Electricity costs in a private home – we count them together. Solid fuel boiler for heating a private house Power NH and NE can be defined as

Installation of an EOU electric boiler in a heating system.


(Not a public offer)

Before connecting the boiler to the heating system, you must carefully read the instructions!

P Before installing the boiler, it is necessary to flush the heating system clean tap water to remove possible installation debris.


The boiler must be installed vertically, out of reach of children. Should remain above the boiler free place, for carrying out preventive work.

Connection diagram of the EOU boiler to the radiator heating system.

1 – Boiler

2 – Control panel + thermostat

3 – Circulation pump

4 – Expansion tank + safety group

5 – Shut-off valves

6 – Radiator

7 – Drain tap

8 -Pipe 20 mm ( outside diameter)

9 - Pipe 25 mm ( outside diameter)

The boiler kit includes:

1. Boiler

2. Control panel

3. Operating instructions

To control the heating temperature of the boiler (up to 60 degrees Celsius with the ability to program the boiler for every daysold separately (Available on site)

IMPORTANT! To control the boilers, it is necessary to set the Thermoregulator settings to work only with the coolant temperature sensor. Turn off the air sensor!

Prohibited! Install taps, shut-off or control valves in the area from the boiler outlet to the expansion tank (without additional installed valve pressure relief, safety groups). FThere is no need to install a coarse filter on the system, because if it becomes dirty, the circulation of the coolant is reduced, which will lead to overheating of the coolant.

Not recommended: Installation of the boiler in a system with large-volume radiator batteries (such as Soviet cast iron) with a total system capacity of more than 70 liters and aluminum radiators(over time, aluminum oxide is released which negatively affects the stable operation of the boiler).

We recommend: Use regular bimetallic radiators, plastic pipes fiberglass reinforced, with a diameter corresponding to the connection diagram, fill the system only with standard Coterm Eco antifreeze.

Power connection:

To connect the boiler from the power supply input, a cable with a cross-section of at least 4 mm 2 is required, connected through a separate input circuit breaker with a nominal value of 30A (the use of an RCD is not permitted). Check that the supply cables are correctly marked and follow them when connecting the boiler. Protective grounding must be performed with a resistance of no more than 4 ohms from copper wire cross section 4-6 mm 2. The boiler must be connected in compliance with all PUE and fire safety rules.

Turning on the boiler and selecting the operating mode

1. Turn on the automatic switch on the boiler control panel

2. Set the required temperature on the thermostat. After reaching the set temperature, the boiler will turn off automatically and turn on when the temperature in the system drops 4 degrees below the value set on the thermostat.

Electricity consumption directly depends on the set temperature value; the higher the set temperature, the greater the consumption. The boiler will reach its declared power rating when the coolant temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius.

For example: A 6 kW boiler will reach a consumption power of 6 kW when the coolant temperature in the system reaches 50-55 degrees Celsius. Electricity consumption at a given 30 degrees of heating on the thermostat will be approximately 3 kW.

Advantages of a 6 kW boiler

1. Super savings - the main advantage of EOU electrode boilers is their super-efficiency, which distinguishes them from the products of their closest competitors. Innovative patented technology for heating liquids allows achieving high efficiency of up to 99% (1 liter of water in 30 seconds), making it possible to heat rooms large area from 120 to 220 sq. meters (depending on the boiler model) from a 380 volt network, consuming significantly less electricity (depending on the selected temperature regime work). We offer an electric boiler with unique properties, superior in saving electricity to any heating element and induction boilers by at least 30-40% and close in their economic and operational indicators to use gas equipment.

Efficiency calculationelectric boiler

The efficiency of an electric boiler when heating water can be determined as follows:

where N H is the power required to heat water flowing through an electric boiler with mass flow G B from the initial temperature T H to the final temperature T K, W;

Power NH and NE can be defined as:

N H= G BxCR,UD(H 2 O x (T K - T N));N E = I x U.

where С Р,УД – isobaric specific heat capacity of water, for technical calculations it is recommended С Р,УД = 4180 J/K,

I, U – current strength and voltage drop in the electrical circuit of the electric water heater, then:

1st experiment:

2nd experiment:

3rd experiment:

4th experiment:

2. The perfect solution for those who do not have gas supply - on this moment most relatively in an inexpensive way heating houses is the use of gas. However, if you look at it, this method also has its disadvantages:

High cost of gas equipment;

High cost of connection to the gas main;

Mandatory approval for installation and connection is required;

Fire hazard;

In addition, gas is becoming more expensive every year and, according to some experts, prices for gas and electricity may become equal as early as 2020. These factors make the installation of gas equipment unprofitable.

Heating comparison standard house area of ​​70 m2 in different ways.

Installation and maintenance price (RUB).



Connecting equipment


Equipment (radiators, pipes, fittings, etc.)

The savings are:

Heating season in Moscow and the Moscow region - end of September / end of May (8 months)

Price per kWh of electricity

With the money saved you can buy kW/hours

The average electricity consumption of a KOTERM boiler using automation is ...

This means that the amount of electricity saved when using the Coterm boiler during the heating season will be enough for...

