The thinnest floor insulation. Which floor insulation is better: characteristics of expanded clay, mineral wool, glass wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam

The question "Which insulation is better for the floor?" everyone who loves comfort is asked. It is always nice to walk barefoot without fear that your limbs will freeze. And this is especially true in the off-season, when it is not yet included central heating(if any) and in winter, when the temperature outside is below zero. It is then that people often turn their eyes to floor insulation. We will tell you how to choose the material and how to lay it correctly. After all, a well-insulated floor is one of the components of heat preservation in a residential area.

When choosing heaters, it is important to take into account the climatic zone (how cold it can be in winter), the features of the room and its purpose, the type of existing or planned flooring. For example, floor insulation in an apartment and in a wooden house will differ significantly.

Option #1 - Styrofoam

Among the materials that do not require communications or connection to the network, the most common insulation for underfloor heating is polystyrene foam, well known to everyone as polystyrene.

Its thermal insulation properties are 25 times better than those of expanded clay concrete. Yes, and walking on a floor insulated with polystyrene foam is much warmer and more pleasant, because such a floor absorbs heat very slowly.

Styrofoam as a floor insulation is used when installing a floating screed. Then it is poured with a layer of cement or concrete. It is possible to lay the slabs in the gaps between the lag when constructing wooden floors. Another way - the plates are laid on a concrete floor, and on top of them - sheets of plywood.

Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of moisture, so it can be widely used for floor insulation on the balcony and in rooms with a high level of humidity.

Option # 2 - expanded clay

Expanded clay is one of the most affordable inexpensive materials. It is used both when falling asleep under gypsum boards and added to concrete. Using expanded clay, a floating floor screed is also constructed when concrete or cement mortar is poured over it.

Floor insulation is best done with expanded clay from different fractions

The porous structure of this material, made of clay, allows the floor to be thermally insulated even in areas with very cold and frosty winters. But for this, the expanded clay layer should be about 10-15 cm, which is not always convenient, because it reduces the existing living space.

Option #3 - polystyrene concrete

In comparison with expanded clay and conventional screed, the thickness of the floor insulation based on polystyrene concrete is much thinner. 5 cm of material is enough to provide both heat and sound insulation of the room. And the pressure on the floor in this case will be less, and the floor can be leveled, and the floor can be insulated.

Almost all materials can be laid over a layer of polystyrene concrete, including tiles. In addition, it will create a perfectly flat surface for self-leveling floors.

Option #4 - glass wool and mineral wool

These types of insulation are widely used for insulation of roofs, walls and floors due to their low cost. There are such materials in the form of plates or in rolls. They are most often used for warming wooden floors due to the vapor permeability of the material.

Mineral wool and glass wool are laid between the lags. But the composition of these materials makes you think: the release, although in safe norms, is still dangerous chemical substances is present.

Laying mineral wool between the log of a wooden floor

Glass wool must be carefully insulated so that dust does not enter the room when it is worn out. When laying such materials, it is important to leave ventilation gap. The disadvantages of these materials include their weightiness and moisture absorption.

Option #5 - cork material

To insulate the floor with a light, safe and thin material, cork fiber is used. This is the best insulation for the floor under linoleum. The best, but also one of the most expensive. In addition to thermal insulation qualities, it has durability and moisture resistance.

This material can be laid both as a substrate under floor coverings, and use as an independent floor covering. In the latter case, cork slabs are additionally polished and varnished. Get a natural beautiful warm floor.

Option #6 - sawdust insulation

By themselves, sawdust for insulation is no longer used. They do not meet fire safety requirements. But from them, with the addition of flame retardants, antiseptics and glue, sawdust pellets, wood concrete, and ecowool are produced.

Option #7 - ecowool

This loose cellulose-based material is used to insulate even hard-to-reach places. It is poured automatically or manually with a layer of 15-20 cm, which, according to thermal characteristics, corresponds to a layer of expanded clay of 80 cm.

Ecowool has soundproof and thermal insulation properties, completely safe. But such material is afraid of moisture. Therefore, it is laid only in those places where there is no likelihood of an increase in the level of humidity. It is most often used when laying wooden floors.

Option # 8 - penoizol

Simply put, penoizol is a liquid foam, about all positive aspects which we have already spoken. Penoizol is good because, due to its consistency, it can be poured into hard-to-reach places, they close up cracks and seams.

It is good to use it in the first stages of building and equipping a house. It fills all the air voids, thereby preventing the outflow of heat in the future.

Option # 9 - foil insulation

The effect of the material is based on the fact that it reflects heat back into the room, but does not transfer it to external environment. Therefore, it is correct to lay it with the reflective side up. This material is durable, waterproof, so it can be used in all types of premises, including baths and saunas.

As you can see, there are plenty of materials for warming your floor, in whatever room it is located. It is important to take into account all the nuances and choose the most effective and safe insulation.

Such a heater may consist of a layer of mineral wool or polystyrene and a layer of foil. It is produced in the form of plates and in rolls. They are sheathed with wooden floors or laid under warm floors

An additional option is the "warm floor" system

More and more people are choosing underfloor heating systems. In the case of a water system under the floor surface, through which will circulate hot water. The method is effective, but troublesome. After all, in addition to the pipes themselves, you will need risers, collectors, valves, an automatic control device (shutdown).

For mounting modern systems underfloor heating is usually used polymer pipes. Such pipes are very durable, resistant to thermal aging, have plasticity and flexibility, and are not afraid of corrosion.

