Houses made of stone - a unique charm and reliability. Combined houses: combination options and construction features

AT recent times the construction of residential cottages according to the technology known in the regions is gaining popularity. These are combined houses made of stone and wood. Projects with a garage and utility rooms, foundation options and diversity modern materials make it possible to build a full-fledged two-story house.

Benefits of ancient building technology

Initially, from stone and wood (projects and incarnations) appeared in the Alpine mountains. Firstly, exclusively for practical purposes, the lower one was laid out from cobblestone, which is always plentiful in mountainous areas. Secondly, only the walls of stone in contact with winter snows does not threaten excessive moisture and destruction. Traditionally, the first floor was reserved for household needs, and living quarters were located on the second. The upper tier was built of wood, which retains heat well. There were bedrooms, guest rooms and other living quarters.

Similar methods of construction, projects of houses, combined of stone and wood, were widely used by merchants in cities. pre-revolutionary Russia. A warehouse with goods and a store were located on the lower floor, while the family lived on the upper, more convenient floor. This provided not only comfortable living, but also the safety of valuable property in case of fire.

How to make a new, spacious and modern house out of an old house

It is possible to reconstruct and increase the area of ​​an old but solid cottage not only by adding outbuildings. Projects of houses combined of stone and wood give a chance to modernize the dwelling by increasing the number of storeys of the building and preserving lower walls. At the same time, it is important to adhere to a certain sequence in the use of materials: the upper structures should be lighter than the lower ones. It is recommended to use the following pairs:

  • stone or brick + solid log or timber;
  • tree + frame floor;
  • monolith + SIP panels.

One of the most important requirements that must be met by projects of houses combined from stone and wood is the correct joining of the lower and upper tiers. Location bearing walls both floors must necessarily match. Otherwise, during the operation of the building, it is impossible to avoid unpleasant consequences. When joining external walls from different materials it is important to ensure reliability, vapor barrier and insulation of transitions.

How to replace traditional materials

Combined houses made of stone and wood, the projects of which are offered by construction companies, are now being built in different climatic zones. Given the characteristics of the soil, the type of foundation is selected: tape or pile. Instead of stone, brick, foam concrete, wood concrete or blocks of porous ceramics are now used.

A solid log, for reasons of budget savings, is replaced with glued laminated timber or SIP panels.

Arranging in ground floor a garage, a boiler room or a kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, children's rooms and other living quarters are traditionally placed above them: it's more convenient, and warmer, and more comfortable.

What are the additional benefits of alpine technology

Building a two-story cottage is a costly business. Almost all combined houses made of stone and wood (projects, photos, real buildings) are an example of how you can cut costs. In addition to saving money, this technology has several other advantages:

  1. Wooden walls raised to a height, roof overhangs are protected from the moisture of natural precipitation.
  2. An increase in the usable area of ​​the building is possible with a real cost reduction.
  3. Projects of houses, combined of stone and wood, enable their inhabitants to live cool in summer and warm in winter.
  4. The first, heavier, floor provides the building with fire safety and stability, the second - an abundance of light, fresh air and ecology.
  5. original and beautiful appearance buildings.

The use of combinations of modern building materials and the described rules for the construction of an alpine chalet make it possible to build a beautiful, comfortable and beautiful residential building using an old, time-tested technology.

In modern times, there are many ideas that are taken into account in the matter of construction. A house made of foam blocks and wood often becomes the choice of land owners who want to build an unusual, at the same time budgetary and aesthetically beautiful structure for living or recreation.

The project of the house from foam blocks and wood

Such structures have many advantages. They will be especially noted by those who have already become the owner of a house made of foam blocks and wood. Such buildings serve for many years and never cease to amaze with their remarkable and reliability. This shelter can rightfully be called an excellent option, as well as wonderful place for permanent residence.

Often, a material such as a foam block is chosen for. This material has a lot of factors that favor the choice of this particular raw material for the construction of a residential building structure. Reasons why they are popular:

All these plus sides of foam concrete blocks indicate that it is not in vain that many rely on this species building material.

Disadvantages of foam concrete blocks

Along with a huge number of advantages, like all building materials, foam concrete blocks also have a number of disadvantages.

Existing types and sizes of concrete blocks

These are:

As you can see, there are much fewer disadvantages than advantages, and besides, you can handle the material in such a way that you don’t even have to remember about the negative sides.

An example of a house built entirely of foam concrete

What are the advantages of log houses

Often found in private areas. Projects of timber structures are presented on the modern market in a wide range. It is not surprising that such houses are built by people with different levels financial opportunities. Moreover, this material has whole line advantages, due to which the bet is made on it:

These advantages help the owners of land plots to decide exactly what exactly such structures are worthy, to have their place on the territory of their plots.

