Design of wardrobe rooms in the house. Wardrobe with your own hands: Drawings, diagrams and photos of functional systems

The presence of a wardrobe room in the house contributes to the release of residential space from bulky furniture, optimizes life and allows you to quickly find the desired thing. You can equip such a room by contacting professionals by ordering a ready-made storage system for individual sizes. Less costly and at the same time an interesting decision - a dressing room with your own hands: drawings, schemes and photos with useful arrangement tips will help make the process easy and fast.

For those who intend to collect the wardrobe system with their own hands, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the size of the room itself, but also on the possibility of compact and rational internal filling. To achieve maximum accuracy, it is recommended to pre-develop drawings and schemes of the future storage system. Ready design projects of wardrobe rooms with their own hands, photos and schemes will be a visual example when creating your option.

The exclusiveness of the angular layout is that under the dressing room you can use places that are usually not involved and difficult to access. For example, it can be an angle where the doors or windows are located in the walls of it at a short distance from the center of the corner. Such space is usually empty, therefore, to take this zone under the corner dressing room is the most successful and practical option.

Depending on the area allotted under the dressing room, the angular space can be separated from the main premises in several ways. If the area is sufficient, it is suitable for a plasterboard partition, and in the case of minimal dimensions, the project of an open storage system is suitable. Many are used in the hallway an angular wardrobe, which is a decent alternative to a separate room. Photo of the dressing room with their own hands will serve as a visual example of creating a storage area.

Helpful advice! When cutting off an angle under the dressing room, it is best to use plasterboard plates: this material is quite lightweight, it is well linked and simply mounted.

If you give preference to the angular dressing room in the hallway, which will be separated from the main premises, then you can equip the internal content in two ways: one or two walls. The first option circuit is a storage system, compactly assembled along one wall. Racks and shelves are recommended open, which will give savings area. The remaining space is used to move on the dressing room, as well as under the design.

In the second embodiment, the location of the filling is planned along two walls. The main advantage of such a filling is compactness at maximum capacity. However, it is necessary to take into account that in such a dressing room you can just enter, but it will not be possible to use it as a fitting room. This method of filling is suitable for families from several people, where the main task is to limitly fit the things of each household. To fill, storage systems are used with a set of angular components that provide good ergonomics of a small space.

Corner wardrobe in the hallway can be burned with the help of hinting doors, the doors-harmonic chops or light sliding partitions, however, it is worth considering the features of the hallway. If the room is quite modest, the swollen option is absolutely not appropriate. Speeciously look at the radius sliding systems, the filling of which is chosen in unison to the general interior.

Arrangement of the dressing room in the bedroom

Photo of the wardrobe systems with their own hands, equipped in the bedroom, indicate that this is one of the most common and convenient options. The feasibility of creating a dressing room in the bedroom can be determined by calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe sleeping zone. If the size of the bedroom significantly exceeds this parameter, you can safely begin to independently erecting the wardrobe room.

There are several internal space organization schemes in the dressing room. This can be a project of a linear storage system, the location of the modules in the form of the letter "P" or "G", as well as parallel placement of racks and shelves. The most optimal version is a P-shaped dressing room. This layout contributes to the maximum filling of the room and at the same time allows you to leave a place to move on it. As a rule, for P-shaped wardrobe, it is necessary enough in a pattern, however, they will be able to accommodate both in modest squares.

Helpful advice!An interesting idea to arrange a dressing room in the bedroom behind the headboard: it is separated by an easy fixed partition or sliding systems.

For small bedrooms, where to burn 1.5 - 2 meters from the room is not possible, limited in the bedroom wardrobe. Such furniture is compact, it does not take away a lot of space and is distinguished by a thoughtful stuffing. Methods for filling wardrobes-wardrobe can be found in the catalogs of sites engaged in the sale and manufacture of furniture. The finished sets of storage systems with a narrow specialization for clothing, shoes and accessories are distinguished by unsurpassed ergonomics.

If the layout is such that the wardrobe room is a passage, as it is impossible, the scheme is suitable for parallel placement of storage systems. Drawings of racks and shelves in the dressing room with their own hands indicate that with this method of filling it does not make it difficult to move around the room, and the storage system can accommodate everything you need. The most convenient is a combination of a bedroom-dressing-shower. But there may be other options.

Article on the topic:

Projects of small premises. Places for storage in the bedroom and hallway. Room projects 3 sq.m. Storage systems and furniture for dressing rooms.

Wardrobe design from storage room 1.1 at 1.5 m

Many professional designers believe that it is impractical to use under a dressing room less than 2 sq. M. However, the photo of the wardrobe from small storage rooms indicate that such a small space can be successfully planned for a functional storage system. It is in such works that the professionalism of designers is checked. After all, it is necessary not only to transform the storage room in the dressing room, but also to take into account the interests of everyone who will enjoy it, in the conditions of a shortage of square meters.

