Options for heating a private house without gas. How to heat a house cheaply without gas: evaluating alternative solutions

Most large settlements have an extensive centralized gas supply system that meets the needs of residents. In remote locations, the situation is not always happy.

Long distances to main pipelines and tangible gas costs force the use of alternative heating options for premises. When studying the issue, it turns out that effective heating in a private house without gas can be provided using different kinds liquid and solid fuels, and in some cases do without it at all.

Gas savings

In climates with harsh winters, there are additional concerns. Too much low temperatures outdoor air requires a large gas consumption, which significantly increases the financial costs of maintaining comfortable conditions.

Heating fee in winter period makes up a significant part of the family's budget. There is a natural desire to reduce the volume of payments where possible. Therefore, attention is focused on everyone possible ways saving gas without compromising the temperature regime.

House insulation

You can significantly reduce heating costs in advance, during construction. Correct thermal insulation of walls, foundations, roofs will prevent thermal energy from escaping into the atmosphere. The upcoming heating costs will be acceptable. If the house is no longer new, you can insulate it during the renovation phase.

There is a wide range of materials that provide thermal insulation for buildings in general, individual apartments and houses in particular. Qualified craftsmen will help you choose an effective and economical solution for home insulation. In addition to working with walls, flooring, ceiling structures, window and door openings should be carefully sealed.

Additional sources of savings

During the construction, technical equipment of the house, it is important to correctly calculate the required boiler power. Excessive potential of equipment will lead to excessive consumption of gas fuel and an increase in the size of payments.

Up to 15% of costs can be reduced by correct routing of the heat pipeline.

The installation of a collector system for distributing the coolant allows you to save your budget. In the bedrooms, you can increase the heating at night, in the living room - during the day. It is advisable to install automated temperature sensors in the house, in the country. You need to do this once, enjoy the result constantly. With a decrease in the air temperature outside, the gas supply, the intensity of the heat boiler operation increases. The sensor can be operated remotely, which is especially convenient for heating control country house.

The modern version of the ventilation device can significantly reduce the gas consumption for heating. Installation of a recuperator in which hot air leaves the premises by inner pipe, and the cold one enters through the outer jacket, warming up at the same time, it allows you to heat the house with minimal fuel consumption.

You can make a warm floor in living quarters. it economical way raise the air temperature in housing at minimal cost. Of course, you need to install gas meters. They help to significantly save on heating costs.

How to do without gas

In a country with huge resources, there is always an alternative fuel choice. An inexpensive organization of heating a house without gas and electricity is possible. There are several options, the choice of which depends on the specifics of the place of residence, the availability of one or another organic raw material.

Solid fuel

Wood-burning stoves were installed in many houses in the villages. The tradition has been preserved to this day in the corners of the forest zone of the country, which has no problems with the delivery of timber. In addition to firewood, other raw materials can be used for heating.

Exists modern designs boilers with an automatic device designed for the use of various types of solid fuels:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • pellets from various raw materials.

In many regions, solid fuel is the cheapest heat source. Sometimes boilers are made for a certain type of raw material, but it is popular universal equipment... Such an autonomous heating method is associated with the need to monitor the operation of boilers all the time, add organic raw materials, regularly remove ash and clean chimneys.

The use of coal-fired stoves is not environmentally friendly, many harmful gases are emitted. It is best to use pellets or briquettes as fuel.

A good option for heating a private house is to equip a fireplace. In addition to conventional fireplaces that heat one room with warm air, you can build a piping system with a coolant that can heat completely without gas country house... As a heat carrier, use is made of water entering the radiators, or air, which is distributed to all rooms through air ducts with adjustable dampers. Fireplaces have a lot of inertness, so you have to wait until the whole dwelling warms up. Some inconvenience of heating is compensated by the special comfort that the fireplace creates, pleasant aesthetic impressions.

Liquid fuel

You can heat a house cheaply and without gas, using liquid raw materials. The efficiency of liquid fuel boilers and stoves is high, however, they are large in size and weight. For the installation of heating stoves, it is necessary to provide a separate room with good ventilation and a system for removing flue waste. How heat sources can be used:

  • kerosene;
  • fuel oil;
  • diesel fuel;
  • waste combustible or lubricating products.

Liquid fuel has a pungent unpleasant odor; a separate facility must be built for storage. Outside at low winter temperatures, flammable liquids will freeze, so the storage room needs to be heated or be prepared for the fuel to be brought to the required state before use. Taking into account all the difficulties, heat wooden house liquid fuel only makes sense if there are no other options available.

Heating by electricity

Regardless of the geographic location, you can use electricity to heat your home. There are many models of electric heating equipment, which works effectively without any gas, and is easy to use. It will not always be possible to save money. The costs are comparable to those for heating with gas, which makes you think about other technologies.

However, if you use film infrared heaters, then the power consumption will be more economical. Sometimes gas or wood heating is combined with the installation of electric heaters, making living conditions more comfortable. With the help of electricity, separate sections of the room are heated, portable heaters are installed in utility rooms, in summer cottages.

Modern alternative

There are completely different approaches to the use of energy for heating purposes without the use of gas. The choice depends on the willingness to get serious about the equipment new system, the financial capabilities of the owners of the house.

