How to get rid of dampness in an apartment: causes of high humidity. How to get rid of dampness, humidity and their unpleasant consequences in an apartment or house

Since a dwelling with an overestimated moisture rate is not a favorable place for a person to live, it becomes more relevant how to remove moisture in an apartment.

The modern way of life, for almost everyone, contributes to an increase in the level of humidity inside the premises in which they live.

To understand this, it is enough to give a simple example: previously, people took a bath about once every 5-7 days.

Today, daily showering is the norm for the common man.

Some people play sports or go to the gym, as a result of which they constantly sweat.

In addition to the developed habit of taking a shower every day, or even having to wash clothes, and some even take care of pets.

The main sources of the appearance of humidity in the room include:

  • respiratory process of the human body
  • daily bathing procedures
  • laundry care, including drying, washing and ironing
  • influence of the external atmosphere
  • cooking in the kitchen

In any case, all these everyday moments cannot be avoided, so you will have to deal with excessive humidity in the.

Potential effects of dampness

The most favorable place for the reproduction of microflora is a room with a high indicator of air humidity. This could be a bathroom or a basement. Humidity in a room often contributes to the appearance of a chronic disease in a person who lives here.

Most often, children suffer, since the child's body is not yet formed, and the immunity is not fully strengthened. Old people also suffer from living in such rooms, since the protective and other functions of the body weaken with age.

Residents of houses that are made of bricks most often complain about the problem of high humidity in the room. In turn, panel residents complain about the lack of the required level of moisture inside. Dry air also negatively affects human health, as a result of which he can get sick.

If the room has a high level of humidity, you should immediately address the problem, since replacing several household items is much cheaper than spending money on treatment.

In addition to the possible harm to human health, the increased level of humidity creates an uncomfortable state of being inside.

Often, due to an overestimated indicator of dampness, a bad smell and a feeling of coolness. In a damp room, food quickly deteriorates, including even vegetables and fruits.

In such premises, mold and harmful microflora often form. Dampness is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that can ruin the whole comfort of living or being inside a building. If this problem is detected, it is worth immediately taking measures corresponding to the elimination of dampness.

The reasons for the appearance of dampness in the apartment

Before starting the process of eliminating the problem, it is worth identifying the root cause of the accumulation of damp air inside.

The main reasons for the accumulation of dampness inside a building include:

  • Lack of ventilation in the room. Even if ventilation is present, it should be checked for proper functioning and quality of operation.
  • Moisture may appear due to the heating of the apartment by the neighbors upstairs. Often, this problem is difficult to identify, since a neighbor who lives above an apartment with high humidity may not be aware of the breakdown of his plumbing. It is always necessary to check if this is the main reason for orphanhood in the home.
  • If the building has unsealed seams between the walls, moisture can also appear inside the building.
  • If the basement multi-storey building flooded, the moisture will rise upward, resulting in dampness. Before removing moisture in an apartment on the ground floor, you should make sure that the flooded basement is the main source of moisture.
  • Wrong location kitchen appliances may affect the appearance of dampness.

To fix the problem, you always need to find the source of the dampness. The easiest way to detect increased moisture levels is to lean a mirror or piece of glass against the surface.

If after a few minutes drops of water appear on the surface of the glass or mirror, it means that separate room or the whole room has an increased level of dampness. If the glass turns out to be clean, you should not rejoice ahead of time, since moisture can only be stored in the walls of the building.

How to get rid of dampness

As mentioned above, if a problem is detected, it is worthwhile to immediately eliminate it, since the influence of a humid environment can negatively affect the human body.

The most common methods for eliminating humidity in a room include:

  • Installation of a dehumidifier, which can be purchased at any supermarket of electronic and household appliances... The price of a dehumidifier directly depends on its model and capacity. In any case, to fix the problem, you must purchase a similar unit. When buying, it is worth considering the fact that the higher the power indicator of the device, the faster the dampness in a particular building will be eliminated. On the market for similar products, devices with built-in moisture control sensors are offered c. If the moisture indicator on the dehumidifier sensor drops, the device automatically changes the heating temperature. Thus, the device will not dry out the air, but will keep a stable rate of temperature and humidity inside the room or building. Note that these models consume more electricity than standard, simple dehumidifiers that do not have a control sensor.
  • Installing a radiator, if not. If there are radiators in the building, then it is worth using them. A damp room needs to be warmed up from time to time. When radiators emit heat, all part of the unfavorable microflora, including fungi, can disappear, and the apartment can dry well. Based on the advice of experts, the room needs to be heated not too much, but often.

How to prevent excessive moisture

Indoor plants absorb moisture. That is why it is worth getting plants, if there are none yet. Flowers on the windowsill, in addition to their aesthetic function, perfectly absorb the dampness that is in the building.

Indoor flowers or other plants minimize any chances of increased moisture levels. For example, tropical plants absorb huge amounts of water, so placing such a plant in the bathroom or bedroom would be the right decision.