Projects and drawings of such wardrobe require accuracy of calculations and optimal internal filling. Extremely relevant for the wardrobe stuffing room with a size of 1.1x1.5 m are shallow shelves. If you do not cut the door to the door, the shelves can be reached out of the storeroom and then they will become part of the room furniture and effectively complement the interior. In this case, the shelves and racks are designed in such a way that they smoothly flow from the dressing room into the room.

The photo of small wardrobe rooms from the storage rooms clearly illustrates the options when the entire length of one of the walls is used under the storage system. With this project, you can carve additional space so that you can enter the dressing room to find the necessary things. However, so that the space of mini-dressing room to use maximum, it is recommended to arrange them by the type of niche, which is comparen from the main room with a door-accordion or sliding door-coupe.

Helpful advice! Filling a small dressing room, it should be placed so that the most frequently used ones are located in the middle.

Wardrobe in Khrushchev instead of storage room

The main difference between modern dressing rooms from storage rooms - the presence of an ordered shelf system, antlesole, boxes, hangers and other components for convenient storage of not only personal belongings, but also different in the form and appointment of objects and inventory. In addition, such systems are designed in such a way that all items and things are foreseeable and easily accessible. There are hundreds of wardrobe room options, the layout and filling of which depends on the area and budget of their owners.

Before making a dressing room with your own hands, it will be worth familiar with the main planning solutions of the dressing room. The fact is that in large-sized apartments, as a rule, separate rooms are already provided for the dressing room. The owners remain only to equip them with suitable storage systems. But in the apartments of the old residential fund under such needs, storage rooms are dismissed, the size of which is very small.

In order to make the most correctly organize the space of a small room, designers offer various methods of arrangement of wardrobe from storage rooms in Khrushchev. For independent implementation, many different projects are offered. You can choose the most suitable, familiarized with the drawings, diagrams and photo of the wardrobe in Khrushchev instead of storage room.

If it is initially in the layout of the apartment, there is no wardrobe, the dressing room can be equipped anywhere. It can be a combination of dressing room with a bedroom, hallway, hall, children's and other rooms. Experts recommend to allocate under storage systems several zones, for example, in the bedroom and hallway, if such an opportunity is available. In a conventional Khrushchev, the space for the dressing room is determined at the redevelopment stage, which is pre-coordinated in the relevant authorities.

Depending on the location in the apartment, configuration and square, the dressing room can be arranged along one wall, to form an angle or give it g-or P-shaped formatic. The newest technologies make it possible to plan the optimal storage system for any, even a modest, dressing room. After all, the main advantage of internal filling is a huge range of components for every taste.

Wardrobe room circuits from storage rooms: Photo Examples

How to make a dressing room from the storage room? A photo selection of various transformation techniques demonstrates many options for setting up storerooms. There are two main conversion methods. For the first characteristic disassembly of partitions pantry and setting the place of the cabinet of the corresponding sizes. Usually, such cabinets are equipped with sliding doors-coupe that have a mirror filling.

Another option involves completely freeing the contents of the pantry and equip the room with modern compact storage systems. Updating internal filling will allow the maximum to use space to store various in the form and sizes, shelves, baskets, rods and other elements. The presence of a plurality of special hooks, holders will increase the level of comfort of the former storage room and will prolong the service life of many things.

Before you make a dressing room from the pantry, you should thoroughly think over and make a scheme of its filling. Having made the appropriate measurements, it is necessary to calculate the number of shelves, tremers and boxes for small items, special holders for trousers, ties, hats and other accessories. The presence of a detailed project will help to avoid errors and the unreasonable consumption of materials when converting a dressing room from the pantry with their own hands.

Helpful advice! Make a wardrobe as comfortable as possible, you can use a system of metal frame filling, thanks to which you can adjust the height of the shelves, baskets and tremers.

The choice of a suitable design of the dressing room depends on the plan of the apartment itself. In many Khrushchev buildings, the standard planning of the apartments provides for a storage room in the bedroom. This room is formed by burning part of the bedroom partition on the entire width of the room. The entrance to the storeroom can be on the side of the bedroom or from the side of the adjacent living room. In some apartments, the pantry is located at the end of the long corridor, part of which is cut into the partition. For an example, you can find a lot of suitable projects and photo of dressing rooms from storage rooms in Khrushchev.

How to make a dressing room from storage room with your own hands

Before you make a dressing room in the room from the storage room yourself, you should choose the project optimal for such an area. In addition, the choice of option depends on the number of tenants whose things will be stored in the future dressing room. You can find drawings and schemes suitable on the dimensions of your room, you can view the selection of photo of dressing rooms from the storage room. In the drawings, all the necessary dimensions are given, as well as samples of internal filling systems.