Heat pumps

A still unusual option for organizing home heating is the use of a heat pump, the principle of which is based on converting the energy of soil, air or water into heat. The unit takes the low-temperature potential from the environment, heats up the heat carrier in the evaporator and transfers it to the heating system.

The source of energy can be:

  • soil located near the surface of the earth;
  • wells;
  • heat from non-freezing reservoirs.

In the first case, the contour is laid horizontally under a layer of soil, located just below the freezing level. It occupies a part of the local area. At the end of the installation of the heating complex, the soil can be used for growing plants with small roots.

V deep systems make wells. Curved collectors made of polyethylene pipes are lowered into them. The number of wells and their depth are determined by calculations. The installation of the heater can be done quite quickly.

Laying polyethylene heating pipes at the bottom of the reservoir is more difficult to do. Fasteners should not only firmly fix the pipeline under water, but also make the plastic structure heavier. There are known unsuccessful examples when, due to savings on fasteners, polyethylene fragments of the collector floated up, broke, and the coolant poured into the reservoir.

It is possible to take ordinary air from the street for the heat pump to operate. This is the simplest option, which is economically justified only in places where frosts are not stronger than 20 ° C.

All types of geothermal heating equipment are environmentally friendly. For their operation, a compressor is needed, it is good if it can be powered not only from the central power supply, but also from a mobile generator. Heat pumps are more than three times more efficient than gas boilers, but first you need to invest a considerable amount of money, which will not pay off immediately.


The increased environmental awareness, the level of general awareness of the population allow the use of non-traditional energy sources, an example of which are various types of biofuels. Biological materials release gas as a result of fermentation. The combustion of gaseous products generates energy that can be used to heat a private house or greenhouse.

Any organic waste of animal or plant origin can be taken as raw materials. Most often, they take manure, mix it with sawdust, peat, fallen leaves, straw, and other plant waste. This must be done in a sealed bunker, pit. To initiate fermentation, the mixture is heated to a temperature of 35 ℃. After the start of the reaction, heating continues spontaneously, organic gas is released, which must be sent to the pipeline system and used for heating as a conventional gas fuel. It is important to take into account that the composition of biological gas is different from that of natural gas. Therefore, the burners need to be adjusted to operate under the specified conditions.

Most often, biofuels are used to heat greenhouses and utility rooms. The technology is growing in popularity and the benefits are clear. In the near future, biofuel will be widely used for heating homes.

Solar collectors

The possibility of using the energy of the sun for heating purposes is interesting. There are systems that convert solar energy into electricity and heat. The former are called solar panels, the latter are called collectors.

Batteries powered by the sun are rare in our country. But heating collectors are gaining popularity every year, although they also have their own characteristics that complicate widespread use.

It will not be possible to completely install heating without gas using solar collectors throughout the country. For this in winter, there is not enough daylight hours and radiation intensity. However, from spring to late autumn, the sun's energy is quite enough to heat water as a heat carrier. The heat accumulated in the collectors is forcibly circulated in the system due to the operation of the pump.

There are gravity models that work completely autonomously without the use of electricity. A pump is not needed in such heating systems.

Any type of solar collector costs a lot. Additional costs are required for the purchase of a storage tank. They will pay off in at least 10 years. In the southern regions, the use of solar energy for heating is justified by the high solar activity. It is quite possible to do without gas here.

Innovative and traditional technologies allow considering alternative sources of energy supply for heating without using natural gas... In addition to the above, there are heating systems that use the energy of wind and geysers.

When planning the construction of a new house, re-equipment of old housing, one should study the issue well, assess the availability of one or another source, calculate the fuel consumption for heating the entire area. In this case, it will be possible to significantly save on heating and do without gas.

Sustainable Homestead: Using natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden home. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is distinguished by its low cost, and boilers on it are extremely easy to use. But how to organize heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there is main gas pipelines... What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Using natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is distinguished by its low cost, and boilers on it are extremely easy to use. But how to organize heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there are main gas pipelines. What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Methods for organizing heating in a cottage

The most common autonomous home heating system in domestic country houses is a water one. It uses water heated in a boiler or furnace as a heat carrier. After heating, it gives off heat to the rooms with the help of batteries and pipes, creating comfortable conditions in them.

Heating systems, depending on the connection diagram of heating devices, are divided into:

  • One-pipe - with a series connection of radiators, according to which the coolant is supplied and removed from the device using one pipe;
  • Two-pipe - with supply and return lines and a sequential scheme for connecting devices to pipes, according to which the coolant is supplied to the device by one pipe, and discharged by the other.

Both types of heating systems are available with an upper and lower wiring type. The first option provides for laying the supply pipe above the location of the devices receiving the coolant, the second, respectively, below.

The arrangement of pipes relative to heating devices can be vertical and horizontal, on the basis of which the heating system adopts the technical term of the same name. The first type is used mainly in multi-storey buildings or in one-story cottages with an attic, within which it is possible to install an expansion tank and lay a pipeline for the supply of coolant on a separate branch to each device.

A horizontal heating circuit is built in small private buildings. The reason is insufficient productivity and limitations on the length - the network cannot be more than 30 running meters in length.

Connection of risers to radiators is carried out according to a one-sided or two-sided scheme, i.e. with connecting pipes from one or two sides. If in a vertical one-pipe system, the batteries are connected on one side, then it is called an inverted circuit. The latter is not recommended for steel or cast iron systems.

