Heating radiator safety group. Closed heating in a private house

The heating system security group or block is the main element that ensures proper operation autonomous systems heat supply. The installation of such a protection mechanism is especially relevant for closed-type heating systems. Some models of boilers are equipped with it initially. Others require additional installation. Let us consider in more detail what constitutes a safety group for heating, its main elements and installation features.

To throttle excessive water pressure, throttle washers were previously installed in the home heating system. This device was in the form of a disk with a hole in the middle. A pipe was placed in the hole. Thus, an increase in hydraulic resistance was achieved. Today, all modern models of heating systems are equipped with automatic temperature and pressure regulators - safety blocks.

In the event of an accident (for example, when the expansion barrel breaks), the pressure in the heating system may begin to rise. Which entails serious negative consequences, up to the failure of all equipment of the heating system. They have a bad effect on the operation of heat supply and airing of the main. The presence of a security system in the heating system helps prevent such situations: the protective block prevents the formation air locks, and during an emergency reduces the pressure to standard values.

Security mechanisms are actively used in private homes that use a gas boiler to heat the room. After all, at similar system heating, the following situations often arise:

  • insufficient draft in the chimney, there is a danger of waste;
  • in the supply pipeline, the gas pressure is either very high or too low;
  • the flame went out on the igniter.

All this can lead to the fact that the main burner will go out and gas contamination of the room will occur.

In old-style boiler plants, automatic safety of gas boilers is a necessity.

Some gas boilers equip circulation pump. It ensures uniform movement of the coolant through the heat supply system. More details about the heating system with pump circulation can be found.

Components of the security block

To understand the essence of the protection mechanism, you need to consider the design of the security group. It is a system consisting of several elements. Each of the key links performs its specific task.

The security system for heating includes the following modules:

All protection and control elements, including pressure gauges and thermometers, are attached to the top of the metal case. Separate elements of the protective mechanism are not installed. Since in the absence of one of them, the entire complex will not be able to fully function. For example, there are pressure gauges and thermometers for heating systems, but no safety valve. In this case, the user will see that the pressure is increasing, but will not be able to fix the problem.

Or, for example, there is an air vent, but there is no safety valve. In this case, excess air will escape, and the superheated liquid will remain in the housing. Which can lead to failure of the entire heating system. To control the heating system, a heating and hot water controller is designed, which guarantees the maintenance in the apartment optimal temperature depending on fluctuations in the level of outdoor air temperature.

Mounting Features

Many factory models of heating boilers are already equipped with a safety unit. As a rule, these are wall-mounted boilers. But as for floor boilers, they do not provide a protective mechanism. Therefore, it needs to be installed additionally.

The protective mechanism can be mounted separately.

In this case, the safety valve must be placed above the boiler without fail. Although most often the heating safety group is mounted in one place: it is more convenient, more reliable and cheaper in cost. It should be noted that the safety group for heating, the price of which depends on the manufacturer and model, is installed quite simply. The main thing is to follow a number of rules.

Before installing a security system, you should consider how it will be repaired and checked, which should be carried out regularly. It is desirable during installation to create the possibility of disconnecting each of the elements of the heating system so that in the future it is not necessary to reset the entire heating system. It is best to carry out the installation on the supply pipe, at a distance of about 1.5 meters from the boiler. Ball valves need to be embedded behind the safety block. This will ensure long, high-quality and reliable operation.

The use of antifreeze in the heating system

To reduce the negative impact low temperatures on radiators and pipelines, they use antifreeze for the home heating system. Antifreeze, as a rule, contains ethylene glycol. It is poisonous and care must be taken not to get this substance on open areas skin and especially in the eyes. Vapors of antifreeze, which are formed under the influence of high temperatures and can be released to the outside if there is a small leak.

Of course, for antifreeze for a heating system, the price may vary depending on the composition of the product and the manufacturer. But still, the use of antifreeze in heating devices will cost more than the use of ordinary distilled water. True, in some cases, the use of antifreeze is simply necessary to ensure the safe and proper operation of the entire heat supply system.

Many people have a question: is it possible to pour antifreeze into the heating system at home?

Such an antifreeze liquid can be used, but you should know a number of rules and follow safety requirements. Sometimes automotive antifreeze is used for the heating system.

In this case, it is important to take into account some features of the operation of the heating system:

Thus, many modern models of heating systems are equipped with a safety unit. But if this module is missing, then you should install it additionally. This safety mechanism reduces the chance of air pockets and regulates system pressure. To avoid the negative impact on the pipes of low temperatures, antifreeze is used. All this allows you to extend the life of heating devices and make their work better and more efficient.

A person physically cannot stay in the boiler room all the time to control the health of the heating line, temperature indicators and the pressure level of the heater. The main assistants in this matter are additional devices that automatically track functioning systems .

We will tell you which devices the group includes security on heating, how they work, how they protect the system. Based on our advice, you can easily select the necessary components. The article describes the rules for assembling and connecting this important link responsible for trouble-free operation.

The main reasons for a malfunction in the operation of a closed-type boiler system are increased pressure or excessive filling of the pipeline with coolant, i.e. water. The boiler heat exchanger is the first device that reacts to such deviations, which is why it fails.

Why might an accident happen?

To prevent such failures in the heating system, a safety block is used. With its help, the required pressure of the heat carrier in the boiler, pipeline and batteries is achieved.

At the moment of excess pressure value, the excess of the heated heat carrier is dumped. Emerging emergency situations, such as overheating of a water-heating boiler, lead to an increase in pressure in the line. This process becomes a consequence of exceeding the temperature norm of the heat carrier.

