Aquarius women who have a fish husband experience. Do they suit each other in love? How to conquer a Pisces man and build a relationship with him

These two signs, we can safely say, are just perfect for each other. Both are extravagant, unpredictable, love to shock others, while it is very difficult to surprise them themselves. The Pisces man is always cold-blooded and accepts people exactly as they are, without embellishment. And therefore, he takes the representative of the air sign with all her endless quirks as a matter of course. But what is the compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man? And is an alliance possible between them?

How alike they are

The Pisces man gives everything to the last to his beloved. He is ready to overwhelm her with gifts, the price of which she will never consider. She receives much more - love, tenderness and care cannot be expressed by any gifts. While he should expect many surprises from the Aquarius woman. The laws of society as if they were not created for her, and therefore the partner will often have to blush for the behavior of his beloved. Every time he has to wait for the next antics of his companion. But nevertheless, the union can be called the strongest. They are similar in the main - they do not like to make promises. If Pisces man promised you something, this does not mean that what he said will be fulfilled. And the Aquarius woman will not even promise anything, because she does not know how events will turn tomorrow.

Aquarius and Pisces: friendship or love

If an Aquarius girl falls in love with a Pisces man, then she will first tell him about all her problems and difficulties, but at the same time he will not become a simple vest in which it is pleasant to cry. She always listens to his opinion, which is extremely surprising, knowing the mistrust of Aquarius. And most of Pisces's advice is she, but not all. Still, the lady prefers to learn from her mistakes. Aquarius-woman and Pisces-man occurs only when spiritual unity catches up with physical attraction. Yes, they love each other, but they cannot completely trust until a certain period. And when this time comes, the compatibility of Aquarius-woman and Pisces-man becomes the same as it happens only with truly happy people.

Are there any differences

Of course, like any couple, not everything is perfect here. Aquarius is always obscenely curious. And considering that he is straightforward to the point of disgrace, the mixture turns out to be quite flammable. He can approach a person and ask about something in the forehead. And Pisces, who are also quite curious, usually do not ask unnecessary questions. They have by nature the ability to read information on a mental level. A bit mystical, but modest and without surprises. It is against the background of curiosity and mysticism that the compatibility of Aquarius-woman and Pisces-man becomes not so ideal. But there are small misunderstandings in every pair. This couple can be considered the most beautiful in the world. They seem to complement each other, each brings a touch of adventurism to the life of his partner. After all, when everything flows smoothly and smoothly, it becomes boring. They will definitely not be bored. So this is the perfect match in all walks of life. And the marriage of Aquarius and Pisces can be called the standard to which everyone should strive.

Aquarius and Pisces are similar to each other. They are idealists, they do not know how or do not want to fit into ordinary reality with its petty worries, joys, salaries, careers, scheduled rest and creativity according to a template. But these two are not just "out of this world" - they are from different worlds and it is difficult for them to understand each other. A good union between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man takes a lot of effort.

Aquarius-Pisces compatibility: how to seduce a Pisces man?

The Pisces man is a dreamer and dreamer. He feels bad that the real world demands attention to itself, bursts into his dreams, destroys them. He will appreciate a woman who supports his fantasies and inspires creativity. Aquarius is not mercantile, will not call on Pisces "to live like everyone else", she understands his spiritual aspirations. For the Pisces man, she is a muse. In addition, she is active, ready to support, she can take over communication with the outside world, giving Pisces the opportunity to stay in their fantasies. She does not criticize, does not descend from heaven to earth, romantic, kind and patient. All these traits are a reliable means of conquering Pisces. It is impossible to disregard and external attractiveness. Pisces men agree to love only a fairy tale. The Aquarius woman is endowed with an elusive charm and appeal that really has little to do with the efforts of stylists and couturiers. It seems to Pisces that she came from another world - so unusual and bewitching.

What does the ideal pair look like: Aquarius woman - Pisces man?

Among the happy couples of Pisces and Aquarius, you cannot find those who stand out from those around them with wealth or social status. Even a Pisces who loves money in an ideal marriage with Aquarius resigns himself to the fact that there is no money and will not be in the worst case, or it will be exactly for life at the best. Aquarius prevents the worst traits of Pisces from developing - the adaptability and behavior of the gigolo. Instead, Pisces has their best qualities - selflessness, spirituality, creativity. Aquarius is not a sponsor of a beggar artist, but his Muse helping him to create. Many Pisces achieve heights in art or on the path of spiritual self-improvement. A contact Aquarius woman helps Pisces gain fame. Money even begins to come to the house, but neither Pisces nor Aquarius pay attention to them and spend on the most impractical things and affairs. Aquarius in this marriage receives moral support from a person who understands her. He does not consider the behavior of Aquarius to be extravagant eccentricity, but sees in him a deep meaning that more down-to-earth people cannot see. In addition, in alliance with Pisces, Aquarius finds someone to whom (more precisely, whose talents) she can serve as the Highest Idea. This makes her happy.

What are the difficulties in the union between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man?

The greatest difficulty awaits a couple in their youth. Neither Pisces nor Aquarius are able to give each other practical support. With age, they become more careful and avoid situations in which they are weak. But in their youth, they still do not know the limits of their powers and often find themselves in a position where they need help. Aquarius can only approve of the actions of Pisces, supporting him morally, and Pisces is able to console him with affectionate words and sympathize. But they are powerless to help each other, and at the same time they expect active help from their partner. Not having received it, they are offended. It will take time before they realize their weaknesses (their own and that of a loved one) and lower their expectations. The second difficulty is in the life of a couple at any age stage. Aquarius is an extrovert and loves society, Pisces is an introvert and tries to stay away from noisy communication. Aquarius will be offended by Pisces' reluctance to share the fun with them, to visit, to a party, to do social work or to take part in an interesting training. And Pisces won't like the fact that Aquarius spends little time at home.