The main elements typical system heating in a private country house are: a heating boiler, radiators and coolant supply pipelines

According to the type of water circulation in pipes, heating systems are of two types:

  1. Natural - imply the gravity of the coolant due to the laws of physics.
  2. Forced - assume the presence of a circulation pump to create a circulation of the carrier of thermal energy from the boiler to the devices, and after cooling in the opposite direction.

The first option is simpler than the second in design and installation. But the supply of heat in a natural system does not lend itself to automatic regulation, the coolant in it moves through pipes due to gravity and the difference in density between cold and heated water. But unlike the forced option, it is non-volatile.

When the power supply is cut off, the heating system is natural circulation water will continue to function properly if its main unit is a non-volatile boiler. The pump, which requires power from the outlet, is also not in it.

However, gravitational pressure has its limits. Heating capacity with natural circulation is simply not enough to supply the coolant to the branched circuits. Sometimes it is not enough to supply heated water with the temperature required for heating with a distance between the radiator and the boiler of 25 m, if the pipeline is made of a material with high hydraulic resistance: steel or cast iron.

If a wooden house has a small area, then the natural system is quite enough for it. However, a large cottage of two or three floors requires more powerful option with a pump that will pump hot water to all rooms remote from the boiler on all floors.

In addition to using gas, the coolant can be heated by electricity or by burning other types of fuel. Also, autonomous heating in a private house, where there is no connection to a gas main, is often organized using convectors, infrared heaters and heat pumps.

Choosing a specific device method heating system depends on many factors. The climate of the region of residence, the quality of home insulation, as well as the availability of one or another type of fuel are important here.

Heating circuits with steam and heated air circulating through them are arranged according to identical principles.

A separate mention should be made of the "warm floor" system, which is a network of pipes with a circulating coolant under floor covering... The main advantage of this option is that as a result of the flow of heat from below, the air in the room warms up optimally at the level of human growth, and not somewhere under the ceiling.

Alternative to gas: choosing a hot water boiler

Natural gas is far from the only type of fuel for autonomous heating systems. Boilers also burn solid or liquid fuels as fuel. The option of using electricity for heating water is also possible. Someone prefers traditional wood-burning or coal-burning stoves, while others prefer clean electricity. But it is worth remembering that in case of interruptions in the networks, there will be zero sense from electric boilers.

Option number 1: Solid fuel

Solid fuel stoves and their more modern counterparts, boilers are the ancient and most popular way of heating private houses in areas without gas. It can be both traditional Russian stoves and modern boiler equipment industrial production with various automation.

The following are used as solid fuels:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • wood pellets.

Such equipment is cheap and easy to operate. Fuel is also not very expensive. However, as a result of its combustion, rather large volumes of ash are formed, which must be constantly disposed of. Plus, you have to visually monitor the operation of such equipment, which takes a lot of time.

On the one hand, the cheapness of fuel, and on the other, regular cleaning of the furnace and chimneys. There is no unequivocal decision "for" or "against" here. But in a situation of living near coal deposits or near a forest, the choice in favor of solid fuel boilers or stoves is obvious for many, and often the only possible one.

As an option for a solid fuel unit, you can safely consider a fireplace, although there is a strong opinion about its low efficiency. However, a fireplace, with the right device, is not only decorative element interior, but also a good alternative to gas boilers. Moreover, it is absolutely non-volatile, which excludes interruptions in heating in case of any problems on the power grids.

A traditional fireplace implies air heating only the room where it is located, but nothing prevents pipes from being brought to it to heat the coolant

Most fireplaces are designed in such a way that they can only heat one room. However, the standard fireplace design can be supplemented with a coil around the chimney, which will heat the water for the radiators of the heating system. And you can immediately dissipate warm air around the rooms using air ducts with adjustable dampers.

Fireplace heating is highly inert. To warm them up private house it takes a lot of time. Most the best option- this is to keep the fireplace on all the time. However, in this case, you will need a lot of firewood. But all these minor inconveniences are more than covered by the opportunity to observe the process of burning logs and the aesthetics of your own hearth.

Option number 2: Liquid fuel

In terms of efficiency, liquid fuel (diesel) boilers differ little from gas counterparts. However, they are larger and heavier. For their installation, a separate non-residential premises are required. It is strictly forbidden to install them in the cottage under the stairs or in the kitchen.

The combustion of vegetable oils and petroleum products produces significant amounts of harmful emissions... The boiler room for these installations must be equipped with high-quality ventilation and a chimney system. Plus, with improper installation and operation, they can start to smoke.

The following types of liquid fuel are used to heat private wooden houses:

  1. Kerosene.
  2. Diesel fuel.
  3. Development of fuels and lubricants.
  4. Fuel oil.
  5. Biofuels from vegetable oils.

Due to the specific odor and the high probability of ignition, it is recommended to store such fuel outside the cottage. But in winter, liquids freeze on the street, so you will have to make a separate heated room for such fuel or organize its preheating. And these are additional and significant expenses.

Among the advantages of using liquid fuel equipment for heating, it is worth noting high efficiency, no need for permits for installation and autonomy of work. However, the high price of fuel overrides all these advantages. Arrange heating wooden house without gas using a diesel boiler is only in cases where there is no other alternative, and it is not even foreseen in the future.