Re-equipment of the wardrobe room from the storage room with their own hands: photo ideas

Those who want to become the owner of a spacious and convenient dressing room with minimal financial investments will suit the option of re-equipment under these needs of the storage room. To perform work, a set of tools will be required, which is probably available in the arsenal of any host:

  • construction roulette, level, pencil;
  • screwdriver, hammer, pliers;
  • drill or perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • electrolovik;
  • saws.

The selection of the material for the internal filling of the wardrobe depends on the proposed storage system. It is calculated according to the drawings and diagrams of your project. Usually for these purposes acquire:

  • furniture pipes (metal and wooden) for a dressing room of a rod or frame;
  • durable lumber for shelves, antlesole, Tumb (can be used, for example, chipboard with laminated coating);
  • furniture accessories: guides, corners for connecting, handles, loops and other;
  • boxes, baskets, storage boxes.

At the first stage, it is proposed to dismantle all the contents of the pantry: remove the old shelves, remove all hooks, hangers, nails and other devices. Wall clean from old wallpaper or paint, and then thoroughly align. For the new design of the walls, you can apply staining in light tones or pasting with wallpaper. In the photo of the dressing room in the storage room having swing doors, it is shown that they can be fixed a large mirror from the inside.

Helpful advice! In the presence of a project with drawings and internal wardrobe filled circuits, collect storage system is completely simple.

As soon as the wall design will be completed, proceed to the manufacture and installation of internal storage systems. Purchase of materials are produced according to the developed drawings and sketches. It is calculated by the required amount of chipboard, furniture pipes, accessories, fasteners, screws, as well as additional elements of storage systems.

Assembling the wardrobe system with your own hands: Basic principles

Filling a wardrobe storage system completely depends on the specific requirements of its owners. In addition, playing the role and budget allocated under these needs. The wardrobe stuffing can have several constructive options. Those who have certain skills in the furniture assembly can independently assemble and install cabinet modules in the dressing room. Most often, such filling models are manufactured by order by individual sizes.

Cabinet designs are quite spacious, flawlessly fit into space and contribute to the accurate storage of things. Elements of body modules have standard dimensions. They are equipped to choose from various accessories that are assembled by the type of designer. But it should be borne in mind that shelves and racks in the body performance are quite cumbersome and occupy a lot of space, because of which they are not recommended to be used to fill the wardrobe rooms of modest sizes.

For small wardrobe, the assembly of mesh structures will fit. This type of filling is distinguished by compactness, ease and possibility of transformation. The elements of the design are easily mounted with their own hands, we visually do not overload space and inexpensive. For those who make a choice in favor of such a filling, it is worth considering that cellular storage systems cannot be overloaded too heavy objects.

Frame storage systems are appropriate both in small dressing rooms and in rooms with weighty dimensions. The assembly scheme is a metal racks that are mounted between the ceiling and the gun. Next, they are fixed to the shelves, drawers, racks and crossbars, which practically "soar in the air". For such a filling, the simplicity of installation, the ease and strength of the structure itself is characterized.

Helpful advice! Whatever storage system you have chosen to achieve maximum comfort when using a dressing room, the principles of ergonomics must be observed.

You can get acquainted with the photo of the wardrobe rooms with your own hands using various storage systems on the Internet, where users are divided by their works. In addition, it will be useful to ask the filling options from professionals.

Basic rules for organizing storage of things

From how correctly things will be placed in the dressing room depends not only the fast and convenient search, but also the service life. Therefore, it is very important to competently organize the inner space of the dressing room. To do this, it is necessary to plan the storage zones of various things and items in advance. The wardrobe is recommended to divide into several functional sections:

  • the bottom compartment - shoes must be stored here, small accessories (umbrellas, bags) and pants. The floor height should be no more than 70-80 cm. Shoes are better stored on special inclined sliding shelves (height is about 30 cm - for summer shoes, 40-45 cm - for winter);

  • the middle compartment is used mainly to store frequently used things. Here are equipped with rods, pantographs, as well as retractable shelves for storing small toilet items. Depending on the length of things, the height of the middle zone varies from 140 to 170 cm. On the storage compartments of the shirts, the jackets are allocated approximately 100 cm. Knitted products are conveniently stored in baskets and boxes installed on the shelves;

  • the top compartment is equipped with racks for storing overalls and seasonal items: blankets, pillows, bulk bags, suitcases, as well as sports and economic equipment.

Modern storage systems are difficult to imagine without innovative components. These include various holders for trousers and skirts, belts, ties, scarves, drawers for different trifles, textile holders for bags and much more. Very easy to use Press-hanger for trousers: It is equipped with a jacket hangers, a strap hanger and a tie. All holders are equipped with special soft clips that are not leaving traces on clothes.

Independent re-equipment of the storage room allows with minimal investments to acquire a practical and functional dressing room for storing the necessary things and items. In addition, the proprietary transformation process will give the possibility of incarnation of personal interpretation to meet individual needs.

