What is the best way to turn on the air conditioner in the car in summer. Efficient use of car air conditioning

Today, more and more cars have air conditioning. In our climatic conditions, this is often not an extra device. In summer, the temperature outside can often exceed 30 degrees, and it is sometimes impossible to stay in a car that has been in open space for a long time after a long parking. Owners of vehicles with air conditioners in the cabin feel completely different. The presence of this device significantly increases the comfort of travel, especially in extreme heat, and even in city traffic jams, when open windows do not alleviate the situation, but only introduce noise and exhaust gases. However, the use of this device also requires compliance with certain rules for its operation.

Air conditioner for car

The vehicle cooling system is a completely sealed system that is filled with refrigerant and compressor oil. Freon has always been used as a refrigerant, in modern models it is most often R134a, but there may be some other substances. Instructions for use warns: when replacing or mixing different liquids is strictly prohibited. This will definitely lead to damage.

If for any reason the tightness of this device is broken, then further operation of the unit will be impossible.

The owner of the car must carefully monitor his equipment and carry out its control in a timely manner.

The operation of an air conditioner is practically the same as that of a refrigerator. The compressor is the heart of the air conditioner. It is he who drives freon or other gas through all pipes and highways. In modern models, this is perhaps the only moving component. The correct operation of the cooling device is monitored by several sensors. In the event that there are problems with the compressor, then this can be recognized by unexpected noise at the location of this node.

Another cause of failure may be a violation of tightness, and hence the leakage of coolant. Knowing this fact, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive inspection of the entire and timely replace gradually wearing parts, gaskets and seals.

It is important to remember that not only refrigerant is poured into the air conditioner, but also oil. It is designed to lubricate all parts of the mechanism. If the air conditioner is not turned on for a long time, the oil may freeze and stop lubricating the components and gaskets. As a result of such a process, parts of the air conditioner may be destroyed, and the refrigerant will naturally leak. Air conditioner manufacturers recommend running the system at least once a week for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to turn on the air conditioner for preventive purposes even in winter. This will allow timely lubrication of parts and prevent their premature destruction.

What is Air Conditioner Diagnosis?

  1. In order to be sure that the cooling system is in perfect order, it is necessary to check the refrigerant level.
  2. In the event that its level is below the prescribed norm, the cooling process will be less effective. In the most critical cases, this can also signal the failure of some components of the cooling system, namely the air conditioner radiator (condenser), pressure line or even the compressor. Partial depressurization in the form of small cracks may have occurred in the system. The presence of this problem will also be indicated by oil streaks on the tubes of the air conditioner.
  3. Another reason for the lack of refrigerant gas may be an untimely refueling. Given that freon and its analogues are gaseous substances, it is quite natural that during the operation of the air conditioner they can simply evaporate. In this case, everything is solved by the usual additional topping up of coolant. Here it is important to carefully read the recommendations of the manufacturers on the frequency of topping up and try to follow them. In new cars, the frequency of topping up is once every two to three years. Over time, this will have to be done more often.
  4. When diagnosing, it is also important to check if fungi have formed on the evaporator. Of course, their presence will not lead to mechanical failure of the cooling equipment, but using the air conditioner will become not only unpleasant, but also extremely unsafe for health. When you turn on the cooling, the entire interior will literally be filled with the smell of mold or “wet dog”. This problem can be solved by simply disinfecting the evaporator and replacing all filters. This service is provided by almost all automotive service centers. Although some craftsmen prefer to do everything on their own.

Rules for using air conditioning in a car

Having a fully functional cooling system for the car interior, you must also follow the rules for using the air conditioner in the car. This will help to avoid completely unexpected troubles in the form of tonsillitis, vasospasm, etc. These rules include:

  1. Interior ventilation. If the car was in the sun and it warmed up very much, you should not turn on the climate system at full power immediately after you start the engine. Manufacturers recommend opening all windows for ten minutes and ventilating the interior. Then the windows are closed and you can turn on the air conditioner in the car by one, and set the temperature controller to an average level. After a few minutes, you can switch to a deuce and to the lowest possible temperature. It is advisable to do all this during, the way it removes part of the load directly from the air conditioner, and the desired temperature in the cabin will come much faster.
  2. Do not direct chilled air onto the glass. This rule is especially true when the temperature of the atmosphere rises above 25 degrees. With the wrong direction of the air stream, a critical temperature difference can occur, which will lead to the formation of small microcracks on the glass. This process will gradually progress, and the cracks will soon begin to increase.
  3. The cooling mode must be correct. Many people are concerned about the question of how not to get sick from the included air conditioner in the car, but everything is quite simple. Doctors strongly do not recommend staying in the cabin for a long time when the climate system is operating at maximum mode. Very low temperatures can cause hypothermia and, as a result, colds. After a quick cooling of the interior, it is very desirable to set the regulator to “one” and increase the temperature regime to 20 or 22 degrees. In the event that the climate system has mechanical regulation, and not digital, it is best to put the regulator in the middle. The air flow is optimally directed to the legs. All these activities will help everyone who is in the passenger compartment not to catch a cold and not get a runny nose or sore throat.
  4. Air flow regulation. In the event that there is a need for rapid cooling of the car interior, it is best to turn on the air circulation in the internal mode. By doing this, we force the air to move in a closed cycle, and the air flow from behind the "board" of the car is completely limited. Most often, this method is used at very high air temperatures or if the vehicle is parked.
  5. Correctly distribute the flow of cooled air. All air ducts of cars are equipped with deflectors - a kind of curtains. They are designed to adjust the direction of incoming air flows and it is very desirable to direct them correctly and adjust the intensity of the flows. The goal of the car owner will be the correct distribution of these flows for uniform cooling of the entire interior.

Additional fuel consumption

Unfortunately, the use of air conditioning is not only a solid plus in the form of increased travel comfort, but also an additional one. This is a completely natural process, since the climate system is an electronic device that requires energy to operate. Especially noticeable is the increased consumption of gasoline when driving in summer in urban traffic jams. Knowing this problem, you can try to reduce the energy demand of the air conditioner somewhat. For this you need:

  1. Try to put the car in the shade and do not leave it to warm up in the sun for too long.
  2. If the first condition cannot be met, then, as mentioned earlier, the car must be ventilated for several minutes before turning on the cooling system.
  3. To avoid excessive load on the air conditioner, which entails increased fuel consumption, you must first turn it on at minimum power and only after a while switch to the maximum cooling mode.
  4. Immediately after reaching a comfortable temperature, you need to go back to the low level of cooling, which will simply maintain the temperature in the vehicle interior.
  5. You can turn on the cooling only with tightly closed windows and hatch.
  6. Modern cars have an air recirculation system. In this process, the air conditioner cools the air only in the cabin and does not take hot air masses from the outside. As a result of recirculation, the air cools much faster and requires much less energy and fuel.

Features of turning off the air conditioner

It is necessary not only to know how to properly use the air conditioner in the car, but also how to turn it off correctly. Manufacturers of these devices are advised to turn off the cooling system a little earlier than the time when you get to your destination. During this time, the interior will not have time to warm up yet, but a puddle will not form under the car. But the point is not only in a puddle on, but also in the fact that the pipes of the air conditioner fog up very much when the system is turned off abruptly and can additionally corrode. In addition, various fungi develop very quickly in a humid environment, which then with cooled air will enter the passenger compartment, and everyone in the car will breathe this air.

Air conditioner maintenance

Experienced motorists insist that only specialists should carry out maintenance of climate systems. The owner of the vehicle, of course, can independently replace the cabin filter or carry out an antiseptic treatment of the air conditioner, but the main maintenance work must still be done at a service station. Refueling with refrigerant must be carried out according to strict technology. Violation of the rules for filling can lead to breakdown of the entire cooling system and even to an explosion. As with any other type of work on the car, try to avoid non-professionals so as not to waste extra effort and money.

Elena Yavina

Not all drivers know how to properly turn on the air conditioner in the car in the summer. As long as the climate system is working normally, no one attaches importance to this problem. However, as soon as cool air stops flowing into the cabin in the heat, everyone begins to wonder what the problem is. In order for the air conditioner to work without failures, its operation must be carried out taking into account certain rules. Pay attention to a few tips on how to use this system in order to avoid unnecessary costs for its repairs in the future.