Option number 3: Electricity

Electric boilers do not need a chimney. They are safe and compact. Heating of the coolant inside them occurs due to the heating element. Electric boilers can be used as both the main and additional source thermal energy. They are easy to use and efficient, but heating with them is quite expensive.

If the power grids in the village do not please with the constant voltage, then choosing an electric boiler to heat your own wooden house is risky. At some point, you can be left without lighting and heating system at the same time. The only option for such a case is a backup diesel generator.

The capacities allocated by power engineers are not always enough for full heating of the cottage. And stretching an additional power line will result in serious waste of money. Installation and electrical heating equipment are relatively cheap, but the latter consumes a lot of electricity. If you plan to equip heating with an electric boiler in a private house without gas, then you should prepare in advance for a serious increase in light bills.

How else can you heat a wooden house

To create comfortable conditions in the rooms of the cottage, you can use other heating methods. There are a lot of novelties on the autonomous heating equipment market now. Some of them are expensive but highly effective. Others involve the use of alternative energy sources.

Infrared heating options

The main feature of IR heat sources is not heating air, but objects and surfaces in a heated room. Already from heated furniture, walls and floors, heat is transferred to the air masses into the room. As a result, with minimal energy consumption, it is possible to create the most comfortable conditions in the dwelling.

Infrared heaters are sold as:

  • suspended panels in enclosures of various shapes;
  • film devices for installation on the ceiling or floor;
  • floor models (a la a conventional radiator).

IR heaters function in automatic mode... It is enough to plug them in and set them to the desired temperature. Installation of wall and ceiling models is extremely simple, all the necessary fasteners are provided in the case or on the film. Difficulties can only be caused by the installation of a "warm infrared floor". But with strict adherence to the instructions, everything is done elementary.

Film heaters under the ceiling - an excellent alternative to gas boilers: economical, does not burn oxygen in the room and is completely safe from the point of view of fires

IR heaters allow you to quickly create a reliable and effective system heating in any private house where there is no gas. When compared with a heating electric boiler, they provide savings of 30–40%. Moreover, the heating of rooms is an order of magnitude faster, almost instantly.

Infrared heating devices can be used as the main source of heat or complement other heating systems of the cottage. Diversity lineup makes it possible to fit them into any interior, and, if necessary, quickly increase the heat output.

Among the negative sides of IR electric heaters is static electricity, which attracts dust, and a lot of initial capital investments. You can't do much about statics, and the equipment costs are always paid off due to the low power consumption.

Heat pumps as a useful addition

Among the alternatives to gas when heating a wooden house, there are heat pumps that extract it from the subjects of the environment. Structurally and technically, it is the reverse air conditioner. Only the heat pump does not cool the air, but heats it up. Moreover, it generates all the heat energy necessary for this thanks to the reasonable use of free natural resources and phenomena.

Heating on the basis of a heat pump for a private house without gas is the maximum saving on energy resources. But in our latitudes, this type of heating can only serve as an addition to the main heating network.

The disadvantage of heat pumps lies in their dependence on the presence of voltage at the outlet. They will not work without a constant power supply. Plus at severe frosts their effectiveness is sharply reduced. In warm regions with winter temperatures around zero, the return on them is excellent, but in Siberian conditions they are of little use.

Heat with low potential heat pumps can collect from:

  • street air;
  • land through boreholes or pipe systems in the ground;
  • water (any nearby body of water or wells).

Heat pumps are good for everyone. However, you have to pay a lot for “free” energy by purchasing expensive equipment. For a large house, costs can exceed a million rubles.

Solar energy and wind turbines

Another option for green energy is solar panels and collectors. The former generate electricity, and the latter, using the rays of the sun, heat the coolant to be supplied to the indoor heating system. They do not need any gas for their work, they only need constant wind and cloudless weather.

In the future, electricity and the heated coolant can be used to heat a private house by installing a heating system with radiators and various electric heaters in it. Solar power plants are generators of electrical and thermal energy. The heating of the rooms itself is carried out thanks to a variety of heating devices that are connected to these generating devices.

In turn, wind generators convert wind energy into electricity. And then the heaters are connected to the power supply.

The main disadvantage of all these clean energy sources is that they depend on external factors... Cloudy and calm weather negate their effectiveness. As an additional source, they are quite a suitable option for heating a private house without gas, but it is not worth building the entire heating system on them alone.

What heating is the most economical

From the point of view of fuel costs, the most economical option after main gas is the option with firewood. It is difficult to find cheaper fuel for boilers, stoves and fireplaces. Then comes coal, and then electricity and diesel. In case of alternative energy the costs for this item are generally zero or minimal. However, one should not forget about the cost of heat engineering units for generating heat.

On the aggregate of all costs, heating a house without gas is the cheapest way to heat a house with electricity. But this only applies to cottages with good insulation, as well as situations where the power existing networks I allow you to connect heating electrical equipment. In other situations, it is better to opt for more traditional solid fuel stoves or boilers. published

There are many ways to organize proper heating in a household that does not have electricity or gas. In any case, it is certainly possible to do without a gas pipeline, while electricity is available almost everywhere. But it is very expensive, operation similar systems heating leads to wild costs. In this review, we will tell you how to create heating of a private house without gas and electricity (at least with minimal consumption).

