How to make and how to fill a hill of snow? Snow slides - a winter drive for children and adults (48 photos).

Sledding, skiing, skating and more fun entertainment opens winter for us. To give real joy to your own kids, it is worth figuring out how to properly fill a snow slide. Let's try to understand this issue.

Choosing a place to build a slide

Before answering the question of how to properly fill the hill, let's find out in which places it is better to form it. It is recommended to select safe zones. It is desirable that the slide be away from trees and shrubs, the roadway, all kinds of drains and sewer manholes, deep ravines, and other objects that can cause injury during the descent.

It is better to choose a spacious area. The higher the hill is planned to be built, the more free territory should be available. Of course, going down from a high, massive slide, the slope of which is made with all sorts of turns, will be much more fun.

slide size

The width and height of the future structure will depend on the amount of snow available, the reserve of one's own strength and patience. If you plan to make a slide for very young kids, do not get too carried away. For the smallest, a structure of the most modest size will suffice. So what should be the dimensions of the slide? As practice shows, the ratio of the height of the structure to its length in the ratio of 1:4 is optimal.

How to fill a hill of snow with water? In addition to the descent itself, you will need to create a rollout. The latter is a flat, trampled and icy territory, along which the sliding will continue for some time until it stops.

Tilt angle

Trying to figure out how to properly fill a hill of snow, you should not make the descent too gentle or, conversely, too steep. The ideal at the top point is considered to be a slope of 30-50 °. Further, the height of the descent must be gradually reduced, trying to make the slide evenly flat until its very end.

How to build a hill?

It is convenient to build a slide using large balls of snow prepared in advance. The latter must be tightly laid to each other, and fill up all the gaps with a shovel. The resulting mass of snow must be well compacted. The result is a base on which it will be convenient to create a descent, railings, and other elements.


To make it convenient to use the slide for both children and adults, you should take care of creating steps. They need to be placed on the highest side of the structure. The optimal width for the steps will be from 40 to 50 cm. This will allow people with the most different size legs. On the sides of the steps, you can make low sides, which will be handy to grab while climbing.

How to fill the hill with water?

Now let's move on to the issue of filling. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to let the slide stand for several days at rest. This will allow the frame to compress and get stronger as much as possible. Thus, the snow structure will not fall apart after the first ride.

How to fill a hill correctly? It is necessary to perform such work when there are observed on the street very coldy- from -20 °С. Otherwise, the shape of the structure may "float". The best time for filling the slide with water is the evening, when the sun has already managed to hide behind the horizon.

People who are well versed in how to properly fill a hill with water recommend first walking on its surface, spraying small drops with a spray gun. After a few hours, the structure will be covered with a thin ice crust, which will allow you to proceed with the main pouring.

It is convenient to water the hill with water from a watering can. This must be done slowly. Indeed, with a large flow, there is a risk of large gaps in the thickness of the snow. Oddly enough, the water should not be the coldest. Using barely warm water, you can get a perfectly smooth surface much faster. If, with this solution, voids form on the surface of the snow, they should be immediately sealed with snow slurry, leveling with a piece of cloth. If you leave such shortcomings without attention, when riding on the notches, you can scratch or tear your clothes.

How to fill the hill in the place of descent? To do this, you need to mix snow into a container with water. The resulting slurry must be laid out on the descent, leveling with a construction spatula. For safety, it is worth building curbs along the entire length of the ramp and treating their inner surfaces in the same way. Then you can leave the slide alone until the ice layer completely solidifies.

After complete freezing, the structure can be doused with water again. Then it is worth walking down the slope with a polished board. As a result, the slide will become even more slippery and smooth.


Using the above recommendations, it will not be difficult for an adult to build a slide and fill it with water. The main thing is to show imagination and do the work carefully. Naturally, the implementation of the plan may take a whole day or even more.

However, the effort spent will pay off with interest, because with the help of an ice slide, kids will be able to have fun from the beginning of the first frost until spring, without leaving their own yard. By the way, it will be possible to go down from such a makeshift structure not only in warm clothes, but also on rubber mats, cardboard and even a sleigh.

Step 1 Stock up on a shovel, watering can, mop and access to water, rubber gloves(you will put them on over regular, warm ones) and a wide metal spatula from the Everything for Repair store. Select appropriate place for a slide: if the height of the slide is about a meter, then the length of the descent should be at least four meters, if the slide is higher, then the “roll-out” will be longer.

