Dinobon. Dinosaur bone jewelry and dinosaur eggs ... for souvenirs

The holiday of men is approaching, every time you have to think about what to give in order to surprise and so that the gift turns out to be unusual and original. Therefore, a few words about adornments made of bone, or rather, from dinosaur bones. Well, a few words about dinosaur eggs, by the way. Bone jewelry has been known for a very long time - they were made from elephant and walrus tusks and even from mammoth bone, but dinosaurs entered the world of jewelry relatively recently, in comparison with the world history of paleontology.The stone was named "dinobon", and the stone gained particular popularity after Brad Peet got a ring with dinobon. Nowadays, dinobon jewelry has become fashionable and many famous jewelry brands are producing collections with this stone. By the way, this fashion does not threaten animals, as, for example, elephants at one time, since all dinosaurs are already extinct.

Pictured, Utah Agated Dinosaur Bone Cabochons

Dinobon has a hardness of 3.5 - 7.0 on the Mohs scale (the highest hardness in agatized fossils). Despite the fact that dinosaurs appeared on earth 250 million years ago, people only learned about them in the 19th century. And jewelry from them began to be made quite recently. But to fossils and products from them with long ago the attitude was the most respectful. Fossilized shells - ammonites, which were attributed with magical protective properties, were and remain very popular now. The petrified wood is believed to prolong a person's life. In Asia, medicines were made from some bones of dinosaurs (dragons). Dinobon has a reputation as a stone that enhances physical energy, vitality, calms, relieves of fears and phobias, it is referred to as amulets that bring good luck and stability.

The famous American jeweler David Yurman used dinobon in his collection of exotic stones for men. The collection includes rings for men, pendants and key chains. Brad Peet has such a signet ring with a red mesh dinabon.

Bracelet from the collection of David Yurman

The word was formed from English words dinosaur and bone. Denotes mineralized dinosaur bones. In English, the stone is called dino bone, dinisaur bone, gembone (precious bone). The process of mineralization of fossil organisms is called "fossilization", and the material obtained by replacing one substance with another is called "pseudomorphosis". The faster the dead dinosaur was covered with sediment or water, the less air was available and the better the skeleton was preserved.

Silver ring with dinobon - agate dinosaur bone. Silver Plaza Jewelry

Sometimes the bone substance is replaced by silica - quartz, in this case, agatized and jasper stones are formed. A kind of quartz chalcedony (agate) gives a dark cellular pattern in a fine mesh, such a stone can even be transparent. Dinobon is considered especially valuable, in which the porous structure of the bone is preserved during mineralization. That is, not all bones are replaced by quartz and are suitable for the production of jewelry. More often the bone is replaced by limestone or calcite, then sand-colored fossils are formed without patterns of low hardness.

Usually, at first glance, the bones are unremarkable, beautiful decorative view the fossil is acquired after polishing. In one piece, the color can vary from red to blue, yellow, purple and almost black. The rarest colors are cream and green. This is due to impurities various elements: iron (red, brown), sulfur (yellow), copper (green), manganese (pink, pastel colors), silicon oxide (gray, white). As impurities in dinobon, hematite, pyrite, marcasite are found, which give it red or Orange color... In museums and collections, fossils are impregnated with hardening solutions or varnished for protection.

A collection of dinosaur bone jewelry was released in 2014 by Monique Pin, a designer from New York. The theme is inspired by Mayan monuments and reflections on time. The collection is called "K" atun ", which means the unit of time in the Mayan calendar. interesting design, it is jewelry with intelligence and philosophical overtones.

Most of the finds of dinosaur bones were made in the United States, where prehistoric reptiles lived in the Jurassic period (140-200 million years ago). Their bones are found in Colorado, Utah, South Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Oklahoma. Find dinosaur bones in Africa, Europe and Russia.

The Gobi Desert is an interesting place for geologists, archaeologists and paleontologists alike. A large number of skeletons and eggs with dinosaur embryos are found here. In Mongolia in 1918-29, a paleontological expedition from the US Museum of Natural History worked, which found a large number of skeletons and eggs of dinosaurs, which became one of the first exhibits of the museum. These and subsequent finds in the Gobi Desert account for a quarter of all recorded dinosaur finds in the world. UNESCO has included the Mongolian finds in the category "Unique values ​​on Earth".