To have a separate room under clothes and things - quite affordable pleasure, uniquely improving the quality of life. Despite the utilitarian, the design of the wardrobe room is able to provide not only functionality, but also an external aesthetics. Although extract the maximum benefit from such a decision, especially when the area is small - the first priority. It is necessary to take into account at the planning stage the specifics of finishing and internal filling. How to create a beautiful dressing room - will be prompting inspiring photos, and the latest modern solutions and modifications of storage systems will help to use the allocated space fully. Regardless of the volume of things and features, universal tips and interior innovations will exclude errors.

The design begins with ...

The undoubted plus filling of the dressing room and the storage systems offered by manufacturers is easy to remake, adapting over time for additional needs. But here to change the entrance will be more problematic, and therefore it is necessary to decide on the choice of door loan, taking into account the features of its location. What, in addition to classical, non-standard techniques are offered:

  • sliding structures;
  • angular entry;
  • road harmonica.

The door in the interior perception of the wardrobe will occupy an important place, standing out on both sides of the room. When the content is standard, can be able to express the necessary idea, converting the area in the desired stylistic direction.

Trend mixture of textures can be embodied using the unusual design of the doorway and accessories:

  • Adding leather inserts to the monolithic array.
  • Weaving as a decorative version, complemented by a wardrobe filling, for example, storage baskets.
  • Modifications with enamel and glass inserts decorated with crystals - feminine version.

Little dressing room

The small size of the room is not a sentence at all, on the contrary, the features of architecture are often beaten by a non-standard approach, cycling:

  • niche, storage room;
  • corner of the room;
  • insulated loggia;
  • mansard, attic.

Equipping the small dressing room is not less valid. What design solutions are tested in practice, can cope with the close or non-standard configuration of the selected space:

  • Retractable ironing board.
  • Fastening short rods under the clothes perpendicular to the wall.
  • Open shelves without bulky drawers and swing doors.
  • Hanger-spiral - for a significant amount of clothes on her shoulders.
  • Railings and hooks for accessories - everywhere where the rack does not fit, even on the door.
  • Opening mirror-freeze - the reverse side is used for jewelry, other trifles.

For small size rooms, you may have to sacrifice a full-fledged zone of dressing and fitting with a large mirror, a pouf, a separate toilet table. But even small mirror surfaces will determine the situation by changing space for the better.

Filling: Selection of preferences

Any challenging task will have its own solution, especially if you make furniture to order, which will allow you to take into account any nuances without compounds. Although the products of the giants of the furniture industry offer good options. The ergonomic itself is considered the P-shaped layout when the area allows. Without problems, it is accommodated with shoes for shoes that occupy a lot of space.

Internal filling is selected taking into account the needs, but the standard dimensions are considered such height of the shelves for hanging on the shoulders of clothes:

  • top, dresses: 1.5-1.3 m;
  • short: 1.1 - 0.8 m.

The depth is usually used 0.5-0.55 m. Open shelves with baskets and boxing boxes for storing small things - ideal for any time. Filled sections with a certain type of clothing, for each pair of shoes, will require pedanticity, but it will pay off the rapid time to search for a suitable thing. In advance, it is necessary to provide the location of the electrical sockets and the USB output if necessary.

The upper part, depending on the growth, and the base is equipped for closed facades, for rarely used things: seasonal shoes, bed linen.

New look: luxury elements

It is not easy to turn the wardrobe to the functional place of storage of things, add the sophistication and status of the entire room as a whole, with a more impressive metro station. It is possible not to simply concisely execute, but also add an interior chic, turning the dressing room into a stylish space.

Some designer decisions as the photo will require places:

  • Wardrobes - showcases for glass.
  • Central Dresser is an excellent way to streamline storage of jewelry, accessories.
  • Poucher or small sofa with expressive upholstery.
  • Growth mirror in a beautiful baguette is a very feminine option.
  • Art objects, genuine greens.

All this will add the parade of the room. But besides additional decoration, emphasize the aesthetics, fashionable technological approach can ways to store clothes, especially if there is a lot of it. They are not always budgetary, such as elevators. Such mechanisms have proven themselves, especially at high ceilings, in contrast to the usual ladder.

What other opportunities opens unlimited budget and area:

  • specialized boxes under ties, small things;
  • organizers in retractable commercial boxes;
  • transparent facades shelves;
  • retractable modules for the vacuum cleaner and sweeping;
  • models of shoes with inclination.

Relevant. Fully closed models of cabinets in the dressing room may require additional time to search for the necessary things.

Color palette

The most common option remains white, and not only for a small area, because it is the most neutral background for clothes, jewelry. Combined option made of white racks and woodular background or vice versa, wardrobes and wood shelves on a neutral background - alternative solutions. They will make some color in the modern appearance by adding the design of the utensity.