You can also make an electrical system: in this case, a cable is laid under the floor covering, which converts current into heat. A layer of 3-7 cm of concrete is laid on top of the heating elements or cement-sand mortar and then the flooring. Those. if a breakdown occurs, you will need to completely dismantle the floor.

There are also . Such floors are much easier to install and operate. The film heat-insulated floor does not demand a coupler, it is very quickly mounted and connected. On top of this floor, you can lay linoleum, tiles, parquet, laminate. This system can be easily removed and moved to another room.

The convenience and efficiency of underfloor heating makes them the most popular for residential and public buildings (kindergartens, schools, sports complexes).

September 7, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction works (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communication, high technologies, computer equipment, programming.

Very important role Insulation for the floor plays an important role in improving the energy efficiency of a home. Especially if you are going to equip the floor heating system with a flexible self-regulating cable or pipes with hot water. After all, the better it will work thermal insulation layer, the more heat energy will be spent on heating the room, and not the floor slabs.

Today I will talk about different kinds thermal insulation materials and tell you what kind of insulation to use for the floor. The instructions below will be of great help to home craftsmen who are going to do the insulation with their own hands.

The role of the thermal insulation layer for the floor

In order to achieve comfortable conditions for people to live, it is necessary that the air temperature in the room be the same throughout the entire volume of the latter. And according to physical laws, warm air masses rise to the ceiling, that is, cold zones appear in the floor area. Moreover, regardless of whether the floor is made on the floor slab or there is a construction on the ground.

Sometimes the temperature difference between the top and bottom of a room can be very significant. To avoid this, one or another floor insulation is used. And for greater efficiency, water or electric underfloor heating is additionally mounted.

Requirements for the used heaters

I must say right away that when choosing thermal insulation materials, it is especially important to choose the right insulation for a warm water floor. It is these operating conditions that are the most difficult, which often leads to a reduction in the service life of heat insulators, damage to floor slabs, breakdowns in heating systems, and so on.

I compiled a small table in which I indicated the most important requirements that a heater for underfloor heating must meet:

Characteristic Description
Strength The material used must be strong enough to withstand the stress of the heating used (pipes filled with water), finishing material(screeds), installed furniture and moving people.
Heat resistance Thermal insulation must maintain its original size regardless of temperature fluctuations. That is, when the heating system is turned on, the width, thickness and length of the elements of the insulating layer should not increase.
Resistance to aggressive environment The insulation you choose should be well tolerated by contact with other building materials (in particular, cement mortar), which are usually used for arranging the floor. In addition, the heat insulator should not be destroyed by aggressive compounds.
Low thermal conductivity From the thermal conductivity of the insulation depends on its thickness under the warm floor. A thin but rigid thermal insulation layer will allow you to maintain a greater distance between the floor and the ceiling.
hydrophobicity The insulation must protect the heating system and the dwelling itself from moisture ingress. In addition, the heat insulator itself should not change its technical characteristics (in particular, thermal conductivity) when wet.

In addition, I note that the insulation for water-heated floors and floor coverings with electric heating is also perfect for thermal insulation of ordinary floors. Because if the material withstands operation in extreme conditions, he will perfectly cope with the tasks and in all other cases.

Varieties of thermal insulation materials

Well, now let's take a close look at the question of which insulation is better for the floor. Here you need to choose according to the most important operational properties. I have already done some of the work for you and have selected a few of the most interesting options, which are reflected in the diagram:

Well, now about each of them in more detail.

Expanded clay

This natural insulation is a loose mineral material obtained from natural clay by firing it in kilns at high temperature. As a result of this treatment, the surface of individual pieces of clay is melted and becomes smooth.

The gases released from the raw materials during the firing process form a porous structure inside the individual granules, due to which expanded clay acquires high thermal insulation properties.

Despite the high porosity, the insulation in question is characterized by sufficient strength. Expanded clay can be used as a mineral filler in concrete, mortar for the formation of wall blocks and as an addition under a cement screed when arranging the floor.

I myself have repeatedly performed dry, semi-dry and wet insulated screed using expanded clay. The result is a fairly reliable and solid floor, on which water pipes or cables can be mounted without fear. electrical system heating.

To facilitate the work with the material, there are three types of it on sale:

  1. Gravel. Classic insulation with oval or round granules. The material has a red-brown tint. It is this option that I recommend using when arranging an insulating layer for the floor.
  1. Rubble. Expanded clay, the individual particles of which are quite large. This type of insulation is formed by splitting large stones into smaller ones, resulting in pebbles with sharp edges. This material is more suitable as a mineral additive in concretes with low thermal conductivity.

  1. Screenings or sand. Very fine expanded clay, which is formed by firing or splitting expanded clay of the two previous varieties. It is not suitable for insulation, it is used as a decorative material in aquariums and for filtering liquids.

To figure out how effective insulation is expanded clay, I will focus on describing some of its technical characteristics:

  1. Fraction composition. On sale you can see three types of material: with a fraction size of up to 10, up to 20 and up to 40 mm. There is also a material with smaller particles, but it is not suitable for construction.

For insulation, I advise using expanded clay, which is a mixture of fractions of all sizes - from 5 to 40 mm. In this case, the voids inside the floor insulation layer will be filled as densely as possible and you can not be afraid of failures during operation.