The first difficulty is overcome only by patience and the ability to forgive. In addition, a couple, even without having mature life experience, can reduce the risk of falling into difficult situations: for this, Aquarius has the gift of clairvoyance, which will not prevent her from developing, and Pisces has a powerful intuition. The main thing for a successful solution to the problem is to understand as early as possible that one should not count on support from a partner by deed, and not be offended by him for this. Pisces, offended by the inattention of their beloved and the fact that besides him there are other people and deeds in her life, can be consoled with affectionate words and declarations of love. Pisces subtly feel words if they come from the heart. Praise him more often, assure him of your love, say that anyway none of your acquaintances will become as important to you as he is. And in order not to be offended by the unsociability of Pisces, do not forget that your man is a creator, he needs silence for inner growth.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man at work

This is not a very successful union. They have different working styles. Aquarius is communicative and keenly interested in what is happening in the team and in the production sphere, and Pisces is not very interested in the world around him. True, Pisces is not averse to gossiping about colleagues, but this is not to Aquarius's liking.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man - colleagues or partners

Most often they don't notice each other. And, perhaps, this is the best option. Because in another case, Aquarius is at first happy with the fervor with which Pisces take on several things at once and make plans, and then she is convinced that no one intends to bring everything to the end. And Pisces will be surprised to face the adherence to principles of such an understanding and benevolent Aquarius woman. They have different work styles, rhythms and interests, they can neither support nor complement each other, so nothing bad will happen if they never meet in a working environment.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Pisces man is a subordinate

Not a bad union only in the creative field. In the rest, Aquarius cannot put pressure on Pisces, and Pisces cannot work without a magic kick.

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate and a Pisces man is a boss

Not a bad union if Aquarius is interested in the results of the work. She sees the impracticality of her boss, and if she likes him, she will try not to let him down, setting goals and achieving them herself, and letting Pisces float in the clouds.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man in friendship

This is a nice but often short-lived friendship. Pisces is happy to have an Aquarius woman among friends: she knows how to entertain him, pull him out of melancholy, and cheer him up. She listens with interest to his thoughts and gives practical advice. If Pisces becomes sad, Aquarius will rush at any time of the day or night to cheer him up. For Aquarius, friendship with Pisces is also important: she needs a friend who understands her isolation from the world, romance, and lack of interest in practical matters. With him, she can discuss topics that for most are completely abstract, and even strange to boot. Friendship helps both to withstand the onslaught of reality. The relationship lasts until the Pisces finds their mate. After that, he considers it dishonest in relation to his beloved to communicate with another woman.

Compatibility horoscope: the compatibility of the zodiac signs man Pisces and woman Aquarius is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A man born under the sign of Pisces selflessly and mutually falls in love with an Aquarius woman, as if he saw his reflection in her. Both of them are optimistic and look at their surroundings through rose-colored glasses. They are spontaneous, subject to dreams, they know how to appreciate beauty.

But even understanding his partner very well, Aquarius does not like the excessive passivity of his chosen one. She is a supporter of a fun pastime, a lover of a bright and active life. And the brooding Pisces man does not understand the need to be distracted by such frivolous things in his opinion. This state of affairs can lead to the fact that the Aquarius woman gets bored in marriage. And then, in order to avoid parting, Pisces will have to take measures, stepping over their habits. It will be quite enough to get carried away with something from the activities of Aquarius, but ideally - to share her interests completely.

This union is formed unpredictably and unexpectedly. No one can understand that in fact these completely different people are united by a common worldview, and not at all share the polarity of the way of life. In this union, each of them can be realized creatively, feeding and getting energy from each other. Usually, relationships between people of these signs begin due to the realization that this love not only warms, but also gives something material, embodied in business and work, because a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman of predominantly creative professions enter into such a marriage.

The Pisces companion will constantly be inspired by its elusive mystery. She will not abandon attempts to understand his soul to the end, at the same time, exploring his inner world, she will be surprised to discover new horizons for herself even after many years of living together. The Aquarius woman likes the inconstancy of his mood, because this is the best reason to be realized for both the woman and the wife. She is very talented and it is next to him that she finds herself, and a man born under the sign of Pisces is very proud of this, admiring her sincerity, ingenuity, sociability and understanding of almost everything in life.

Pisces man Aquarius woman. The intimate sphere in this union is rich and full of emotions. Both of them are quite happy with this, because romance is not hidden behind a stormy passion. Therefore, despite the difference in habits and lifestyle, they live happily ever after. Sometimes each of them can feel unhappy with their chosen one, but imagining life without him, they immediately realize an ardent love for a partner. They even like this state of affairs, and soon they begin to find their advantages in this. Feelings unlike any others are the main difference and the most important feature of such a marriage.

The Pisces man constantly experiences jealousy and anxiety, because his active and freedom-loving chosen one Aquarius does not allow him to live in peace. But Pisces does not like negative emotions, so no one will ever guess what is in his soul. A sensitive and receptive man becomes more unhappy in this union. And the headstrong Aquarius can easily be discharged in a cheerful company, hiding for a while from the supervision of her husband.