Basic heating methods

A warm house without heating - a few decades ago it was a fantasy. Today, such houses really exist, they are built using energy saving technologies and a careful approach to identifying places of thermal energy leaks. The task of developers and builders is to keep the heat inside the house as much as possible and not let it escape outside. Solar collectors are used as primary sources of thermal energy.

In most of the territory of Russia, it is difficult to build a house without heating also because we have a rather cold country. You can risk such an experiment somewhere in the southern regions. You don't even need to stutter about the central strip and Siberia.

It is really possible to build a house without heating. To do this, you will have to:

  • Move to a suitable climatic zone;
  • Invest in expert advice;
  • Invest in the purchase of energy efficient building materials.

The costs will turn out to be high; for many of our compatriots, they will become unaffordable. After all, we think about heating without gas and electricity for only two reasons - there is no money to pay utilities or in the village there really is no main gas pipeline.

Alternative solutions

Let's figure out how to make alternative heating of a private house without gas and electricity. We can use:

  • Traditional gas boilers powered by a cylinder;
  • Gas convectors running on bottled gas;
  • Solid fuel boilers of various designs that operate without electricity;
  • Liquid boilers powered by diesel fuel or mining;
  • Heat pumps are a rather expensive but economical heating method (with low electricity costs).

Let's consider these options in more detail.

Why electricity isn't good

Energy-saving heating without pipes, boilers and batteries is built on the basis of a thin infrared PLEN film laid behind the ceiling structures and wall panels... The infrared radiation they generate heats up the rooms, creating a comfortable atmosphere in them. Such heating turns out to be economical, which is typical for infrared systems. But if you compare it with conventional natural gas heating, the costs will be high.

Assembling heating without pipes with your own hands, based on a film, is as easy as shelling pears - just mount it behind the walls and under the ceiling structures, and then ensure the connection to the mains.

Electric heating systems are easy to install, but expensive to operate. The same film pays off for several years, but the monthly costs of its operation result in thousands and even tens of thousands of rubles, depending on the area of ​​the household. Electric convectors also make it possible to do without boilers and pipes, but even being equipped with electronic thermostats, they are unable to reduce costs to an acceptable level. Therefore, we will tell you about more economical heating methods.

Use of boilers for liquefied gas

Almost any modern boiler can be easily reconfigured to work with liquefied gas. If there is no gas pipeline in the village, then, most likely, liquefied propane gas is sold there. And it can be used to create a heating system based on traditional pipes and radiators.

When creating autonomous heating with your own hands, do not forget to reconfigure the equipment. This requires replacing the jets installed in the boiler. Also required correct setting heating equipment. And it is best to entrust this procedure to specialists. Next, we install radiators in the rooms, lay pipes, perform connection work and enjoy the heating operation.

It should be noted that the work of heating on liquefied gas is more expensive than if it worked on main fuel. But it is still cheaper than electricity.

Gas convectors

The previous method is not entirely honest - some kind, but gas is still used there. But the next type of heating is also not distinguished by honesty - we again need liquefied gas and a little electricity. Create heating without pipes and boilers will help gas convectors. These compact heaters are equipped with self-contained gas burners heating steel or cast iron internal heat exchangers. Then convection comes into play:

  • Cold air is drawn in through the lower ventilation holes and heated by the heat exchanger;
  • Heated air masses rise to the ceiling, displacing colder air from there;
  • The procedure is repeated cyclically until fully warmed up.

Automation controls this entire process. True, it works on electricity, but it consumes it in limited quantities - after all, this is not electric heating.

Full heating of a private house without gas and electricity is organized using solid fuel heating equipment. Some samples are really capable of working completely autonomously, without requiring gas cylinders and connection to the mains. It turns out that we produce heat without gas, simply and cheaply - using ordinary firewood. This firewood will be absolutely free if you collect it in a forest full of fallen trees (we do not recommend illegal felling).

Heating a house without gas and electricity begins with the choice of a suitable boiler. Here you need to pay attention to non-volatile models that can work autonomously. The market is full of them, the cost of adequate durable samples starts at 13-15 thousand rubles, but you can find it cheaper. Power is selected by quadrature - for example, a 10 kW model can heat up to 100 sq. m. living space.

The simplest wood-fired boiler can work without gas and electricity as part of an autonomous heating system. But in this case, you will have to constantly monitor the amount of firewood in the firebox - the logs burn out quickly. Also needed temperature control in the pipeline so as not to overheat the coolant. That is, there is practically no automation here - the exception is models with mechanical draft regulators.

Mechanical draft regulation cannot provide regulation of the boiler heat output in a wide range.

Automated equipment

A pyrolysis boiler will help to heat the room with the automation of solid fuel combustion control. Here, the combustion of logs is carried out with the release of gaseous pyrolysis products. These combustible gases are burned in the afterburner. This scheme increases the efficiency of the equipment and allows you to regulate the combustion process. Most often, automation is realized due to a blower fan - turning on and off, it provides regulation of thermal power in a wide range.

Another way to create more efficient and comfortable heating- put into the system a pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply. Equipped with a spacious pellet hopper, it can work for days, independently metering the fuel supply to the combustion chamber. Such equipment operates in automatic mode - just set the required temperature on the thermostat.