In addition, dense backfill reduces air convection, which, as you know, reduces the insulating qualities of the material used.

  1. Density. According to GOST number 9759-90, seven density values ​​\u200b\u200bare established from 250 to 600 kg per cubic meter. There is also a denser expanded clay, but it is only available on request for specific applications.

Here it should be borne in mind that the bulk density of the material will be 2 times less, since regardless of the quality of ramming, there will still be gaps between individual expanded clay granules.

The specific brand of insulation must be determined after thermal engineering calculations. After all, the density of the material is directly proportional to strength, but inversely proportional to thermal conductivity. And it is important to find a middle ground between these two parameters. In my work, I use expanded clay grade 300 or 400.

  1. Strength. According to this parameter, 13 grades of expanded clay crushed stone and 11 grades of expanded clay gravel are distinguished, which are determined by squeezing the material in a cylinder.

The strength of both types of material of the same brand varies and this must be taken into account when buying. For example, gravel P100 withstands a compressive load of 2.5 MPa, and crushed stone - no more than 1.6.

  1. Compaction factor. A parameter showing the change in the volume of the material as a result of compaction during the transportation and storage of expanded clay mass.

The compaction coefficient for expanded clay is 1.15. This means that if you need 2 cubic meters of gravel to insulate the floor, then you need to buy 2x1.15 = 2.3 m3 of material. In addition, I note that expanded clay in bags is sold already compacted and it is not necessary to apply an amendment there.

  1. Thermal conductivity. It is on this parameter that it depends on how thick the insulation layer used when installing the floor (including with heating) should be. The exact value of λ for expanded clay is in the range from 0.1 to 0.18 W / (m * K) and depends on the density.

Usually, for high-quality surface insulation, it is necessary to pour a layer of expanded clay of medium density with a thickness of 10-20 cm.

  1. Water absorption. Due to its high porosity and the presence of a large number of gaps, the expanded clay insulation layer absorbs a considerable amount of moisture. The water absorption coefficient (as well as several other parameters) depends on the density and is equal to 8 to 20% of its own volume.

From a consumer point of view, this means that the thermal insulation must be carefully protected from moisture by means of waterproofing membranes. Especially if we are talking about the bathroom (I wrote about how to lay expanded clay under a dry screed in a plumbing room in one of my articles on this blog).

  1. Soundproofing. Like other heat-insulating materials with an open structure, expanded clay is able to absorb sound waves of both air and structural origin well.

This property of expanded clay is widely used in the arrangement of interfloor ceilings in residential buildings from wood. The material is poured between the floor lags and does not let noise through between floors.

Despite the large number of advantages, expanded clay has several disadvantages:

  1. High tendency to dust formation. When working indoors, expanded clay backfill forms a large amount of dust, which is dangerous for the human respiratory system. To avoid negative consequences, I recommend using a respirator.
  2. Prolonged drying of wet expanded clay. In order for the air humidity to remain within the normal range in rooms insulated with this material, the heat-insulating layer must be protected with vapor and hydroprotective membranes.

Despite the shortcomings, I still recommend using expanded clay for thermal insulation, if only because it is the most cheap material from those described in the article. The price for a bag of expanded clay is from 60 to 100 rubles, or about 1300 rubles per cubic meter in bulk.

But the most environmentally friendly will be discussed in the next section.


Cork insulation - thermal insulation material from pieces of bark cork tree. Multilayer plates are formed from it, which contain a minimum of solid matter and a maximum of air gaps. Thanks to the latter, cork boards get such a low coefficient of thermal conductivity.

I can say right away that I really like this insulation as a material to increase the thermal resistance of the floor. This is facilitated by the many advantages of cork:

  • has a very low coefficient of thermal conductivity (depends on the type of cork agglomerate);
  • prevents moisture condensation on insulated enclosing surfaces;
  • has a high sound absorption coefficient, protecting living rooms from noise of air and shock origin;
  • is not a conductor of electric current;
  • due to its natural origin does not harm human health;
  • retains its original specifications and operational properties regardless of the level of humidity, temperature fluctuations in the air and other external factors;
  • is chemically neutral, does not collapse under the influence of aggressive liquids and gases;
  • has antiseptic properties, mold does not multiply on its surface and fungus does not appear, mice and insects do not gnaw on the cork;
  • It has fire-fighting properties, does not ignite well, does not contribute to the spread of flame and does not emit toxic combustion products into the air.

The set of properties listed above makes cork just an excellent material for thermal insulation of the floor, including under the heating system. In addition, cork bark agglomerate can be used for thermal insulation of walls, floors, roofs. The appearance of cork slabs is so good that they do not require additional decorative finishes.

On sale there is a heater of two varieties:

  • white agglomerate;
  • black cork agglomerate.

White is more suitable for decorative interior decoration, although no one bothers to use it as an additional insulating layer. The exact technical characteristics of the material are presented in the table:

White cork agglomerate is available in slabs of the following sizes:

  • 91.5 by 61 cm;
  • 93.5 by 64 cm.

The thickness of the plates varies from 1 mm to 50 cm. Thin ones are used exclusively for decorating rooms, thick ones - for thermal insulation of the floor and other surfaces.

Black cork agglomerate is made from pieces of cork oak bark. The raw material is crushed, heated and pressed into slabs. In production synthetic materials are not used. For gluing the agglomerate, suberin is used - a substance located in the integumentary part of the cortex.