When heated, the liquid tends to expand, for which a closed-type heating system is not designed - as an additional reserve, it is included in its circuit. However, its volume is also limited.

Any heating system is under pressure. For low-rise buildings, correctly installed devices that provide coolant, during the passage of the heating and cooling cycles, create a pressure of 1-2 bar

The consequence of increased pressure is the failure of the boiler elements or a rupture of the line. To control pressure and when potentially dangerous situation you will need a mounted security group to adjust it to the optimal value.

Structurally, the device is formed from the following modules: automatic air vent, pressure gauge and safety valve. All these devices are mounted in a galvanized steel housing with threaded connectors, with or without thermal insulation.

Automatic air vent

In most cases, the automatic air valve for the security system is made of brass.

Air bubbles in the heating system appear due to such factors:

  • initial filling of the heating line with liquid;
  • installation of poor quality or wear of rubber seals;
  • clogging with corrosive deposits inside the pipeline;
  • water supply;
  • incorrect installation or commissioning of the heating system, etc.

The water entering the heating circuit contains a lot of oxygen, which, through heating, begins to expand, forming air pockets. Due to their formation, the pressure rises, and the coolant circulation rate slows down.

The automatic type of air vent has a special design of the air chamber: dirt particles cannot get inside, and due to the large volume of the air chamber, the problem of blocking the air duct is eliminated

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to install an automatic air release device, which is easy to use - it does not need to be adjusted with human participation.

The principle of operation of the device depends entirely on the design features. Automatic device consists of a channel and a valve. The second element is responsible for removing excess air. If there is no excess pressure in the pipeline, the float is in the raised position, and the needle valve is in the “closed” position.

At the time of the formation of an air lock, the float will fall, and the rocker will open the valve - this is how air is released from the system. After removing the excess, the float will return to its original position and the valve will be closed again.

Manometer - an accurate indicator of pressure

The operation of the pressure gauge is designed to measure . This device was created for the rapid receipt, verification and correction of the permissible degree of indicators. Its main characteristic is the definition of accurate data.

In second place is such a quality as reliability. For some, the size of the dial is also important for ease of viewing the readings. Each switch mechanism has its own inaccuracy in measurement. This error is scattered as follows: at the edges of the scale it has a maximum value, in the center - a minimum.

There are two arrows on the pressure gauge: red and black. The first indicates real data, the second is set to a mark that is critical for the system

For each heating mechanism, the accompanying documentation specifies the maximum allowable pressure level that it can withstand. Bars or atmospheres are used as measuring units in pressure gauges. but wide use received the first version of the measurement.

Bars have intermediate value and as close as possible to the physical and technical atmospheres:

  • 1 bar = 10.197 m of water column or 0.1 MPa
  • Technical atmosphere (1 atm) = 10 m of water column
  • Physical atmosphere (1 atm) = 10.33 m of water column

An indicator of 1.5 atmospheres is the standard values ​​\u200b\u200bof pressure in pipelines. Therefore, a pressure gauge with a maximum (end of scale) of 4 atmospheres will suffice.

The maximum pressure for which the pressure gauges are designed is 10 atmospheres. Also on the market are devices for 8, 6 and 4 atmospheres

Relief valve features

Plays in the heating system important role. This is a safety device designed for heat generators. The main function is to eliminate loads (drops) in the event of unplanned situations. This problem is most relevant for steam-type heating systems.

However, increased pressure can also occur due to such problems:

  1. Due to a malfunction in the automation, the volume of coolant may exceed the allowable rate.
  2. The rapid increase in temperature in the circuit.

Also, this device tends to regulate the flow in the heating line. This is a stamped construction consisting of a brass body equipped with two parts - a membrane and a steel spring. As a rule, at the moment the fuse is triggered, about 100 g of heated liquid must be removed to normalize the operation of the heating.

The safety valve made of brass can withstand the temperature regime of the heat carrier up to 120 °C. The stem and coil spring in this device are made of stainless steel.

Due to the flexibility of the first element, the required pressure coefficient acting on the membrane is set. Therefore, the membrane partition closes the passage to the outside. By changing the degree of compression of the spring in the safety gate, the functions of the protective mechanism in the heating system are regulated.

It is necessary to adjust the protective mechanism in such a way that the maximum possible pressure indicator is 15% more than the working one. The valve adjustment process is carried out every year on the eve of the heating season.

The capacity of the device is checked by its forced opening. It is worth doing this at regular intervals so that the reset mechanism does not become clogged from various deposits while in a non-working position.

When checking the operability of the safety valve, the forced ejection of the heat carrier is carried out using a special handle. The direction of the hot air outlet is indicated by an arrow on the body of the device.

He will acquaint you with the features of the operation and installation of the safety valve for the boiler, in which the device is disassembled in detail and wiring diagrams are given.

The principle of operation of the safety block

The security group works according to an extremely simple scheme, where each of the modules is responsible for maintaining the norms of certain indicators in a private boiler room:

  1. Due to a convenient pressure gauge, the user can control the pressure readings at the time of filling the line with coolant, as well as during the operation of the boiler.
  2. The safety valve protects the heat generator from critical pressure drops.
  3. The main functionality of the air vent is based on the automatic release of air entering the pipeline during its initial filling or during operation.

All security modules are presented as a single link and are equipped with a special housing - a collector.

Provided that an open-type expansion tank is used in the boiler room circuit, the installation of a safety group does not make sense - the pressure in the pipeline is equal to atmospheric pressure, and excess air leaves the system through the tank capacity.