Activation of climate control at maximum power immediately after starting the engine

Each driver, sitting in a hot car, interior warmed up in the sun, intuitively reaches for the climate control unit to turn on the airflow to the maximum, and set the temperature to the minimum values. But if you perform such a procedure with the windows closed, you should not expect any positive effect, since heated air will circulate through the cabin.

Not all drivers know how to properly operate the air conditioner in the heat.

Using the air recirculation function

If you turn on the circulation inside the cabin, this can lead to fogging of the windows and adversely affect visibility, which should also not be allowed during the use of climate equipment.

Equipping a car with a climate control system makes it much easier to set a comfortable temperature

Many modern cars are equipped with climate control systems that have an AUTO function. It automatically regulates the temperature level in the cabin and the blowing speed. This completely eliminates the possibility of fogging glasses, and the driver and passengers are in comfortable conditions.

Irregular maintenance of the car climate system

Like any other unit, the air conditioner in the car needs regular maintenance. Many drivers remember it in the summer, immediately turning it on and not really thinking about the performance of the system after the winter.

Troubleshooting begins only when the coveted coolness ceases to flow into the cabin. During the period of summer heat, this is fraught with much greater financial and time costs.

It is very important to have your air conditioner serviced and inspected every year. The bottom line is that the rubber hoses through which the refrigerant flows have a porous structure, which causes slow leaks. Each model has a tolerance of up to 10 percent of the total, which is the norm.

It is recommended to carry out regular maintenance of the air conditioner

During maintenance, they check how much freon is not enough for the efficient operation of the air conditioner in normal mode.

If you ignore the maintenance several times, then the lack of refrigerant will be significant, because of which the compressor will not be able to work efficiently, and the long-awaited coolness in the cabin will not come.

This can subsequently lead to failure of the engine itself, its replacement or costly repairs.

Reluctance to use the air conditioner in the morning

Even though it can be chilly in the summer mornings and there is no need to use the climate control system, you should still turn it on. So you eliminate the likelihood of fogging glasses at a time when the street temperature rises significantly.

Installing the deflector and turning on the blowing of cold air in the face

Every driver wishes that, while driving in the heat, cold air streams blew directly on him, giving all the coolness from the air conditioner. It's inefficient. The efficiency of the distribution of air flows throughout the cabin is thus impaired.

The correct direction of air flow plays an important role

To evenly distribute the coolness inside a car warmed up in the sun, it is recommended to direct the air duct deflectors upwards. Thanks to this, the temperature in the cabin will decrease much faster and better. Fresh air will spread evenly throughout the cabin.

Neglect of regular antibacterial treatment and replacement of filter elements

Car air conditioning tends to get clogged. Due to the fact that the cabin filter is clogged with dirt, the cabin can:

  • unpleasant odors appear;
  • spread of bacteria, which in turn provoke the development of respiratory diseases.

Dust and dirt settle on this element, which significantly impairs the permeability of air flows. All this leads to the fact that the airflow will have to be turned on at full power, reducing the efficiency of the climate system.

Refueling the air conditioner yourself

A very common mistake in handling the car's climate system is the desire of many motorists to refuel the refrigerant on their own. Currently, many car dealerships sell refrigerant in special cylinders.

Leave your air conditioning service to the experts

The consequences of an independent attempt to fill the air conditioner with freon can be the most deplorable and unpredictable. And this is even under the condition that the driver selects the appropriate type of refrigerant.

So, if it is filled more than the established norm, the process of its evaporation will be disrupted. Freon in liquid form will enter the compressor and thereby easily disable it.

Of course, not all motorists know how to properly turn on the air conditioner in the car in the summer. There is nothing terrible or complicated about this. If you wish, you can easily master the intricacies of using the climate system in the heat, in order not only to enjoy the coveted cool, but also to significantly extend the life of all components and assemblies that ensure its operation. Remember, any malfunction can result in significant repair costs for the motorist.