The exact technical characteristics of black cork agglomerate are presented in the table:

Cork insulation tolerates sharp temperature fluctuations well and does not change its technical characteristics during operation.

For floor insulation, including heated floors, black cork agglomerate is well suited, produced in the form of separate sheets with dimensions of 100 by 50 cm and a thickness of 1 to 32 cm.

But I advise you to pay attention to the cork in rolls. The thickness of the insulation in this case is from 2 to 6 mm, the width is 1 meter, and the length is up to 10 meters. The thermal insulation effect of this material is difficult to overestimate. 3mm layer of cork replaces 4cm mineral wool or 150 cm of reinforced concrete floor slab.

The big disadvantage of this solution is the very high cost. A square meter of material 1 cm thick costs 640 rubles, and if you take a thicker one, the price rises to 1800. More accurate parameters are indicated in the table.

Foamed polyethylene

Another type of insulation that is suitable for insulating floor coverings (with and without heating) is cellular polyethylene foam with a heat-reflecting layer of aluminum foil. The polymer with cells has a low thermal conductivity, and the metallized layer reflects inward almost all (up to 98%) thermal energy produced by the floor heating system.

As a result, pipes or electric cables do not heat the floor slab or the ground under the house, but the room in which people live.

On sale there are heaters with one or two metallized surfaces. For work, I recommend using a heater with one aluminum layer, which, when laid, unfolds inside the room (for example, Penofol Type A). Some varieties of the material in question have markings on the foil, which facilitates the laying of pipes or cables.

The material is sold in the form of rolls with a thickness of 3 to 10 mm. Foamed polyethylene can be used as an independent insulation or paired with traditional heat-insulating materials - mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, and so on.

I will dwell on a more detailed description of some of the technical characteristics of this heater:

  1. Thermal conductivity. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of foamed polyethylene is 0.049 W / (m * K), however, its use does not greatly increase the thermal resistance of the floor due to the small thickness of the insulation layer.

Nevertheless, the efficiency of the material is much higher than it might seem at first glance. This is due to the presence of a heat-reflecting layer. It reflects infrared rays, thanks to which the air in the room warms up. As a result, the final heat transfer resistance of the floor is 1.2-1.23 W / (m2 * K).

In other words, a 4 mm layer of polyethylene foil foam is just as effective as an 8 cm layer of mineral wool.

  1. Hygroscopicity. Unlike cork and expanded clay, polyethylene foam has a closed cell structure, so it absolutely does not absorb water. Moreover, this parameter does not depend on the time of year or temperature fluctuations.

Foam polyethylene foil can be used for thermal insulation of the floor under the heating system (water or electric) without the use of additional waterproofing membranes. It is enough to properly seal the substrate with adhesive tape.

  1. Soundproof properties. Class A insulation (with foil glued to one side of the material) is able to effectively absorb sound waves up to 32 dB.

Foamed polyethylene differs in the greatest efficiency in frame structures when laying it on floors made along logs. Like cork, this material is able to absorb both structural and airborne noise.

  1. Vapor permeability. Aluminum foil glued to a layer of polyethylene foam makes the insulation in question absolutely vapor-tight. The vapor permeability coefficient does not exceed 0.001 mg/(m*h*Pa).

Due to this, the heater can be used as vapor barrier membrane. If you lay it on the floor on top of a layer of mineral wool, you can not be afraid of wetting the latter with water vapor formed as a result of human activity.

  1. Fire safety. Foamed polyethylene belongs to the category of building materials that are difficult to ignite and do not support combustion. Therefore, it is possible to safely lay electrical on it without fear of ignition of the insulating layer as a result of a short circuit.

In direct contact with a flame, cellular polyethylene melts, releasing water and carbon dioxide, which are harmless to humans and do not impede the evacuation of people from residential premises.

  1. Life time. The polymer from which polyethylene foam is made is able to maintain its original performance properties for at least 200 years. This is much more than even the most stringent building codes require.
    The exact technical characteristics of foamed polyethylene insulation depend on the manufacturer of the material. I will indicate them on the example of the material trademark Penofol, aluminum foiled on one side.

The cost of a roll of Penofol Type A, 15 m long, 1.2 meters wide and 10 mm thick, is about 1,400 rubles apiece.

Foil foam

Another insulation that is specifically designed for warming underfloor heating (and is not used for thermal insulation of conventional floors) is foil foam. For its manufacture, block polystyrene foam with a density of 20 kg per cubic meter is used, which complies with the PN-B-20130 standard.

The thickness of this material varies from 2 to 10 cm. To increase the efficiency of the foam, a multilayer polymer film is glued to its surface, containing a metallized layer inside, which plays the role of a heat shield.

The protective film on the surface is placed in such a way as to protrude beyond the edge of the foam boards at a distance of 5 cm. Thanks to this tolerance, the joints of the insulation mats are overlapped, creating a sealed and moisture-resistant base for laying pipes or heating cables. In addition, the polymer film prevents the liquid component from leaking during pouring. cement screed and provides high-quality dehydration of the solution.

For ease of installation, markings are applied on the surface of the film in the form of squares with a side of 5 cm, which facilitate the placement of pipes at the required distance from each other.