Or if you use the boiler only on weekends during the heating season, the saved amount of electricity will be enough for…..

* (calculation was made in 2013 prices)

3. Electrode technology allows you to set power consumption based on a given temperature – The boiler reaches maximum power consumption only when the highest recommended temperature of 55 degrees Celsius is set on the thermostat. Up to this value, the boiler will consume significantly less electricity - in proportion to the set temperature.

4. Compactand easy to use and install Due to its small size, there is no need for a separate technical room. For example: can be installed under a sink or stairs. Installing the boiler requires minimal labor (See installation instructions).

5. Inexpensive due to its unique structure and use polymer materials The boiler has a relatively low cost compared to similar boilers on the market.

6. Durabilityboiler operation and minimum maintenance Preventative maintenance of the boiler and replacement of the coolant in the heating system must be carried out no more than 3 times summer term operation. Before the start of the season, if necessary (in case of leaks), it is necessary to fill the system with coolant.

7. Coolant (Antifreeze) KOTERM ECO prevents defrosting of the heating system– all seasonal, environmentally friendly coolant COTERM ECO containing special components that protect your heating system from corrosion and freezing in winter period, and will also ensure long and stable operation of the electric boiler.

8. Remoteboiler heating control - If you have installed the boiler under a sink, stairs, in a basement or technical room, there is no need to access the boiler to control the heating temperature; this can be done remotely. The thermostat can be installed in a place convenient for you (for example: in the bathroom, living room, kitchen, etc.). The thermostat has the function internal memory set temperature, which allows the device to turn on independently from the set value, without outsiders turning on the device again, in cases short-term shutdown network electricity. This function can save your home and heating system from defrosting during your absence.

9. Using a boiler with a heated water floor system - will allow you to be independent from the use of a centralized heating system, use heated floors in the off-season, and also set a floor heating temperature that is comfortable for you.

10. Silentand safe boilers operate silently, with correct installation and operation are fire and electrical safe, certified for use.

2.2. Heating schemes for a house with an area of ​​120 to 250 m2

The most common type of house in our time. For heating, traditional heating should be used. water heating. In the figure shown. 2 heating scheme two-story house The basic elements found in any room design were used. Note that if it is possible to heat with gas, you should use a modern wall-mounted boiler, for example, Ariston, Vaillant, Beretta. Let’s say right away that there are no “good” or “bad” boilers (the rest, not mentioned in the list, will most likely heat poorly), there is poor installation and poor service.

Rice. 2. Two-pipe scheme with a central distribution line

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1. Classification of heating systems Everyone who determines what kind of heating system should be has two main criteria: 1) the area of ​​the heated room, depending on whether it is a permanent home or, for example, a hunting or garden lodge; 2) availability and type

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2. House heating schemes 2.1. Heating scheme for a house with an area of ​​up to 100 m2 As mentioned above, this category is suitable for small buildings in which, as a rule, people do not live permanently, but come for weekends, holidays, etc. Previously, such houses were heated with stoves

From the author's book

2.1. Heating scheme for a house with an area of ​​up to 100 m2 As mentioned above, this category is suitable for small buildings in which, as a rule, people do not live permanently, but come for weekends, holidays, etc. Previously, such houses were heated using AOGV stoves or boilers . However

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2.3. Heating scheme for a house with an area of ​​up to 400–500 m2 This type of structure is the most serious both in construction and in equipment engineering communications. It would be correct to precede all work with thermal and hydraulic calculations. Obviously, for rooms with the same volume

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Appendix 3. Example of a water heating system for an individual residential building. Two residential floors (Fig. A.1, A.2) and the heated part of the basement (Fig. A.3) have a total area of ​​216 m2. (In Fig.: 1, 2, 3 – vertical construction axes; A, B, C, D – horizontal; 20, 32, 40 – pipe diameters; 1000/500K22 –

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Why in England can the owner of a two million pound house have an old cheap car, while in Russia a person may not have a house, but will have a Porsche? DMITRY GOLOLOBOVDirector of Gololobov and Co (London), former head of the legal department of YUKOSIn fact, the reasons for this

It’s easy to calculate how much money is spent on electricity in an apartment. You go to the meter and look - and so on every month. What's in the apartment? Washing machine, TV, computer and a dozen light bulbs.

A completely different song - a private house. It is sometimes impossible to understand where such a figure comes from in a month, even for those who live in the house.

What if you are still a city dweller? If you still have plans to build, and you are afraid that you will not be able to maintain it?

This is where our top-down calculations will help you - where the electricity goes in a private home.

Cost of heating with electricity in a house

The most expensive item of expense in a private home is the cost if you have heating with an electric boiler. With the cost of 1 kilowatt per hour around 3 rubles, let’s calculate how much it will cost.

For simplicity, let’s calculate the area of ​​the house as 100 square meters. And then everyone will be able to calculate how much it will cost him to heat his house with a specific area.

For every 10 square meters of a well-insulated house, you will need 1 kilowatt of electric boiler power. For 100 square meters you will need a boiler with a capacity of at least 10 kilowatts.