This is the Bayanzag (Bayandzag) tract. Remains of petrified trees. There is also a unique paleontological monument, where hundreds of fossilized dinosaur remains are found in the Mesozoic layers.

Geologists speak of the "dead layer" of the Gobi, the scorched red earth with the bones of gigantic lizards. It turns out that there is a theory about the one-time death of all living things here as a result of a global catastrophe that occurred 65 million years ago on the border of the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. Between the Nemagt ridges from the north and the Tost-Uul from the south, there is the Nemagt Valley, a world famous dinosaur cemetery, where huge burials of Mesozoic dinosaurs have been found. Found here about din from the exhibits of the Ulan Bator Museum - two dinosaurs grappling in a fight. Dinosaurs on eggs also fit into this scheme, by the way.

In the Gobi Desert, nests with dinosaur eggs are often found - sometimes even with a dinosaur. Obviously, the cause of death was sudden, it is believed that such a cause could be a natural disaster or a global catastrophe.

Now tourists have begun to explore these difficult-to-reach trails, as you know, tourism in Mongolia is developing, and both Europeans and Americans, mainly hunters, have always liked to visit the Gobi Desert. However, some places in the region are accessible mainly to those who like extreme travel. In the Bayanzag tract, relatively accessible to tourists, local sellers offer tourists as souvenirs dinosaur eggs for $ 60-100, pieces of petrified trees from $ 1 to $ 10, colored minerals for $ 1. But according to Mongolian laws, it is forbidden to export eggs and dinosaurs themselves from the country. In total, the scientific literature describes 8 types of dinosaur eggs from 10 to 30 cm in diameter. It is said that in Japan, dinosaur eggs in good standing are worth up to $ 30,000, so black Mongolian and visiting archaeologists have a commercial interest.

A dinosaur egg nest discovered by a Mongol-American expedition in 2014. Dinosaur eggs are very common in the Gobi Desert. but usually because of strong winds they, like the bones of dinosaurs, are severely eroded.

The local Mongolian population called the paleontological remains of dinosaurs in the Nemagt Valley and other places the bones of luu dragons. Previously, the nomads collected the bones they found and took them to Buddhist monasteries, where the lamas determined the healing bones they needed, ground them into powder, combined with other components and made medicines. Until now, these places have preserved legends about Olgoy-Khorkhoy - the last species of dinosaurs that suddenly appear and people die from one of his terrible gaze. Such legends accompany the most dangerous places of the Gobi Desert, where people often die. Therefore, perhaps, this horror story was invented to warn the daredevils.

Dinobon is more often used in men's jewelry. The dinobon pattern is best seen in kabochons, in convex ones there are similarities with cloisonné enamel, flat ones also look good. Medallions, signet rings are inlaid with this stone, inserts into pendants, necklaces, rings, cufflinks.

Have you ever wondered that dinosaur bones on display in paleontological museums around the world are actually not bones. Strictly speaking, these are stones, since the bone tissue collapsed millions of years ago, leaving behind an organic sediment. Under the influence chemical processes, this bone sediment has turned to bone-shaped stone over the years.

Let's continue our reasoning on this topic ...

Dinosaur skeletons can be seen in many paleontological museums around the world. Thousands of people come, examine the bones and marvel at their antiquity. But as soon as they think about it for a minute, it becomes absolutely clear: in fact, there is not a single bone in the entire exposition of the museum!

The whole organic material that was once dinosaurs naturally decomposed after their death millions of years ago. So what we can see in the museum is actually just stones. When an animal dies, most of its body decomposes rather quickly, leaving behind organic sediment that covers the bones. Under the influence of chemical processes occurring in environment, this sediment gradually turns into stone, which can retain the shape of bones for millions of years.

Unfortunately, petrification is too long and complicated to be widespread. Only a very small number of dinosaur skeletons are "lucky" to turn into rocks that humans find in different corners the world.

Dinobon is a completely new name in the jewelry world. It came to us from of English language... So it is customary to designate a special mineral formation, namely the mineralized bones of dinosaurs. After Brad Peet acquired a ring with this stone, the demand for it far exceeded supply, and items with dinosaur bones began to appear in the collections of almost all famous jewelry houses.