I will briefly tell you about the most important technical characteristics of foam mats with a metallized layer:

  1. structural stability. The foam retains all original physical and Chemical properties during laying, pouring concrete mortar and further operation. The insulation can be operated at temperatures from -180 to + 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. High soundproof properties. Insulation under warm floors perfectly isolates the room from structural noise transmitted through the ceiling. In other words, the inhabitants of the lower floor will not suffer from the rumble emitted by the tenants located above.
  3. Chemical stability. Styrofoam perfectly tolerates impact alkaline environment, characteristic of a solution with a cement binder. Therefore, it is often used in the arrangement of insulated heated floors, which are then leveled using the “wet” screed method.
  4. Antiseptic. The insulation is biologically neutral; mold fungus that cannot feed on styrene does not appear and does not develop on its surface. This is very important, since the high temperature with the heating system turned on creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms.
  5. Hygroscopicity. Block foam with a heat-reflecting layer has a high moisture resistance coefficient. The insulating layer does not absorb moisture, does not swell and does not dissolve, regardless of the level of humidity.
  6. Strength. Despite the low density, the material has a high deformation strength. The static and dynamic load exerted on the floor will not lead to its destruction and violation of the integrity of pipes or electric cables.


Unfortunately, I cannot say which is the best thermal insulation material for floor insulation. But based on the above technical specifications you can make an informed choice. If you need advice on how to lay, for example, bulk insulation, watch the video in this article for a detailed description of the related technology.

You can leave your options for which floor insulation is better to use in private construction, as well as advice, questions and wishes, in the comments below.

September 7, 2016

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For many of our fellow citizens, the question remains how to properly insulate the floor in a private house. In our article, we will get acquainted with the need for the use of thermal insulation works, the advantages and disadvantages of various thermal insulation materials, Special attention Let's turn to insulation technology.

When to insulate the floor

Many people know that flooring occupies a significant usable area not only of a particular room, but of the entire building. In this regard, during systemic heat exchange, a large amount of heat escapes into the surrounding space through the floors. Take, for example, not insulated concrete base. Many people know that such material has high strength and durability, but in itself it is dense, which means cold. High-quality floor insulation will help to increase the efficiency of the design in question.

According to experts, the cold coating creates uncomfortable conditions for people to live. This is especially true for apartments located on the 1st floor. In this case, an unheated basement is located below the living quarters. The temperature difference leads to the formation of dampness on the walls of housing, and this is a direct path to the appearance of fungus and mold. To avoid such phenomena, laying high-quality thermal insulation is necessary. Such work is not particularly difficult and labor intensive, since most heaters can be laid by hand.

Floor heaters

When going to a hardware store, you can find a huge assortment of various materials for insulation work. When insulating the floor in a private house, it is necessary to select products that meet the following requirements:

  • long service life;
  • high strength;
  • minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • sufficient density of the product (this is especially true when insulating the floor);
  • minimal moisture absorption;
  • high level of environmental safety;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • ease of installation.

When choosing one or another type of insulation, it is necessary to focus not only on technical characteristics, but also on the advantages or disadvantages in operation. Next, consider the most popular floor heaters, their strengths and weaknesses.


Such a heater as penoplex appearance very similar to the familiar to many foam. Both of these products are quite light, consist of interconnected balls. If, in the manufacture of foam plastic, the raw components are exposed to water vapor, then the extrusion method is used for the production of foam plastic (first, the raw components are melted, then the granules are foamed, as a result of which the final products acquire additional strength indicators. Penoplex can be used to insulate floors, facades of buildings and other structures that exposed to moisture.

Material advantages:

  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • the surface of the products does not absorb moisture;
  • penoplex can be operated in the temperature range of -50 ... + 75 degrees;
  • high strength indicators;
  • the material is easy to lay and process, it can be cut into pieces with an ordinary knife;
  • The service life of such products reaches 50 years.


  • The main disadvantage of using penoplex for floor insulation in a private house is the relatively high cost.
  • The products in question can be destroyed under the influence of direct sunlight, so the surface must be protected from such influence with a finishing layer.
  • The insulation can be attacked by mice and other rodents.
  • Another disadvantage is the fact that the penoplex supports combustion.

Mineral wool

Such thermal insulation material as mineral wool is made by melting certain rocks under the influence of high temperatures. The products in question consist of thin threads that are interconnected with a special glue. The products in question come to hardware stores in the form of individual rolls or mats. Mineral wool is used to insulate the exterior walls of buildings, roofs and attics. In addition, the material in question can be used as a heater for flooring, and especially in a wooden house.

Benefits of using mineral wool:

  • Reliable and high-quality insulation of premises, protection of residential buildings from cold and wind.
  • Basalt wool does not support combustion processes, but its structure can melt under the influence of high temperatures.
  • The facade of the house, finished with mineral wool, has good vapor permeability. Fungus and mold will not appear on the surface of such products, but they must be protected from moisture.
  • In addition to high thermal insulation qualities, the material absorbs extraneous noise, so mats can be laid in inter-apartment partitions or entrance doors.
  • The products in question are highly durable.
  • Mineral wool is too tough for various rodents and other pests. Mold does not appear in the structure of such products.

The main disadvantages of a heater include:

  • While working with stone wool protect exposed areas of the body respiratory organs and special eyes protective equipment. The fact is that such products during mechanical influences release the smallest particles into the air, which can be harmful to humans.
  • The composition of the products in question contains toxic substances formaldehydes that are harmful to human health.
  • Thermal insulation loses its basic properties when wet.