Cacti are the most powerful plants in terms of absorption capacity.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that these plants are not very decorative, many do not want to put them at home either.

When choosing a plant for a room, kitchen or bathroom, you should first study the characteristics of various plants.

If the above problem is identified, the main source of the released moisture should be urgently identified. And only after discovering the problem, the owner of the house should choose the ideal way of regulating the microclimate that suits him personally and, accordingly, reducing the level of moisture inside the building.

How to get rid of dampness in an apartment or house - in the video:

Regular tidying is necessary to create comfortable conditions living in the house. But maintaining cleanliness does not at all protect residents from the formation of dampness, and, as a result, mold. We will tell you in detail how to remove dampness on the walls yourself, and why molds are dangerous for human health.

Reasons for education

Before dealing with moisture, you need to find its source. Often dampness on the walls is the result of a complex of reasons. The most common ones are:

  • Leaks - occur with a damaged water supply system, drain pipe, roof roof;
  • Inadequate ventilation;
  • Inadequate waterproofing of floors and foundations;
  • A large number of domestic plants;
  • External factors - the proximity of the river, heavy rainfall, groundwater, etc.

However, the most important factor in high humidity is the person himself. Under normal conditions, an adult produces up to 2.5 liters of water vapor per day, including that during cooking, washing, water procedures, etc. Even a slight deviation from the norms, for example, when drying clothes in the bathroom, is fraught with consequences.


Finding the reason for education high humidity and having eliminated it, you can start drying the room. Such expensive methods as the use of heat guns are necessary only to eliminate the consequences of flooding or for very large rooms... In an apartment or a private house, the following measures are capable of quickly eliminating dampness on the walls:

  • Heater - the device provides air convection; even a small heater will cope with the task in 1-2 days;
  • Household dehumidifier - unit capacity is determined by the size of the dwelling; to eliminate dampness on 50 m², a 400 W device is sufficient;
  • Silica gel is a substance that absorbs moisture and organic vapors from the air; for use in everyday life, it is admitted in the form of granules, they must be decomposed in a damp room; drying can take up to a week;

Finally, dampness is negatively affected by an increase in the temperature in the house. Using a heating system or fireplace at full capacity, walls can be dried relatively quickly. At the same time, the method is poorly suited for houses from a bar - due to direct impact strong temperature wooden structures may crack.

Mold on the walls

The appearance of mold in the house is possible if high humidity (70% or more) has existed for a long time. Of the huge variety of types of mold in nature, only a few can appear in a human dwelling:

  • Black is the most dangerous variety. Refers to the fourth group of pathogenicity. Especially often it affects building structures.
  • White - rarely forms on the walls, only if there is condensation for weeks;
  • Blue - striking wooden walls, leads to rotting of the material from the inside, its cracking.

Besides the unaesthetic appearance, mold has great harm to human health. The reason for this is the saturation with mycotoxins that destroy any kind of living tissue. Ingestion occurs both through direct contact and through the release of spores and their penetration into the respiratory system. If you do not remove the dampness in the house on the walls before mold develops on them, the following diseases are possible:

  • Skin lesions - mycoses, dermatoses;
  • Respiratory tract damage - asthma, bronchitis, cough;
  • Digestive system disorders;
  • Aggravation chronic diseasesnervous system, musculoskeletal system.

The presence of mold is especially difficult for allergy sufferers and people with pulmonary insufficiency.


Molds are hard to remove. In all cases finish coating you will have to completely remove - wallpaper, plaster, and with a large depth of defeat and putty to the very base of the wall. The only exception can be a painted surface, since mold hardly penetrates the paint layer, but spreads more over its area.

The most reliable way to remove mold and dampness in the house is to use chemical compositions, some of which are easy to cook at home:

  • Antiseptic primers - special products with a high content of fungicides; with their help, you can process the wall to a depth of 0.5 cm;
  • Household bleach - any type that contains sodium hypochlorite is suitable;
  • Hydrogen peroxide - a 3% composition is used; due to the whitening effect, it is not suitable for treating painted surfaces;
  • Potassium permanganate - in everyday life it is found in the form of a solution of potassium permanganate; used as a mixture - 15 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Vinegar and lemon acid- effective at the initial stage of mold development.

Even after the elimination of the fungus, a characteristic unpleasant odor remains in the room. A simple method to get rid of it is to treat the floors with a solution. baking soda... For its preparation, 15 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water.

Optimal microclimate in the house

Much depends on the indoor microclimate, including the health of the inhabitants. But the construction of the house, the safety of walls, floors, ceilings, suffer no less from temperature and humidity.

To do without costly repairs, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the premises. Such for humidity - no more than 60% in winter time year and 65% in summer. For air temperature - not less than 15 ° C. It is not difficult to notice a deviation from the norm, dampness is manifested by the following signs:

  • Condensation on glass panes and sections of walls articulated with the ceiling;
  • Characteristic "wet" smell;
  • Swelling of wooden structures; expressed, for example, in poorly closed doors;
  • Damp salt and sugar.

At the first sign of high humidity, do not hesitate. If you do not remove the dampness from the walls in time, mold will soon form. Its elimination will take weeks, may lead to the need cosmetic repair... "By eye" to determine the humidity above the norm is problematic; a simple home appliance, a hygrometer, will help with this.

Note that high humidity has a destructive effect not only on wooden structures, leading to their rotting, but also on stone - brick, concrete. Soaked in water, they crumble, the process accelerates in regions with cold winters. Slightly less suffering metal constructions, but they also corrode.


So that residents do not have to worry about how to remove dampness on the walls, it is important to know effective ways prevention of its appearance. It is enough to take a number of simple measures:

  • Air the room for at least 10-15 minutes every day, creating a draft;
  • Dry linen only on the balcony or outside;
  • Equip a ventilation system in the kitchen;
  • Use air filters- models equipped with a non-filter are more preferable;
  • Install air conditioners in combination with fungicidal filters against mold fungi;
  • Do not overuse wet cleaning.

It is definitely not so easy to remove the fungus from dampness on the walls. It often reappears from disputes that have survived processing in the depths of the floor structure.

It is not so difficult to ensure your own health and safety of your home. To do this, it is quite enough to follow the basic rules for the care of the premises. And if mold appears, in no case should the problem be left to chance.

For a comfortable stay in an apartment or house, a healthy microclimate is required. It directly depends on the humidity indicators. If they are too low or high, it will entail whole line problems. Especially often, apartment residents and owners of premises (commercial, warehouse or other) are faced with high humidity air. As a result, the walls are covered with mold, which spoils even durable materials.

Also, excess moisture causes condensation to form on the ceiling. An unpleasant smell appears in the house, various microbes multiply. They, in turn, can cause allergic reactions in people in the room. The decrease in humidity must be taken seriously, because ignoring this indicator will affect people's health and the condition of the home. How you can reduce the humidity in the room will be discussed below.

First you need to find out the reason for the appearance of excess moisture. It can be rooted both inside the house and depend on home conditions, and outside, and be a consequence of indicators outside temperature and humidity. The most frequent internal reasons high humidity should be called:

  • Poorly organized ventilation - if the owner of the house installed it on his own, it is recommended to call a wizard to check the correct connection and functioning of the equipment.
  • Frequent drying of washed linen - in some apartments with old layouts, the bath is not separated from the kitchen. In such cases, dampness from things spreads throughout all rooms. But even if the bath is located apart, some apartment owners often leave the bathroom door open. Again, moisture evaporates outside of one room.
  • The location of the windows on the north side - less sun penetrates into the room and, as a result, the humidity of the microclimate rises.
  • The presence of an aquarium - water evaporates from it, absorbing into the walls and ceiling of the house.
  • A large number of residents - do not forget that moisture evaporates when people breathe. If there are a lot of them in the apartment, and the room itself is small, there is a high probability of a microclimate failure.

There are also external conditions that affect the level of humidity in the room. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Climatic features of the region - in some cities, high humidity is observed year-round.
  • During rain, snowfall and thaw, there is a general increase in the moisture content in the air.
  • An important point is the presence of salt in the concrete - if the house was built in winter, then there is a possibility that the builders added salt to the concrete. This method is used to increase the strength of the material. However, salt has a big drawback - it makes the walls soggy. Over the years, this passes, but the first 3-5 years of high humidity cannot be avoided.
  • Errors during construction - this includes poor-quality waterproofing of walls from the foundation and a flimsy, often leaking roof. It is almost impossible to fix such defects, since the flaws were made during the construction of the building. You can only smooth out the problem by choosing additional equipment for dehumidification.

People have long noticed that there are rooms in which a person feels worse than usual. Some people notice that they feel uncomfortable when they come to visit, move to a new apartment. Often the air we have to breathe is to blame for the deterioration of health. If, you notice that there is high humidity in your apartment, a fungus has appeared on the walls, it's time to think about how to remove moisture from the apartment. After all, the "wrong" microclimate at home causes a number of unpleasant symptoms - nasal congestion, insomnia, sneezing, general weakness, joint pain.

Standard humidity in housing

In a living room, the optimum humidity is 60%. You can measure this indicator using a hygrometer. A decrease in air humidity in the summer months up to 45% is allowed. The human body is negatively affected by both excessively dry and too wet air... Those who like to turn on the air conditioner should be especially careful. This device has the ability to "take" water from the room and reduce the level of humidity in the room.

If you dry clothes in the house, do not ventilate the apartment well, the air can be very humid. High humidity provokes the formation of fungus.