Aquarius and Pisces - sign compatibility

Partners have different ideas about life, opposite character and temperament. Nevertheless, such marriages can be found quite often, which is explained by the positive fusion of the intelligence of Aquarius and the emotional component of Pisces. Aquarius and Pisces compatibility defines a relationship with a clear division of roles. Of course, the representative of the air sign will be the leader in such relations. He is more rational and independent. Pisces, on the other hand, attract a partner with their softness and pliability. They are caring and loyal, having chosen a life partner for themselves, the representative of the sign of Pisces will support him with all his might and surround him with tender love. This is what fascinates Aquarius so much. He is one of the few signs that can appreciate such self-sacrifice. Pisces surprisingly simply perceives the partner's unwillingness to adapt to other people's opinions. This independence of Aquarius makes him very attractive in the eyes of a water sign.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces is also based on their mutual dreaminess and love of art. Both partners have a rather subtle mentally organization, so it is so easy for them to understand each other.

Quarrels also happen between partners, although they quickly fade away, ending in hugs. In such situations, Pisces make categorical remarks and stop verbal struggle, and Aquarius try to bring it to a real conflict in order to throw out emotions and then feel relief.

It is important that the compatibility of the signs of Aquarius and Pisces is primarily based on their spiritual relationship. They first become close friends, and then lovers. The key to harmony in such relationships is intellectual unity, which greatly enhances their physical attraction.

Aquarius and Pisces have common views on education and career development. There will be no disagreements in financial matters. Moreover, these signs are similar in their rejection of any promises. Pisces seldom make promises, but even less often they keep their promises. Aquarius is even more categorical: he never makes promises, because he cannot be sure that tomorrow his plans will not change.

The great secrecy of the latter can negatively affect the relationship between Aquarius and Pisces. Their evasiveness will sooner or later begin to irritate their partner, they should learn from sincerity.

In general, the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces gives these partners everything they need to form a happy family union. The most important thing is that their waves have the same frequency and they perfectly understand each other.

Aquarius and Pisces sexual compatibility

The sexual compatibility of the signs of Aquarius and Pisces is promising. At the initial stage, partners are attractive to each other. In addition, they are interested in learning something new in an intimate life together, since both are very inventive. Difficulties can arise if the open and sociable Aquarius does not like to unravel the secrets of his chosen one, and the fussiness of the air sign will irritate Pisces. However, with strong feelings, these obstacles will be easily overcome.

Compatibility: Aquarius man - Pisces woman

Such a union is not uncommon, because it is in its purest form the reunion of the masculine and feminine principles. A man born under the sign of Aquarius, as it may seem, is a little out of this world. However, in difficult situations, it is this type that shows amazing strength of character, and the Pisces woman, who has developed intuition, immediately feels it. On the other hand, a lady born under the sign of Water has real femininity, and her attractiveness is of particular importance to Aquarius. Fascinated by his companion, this airy man can behave rather strange and even repulsive. Poor Pisces will decide that it is unpleasant for him and will be very worried. But then intuition will still tell her what kind of feelings make her chosen one commit such extravagant acts.

The physical side of the relationship of this couple deserves special attention. It is in this ratio that the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces becomes the embodiment of the ideal classic union of a man and a woman. The soft and pliable Lady Pisces becomes a faithful companion to a strong and rational Aquarius. Such couples are called beautiful by those around them.

Compatibility: Aquarius woman - Pisces man

The Aquarius girl is the embodiment of extravagance. She often surprises others with very strange behavior, doing it willingly or unwillingly. In any case, it gives her great pleasure. The Pisces man, whose personality cannot be called ordinary because of dreaminess and mystery, is one of the few representatives of the Zodiacal circle who is very tolerant of such manifestations of the chosen one. Sometimes he does not even notice anything unusual, for him many strange things seem quite familiar.

At the same time, the representative of the sign of Pisces is very soft towards the Aquarius woman and gives herself to her without a trace. However, such sacrifice does not bother her, but on the contrary, makes her partner a real man in the eyes of an airy lady. In addition, the Pisces man can listen to his partner and give her excellent advice, which the Aquarius girl will certainly take advantage of. Such a couple will be happy and harmonious for many years. Each partner has something that the other lacks.

Pisces and Aquarius business compatibility

In business relationships, partners should avoid close emotional contact. This will not have the best effect on both their work and the activities of the entire team. Generally Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in business is not bad: the technical rationalism of Aquarius perfectly complements the flexibility and superior intuitive intelligence of Pisces.

Pisces Man Aquarius Woman

These two swim in the same river, but at different depths. Whatever the Pisces man does in his life, he will always think of a quiet haven, what he imagines as a family hearth with a caring and understanding mistress. The woman he is looking for may not be, as they say, seven spans in his forehead, it is enough for him so that she can support him, regret when necessary, inspire him to act ... But for a woman born under the sign of Aquarius, not only personal quality, but also the status of her chosen one.

No, she cannot be called a hunter for moneybags, she can be attracted by a man who has not yet achieved anything, but an ambitious and promising man. In the Pisces man, she may simply not notice these qualities, since he does not belong to those people who flaunt themselves. But she will certainly make an impression on him - since the “pupil” of Uranus, who is the Aquarius woman, is characterized by bright charisma and the ability to effectively present herself.

They seem too different to seem like an ideal couple from the outside, however, if you look at their relationship under a magnifying glass, interesting facets of them, invisible to everyone, will open. Firstly, the bright and self-confident lady-Aquarius from the first days of acquaintance is strongly attached to her man. But at the initial stage of the relationship, the Aquarius woman will talk about her ardent feelings to anyone - mother, girlfriends, interlocutors on women's forums, but not to the addressee of these feelings, that is, to the Pisces man himself.