Expanded clay

Concrete floor or other types of bases can be insulated with expanded clay. This material consists of sintered clay particles, which are balls with air bubbles enclosed inside. Expanded clay is quite durable and lightweight, it can be used not only for floor insulation, but also for backfilling into voids in brick walls. In addition, such products can be used for roof insulation, they are used to make reinforced concrete slabs ceilings and other building structures.

Expanded clay advantages:

  • The main raw material for the manufacture of expanded clay is natural clay. That is why the considered insulation has the maximum indicators of environmental safety.
  • The granules have a porous structure, which affects the high heat and sound insulation performance.
  • The material can be laid using the method of filling granules or leveling the floor with concrete mortar laid between the lighthouses.
  • The considered insulation is characterized by increased resistance to temperature extremes.
  • Expanded clay is quite light, it does not exert a significant load on the foundation of the building.
  • The material is resistant to moisture, is not damaged by rodents, fungus and mold.

The disadvantages of using expanded clay are as follows:

  • Insufficient indicators of the strength of the granules. This must be remembered when compacting a leveled surface;
  • Expanded clay can absorb a certain amount of moisture, which is not released into the atmosphere immediately, but as the surface dries.

How to insulate the floor in a wooden house

Many owners of suburban real estate do not know how to insulate a wooden floor, however, the technology for performing such work is quite simple, even a novice builder can do it. On preparatory stage should be stocked up construction tool like level, pencil, tape measure, stapler with staples, nails, hammer, planer and hacksaw. As an extra.

One of the most popular methods of insulation is the use of a double floor system. This design consists of two wooden limiting elements between which a waterproofing and vapor barrier film and insulation are laid. In practice, two types of heat-insulating pies are used.

Method number 1:

  • base;
  • expanded clay granules;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • 3 centimeters per air gap;
  • finishing flooring.

Method number 2 (used mainly for apartments on the ground floor of a residential building):

  • plank base;
  • polyethylene film or other waterproofing material;
  • wooden logs;
  • mineral wool slabs or other insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • finishing flooring.

For the manufacture of the subfloor, a wooden board up to 2 centimeters thick is selected, while the width of the products should be within 20 centimeters. The base elements are not recommended to be nailed to the logs, they are held on wooden bars crates with a section of 5 * 5 centimeters. The boards are fixed with nails, the presence of small gaps is allowed, the gaps are compensated after laying the thermal insulation.

Next, consider how to insulate the floor with foam. At the preparatory stage of work, it is necessary to buy products of sufficient density in a hardware store that can withstand a load of at least 35 kilograms on square meter. First you need to dismantle the old flooring to the level of the subfloor. After that, the lag is installed in accordance with the dimensions of the insulation, for example, after 70 centimeters.

At the next stage of work, we fix to the base vapor barrier film. This product is attached to the surface with a stapler and staples. Scotch tape is glued at the joints of the panels. Next, the insulation sheets are cut (1 centimeter more from the distance between the lags). This is necessary for a better fit of thermal insulation. After that, it is necessary to lay the plastic film and you can start laying the finishing floor covering.

How to insulate a concrete floor

One of the methods to reduce energy consumption in a private house is the insulation of the concrete floor along the logs. As a finishing leveling layer, a sheet base made of plywood or chipboard is used. Wet processes in this case are absent, in addition, the load on the heat-insulating material is reduced. In this case, dense mineral wool is used as a heater, as well as expanded clay (if you need to slightly raise the level of the clean floor).

If there is an unheated room under the living room, then minimum thickness mineral wool should correspond to 5 centimeters or 3 centimeters above the heated ones. In the latter case, the thermal insulation is covered on both sides with waterproofing and a vapor-permeable film. It is not recommended to use a vapor barrier for this purpose, especially if the floor is located between the living room and the cold basement. In this case, the temperature difference will lead to the formation of condensate, which will adversely affect the properties of the insulation.

At the initial stage of work, wooden logs are fixed to the prepared base with the help of anchor bolts. The distance between these elements is chosen 1 centimeter less from one of overall dimensions insulation. Strips of roofing material are laid under the logs, and the products themselves are treated with an antiseptic. Now we lay the insulation and vapor-permeable film, fix the sheet screed and finishing layer floor covering.

About the combustibility of heaters

one of the most important characteristics of any insulation is flammability, which is directly related to the emission of smoke and some harmful substances. Of all the types of heat-insulating materials considered, penoplex has the maximum flammability. Such products support the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of smoke and various harmful substances.

Expanded clay granules, as well as mineral wool, resist the effects of open fire well. The maximum harm from the use of these products can also be associated with a change in their structure. As a result of the melting of materials, the deformation of the insulation occurs. In mineral wool, this is due to the release of harmful substances, but expanded clay granules do not emit such components.

In order for the home to be cozy and comfortable, and for you and your children to walk around the house barefoot without the risk of catching a cold, you need a warm floor.

In apartment buildings, the cause of cold floors is concrete floors which are good heat conductors. But even wooden floors, despite the good thermal insulation qualities of wood, need to be insulated. Let's try to figure out how to insulate the floor, namely, what materials exist for this, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Varieties of heaters

On construction market There is a wide variety of materials for thermal insulation, the use of which allows you to insulate a wooden or concrete floor. They can be divided into three groups:

  • wood chip;
  • mineral;
  • polymeric;
  • cork.

Consider each type in more detail, the pros and cons of each material.