But if you want a non-standard solution, a creative approach is able to reincarnate the wardrobe:

  • Colored bright background, which will be visible through open shelves (trendy turquoise, purple) - will make the room memorable, and the favorite color is inspiring.
  • A part of the wall surface is covered with wallpaper with the ornament and those shades that are the main line in the design of the entire apartment or at home, for example, a certain floral print.
  • Gray, steel, contrasting black, natural wood of dark rocks - a brutal male version that will benefit from the limiting systematization of things.

Subtleties finish

General trends in the choice of environmentally friendly materials are distributed in modern design projects and the interior of the wardrobe rooms. On the other hand, artificial materials often benefit from the point of view of wear resistance and budget savings. But this part of the house is an active use object, and the microclimate is the necessary parameter. Consider the design of the dressing room from the point of view of the naturalness of the finish is a good investment of funds that will accurately pay off the necessary atmosphere.

Specialists advise you to choose execution capable of combining practicality and decent aesthetic qualities. Again, it is necessary to provide individual moments - traces from heels on the floor covering are unlikely to decorate any design, so among the most likely materials it is worth choosing non-standard solutions, such as cork floors.

Relevant. A good ventilation system is a prerequisite for a dressing room without a window.

Stylistics: Transfiguration Secrets

If you want to create an expressive room that supports the general design of housing, then the owners of a small metratema should emphasize filling. Shelving systems also specify a certain interior tone.

For the classics - the full facades, cabinets, and not frame structures are distributed. Color range, such as the brash champagne - timeless sophistication.
Wood with minimal processing emphasizes eco-style.
Calm Provence, light country - easily adapt with wicker baskets, fabric elements - curtains.
For laconic, modern styles - glossy MDF.
More urban, innovative design options offer metal dominance, glass.

Lighting: Important and Fashionable

If your choice - look perfect, then the wardrobe room without natural lighting must be equipped with such a thing that will answer any needs. So, the location of the dressing table for applying makeup is auxiliary light on the sides of the mirror. See all the color palette of your own wardrobe in undistorted form is the main task of lighting. This will help:

  • lED strips;
  • lighting shelves, floor;
  • track lamps and sconces.

The window, as a rule, decorated minimalistly, for example, neutral rolled curtains. If it is necessary to fully solitude, and the location of the window loan does not provide - the varieties of the "day-night" or classic tulle are suitable.

Alternative approach

Combining a dressing room with a residential room is a completely permissible solution, and the photo confirm. The interior should adapt to personal needs, and therefore the creation of the so-called open dressing room - ceases to seem a bold step. Most often combine with the bedroom, the working office or turning into a full-fledged rest room.

Mobile partition is relevant with a shortage of free square, in open-style apartments. Place the modification of the linear view can be behind the headboard, building a stationary partition, for example from plasterboard (leaving it not occupied by racks from the inside).

Pluses of a separate dressing room not only in the clothing storage system, it is primarily functional. In such a room, you can store absolutely all things, ranging from gloves, ending with bedding. The right choice of furniture is somewhat saved the precious centimeters of the square in your apartment. Also, it is aesthetics and purity, when all things are decomposed by groups it is not only convenient, but also visually looks aesthetic. It frees a huge amount of time in search of the required, as well as longer retains the opportunity to use your things.

Dressing room in the hall: photos and ideas

Not everyone can afford to allocate a whole room for a dressing room, so there are options how to combine the dressing room with the rest of the rooms in the house. To do this, the storage room can be used, most often it is located in the corridor near the entrance door, which makes it quite attractive for this role.

A glazed and insulated loggia can also be used as a dressing room, but most often it is not entirely convenient due to the narrow space of the loggia itself.

Some are used as a dressing bedroom, in which there is a place for it as a curtain or partition. But the dressing room in the bedroom is not entirely convenient, since the whole family will constantly visit this room in search of the necessary things. Therefore, it is possible to make a dressing room in the living room.

It can be two types:

  • Wardrobe in the hall;
  • Wardrobe room in the hall.

What is the difference? The thought itself to make a dressing room in the living room is already good in itself, it is mostly the largest room in the apartment and access to it have all family members that does not create any inconvenience.

Comfortable dressing room in the hall: planning options

The dressing room in the hall is usually a wardrobe, which includes all the functions. It has both shelves and retractable boxes, and clothes hangers. Most often, he takes the entire wall and asks the interior of the entire living room. Such a wardrobe can be found in the store and make to order.

As well as the wardrobe, you can use built-in furniture, then the space of the living room itself will decrease, but if you use mirror sliding doors, it can just be visually increasing the living room space. In this case, an open type of wardrobe is used.

The wardrobe room in the hall is characterized by the fact that it is exactly the room. In the living room with a small redevelopment, a wall is installed, followed by our dressing room. It can be like a plasterboard design and simply sliding doors. This separate room is equipped to its taste and does not intersect with the design of the living room. For such dressing rooms, a closed type is used.