Interior and design of a timber cottage

Disadvantages of houses
Along with the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages. Everything should be weighed so as not to be in the red:

Advantages of combined houses made of foam block and wood

The ideal solution for those who cannot decide on the choice of material for construction is construction combined houses from foam blocks and wood. It is fundamentally new idea, which will help to eliminate all possible disadvantages of the two materials and use only their advantages. The positive aspects that are dominated by combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are:

  • Rational use of both materials;
    Finishing a house made of wood and foam blocks

  • Thanks to the combination, the first floor is durable and does not corrosive. The second floor, the main material of which is wood, creates a harmonious atmosphere in space and provides the construction of the house with new trends in architectural ideas;
  • A building constructed from combinations of two materials is advantageous in terms of pricing policy. Both types of raw materials are quite affordable, and their the right combination will help to avoid possible shortcomings that each of the materials has;

  • have a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The exterior of such structures looks attractive and modern;
  • Also, houses made of wood and foam concrete blocks, thanks to new technology, combine durability and environmentally friendly space.
    A variant of the project and construction of a combined two-story cottage

In general, we can say with confidence that combined houses are a worthy solution for those who prefer durability and reliability, and also like to correctly allocate their budget.

It is combined houses that become the choice of those who prefer a reasonable expenditure of funds and the organization of a harmonious, thoughtful space.

Features of the construction of combined houses from foam blocks and wood

Of course, the construction of combined houses has its own characteristics. Due to these features, the choice often falls on this type of structure. These are:

  • Construction speed;
  • erect combined house quite easily, even a person who previously had no experience in construction can cope with the task. Of course, if there are no skills at all in the matter of construction, then it is better to turn to professionals for help;
    An example of the construction of the second floor with closed balcony

    The process of building a building from a foam block

  • The construction of a combined house according to a pre-selected project will not be difficult ... The most important thing is to think over all the details at the design selection stage;
  • When a house is built according to the project, the owner of the land allotment does not have to purchase materials for the house with a margin. This will help to significantly save the budget and become the owner of a magnificent "fortress" in which both rest and life are unusual and filled with harmony;
  • Combined houses should be built in stages. This will allow the structure to take on the necessary stability and adapt to the environment;
    The process of building a combined house from a bar

  • First of all, of course, it is organized. Due to the lightness of the design, the “pillow” for the building will be inexpensive. Materials that do not give a high load on the basis of the structure will significantly;
  • The next stage in the construction of combined structures is the laying of foam concrete blocks. This material must be handled with great care. This will help not to bear additional costs for the purchase of additional units of raw materials spoiled during the laying process;
    The process of laying concrete blocks

  • After the foam concrete blocks are laid, it should be a short time leave the design. Foam concrete blocks must acquire stability and adapt to the prevailing climatic situation;
  • Then you can start building the second floor. Sometimes in combined houses it is supposed to erect the entire structure from wooden beams and then finishing finished building foam concrete blocks over wood. In this case, the steps are clear.
    If each of the blocks (foam concrete blocks and wood) is separate, then the construction of the second floor will require additional efforts from the owner of the land plot or from the construction company. Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood should be built deliberately, carefully fulfilling the requirements for the density and adhesion of materials;
  • After the second floor is ready, the owners of the land plot can move into a residential building.

Design and project of a residential country cottage

These are just some of the features of combined houses. Full list instructions on the construction of such buildings are best obtained from experienced craftsmen in this matter. Video review of a combined house made of wood and foam blocks.

Houses made of stone and wood appeared a long time ago. Currently, such houses are becoming more and more popular in.

- this is usually where the first floor is brick or stone, and the second floor is wooden.

Project two-story house from stone and wood

To build it, use or. Each floor has its own distinctive features. They can be characterized as follows:

  1. First floor. It is characterized as a practical building. It is quite strong and stable, well suited for placing a bathroom, kitchen in it.
  2. Second floor. Very warm and comfortable floor, ideal for living. Very well suited for the location in it of bedrooms, an office.

Wood and stone - their description and properties

Both types of these building materials have their advantages and disadvantages:

The combination of these two materials solves many practical problems, and also helps to compensate for the disadvantages of one material, while emphasizing the advantages of the other.

Advantages and disadvantages of combined houses

Houses built of wood in combination with brick, like all other buildings and structures, have both their pluses and minuses. The advantages of a combined house include the following indicators:

The disadvantages of combined buildings include such a significant minus as different dates exploitation of wood and stone. The wooden walls are habitable for half a century. If the walls were built from shields or in the form of a frame, then their service life will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, after a certain period of time, the moment still comes when the first brick floor is still strong and reliable, and the second wooden floor is already in need of repair.

In order to extend the life of a tree, it is necessary for construction to choose only high-quality, well-dried and. And also it is necessary to think over the drainage system from the walls. At each stage of construction, monitor the tightness of all sections on the racks and beams of the building.