Fossilized dinosaur bones have become a very popular material for both collectors and jewelry, thanks to beautiful patterns, very high contrast and color saturation. There are such "pieces" of bones that, with a thin cut and good polishing, give a "spider web" pattern corresponding to the cellular structure, the "accuracy" of the pattern is literally microscopic, that is, it repeats the location and shape of cell membranes! Fossilized bones arose as a result of the saturation of the remains of large ancient lizards with minerals from aqueous solutions which gradually filled the pores, occurring over a long period of fossilization (English fossil - "fossil", "fossil") while maintaining the structure of the bone. Gemologists classify this type of quartz as a group of agates. The largest number of finds of dinobon suitable for jewelry making falls on the United States.

But there is such an opinion:
Most people believe that fossilized bones (the most famous examples are dinosaur bones) must be very, very ancient, after all, they turned into stone!

It may seem to some that even millions of years will not be enough for the substances that make up the bone, gradually, molecule by molecule, to be replaced by rock-forming minerals due to natural processes.

However, this widely held view is misleading. A recent book, co-authored by one of the world's experts in the study of dinosaur bones, notes one feature of great interest to creationists.1

Let's start with what it says:

“Bones don't have to be 'turned to stone' to be fossilized. Usually, most of the original bone material is still found in dinosaur fossils. ”2

Okay, but even if the original bone is not replaced by rock-forming minerals, some dinosaur fossils are rock-hard. By making an incision on them, under a microscope, you can see that they have been carefully "super-mineralized". This means that rock minerals have been deposited in all the voids of the original bone. Doesn't the formation of these fossils prove long periods of time? Think again. The same authoritative work says:

“The amount of time it takes for a bone to undergo complete supermineralization can vary considerably. If the soil water contains a lot of minerals, this process can happen very quickly. Modern bones, if they get into mineral springs, can undergo super-mineralization for several weeks. "

Therefore, even the rock-hard and shiny fossilized dinosaur bone, which reveals under a microscope that all its cavities are filled with minerals, is not proof that it took millions of years to form.

It is undeniable that if the dinosaur bone was actually super-mineralized, it protected it from the natural processes that cause ordinary objects, such as bone, to decompose naturally. Therefore, the formation of mineralized bone could actually take from several weeks to several million years.

However, even if we imagine a situation in which the bone is not exposed to waters saturated with minerals, it would still be expected that over millions of years (even in the absence of the effect of bacteriological pathogens) the dinosaur bone, in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics, 3 should decay as a result of the disorderly movement of its molecules.

In the same book, an example is given of dinosaur bones found in the city of Alberta in Canada, shortly after their burial, were enclosed in a nodule of iron ore. The book says:

“These nodules did not give water access to bones and were essentially indistinguishable from modern bone.” 4

This is an amazing discovery. Evolutionists are convinced that dinosaur bones are at least 65 million years old. However, people who perceive the book of Genesis as real story, could assume that the age of the bones of the dinosaurs is no more than a few thousand years. Therefore, the existence of such non-mineralized bones, which have not yet decomposed, is ideally in line with our expectations.

We have previously told you about unfossilized dinosaur bone, which still contains red blood cells and hemoglobin.5 We also wrote about "fresh dinosaur bones" found in Alaska.6 And now this data is supported by the words of the evolutionary expert who wrote this book:

“An even more surprising specimen was found on the northern coast of Alaska, where several thousand bones were practically not mineralized. These bones look and feel like the bones of an old cow. The bones found at this site were not reported to the general public for twenty years, as the bones were assumed to belong to a bison, not a dinosaur. "

In conclusion, we note:

Most of the fossilized dinosaur bones still contain the original bone material, and even if the bone was highly mineralized (fossilized), these processes could take no more than a few weeks. According to the Creation / Flood scenario, it could take centuries to supermineralize bones, even under less ideal conditions. In cases where bones have not been protected by supermineralization, they are sometimes found in a state where they appear to be centuries old. rather than a few million years. true story the world makes it obvious that the age of the fossils does not exceed several thousand years. And the evidence in the form of dinosaur bones is direct evidence of this.

By the way, we discussed the problems and errors of radiocarbon analysis here - http://masterok.livejournal.com/960949.html

Millions of years ago, these giants of the ancient world - dinosaurs reigned on the planet. Only in the 19th century, scientists began to study their remains. There were many questions related to the ancient lizards. One of them: "What does a dinosaur look like?" - has not yet been finally clarified. Too big a chasm of time divides modern man and these amazing animals to speak with confidence about their appearance.