Liquid equipment

If you don't want to bother with firewood, and there is no bottled gas in the village, there is an opportunity to implement automatic heating on liquid fuel - diesel fuel or waste oil. For this, a liquid boiler is installed in the heating circuit. It is powered by a fuel tank installed in another room or outside. Features and advantages of liquid boilers:

  • For their operation, electricity is needed - it feeds the nozzle and automation (costs are minimal);
  • Fully automatic operation- you just need to monitor the presence of fuel in the tank;
  • No gas required - the main thing is to find a source of inexpensive fuel;
  • There is no need for unnecessarily frequent maintenance, which is typical for solid fuel technology - it often requires ash removal.

But there are also disadvantages - it is problematic to heat an apartment without electricity and gas, using a liquid boiler. It's all about safety, hardly anyone will allow the operation of such equipment in an apartment apartment building... It is best to use liquid boilers in private households.

Using heat pumps

Heating without gas and firewood, pipes and boilers is possible. But only with the use of electricity. These are heat pumps that extract heat energy from air, earth and water. This energy is collected bit by bit by special pipelines in the soil or in the water column in rivers and lakes, after which it is sent to the heat pump. At the outlet of the pump, we get the coveted heat.

This heating will require electricity to work. But it is consumed in a limited amount - up to 80% of the heat is taken from the environment, which provides reasonable savings. Heat can be supplied to the premises by air or through pipes with radiators. The downside of heat pumps is their high cost - heating costs will be gigantic, unaffordable for a user with limited means.

Not happy, and the time for which the initial costs "beat off" - it can take up to 15 years before the heating starts to work in a plus.


The cheapest option for creating heating without gas and electricity is to use wood-burning boilers. Firewood is cheap and sometimes you can get it for free. And the solid fuel boilers presented for sale will be able to provide absolutely autonomous operation throughout the entire heating period.


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Unfortunately, gasification of "rural" areas lags behind the pace of suburban construction. And even for residents of the suburbs of administrative centers, the question of which heating in a private house is the most economical, if there is no gas, sounds relevant. Taking into account the prices of energy carriers on the domestic market, the cost of a kilowatt of thermal energy looks like this: the second place is for solid fuel, the third is for liquefied gas, the fourth is for liquid fuel, and the last is for electricity. But even in this hierarchy, not everything is so simple. How to heat the house if there is no gas.

Heating a house without gas should ideally be combined - using traditional and alternative energy sources

There are different options for heating a country house without gas, each of them is worth special attention.

Solid fuel

Not so long ago, solid fuels had no competitors. At first, firewood, and then coal, were the main types. Of course, they also burned peat, straw and even dung, but, as now, it was a “local” fuel that was not widely used.

The primitive hearth in the cave is very reminiscent of a classic fireplace

With the beginning of the "gas era" heating, firewood and coal faded into the background, but still remain in demand. Moreover, their prospects are "bright", since the proven reserves of coal are much larger than gas, and firewood and "wood" fuel are renewable energy sources. The only modern difference is that previously only stoves or fireplaces were used for heating a house, but now the main source of heat is considered to be a boiler. There are exceptions, though.


They still meet now, especially if it comes about a small country house or cottage. The main advantage is absolute energy independence. Therefore, they are used when it is necessary to provide heating of a private house without gas and electricity.

According to their intended purpose, stoves are heating and heating-cooking. The first option includes a Russian stove and a Swedish stove, the second - a Dutch one and a classic fireplace.

Their efficiency largely depends on the design of the chimney system, of which there are three types:

    Direct-flow. The chimney has a minimum number of elbows in the direction from the firebox to the chimney. This category includes classic open hearth fireplaces and Russian stoves. The heat emitter is the body and part of the chimney that passes in the room or inside the wall. By the way, due to its special device and massiveness, the Russian stove is considered one of the most effective. And the traditional fireplace has the lowest efficiency. And in modern realities, it is more a decor or a means of relaxation when contemplating an open flame than a full-fledged heater.

    Duct. Combustion products are removed using a system of channels running inside the furnace body, which not only radiates, but also accumulates heat. This type is "Dutch". It, like the Russian stove, heats up for a long time, but also cools down for a long time.

    Bell-type. The hot gases first rise into the “bell”, where they give off part of the heat, cool down, descend along the walls of the bell and are drawn into the chimney through the “roll-up”.

Besides energy independence, the advantage of classic stoves is in their "omnivorousness" in relation to solid fuel. Firewood, coal, peat, briquettes - everything that can be folded in the firebox with your hands and set on fire. Moreover, unpretentiousness extends to the ash content of coal and the moisture content of firewood.

The Russian stove is still relevant today, and can heat several rooms in two levels.

Disadvantages are no less significant than advantages:

    radiation type of transfer of heat energy - a house is heated by one stove, where the entire living area is contained in one or two adjacent rooms;

    laborious maintenance - frequent fuel filling and cleaning;

    low efficiency (efficiency is on average about 20%) - the fuel does not completely burn out and most of the heat "flies out into the chimney" along with the smoke;

    complex construction"Handcrafted", which can only be done by an experienced craftsman.