Since ancient times, wood and stone have been materials for the construction of housing, without losing popularity. Timber and brick houses are an example of a combined project. A stone building is particularly durable and will last for several generations, a wooden one will show excellent heat saving properties. If both of these materials are used in the construction, revealing the properties as much as possible, we will get a project that deserves attention, which has additional advantages.

Pros and cons of houses made of brick and timber

The project of a combined house made of brick and timber has many advantages compared to buildings made of homogeneous material. However, do not forget about the cons:

  • the appearance is different from the classic buildings;
  • selection construction team from universal workers or the use of the labor of professionals for two types of raw materials;
  • the complexity of installation when moving from one material to another, the quality of their connection.

achieve effective use all the advantages are real, if you correctly arrange the materials and perform them with high quality construction works. Projects of combined houses made of brick and wood are indispensable for difficult types of terrain where flooding is not uncommon: in ravines, near water bodies and at the foot of hills. After all, drying a brick first floor is much easier than a log one.

Wood as a material is especially sensitive to moisture and prone to cracking, so do not neglect processing. special formulations and impregnations.

Characteristics of houses made of combined materials

By insulating the brickwork, you can solve the problem with the rapid cooling of the room.

Each construction material has its pros and cons, and by intelligently arranging brick and wood in one project, they achieve the maximum result. A combined project is better protected from adverse weather than a house made of wooden bricks or from timber. Combined projects combine everything best properties and benefit from the use of two different materials. Undoubtedly, a house made of glued laminated timber is initially warmer, but masonry insulation measures solve this problem.


The microclimate created by wood is incomparably superior to brick rooms, so it is better to choose it for construction living rooms and bedrooms. Such material is eco-friendly, breathes, retains heat in cold period and cool to warm. Parts of the living area intended for the kitchen, bathroom and corridors should be made of brick. This approach makes sense. combined projects. The combination of wood for areas of increased comfort with masonry, for rooms of short stay, allows you to save a lot, without sacrificing comfort.


If the first timber floor is overlaid with brick, then it will last much longer.

The increased strength of the brick floor gives the combined houses additional reliability during operation. Brick is less exposed to adverse weather conditions, is much more resistant to moisture and does not require additional maintenance compared to wooden walls. brick plinth unlike wood, it is minimally susceptible to deformation when wet, which will preserve the integrity of the entire building. Even a house made of glued laminated timber is not able to stay in a humid environment for a long time. timber house at the level of the first floor, lined with brick, acquires the characteristics of a combined one, which prolongs its durability, provides reliable protection and simplifies maintenance.


Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber have an increased level fire safety. Since the rooms potentially carrying a fire hazard (kitchen, boiler room) are located on the basement floor and are built of stone. Such walls prevent the rapid spread of fire, which will allow timely localization of the fire and prevent it from spreading to wooden rooms.

Construction speed

Houses made of brick and wood require less time to build a box. If the foundation and masonry take time for the concrete to set and the mortar to dry between the bricks, then wooden second floor allows you to complete the assembly in a few days. A timber wall does not require interior decoration, time on the wooden floor also takes a minimum, therefore, immediately after summing up the communications, such a room is suitable for living.

Issue price

wooden floor heats up faster and cools down more slowly, which saves on its insulation.

The lion's share of the cost of construction is materials, so savings on this item of expenditure will greatly facilitate the construction budget. It is more cost-effective to build a combined house of brick and timber than completely brick building. A lighter weight wooden second floor makes it possible to use a simplified view of the foundation, which will reduce its cost by half. Premises made of wood are able to warm up quickly and retain heat for a long time, which saves on insulation costs. In addition, houses made of bricks and logs depend in price on which brick is used red or silicate, the second floor is made of logs, round timber or glued beams are used.

During the construction of a combined house, the lower floor is made using stone, and the upper one is constructed from wood. Such a design makes it possible to fully implement all positive sides selected materials and avoid the appearance of their negative features.

Service life

The stone is used due to the fact that it is very durable, has a long service life, does not rot, and also does not begin to deteriorate from the influence of water and moisture. It is worth noting that many people are often not comfortable in stone buildings. Moving from an apartment outside the city, I want to feel more comfort. It is a little more difficult to heat a stone structure than a wooden one, but the reliability of the structure fully compensates for this shortcoming.

The tree, in turn, has a positive effect on the atmosphere inside, making the cottage more comfortable and warm, and also perfectly regulates the humidity in the room. Wooden house creates a more emotional and personal feeling of home than typical high-rise buildings with neighbors from all sides. Some people are intimidated by the fact that wood is a great burning material, and is also afraid of exposure to moisture, fungi, small rodents or termites, but with modern technologies All these problems have already been solved.

Houses made of stone and wood perfectly combine such an original base and upper floors, which makes it possible to eliminate two birds with one stone, dividing the functionality of wood and stone in such a way as to get the advantages of each material. Such a structure also has a very non-standard, stylish and original appearance, which its owners will not fail to like.