Wood chip

This is the simplest and highest quality thermal insulation. It includes:

  • sawdust;
  • plywood;
  • ecowool.


It's safe natural material. On their basis, various mixtures are prepared with sand, cement, lime, and other components.

The sawdust must be dry, without mold, of medium size, aged for at least one year.

It is an eco-friendly, cheap and reliable insulation that retains heat well.


Chipboard - wood chips pressed into boards with binder and special additives. Well isolates a sound, heat. Despite its strength, chipboard is easy to cut and cut.

Great for working with concrete pavement, but since it tends to absorb moisture, it is necessary to start work with waterproofing.


Simple and easy to use plywood. It is easily covered with linoleum, carpet or any kind of paint.

For the floor, it is necessary to choose a waterproof grade of plywood made from environmentally friendly materials.


On the basis of sawdust, a modern eco-friendly material is made - ecowool. It is made from newspaper waste paper with the addition of antiseptics and flame retardants. Does not deform during prolonged use, perfectly retains heat, excellent sound insulator.

Ecowool is easy to use, it can be easily covered by hand between the lags. It has one drawback - high cost.


The use of such materials does not require special building skills.

Mineral wool

One of the most popular heaters mineral wool is considered for the floor. It is a natural eco-friendly product with refractory properties.

Mineral wool is durable, does not shrink, does not deform during temperature changes. Provides excellent sound and heat insulation. It is produced in the form of plates. different sizes, rolls and mats, which simplifies its laying on the concrete floor. The disadvantages include a rather large layer thickness.

Expanded clay

Not bad for the floor is a variety of heat-treated clay - expanded clay. Durable, resistant to dynamic loads and temperature differences, provides good sound insulation retains heat very well.

It is produced in the form of granules, which are simply distributed between the lags by hand. Expanded clay is relatively inexpensive. It is fragile, absorbs moisture well, which, of course, is a disadvantage.


All polymer insulations are produced using similar technologies, have a porous structure and are light in weight.


It is one of the most popular polymers used to insulate walls (both inside and outside) and floors in private homes. It has undeniable advantages:

  • very easy to use, easy to cut, fit;
  • does not absorb moisture, resistant to decay;
  • does not deform during the entire period of operation;
  • keeps heat well;
  • has a low cost.

The disadvantages of polystyrene include a small fire resistance. In addition, when heated, an unpleasant odor may appear.

Styrofoam is well mounted on any surface, but it is most effective for warming a concrete floor.


Innovative construction material penoplex has a cellular structure and good heat-saving qualities. Like foam, it is simple and easy to install, not subject to deformation, does not absorb moisture.

Penoplex has a long service life. Its disadvantages include rapid flammability and the release of hazardous substances during combustion. Easy to mount on concrete and wooden floor under the screed or laid on the logs after mounting the frame.


Expanded polystyrene is gaining more and more popularity. This is one of the inexpensive polymers, lightweight, durable, hard. Resistant to high and low temperatures, wear-resistant. The material does not absorb moisture, is not subject to damage by fungus and mold.

During long-term operation, the properties of expanded polystyrene are preserved, which is facilitated by its cellular structure. Like all polymers, it has little fire resistance. Easy to work, easy to assemble.


An excellent insulation is isolon - foamed polyethylene. Izolon has zero water absorption, which makes it impossible for fungus or mold to appear.

Holds heat well, lightweight, elastic material. It is produced in rolls, which are easily laid on the surface and fastened with adhesive tape. You can purchase self-adhesive isolon.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is applied to the floor by spraying, which creates an even layer of insulation. It is a lightweight and durable polymer resistant to decay and mold.

It has good fire retardant properties. Absolutely safe for human health.


A special polymer paint, which is the thinnest insulation, copes very effectively with thermal insulation. This is a new development in the building materials market. Water-repellent and fire-resistant, the paint is easy to apply and dries quickly.


In an age of environmental concern, it's no surprise that many opt for natural materials. Cork tree bark has excellent thermal insulation properties. Cork differs from other natural materials in its honeycomb structure, which includes large and small cells filled with air.

Technical cork absorbs sound and vibration well, it is strong and durable. It is produced in the form of rolls, has a small thickness and good density. The small thickness of the product allows you to insulate floors in rooms with a maximum height. Differs in simplicity of laying on any surface. Like any natural material, it has a high cost.

Benefits of an insulated floor

Taking into account the characteristics of insulating materials, we can conclude that the floor with insulation is advantageous:

  • reduced heat loss to the outside or into the ground through the coldest surface in the room;
  • electricity consumption is reduced, thereby saving the family budget;
  • the appearance of condensate on the floor surface is prevented, making it impossible for the occurrence of mold and fungus;
  • additional sound insulation is created.

How to choose material?

In search of an answer to the question of what is the best way to insulate the floor, do not forget about the norms of building heat engineering, which are different for each region of Russia. Thermal insulation will be more effective if you choose best option for specific flooring.


First of all, it is necessary to calculate the thickness of the material. For this, resistances are taken into account:

  • acceptance of air by the floor - R1;
  • heat passing through the floor - R2;
  • heat transfer - R3.

All layers are taken into account, including air layer. The density of a material is divided by its thermal conductivity coefficient. The result of the calculation is the value of the coefficient of heat transmission through the floor.

A product with a thickness equal to the sum of all resistances must be equal to the heat resistance standard for a particular region, determined by SNiP II - 3 - 1979 "Construction Thermal Engineering".