Regardless of the type of boiler used (solid fuel, gas, diesel) - the protective block is considered the main emergency element of a closed heating system, which tends to work with excess pressure

Equipment selection rules

For each model of the protective block, the accompanying documentation contains the parameters for which it is designed.

The main criteria influencing the choice of device:

  • thermal characteristics of the boiler for which the unit is designed, kW;
  • maximum temperature mode of the coolant, °C;
  • nominal pressure;
  • compatibility with the coolant - water, steam or antifreeze;
  • the diameter of the connecting thread - in case of a mismatch, it will be enough to purchase adapters of the desired diameter.

Proper selection of the power of the safety unit ensures reliable protection boiler against any malfunctions in the heating circuit.

Rating of popular models

Among the manufacturing companies involved in the development of safety valves, one can single out such popular companies as Watts and Valtec. The manufacturer Watts is famous for its rather extensive range of devices for the heating system, among which the safety unit occupies an important place.

The KSG series has various devices threaded body, differing in their size (from standard to compact) and material of manufacture:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • brass.

Additionally, some models come with heat-insulating casings. For units from the KSG range, it is typical to be equipped with a relief valve designed for a critical pressure of 3 bar. Installation in the heating main is made by means of a connector with a diameter of 1 inch with an internal thread.

Model range KSG from Watts, designed for operation in a boiler room with heat generators, with a capacity of 50-200 kW

Valtec is not inferior in quality to its previous brand. The company presents a line of devices for boilers and expansion tanks - the VT 460 and VT 495 series, respectively.

The VT 460 range is designed to operate with domestic heating units up to 44 kW, at a maximum pressure of 3 bar. However, the prices for ready-made devices are far from cheap, so the solution of self-assembly of such a unit can be called expedient.

Valtec develops protective blocks for all types of heat generators. A characteristic feature of the VT 460 series is the packaging of safety group modules in a compact brass housing

We assemble the security block ourselves

In the manufacture of the safety block should not be difficult.

To start the process, you will need to prepare the following modules and tools:

  • relief valve;
  • manometer;
  • air vent;
  • wrench;
  • gas keys;
  • two elbows with threaded connection of external and internal type;
  • Union;
  • cross;
  • adapters;
  • sealant;
  • sanitary linen for sealing and sealing joints.

Initially, the squares must be screwed into the cross. For tight joining, linen strands are wound onto the thread in a clockwise direction, while the distribution of the sealant over the surface should be the same.

The cost of a self-made safety block for a heating system is approximately two times less than analogues offered on the market

A thin layer of sealant is applied on top of the threads. Further using wrench screw the squares into the crosspiece perpendicular to one another.

Now you need to install a pressure gauge, safety valve and air vent. If the details different diameter appropriate adapters are used. After final assembly of all modules, the operation of the mechanism must be checked under pressure - the device must not leak, and all parts must be in working condition.

Connection to the heating system

First of all, it is necessary to correctly determine the place of installation of the security group.

There are certain requirements that must be met:

  • it should be a horizontal section of the pipeline next to the heat generator;
  • on the supply line after the boiler;
  • some boilers provide for the installation of a safety unit directly on the unit itself; for this, there is a special connector on top of the heat generator;
  • the distance from the heater to the protective block should not exceed 1.5 meters, less is possible;
  • for a pipe going vertically upwards from the boiler, for example, to the next floor, it is necessary to equip a branch. This is done using a corner so that the security group can be located in a horizontal plane and the units look “heads up”;
  • for a very powerful boiler, it may be necessary to equip another protective node.

Very important rule to be carried out - the shut-off valves between the safety group and the boiler are not installed. It would be advisable to install a protective block up to the first shut-off valve located on the line.

In order not to get injured when checking or when the safety valve is activated in the presence of a person, it is necessary to connect a drain tube to the device and bring it to the sewer

It is worth checking the operation of the safety valve in a timely manner. This procedure is carried out using the following method - after installation, open the cap in the direction indicated by the arrow on the device.

After the installation of the protective device, it is necessary to check the correct operation of all modules. To start the operation of the air vent, you will need to unscrew the top cap and bleed the air. Now the lid is returned to its original position, but the device should remain ajar.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1 How to assemble a safety group for heating with your own hands:

Video #2 Rules for installing the protective module:

Video #3 Connecting the safety assembly to the polypropylene supply pipe:

Many are sure that the protective node belongs to ordinary devices and its installation is not mandatory. However, a negligent attitude to this issue will not be able to protect the thermal unit and the heating system itself from rupture as a result of a sharp pressure surge, which is a fairly common occurrence in a closed circuit.

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Most heating networks of private houses are isolated from contact with the atmosphere, therefore, they need to be protected from emergency pressure surges. This function is performed by the boiler safety group, which protects the thermal unit and pipelines of the closed heating system from destruction. From our material you will learn what this important element diagrams on how to properly install and connect it with your own hands.

Group device and principle of operation

As a rule, a prefabricated element is sold assembled and includes 4 parts:

  • horizontal manifold made of brass (rarely stainless steel or painted black metal) with four internal threads ½” (DN 15) and ¾” (DN 20);
  • pressure gauge for pressure up to 6 bar;
  • automatic air vent;
  • relief safety valve.
Heating connection - DN 20

The pressure gauge, air vent and valve are screwed into the small threads of the manifold (½”), the large one (¾”) is designed to connect the safety group to the heating system.

An important nuance. The automatic air valve is always placed opposite or close to the inlet. The purpose of such an installation is to facilitate the release of air from the heating network, providing it with the shortest direct path.