Unprecedented heat, established this summer in Russia, caused significant damage to the owners of old vehicles, whose engines are water-cooled. Every now and then you can see how on the outskirts of the road there is a used "troika" or "five" VAZ with an open hood, from under which white steam is pouring. The inferno, which increases every year, brings no less problems to those whose cars are not equipped with climate systems - air conditioners and climate controls. You definitely won’t envy them: driving with open windows does not particularly save you from the heat, but it brings other troubles: noise, the stink of exhaust gases, and, most sadly, increased fuel consumption.

Of course, driving with the air conditioning or climate control on also affects the fuel “appetite” of the car, which is in many ways comparable to the increased engine consumption of a car with all the windows open while driving. But an air-conditioned car has its undeniable advantages - the same climatic comfort in the cabin. True, you need to create this very comfort wisely, because improper use of the climate system can lead to its breakdown, as well as to health problems for car passengers. Today we will give some tips on how to properly use the air conditioner in the car.

In the photo: air conditioner on / off button

Every self-respecting motorist, who cares about the good condition of his “iron horse”, on the eve of the seasons, diagnoses all systems, including the climate system. In the autumn we check the work, in the spring - the air conditioner. It is not for nothing that in April-May the Internet is replete with advertisements for discounts on air conditioner diagnostics - it is recommended to carry it out twice a year, in spring and autumn.

What does air conditioning diagnostics include? First of all, check the level of freon - the substance responsible for cooling the air entering the cabin from the air conditioner. If this level is less than the norm, then this is fraught with both poor air cooling and failure of parts of the cooling unit - the compressor, condenser (air conditioner radiator) and pressure line. The reason for such troubles is the depressurization of the air conditioning system, which can occur as a result of the formation of microcracks on the condenser body or tubes through which freon mixed with a special oil that performs a lubricating function for the rubbing parts of the system flows.

The specialist checks the entire system, and upon detection of centers of depressurization, makes a decision to replace the failed parts. These are serious consequences, the diagnosis of which is a drop in freon levels. But there are other reasons as well. Freon is a gas, and like all similar substances, it evaporates naturally. So the drop in freon levels may be dictated by the service life of an automobile air conditioner without refueling. In addition to checking the level of freon, you need to ensure that fungi do not form on the evaporator. This problem is given by an unpleasant smell when the air conditioner is turned on - it smells like a wet dog. In service centers, this problem is eliminated by disinfecting the evaporator and changing the air conditioner filters.

You can carry out such operations yourself. In any case, we advise you not to ignore the recommendations of the automaker for the maintenance of car air conditioners and regularly diagnose their condition.

Let's say the climate system of your car is working and you meet the summer fully armed. But it is not enough to have a serviceable car air conditioner - it is important to use it correctly. Especially in extreme heat. Here are a few simple rules that will make a trip in an air-conditioned car as comfortable as possible.

We ventilate the car. You should not turn on the air conditioner as soon as you start the engine, especially if the car was in the sun, and “Tashkent” formed in the cabin. First of all, we open all the windows in the car and ventilate the interior for 10 minutes. After that, we close the windows, and turn on the air conditioner fan, first to “one”, setting the temperature indicator to the middle position, and after a few minutes - to “two”, turning the temperature sensor toggle switch to the maximum. It is better to cool the interior not in the parking lot, but in motion - the air entering the interior from the outside at speed will facilitate the task of the air conditioner to create a comfortable temperature. It is also important when cooling the interior, especially if the temperature outside is above +25 degrees, not to direct cold air onto the glass - due to a sharp temperature drop, microcracks can form in the glass, which eventually grow into large cracks.

2. Set the correct cooling mode. It is not recommended to drive in a car for a long time, the air conditioner of which is working at maximum - so for a short time and catch a sore throat. Therefore, after sufficient cooling of the air in the cabin, it is better to set the fan speed to “two” or “one”, and also increase the temperature.

3 . Set the optimum temperature in the cabin. Doctors say that the most comfortable temperature in the car is 20-22 degrees. Therefore, in order to avoid colds, after sufficient cooling of the interior, it is better to set the temperature indicated above (if the air conditioner is not digital, but mechanical, then set the temperature indicator to medium divisions), and direct the airflow to the feet.