Ancient giants of the planet

Dinosaurs appeared (photos and descriptions of some of them can be seen in our article) about 230 million years ago. The time of the emergence of these creatures belongs to the late Triassic period, their heyday fell on the Jurassic, and the disappearance occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period. For millions of years of existence, dinosaurs have spread throughout the entire territory of the Earth. Their remains have even been found in Antarctica.

Dinosaur species

Today, scientists know more than a thousand species. They are divided into predators, herbivores, aquatic and flying dinosaurs. This diversity gives rise to great difficulties, since it is usually in the hands of scientists to determine the type of this or that in best case just a few bones.

How do researchers recreate ancient dinosaurs?

Descriptions can be found everywhere - in encyclopedias on the ancient world our planet, scientific works, books for children. A large number of films, documentaries and children's cartoons are dedicated to the giants of the past. If you ask any person, he will fairly accurately describe the appearance of the ancient lizards. How do we know what dinosaurs look like? Photos and videos with them, of course, are impossible to get, because they existed millions of years ago. The answer lies in the remains of these reptiles. To date, more than one hundred thousand of them have been found. These include not only bones, but also dinosaur eggs, their excrement, fossilized paw prints and bodies.

Scientists are using fragments of the skeleton to restore the appearance of the lizards. What do dinosaur bones look like? Outwardly, they differ from the remains of modern animals in their size and degree of preservation. Unfortunately, finding a complete skeleton is incredibly rare. Most often, scientists have to determine what a dinosaur looks like based on scattered remains.

Where are dinosaur bones found?

There are many places on Earth where you can find the remains of ancient giants. In the Canadian province of Alberta, more than a thousand such valuable finds have been discovered. These were the remains of centrosaur lizards. In Argentina, in the province of Chubut, the bones of seven titanosaurs were found. In Mexico, in 2014, the bones of 14 lizards were found on the territory of one of the deserts. A large number of dinosaur remains continue to be found in the Chinese province of Shandong. Here were found the bones of large theropods - predatory ancient dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus and Ankylosaurus.

How does the process of restoring the appearance of ancient lizards take place?

Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Soft tissue during this time they turned to dust, and the bones turned to stone. Since the 19th century, we have learned a lot more about what a dinosaur looks like, but even now there is no certainty whether scientists are correctly reconstructing their appearance.

This work is painstaking and laborious. First you need to collect the skeleton from the found fragments. If some parts are missing, they have to be restored. Then the artists start to work. Based on the skull and skeleton, they recreate the body and skin of a lizard. For this, a technique is used that is used in forensic science. What the skin of a dinosaur looks like, it was possible to find out thanks to the fossils, on which its texture and pattern are clearly visible. It was waterproof, dry, and composed of scales. The found prints clearly show the tough areas and elastic folds of the skin. Some species of ancient reptiles were protected by shells. These include the Ankylosaurus.

One of the challenges in determining what a dinosaur looks like is figuring out the color of the skin. So far, paleontologists cannot reliably answer this question. Therefore, modern animals and birds are taken as the basis for the reconstruction of the appearance of the lizard. So, the artist Tyler Killor, who, on the instructions of scientists, restored the appearance of the dinosaur rugops, took the color of the plumage of the whale head bird as a sample.

But even the most carefully recreated dinosaur appearance can undergo changes. Modern technologies and recent discoveries in paleontology provide new evidence of ancient giants.

What a dinosaur looks like: a general description

The ancient lizards were divided into two large groups: lizard and ornithisch. The latter were sauropods (herbivores). Lizard-like dinosaurs were divided into two groups: theropods (predators) and sauropods. These are representatives of large lizards with massive bodies and long necks: apatosaurus, diplodocus, brachiosaurus). Each of the orders of dinosaurs is represented by both bipedal lizards and those who moved on four limbs.

In most cases, they walked on two legs.

It is believed that all dinosaurs were of enormous stature. This is not true. Among them were both real giants (seismosaurus, spinosaurus) and lizards small size(compsognathus, heterodontosaurus).

Dinosaurs are one of the most amazing representatives of the animal world of our planet in the past. They combined the features of several currently isolated groups of modern animals: crocodiles, lizards, birds and mammals.