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Why you need to reduce the humidity in the apartment

Once in the human lungs, mold contributes to the development of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. If a person often stays in conditions of high air humidity, it is quite possible that he will more often experience migraines, runny nose, work will be disrupted of cardio-vascular system.

Lifestyle modern man helps to ensure that the level of humidity in his home was increased. If earlier people took a bath about once a week, today they take a shower twice a day, wash their clothes often, etc.

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Sources of humidity in the apartment:

  • Human breathing through the surface of the skin and lungs;
  • Taking a bath or shower;
  • Washing and drying clothes;
  • Plants, aquariums;
  • Cooking food;
  • Outside atmosphere;
  • Excess groundwater;

How to lower the humidity in the apartment?

In a family of three, the volume of half a bath is released into the air weekly. This is about 70-100 liters.

Moisture is the main factor in the formation of mold. To successfully combat this, you need to find out the cause of the moisture.

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Find the cause and eliminate

If the humidity in your home is temporary, such as when you cook food, it can be eliminated by ventilating the room or using heating appliances. Your main task is to thoroughly ventilate the room. If the moisture is concentrated on the walls, the air flow should be significant. Arrange a draft for a few hours, or even better, for a few days.

If there is a lack of sunlight and heat in your room, this can also cause increased humidity. To lower the humidity in the room, you need to use heating devices that can heat the entire room.

In addition, the poor condition of the ceiling can be the cause of high humidity in the apartment. Dehumidification of this part of the room is a rather complicated process. You can simply additionally plaster the room. It is better to wait for the plaster to dry completely without furniture. It absorbs moisture, and then begins to give it away, which can cause another increase in humidity.

Hermetically sealed windows (eg PVC) often cause additional moisture. After all, in many apartments they become a barrier between the street and the room. It is better to immediately order frames with a well-thought-out ventilation system.

Remember how to reduce the humidity in the apartment, you need to even at the stage renovation works... All plaster compounds contain water, so it is very important to thoroughly dry the room. This will prevent condensation from forming.

You can reduce the humidity in the apartment with the help of modern chemicals... For example, Henkel has developed a new product that helps in the fight against excess moisture called Stop Moisture. It is a system that includes an absorbent and an absorbent. Active crystals fight the formation of excess moisture. The moisture is collected in special containers.

There are four main reasons why you need to get rid of the humidity in the apartment as soon as possible:

Causes of dampness

Poor ventilation, nearby sources of moisture, savings on heating and improper insulation are the main reasons for dampness in a private or apartment building.

Insufficient ventilation is the most common cause of high humidity. V apartment buildings, especially in the old foundation, paved ventilation shafts and the grates are clogged, overgrown with debris. As a result, air movement stops. Aggravate the situation plastic windows especially cheap samples, substandard materials for covering ceilings and walls. In private houses, especially self-built ones, the owners sometimes try to save money on ventilation, believing that there are enough windows and doors. This is not true!

If the ventilation system fails, it is not necessary to create a draft, especially in winter - this is fraught with hypothermia. More expensive, but the most practical solution will be forced exhaust ventilation as well as amplifiers of an existing system, such as exhaust fans.

Another solution to the problem is the installation of a recuperator or the use of a special air dryer. The latter device is indispensable if the cause of dampness is excess moisture (for example, in the bathroom, pool, with an abundance of home flowers).

Moisture source

Sources of moisture in the apartment:

  • precipitation: rain, melting snow, condensation can enter the apartment through a leaking roof, through the pores of the walls and unsealed seams (especially if the wind, improper roof overhang or defective drainage constantly direct precipitation to the wall);
  • stagnant water in the apartment: leaking plumbing equipment, swimming pools, saunas, aquariums, including those located on the floor below, the same effect is given by a dialed bath or a shower for a long time;
  • greenhouse effect from poor ventilation of windows (condensation accumulates on the glass), abundance indoor plants, especially if they need abundant watering;
  • the respiration of people, animals, plants also increases humidity - usually this factor is not noticeable, however, in cramped and / or poorly ventilated rooms it will be noticeable.

Chambo or septic tanks can be located near a private house, which impregnate the grant with moisture. And as a result, the basement becomes very damp, mold develops in it. Another source of moisture in the basement and on the 1st floor is the split blind area (a waterproof coating located around the perimeter of the house). Moisture from the soil and precipitation will seep into the house or basement.

An unheated room is a refuge for dampness. Ideally, the walls of an apartment or house should warm up to at least half the thickness, then the place of condensation formation will go outside (onto the street). In frozen walls, the place where condensation forms is shifted to the warm area, and often is generally located on the surface of the walls from the residential side. The problem is exacerbated by poor ventilation in the premises.

Housing, where people do not live or that is not sufficiently heated, begins to damp very quickly: the wall decoration collapses on average in two seasons.

Water is everywhere: high humidity

In addition, in addition to natural wear and tear, the structure loses an additional 5% strength every year due to dampness.