Living room design with dressing room

As already mentioned, the dressing rooms are two types: open type and closed type. Open type is our wardrobe in the hall, there are always personal things in sight, because of this room, the room remains visually quite spacious. But you must always follow the order so that the living room looks tidy. The built-in wardrobe is easier to use.

Closed type is a wardrobe room. It can be stored not only personal belongings, but also shoes, accessories and other economic accessories. In such a room, you can not only store things, but in place to care for them, trying to try them, absolutely not interfering with anyone from family members.

There are four wardrobe design styles:

  • Angular style;
  • Linear;
  • P-shaped;
  • Parallel.

The first two belong to the open type. The angular style uses open types of racks and shelves. In a linear style, there is a selection of one wall, which in its style more resemble the wardrobes, as a large place is given not only to the chests and shelves, but also hangers.

Subsequent two belong to the closed type. In the P-shaped style, the decoration of the racks is in the form of the letter P, but the location of the shelves, chests and hangers is drawn up to its taste. In parallel style, two similar systems of cabinets are used, which are installed against each other, duplicating each other. The last style can also be used in the open type, as its location allows you to beat the passage room where there are two parallel entry.

Wardrobe room device in the living room (video)

After breaking the differences in the wardrobe storage system in the hall from the dressing room in the hall, it is concluded that it all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and from your taste, and there is a lot of design options in this case!

Classic wardrobe rooms, or Dressing Room, occupy about 15-20 m 2 areas and are designed not only to store garardo items, but also for their wear. Such spacious wardrobe - the privilege of the owners of large apartments or houses, but with a competent approach and 2-3 m 2 can be organized a spacious storage area, which will allow you to place all the existing clothes and shoes. Of course, in a small space, act more difficult, but if you use the accumulated experience of professional designers, then in the most ordinary and even very miniature apartment it will be possible to find a place for the Dressing room and place everything you need there. We reveal the main secrets of the design of a small dressing room in the apartment.

A wide selection of wardrobe rooms made to order is represented on the page The factory produces furniture on its own equipment according to GOST standards.

№1. Is there a need for a dressing room?

Surely, almost every girl dreams of a separate room, where numerous pairs of shoes were neatly arranged and beautiful outfits awesome. A trip to such a room for the choice of suitable for a particular case of clothing would turn into a whole ritual with a mandatory fitting. Often, such a dream remains a dream, because it comes to criticism. Why in a small apartment a separate dressing room, when all things can be hidden in? It would seem that everything is true, but a part of the family wardrobe will still be stored in small wardrobes all over the apartment, and all the outerwear and most of the shoes are in. The usual alignment of things in which the place does not save.

Wardrobe room, albeit small, gives its owners mass of advantages:

  • the ability to get rid of bulky cabinets, racks, bedside tables and hooks dispersed throughout the apartment. This will make the dwelling more accurate and free, and visually it will be perceived even more;
  • find the desired thing in the dressing room with open racks and rods is much easier than rummaged in a dark cabinet with narrow shelves;
  • the ability to maximize the wardrobe space, building the shelves to the ceiling itself and combining various storage zones at their discretion. Things even in a small dressing room is placed more than in the wardrobe;
  • items of wardrobe, which are neatly folded on the shelves or freely hang on the rod, much longer retain their original appearance. Of course, this advantage is also characteristic of a large wardrobe with thoughtful filling, but often in the wardrobes clothes are too tight.

The main difficulty with which you will have to face the way to create a dressing room is to find a suitable place and its separation. Of course, on construction partition There will be some part of the useful area, but with a detailed comparison it turns out that it is more profitable to have a separate dressing room, especially if the family members have a lot, yet more profitable. Modern storage systems allow you to create a comfortable dressing room even by 2-3 m 2. The minimum possible area of \u200b\u200bthe dressing room is 1.2-1.5 m 2.

№2. Selection of wardrobe

To find a place for a small dressing room, analyze all zones and corners of the apartment. The potential and most successful places for the dressing room are worth named:

  • pantry. There is no comment at all. In many apartments, the project laid a small utility room. If at one time you did not get rid of it, then re-equip it in the dressing room is easy. And the dressing room in terms of its functionality is in many ways similar, but do not confuse their purpose. Storeroom is a place for storing things of a completely different nature that is currently not needed or rarely used. In the dressing room, only clothes, shoes and accessories are stored, and the Dressing Room ideally assumes the opportunity to change it there, however, it's not always easy to do this in a small dressing room. Note that in modern small-sized apartments, the storage room with a dressing room is often united - it is permissible, but the main thing is not to do the mess and do not keep the items with a sharp odor next to clothing;
  • part of the bedroom or other residential room. Little wardrobe can be obtained if you extinguish the angle or the end of the room, and you can use both stationary partitions and sliding doors. This option will be ideal, if it is strongly stretched in length, then you can not only highlight the dressing room, but also give the room the correct geometry. The angle of the room is often separated in cases where there are doors or windows in adjacent walls, and the angle is still impossible to equip anyway;

  • when you can get some additional space and use it to create a dressing room, but this is not the most popular option;
  • if the apartment has dead end or so-called. "Appendixes", which for many years have not been normally used, the place for a small wardrobe is there;
  • don't forget about nichewhich are provided in the layout of a number of apartments, are located in the bedrooms and are sufficient to improve the dressing depth;
  • the most extravagant and unusual option - the location of the dressing room on loggia. For this, it should be more or less spacious, and.