4 . Correctly regulate the air flow into the cabin. If you need to cool the air in the car interior quickly, then turn on the internal air circulation mode.

Thus, a closed space is formed in the interior, the access of hot air from the outside is limited, and the interior cools faster. This method is often used when the car is parked or if the air temperature outside the car is above 25 degrees.

5 . Watching the direction of cold air. Automotive manufacturers have not in vain equipped the air ducts with “curtains” - deflectors, with which you can adjust the direction of the air flow and its intensity. When air conditioning, it is important to adjust all the deflectors so that the cooled air is evenly distributed throughout the cabin.

The above recommendations are mostly suitable for owners of cars equipped with mechanical air conditioners. Automatic climate systems are trained to regulate all parameters autonomously, without the participation of the driver.

It seems to you that outside the window the air temperature is a billion degrees and the asphalt is melting. At this moment you want to breathe cool air. Fortunately, most modern cars are equipped with air conditioning. This allows us to travel by car comfortably even in unbearable heat. But do you know how to use the conditioner effectively?

Turning on the air conditioner in the car has become such an inconspicuous action in ours. We sometimes do not notice when we turn it on. It's like a reflex. Most of us don't even know how the air conditioning system in cars works. Because of this, we often use it inefficiently and do not know how to use it correctly.

Car manufacturers have tried to make air conditioning control as simple and not complicated as possible. All you need to do is turn it on and set the desired temperature. The cooling system does the rest for you. But in order to use the car air conditioner more efficiently (for example, which is consumed much more when the air conditioner is on), certain rules must be followed.

How an airbag works

Offers you some tips on how to use the air conditioner in your car efficiently. But first, let's find out how the air conditioning system works in modern cars.

The automotive air cooling system is a closed circuit with high and low pressure areas. In the section of the circuit where there is a high pressure, the refrigerant (the cooling chemical in this area is in a gaseous state) moves through the system through a special compressor, which is connected by a belt drive to the engine. Have you noticed that when you press the "AC" button (turn on the air conditioning), there is a noise under the hood. This turns on the compressor, which feeds the gaseous refrigerant into a condenser (radiator), which cools the heated gas, turning it into a liquid state.

Then, on the low pressure side, the liquid that is under high pressure enters through a valve into the evaporator. Here is where the magic happens. The low pressure refrigerant has a very low boiling point and when it reaches the evaporator (actually it is a simple radiator located behind the center console) immediately turns into a gas. This process is called evaporation.

If you think back to high school, evaporation is an endothermic process, which means that heat is absorbed as it evaporates. Therefore, the evaporator, which is located behind the dashboard, cools the air entering the cabin from the street through the ventilation system.

This cycle then repeats over and over again.

Now that we've learned (for those who didn't know) how an air conditioner works in a car, let's take a look at a few tips to learn how to use the air conditioner more efficiently.

Hiding the car from the sun

The first step in efficiency is to reduce the load on the air conditioning system. Remember, the longer and more powerful the air conditioner that the system consumes. This inevitably leads to a significant increase in fuel consumption.

The smell of gasoline in the cabin

In order to save at least a little fuel consumption and reduce the load on the air conditioning system, you should try not to put your car in direct sunlight during hot weather, which will heat the body and interior of the car to a high temperature that even the air conditioner will not quickly reduce. Try to park your car in the shade, near houses, trees and bushes. When parking your car in the morning, do not forget that being in the shade, perhaps in the afternoon your car will be under direct sunlight.

Even if the sun will hit the car in the afternoon, remember that it is not as active in the late afternoon than in the morning and afternoon. Therefore, if your car is exposed to the sun after 16-00, it will heat up differently than during the day and it will be much easier for the air conditioner to cool the car.

If you park your car in an open area where there is no shade and nowhere to hide the car from the sun's rays, then use special films to cover the car windows from the sun entering the car interior. This will reduce the greenhouse effect, as well as protect interior materials from fading and heat damage.