She thinks that as soon as she betrays herself, she will let him know that he has completely taken possession of her thoughts, he will immediately use it for selfish purposes - for example, he will make her a fool in love with others in order to further manipulate her. In fact, he has no such thing in his thoughts. The Pisces man, regardless of education and social status, is a gentleman to the marrow of his bones, he respects the interests of the one with whom he decided to link his fate (even if we talk about cases when they completely contradict his own interests - he will try to find a compromise to the last solution). A certain coldness of his beloved Aquarius (under which the strongest affection is actually hidden), confuses and perplexes this Neptunian, bad thoughts creep into his head.

If it was a representative of the element of Fire (for example, Leo), he would have drawn conclusions long ago that would most likely entail a gradual fading out of relations with an Aquarius woman. But the Pisces man will lose faith in a positive result only when he tries all possible methods, and in the case of the representative of the Aquarius sign, this saves their relationship. Sooner or later, she will throw off the mask and a woman who is selfless in her love will appear in front of him, sometimes too impulsive, but devoted and sincere.

In material terms, the joint life of a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman will be successful, but not immediately. He may lack practicality, he is prone to irrational use of funds, in contrast to his life partner, who can be very, very economical if she sets herself the goal of making a cozy family nest. She would gladly take over the management of all family finances, but the Pisces man is unlikely to agree to such a matriarchal alignment. But, to his credit, he is able to learn from his chosen one, and if she is a constant example of a zealous mistress for him, he will want to correspond to her.

Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

The relationship between a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman is rather a creative, spiritual union than a love one - there will be little passion and fire in it. But who said that passion is key to a happy relationship? Each partner understands well the thoughts and desires of the other, although he will never understand the soul. They will remain mysterious mysteries, which makes their marriage even more interesting. Bright individualists, more than anything else they are afraid of losing their “I”, but at the same time they will be in good contact, sometimes admitting each other into the “holy of holies” - their own experiences.

The Pisces man lives on illusions. He takes wishful thinking and often idealizes his chosen one, for this reason he often remains deceived and disappointed. He never wants to be attached to the house, to the same rules and conventions, although he needs a cozy family nest as a shelter. The Pisces man never seeks to become a leader, because this imposes certain obligations on him, but he will gladly manipulate his partner, use outright psychological blackmail if she turns out to be sensitive to his psychological tricks.

The Aquarius woman also loves to dream, but she prefers not to get off the ground. She is more "earthly" than her partner, she is not alien to caring for loved ones and homework, but the Aquarius woman needs constant support from her partner, which she does not receive in this union. The similarity of partners to each other, visible to the naked eye, only intensifies the contradictions of this pair, but not with each other, but with external circumstances. Being in a constant flight of dreams and in imaginary worlds, these two will not in the least take care of the "earthly" goods that make up a solid material base of the family.

The Pisces man and the Aquarius woman need the support of a partner in their activity, but both of them cannot provide it to each other. Each of this couple will expect active and decisive action from the other, reserving the right to their own freedom and independence. In the end, dissatisfaction with each other will prevail over the ideological unity of the couple, the Pisces man and the Aquarius woman will come to a decision to leave without regretting it at all.

It is not for nothing that this union is called creative - a general heightened sensitivity in the perception of the world, combined with extreme coldness towards each other, gives rise to creative impulses in the soul of a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman, throwing the soul and searching for Truth. Each of them imagines himself a martyr, a victim of circumstances, and revels in this sweet sense of lack of freedom and their own "unhappiness."

Such experiences give birth to talents, brilliant works are born that amaze everyone with their drama and depth. If the union of a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman has developed on the basis of common creative searches, it can last for a very long time, as long as they both need inspiration.

Aquarius woman and Pisces man compatibility in love, sex & marriage

Psychological compatibility of Aquarius women and Pisces men in a relationship

This relationship looks very inspiring at first. Aquarius women and Pisces men are completely absorbed in each other. Pisces sincerely admire the charming and unusually intelligent Aquarius, while they themselves represent a real mystery for him with an incomprehensible and unpredictable change in their moods. However, if a serious romance is struck up between them, the partners soon begin to realize that it brings with it quite a few problems. So, Aquarius-woman feels literally constrained, since Pisces-man has extremely strong possessive instincts, and Pisces themselves are not very comfortable in this novel due to the restless and unpredictable nature of Aquarius. In general, there are too many experiences, both from one side and the other. Their views differ in literally everything - Aquarius-woman and Pisces-man look differently at relatives and friends, at the society in which they have to move, at the way of life, and so on. The result is constant mutual grievances, misunderstandings and even jealousy. In order to maintain this union, partners need to look for compromises, which can be very difficult, because if Pisces men live with emotions, then Aquarius women live with their mind.

Aquarius woman and Pisces man sexual compatibility

And for one and for the other partner, it is much more important that they have complete spiritual closeness than physical closeness. Perhaps this is why, at the beginning of their acquaintance, they show some indecision in sexual relations, often bordering on wariness. Aquarius-woman and Pisces-man seem to look closely at each other, study, in order to understand whether this is really the person they need and to what extent he can be trusted. If an Aquarius woman notices even the slightest hint that her partner does not want intimacy precisely on an intellectual, spiritual level, she will instantly move away and turn into ice. Physical intimacy for Aquarius is not in the first place. Therefore, the intimate relationship of these two partners often closely resembles some kind of experiment.

Aquarius woman and Pisces man business compatibility

If in business relations these partners are able to find a common language, then their tandem can be very productive. Pisces men love creative work, and the more difficult it turns out to be, the better for them. Aquarius woman can process the results obtained and make them more graceful or whole. However, when Pisces is busy with something, they can easily be rude, which Aquarius usually perceives as extremely painful. On this basis, sometimes quite serious conflicts arise. At the same time, this couple can cope with any, even the most difficult work, since they do everything together and are always ready to lend a shoulder to each other.