The microclimate in your home, warmth and comfort in the winter cold and autumn bad weather will depend on the accuracy of the calculation.

Concrete floor

For a concrete floor, wood-chip heaters are perfect, which are mounted on a plastic film for waterproofing. Mineral wool is also convenient for installation. Thermal insulating paint and foam work effectively.

Before starting work, inspect the concrete base. If you find gaps, then be sure to eliminate them with foam.

Wooden floor

For the wooden floor of a private house, mineral wool is perfect, which is convenient to lay under the boards. If you plan to replace the floor after insulation, then use foam or foam. It is not always possible to put a dense insulation, in this case, use cork or chipboard.

Floors play a huge role in keeping the heat in the room. Through cold floors, heat loss reaches 20% of the total volume. By insulating the floors in an apartment or a private house, you not only create an optimal microclimate for your family, but also save energy and money resources.

Publication date: 31-10-2015

"What insulation is best for the floor?" - a question that is asked by everyone who appreciates comfort. After all, it is always nice to walk on the floor with bare feet, not being afraid of bad weather outside the window, this is especially true when the central heating is not turned on. When choosing a material for insulation, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the room and the climatic zone in which you live. Where to stop? This is what we will talk about today.

Heat from underfloor heating

In children's rooms and in kitchens, low-temperature water heating systems and "warm floors" are often made. The first option is based on laying pipes under the floor in which hot water circulates. These elements of the system are usually made from polymers, they are strong, flexible, resistant to thermal aging, they are not afraid of corrosion.

Water heated floor: scheme

This method is considered effective, but rather troublesome, because the design, in addition to pipes, requires collectors, special risers, shutoff valves, and an automatic shutdown device.

"Warm floor" means laying a cable under the floor covering that generates heat. The disadvantage of the option is that in the event of a breakdown, the entire system will have to be completely dismantled.

But you will have to face difficulties even during installation, installing such a design is not an easy task. Much easier in this sense, the organization of the infrared floor. The film coating does not require a tie, it is easy to install and quickly connected. On top you can lay tiles, linoleum, parquet or laminate. Another plus - the system is easy to remove (can be moved to another room).

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Universal material

Styrofoam (aka expanded polystyrene) is a material that does not require special communications, this is the most common floor insulation. Its heat-insulating performance is 25 times better than that of its counterpart in the workshop - expanded clay concrete. Such a floor absorbs heat slowly, which means that it is pleasant to walk on it, its temperature is always approximately the same.

Styrofoam is laid as a floor insulation during the construction of a floating screed, it is poured with cement or concrete. You can also fill the gaps between the lags with polystyrene foam when installing a wooden floor. Another option is to lay the slabs on a concrete floor, and plywood sheets on top of them.

Styrofoam is much better than its competitors in many respects, it is not afraid of water, it is “bio-stable”. The scope of its application is not limited, it is used in apartments and private houses, on balconies and in rooms with a high level of humidity.

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Efficiency and price

Expanded clay is one of the most affordable materials. It is added to concrete and used in the construction of a dry screed. It is distinguished by high efficiency (heat retention is three times greater than that of wood) and low price (ten times cheaper than brick). The basis of expanded clay is clay, which means that such a heater withstands temperature extremes better than many others, it does not burn, rodents will not damage it.

Expanded clay - the owner of excellent soundproofing properties - what inhabitant of multi-storey buildings does not dream of silence! In addition, it can be used in almost any climatic conditions (even in the most extreme ones). Expanded clay is an environmentally friendly product, and in modern world this is especially important.

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Thinness and warmth

Compared with the same expanded clay, the thickness of polystyrene concrete is much less. Only 5 cm of the product is enough to ensure good thermal insulation of the room. In addition, with this material, the pressure on the floors will be less. Polystyrene concrete allows you to level the floor. Over layer this insulation it is best to install tiles, although other floor coverings are not prohibited.

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Nothing to do with "scoop"

Glass wool is a mineral fiber. According to the manufacturing process, it is very similar to mineral wool, these products are made from the same raw materials, but the properties are slightly different. Their main difference lies in the length of the product, the length of glass wool is 3 times longer than mineral wool, due to which this material has increased elasticity and strength. The product has high vibration resistance.

Glass wool is able to retain air for a long time, so in winter the heat does not leave the building, and in summer the room does not heat up. Separately, it is worth noting the soundproofing qualities of glass wool.

If you use it as a heater for the entire room, then a working TV will only be heard in the room where it is located. Glass wool takes first place in the lists of thermal insulation materials. A modern product, unlike its Soviet predecessor, is much softer to the touch, does not burn, does not cause skin irritation and, of course, meets all quality and safety standards. She is today universal insulation: it is used both in attics and in floors, and at internal insulation walls.

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"Fellow" glass wool

Mineral wool board is another item on the list "Which insulation to choose for the floor." It is a heat-insulating material made of mineral wool. It is resistant to high temperatures and exposure to many aggressive chemicals, such as alkalis, solvents. Mineral wool is the owner of a high coefficient of vapor permeability, this helps to protect the product from the formation of mold and pests.

The advantages of mineral wool boards also include:

  • low moisture absorption
  • complete incombustibility,
  • ease of use,
  • She doesn't need fasteners
  • plates are easy to cut,
  • does not deform even under heavy loads,
  • good sound insulation and environmental friendliness,
  • durability (will last up to 25 years).