The principle of operation of the group is extremely simple: each part performs a separate safety function:

Regardless of the type of boiler used - solid fuel, gas or diesel - the safety group for heating is always placed in a closed system operating with excess pressure. If an open-type expansion tank is used in the circuit, then the installation of our element loses its meaning: the air goes out through the tank, and the pressure in the pipes is equal to atmospheric pressure.

With an open circuit protective functions performs expansion capacity

Installation rules

Boiler equipment is the most expensive part of the heating network and its weak point. Judge for yourself: most units are designed to operate at a pressure of no more than 3 bar, while the maximum threshold for plastic pipes is 10 bar, cast iron radiators- 7 bar. This is the first reason why a safety device is always located on the supply line next to the heater, protecting the latter from destruction in the event of an emergency pressure surge.

For reference. There are cheap models of solid fuel heat generators made of thin metal. So that their walls do not burst at the seams, the valve must operate at 1.5-2 Bar in the system.

The diagram conventionally does not show shutoff valves, expansion tank and circulation pump

Since the boiler generates heat, the temperature of the water in its jacket is the highest. It is here that steam is first formed during emergency overheating. In order to rapidly vent the expanding steam/water mixture to the outside, both outlet valves must be placed close to the heat source, as shown in the connection diagram above.

Installing a faucet in front of the GB is justified in the only case: you bought a cheap low-quality product, the valves leak, do not work, and so on. In order not to empty all pipelines with radiators for replacement, temporarily install the valve, but remove the butterfly handle from the stem.

Advice. Do not lower the pipe from the solid fuel boiler valve into the sewer. If the fuse blows in your absence and returns to normal, there will be no trace. Another thing is stains on the floor or water in a bottle, indicating an emergency (overheating).

Boiler units that burn wood and coal are often equipped with a special fitting for mounting a group of valves with a pressure gauge, which will be discussed in the product documentation. In such a scenario, look for separate place installation is not required. For more information on installing the safety block, see the video:

Installation of homemade automation

Quality products from well-known manufacturers are quite expensive. For example, the cost of a safety group for boilers of the Italian brand Icma is 40-43 USD. e. If you buy components from the same manufacturer and assemble the safety automation yourself, the price will be significantly lower:

  • safety valve - 6 c.u. e.;
  • manometer - 10 at. e.;
  • automatic air vent - 5 c.u. e.;
  • brass cross DN 15 as a collector - 2.2 c.u. e.

The total amount for a self-assembled security group is 23.2 USD. e., the benefit is obvious.

When choosing components, be sure to take into account the advice of our expert, based on many years of practice:

For reference. The vast majority of gas and wood-fired heat generators operate with a maximum water pressure of 3 bar. The exception is Stropuva long-burning cylindrical heaters (max - 2 Bar) and completely cheap boilers with thin walls (max - 1.5 Bar).

Mounting a custom security group is quite simple. Screw the air bleeder into the upper outlet of the cross, and install the pressure gauge and safety valve on the side ones in any order. Insert the finished element into the line next to the boiler according to the diagram (see the previous section).

If you want to maximize the safety of a solid fuel heating unit, pay attention to thermal relief valves. They work in tandem with the main group and, in case of overheating, discharge the coolant from the boiler water jacket, running inside cold water from the plumbing. Product varieties and connection diagrams are described in our earlier publication.

Water heater protection

Boilers indirect heating and electrical apparatus accumulative type, preparing water for household needs, also require protection. In this case, the danger is represented by pressure surges in the water supply and expansion of the liquid in the tank from heating. To prevent the tank from leaking, a boiler safety group is installed on the water supply, consisting of the following parts:

  • brass body;
  • a check valve that prevents water from flowing back into the pipe from the tank;
  • safety valve, relieving excess pressure;
  • ball valve to close the DHW line.

Storage water heater safety group from VALTEC brand

In addition, indirect heating boilers are equipped with an automatic air vent, mounted in the upper part of the tank, and a pointer temperature meter. The pressure gauge is optionally installed on the unit.


It is not always necessary to buy and install a security group for a closed heating circuit. The vast majority of wall-mounted gas boilers are equipped with this automation from the factory, which is reflected in the product instruction manual. At the same time, some manufacturers of wood-fired heat generators supply these parts as a set with their products, although they will have to be mounted separately.


Safety group for heating with expansion tank

A safety group for heating with an expansion tank is a set of elements that protect the heating system from exceeding the permissible maximum value pressure. It also expels air.

Why is it needed and how it works

Any heating system operates within a certain range of pressure values. It varies depending on the degree of heating and cooling of the liquid in the network. When the coolant heats up, it expands, thereby increasing the pressure in it.

A safety group is needed in order to prevent rupture of pipes, leakage from valves or breakage of other elements of the heating system due to high pressure. With the help of it, pressure is controlled, and when its maximum allowable value is reached, it resets required amount coolant from the network.

The security team is made up of the following items:

  • Emergency (safety) valve;
  • Automatic air vent;
  • pressure gauge.

Scheme of the security group for heating

All of them are attached to one base - the console. The connection of the console, the body of the emergency valve and the air vent is made by hot forging. The swivel cap on the safety valve is made of heat-resistant nylon.

All heating systems must be free of air. Because of it, noise occurs in the network, and some elements of the network, for example, a circulation pump, fail faster. The ingress of air into the heating system is inevitable when it is filled with coolant.

It is also released from the liquid when it is heated to high temperatures. In order to remove it from the system, automatic air vents are used.