What an Aquarius woman needs to know about a Pisces man

As a rule, men born under the sign of Pisces are kind, gentle and caring. If he loves a woman, then he is ready to give her everything that he eats and even more. Unfortunately, Pisces men usually have a little, because others have already managed to take advantage of their kind-heartedness. And, in addition, Pisces are not so much trying to achieve something in life, as they prefer to dream about it. Meanwhile, Pisces men have almost everything in order to come to success, and significantly ahead of their rivals. This is undoubted talent, intelligence and knowledge. Thus, if you add a little more aggressive pressure to this, they would succeed. On the other hand, for you, Aquarius-woman, not material, but spiritual values ​​have always been much more important - ideals, dreams, thoughts, feelings. Something, but this good in Pisces men is usually enough.

What a Pisces man needs to know about an Aquarius woman

For all their eccentricity, Aquarius women can be surprisingly practical about their day to day life. But don't judge them by their first impression. So, if on your way, Pisces, you come across a quiet, modest and inconspicuous woman who works, for example, as a cashier or an economist, it is not a fact that she does not have, for example, some amazing hobby behind her soul. For example, she may adore driving a tractor. Aquarius women are always different from others in some way, and you can't even think of what exactly. They simply cannot live the way they do by general standards. They don't fit in.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man: chances for the future

This couple has the most chances if the partners are engaged in some common cause, for example, creativity. In ordinary life, many difficulties await them, mainly due to the dissimilarity of temperaments. An Aquarius woman, active and extraordinary, can simply become bored next to calm and dreamy Pisces men. If they want to preserve this union and prevent a rupture, it is desirable that Pisces share at least some of Aquarius's hobbies.

Compatibility horoscope for women and men with zodiac signs Aquarius and Pisces

Love compatibility couples woman Aquarius and Pisces man

The compatibility horoscope of this couple portends good compatibility, but it should be noted that, despite this, there is often no passion between these signs.

Even if they converge, this union is extremely rarely durable, since both signs are used to hovering in the clouds and sailing away with the flow of fantasies.

In this pair, none of the partners will want to take responsibility for leadership in the relationship. This leads to the fact that as buddies or friends they are compatible, but in marriage, their compatibility is not successful.

The Aquarius girl is used to trusting only her mind and acts as she considers logically correct. The Pisces guy cannot understand her, since by nature he is endowed with an enviable intuition, which always directs him in the right direction.

It should be noted that it is these differences that attract them to each other at the beginning of their acquaintance, but over time it is these differences that will begin to irritate both and threaten their union. It is very difficult for Aquarius and Pisces to look at the world through the eyes of a partner, because both are not used to adapting or limiting themselves in anything.

Aquarius admires the kind and calm nature of Pisces, who does not deceive or hypocrite, but prefers to remain himself.

The Pisces man is not a fan of noisy parties and an active lifestyle, but, strangely, the energy and eccentric disposition of Aquarius attracts him. With her, he is ready to go to any meeting or party with friends and relatives.

What is important for both is the union of people who, above all, are faithful friends who completely trust each other.

It is not strange that they do not try to limit each other's freedom, and do not roll up scenes of jealousy.

The main enemy of these relationships is financial problems, since their attitude to money is fundamentally different.

He is constantly saving and saving, and she believes that money exists only in order to spend it. It should be noted that, at the same time, she will consider him stingy and petty, which he clearly will not forgive her.

If all these differences do not scare them, then they can count on a completely successful union, of course, if they try very hard.

Compatibility by horoscope of a woman of Aquarius and a man of Pisces

Characteristics of the union woman-Aquarius - man-Pisces

The Pisces man loves to dream and fantasize. He does not like the realization that the real world breaks into his dreams, destroying them. If a woman inspires creativity and supports his fantasies, then he will certainly appreciate her. The Aquarius woman is not mercantile, she will not urge her partner to live “like everyone else”, she understands his inner world. She can become a muse for such a man. In addition, she is very active, she can always support him, she is ready to take on communication with the outside world, giving the Pisces man the opportunity to be in his fantasies. The Aquarius woman is romantic, patient, kind, tries not to criticize, and does not lower her partner from heaven to earth. Thanks to all these features, she is ready to instantly attract such a man.

The external attractiveness of such a woman cannot be disregarded. The Aquarius woman is endowed with a special appeal and charm that has nothing to do with her makeup, hairstyle or clothing style. It may sometimes seem to a Pisces man that she came from a completely different world, she is so bewitching and unusual.

Family union of Aquarius woman and Pisces man

Among the happy in compatibility married couples of Aquarius and Pisces, you will not find those who stand out from the rest, high social or financial status. Even a money-loving Pisces man, in an ideal marriage with an Aquarius woman, may well come to terms with not particularly great material wealth. Such a woman does not allow such Pisces traits as the adaptability and behavior of the gigolo to develop. Instead, this man's best qualities flourish: spirituality, selflessness, creativity. Such a woman is not his sponsor, she is his muse, helping in creativity. Many Pisces achieve heights on the path of spiritual self-improvement or art. The Aquarius woman, thanks to her contact, helps her partner achieve fame. Even when good money begins to appear in the house, this couple does not pay special attention to it, and spends it on the most impractical things and affairs.

In this marriage, the Aquarius woman receives the moral support of the person who knows how to understand her. The Pisces man does not consider her behavior to be eccentric, he sees in him a special meaning that ordinary, down-to-earth people cannot discern. In addition, in such a union, a woman finds someone whose talents she can serve as the Highest Idea. This helps her find happiness.