Advice! Vacation home, cottage - no seasonal housing can be left without heating. Hire a person or arrange with a neighbor who will periodically monitor this. If you are visiting for a couple of weeks, do not close the battery valves.

Improper insulation also causes dampness. The main mistakes are an insufficient layer to provide heat, and poor materials with zero vapor permeability.

To insulate an apartment with high quality, you can use one of two options:

  1. The thickness of the layer of polystyrene insulation is within 10-15 cm (and this is important for any region of the Russian Federation).
  2. Use a vapor-permeable material as insulation, for example, ecowool, mineral wool. This will make it possible to reliably remove moisture in the walls.

How to remove high humidity

Dealing with moisture will likely require a significant investment of either money or time and patience.

The most reliable ways to deal with dampness are costly. After the rebuild, however, you don't have to worry about drafts or sachets. The methods are expensive, but they pay off with interest:

  1. Replacement of the ventilation system, installation of fans, hoods.
  2. Overhaul, in which it is completely removed old plaster in damp areas. After that, the room is dried and the walls are covered with a fresh layer of plaster.
  3. Replacement and repair of heating systems and water supply pipes. The task becomes more difficult if these systems are hidden.
  4. Solving problems with the waterproofing properties of the foundation, walls and roof, which is the most time consuming and expensive procedure. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cope here on its own, without the involvement of specialists.

Affordable and simple ways to reduce the humidity in the room:

  1. When the weather is dry and warm, you should ventilate the room more often by opening the windows.
  2. The bathroom needs particularly frequent ventilation; the hood in this room needs regular cleaning.
  3. You should not dry your clothes in the room, as as a result of this, the air humidity rises significantly. This is permissible only in winter, when the air is dry by the heating system, it must be humidified. In summer, it is better to dry the laundry on the balcony or outside.
  4. When cooking, pots of boiling water should be covered with lids. It is also recommended to close the doors to the kitchen, this will serve as an obstacle to the spread of steam through the rooms in the apartment. Open the windows for slot ventilation in winter or full ventilation in summer, do not forget to turn on the hood. Try to keep the pots from steaming too much (turn off heat).
  5. Reducing the number of indoor plants will help to slightly lower the humidity in the room.
  6. A special dehumidifier (compressor or adsorption) will eliminate high humidity in a separate room.

Advice! The installation of plastic windows, which are equipped with the "micro-ventilation" function, will allow you to regularly ventilate the room, regardless of the season.

High humidity is removed if the room is constantly heated at the same temperature.

How to remove the smell of damp

Often high humidity accompanied by a characteristic damp smell. Its cause is a fungus, therefore, in order to eliminate the problem, the infection must be destroyed. Thoroughly rinse away mold stains; if it is deeply ingrained, replace the coating (down to a layer of plaster) if possible. Then treat with a disinfectant, and then a protective one. The funds must be marked "antifungal" or "fungicide".

To prevent the mold from divorcing again, in addition to treatment with protective preparations, it will be required in warm, dry weather:

  • arrange a draft in the apartment, which will provide good ventilation;
  • hang carpets, bedding, curtains, clothes outside for drying and disinfection in the sun.

Advice! In winter, heaters, household air dryers, air conditioners that are equipped with a heating function will allow you to dry the room.

Folk remedies for dampness in the apartment

Folk recipes also help to dry the air in the apartment:

  1. With the onset of summer, in warm weather, walls that are not covered with wallpaper and are covered with mold are recommended to be treated with the following composition: dissolve half a kilogram in five liters of water laundry soap and then boil the mixture. With the cooled soapy water, coat the wall evenly with a brush and let dry. Repeat the processing several times. Traces of soap suds should form on the wall. After that, apply another compound, consisting of 100 grams of alum, diluted in six liters of water.
  2. Calcium chloride perfectly absorbs moisture. Place containers with this substance in damp places. The advantage of calcium chloride is its reusability. It is enough to dry it (for example, in an oven). Be sure to crush the calcium chloride before use.
  3. Treatment with a mixture of salicylic acid and alcohol will help eliminate mold and prevent the spread of dampness. Dry the walls thoroughly. Then combine one part salicylic acid and two hundred (200) parts alcohol. Dilute the mixture with a small amount pure water... Apply this product to black mold spots.

Advice! Replace calcium chloride with charcoal or quicklime.

  1. Use a hydrometer. V warm time the optimum humidity will be from 30 to 60%, maximum - 65. At the end of autumn, in winter, in early spring humidity should vary between 30-45% and not exceed 60.
  2. Provide access to the sun's rays.
  3. Ventilate the apartment; this must be done systematically and efficiently.
  4. Fill cracks in the walls and floor.
  5. Provide quality waterproofing.
  6. Use fans in the kitchen and bathroom, including exhaust fans. Periodically check the traction in ventilation system... Check the status plumbing equipment, and Special attention give the joints of the pipes.
  7. Systematically inspect the seal on plastic windows, replace it with a new one in a timely manner.
  8. By doing overhaul, use mineral-based building materials. This will make it possible to effectively regulate the humidity in an apartment or private house.