Modern solid fuel boilers and factory fireplace inserts do not have these disadvantages.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Solid fuel boilers

Another not the worst option than heating the house. Modern solid fuel boilers have an efficiency of 80-95%. That is, the best examples in terms of efficiency are at the level of gas boilers, and only three economic factors "throw" them into second place:

    the cost of the heat carrier is higher in terms of a kilowatt of thermal energy;

    higher price of equipment;

    Maintenance costs are “present” (costs of transport, fuel storage and disposal of solid residues).

If we talk about the cost, then in the Moscow region, heating with firewood is about one and a half times more expensive than gas - about 90 kopecks. per kilowatt against 53 kopecks. (at tariffs for natural gas for the second half of 2017, subject to the availability of metering devices).

Pyrolysis boilers have the most high efficiency- firewood in them burns out almost completely, with a minimum "solid" residue

The use of fuel pellets increases the cost of a kilowatt to 1.3-1.4 rubles. and almost compares in price when used coal, but still 15-20% cheaper than heating with anthracite. But there are nuances here.

If the task is how to heat a house cheaply without gas, then wood-fired boilers long burning or pyrolysis (gas generator) models best meet this condition. The only drawback is that the laying of firewood is done manually and it is impossible to automate this process. Although this should be done infrequently - 1-2 times a day.

There are pellet or coal boilers with automatic fuel loading from the bunker. Although the hopper must also be loaded manually, it is much larger than the volume of the firebox. A conventional boiler model with a standard bunker with a capacity of 1 m3 can operate continuously from three days to a week, and with an enlarged bunker - up to 12 days (taking into account the high-quality insulation of the house and low heat losses). And when it is not possible to frequently load fuel, then such boilers are the most optimal option (if you do not take into account the higher prices for equipment).

Solid fuel boilers for long burning with a large-capacity bunker do not require daily maintenance from the owners

Note. There are even automatic modular coal boilers with a bunker volume of up to 14 m3, their own crusher, auger feeding of fuel to the furnace and automatic removal of soot into your bunker - almost a mini-boiler room for a private house. Moreover, this is a domestic development and the cost of the equipment is also “domestic”.

Fireplace inserts

Modern fireplace inserts, fireplace stoves and stoves do not differ in principle from solid fuel boilers. They also have the function of long burning and secondary afterburning. Their efficiency differs from gas-generating boilers by only 5-10%, which is at least four times higher than that of classic open-hearth fireplaces.

Demonstration model of a closed type fireplace insert with a water circuit

The intraspecific differences of such devices are that fireplace inserts require additional installation of a decorative portal and are used only for heating, fireplace stoves have a complete design and some models belong to the heating and cooking class (there are even models with a built-in grill), and all stoves have two functions - cooking and heating.

Fireplace stoves and stoves have a limited range of capacities - a maximum of 25 kW. This, of course, is less than that of boilers, but they will be able to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 250 m2.

Heating and cooking stove-fireplace - the best option for a small country house

The power of the fireplace insert can reach 40 kW, which allows you to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 400 m2.

Stoves and fireplace inserts can heat a home in three ways:

    heat radiation in a common space with a free layout of the entire level (like a studio);

    in a hot water heating system, if the firebox has an appropriate heat exchanger with piping;

    in the air heating system.

Note. Air heating is the first system known in history, which appeared several millennia earlier than water heating. And now it is successfully used, but only in a modern version - the use of forced feed warm air to neighboring rooms or to the second floor along the duct boxes.

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You can clearly see how to heat a house without gas using air heating in the video:

Liquefied gas

Liquefied gas ranks third in terms of the cost of a kilowatt of energy.

There is different ways its delivery and storage, but the smaller the volume, the more expensive the final price is. Therefore for home permanent residence a gas tank is required, and for small cottage, which is rarely visited in cold weather, you can get by with several cylinders of 50 liters each. When using a gas tank, the price of a kilowatt of heat from burning liquefied gas is 2.3-2.5 rubles, the use of cylinders raises the bar by 50 kopecks.

You can also get warm in different ways.

Most simple system- direct combustion of gas to generate heat without heating the intermediate heat carrier, piping and radiators. For this, gas convectors and infrared heaters are used. The principle of operation and design are different, but they have one thing in common - the availability of equipment, compactness and operation from bottled gas. The disadvantage is the power limitation and heating of only one room. For example, infrared and catalytic gas heaters AYGAZ firm, the maximum power is 6.2 kW.

This compact infrared heater can heat up to 40 m2

The gas holder allows you to build a full-fledged autonomous water heating system, and the frequency of refueling depends on the volume of the tank, the heating area and the operating mode. In terms of ease of use and maintenance, the system is in second place after electric heating. But it requires significant initial investments for the purchase of a gas tank, its installation (usually underground) and the laying of communications (pipes for connecting to the boiler and electric cable for the tank heating system).

Another difficulty for the gas tank is the choice of location. It should be located close enough to the house and be accessible for refueling.

Liquid fuel

This is probably the last option that should be considered when solving the problem of how to heat the house if there is no gas. It's not even about the price of energy resources - they can be different. The most expensive diesel fuel allows you to obtain thermal energy at the same cost as when using liquefied gas from cylinders. The price of heat for burning fuel oil is the same as for coal-fired boilers, and "mining" practically compares the cost of heating to the level of natural gas. But…

In terms of equipment cost, it is one of the most expensive fuel systems. In addition, these boilers are "capricious", require regular maintenance and the same complexity of maintenance as the fuel supply and injection systems of a diesel car. There are also disadvantages such as air pollution by combustion products of liquid fuel, as well as high level noise from the fuel pump and burner.