Difficulties in union between the Aquarius woman and the Pisces man

The main problems await the couple during their youth. Neither partner is able to give each other the practical support they need. With age, these people become more careful and avoid situations in which they can show weakness. In their youth, they still poorly understood the limits of their own strengths and are often able to find themselves in a position when they need help. The Aquarius woman can only approve of the actions of the Pisces man, morally supporting him, and he is able to console her and show sympathy. But the problem is that they are powerless to help each other, although very often they expect it from a partner. It will take a while before this couple realizes their compatibility weaknesses and lowers expectations.

The second difficulty can occur in these people at any age. The Aquarius woman, by nature, is an extrovert and loves society, the Pisces man is an introvert, he tries to stay away from noisy companies. In terms of spending time together, it will be quite difficult for them to find a compromise. She will not like that Pisces is constantly at home, and he will not like that Aquarius rarely spends time alone with him.

How to avoid difficulties in the relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man

The first challenge can only be overcome by forgiving and patience. In addition, partners can reduce the risk of getting into difficult situations. For this, the Aquarius woman has the gift of clairvoyance, and the Pisces man has a strong intuition. To solve the problem, you need to understand as early as possible that you should not count on the support of your partner.

If Pisces is offended that his chosen one pays little attention to him, and that besides himself, there are other people in her life, then he can be consoled with tender words and declarations of love. Such a man is very sensitive to words, and if they do not sound sincere, then he immediately recognizes it. The Aquarius woman needs to praise him more often, and say that none of her acquaintances will become as important to her as he is. As for the unsociability of Pisces, then his chosen one should not forget that her man is a creative person, and for inner growth he needs peace and quiet.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man in the business sphere

This compatibility cannot be called successful. These people have different working styles. The Aquarius woman is quite sociable and is always interested in what is happening in the team, and the Pisces Man is not very interested in the world around him. Sometimes such a man can gossip about colleagues, but Aquarius no longer likes this.

More often than not, such colleagues do not notice each other. And, perhaps, this can be called the best option. They have different working rhythms and different interests. They are not able to support or complement each other, so little bad will happen if they rarely meet in working conditions.

If the Aquarius woman is the boss and the Pisces man is the subordinate

Such a union can be quite good, but only in the creative field. As for the rest, such a boss will not be able to put pressure on the Pisces subordinate, and without this he will not work.

If an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and a Pisces man is a boss

It is quite a good union if the Aquarius woman is interested in the results of the work. She does not see practicality in her manager, but if she likes him, then such an employee will try not to let him down. Aquarius sets goals herself, she achieves them herself, and allows her boss to soar in the clouds.

Friendship between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man

The friendship between them is not bad, but rather short-lived. The Pisces man will be happy to have such a woman among his friends. She is able to entertain him, will be able to pull him out of melancholy, to cheer him up, if necessary. It will be interesting for her to listen to his thoughts and give practical advice.

If such a man becomes sad, then the Aquarius woman will be ready to rush at any time of the day to cheer him up. For her, this friendly union is also important. She needs a friend who will understand her romance, isolation from the world, and lack of interest in everyday affairs. With him, she is ready to discuss those topics that will seem completely abstract and completely incomprehensible to most people. Such friendship will help them withstand the onslaught of harsh reality. This relationship will last until the Pisces man finds a mate. After that, he will consider communicating with another girl dishonest in relation to his beloved.

✔ Anna Lyubimova

Different temperaments and perceptions of the world do not prevent this couple from getting closer on spiritual and intellectual grounds. Pisces, being more sensual and dreamy natures, attracts Aquarius as a like-minded person who can support and inspire them in their creative endeavors.

This couple has quite a lot in common. Both of them are visionaries and idealists who do not want to fit into reality, both are tuned in to a creative wave. In the financial sphere, they are also similar - they do not attach too much importance to money, they spend it ineptly and impractically. They are more attracted to the implementation of ideas and the implementation of great plans.

At the same time, their positions in life are very different. Aquarius whole immersed in their activities and communication, sometimes showing selfishness in relation to Pisces, who are devoted to him with all their soul. In his eyes, Pisces are soft and malleable, ready to devote themselves completely to caring for Aquarius, and such a sacrifice is very flattering to him.

Pisces really admire the lively mind and reformism of Aquarius, do not reproach him for unpredictability and impracticality, but sooner or later they begin to get frustrated by his inattention and complete immersion in his interests. Aquarius does not understand the partner's dissatisfaction, believing that he is exaggerating the situation too much.

Aquarius lives by reason and logic, Pisces is prone to sensuality and intuitive perception of the environment. At some moments in life, by combining these abilities, they can jointly achieve good heights. However, for the same reason, conflicts and misunderstandings can arise.

The increased attention of Aquarius to their interests and the surrounding society, to the detriment of Pisces, can lead to the fact that they will not stand up and be indignant: after all, they have the right to elementary gratitude and attention

Aquarius, although a romantic at heart, does not give love such a subtle and deep feeling that Pisces are capable of, and is not going to sacrifice the freedom of their actions.

In the end, Pisces chose their own mission. If they think about the motives of Aquarius's behavior, appreciate his kindness and ability to give joy and make pleasant surprises, then the brewing conflict can be quickly stopped.

Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman compatibility: pros and cons of relationships

The Aquarius man is able to appreciate the uniqueness of the Pisces woman. She is friendly, generous, somewhat naive, and most importantly, ready to sacrifice her interests in favor of caring for her partner.

In general, such a union can be called the unity of the masculine and feminine principles. Soft and feminine Pisces is devoted and loyal to the strong spirit and purposeful man Aquarius.