If, nevertheless, you failed to protect the car from strong heating in the sun and the air in your cabin resembles a bath, then when you open the car doors, do not rush to turn on the air conditioner. It is better to open all the doors and just to start to ventilate the interior of the car in order to slightly reduce the temperature in the cabin in a natural way. You can also speed up this process. By opening one window, you can drive at a low speed of 10-15 km / h, so that the hot air comes out into the street by inertia.

Turning on the air conditioner

When turning on the air conditioning system, you must first turn it on to the minimum mode (Low). After all, each system needs a little work before it can function more efficiently. You won't like it if you wake you up in the middle of the night and make you run fast. Also, the air conditioning system will not work efficiently if it is immediately turned on at 100% power. If your machine is equipped with an automatic air conditioning mode, then when it is turned on, the system itself will first work at a minimum mode, gradually adding airflow power.

Always use air recirculation

One of the most useful modes in modern cars. When it is turned on, the outdoor air supply system will not constantly supply outside air. It will use the cabin air that is in the cabin. The cooled cabin air will unload the car's air conditioning system. If the air recirculation mode is not turned on, the air conditioner will constantly operate at maximum power, cooling a portion of the incoming hot air from the street.


When you arrive at your destination, do not rush to turn off the engine with the air conditioner running. By doing this, you will put a lot of stress on the electrical power conversion system. First you need to turn off the air conditioner while the engine is running. You can do this by approaching the final route in advance. Since the air in your passenger compartment is already cooled, by turning off the cooling, the passenger compartment will not heat up in a short time. Also, turning off the air conditioner in advance will save you from the formation of puddles under the car, which is formed as a result of condensate. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. But not everything is so simple. Condensation forms on the cooler in the passenger compartment. The refrigerant passing through it lowers the temperature of the evaporator to very low values. Outside hot air meets the cold corrector, resulting in the formation of water droplets. By turning off the air conditioner in advance while the car is moving, you will prevent the formation of harmful microorganisms due to moisture in the air conditioning system.


Remember to service your car regularly by changing. You must change this cabin air filter at least once a year. We also advise you to treat the ventilation system with antibacterial sprays every year. To do this, having bought antibacterial agents (preferably spray, etc.), turn on the engine and start the interior ventilation system, turning off air recirculation. Next, open the hood and in the place where the air is taken into the cabin, spray with an antibacterial agent. This substance, together with air, will pass through the entire ventilation system and enter the cabin. Thus, you will protect yourself from the formation of harmful bacteria and microbes in the ventilation system.

Also, sooner or later you will have to replace the refrigerant in the system. Be sure to have this work done only at an authorized dealership to avoid damage to the air conditioning system or charging a refrigerant that is not certified by the car company.

Keep track of your fuel consumption

Once again, any air conditioner in a car increases fuel consumption. But you can reduce fuel consumption if you set the temperature inside the car, which is not much different from the temperature outside. That is, if it is very hot outside, you should not cool the air in the cabin, as in a refrigerator.

For example, if it is 28-30 degrees outside, we advise you to set the cooling temperature to 23-25 ​​degrees. By setting this temperature, you will be more or less comfortable driving a car, and the air conditioning system will not experience a colossal load, consuming liters of fuel.

Such convenience in the car as air conditioning is not only an element of luxury, but also the first necessity when traveling in the hot season. At this time, you can even feel how the asphalt melts under your feet, almost literally. I immediately want to be on some to freshen up. Of course, most drivers know how to turn on the air conditioner in a car, but do they all know how to use it correctly ?! This question is interesting, entertaining and worth it to study it in more detail.

Not a luxury, but a necessity!

Currently, air conditioning is present in almost every car of foreign or domestic production in the middle price category. And its inclusion, by and large, is purely reflex, like how we always close our eyes when sneezing. Many owners of their vehicles do not even know how refrigeration equipment works. Therefore, there is a high degree of probability that it is operated in the wrong way.

Manufacturers make every effort to ensure that the use of the air conditioner is as comfortable as possible. All the driver needs to do is press the power button and select the desired temperature setting. Everything else the system will do without human intervention.