With the help of a pressure gauge, visual control over the pressure in the network is carried out. The emergency valve discharges the coolant from the system to reduce pressure. The direction of liquid discharge is shown by an arrow on the device body. This is necessary so that during the release of the coolant it does not fall on a person.

It is best to connect a plastic tube to the safety valve, and bring it to the tank. This will not only make its use safer, but will also help to monitor the work and check how much coolant has been discharged and whether it is in working condition.

The air vent is an important part of the heating safety group

If the valve has been inactive for a long time, then due to contamination, it may begin to leak, thereby reducing the pressure in the network. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned periodically. To open the valve, turn the cap in the direction of the arrow.

Note! The drain hose is selected with the same diameter as the outlet on the emergency valve so that it does not create obstacles during the release of the coolant from the heating system.

Wiring diagram

In a floor-standing boiler, unlike a wall-mounted one, there is no built-in circulation pump, expansomat and safety group. All this must be installed outside of it. The supply pipe is connected on top of the boiler and a safety group is mounted there.

Correct installation security groups, where it is located at a distance from the crane and does not interfere with it

There must be no stop valves, filters or other elements between the boiler and the safety group. For example, if the tap is closed, then an accident will happen.

Note! The safety group is always mounted only in a vertical position and above the boiler.

A security group can be presented in a proprietary form. The main element in it is an emergency valve that relieves pressure. In some cases, instead of the entire safety group, only one emergency valve on the tee can be installed.

Very often, a safety group is placed immediately above the boiler, and at the moment the pressure is released by the valve, the liquid enters the boiler, which is unacceptable if it is electric. Therefore, if a safety group is installed above the boiler, then a tube is connected to the emergency valve, and it is taken to the side. Under it is placed a container for liquid.

Connection diagram for a safety group in a heating system with an expansion tank

The return scheme is carried out as follows (in the direction from the boiler) - a shut-off valve, a circulation pump, a mud filter, a second shut-off valve, a tee with a valve for connecting an expander and a valve for filling the network. For systems with such a simple circuit, no installation is required. check valve. The mud filter is mounted with an oblique outlet down. The pump rotor must be horizontal and the terminal box must be in the upper position.

Note! The expander must not be installed in front of the first shut-off valve.

The expansion mat compensates for pressure fluctuations in the heating system. Water heats up and expands. To prevent pressure from being released through the emergency valve, the expansion tank reduces it. The volume of the expander must be at least 1/10 of the entire system.

For example, if the volume of the boiler is 80 liters, and the heating system is 140 liters, then the total volume is 220 liters. Therefore, a 22L expansion tank is required for stable operation. Experts recommend taking a larger expander - 1/7-1/8 of the volume of the entire system.

Expansion tank in a closed heating system

As a sealant for threaded connections it is recommended to use FUM tape, linen, pastes or other sealing agents that will ensure a tight connection of all elements even during heavy loads.


Security groups from Valtec and Watts are in the highest demand. Their products are different high quality manufacturing and reliability. So, for example, VT.460.0.0 from Valtec is used for heating systems with a nominal pressure of up to 10 bar. The maximum use temperature should not exceed +120°C. Steam, water or a special liquid can be used as a heat carrier.

The emergency valve has a fixed setting of 3 bar. The body of the safety group is brass, nickel-plated. The thread for connection is internal, 1″ in size. The cost of the VT.460.0.0 group starts from 1700 rubles.

Watts Security Groups

The WattsKSG-MS security group has similar characteristics. The body is made of brass, but unlike the previous device, it is in a heat-insulating casing. The emergency valve threshold is 3 bar.

During the installation of the safety group and other parts of the heating system, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions attached to them. Since in case of incorrect installation, the system will not work properly, or a mistake made during installation will lead to its breakdown.


Safety group for heating

In this article, we will clearly show how to properly install a boiler safety group in a closed heating system.

In most cases, the boiler safety group is set incorrectly, which leads to the cancellation of the boiler warranty.

First, let's explain what a security group is, why it is needed and what it consists of. The safety group consists of a pressure gauge, an air vent and a safety valve. Now let's explain the purpose of each element of the group:

  1. Manometer - shows the pressure in the heating system
  2. Air vent - prevents air from heating the heating system
  3. Safety valve - protects the heating system from overpressure

From all of the above, it follows that the safety group protects the heating system from excessive pressure and airing.

During the installation of a closed heating system, it is necessary to make sure that in the event of failure of any element, it can be replaced without any special difficulties, or repair work, without draining the entire system and without doing laborious procedures. Therefore, for these purposes, ball valves (cut-off) are installed. Let's say your radiator is leaking. We simply turn off the two shut-off valves that are installed before and after it, and remove the radiator, while the entire system continues to function, which is not unimportant when the temperature outside is below zero degrees. Therefore, if there were no these taps and a bypass (in this case, the bypass would be a branch from the main line to the radiator), then the entire system would have to be drained, and this would take a lot of time and labor. And most importantly, during the repair work, the heating system will not work, and this is fraught. Therefore, shut-off valves are placed on any heating element to avoid these difficulties. That is, if we install a radiator, we install shut-off valves; we put a circulation pump - we put shut-off valves; we put a membrane tank - we put shut-off valves, and so on.