Are they compatible in love?

Aquarius is initially attracted by the grace and dissimilarity of Pisces from other girls. He is capable appreciate the versatility of her inner world, spirituality and morality. However, falling in love rarely leads to the fact that he is ready to abandon his principles of life or endure encroachments on freedom.

Having got to know each other better, Pisces and Aquarius can easily transfer the status of their relationship from friendship to love affair. The bright personality and strength of the spirit of Aquarius attracts and exalts him in the eyes of Pisces. She is ready to endow him with her care and attention, to be tolerant of selfishness. But her incredulity does not allow them to come to an agreement.

Aquarius, on the other hand, is able to adequately appreciate the sacrifice of his partner, be loving and caring, make pleasant surprises.

Aquarius guy and Pisces girl in sex

At the very beginning of the development of love relationships, the Aquarius man can show quivering and passionate feelings in bed, supported by novelty.

Over time, his ardor noticeably fades away, he just gets a little tired of the monotony. Therefore, so that the sensual and gentle Pisces woman is not disappointed, the couple should take care that intimate life does not turn into a routine and does not become boring and monotonous.

Do they suit each other in marriage?

In such pairs Pisces woman is ready to give all love and care for Aquarius, since children in these families appear rather late.

Aquarius and Pisces do not bother too much on economic issues, giving their strength to higher goals. And the unsettledness and lack of comfort soon become a source of irritation and mutual claims.

The couple just needs to share responsibilities. The husband Aquarius must learn to find time to solve everyday problems, material support for the family, and the wife of Pisces must not forget in the process of caring for her husband and arranging the hearth.

The Pisces girl is an unusually soft, feminine and charming person.

Is there friendship if he is Aquarius and she is Pisces

Aquarius open to friendship, sociable and reliable, ready to come to the rescue at any moment. But emotionally, in friendship, he does not experience the warmth of feelings that are characteristic of the Pisces woman.

They can be like-minded people on the basis of common interests and plans, however, most likely, sincere and trusting friendship will not work here.

How to conquer an Aquarius man?

Aquarius is a rather ambiguous type in terms of love, since the state of falling in love takes him out of his usual sensations, which he does not always like. He is afraid of encroachments on his freedom, realizing that this feeling sometimes leads to dependence.

Yet serious the attention of such a man can be attracted by an extraordinary and original girl, moral and refined, who will not impose her principles and desires on him, demand accountability in actions and deeds.

The Pisces girl may well become the subject of his adoration, since she is in many ways similar to him in nature. At the same time, she is able to admire his strength and non-standard thinking. In her he will see a faithful and devoted companion, ready to help and please in everything.

However, she should trust him more and try to be as sincere as possible, since Aquarius is not impressed by secrecy and omissions.

How to get the attention of a Pisces woman?

Pisces girl - extraordinary soft, feminine and charming person, which attracts the strong half with its weakness and naivety.

She can be carried away by intelligent and erudite men who are able to make decisions, become a reliable support and support in life.

Pisces needs male attention and care, and Aquarius's obsession with his life spirals can prevent him from showing love to the fullest. We'll have to find a compromise.

The relationship of such a couple may well ensure the spiritual growth of partners, but the unions of such a combination are not always durable in comparison with the combination "He-Aquarius, she-Pisces."

The problem lies in the fact that a woman is endowed with stronger character traits, and a man, on the contrary, is too soft.

Unfortunately, they cannot fully provide mutual support to each other. The Pisces man will be upset that his beloved does not want to fully devote her life to him, continuing to be active and communicate with numerous girlfriends, buddies and the right people.

Although they are able to capture the inner desire of Pisces for creativity and creation, even inspire them.

Unwillingness to obey the established realities of life, which is inherent in both of these signs and often causes significant problems in everyday life, still contributes to their mutual spiritual growth. Pisces begin to get rid of negative qualities of nature, such as adaptability, the desire to shift the solution of problems and responsibility to others. Aquarius, being able to appreciate the creative potential of his chosen one, will try to help him, to achieve success and recognition in this.

True disinterestedness and benevolence of Pisces do not disregard the lady of Aquarius, who is usually tougher in the sensory perception of friendship and compassion.

Love relationship

The Pisces man adores his beloved, so unusual and bright. He is ready for a lot for her, forgiving hot temper and emotional resolution of conflicts, irritability and too obvious protection of independence.

The romantic relationship of this couple can begin only with friendly sympathies and light flirting. Only after a long acquaintance, they, having got to know each other better, will be able to fully trust their partner, and physical and spiritual feelings will begin to manifest themselves stronger.

Aquarius needs to praise his lover more often, and Pisces should be sincere and open, then the mutual love of this couple will make them truly happy

Sexual attraction of a couple

At first, the Pisces guy is the initiator of the intimate relationship of this couple. He is temperamental and passionate about his extraordinary girlfriend. The Aquarius girl doubts more whether such a relationship is necessary for them.

In bed, incomplete harmony may occur, since the temperaments of these signs are somewhat different. Sensual and emotional Pisces guy may come across some enslavement and lack of initiative of the lady of Aquarius.

However, this happens at first. Finding a kinship of souls, this couple is capable of a whole fireworks of passions, and Pisces will be pleasantly surprised by the fantasies and ingenuity of Aquarius.

Aquarius needs to praise his beloved more often, and Pisces should be sincere and open.


Married couples of this combination are not distinguished in society by wealth and wealth. At first, everyday problems do not bother them very much. But over time, they begin to understand that more and more conflicts and discontent with each other arise, the reasons for which are the unsettledness and uncomfortableness of their home.