Step 2

Make a "base" for the slide: it can be assembled as a constructor from large snow globes(or even from hastily crumpled "heaps" of snow), fill the gaps with snow and tamp tightly. Don't forget the steps perfect solution- a couple of boxes for vegetables), and put a sheet of plywood on the top platform of the slide so that it is not so slippery. On the sides of the future gutter, along its entire length, stick a snow border - there is less risk of falling out of the hill.

Step 3

The most interesting thing: we fill the descent of the slide. It is better to do this in the evening, so that the hill has time to freeze during the night. This will require warm water from a watering can, a mop or a shovel and a second builder: one will methodically splash water on the packed snow, the other will immediately level it. Do not use a hose, otherwise it will be difficult to evenly and layer by layer fill the entire surface, just slowly pour the snow from the watering can. When the slide takes on its usual shape, take a spatula and add the finishing touches: level the surface and make a smooth transition from the descent of the slide to the “roll out”. Put snow patches on all holes and irregularities and smooth again with a spatula. Pay attention to the "track": pour it over and tamp it too. Take a break for two hours and return to the slide again: the first layer will already freeze (or at least freeze), and you can do all of the above again. Riding on an ice slide is a traditional Russian fun

For the construction we need: a pair of large shovels, a lot of water and a good mood. And also you can’t do this without frost, snow and a few pairs of free hands.

Choosing a place for construction

First you need to determine the place for construction. It must be safe, that is, located away from landings, buildings and other objects that you can crash into.

Determine the height, width and slope of the slide

The choice of height depends on the site on which the slide is being built, taking into account the length of the slide. If you are building it for kids, the slope should not be steep, on the contrary, make it gentle. For adults, the optimal angle is 40-50 degrees at the beginning of the mountain, and gradually decrease, making it more gentle.

We make steps and sides

It is necessary to place the steps on the highest side of the mountain. Their width should be about 50 cm, so that it is convenient to climb.

It will also be great if you make sides on the sides of the steps, 30 centimeters high. The same can be built along the edges of the slide itself, so that you can ride safely and not be afraid to fly out of it.

Sculpt mountain

It is necessary to proceed with the construction, waiting for the thaw. It is when the snow is sticky that you can easily make a hill of snow. After that, the embankment must be well compacted.

We fill

It is necessary to fill the hill in the cold. You can do this with a hose or buckets. And the most The best way- an ordinary watering can. After climbing the steps, carefully and slowly pour, trimming the surface to create a perfectly even coating. You can fill the hill with a large shovel or plywood, pouring water on their surface, from which it will drain onto the snow. You can do this by covering the mountain with a huge rag - thanks to this method, the water will cover the mountain more evenly. Another way: to collect snow in some container, mix it with a stick and evenly cover the mountain with this slurry. Where water holes have formed, fill them with snow and fill them again.

Finishing touch

After the slide has been poured, leave it alone until the ice freezes. Then water a few more times in the same way, leaving the ice to freeze. Do this until the ice layer is perfectly level and leave the slide overnight. During this time, your structure should freeze even more and you can try to ride. But before that, do not forget to shake the steps with sand, and pour the hill again with water and let it stand for another hour. Another nuance - be sure to make sure that the transition between the descent and the ground is smooth.

Equipment for downhill skiing

You can swim from the slide on bags, bags, cardboard or rubber mats. But all these devices are not safe, because when descending on them, you can get injured, as well as freeze or squeeze your hands. For a faster, more convenient, and most importantly safe descent from the ice slides, there are special equipment: ice rinks, tubings or cheesecakes.

Glacier is special device for skiing downhill made of plastic in the shape of a heart. Such a plate is very light and it is convenient to take it with you on walks, and you can control it with a handle.

Tubing or cheesecake - an inflatable circle, similar to a rescue one, inside of which there is an inflatable chamber, and outside there is a protective cover of a bright color. It also has handles for the child to hold on to.


Skating from an ice slide is a well-known traditional fun. Knowing all the nuances and rules, you can easily build such fun in your yard. A do-it-yourself ice slide can become the best gift beloved family on New Year's holidays.

Skiing from the mountain is a favorite pastime for children of all ages, and only adults can provide them with convenience and comfort in this matter, and they will have more than enough fun and enthusiasm. A slide can be built from a variety of improvised materials, and from which will be discussed in this article.

What is needed for the slide

In order to make a slide with your own hands, you can use metal, plastic, wood, as well as improvised materials left over from the old cabinet and desk. At least with a little imagination, you can build a real miracle from them and put them in the corner of the children's room to the delight of your baby.

You can make a slide for your child from an old desk.

For this you will need:

  • lacquered cabinet door;
  • plywood sheet;
  • small boards, which can be pieces of a shovel handle, legs from a table or chair.