Number 3. Border and Wardrobe Doors

To separate a new room, you can use one of the following materials:

Doors in the dressing room may be . Swingrequire a place to open, so in the conditions of acute savings of space are rarely used, but they have one big plus - on the inside you can place several hooks or envelopes for storing accessories. It is better if the swing door will open not in the dressing room, but if there are few places in the next room, then the reverse version is allowed.

Harmonic doors and sliding door coupe Save space to the maximum and are often used in wide and shallow dressing rooms. The decor of such doors can be performed so that the stranger is unlikely to guess what another room is hidden behind them. Lightweight alternative - Fissure curtains and lolan doors.

Width of the doorway must be at least 60 cm. Door material Maybe some please: tree and its imitation, plastic, glass, mirror, etc. The main thing is that the door fit into the interior of the adjacent room.

№4. Selection of laidage planning

Under the planning of the dressing room, they understand how the storage zones will be located. This largely depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, its geometry and the personal preferences of the owner.

By type of planning, dressing rooms are:

  • one-sided or linear Invite the location of the entire storage system along one wall. Depending on the features of the highlighted room here possible pair options. The first reminds the wardrobe of the coupe - when opening the doors in the dressing room for you, "watching" all the shelves with clothes and inward the room can be problematic. The second option is the location of the door from a narrow goalkeeper. The minimum width of the room in this case is 1.2 m, which will be enough to ensure space for moving on the dressing room and fitting things, as well as the storage location of 55-60 cm wide great option for small apartmentswhich allows you to conveniently arrange things to have normal access to them and even change clothes in the dressing room;
  • cornerWhen the angle of the room is separated by a partition or door, and the storage systems are located along two adjacent walls forming the angle. A good option, but to get a dressing room, in which you can turn around, you will have to take away a decent part of the angle from the room;
  • Mr. - These are a wardrobe, where racks are located along one long and one short wall. The layout resembles a linear one, only in the far end there are still storage locations. Great option of arrangement of a small dressing room;
  • bilateral layout Ensures parallel location of two rows with things. This can be equipped with a dressing room. minimum width of 1.5 m: 60 cm is the door and pass, 60 cm - the main storage area and 30 cm are allocated to cellular shelves, in which you can store shoes, accessories and some things. The placement of two wide full-fledged racks width 60 cm will require the minimum width of the dressing room 1.75 M.;
  • P-shaped layout - Not an option for small wardrobe, as the width of at least 2 m will need for normal use, otherwise access to space in the corners will be limited, or they will not be able to use normally. Like the P-shaped layout, with the arrangement of small dressing rooms is not used 4-sided layoutWhen part of the racks are placed near the wall with the front door.

№5. Creating a design project of a dressing room

Since we are talking about actually tiny rooms, it is very important to plan all the space so as to use the literally every centimeter with maximum benefit. It is necessary to thoroughly think over the location of each element in the future dressing room, and even better - all your thoughts and ideas pictulate on paper Or take advantage of a special application.

To begin, it is necessary to measure the parameters of the existing room and in the scale of presenting the future dressing room on paper. Now we determine which elements Be sure to be placed in the Dressing Room, which depends on the type and amount of clothing. They are put forward some requirements:

Very important correct your wardrobe, understand how many and what things you have, choose the right storage conditions for them, and already begin the design of the dressing room. Consider that the passage between racks should be at least 60 cm.

№6. Equipment and furniture for a small dressing room

Of all the questions, the question may arise: so where to take furniture? Several options:

In professional environment storage systems divide into two main types:

Wardrobe space can be divided into three zones:

  • nizhny (up to 60-80 cm) is often used for storing shoes. In this case, the depth of the shelves should not be greater than 20-30 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to search for the desired pair. Part of the lower tier can be equipped with drawers;
  • average (from 60-80 cm to 180-200 cm) - the place of storage of frequently wearing clothes, so to this zone to carry out access is easiest;
  • upper (180-200 cm and above) is used to store the unreasonable or rarely used clothing. There you can place boxes with shoes, sometimes they store suitcases on the upper shelves.