You can eliminate dampness in an apartment with simple and available ways... Wall treatment special formulations will destroy mold and prevent its reoccurrence.

Systematic prevention will protect against increased humidity and the formation of fungus.

Littleone 2009-2012> Family matters> Our home> Humidity in new apartment

View full version: Humidity in a new apartment

Natasha-curdled milk

05.11.2009, 13:39

had the same problem
we bought a dehumidifier

do you have double-glazed windows?

had the same problem
we bought a dehumidifier
it is certainly not cheap, but now this problem has disappeared
Where and how much, share plz

Gucci Ferucci

05.11.2009, 15:29

If I'm not mistaken, the humidity in the new apartment is most likely due to the fact that Construction Materials(such as putty, plaster, etc.) can retain moisture for about 2 years.

Tell me, what could be the reason for the high humidity in the new apartment? There is heating, all the batteries are fire, and condensation constantly forms on the windows, which flows down to the windowsill. When you enter, it feels like in a bath (((Maybe someone knows how to deal with this?: 091:

it will pass! be patient! the house is new…. humidity is normal

our house is not new, but the bathhouse is a bathhouse (((And not double-glazed windows, and I ventilate ... in the morning in the kitchen on the floor there are streams from the window ...
And mold: 001: Every year I peel off the paint in the summer, I paint everything ...
The apartment is rented ...

Natasha-curdled milk

17,000 rubles, bought via the Internet

Natasha-curdled milk

05.11.2009, 17:00

and if the apartment is ventilated, is it all the same as in a bath?

if you ventilate, then it is normal, but there is enough enthy airing for a couple of hours, and in winter it is difficult to live with open windows, and the linen does not dry finally
before, when we went home, it smelled like a basement, an unpleasant smell, especially a difficult period when the batteries did not work, and it was already cool. during this period, nothing helped. then my psyche could not stand drying clothes on the heater and I bought a dehumidifier.

06.11.2009, 16:04

Oh, our problem! too new house, last floor. The humidity is awful, but most importantly, in the bathroom (above the bathroom), the entire ceiling is covered with mold, and it is spreading further and further.

HELP, can anyone know what this is connected with and how to deal ???

And we have the last floor, maybe it's somehow connected ?? !!

The house dries up, as long as it was built in any weather. We had 80% humidity. In the morning, she wore wet underwear on herself, brrrrrrrr These are the costs of new housing.

And how long did it last for you?

Kitsya Mura

06.11.2009, 17:39

I really hope that this will pass soon. The same was the thought that these mixtures are drying. We will wait for what will pass. We have wooden double-glazed windows and it is a pity if they deteriorate from moisture .... If it does not work, we will buy a desiccant (thanks for the information). and the windows are out of alignment ...

And we have wooden double-glazed windows and the same problem. Only the apartment is not new. At first it was just humid and stuffy, but now mold has gone everywhere: (Micro-ventilation, a fan in the bathroom - nothing helps: (The former owners did not have such a problem. We completely changed everything, there was no mold ... 2 years have passed since we moved in , but it only gets worse: (In the fall, the seams on the outside were closed up - it's still mold :(

Kitsya Mura

06.11.2009, 17:49

do you have double-glazed windows?
I know that this happens if the double-glazed windows are incorrectly installed or of poor quality
friends have the same situation for several years, they don't know how to get rid of mold, nothing helps

Be patient. This should go away with time. We have only for the second heating season everything is dry. True, right after delivery they drowned very badly. And there were also puddles on the windowsills, and the bread did not dry out, but moldy ...
You can buy a desiccant.

Most likely, the humidity in the apartment is condensation. the enclosing structure (external walls) of the building is not calculated correctly (not enough insulation).

How can they be incorrectly installed? It's just that I've already heard this version and I can't understand - how is it wrong? We have also gone mold ... Double-glazed windows, it seems, are good, wooden, pine.
and it is really possible for you that they are installed poorly, call the wizard ...

we also had one window crying, they installed it badly, the foam was of poor quality, we had to tear out the slopes and the window sill, remove all the foam, foam everything again

the first year we had the same trouble, the heater worked all winter (cold and damp)
and the next year everything returned to normal.
the house was just not heated.

17.11.2009, 11:31

17.11.2009, 12:03

See ventilation, put inlet valves (packages), and ventilation is constant (ventilation).

1 Call workers to check ventilation. In old houses, it can be clogged, and in new houses, there may be a construction error or some unscrupulous citizens, while carrying out repairs in their apartments, could have laid your ventilation duct. You can also check it yourself: you put a piece of newspaper to the ventilation opening and it should hold on itself with proper ventilation.

Little Shadow

17.11.2009, 12:47

17.11.2009, 12:50

1 Call workers to check ventilation.

How to reduce humidity and dampness in the apartment?

