvenirs into the assortment). You can reach them through advertisements in periodicals or on specialized sites.

Benefits of a business selling souvenirs

The main benefits of selling souvenirs is the ease of doing business. If you make products yourself, then you should also note the low initial costs.

If you decide by organizing own business, selling souvenirs can be quite a profitable venture. To do this, you should carefully consider which business option to choose, what kind of assortment will be successful in your area, how you will attract customers.

If the business is organized taking into account all these nuances, then its payback is several months. After you start making a profit, you can think about expanding, for example, opening a few more outlets.