Incorrect security group setting

It is set to supply. Due to ignorance or illiteracy, many, when installing a safety group, put a shut-off valve between the boiler and the safety group (Fig. 1),

or directly to the security group (Fig. 2),

arguing that in the event of a boiler failure, it will be possible to replace it or carry out repair work. In both cases, the installation was not carried out correctly and, in the event of a boiler failure, service centers will refuse you warranty repair, arguing that the boiler is not installed correctly: such an arrangement of the valve makes it possible for the system to overheat and the boiler to fail if the shut-off valve is blocked by workers, third parties or children.

Correct setting of the security group

It is necessary to install the boiler safety group so that the shut-off valve is behind it (Fig. 3)

This arrangement is absolutely correct and indicates that the installation was carried out by qualified specialists. In this case, no one will be able to refuse you a warranty repair.



Safety group for heating: its purpose and installation

The group or safety unit of the heating system is the main element that ensures the proper operation of autonomous heating systems. The installation of such a protection mechanism is especially relevant for closed-type heating systems. Some models of boilers are equipped with it initially. Others require additional installation. Let us consider in more detail what constitutes a safety group for heating, its main elements and installation features.


To throttle excessive water pressure, throttle washers were previously installed in the home heating system. This device was in the form of a disk with a hole in the middle. A pipe was placed in the hole. Thus, an increase in hydraulic resistance was achieved. Today, all modern models of heating systems are equipped with automatic temperature and pressure regulators - safety blocks.

In the event of an accident (for example, when the expansion barrel breaks), the pressure in the heating system may begin to rise. Which entails serious negative consequences, up to the failure of all equipment of the heating system. They have a bad effect on the operation of heat supply and airing of the main. The presence of a security system in the heating system helps to prevent such situations: the protective unit prevents the formation of air locks, and during an emergency reduces the pressure to standard values.

Security mechanisms are actively used in private homes that use a gas boiler to heat the room. Indeed, with such a heating system, the following situations often arise:

  • insufficient draft in the chimney, there is a danger of waste;
  • in the supply pipeline, the gas pressure is either very high or too low;
  • the flame went out on the igniter.

All this can lead to the fact that the main burner will go out and gas contamination of the room will occur.

In old-style boiler plants, automatic safety of gas boilers is a necessity.

Some gas boilers are equipped with a circulation pump. It ensures uniform movement of the coolant through the heat supply system. More information about the heating system with pump circulation can be found here.

Components of the security block

To understand the essence of the protection mechanism, you need to consider the design of the security group. It is a system consisting of several elements. Each of the key links performs its specific task.

The security system for heating includes the following modules:

All protection and control elements, including pressure gauges and thermometers, are attached to the top of the metal case. Separate elements of the protective mechanism are not installed. Since in the absence of one of them, the entire complex will not be able to fully function. For example, there are pressure gauges and thermometers for heating systems, but no safety valve. In this case, the user will see that the pressure is increasing, but will not be able to fix the problem.

Or, for example, there is an air vent, but there is no safety valve. In this case, excess air will escape, and the superheated liquid will remain in the housing. Which can lead to failure of the entire heating system. To control the heat supply system, a heating and hot water controller is designed, which guarantees the maintenance of the optimum temperature in the apartment, depending on fluctuations in the level of outdoor temperature.

Mounting Features

Many factory models of heating boilers are already equipped with a safety unit. As a rule, these are wall-mounted boilers. But as for floor boilers, they do not provide a protective mechanism. Therefore, it needs to be installed additionally.

Boiler safety group in the heating system

The remaining elements are responsible for the performance of the entire heating system.:

  • formation of the circulation flow of the coolant in the pipelines;
  • control and distribution of coolant flows through individual pipelines and heating devices;
  • removal of impurities and purification of the heating fluid;
  • compensation for expansion or contraction when the temperature changes, depending on the operating mode of the boiler.

The safety group for heating is not installed in all heating systems. Some don't know about it, others just ignore it. But practice proves that the safe and uninterrupted operation of heating depends on the normal functioning of this group of devices.

Assigning a security group

The safety group for the boiler is formed from several separate devices. They are placed on a separate collector. Stainless steel or brass is used to make the mounting manifold.

To fix each device, its own seats are created. The collector itself is connected to the heating system using a threaded coupling.

Seats are intended for mounting:

  • pressure gauge, it controls the pressure of the coolant in the heating system;
  • automatic air vent, which is designed to remove air from the coolant in automatic mode. There is a float inside, while it is afloat, air is not removed from the system. If an air bubble enters, the float drops, the valve opens slightly to let this bubble out;
  • . It is set in case of exceeding the specified pressure. It will open, and part of the coolant will exit the heating system.

The main devices included in the heating safety group

A bunch of instruments works: a pressure gauge - an automatic air vent - a safety valve, as follows.

  1. In the event of an emergency, the pressure begins to rise.
  2. Part of the steam enters the air vent, the float goes down, releasing the steam out.
  3. If the pressure continues to rise, the safety valve will open. It opens, and part of the coolant is removed from the system.

The likelihood of such a situation occurring by experts is assessed as possible. The statistics of accidents in individual heating systems are recorded by specialists of gas services, they are entrusted with monitoring the operation of millions of heating systems in multi-storey buildings and the private sector. Statistics show that such emergency situations occur at the height of the heating season.

Therefore, representatives of the gas service claim that a safety group for heating is not always necessary, but at the request of the homeowner it can be installed in any system for safety. Probably, no one wants to be with a non-working heating system when there is frost and wind outside the living quarters.

Gas for work heating devices does not apply everywhere. The share of individual solid fuel boilers is very high. For a solid fuel boiler, modes are possible when the coolant is heated to a temperature above the calculated values. This is where a solid fuel boiler safety group will prove necessary. It will prevent damage to the boiler equipment.