In old houses, it can be clogged, and in new houses, there may be a construction error or some unscrupulous citizens, while carrying out repairs in their apartments, could have laid your ventilation duct. You can also check it yourself: you put a piece of newspaper to the ventilation opening and it should hold on itself with proper ventilation.

And unscrupulous builders could simply clog the ventilation with debris.
Or pour concrete in a mine.
Just bring a thin piece of paper to the ventilation - it should "stick" a little to the hole.
When the fan is off, it is not necessary, if there is one.

17.11.2009, 12:54

This also happens in old houses - absolutely for sure 🙁

I remember when we moved, looked at the apartments.
So, in one of them, in a ship, it seems, on the 7th floor, the owners were very proud of how they successfully expanded the corridor at the expense of the ventilation mine and put a washing machine there.
To the question "what about the neighbors from below ?!" It was announced - well, everyone has wooden windows, there are cracks.
Yes, and we left a little there - 5-10 centimeters for air. (this is out of 60 original).

I then looked, as it turned out, a very popular type of expansion of the area in such houses.
The paragraph is just….

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"Dry" the room: how to get rid of dampness in the apartment

  1. What is the reason
  2. How to prevent
  3. First floor
  4. Fifth floor
  5. Folk remedies
  6. Against mold
  7. Dampness and repair

Before deciding how to get rid of dampness in an apartment, you need to find out: moisture comes from the outside or is generated inside the room.

To do this, you need to take a small piece of glass, press it firmly against the wall and hold it for a while. If, after tearing off the glass from the wall, it is wet, you can be sure: the dampness is outside. Otherwise, you have to look for an internal reason.

What is the reason

What can cause high humidity in the apartment? First of all, the absence or poor performance of ventilation. Check first if you have covered it with wallpaper or installing kitchen appliances.

This reason is easy to eliminate: cut the desired square on the wallpaper in place ventilation grill or make the correct retraction of household appliances.

Perhaps you are being heated by the neighbors from above. Examine carefully the ceiling throughout the apartment, especially in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen. If you find wet spots on the ceiling or walls adjacent to it, go to your neighbor to sort things out.

The accumulation of moisture in your room could form due to poor thermal insulation of the walls, flaws in the seams of housing construction. In this case, these shortcomings must be eliminated.

How to prevent

If you dry a large amount of laundry at home, high humidity in the apartment cannot be avoided. It is worth considering, maybe there is a way to stretch the wash over time, and use a balcony instead of the bathroom to dry the laundry.

With chronic dampness in the house, it is worth buying an air dehumidifier, it is better with automatic mode work. He will independently maintain optimal humidity in the apartment.

If the source of dampness is in the bathroom, install an electric heated towel rail there. It will dry not only the towels, but also the air in the room.

Any damp room should be periodically heated, dried and ventilated. This should be done even in winter. Use an exhaust ventilation system when preparing food in the kitchen.

It will successfully cope with the absorption of moisture formed during cooking.

First floor

The reason for the dampness in the ground floor apartment is the flooding of the basement. If this happens constantly, and complaints to the housing office do not give results, you should think about installing waterproofing. But she does not give a complete guarantee against dampness.

The apartment on the ground floor also needs additional heating.

Than the room is heated - by the rays of the sun, warm air from an air conditioner or underfloor heating with a built-in electric heater - it does not matter. By heating the apartment, you will expel moisture from it.

If you are thinking about how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the 1st floor, know that the flow of moisture from the basement increases dramatically in spring and autumn.

Therefore, if you correctly place in the room heating devices, the problem will be solved. You should not be afraid of energy overruns: they will need to be turned on only twice a year, in spring and autumn, for periods of a maximum of a month.

Fifth floor

If you are faced with the opposite problem and do not know how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the upper (spot) floor, these tips may help you.

In Khrushchev on the 5th floor, the cause of dampness is usually external. The increased humidity here is a direct consequence of the lack of gable roof, wall insulation, substandard interpanel seams, cast iron batteries heating with extremely low efficiency.

Ironically, technological progress only exacerbates these problems. The design of the Khrushchevka assumes Fresh air constantly enters the room through the cracks in the windows, and goes outside through the ventilation shafts.

The installation of plastic windows closes the air flow from the outside. And ventilation on top floor five-story buildings do not work well, since the lower floors are mainly ventilated in such a structure. As a result, on the 5th floor there is always mold in the corners and rivers on the windowsill.

To solve the problem, you need to install an alpine window. This is a system of valves punched into the walls of each room in combination with a powerful hood.

Fresh air enters the apartment through the valves, the hood draws out the humid exhaust air from it.

It is easy to be convinced of its effectiveness in winter: large icicles must form on the pipes of the valves in frosts outside. This is the moisture from the air in your apartment.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to get rid of dampness in an apartment with the time-tested folk remedies? Let's turn to the experience of our grandmothers.

