Water well depth: types of construction and method of its construction. How to measure the depth of a well for water - professional tools

Well depth is considered an important parameter. In many ways, it is he who determines the cost of the drilling work carried out and the quality of the resulting fluid. Most often, the desire to correctly determine the amount of payment for drilling forces customers to calculate this indicator. For each additional meter they have to lay out quite real amounts.

With independent work, the distance from the water surface to the surface of the well will be required to correct selection and installation of pumping equipment.

How to check the depth of the well after drilling? Professionals most often know the approximate level of passage of aquifers even before work is carried out. They determine it on the basis of the geological map of the territory. In other cases, this size is found out after the drilling of the object is completed. For this, several methods are used. The difference between them lies in the degree of complexity, accessibility and level of accuracy.

The most simple and accessible way considered mechanical. It will require only a cord, a metal weight and a tape measure. The load is tied to a cord and gently lowered down until the tension is relieved. Thereafter homemade device take out and use a tape measure to determine the size of its wet area. This value is the depth of the well. To measure in this way, it is recommended to use a special hydrogeological tape measure. It is a flexible ruler with an attached weight at the end.

The disadvantages of this method include the inability to measure the dynamic water level. Using this method, it is allowed to measure structures with a depth of not more than 10 m.

The magnetic method is considered the most popular when determining the depth of the well. It provides accurate information about the location of deep aquifers.

The method is to use a spool of logging cable with magnetic marks. The principle of its operation essentially coincides with the mechanical one, but is improved by the presence of a reader. Magnetic marks are applied to the tape at certain distances. They are processed by the receiving device. As a result, accurate information about the location of the cargo is obtained. In the intervals between the marks, the depth is determined using a special roller located on the coil.

Acoustic Depth Gauge Application

This device allows you to get the most accurate data on the depth of any structure. The device is most often used in the mining industry. The only drawback is the high cost of the device.

The resulting distance is proportional to the time interval between the input and output signals. After measuring the depth, this indicator is entered in the well passport. Knowing the methods of measurement, each of its owners will be able to check the parameter on their own.

Drilling a well in a suburban area will provide its owners with water required for personal purposes and irrigation. Own source will allow you to build an independent water supply. However, there are cases when the excavation of the working does not give results. How to avoid such "mistakes"? After all, the drillers will have to pay, even if there is no water.

We will tell you in the smallest details how to find water for a well. Let's get acquainted with all possible methods of searching for this mineral. Imagine technologies applied on an industrial scale, and folk ways determining the presence of groundwater.

For a thorough study of the topic, we have collected and systematized noteworthy information available on the network. The information submitted for consideration is supplemented with photos, graphic illustrations and video reviews.

Before proceeding with the search for water under the well, it is necessary to fix the presence of such underground resources and determine what the depth of occurrence is in the selected section of the aquifer.

Groundwater is divided into three types depending on the location and depth of occurrence:

  • Verkhovodka- lies within 2-5 meters from the surface. It is formed as a result of the filtration of precipitation. Due to the shallow occurrence, this type of water can fluctuate: either it rises after precipitation, or it decreases during the dry period.
  • ground water- aquifers in sedimentary rocks, occurring approximately in the region of 8-40 meters from the surface. From above, they are protected by several layers of rocks, therefore they do not depend on the change of seasons. Sometimes they are in the depressions of the relief, they independently make their way through springs that supply tasty clean water.
  • artesian waters- most often lie at a depth of more than 40 meters. They are distributed along cracks in rocky limestone. Water is characterized by mineral salts and the absence of clay suspension. The flow rate of artesian wells is quite stable.

The qualitative and quantitative parameters of the aquifer are of key importance.

The thickness of the earth is formed from rocks, some of which prevent the penetration of moisture - aquicludes, while others, on the contrary, form aquifers

To identify areas promising for water, the method of electrical sounding is most often used. It is carried out by vertical sounding of the soil. specific electrical resistance breeds and groundwater bearing horizons differ.

Thus, water-saturated soils have a lower electrical resistance than the mineral skeleton of low-moisture rocks.

With the help of current recorders, you can determine the resistance at each horizon, designating for yourself those areas where there is a layer of groundwater

The only drawback of this method is that there is always a possibility of calculation errors, provided that there are deposits of iron ore in the soil or the proximity of metal fences and railway networks.

Seismic exploration technology

The seismic exploration technique is based on the measurement of wave kinematics. With the help of instruments, places are determined where an increased seismic background is observed, the peak values ​​of which reach frequencies from 4 to 15 Hz.

The essence of seismic exploration is that, first, measurements are carried out on the territory located in the immediate vicinity of the groundwater search site, which has a similar geological section.

The generated waves directed downwards, having reached the rock, which is different from the higher layers, are reflected upwards like an echo. Then, for an hour, the same measurements are carried out in the groundwater search area.

The depth of the reflecting boundary is calculated based on the obtained values ​​of the sensitive instruments of geophones. The presence of artesian waters is judged by a 5-10-fold increase in the level of seismic background in the area of ​​the studied areas.

Frequency values ​​in the range of 4-15 Hz, which exceed the level of the natural background of the Earth, arise due to the fact that water-filled collectors are a denser medium for the passage of the acoustic environment.

When acoustic waves pass through liquids with a high density, a change occurs in the direction of high frequencies.

Exploration drilling

This method allows you to accurately determine the geological rocks that form the site. But since it involves large financial costs, it is used only in situations where it is planned to equip a large water intake designed for several houses.

To increase the reliability of research at the designated groundwater search site, two or three exploratory wells are drilled

Experts distinguish three methods of exploratory drilling:

  • Kolinsky- used for drilling to great depths. The principle of operation is based on the fact that a rotating core barrel, the end of which is equipped with a drill bit, cuts through the rock. And then the destroyed rock is pushed to the surface under the pressure of the flushing solution or compressed air supplied through the pipe string.
  • Rotary- based on the transfer of rotational motion to the drill string through the surface rotor. This type of drilling is accompanied by flushing the bottomhole from the rock with a special solution or plain water.
  • Shock rope- works due to the destruction of rocks under the action of a falling drilling projectile, the end of which is fixed on a rope. The tool simply breaks off the rock and crushes the soil, and then, using a bailer, extracts it to the surface.

The choice of drilling method depends on the type of rock, the depth of the formation or lens, and the financial capabilities of the customer. But in terms of drilling speed and productivity, rotational methods win in this regard.

The price of an exploration well is determined by multiplying the cost of one running meter to the depth of the trunk. The total amount is calculated based on the complexity of penetration, the diameter of the wellbore and the need to use casing pipes.

Hydrogeological data obtained from drilled wells are taken into account when compiling a predictive estimate of a promising area. They help to study the change in the properties of water-bearing rocks in a vertical section.

Do-it-yourself well drilling

But drilling exploratory wells is a rather expensive method. Not many owners of suburban areas can afford it. As an alternative, test drilling can be done independently using the auger method.

This method is similar to making a hole in the ice during winter fishing. The helical structure is simply screwed into the ground. When extracting to the surface, the auger blades take the crushed rock with them.

The auger drilling method involves loosening the soil and immersing a bit in it, with the help of which the soil is extracted outside

To carry out the work, you will need an auger with blades equipped with a drill head. Buy this screw tool can be found at any hardware store. Included with it are type-setting rods, which are convenient to use for building up the structure as it is deepened into the soil.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. At the selected site, they dig a guide hole with a depth of 60-80 cm.
  2. The auger is lowered into the pit and begin to rotate, deepening the drill head.
  3. After the screw rod has passed 1-2 meters deep into the ground, the drill is removed, removing the loosened earth. As the helical structure advances, it is important to monitor the vertical position of the well.
  4. When the auger reaches a depth at which it is already inconvenient to work with the tool, the structure is built up with a drill rod. Simultaneously with the implementation of drilling under the action of centrifugal force, the casing of the walls of the well occurs.
  5. Drilling is performed until the screw rod reaches the aquifer.

The developed soil is transported using the same auger, which is a single screw conveyor, to the surface. At the same time, the soil lifted outward strengthens the walls of the trunk due to the friction force. This reduces costs when drilling plastic soils, since there is no need to use casing pipes.

But it should be borne in mind that the auger method is effective only when searching for groundwater, the occurrence level of which does not exceed 50 meters, and the rocks belong to the plastic and loose category.

Folk ways of determining

It is possible to carry out exploration on your own in search of an aquifer for or a well-needle, even if there are no landmarks in the adjacent areas.

Orientation by natural features

Signs of the presence of an aquifer in the soil can be:

  • Observation of the behavior of animals and insects. Pillars of midges curl in the place where there is a source of water, and red ants, on the contrary, try to settle away from it.
  • Wide distribution of moisture-loving plants in the area.

Indicators of the proximity of groundwater from herbaceous plants nettle, horsetail, sedge, sorrel, reed stand out. Tree-like plants with a tap root such as bird cherry, willow, birch, black poplar, sarsazan will indicate that the water lies at a depth of up to 7 meters.

On a hot afternoon, animals dig in the ground in search of coolness in places where groundwater is close to the surface.

For the soil and the rocks underlying it, under the thickness of which the source passes, it is characteristic high humidity. It will certainly evaporate, forming clouds of fog in the morning; you just have to keep an eye on the area.

Pay attention also to the relief. It is noticed that water carriers lie almost horizontally. Therefore, in the region of depressions, the probability of occurrence of water is always higher.

With the help of dowsing frames

Loses popularity and old method, based on the dowsing effect, in which a person reacts to the presence of water and other bodies in the earth, creating heterogeneities of various configurations and sizes in its thickness.

When searching for water to select a place under the dowsing method, a wire frame or a tree branch with a fork in the hands of a human operator acts as an indicator. It is able to determine the presence of an aquifer, despite even the layer of soil separating from the water.

Dowsing - the ability of the frame to move under the influence external factors, for example, vibrate and approach each other over places where keys hit

Dowsing frames can be made of calibrated aluminum, steel or copper wire with a diameter of 2-5 mm. To do this, the ends of the wire segments 40-50 cm long are bent at a right angle, giving them an L-shape. The length of the sensitive shoulder will be 30-35 cm, and the handle 10-15 cm.

The task of the operator is to ensure the free rotation of the “tool”. To make it easier for yourself, put on the bent ends of the wire wooden handles.

Bending your arms at a right angle and taking the tool by the wooden handles, you need to slightly tilt them away from you so that the wire rods become, as it were, an extension of the hands.

To achieve the goal, you need to consciously tune in and clearly formulate the task in front of you. After that, you just need to slowly move around the site and observe the rotation of the frames.

In the place of the site where groundwater is hidden, the rods of the frame will cross each other. The operator must mark this point and continue to explore, but already moving in a perpendicular direction relative to the original line of motion. The desired source will be located at the intersection point of the found marks.

The dowsing frames will react by connecting the ends to each other in the place where the aquifers pass on the site

It is considered that the best time to search for water by dowsing is summer or early autumn. The most favorable periods:

  • from 5 to 6 am;
  • from 16 to 17 days;
  • from 20 to 21 pm;
  • from 24:00 to 1:00 am.

L-shaped frames are convenient to use in the field, but in the absence of wind. To work with the tool you need experience and skill. After all, the deviation of the frame may even depend on emotional state operator.

For the same reason, before working with frames, it is better to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Before you start searching, you need to learn how to work with a biolocator and “hear” it. Thanks to this, in the process of searching for water for a well, the operator will not be distracted even by the presence of closed water pipes on the site.

But it is worth noting that folk methods cannot give a 100% guarantee of obtaining the expected result. After all, even with a successful outcome, there is always a risk of obtaining with low productivity.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for beginners on how to determine a place for arranging a well and drill it with your own hands:

Reconnaissance drilling with a probe:

Such a responsible event as the search for water for a well should be approached with all seriousness, using for this purpose modern methods intelligence, or entrust this work to professionals.

Do you want to tell how you chose a place for drilling a well on your own site or ask a question? Please write your comments in the box below. Here you can also discuss with us and with site visitors if you do not agree with the information provided.

A well is an amazing device that allows you to use water for any need and at any time, without depending on utilities. But in order for the water to be suitable for domestic purposes, the depth of the well for drinking water must be observed. It is not difficult to determine it, knowing some of the nuances and conditions of cultivation.

Everyone knows that a well is a kind of well, so the value can vary from minimal dimensions to large dimensions in depth. In addition, the depth of the well may depend on other factors. It is worth considering each of them in detail, characteristic of Russia.

There are several reasons by which it is easy to determine the required depth value:

In some cases, when all attempts to clarify at what depth to make a source for water have not been successful, exploratory drilling is used. It is worth noting that this service is paid and each meter will cost you about 400-600 rubles.

Attention! Remember that there are sources that do not require and require permission from government agencies. So, you can use the source without tax if it is 3-5 m deep, and wells from 15 meters or more require permission from the appropriate authority. How much the annual fee will be, you can check with the authorities.

Aquifers: their types and location

It is enough to simply extract moisture in the earth's thickness, but for this you still need to know what levels of occurrence exist, you should definitely find an aquifer first and only then start drilling.

The aquifer is divided into three types. Please note that when trying to dig a well with your own hands, you may encounter several levels of natural liquid. The first is located near the surface of the earth, its approximate depth is 3-6 meters (how much will be exact depends on the terrain and geological structure). Can this liquid be called drinkable? You can clarify the details only after the examination, moreover, this layer usually does not correspond sanitary standards, but for watering the garden, such water would be ideal.

We continue drilling, now the aquifer can meet at a depth of 10 to 17 meters. Almost always, this level of occurrence is ideal for domestic use, but it is still worth checking. However, the composition of the liquid can change depending on the time of year. V springtime water can be filled with rainwater and precipitation. Sometimes drinking water acquires the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

The third layer can be located at a depth of 25-45 meters, which may vary depending on the type of terrain. How many meters deep into the earth lie the artesian levels in your territory, you can find out from the state authorities. In this case, your well must be allowed. It is imperative to determine the suitability of a liquid for everyday use in order to eliminate the risk of poisoning various metals and gases.

Types of wells for water

It is conventionally accepted to divide autonomous sources of water supply into three types:

The Abyssinian well is located at a depth of 8-13 meters. This option of water supply can be used for cooking and other domestic purposes. The design differs in that when precipitation falls, perched water does not fall into this layer. No matter how many of them fall out, the structure will be reliably protected.

The sandy well is equipped by means of the auger drilling method and is located 15-20 meters below the ground surface. The water from here enters the pipeline mostly clean, as sand is an excellent natural filter. Such a source can be operated both year-round and periodically.

An artesian well has ideal water qualities, which is drilled to a great depth. If in the private sector it is beaten in the range from 15 to 50 meters, then for production purposes the source can reach 200 meters. Its service life is at least 45 years, of course, if maintenance is carried out regularly. It is worth remembering the possibilities of the source.

Attention! How much does it take to drill a source to get a perfect clear liquid what we call drinkable depends on the locality and the needs of the owner. The lower the depth of the well, the higher the likelihood of regularly using purified moisture.

We equip a well for drinking water with our own hands

Often it is better to cultivate a well for everyday life with the help of special firms. They will help determine optimal value depth and do everything without consequences. Of course, having skills in work, you can cope on your own. So, in the process it is necessary to act strictly in stages:

  • it is worth correctly determining the type of drilling of the source and how much time and effort it will take. This stage is carried out in order to facilitate one's work under certain conditions, since some techniques will not be appropriate due to the geological structure of the soil;
  • we prepare the equipment and the place where your source will be located (again, we recommend that you consult with local authorities, they will tell you where it is better to place it;
  • if it is planned to install a caisson and equipment near the source, we prepare a pit of specific dimensions, how much its height will be, decide on the basis of the equipment to be installed;
  • then we drill the first section of the future well, then we install the casing string. What it will be in terms of strength depends on experience and the selected material;
  • back to drilling the next few meters. We strengthen the hole with pipes and twist them with threads (if they are prepared) or with clamps;
  • as soon as you have reached the sand or clay layer, you need to slow down the drilling speed. Here it would be advisable to start pumping and cleaning the filled pit;
  • a few minutes after cleaning you should see clear water. At this stage, you can complete the recess and mount the bottom filter, otherwise, you may need to go down another 1-4 meters to get into another layer;
  • Now let's move on to the final step. We fix the column, check its tightness and install the cover.

In the future, it is only necessary to equip the caisson, purchase everything necessary equipment and carry out the laying of pipelines to the places of water intake. How long it will take depends on the capabilities of the employee.

Preparing to create autonomous system water supply country house or cottages include whole line stages. One of them is the definition of the layer from which water will be withdrawn. It is necessary to take into account a number of factors and conduct geodetic reconnaissance. Important parameter- the depth of drilling a well for water. It is determined based on the conditions in a particular area.


The aquifer closest to the earth. It lies at a depth of no more than 4-5 m. It is formed from sedimentary and melt water. Refers to unstable sources. May disappear in case of severe drought or frost with freezing of the soil by several meters.

The water in this layer is of low quality and contains a lot of impurities, bacteria, and contaminants that have penetrated from the surface into the soil. It is one of the suppliers of water for deeper levels and is suitable for a shallow well if there are no other sources for irrigation.

ground water

Usually located at a level of about 10 m, on the first water-resistant layer. They are formed during the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation and water from various water bodies - rivers, lakes, ponds.

This layer is suitable for wells and boreholes, but is characterized by unstable water quality. One of the sources of filling is the surface of the earth, but not all contaminants are filtered out when they penetrate the soil.

Water can change color if there is a swamp or peat bog nearby, have bad smell. However, often the water in this layer is clean, suitable for drinking and cooking.

Interstratal waters

The third level of groundwater. It is located at a depth of 10-100 m between two waterproof layers of soil. This layer is distinguished by stability. An important advantage is the purity of the water, and the deeper the level is, the cleaner the source.

In the process of moving through different layers of soil, the water is repeatedly filtered, impurities and most bacteria disappear from it. Ideal for high production wells with a lifespan of up to 50 years. Most often, the depth of hydraulic structures does not exceed 50 m.

artesian waters

They lie at a depth of more than 100 m. There are frequent cases when water is extracted from artesian sources at a level of 250-350 m. These are the so-called limestone wells. They are high power and high quality water, often containing beneficial minerals and trace elements in small concentrations.

Mostly sources of this type are used for industrial purposes. However, with a moderate layer thickness and a relatively shallow depth, they are quite suitable for domestic purposes. When drilling a hydraulic structure of this type, special equipment is used.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: After test drilling or well start-up, it is recommended to conduct a laboratory analysis of water to identify bacteria and determine the composition.

Sectional soil: an example of the location of aquifers and hydraulic structures

Main types of wells

The simplest in the device. Another name is driving, and it most accurately characterizes another definition - “needle”. The diameter of the well is only 1-1¼ inches, the depth does not exceed 8-10 m. The technology of the device is simple:

  • driving or auger drilling is carried out until ground water;
  • a pipe of the appropriate length with a pointed end is inserted into the well (hence the name “needle”). In the tip, holes for water intake and a filtration mesh are provided in advance;
  • a pump is installed on the surface and plumbing communications are laid.

Such a source will last 5-15 years.

Scheme of the arrangement of wells on sand and artesian

Well on the sand

The optimal and most common type. Drilling continues until passing through a layer of water-bearing sand - one of the levels of interstratal water closest to the surface.

The depth of the source can vary from 15 to 50 m, depending on the terrain, topography, and proximity to the reservoir. The device is performed in several stages:

  • prepare a working platform 1.5x1.5 m and up to 1 m deep;
  • perform shock-rope, auger or rotary drilling to the aquifer;
  • install filters and casing pipe followed by filling the remaining cavities with a mixture of gravel and sand in order to strengthen the shaft and fix the pipe;
  • downhole pump is lowered and the well is completely pumped out,
  • waiting for refilling with water, determine the level of the water table;
  • carry out work on laying water pipes and equip the site - concrete, make waterproofing.

Depending on the operating conditions and reservoir thickness, the average service life is 20-30 years and can reach half a century.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The best option laying a borehole water supply - placing a pipe at a depth of 1.5 m, below the freezing level of the soil. When laying on the surface, thermal insulation of communications is carried out to prevent freezing of water in the system.

Drilling speed largely depends on the equipment. It is believed that the less time it takes to set up a structure, the better the well works.

Preparatory work before drilling a well

The first stage of preparation is the conduct of geodetic reconnaissance. It is carried out in several ways:

  • assess the terrain, the proximity of natural reservoirs;
  • interview neighbors and old-timers;
  • use reference literature;
  • trying to determine the drilling site by dowsing;
  • invite experts in geodesy.

The latter option is the best if it is planned to drill a powerful well that will last for more than a dozen years.

Exploration drilling - effective method determining the depth of a future well

The next step is to obtain permits if the drilling depth exceeds 30 m. However, the first water-resistant layer rarely lies deeper. But you should not relax: the well will need a document - a passport, which indicates all the parameters of the source.

If the hydraulic structure was drilled independently, obtaining a passport is impossible and additional difficulties will arise in case of operational problems. To avoid this, as well as to accurately determine the drilling location, depth and potential power of the source, it is recommended to use the help of specialists in the installation and launch of hydraulic structures.

Professionals will perform a full range of work, share recommendations for efficient operation. The source will last a long time and will regularly supply water, no matter how deep the aquifer is.

Video: well drilling depth

The need for water land plot- not discussed, it should be wherever there is life, especially if the cottage is used for planting vegetables and fruits. That is why it is very important to host not just a tap that will supply water on a schedule that you will have to adapt to, but a full-fledged well with a pump. In our article, you will find out what depth of the well is required without permission and by law.

Where do we start

So, you have purchased a very nice plot of land with beautiful views of the surroundings and excellent soil for planting crops and fruit trees. The only drawback of your purchase was a tangible distance from the central water supply.

No one will dispute the importance of water for the life of everything on earth:

  • Human.
  • plants.
  • Animals.

In principle, nothing is impossible.

However, there are many obstacles in the way of supplying water to the site from the central water supply:

  • Connecting to a water supply system with the laying of kilometer-long pipelines turns into a very laborious and not at all fast process.
  • The total price for the whole complex of works and materials, plus the project and design, will hit your finances quite noticeably.

Drilling and determining the required depth of the well

In this case, landowners make the only right decision - drilling a well directly on the site or in an area of ​​easy and unhindered access. If you are not ready to do this task with your own hands, then you will have to turn to specialists.

In any case, in drilling, regardless of the way the work is performed, the very first and, of course, the price-forming factor is the question - to what depth to hammer the well.

There are several points worth paying attention to.

Here, in fact, two of them, which will answer the question - how to determine the depth of the well:

  • The geology of your site.

  • Type and depth of groundwater.

Related articles:

The groundwater

Consider four main types of groundwater:

  1. First- perch, found at a shallow depth of up to 3.5-4 m.

This upper aquifer is filled with rain and melt water, and in this regard is characteristic:

  • A high degree of pollution, since it actually washes away all the dirt from the surface of the soil and, seeping through the upper layers of the soil, is more likely to be additionally polluted than cleaned by filtration.
  • Almost complete disappearance in the dry season and in frost. Without constant filling, some of the water from the perch water seeps deeper, and some dries up.

  1. Second Groundwater is usually found at a depth of about 10 m. Distinctive feature groundwater is the presence of a powerful hydro-resistant layer under the water layer. Its role can be played by clay or rocky layers that prevent water from seeping into the underlying layers, which ensures that the groundwater reservoir is filled even during periods of drought.

Groundwater, lying at a depth of 8-10 m, is already quite clean, filtered on the way through layers of various soils.

For your information! Between the perch and groundwater, as well as other types of groundwater, there may be several intermediate layers of water. The groundwater layer may not be continuous, with breaks, and in this case seepage into the water layers located below is inevitable.

  1. Third- interstratal waters, are usually located at a depth in the range from 10 to 100 m. The very name of this type of water suggests that they lie between two waterproof layers of soil. The upper water-resistant layer may have a low degree of permeability, which provides additional replenishment of interstratal waters due to seepage from the two upper water layers.
  2. Fourth- artesian waters, lie just below 100 m from the surface of the earth. However, in some cases, they can also be found at a depth of 50 meters. For the extraction of artesian water, a deep well beats. Naturally, this is the purest water.

The instruction on how to find out the depth of the well to which you need to drill is simple - what quality of water do you want to get at the exit to such a layer and drill it.

Advice! The depth of immersion of the pump into the well affects the quality and uninterrupted supply of water. Two rules are obligatory here: firstly, water must flow into the pump by gravity, i.e. the pump is immersed at least 1 meter from the dynamic groundwater level in the well. Secondly, the pump must be constantly in the water for uninterrupted cooling.

exploration drilling

Now about how to check the depth of the well in a particular area. To find out this value, reconnaissance work is carried out, i.e. test drilling.

The safest way to measure the depth of a well is to keep a detailed drilling log that notes:

  • Soil occurrence different groups.
  • Depth of aquifers.
  • The degree of absorption of recycled water.
  • Depth of soil erosion.

Permissive questions

Another issue that will have to be faced is the need for a permit for drilling. According to the Subsoil Law, regarding the extraction of water, the owners of land plots, without special agreement, have the right to drill and operate a well within the area up to the depth of the first aquifer.

And, if this applies to you, then feel free to get to work. If the location of the water source is supposed to be outside your land, then you will have to negotiate and look for those who are responsible for the area adjacent to you.


There is nothing complicated in the "analysis" of the soil and drilling, this issue can be resolved in two ways. The first is with special equipment when a well with a depth of more than 15 meters is required. The second is independent, when you make a well with a rented drill on your own to the groundwater level, so to speak, it will go for irrigation.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.