Wife Aquarius will less often invite companies and visit more often at home in order to gradually establish coziness, and the unstable financial situation of the family will push her husband Pisces to the desire to earn money, make a career and ensure prosperity.

How the Aquarius girl and the Pisces guy are friends

The friendship of this couple can be quite harmonious. Aquarius woman always able to support Pisces not only with practical advice, but also with an act.

The Pisces guy admires her sublime, striving for the ideal and unwillingness to plunge into boring reality. He, like no one else, is able to understand the motives of her behavior and aspirations, since in this regard they are very similar.

Together they can talk on any topic and discuss issues that cannot be discussed with others.

However, the Pisces guy can limit communication if a loved one appears on his horizon. He just thinks that in this situation it is unethical to communicate with another woman.

How to conquer a Pisces man and build a relationship with him?

The Pisces guy is a very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable nature. Mutual understanding and moral support are very important for him. Aggressive and rude girls never get his attention.

A feminine, non-conflict and calm girl will quickly find a response in his soul. And if she is also endowed with a refined and graceful appearance, under which a mysterious nature lies, then the Pisces guy is ready to fall in love with such a person without looking back.

The Aquarius girl, possessing charisma and charm, can easily evoke romantic feelings in the soul of a Pisces guy. He, possessing the skill of subtle perception, can feel in her a kindred spirit. She will not scoff and sarcasm, she is sincere and non-conflicting.

Is it possible to fall in love with an Aquarius woman?

To attract the attention of this extraordinary beauty and dreamer, men should start courtship with friendships that allow only a hint of flirting.

The Aquarius girl in a relationship will appreciate reliability and the ability to understand her. She values ​​freedom too much, so if she suspects that they are trying to restrict her, this may serve as a signal that a relationship should not be struck.

For many, it seems strange and incomprehensible. But not for the Pisces guy. He sincerely admires her, and the Aquarius girl will be able to appreciate the affection and devotion of such a boyfriend. She likes that he is soft and non-conflict, able to feel her mood and share interests, will never oppress and drive into frames.

For the guy Pisces, the companion Aquarius can become a kind of Muse, inspiring to creative exploits. But it is worth showing maximum sincerity and trust, since this is extremely important for Aquarius.

January 11, 2018 1:32 am

Compatibility horoscope this pair portends good compatibility, but it should be noted that, despite this, there is often no passion between these signs.

Even if they converge, this union is extremely rarely durable, since both signs are used to hovering in the clouds and sailing away with the flow of fantasies.

In this pair, none of the partners will want to take responsibility for leadership in the relationship. This leads to the fact that as buddies or friends they are compatible, but in marriage, their compatibility is not successful.

The Aquarius girl is used to trusting only her mind and acts as she considers logically correct. The Pisces guy cannot understand her, since by nature he is endowed with an enviable intuition, which always directs him in the right direction.

It should be noted that it is these differences that attract them to each other at the beginning of their acquaintance, but over time it is these differences that will begin to irritate both and threaten their union. It is very difficult for Aquarius and Pisces to look at the world through the eyes of a partner, because both are not used to adapting or limiting themselves in anything.

Aquarius admires the kind and calm nature of Pisces, who does not deceive or hypocrite, but prefers to remain himself.

The Pisces man is not a fan of noisy parties and an active lifestyle, but, strangely, the energy and eccentric disposition of Aquarius attracts him. With her, he is ready to go to any meeting or party with friends and relatives.

What is important for both is the union of people who, above all, are faithful friends who completely trust each other.

It is not strange that they do not try to limit each other's freedom, and do not roll up scenes of jealousy.

The main enemy of these relationships is financial problems, since their attitude to money is fundamentally different.

He is constantly saving and saving, and she believes that money exists only in order to spend it. It should be noted that, at the same time, she will consider him stingy and petty, which he clearly will not forgive her.

If all these differences do not scare them, then they can count on a completely successful union, of course, if they try very hard.

Is a passionate relationship the foundation of a happy marriage?

Yes it is

I can not agree

What kind of spouses will an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man be?

This couple's marriage is often unsuccessful. Pisces and Aquarius are incompatible in the family, as they have completely different ideas about harmonious relationships.

Aquarius wife does not know how to spend a lot of time at home with her husband and children. She will often be absent, stay up late and believe that no one has the right to make comments to her, even if it is her legal spouse.

Pisces's husband will be able to keep her at home only on the condition that he is intellectually compatible with her. He should become an interesting and erudite interlocutor with whom she will want to spend a lot of time.

Mom Aquarius runs the risk of raising too spoiled and capricious children, as she is too pliant and fulfills all their whims. If her husband can help her, then she will be able to find the best method in raising children.

The Pisces father can achieve excellent results if he does not set the bar too high for his child. He must understand that it is important for a child to have a true friend in the person of a parent with whom he can share all his problems.

Can one parent raise a child?

Find out what kind of colleagues the Aquarius woman and Pisces man will be

Aquarius subordinate is able to keep secret any secret entrusted by his leader. In addition to this, he is always ready to give worthwhile advice on how to solve any problems. His manager will appreciate this dedication and treasure the employee.

With such an employee Pisces head will be able to reach all career heights that he never dreamed of. What is characteristic of this cooperation is that the Pisces is not distinguished by decisiveness, and the decisive Aquarius will be able to carry out all the orders.

Pisces subordinate must understand that his manager loves active and proactive employees. Since Pisces is very indecisive about nature, in cooperation with Aquarius he will have to radically change and show what he is capable of.

Office romance can have a serious continuation?

Nothing will come of it

Relationships will be successful