Manufacturing steps:

Making a hill of snow

Making a mountain with your own hands out of snow is very simple. The main thing is to wait until the temperature on the street approaches the mark of about 0 ᵒС. And, of course, the presence of a sufficient amount of snow is important.

And you will also need:

  • shovel made of metal or plastic;
  • construction spatula, scraper;
  • bucket or watering can;
  • warm gloves.

Manufacturing steps:

  1. The primary task is to determine the location of such a homemade attraction. To minimize injury, it is imperative that you roll out onto level ground so that
    the child could roll evenly until it came to a complete stop.
  2. The height of the slide is determined based on the age of the riders. For crumbs up to 3 years old, an elevation of 1 meter high will be enough, and for older children, you can build a higher slope, the main thing is that the slope of the slope does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Having rolled up several large balls, form the foundation of the future building from them. If you plan to make a sufficiently high slide, then you should consider how the children will climb it. The problem can be solved by making the same snowballs that can be laid at the foot in the form of steps.
  4. Use a spatula and scrapers to level the surface of the steps and leave the structure until the onset of cold weather.
  5. Fill the hill should be in the cold. It is not recommended to use a bucket or a hose for this, as there is a high risk of large holes forming. It is better to use an ordinary garden watering can or the one that housewives use to water indoor plants.
  6. On a piece of plywood or a shovel with a wide working part, slowly pour water onto the structure. And you can cover the elevation with a large piece of cloth and pour through it - this will help the liquid to be more evenly distributed over the snow.
  7. If, apart from the bucket, there was nothing at hand, then the water in it must be mixed with snow and cover the surface with this same slurry, leaving it to freeze overnight, and repeat the procedure in the morning.
  8. Everything, the hill is ready. If necessary, potholes on it can be trimmed with a spatula.

In winter, for most children, the best entertainment is a snow slide. Combining this activity with snowman modeling and snowball fights, you can have a great time on fresh air. Moreover, during the winter holidays, outdoor activities should be associated with visiting the street.

In order to get the maximum pleasure from a quick descent, you need to know how to properly fill the slide. This requires the presence of certain conditions and certain means. The most important of them are snow and frosty weather. In case of their absence, the skiing venture will have to be postponed until the appropriate weather conditions arrive.

We pour a hill of snow

Initially, you need to build a hill of the required height and desired design from the snow and carefully compress all the snow elements. This will make it durable and will not let it sink during active use. In order to avoid the question of how to fill the hill correctly, you need to perform all actions in strict sequence and not neglect any of them.

We strengthen the hill with water

The next step is to fix the snow slide and give it strength. But before this, the existing structure must be allowed to settle and sit down for several days. After that, in the presence of a strong frost, it can be applied to the entire surface of the slide. cold water. To keep the snow surface intact, it is best to spray water. Otherwise, the snow will simply melt, forming grooves and bumps.

Watering a hill from a watering can

Another option for how to properly fill a hill in winter can be to use a watering can for this purpose. It, filled with water, needs to be watered over the entire surface of the snowy mountain from the base to the top. Moisture must be evenly distributed throughout pitched area. This will keep the surface smooth after the water has completely frozen.

Let's make the surface of the slide smooth

In order to understand how to properly fill the hill, you need to take into account such a moment that in the event of the formation of pits and bumps, clothes can be damaged when sliding over them.

To eliminate such a plan of defects, you need to use a small amount of snow mixed with water to the consistency of gruel. With this mixture, you need to close up all the recesses and smooth out all the bumps. If necessary, it can be used to apply over the entire surface of the mountain. This will even out all the protrusions and recesses and further strengthen the structure.

For a more comfortable descent, the slide can be equipped with bumpers. They can be molded from wet snow. The edges of the sides should be as smooth as possible to avoid damage to clothing or body parts.

Use a hose to strengthen the slide

Another great option on how to fill the slide correctly is to use a hose with a spray nozzle for this purpose. This method is possible only if there is a water supply or a water column in the immediate vicinity. Water should be poured carefully, avoiding melting snow. Starting to apply water is from the top, gradually sinking down. This procedure must be done several times, then the question of how to properly fill the slide will be closed completely.

After a few hours, the wet snow should freeze completely. If this does not happen, it is worth waiting for time until it completely solidifies. After that, it's time to start riding. A flat and smooth surface of the descent is the key to a high sliding speed. A properly made slide can deliver a lot of pleasure, joy and positive emotions. If you follow these tips, there will no longer be a question of how to properly fill the hill.

When descending from the ice slides, you should be extremely careful in order to avoid injuring yourself and those around you. Riding young children should be carried out under the full supervision of adults in order to prevent injury and avoid possible accidents.