Some settlements have small boiler houses designed for heating and hot water supply of several houses. They use liquid fuel. These boiler houses are serviced by the residents themselves. For such cases, a heating boiler safety group must be installed in any system for safety net.

Structural elements of the device

Usually, all devices of the heating boiler safety group are purchased as a set. Therefore, the manufacturer has taken care that each device is configured for the optimal operating mode.

Safety valve

At normal operation heating system, an expansion tank installed above all pipelines and heating devices compensates for the expansion of the coolant. Depending on the set operating mode, a certain temperature is set at the outlet of the heat generator. The amount of liquid in the expansion tank varies.

Usually, the performance of this node is not satisfactory. During long-term operation, sometimes the pipe becomes clogged with scale, the flow area gradually decreases, and then disappears completely. Users rarely notice this malfunction, since it is impossible to visually determine it. The resulting defect is hidden inside the pipe leading to the expansion tank. With an increase in pressure and the absence of a safety group for the heating boiler, one or more elements of the heating system will be destroyed.

Safety valve for heating system in section

If a safety group has been installed, the safety valve will discharge excess coolant. The boiler and pipelines will remain intact. The user will see the presence of water discharge. The service department or the user will independently determine the malfunction and eliminate the cause.

Before each heating season, it is necessary to check the operation of the safety valve. It will take a little time.

  1. On the upper part there is a handle, it must be turned in the direction of the arrow.
  2. Water will flow.
  3. Turn in the opposite direction.
  4. The water should stop flowing - the safety valve is working.
  5. Another option: the water continues to flow.
  6. In this case, you need to repeat the opening-closing several times in a row.
  7. Practice shows that these actions are enough to grind the valve in the socket a little.
  8. The flow stops.
  9. If water continues to drain, the safety valve must be replaced immediately.

In private houses, safety valves are used, designed for pressures up to 3 bar.

pressure gauge

The manometer controls the operation of the heating system. There are two arrows on the manometer:

  • the black arrow shows the actual pressure - this is the working arrow;
  • red is set when setting up the system before starting the heating boiler, it serves as a guideline in work.

Axial and radial pressure gauges

In individual houses operating pressure is at the level of 2-3 bar. But the pressure gauge itself must be designed for a pressure of at least 4 bar.

Automatic air vent

It is advisable to install an automatic air vent above the entire heating system, since the air is also located at the top. Some users think that it is enough to install on heating appliances Mayevsky crane, and then, when filling pipelines and heating systems, release the existing air to the outside. In this way, most of the available air can be removed. Practice has shown that during operation, air residues circulate through pipes and batteries, reducing work efficiency.

Automatic corner air vent

Will remove air and steam bubbles automatically. Often, during the autumn start-up of the boiler, many observe the operation of this device. It is characterized by a slight hiss coming from the side of the heating safety group.

The main types of heating safety groups

The heating boiler safety group is produced by different manufacturers, so the design is different. Despite the differences, all devices are guaranteed to perform their function.

Manufacturer's nameDesign features of instrument elementsNote
ARSProfessional modification has a round shape made of brassAll models are used in closed-type heating systems, as well as for joint operation with an expansion tank
ARSStandard modification can be made: round (brass); rectangle (stainless steel)
FadoAvailable in only one modification: brass rectangleRecommended for use with a heat generator, a tank, as well as in the "warm floor" system
BuderusBrass execution, there are two modifications: for protection of a copper; for installation with an expansion tank. The design uses an internal thread.Designed for pressure up to 10 bar and temperature up to 110°C
WattsFive modifications are produced. The devices are designed to protect the boiler. In the KSG-30 N modification, all devices are inside a brass case. Other modifications are made of stainless steelModification KSG-30 N is placed in a vertical position above the boiler

Types of heating safety groups

The table shows the main security group models. In fact, other products are also entering the market, in which manufacturers provide their own options for manufacturing collectors with devices installed on them. You can install devices of protection systems in a different order. The main thing is the presence of all three devices on the working panel.

Where to install the security block?

Many are interested in where and how the security group is installed. It is known that boilers are available in several versions:

  • wall-mounted boilers with forced system flue gas removals have a safety group set in advance by the boiler manufacturer;
  • floor boilers, unless it is indicated that a safety group is installed during the manufacture of the boiler, require a separate installation.

Since the boilers are mainly installed in a separate room, the safety devices should also be placed in it.

Mounting the security group

Installation instructions

There are several basic requirements that it is desirable to fulfill:

  • the safety group for the boiler must be located in such a place that it is easy to read the pressure gauge;
  • for the convenience of checking the operability of the safety valve, it is installed in the access zone of the homeowner;
  • installed devices that provide safe operation heating system, should not interfere with work;
  • during installation, it is necessary to install a ball shut-off valve in the interval in order to, if necessary, dismantle the safety group without violating the operating mode of the heating system;
  • it should be located above all pipelines and heating devices.

Scheme electric heating with security group setting

There are few requirements, it is not difficult to fulfill them during installation.

Popular manufacturers and prices

Heating security groups produce different manufacturers. Several firms received the greatest popularity, their brand is recognizable. They are often recommended by installers for installation for heating private houses.

The price difference is small. If we evaluate the cost of the elements that make up the home heating system, we can see that the price of the security group will be less than 1%. Including the installation of all these devices, the price will be even lower.

The safety group for heating is an important and desired element heating system, which, at a relatively low price, will reduce the risks during operation in winter.