Salt, sugar, coffee beans perfectly absorb moisture from the air. If you place open bags or jars with these products in the corners of the room, in closets, the apartment will dry out.

For the same purpose, furniture in the room should be regularly wiped with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When cleaning floors, wipe all wet surfaces dry. Ventilate the room thoroughly after each cleaning.

Against mold

The mold must be scraped off the wall, then the walls must be smeared with mortar copper sulfate or a special antifungal mixture.

You can use bleach, bleach, soda, vinegar, oil for this. tea tree and a regular soap solution.

Must be done in the house high-quality ventilation- fresh air will prevent mold from developing.

When preparing food, it is better to use forced ventilation... It is also necessary to repair the leaking water supply in time, do not overcool the room, wring out the laundry well before drying.

For winter, wooden windows should be insulated with a special cord in a cotton sheath or porous gaskets. Fill gaps in frames with ordinary window paper.

And from the replacement wooden windows it is better to refrain from plastic for problems with dampness.

If you nevertheless decide to install plastic windows, consider a ventilation system. Now fresh air will not be able to get through the window.

How to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment?

And not everyone will dare to open the window in the twenty-degree frost.

Dampness and repair

If you have started a renovation and intend to radically solve the problem of dampness in the apartment, it is advisable to use for it natural materials... They tend to absorb excess moisture from the air.

When repairing, you must also apply waterproofing materials... Include antifungal ingredients in the grout.

Consider the future furniture installation in advance. It should not be placed close to the walls, be sure to leave a gap.

To eliminate the causes of dampness, it is necessary to thoroughly deal with floor insulation, external and internal insulation walls. Walls should be cleaned with a bleach solution and re-plastering.

Drying and warming up the walls. How to dry a wall?

Microwave drying (microwave drying). Room drying, wall drying, house drying, damp wall drying, basement drying. using microwave equipment. Effective remedy against mold and mildew


Using microwave dryers ( Heat gun based on the principle of microwave heating), you can dry elements of both new and renovated buildings. By the way, this happens much better and faster, preventing the development of mold, rot and other defects from dampness.

Often, some elements of a newly built building are often painted over before they dry. The same situation can occur during the planned renovation of old buildings. As a result, moisture is "locked" in the structure, and then there is a massive distribution of mold or rot throughout the building.

Almost all molds release toxic substances that are harmful to humans, which can trigger attacks in asthmatics, allergy sufferers, or immunocompromised people. In addition, the smell of rotting will begin to spread throughout the building, and visible destruction and defects will appear in the structures.

It is possible to prevent the above difficulties or, in the worst case, remove the results from dampness by drying the structures. Using microwaves is the most efficient way.

A microwave dryer works like a home microwave oven. Microwaves associated with radio waves (frequency of about 2.5 GHz) irritate and activity the water molecules, and this leads to an increase in temperature. As in a home stove, a microwave dryer heats up the structure from the inside, that is, heating goes through the entire mass of the structure in the area of ​​the dryer.

Dryers designed for construction needs are allowed to be used for drying both external and interior walls... supports, concrete floors, ceilings, loggias, basements and flat roofs... The mobile dryer system allows them to be placed in a wide variety of locations and positions. They can dry both vertical and horizontal planes, floors - from top to bottom, ceilings - from bottom to top, where walls meet ceilings, internal corners.

Microwave dryers are suitable for drying concrete, masonry, gypsum, wood and wood products.

When designing dryers, special attention is paid to safety. They are provided with protection according to existing standards. A properly installed dryer guarantees a radiation level within a radius of 30 cm from the device that does not exceed the permitted level.

Behind a solid construction required thickness(for example, a concrete layer of 25-30 cm) the maximum radiation density usually does not exceed the possible 10 W / m2. If the structure is thinner or less dense, it outside you can cover it with foil, or close the access of people to this room for the period of the dryer operation.

Advantages of microwave drying:

Speed ​​- microwaves damp structures basements can be dried in just a few days or weeks.

How to remove moisture in an apartment - methods and means

By other means (elimination of moisture. Blower) this result can be achieved in a few months. For example, a 38 cm wall made of sand-lime brick(humidity at the beginning of drying 5.6%) for 4 hours was irradiated with microwaves. The moisture content has dropped to 1.0 - 2.0%!

Practicality - microwaves pass through glass, plastic, dry minerals and begin to "act" only when they come into contact with the moistened part of the structure. Therefore, they only warm up the places requiring drying.

ECONOMICAL - Despite the high power rating, microwave dryers provide energy savings. Blowers and other devices act on the air in the room, while microwave dryers, in the absence of losses, direct all the energy to the structure to be dried.

Drying can also be done in a room with an already completed finish.

The dryer can be operated at any time of the year, regardless of the ambient temperature.

Local heating of the structure destroys almost all harmful microorganisms.

Invite us to order our microwave drying job!