With all the ease of controlling the air conditioner, there are certain nuances, some of which are known to many drivers. But there are some that are hard to find on your own. Therefore, it is necessary not only to know how to properly turn on the air conditioner in the car, but also to understand a little about its operation.

Creating a favorable and comfortable microclimate means maintaining a certain temperature regime and humidity level. And this applies not only to premises (residential, working, industrial) - some of us spend most of our time in the car due to the specifics of work.

In fact, it is not about achieving the required level of comfort. Back in the distant 50s, some observations were noticed. So, at a temperature of +30 ° C and above, the reaction rate decreases in a person. And for the driver, this is especially important, since situations on the road require increased attention and quick response.

Exceeding the value of +25 °C leads to increased fatigue. And at +10 ° C, hypothermia of the body can occur. Few of us can withstand the effects of temperature, especially its fluctuations. Car air conditioning provides the driver with the necessary level of comfort, which allows him to always be in a cheerful mood.

Air conditioner device

The question of how to properly turn on the air conditioner in a car in the summer is of interest to many drivers, but how it works is no less curious.

Depending on the car model, the air conditioner device is different, but in any case, the main components are:

  • compressor;
  • capacitor;
  • evaporator;
  • fan (sometimes several);
  • safety valve;
  • receiver-drier;
  • expansion valve.

Also, in the device of a car air conditioner, two lines can be distinguished:

  • high pressure line;
  • low pressure line.

Of all this, the most important component is the compressor. This is the most complex unit of the entire air conditioning system of any car. His job is to compress the gaseous refrigerant, which has a low temperature and pressure. As a result of compression, the pressure increases and the temperature rises.

Additional safety devices

Sometimes a number of additional safety devices are included. For example, using a low pressure sensor, the compressor is controlled. When the pressure is less than 2 kg / cm 2, it turns off, and when it reaches a value of 2.3 kg / cm 2, it starts working again. Some drivers are wondering: why does the car heat up when the air conditioner is on? Perhaps this indicates a malfunction of one of the sensors, but in most cases the dirty radiator is to blame.

The duties of the high pressure sensor include turning off the compressor when the pressure in the system rises to 30-34 kg / cm 2, and turning it on at 26 kg / cm 2. The sensor responsible for the operation of the blower fans starts to operate as soon as the pressure in the system reaches 19-22 kg/cm 2 and turns off as soon as the pressure drops to 14-16 kg/cm 2 .

There may also be a compressor temperature sensor, which is located on its body. Upon reaching 90-100 ° C, it turns off the electromagnetic clutch. In some models, instead of a whole set of sensors, combined elements can be installed that can perform several tasks.

Receivers-driers can also be equipped with a protective system in the form of a safety valve with an easily alloyed insert. Everything works as follows: as soon as the temperature of the device rises to 90 ° C, the insert melts and the refrigerant comes out.

The principle of operation of the equipment

To solve the question of how to turn on the air conditioner in the car, it is worth drawing a parallel. According to the principle of operation, a car unit can be compared with a similar household appliance that is present in every kitchen. It is based on a well-known regularity by physicists: the substance evaporates - thermal energy is absorbed, and when the substance, on the contrary, condenses, heat is released.

One has only to press the button to turn on the air conditioner, as it works, which causes the pressure plate to be magnetized to the pulley, and the system starts to idle. The pulley, in turn, is connected to a belt through which rotation is transmitted from the crankshaft. Thus, when the engine is running, it always rotates.

What is happening at this moment? The compressor begins to work, which compresses the refrigerant and directs it to the encoder, thereby creating pressure in the system. There, under the action of a fan (one or more), it is cooled and condensed, after which it enters the dryer, where it is filtered. The purified freon bypasses which controls and regulates the level of refrigerant overheating. Perhaps this knowledge will help in solving the problem that drivers often talk about: "I turn on the air conditioner, the car stalls."

Further, the gas through the pipeline enters the evaporator. And since freon is already under low pressure, it has a low boiling point. And as you can understand from the name of the device, the refrigerant begins to evaporate in it, that is, it changes from a liquid state to a gaseous consistency. At the same time, heat is actively absorbed.