The user does not have a constant opportunity to be nearby all the time and monitor the heating equipment, checking its proper operation, indicators temperature regime and pressure level. Here, additional mechanisms and sensors come to the aid of a person, designed to monitor the combustion procedure on a full automatic basis.

Any heating system operates under pressure. There is a safe range of performance that a correctly operating system should exhibit during the heating and cooling process.

To control the pressure, as well as to be able to reset it in an emergency to the required level, a security group has been developed.

The safety group is of particular importance for boilers operating on solid fuels, since the temperature in them is less controllable, as well as for using gas as a fuel, due to the increased risk of fuel explosion.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, you need to know about the advantages of a closed-type heating system:

  • The heat carrier does not evaporate. There is an important advantage here - it is possible to use not only water, but also. Consequently, the possibility of freezing of the entire system during unplanned breaks during its use is excluded, for example, if it is necessary to leave a residential building for a long time for the winter.
  • It is possible to place the compensation tank almost anywhere. As a rule, space is provided for it directly in the boiler room next to the heating device. Due to this, the compactness of the entire heating complex is ensured.
  • Forced circulation in structures with a closed type of operation in a shorter time guarantees the warming up of the room from the moment the boiler is turned on. There are no unnecessary heat losses near.
  • It is characterized by flexibility, that is, it is possible to adjust the temperature regime of heating in a separately selected room, as well as selectively turn off certain sections of the general circuit.
  • It differs in tightness, therefore, with its correct filling with air and the normal functioning of the valve system, there should simply be no air in it. This eliminates the possibility of air pockets. Moreover, the impossibility of access to oxygen, which is contained in the air, does not allow corrosion to actively develop.

Do not forget about the disadvantages:

  • The expansion expansion tank must have a larger volume compared to an open type system, since this is due to the specifics of its internal design.
  • It is mandatory to install a safety group, which implies a set of safety mechanisms.

Operating principle

The safety group consists of a housing on which 3 devices are installed:

  • manometer;
  • safety valve;
  • air vent.

pressure gauge

It is designed to measure and control pressure levels. For each heating mechanism, the accompanying technical documentation defines the maximum allowable pressure level.

In principle, all the activities of the safety unit for the boiler ultimately come down to preventing an increase in pressure indicators.

This device allows the user to monitor the necessary indicators.

Safety valve

The main task is to protect the heating system from high pressure.

Designed to drain excess fluid. If the combustion procedure is not controlled, then the liquid will actively expand, which will lead to an excessive level of pressure. If nothing is done in these circumstances, then a rush of the heat carrier is possible.

This valve is mounted by the manufacturer at specific pressure levels, so if they are above the norm, the valve opens and water is discharged. When the system is restored to normal operation, the valve will automatically close.

The safety valve will require increased attention to itself:

  • Even before its use in the system, it is necessary to monitor the health of the equipment. This can be realized with a special pressing pump.
  • Another option is to turn the cap in the direction indicated by the arrow.

Air vent

Protects the system from airing. During the filling of the heating system with liquid, if there is a leak somewhere, then air will also enter it.

Moreover, at first the first batches of liquid will release a certain small amount of air.

In this case, a plug is created that prevents the necessary circulation of the liquid, which ultimately provokes temperature fluctuations, suspicious noises, and may even cause the entire system to boil.


How to correctly connect a security group? It should be installed in a closed-type heating system, since with open type with an expansion tank, the installation of this device will be pointless.

The installation of the entire group occurs with the help of a trident.

How to choose a place for installation. This should be the space:

  • With horizontal surface;
  • at the top of the pipeline, above the heater;
  • supply pipes after the boiler;
  • approximately one and a half meters or less from heating equipment.

If the pipe stretches vertically upwards from the boiler, for example, to the next second floor, then it is necessary to make a slight branch with a corner so that the entire security group is on a section with a horizontal surface, and the sensors look only upwards.

There are a few more basic principles during the installation of a security group:

  • Mount the "trident" should be sensors up.
  • Between heating equipment and the security group should not have any shutoff valves.
  • In order for the air vent to start functioning, it is necessary to unscrew the cap on its cover. After the initial deflation of air, the cap should be screwed back into place, but in such a way that the device remains ajar.
  • The filters used protect the components of the system from slag blockages.

Adjustment methods

In the process of heating the heat carrier, it expands, which leads to an increase in volume. Therefore, before adjusting the heat in the room, you should check the activity of the entire cycle.

Remember the basic principles when regulating the pressure in the heating system:

  • Pressure gauges are mounted before and after the boiler, in distribution manifolds at the very top and bottom of the system.
  • If there is, the pressure gauge should be mounted before it.
  • An expansion tank is a must.
  • A safety valve and an air vent will prevent a critical increase in the pressure level in the pipes.

The best manufacturers

Among the manufacturers that produce safety fittings for boilers, two companies should be noted.

Watts is ready to offer users the richest assortment of accessories for heating systems, including safety groups.

Whole the lineup series KSG equipped with a safety valve that operates at a pressure level of three bar. Models are designed to work with water-heating boilers with a capacity of fifty to two hundred kilowatts.

The price range varies from two to six thousand rubles.

Valtec is also in high demand among consumers. This company produces safety groups designed for boilers and expansion tanks with wall variant installation.

Average price of a security group VT460, presented in a brass case and designed for boilers and hot water systems, will amount to 1.7 thousand rubles.

The security team is an important constituent part the entire heating system. It is necessary to strictly follow existing rules during installation, as well as to monitor the performance of all elements. In the event of an emergency, this modest element will prevent the failure of various elements, as well as their very costly repairs.