Try to use the entire height of the wardrobe. If there is a place on the shelves, there you can put the baskets. It would be nice to provide a place to store umbrellas and ironing board.
The wardrobe will quickly appear in the dressing room, and the accumulation of excess moisture will lead to the appearance. Ventilation in the dressing room can be provided in such ways:

  • regular ventilation is the easiest option, but often insufficient;
  • installing the exhaust fan that will connect to the general ventilation system at home. Some masters build a separate channel leading to the street or roof of the house;
  • installing an air conditioner with an antibacterial filter;
  • arrangement of a full-fledged system of supply and exhaust ventilation, but it is difficult and expensive.

When using the curtains as an additional ventilation is optional.

№9. Some tricks of a small dressing room

Designers have accumulated a lot of useful tips and effective ways to organize a small wardrobe space with maximum convenience and comfort:

The last barcode during the design of the dressing room is the selection of aromatic sachets, which will fill the room with a pleasant smell.

We will tell about 7 non-standard ideas of dressing room!

Wardrobe, it seems, the thing is unreal for the ordinary apartment. And only in a large house you can afford such a luxury. And here is not!

Fantasy, the skill of zoning and the designer smelter no one has canceled. And if you need to approach this issue, you can create a comfortable dressing room even in a small apartment.

Do not believe? Then read below.

Wardrobe in storage room

Why storage for storing unnecessary things when there is a balcony? (joke). And if seriously, in a small apartment storage room a good option for the dressing room.

Depending on the shape of the pantry, it can be equipped with storage systems:




In the linear system, as in the closet - racks are on the same wall. It is important to consider the number of shelves, boxes, rods.

If the room is narrow and elongated, the M-shaped system will suit. So, there remains a free place-pass to things located in the far side of the dressing room. It can be used to hide the ironing board or vacuum cleaner.

P-shaped storage is the optimal option for small rooms. Shelves, boxes, rods are located all over the perimeter of the pantry, i.e. 100% of space is activated.

Storeroom - the darkest room in the apartment. You can provide wardrobe point luminaires and wall lamps. Complete illumination for clothes (mini led light bulbs) and internal lighting of boxes (LED tapes).

Do not do without modules for storing shoes (organizers, stands), hangers with crossbars, bars and suites and holders for bags.

Wardrobe on the balcony

Do not sleep, from the fact that the balcony is empty, and the site does not allow him unnecessary things. What to do? There is a way out - we place a dressing room. Salvation for small apartments.

First of all, you need to prepare a balcony: glazed, and glass can be tinted, mirror, stained glass, so that the room is hidden from outside from prying eyes, as well as warm the walls and floor. So that the sunlight does not spoil things, the windows are worth hanging blinds or curtains.

To finish such a dressing room, a tree, natural stone or decorative brick is suitable.

For a small balcony, use narrow ceiling cabinets and mounted shelves. Under the windows you can arrange an end to storing shoes, the upper surface will serve as a sidushka.

If the balcony is medium in size, then we use any drawers, hangers, rods, wardrobes of the coupe. The side wall can be placed a small dressing table, hang a mirror, and on the windowsill put the stands with decorations.

Wardrobe under the stairs or podium

Harry Potter spent the first 11 years of his life under the stairs, he will confirm how much it is a multifunctional place. If seriously, you can now think that stairs and podiums are only about home and kilometer apartments. In fact, not quite so. This is an excellent example of a 9-square meter studio. Meter (Square even on our standards is very small) with a place to store under the stairs. More about it in this.

Behind the headboard

If the room is long and elongated, then the wardrobe behind the headboard is a good option.

Between the wall and sleeping place, we will build a partition, leaving the space of a width of at least a meter to the capital wall. The partition can be any: wooden, glass, drywall or just a dense curtain.

Depending on the area and your imagination in such a dressing room, you can place the rods between the floor and the ceiling, the cabinet with racks and boxes or shelves on the walls.

Wardrobe instead of zoning partition

In a studio apartment or in the studio partition - an indispensable thing. It shares the space on the zone. And if you make a dressing room from such a design, it turns out a double benefit!

True, you will have to follow the constant order in things, because they will be in sight. If you want to hide them, it is better to use a light curtain to do this.

Wardrobe in the corridor

Even in a tiny apartment of Carrie Bradshow managed to place all his wardrobe, and it is rather big, if you remember. How? It's just numerous outfits were in the passing.

In the photo project of the walkway

On both sides, set open storage systems, and the center remains. About drawers or doors worth forgetting, as this can interfere with free movement.

The system consists of wooden or plastic racks, open shelves, wicker baskets, drawers.

Designer's task: squeeze the maximum of the available square meters. As you can see from the selection, there are almost no hopeless case, there is everywhere where to eru's. So, even if you have a 20-meter kroch, feel free to contact the designer and devote time planning. This is for your home, well, in this case, for convenient storage of things. After all, calmer when things are, where to lie, right?