With crocodiles, they are brought together by the skin and the location of the teeth. Their skull is the same as that of lizards, and the structure of the tubular bones makes dinosaurs similar to mammals. The structure of the pelvis and hind limbs brings the ancient reptiles closer to birds.

Most of the dinosaurs walked on their hind legs, located vertically, leaning on their fingers when walking. This way of getting around made them more active.

Disagreements still arise among scientists about the structure of internal organs. What they were is now impossible to determine, so the anatomy of birds and lizards is taken as a basis. A little more is known about the brains of ancient reptiles. The found intact skulls make it highly probable that in structure it resembled the brain of modern lizards.

Difficulties also exist with the clarification of the color of the skin. Perhaps some of the dinosaurs had protective skin. Some may have been brightly colored like modern lizards.

According to recent research, a number of ancient dinosaurs had feathers.

This is not only the well-known Archeopteryx, but also microraptor, caudipteryx, and others.

Amazing appearance: the most famous and unusual dinosaurs

Among the ancient lizards, there are very interesting individuals, appearance which is unusual. Zuhomim, a huge predator, resembled a crocodile with a narrow mouth, and the claw of the first toe on its forelimbs reached more than 30 centimeters in length.

Carnotaurus had horns. In this predator, they most likely played the role of identification marks.

Gryposaurus had a beak and approximately 800 teeth. It is still unknown whether he was a herbivore or a predator.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is a dinosaur whose description is always of great interest. This is one of the largest predators of the past, the appearance and size of which look intimidating.

He was bipedal, possessed a massive head, which was balanced by a large tail. The peculiarity of the tyrannosaurus is that, with powerful hind limbs, it had very small front legs with two fingers. Due to the fact that among the 30 found skeletons of this predator, several were completely preserved, scientists were able to carefully study its structure, biology and biomechanics.


The history of the amazing giants that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago has not yet been fully understood. New finds and more exact methods research can reveal many secrets of the lifestyle, appearance and physiology of dinosaurs.

September 15th, 2015

Have you ever wondered that dinosaur bones on display in paleontological museums around the world are actually not bones. Strictly speaking, these are stones, since the bone tissue collapsed millions of years ago, leaving behind an organic sediment. Under the influence of chemical processes, this bone sediment has over the years turned into a stone in the form of bones.

Let's continue our reasoning on this topic ...

Dinosaur skeletons can be seen in many paleontological museums around the world. Thousands of people come, examine the bones and marvel at their antiquity. But as soon as they think about it for a minute, it becomes absolutely clear: in fact, there is not a single bone in the entire exposition of the museum!

All organic material that was once dinosaurs naturally decayed after they died millions of years ago. So what we can see in the museum is actually just stones. When an animal dies, most of its body decomposes rather quickly, leaving behind organic sediment that covers the bones. Under the influence of chemical processes in the environment, this sediment gradually turns into stone, which can retain the shape of bones for millions of years.

Unfortunately, petrification is too long and complicated to be widespread. Only a very small number of dinosaur skeletons are "lucky" to turn into rocks that people find in different parts of the world.

Dinobon is a completely new name in the jewelry world. It came to us from the English language. So it is customary to designate a special mineral formation, namely the mineralized bones of dinosaurs. After Brad Peet acquired a ring with this stone, the demand for it far exceeded supply, and items with dinosaur bones began to appear in the collections of almost all famous jewelry houses.

Fossilized dinosaur bones have become a very popular material for collectors and for the production of jewelry, thanks to the beautiful patterns, very high contrast and color saturation. There are such "pieces" of bones that, with a thin cut and good polishing, give a "spider web" pattern corresponding to the cellular structure, the "accuracy" of the pattern is literally microscopic, that is, it repeats the location and shape of cell membranes! Fossil bones arose as a result of saturation of the remains of large ancient lizards with minerals from aqueous solutions, which gradually filled the pores, which occurs over a long period of fossilization (English fossil - "fossil", "fossil") while maintaining the structure of the bone. Gemologists classify this type of quartz as a group of agates. The largest number of finds of dinobon suitable for jewelry making falls on the United States.

But there is such an opinion:

Most people believe that fossilized bones (the most famous examples are dinosaur bones) must to be very, very ancient, because, in the end, they turned into stone!