Electricity consumption is 10 kilowatts per hour - the boiler will operate continuously. Total 240 kilowatt-hours per day. If you have frosts below -30C for a month, then your electric boiler will consume 7200 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Isn't it weak? More than 7 megawatts per month! Which will cost you more than 20 thousand rubles just to heat your home.

However, in practice such frosts are middle lane Russia and even the Urals no more than 1-2 weeks during the winter. Sometimes, in some winters, however, there are prolonged frosty periods, as, for example, in the winter of 2013.

The rest of the time, when winter temperatures fluctuate at -15C -20C, the boiler operates half the time. That is, your approximate costs for heating a house of 100 square meters will be equal to 10 thousand rubles per month.

These are the winter months - December, January and February. In November and March, the boiler will operate only 8 hours a day at full capacity, or gradually consume only a third of the electricity. This means that in November and March your electricity costs for heating your house will be approximately 6-7 thousand rubles.

In October and April, the cost of heating with electricity will be completely insignificant - 2-3 thousand rubles.

Let's summarize - the total cost of heating a well-insulated house with an area of ​​100 square meters in central Russia and the Urals will be 50-60 thousand rubles for the entire heating season. And the practice of heating with electricity confirms this.

Of course, if you have or heat your house with a solid fuel boiler, then you can omit these calculations.

Cost of lighting in a private house

If you install energy-saving lamps with an average power of 13-15 watts in all the lamps in your house, which is equivalent ordinary lamp 75 watts, then your costs for lighting your home will be within very reasonable limits.

In winter, lighting works 10 hours a day, and in summer period– 3-5 hours, excluding external lighting. Of course, if you install outdoor lighting correctly and equip it with light and motion sensors, then external lighting will work no more than the internal one.

So, you have a house of 100 sq.m., in which you have approximately 20 lamps with a power of 15 watts. That's only 300 watts per hour. With an average lighting time of 7 hours (both in winter and summer), this is only 2 kilowatts per day or 60 kilowatts per month.

That is, the cost of lighting 100 square meters will amount to no more than 200 rubles per month.

Cost of electricity in the kitchen

If you don't have gas, you'll have to cook with electricity. Modern electric stoves highly efficient, but they also consume 5 to 7 kilowatts of electricity per hour at full power.

The approximate cost of cooking with electricity will be from 300 to 500 rubles per month, regardless of the size of your home.

Other electricity costs in a private home

Heating system circulation pump, boiler automation, VOC compressors, TVs, satellite receiver, computers, washing machine, phone chargers are all consumers of electricity in a private home. And they all require kilowatts, although not much. It will cost you approximately 200 to 300 rubles per month to maintain these devices.

The climate control company Termomir offers a wide range of electric boilers of various capacities. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the right boiler model.

Electric boilers are designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating), various administrative, commercial and industrial facilities ranging from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating optimally where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case problems arise with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block heating elements, control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to their compact size and light weight, electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room, and installation is allowed in utility or utility rooms, storerooms, kitchens, basements, and even in living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to use and do not create harmful emissions and foreign odors, do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning and regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on stable availability of electricity and high demands on quality and reliability electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of electricity costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used at a minimum, in winter - at full capacity. Thanks to the built-in automation, the boiler will not operate continuously, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

To select an electric boiler, you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
To select a specific electric boiler model, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently, our company’s product range includes both the best electric boilers from European manufacturers and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

See also:

When purchasing or building country cottage The question of heating the building in the cold season always arises. It is not always possible to connect to the gas distribution network or benefit from central heating. In this case, a solid fuel boiler for heating a private house is one of the most practical options. Due to the significant increase in electricity prices, purchasing solid fuel for the heating system is more profitable.

Types of solid fuel boilers

Today on the market there are various heating equipment, which is based on the combustion of solid raw materials. Depending on the energy source used, the following types are distinguished:

  • Coal. Coal briquettes, hard and brown coal, and anthracite can be used as fuel. The equipment is quite affordable and easy to use. An undoubted advantage coal unit is highly efficient.
  • Pyrolysis. The boilers operate on solid biological fuel. The raw material undergoes a pyrolysis process, resulting in heat combustion and, as a result, high efficiency (80-90%).
  • Pellet. Such boilers belong to high-power equipment. They are not only suitable for heating country house, but also for the implementation of a mini-boiler room. The energy carrier for such units is special granules made from wood peat. At correct use boiler efficiency reaches 90%.

Equipment materials

Modern manufacturers use high-quality, heavy-duty materials for the manufacture of boilers - cast iron and steel. Each of them has its own advantages. It is impossible to clearly determine which is better.

Cast iron, thanks to its high resistance to external influences environment, has a long service life, about 30-40 years. But chemically aggressive substances formed as a result of fuel combustion destroy the firebox from the inside. In order to maximize the service life of cast iron equipment, proper design and installation of the boiler is necessary.

Steel boilers are also resistant to temperature changes and exposure external factors. Equipment made of steel is strong and durable. But such units are suitable for arranging open heating systems, in which there is no occurrence of high pressure.

Solid fuel boilers for heating a private home are presented in a wide range in our online store. Among the presented models, it is easy to select and buy equipment that suits a specific case. We offer only affordable prices for all units we sell.