As a rule, the evaporator is located directly under the instrument panel. Then the fan comes into play, which directs the cooled air into the cabin through the vents.

After the refrigerant evaporates, it enters the compressor, and the cycle repeats over and over again an infinite number of times. Knowing this, you now need to use the car air conditioner more competently.

Air conditioning then and now

The refrigerant fills the entire air conditioning system of the car. At first, R12 freon was charged into the system, but later it was found that it was unsafe for humans. This problem is more serious than another question that many drivers have: when the air conditioner is on, the car twitches. Therefore, I had to look for an urgent replacement, which was not long in coming - freon R134a. True, the new refrigerant is less efficient, but it does not pose a danger to the human body.

Due to the fact that the new gas has an increased fluidity, the work of engineers has become much more complicated. In addition, the novelty has finally put an end to the possibility of using the old R12 freon. This is because each refrigerant uses a different oil to lubricate the compressor. Mineral oil was used for the old refrigerant, while R134a freon requires a polyalkylene glycol lubricant. Thus, freons of the old and new generation are incompatible with each other.

To avoid any problems, manufacturers place a special sticker under the hood cover, which indicates the brand of refrigerant. And to make sure there is no confusion, these labels are of different colors. Freon R134a is identified with a green color, and R12 with a yellow tint.

Proper operation of the air conditioner

In the heat, without air conditioning, it is impossible to comfortably travel by car. How to turn on the air conditioner in the car, and do it right every time? First of all, make it a rule that you should only park your car in shaded areas. Finding the perfect spot every time is unlikely, but if possible, you should always park in the shade. It doesn't hurt to know, if possible, where she will be at a certain point in time.

If the parking lot is directly under the sun's rays, then usually in the morning the car will be in the sun, and in the afternoon with a high probability there will already be a shade.

When parking in an open parking lot, it is worth using special protective equipment that covers the windows. This will avoid excessive heating in the cabin. But what can be done if the car is still very hot? In this case, you cannot immediately turn on the air conditioner - you must first ventilate the interior. To do this, just open the windows and take a little ride. A speed of 10-15 km / h is enough for hot air to leave the car in a hurry.

It is equally important to turn off the air conditioner correctly!

It is important not only to use the air conditioner correctly - it is necessary to turn it off correctly. Then, probably, you won't have to think about why, when you turn on the air conditioner, the car stalls. And first of all, it is worth remembering that upon arrival at your destination, do not immediately turn off the engine, as this negatively affects the operation of the air conditioning system. And to save it, you need to follow simple rules:

  • After stopping the car, the first thing to do is turn off the air conditioner, let the engine run for a while. Although it is better to do this at the entrance to the destination - the air will still remain cool for a sufficient time.
  • After the air conditioner is turned off, the fan must be left on.

Regarding the last point - the included fan allows the evaporator to dry. Otherwise, the development of various bacteria, including moss, cannot be avoided. This, in turn, can lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor in the cabin, and as a result, diseases of the respiratory system will not be long in coming.

Maintenance Issues

Do not neglect the maintenance of the air conditioner. Namely, to regularly replace the filter, as well as monitor the condition of the capacitor (aka radiator). If necessary, clean it with compressed air. In addition, use antibacterial agents annually to clean the air conditioning system. Otherwise, the following situation is not ruled out: when the air conditioner is on, it drips under the car.

From time to time it is necessary to change the refrigerant itself, which is done only in a specialized service. In addition, it is advisable to purchase only original parts.


When using the air conditioner, it should be remembered that the operating refrigeration equipment takes part of the engine power, resulting in increased fuel consumption.

Temperature fluctuations also deserve close attention. If the temperature is high outside, do not turn the interior of the car into a refrigerator. The human body does not tolerate serious changes. In some cases, you can lose consciousness, once again in hot conditions.

It is enough to maintain a temperature of 24 ° C in the cabin. In this case, the driver will always remain dry and save himself from health problems. After reading the material, how to turn on the air conditioner in the car will no longer be a problem. And the device will be safe, and the driver and passengers will be healthy.