Where to put wooden structures, and where brick

You need to build an inexpensive combined house correctly. The first floor of the building is made using brickwork. most efficient and good decision there will be an arrangement of insulation with the method of a ventilated facade. Also can be used aerated concrete blocks. Thus, on the first floor it is worth installing the most “flammable” rooms, such as a kitchen, a hall with a fireplace, a sauna, and a place for cars.

The attic floor is being built using wood. Most often, logs, glued or profiled timber, unplaned timber with finishing and insulation are used. From above, the wood is securely covered by large roof awnings, and it is a whole floor away from the damp earth. Thanks to special protective coatings such wood can last a very long time without spoiling or aging. Therefore, on this floor, with greater comfort and better ecology, it is worth placing living quarters.

With great responsibility, it is necessary to approach the choice of decoration inside the house, so that the stone and wooden parts of the house blend harmoniously with each other. However, you should not create a monotonous interior, it is better to emphasize the advantages of each of the materials. Such buildings inside are equipped in the “country” style, which will effectively emphasize the advantages of materials, as well as natural forms.

How to build a combined house inexpensively

The price of building a house depends on:

  • materials that you decide to choose for construction;
  • your design requirements;
  • site location;
  • building area.

By choosing high-quality and reliable performers, you can build a real dream cottage!

Combined Vacation home- This is always an attractive building that has been popular for many years. For the first time, such buildings began to appear in the Middle Ages in the Alps, they were erected by shepherds during wintering. Gradually, they began to gain popularity throughout Europe, until they reached our country. The "chalet" style allows designers to show all their creativity and imagination. For example, the upper floor can be decorated in a medieval style.

Prices for the construction of combined houses in the company "Vitoslavitsa"

In our company, the prices for turnkey combined houses are very affordable for everyone. We can carry out both standard options, prepared in advance by our specialists, and the construction of houses according to private drawings, which will be developed in strict accordance with your wishes.

Vitoslavitsa company builds country houses in the best Russian traditions, improving their professionalism and introducing new ones into each subsequent project engineering solutions and creative thoughts. If you want to order the construction of a combined house in Moscow, then perhaps it's time to turn your desire into reality by contacting us.

We can bring to your attention typical combined buildings or implement individual project turnkey houses.

Advantages of combined houses

A combined house is a harmonious symbiosis of the solidity and aristocracy of stone with the natural warmth of wood, which provides the exterior of the housing with a wonderful appearance, and the interior with an inimitable atmosphere saturated with coziness and comfort. However, this is not all, with which these buildings have earned an excellent reputation and secured wide popularity.

The main advantages of such houses include the following:

  • Saving. From brick (sometimes from clay adobe, river shell rock or cinder blocks), only the first floor is built, and the second is made of wood. Such an architectural solution provides a relatively low weight of the structure and, as a result, no need for a very expensive foundation. Moreover, the cost of building a second floor also using stone is usually much higher than the cost of using wood materials.
  • High fire safety. Obviously, wood is a combustible material, but the construction of the first floor, where the kitchen, fireplace, boiler room is usually located, from stone significantly reduces the risk of fire, and if necessary, it simplifies the localization of the hearth.
  • Durability. The brick has an extremely high resistance to destruction under the influence of moisture and is characterized by mechanical strength. In turn, timber and wood composites manufactured at Vitoslavitsa are also highly resistant to negative influences. environment and mechanical stress, however, reducing the frequency and intensity of such impacts only increases the service life of the house.
  • All season comfort. Combined houses made of stone and wood retain heat well. In the same time latest material contributes to the stabilization of humidity in the room, thanks to which a comfortable microclimate is achieved in the premises.

Construction stages

If you do not take into account the development of the project, then the construction of any capital building It starts with building the foundation. In this case best options are buried tape and slab.

  • The beginning of the construction of walls made of stone (as mentioned above, materials such as brick, clay adobe, river shell rock, cinder block);
  • Installation of floor coverings;
  • Completion of the construction of stone walls;
  • Installation of wall coverings;
  • Assembling the second floor (using a rounded log, glued or profiled timber);
  • Mounting load-bearing structure roofs;
  • Arrangement of thermal, steam and waterproofing, as well as installation of roof ventilation;
  • Roofing;
  • Summing up engineering networks and systems;
  • Exterior and interior decoration of the house.

Advantages of ordering combined houses from Vitoslavitsa

  • Rich choice beautiful houses: we can implement both the projects of combined houses presented on our website, and develop an exclusive solution for you.
  • Availability own production: this allows us not only to guarantee the quality of the materials used, but also to provide you with the maximum benefit from cooperation with us.
  • Impeccable reputation: for more than 5 years Vitoslavitsa has been building private houses, and during this time we have made more than 150 customers satisfied.