It may seem to some that even millions of years will not be enough for the substances that make up the bone, gradually, molecule by molecule, to be replaced by rock-forming minerals due to natural processes.

However, this widely held view is misleading. A recent book, co-authored by one of the world's experts in the study of dinosaur bones, notes one feature of great interest to creationists.

Let's start with what it says:

“Bones don't have to be 'turned to stone' to be fossilized. Usually most of the original bone material is still found in dinosaur fossils. "

Okay, but even if the original bone is not replaced by rock-forming minerals, some dinosaur fossils are rock-hard. By making an incision on them, under a microscope, you can see that they have been carefully "super-mineralized". This means that rock minerals have been deposited in all the voids of the original bone. Doesn't the formation of these fossils prove long periods of time? Think again. The same authoritative work says:

“The amount of time it takes for a bone to undergo complete supermineralization can vary considerably. If the soil water contains a lot of minerals, this process can happen very quickly. Modern bones, if they get into mineral springs, can undergo super-mineralization for several weeks. "

Therefore, even a rock-hard and shiny fossilized dinosaur bone, in which under a microscope it is found that all its cavities are filled with minerals, is not evidence that its formation necessarily gone millions of years.

It is undeniable that if the dinosaur bone was actually super-mineralized, it protected it from the natural processes that cause ordinary objects, such as bone, to decompose naturally. Therefore, the formation of mineralized bone could actually take from several weeks to several million years.

However, even if we imagine a situation in which the bone is not exposed to waters saturated with mineral substances, one would still expect that over millions of years (even in the absence of the effect of bacteriological pathogens) the dinosaur bone, in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics, should disintegrate into as a result of the disorderly movement of its molecules.

In the same book, an example is given of dinosaur bones found in the city of Alberta in Canada, shortly after their burial, were enclosed in a nodule of iron ore. The book says:

"These nodules did not give water access to bones, and they are essentially indistinguishable from modern bone."

This is an amazing discovery. Evolutionists are convinced that dinosaur bones are at least 65 million years old. However, people who perceive the book of Genesis as a real story might assume that the age of the bones of dinosaurs is no more than a few thousand years. Therefore, the existence of such non-mineralized bones, which have not yet decomposed, is ideally in line with our expectations.

We have previously told you about the unfossilized dinosaur bone, which still contains red blood cells and hemoglobin. We also wrote about "fresh dinosaur bones" found in Alaska. And now this data is corroborated by the words of the evolutionary expert who wrote this book:

“An even more surprising specimen was found on the northern coast of Alaska, where several thousand bones were practically not mineralized. These bones look and feel like the bones of an old cow. The bones found at this site were not reported to the general public for twenty years, as the bones were assumed to belong to a bison, not a dinosaur. "

In conclusion, we note:

  1. Most of the fossilized dinosaur bones still contain the original bone material.
  2. Even if the bone underwent strong mineralization (petrified), these processes could take no more than a few weeks. According to the Creation / Flood scenario, it could take centuries to supermineralize bones, even under less ideal conditions.
  3. In cases where bones have not been protected by supermineralization, they are sometimes found in a state in which they appear as if they were several centuries old, rather than several million years old.

The biblical account of the true history of the world makes it clear that the fossils are no more than a few thousand years old. And the evidence in the form of dinosaur bones is direct evidence of this.

By the way, we discussed the problems and errors of radiocarbon analysis here -

Links and notes

  1. Curry F.J., Koppelhas E.B. 101 questions about dinosaurs... Dover Publications, 1996. F. Currie is a recognized authority on dinosaur research. He is the Curator of the Department of Dinosaur Studies at the Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleontology in Alberta, Canada. E. Koppelhas works as a researcher in the same museum.
  2. Ref. 1, p. eleven.
  3. The second law of thermodynamics speaks of the inexorable tendency of all systems to strive for the most probable arrangement in the absence of any ordering factor, namely, to such an arrangement in which molecules exhibit maximum disorder. This is described in more detail in the article "The Second Law of Thermodynamics".
  4. Ref. 1, p. 12.
  5. Wieland S. Sensational Dinosaur Blood Statement! // Creation. - 1997; 19 (4): 42–43. Return to text.
  6. Helder M. Fresh dinosaur bones discovered. Buddy Davis: The Creation Musician Who Makes the Dinosaurs // Creation. - 1997; 19 (3): 49-51. Return to text.




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