Maintenance of an oil boiler is much more difficult than any other.

Electric boilers

Electric boilers have the highest efficiency - up to 98%. Moreover, it does not depend on the type of boiler. Heating elements, electrode and induction boilers differ only in the way of heating the coolant, and they have no losses from incomplete combustion of fuel - electricity is converted into heat almost completely. In principle, it would be correct to talk not about the heating system (there is no fuel and combustion chamber), but about the heating method.

At the cost of equipment, simplicity of the device, completeness of automation and ease of maintenance electric boilers have no competitors. But the cost of a kilowatt of thermal energy is the highest for them. There are loopholes, though.

Video description

In addition, you can use modern geothermal pumps, clearly about which - in the video:

Since July this year in the Moscow region for settlements and rural areas with electric stoves and heating devices, the one-rate tariff is 3.53 rubles. per kWh. Taking into account the efficiency, a kilowatt of thermal energy will cost 3.6-3.7 rubles. But there are two- and three-part rates that allow you to save. To do this, you need to install a heat accumulator, which allows you to accumulate warm water for the heating system at night, when the tariff is 1.46 rubles. per kWh. If the house is small, and the capacity of the heat accumulator is sufficient, then the night supply (from 23-00 to 7-00) may be enough for the rest of the time or for most of it. This compares the cost of heating with electricity to solid fuel boilers on coal. And it is much cheaper than burning liquefied gas. And the capacity for the battery does not cost more than a gas tank or a coal bunker with a screw feed system.

The heat accumulator is able to optimize the operation of any heating system

But the main disadvantage of heating with electricity is the poor quality of the networks and the power limit.


There are several more ways to heat the house if there is no gas. For example, alternative methods of heating a house without gas are solar panels and heat pumps. But the widespread use of the first option is limited by the insufficient level of insolation of our latitudes precisely in winter. And the only stable and effective kind a ground-to-water heat pump, the cost of equipment and installation is such that without government support (as in some European countries) it makes it unprofitable compared to traditional heating systems.

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One of the modern heating systems without the use of natural gas is the use of innovative heating with a geothermal heat pump.

The principle of operation of a heat pump is to select low-temperature heat from soil, water or air, convert it in the evaporator into high-temperature heat (up to 65 degrees) and transfer heat for heating the home and cooking hot water... This principle can be compared to the operation of a refrigerator, just the opposite. The refrigerator collects heat from the inner chamber and transfers it to a radiator located on back side, and the heat pump takes low-temperature heat from the environment, heats it up in the evaporator and supplies it to the heating system.

The geothermal heating system consists of three circuits:

  • a closed primary circuit in which propylene glycol is heated from soil or water to a temperature of 5-6 degrees. A circuit (collector) made of polypropylene pipes is laid horizontally into the ground below the freezing level, vertically or obliquely into drilled wells, or at the bottom of a natural non-freezing reservoir. As you know, at depth, the temperature is practically constant all year round- about +5 degrees;
  • an evaporator of a heat pump, in which low-temperature heat is converted into high-temperature heat. The circuit is filled with a safe refrigerant - carbon dioxide or hydrocarbon (freon is used in refrigerators and air conditioners).
  • internal circuit of the heating system and hot water supply of the house.

The heat pump can also be used to cool the air (as an air conditioner) during hot seasons.

The system consumes little electricity, which, in principle, is used only for the operation of the compressor, which makes it possible to use a small mobile generator in emergency situations with power supply.

Heat pumps are quite efficient. So, when a compressor uses 1 kW of electricity, we have 4-5 kW of thermal energy at the output, receiving 3-4 kW of free energy from the environment. The efficiency of heat pumps versus gas heating- more than three times.

The rooms for the geothermal heat pump system do not have special requirements, in contrast to the rooms for gas boilers. Any utility room is suitable for installing the unit, without chimneys and even ventilation - a storage room, a basement, a garage ...

Depending on the method of laying the primary circuit, the systems differ in the type of heat sources:

I will allow myself a small digression:

An instructive story happened to my neighbor in a dacha cooperative. He installed himself a heat pump. Its section overlooks the river bank and closed loop he decided to lay at the bottom of the reservoir. To save money, instead of cast-iron dubengs, which are attached to a polyethylene pipe for loading every meter, I decided to use bricks with nylon ropes.

The savings turned out to be significant, since one dubbing with a clamp for fastening costs about 1 euro, and the length of the collector pipes was more than 300m.

After a while, due to poor attachment to the pipe, the weights moved and the pipes partially floated to the surface of the water. At this time, frost struck and the first ice appeared on the river and ... fishermen, who with their bald spots and braces broke through the pipes. The collector has fallen into disrepair, and propylene glycol has leaked into the river.

As a result of such "savings" the neighbor had to change the entire circuit in the spring and fill in a new coolant.

The cost and installation of a heat pump system is quite costly. Equipment for your two-storey house 6 x 8m (with a total area of ​​up to 100 sq. M.) Will cost 4-5 thousand euros. But this type of heating pays off much faster than any other heating system.

How the heat pump works: