Choose mbi gas or wood-fired boiler. Combined gas-firewood boilers

2 Affordable price 3 High level of efficiency (91%)

Solid fuel boilers are an alternative way to heat private houses. Electric models consume a lot of electricity, so the effectiveness of their use (especially over large areas) is very doubtful. Gas boilers in this regard are more justified, however, they require the supply of the appropriate type of fuel to the house, which is not always possible. It is in such cases that it is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of stoves, for which firewood, coal and other solid-state elements serve as a combustible material.

The current realities of the market are such that hundreds, if not thousands, of models of heating boilers for every taste are presented to a potential consumer: long burning and pellet, classic and pyrolysis. It is quite natural that making a good choice in such a situation is very, very difficult. In order to simplify the situation a little, we have prepared for you a rating of the 18 best solid fuel heating boilers in six different categories.

The best solid fuel boilers for long burning

The advantage of long-term heating boilers over others is clear from the name: the duration of solid fuel burning in them with a full load of the furnace is two to three days, and in other cases (depending on the type of fuel) it reaches five or even twelve days. At the same time, a volume of thermal energy is released on an ongoing basis, sufficient to heat the entire provided area. They are economical, but have low efficiency and cause a lot of hassle in maintenance.

3 NMK Magnum KDG 20 TE

Profitable price
Country Russia
Average price: 48,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A typical representative of long-burning boilers from a Russian manufacturer, which was created specifically for the climatic conditions of our vast country. Unlike many other applicants (according to the recommendations of manufacturers), it accepts exclusively coal for heating, which burns out within five days with an efficiency in the region of 75-80 percent. This is not much, however, when heating with other fuels, for example, wood, the situation looks much more sad. The feelings of users from the operation of this boiler are generally positive: the design is serviceable, unpretentious in maintenance, and in terms of power as a whole, it is a “golden mean”. It is very pleasing, albeit primitive, but the existing fuel combustion control system.


  • a domestically produced product, which explains the favorable cost;
  • good workmanship;
  • the presence of a heating control system (the connection between the control links is carried out by a chain).


  • the need to observe a strictly defined position of the air damper (with a gap of five millimeters) for the correct operation of the boiler.

2 Stropuva Mini S8

The optimum ratio of price and quality. User Choice
Country: Lithuania
Average price: 56,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Lithuanian heating boiler highly appreciated by users. In fact, the manufacturing company Stropuva continues and naturally reaps the benefits of the system built during the Soviet Union. The Mini S8 boiler is compact, made in the form of a "barrel", however, it is very heavy to move, in connection with which there are some problems with installation. Its efficiency is associated, first of all, with the type - long burning of one coal tab is capable of producing heat for two to five days. There are also no complaints about the quality - everything is done reliably, accurately (which is not so important in boilers) and causes some semblance of true admiration. But there is still one miscalculation - the pebbled cladding practically does not lend itself to removing carbon deposits, which most often form above the firebox door.


  • very high quality performance;
  • efficiency when heating premises - one stack of firewood is enough for 12-20 hours of burning; coal - up to five days;
  • good balance of value for money;
  • the ability to connect additional circuits, heating elements, and other systems.


  • beautiful but impractical pebbled finish;
  • difficulty in moving due to the large weight of the "mini-model".

To complete the picture and to clarify what the pros and cons of this or that type of solid fuel boilers, we turn to the comparison table:

Boiler type




Extremely simple and reliable technology

Low, relative to other types, price

Any available fuel can be used

- Low efficiency

- Inability to accurately adjust the temperature of the coolant

- High sensitivity to moisture content of combustible materials

Long burning

When loaded with coal, the boiler can operate for up to five days.

On wood fuel, the operating time is two days

Complete non-volatility

- Lack of water temperature regulators in the system

- Increased requirements for fuel quality

- As a rule, very low efficiency


High efficiency

Possibility of adjusting processes

Long intervals between inserts of combustible materials (up to 12 days)

High reliability and quality of performance

- Electrical connection required

- Without lining, the combustion chamber is very sensitive to raw fuel

- If the level of the lining is not correct, the walls of the chamber burn out, and the boiler breaks down


High efficiency

Complete process control through electronic control

- High cost and large dimensions of boilers

- High cost and fuel shortage

- Requires a mains connection

1 Buderus Logano G221-25

Best quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 154580 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

German boilers from the Buderus company are the standard of quality and efficiency for heating spacious rooms. Despite the Eastern European production, they easily endure the difficult conditions of the harsh Russian winter, have a fairly high level of efficiency (85 percent), and also do not require a large amount of fuel. If the circulating pressure of the coolant is not enough, you can easily "hook up" a pump to the Buderus Logano G221-25, which is what smart users resort to. Heating takes place very quickly, and cleaning the firebox is straightforward. Thus, 20-kilowatt models are capable of heating a room with an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. And what a 25-kilowatt boiler is capable of - judge for yourself.


  • volumetric firebox - accommodates logs up to 68 centimeters long;
  • nice design;
  • excellent workmanship and irreproachable design reliability;
  • high energy efficiency;
  • unpretentious in maintenance and easy to install.


  • high price.

The best inexpensive solid fuel classic boilers

Classic heating boilers are devices that are by no means rare in use. They are successfully used by people for heating private houses or for installation in houses at their summer cottages. By the way, inexpensive models are ideal for the second rather than the first option. They are by no means bad, but their characteristics are very often overestimated, which leads users to disappointment after the first attempts to use.


High rated power
Country Russia
Average price: 32,850 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Solid fuel boiler of Russian origin. Not bad to become a heat source for a country house, but doubtful for use in a private room. All his trouble lies in the overestimated characteristics - the rated power of 18 kilowatts is designed for heating areas up to 120 square meters, but the effect of heat transfer is practically not felt. The real and most effective heating threshold is no more than 60 squares. Solid fuel, with optimal regulation of the dampers, burns out in 60-90 minutes, after which the boiler cools down quickly and, if this moment is missed, it requires re-ignition. And you can't forget about the functions of a stoker either. The result is logical: the model is rather "capricious", but if you wish, you can always find a compromise that suits both parties.


  • very simple installation of the boiler;
  • acceptable quality of the case;
  • able to work on wood, coal and peat.


  • overestimated data on heated areas;
  • the need to select the optimal position of the damper in order to prevent excessive fuel consumption or obstructions to normal combustion.

2 ZOTA Dymok-M AOTV-12M

Optimal balance of performance
Country Russia
Average price: 18 870 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The ideal model for installation in a summer cottage. Small, but with decent power potential; unsightly, but covering it with its original functionality. 12 kilowatts of thermal power released during the complete combustion of combustible material is enough to heat 80 square meters of area. Even 70% efficiency does not spoil the overall operating experience. This version of the furnace is combined, therefore it can also use an electric element (heating element) for heating. The top of the cabinet houses the hob - a nice addition to the main function and acceptable performance.


  • the presence of a hob as a pleasant addition;
  • efficient heating of the area declared by the manufacturers;
  • the ability to connect a thermal electric heater;
  • heating of the coolant is carried out to a temperature of 95 degrees Celsius.


  • mediocre appearance;
  • slightly overpriced.

1 Lemax Forward-16

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 16,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

16 kilowatts of power of the Lemax Forward-16 boiler is enough for heating the premises of the administrative and household levels, private houses and even cottages, by means of independent or forced (with the installation of a pump) circulation of the coolant through the heating water system. This is one of the most successful examples of small but productive installations with an uncharacteristically high (about 75-80 percent) level of efficiency. The uncomplicated design contains a solution to many operational problems. From the point of view of the technologist, such measures as, for example, "tamping" the heat exchanger with channels to increase the ultimate tensile strength, look redundant, but justify themselves from the point of view of durability of use. Such a boiler can serve for a good seven to nine years, provided that all measures of correct operation are followed without exception.


  • the presence of additional elements that have a positive effect on the durability of the installation;
  • optimal cost with acceptable quality;
  • sufficiently high (atypical) level of efficiency;
  • the ability to connect a pump to increase the circulation rate of the coolant;
  • the possibility of converting the boiler to work with gas (carried out by installing a gas burner device).


Boilers classic solid fuel boilers of premium class

More expensive classic boilers are installations of a completely different level. Unlike their budget "counterparts" they have a higher percentage of efficiency, power, as well as indicators of overall reliability (not always, but as a rule). The disadvantages of inexpensive classics, expressed in deliberate overestimation of characteristics, are absent here, however, the typical disadvantages of classic systems are fully manifested.

3 Kentatsu ELEGANT-03

Optimal cost
Country: Japan
Average price: 35,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Kentatsu ELEGANT-03 is a modified model of a heating boiler, which took into account all the nuances and mistakes of previous installations. It is reliably known that those, in turn, did not have effective cooling and allowed the boiler to overheat. In this version, the water cooler of the grates became such, and, as practice shows, it copes with the assigned task flawlessly. A thermometer is located on the front wall of the cast-iron body, showing the real temperature of the water coolant. A controversial step towards ensuring ergonomics was the division of the boiler into sections. On the one hand, the usable area inside the model has increased, but on the other hand, this negatively affects the conditions of service.


  • the model took into account the mistakes of the past, including those with active cooling;
  • the presence of equipment for self-service in the kit;
  • low price;
  • high quality and durability of the cast iron body;
  • the presence of a thermometer on the front wall.


  • splitting the boiler into sections complicates the process of repair and maintenance in the event of a breakdown.

2 Bosch Solid 2000 B SFU 12

The optimum ratio of price and quality. Expert selection
Country: Germany
Average price: 51977 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Bosch products confidently occupy high places in all areas of the manufacturer's activity and in the boiler segment a similar trend is also observed. Bosch Solid 2000 B SFU 12 is a low-power (for elite installations) version of the boiler, which is very popular with users for its good heating ability. The main "feature" of the model lies in the functionality of use: it can be a leading one or combined with a gas boiler to increase the efficiency of heating the premises. So, one of the users successfully used the installation for heating a small workshop, and, as practice has shown, there were no problems with handling. The heat from one load was kept in the system for three to four hours, which indicates the unambiguous expediency of the installation.


  • high quality of both the case and the internal structure;
  • acceptable efficiency (84-85 percent);
  • positive user reviews;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • the possibility of combining with gas boilers.


  • low rated power (13.5 kW).

1 Protherm Beaver 50 DLO

The best indicator of efficiency (90.2%). High boiler output (39 kW)
Country: Slovakia
Average price: 109,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Protherm Bober 50 DLO is a real monster among the elite, a product of Slovak production, which will definitely appeal to everyone who wants to have a high-performance heating boiler.

Slovaks did not come up with anything new for the preservation of useful heat energy. Based on the well-known physical laws, facts and practice, they simply stuffed heat-insulating glass wool under the cast-iron body, thereby reducing heat losses. As a result of this simple step, efficiency skyrocketed to a crazy 90 percent. By updating the standard shape of the heat sinks, they were able to increase the volume of the combustion chamber. Thus, with one load, you can bring quite a comfortable temperature into a room with an area of ​​up to 350 square meters. This is largely due to the rated power of 39 kilowatts.


  • high technical characteristics;
  • adequate build quality;
  • extensive heated area;
  • low heat losses due to the presence of insulating material;
  • the presence of an air regulator;
  • the presence of a service tool in the kit.


  • not detected.

The best solid fuel pyrolysis boilers

The action of pyrolysis, or gas generating, boilers is based on the combustion of wood gas released from smoldering wood under the influence of temperature. When passing through the nozzle, the gas burns out, which contributes to the formation of small amounts of ash and soot. The efficiency of such boilers reaches 85 percent. The burning time of one load is from 5 to 12 hours. The disadvantages include the high price and special requirements for fuel - only dry wood is needed for heating.

3 Wirbel BIO-TEC 35

High level of efficiency (91%)
Country: Austria
Average price: 370216 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Austrian boiler capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature throughout the day. It all depends on the selected power: in the nominal mode of burning wood and briquettes it is no more than four hours. With a decrease in the indicator, the rate of complete combustion of the bookmark decreases. According to experts, an important difference between this model and domestic ones lies in the course of the real pyrolysis process, as opposed to ordinary afterburning. Perhaps the only drawback of the boiler is the need for a permanent connection to the CAS - a specialized heat storage tank. The supplied control panel is responsible for the functioning of the systems.


  • the presence of a control panel - full automation of processes;
  • after pyrolysis, the process of afterburning of exhaust gases occurs - complete production of fuel;
  • high rated power.


  • failure of the control panel deprives the user of the ability to manipulate processes;
  • very high cost.

2 Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 55470 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The heating capacity of boilers of the Bourgeois-K series has been repeatedly questioned - they say that a value of 20 kilowatts does not mean absolutely nothing, since it does not heat the declared area of ​​200 square meters. Some of the users take the side of the manufacturers, someone claims to be unable. Nevertheless, endless disputes have formed a good excitement around the model range, so the technique does not experience a lack of attention. The burning time of one bookmark in it is about ten hours. In terms of price, this boiler is noticeably inferior to the "foreign" models, which is its main and irrefutable advantage.


  • the cost is lower than that of competitors;
  • high thermal power and corresponding heating capacity;
  • burning time of the bookmark;
  • low consumption of combustible material.


  • huge excitement around the possible inconsistency of the characteristics of the declared information.

1 Wattek PYROTEK 36

Best rated thermal power (36 kW)
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 171,900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A pyrolysis boiler of a serious European level, built in accordance with all current quality standards. Czech manufacturers decided to release a line of automatic control units, which at the same time made life easier and more difficult for themselves and their users. The fact is that "automation" is a delicate thing, and in some especially unfavorable cases (due to accidents) it can easily fail. Repair and adjustment of the control system on a boiler of this level is expensive, which often causes bewilderment and an angry reaction of people. Perhaps this is the only significant drawback of the system, because in other components it is almost perfect.


  • the presence of an auto-control system for temperature and operating parameters;
  • availability of emergency, boiler and boiler sensors;
  • burning wood mortar is 12 hours, briquettes - 15-17 hours;
  • high quality assembly materials;
  • extended complete base.


  • adjustment and repair of the automatic control system, in case of failure, will cost the consumer a pretty penny.

The best solid fuel pellet boilers

Pellet boilers are large-scale installations equipped with bunkers for granulated wood waste. The sizes of such granules are from 5 to 70 millimeters in length and from 6 to 10 millimeters in thickness. This is the longest-lasting way to heat a room. The duration of heating directly depends on the volume of the adjacent bunker, and can be 2-12 days. The main disadvantage of such boilers is scarce fuel. Granular pellets are not sold everywhere, so there is a high likelihood of equipment downtime.

3 ZOTA Pellet 100A

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 379,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One such boiler is more than enough to heat an entire building, where there is a hot water heating system with a pre-installed pump for forced circulation. The manipulation of all aspects of the system is reduced to an electronic control panel. This system is truly indestructible - unless, of course, the opposite goal is set before the user. The nominal power of the boiler reaches 100 kilowatts, but it can be reduced by regulating the air supply. The supply of pellets to the firebox is regulated in the same way. The only and most significant drawback of the system is the overweight of the structure. 829 kilograms - this is how much this unit weighs, which is not so easy to move even within the scope of the delivery task, let alone the final installation.


  • the price corresponds to the declared parameters;
  • the fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber by a screw mechanism;
  • an electronic control system controls all aspects of the functionality of the installation;
  • high rated power.


  • very heavy weight of the structure.

2 ACV TKAN 100

Optimal set of parameters in a lightweight body
Country: Belgium
Average price: 554,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Almost complete analogy of the downstream model, ACV TKAN 100 is one of the best pellet boilers on the world market. The screw feeder, the presence of an electronic control system, a rated power of 100 kilowatts - all this is not new. The main difference between the two models lies in the parameters of price and weight - ACV weighs only 595 kilograms (noticeably less than the opponent), but costs one and a half times more. Nevertheless, based on the words of experts and those rare users who dealt with this boiler (mainly at large enterprises), we can conclude that its quality parameters are very high.


  • not the greatest weight of the structure;
  • high level of efficiency (90%) and rated power;
  • the presence of an electronic control system that exercises full control over the ongoing processes;
  • auger fuel feeding mechanism.


  • high price.


Best compact model. Highest efficiency level (92%)
Country: Sweden
Average price: 220 941 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Albeit not large, but a high-performance model of the PELLUX COMPACT pellet boiler can boast a high efficiency value - as much as 92 percent at an optimal level of operation. All this and much more is the result of the vigorous activity of the Swedish company NIBE, which specializes in the production of solid fuel boilers. The installed burner allows obtaining such a value of efficiency, which has a positive effect on reducing the consumption of granular pellets while increasing the release of thermal power. Another clear advantage is the presence of a replacement grid in the combustion chamber, which allows you to turn a pellet boiler into a pyrolysis boiler by replacing the pellets with dry logs.


  • economical burner, which made it possible to reduce fuel consumption and increase heat output;
  • availability of automated electronic control;
  • the ability, if necessary, to switch to another type of fuel - from pellets to firewood and vice versa;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • high build quality.


  • no serious flaws were found.

The best double-circuit solid fuel boilers

Double-circuit boilers outperform the already considered models in the sense that they are used not only for heating a house, but also for providing hot water supply. This is one of the best solutions for private houses located in areas where gas connections are impossible and there are often power outages. Double-circuit solid fuel boilers are economical to operate and many models fully satisfy the needs of users in heat and hot water.

3 Bourgeois-K T-50A-2K

Possibility of heating large areas
Country Russia
Average price: 156,520 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the most powerful solid fuel double-circuit boilers of the pyrolysis type. Designed for heating large areas up to 500 m 2, can be used to heat cottages and industrial premises and provide hot water supply in them. Due to the complete autonomy of the boiler, it can be used in places where electricity is not available. Firewood, wood processing waste and any brand of coal can be loaded into the furnace. Fuel consumption is very economical - the boiler operates on one tab for up to 10 hours. This produces a small amount of ash, so there is no need for frequent cleaning. The boiler is made of high quality materials, has a long service life (about 15 years), which is confirmed by user reviews.


  • heating areas up to 500 m 2;
  • reliability, safety and durability;
  • ease of management and maintenance;
  • work up to 10 hours on one tab;
  • a large selection of fuel and its economical consumption.


  • high price.

2 Kiturami KF-35A

Best efficiency and economy
Country: South Korea
Average price: 121770 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The pyrolysis solid fuel boiler is equipped with a second circuit for receiving hot water. Many users consider this model to be one of the best options for rural areas, small houses up to 100 m2. The boiler is distinguished by high efficiency (85%) and economical fuel consumption due to a heat exchanger with three combustion stages. Additional savings are achieved by switching off the boiler fan when the required temperature is reached.

It is allowed to unload up to 40 kg of firewood into the oversized combustion chamber at the same time, therefore constant monitoring of the boiler operation is not required. Instead of firewood, you can use wood briquettes. Operational safety is also enhanced by the presence of overheating and water level sensors.


  • electronic control, the presence of a display;
  • high efficiency;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • stable temperature maintenance;
  • operational safety;
  • good feedback.


  • only small areas up to 100 m2 can be heated.

1 Karakan 16TPEV 3

The lowest price
Country Russia
Average price: 25,300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A universal solid fuel boiler of domestic production is designed for heating private houses with an area of ​​up to 160 m 2, garages, greenhouses, and small industrial premises. Has two circuits for heating and hot water. Upstairs there is a hob with one cooking zone. The boiler was made soundly, of good quality steel. The durability of the service life is ensured by a "water head" surrounding it on all sides, preventing overheating and burnout of the metal.

The functionality of the model is increased by some design features provided by the manufacturer. It is possible to equip the boiler with a gas burner - it is mounted instead of an ash pan. Also on the side surface there is a hole for mounting the heating element, which allows you to use electricity as a backup fuel. Despite the low cost, positive reviews prevail about the model.


  • two circuits;
  • the presence of a hob;
  • the possibility of installing a heating element and a gas burner;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • deep firebox (56 cm);
  • outlet water temperature up to 95 degrees.


  • not the highest efficiency (75%).

Solid fuel boilers are indispensable for heating a private house in the absence of a gas pipeline or connection to a central heating system. Their advantages are reliability and durability, ease of use. Many models differ in independence from the power supply.

To make the right decision and purchase the necessary equipment, it is worth comparing the characteristics of these structures.

  • Power. Gas boilers do not need to be constantly “fed” by hand; they can heat several houses at once. Solid fuel models, even the most modern ones, need to be periodically loaded with raw materials.
  • Fuel. Solid fuel units have different alternatives (wood, coal, pellets), gas units only need one substance.
  • Service. Solid fuel equipment must be cleaned of ash and checked frequently. Gas does not need such cleaning, a preventive check is carried out once a year.
  • Security. Ignitions can occur during the operation of any type of equipment. Solid fuel boilers require a separate room, which reduces the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in the event of a leak.
  • Mounting. Gas boilers are installed only by specialists, solid fuel ones are allowed to be installed independently.
  • Cost: the prices for these types of equipment do not differ much, technical data is more important.

Varieties of boilers

By heat exchanger material

  • Steel. Relatively inexpensive for the price. They are lightweight and highly resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Cast iron. Stronger and much more durable than analogs made of steel. However, large temperature differences can adversely affect fragile material. Another significant drawback of such a boiler is its heavy weight.

By type of fuel used

  • Wood burning. An important principle when buying firewood: their moisture content should be minimal and not exceed 20% for a gas-fired boiler. In classic models, the use of wet firewood is acceptable, but not very desirable. Therefore, the place where the logs will be stored must be dry and reliably protected from moisture.
  • Coal. When choosing which coal to use, you need to pay attention to its grade and fraction: they must correspond to the technical operating conditions of heating equipment.
  • Pellet. This type of fuel is pellets made from wastes of various origins (peat, wood, agricultural). Such boilers are distinguished by high efficiency, but they are not cheap, as are the pellets themselves.
  • On peat briquettes.
  • Universal.

There are combined boilers operating on solid fuel and electricity or gas.

By air supply method:

  • Volatile;
  • Non-volatile.

By the principle of fuel combustion

  • Pyrolysis. The work is based on the combustion of gas released from wood under the influence of high temperature. The wood is heated with minimal oxygen access, resulting in the release of wood gas. Therefore, another name for such boilers is gas generating. The gas is burned in a special chamber at a temperature of about 700 C. When dry firewood is used, the efficiency of such equipment reaches 85%. However, they are more difficult to find and more expensive than usual. Another disadvantage is the high cost of the boiler and its complex multi-chamber design.
  • Classic. They resemble an ordinary stove with the combustion of fuel from the bottom up. Their advantages are simplicity of design, ease of use, and budget. They do not necessarily require high quality fuel. Disadvantages: frequent maintenance (it is necessary to add fuel 4-8 times a day), low efficiency (70-75%), low degree of power regulation. Such a boiler will be a good option for heating a small house in which they do not live permanently.
  • Long burning time. It happens by analogy with a match or a candle: from top to bottom. The firewood put in the boiler can burn up to three days, coal - up to five. Such efficiency is achieved due to built-in electronic automation, a turbine, and a special design of the combustion chamber. Pros: high productivity (efficiency about 80%), environmental friendliness, independence from the quality of raw materials, automation of processes in volatile models. Of the minuses, one can single out a rather large cost, the need to correctly observe the technology of fuel loading, the impossibility of reloading it.

By power:

  • Up to 100 kW, suitable for heating a private house, summer cottage.
  • Above 100 kW, industrial.

By type of fuel loading:

  • Manual. The combustion process is also manually controlled. Boilers are inexpensive, have a simple design, but require constant supervision and maintenance, it is more difficult to maintain the required temperature in them.
  • Semi-automatic. A person lays in the raw materials, and automatic equipment controls the combustion. It is possible to precisely adjust the temperature.
  • Automatic. All processes are automated. Fuel is supplied to the boiler from a special bunker, often by means of a screw mechanism. Pellet or coal models are the most economical. The boiler has a high efficiency, can operate autonomously for a long time, and is safe to operate. True, this convenience will cost more. Other disadvantages are volatility, large equipment sizes.

By the method of loading raw materials:

  • Frontal (horizontal), as a rule, is typical for models with a cast iron heat exchanger. Ease of use when heated with wood. Possibility to report logs.
  • Top (vertical). Dominated by boilers with a steel heat exchanger. The high efficiency of this method is associated with the fact that it is characterized by bottom combustion of the fuel; its upper part is being dried. In this case, it is very important to carefully place the logs in the firebox, otherwise there is a risk of a decrease in efficiency.

If possible, heating:

  • Single-circuit (only heat supply to the room is carried out).
  • Double-circuit (not only heat the room, but also provide hot water).

Which company equipment is better to buy

On the market of heating devices, popular models of both foreign and Russian production are presented today.

The best manufacturers of solid fuel boilers:

  • Robert Bosch GmbH. A group of companies of German origin. Date of foundation - 1886. The division of Bosch Thermotechnology is engaged in the production of heating equipment.
  • Buderus. This company was founded in Germany in 1731. Named by the name of the owner. It has enterprises for the production of equipment all over the world, including in Russia. Its products are in demand due to their high quality and reliability. In 2003 it became a brand of a group of companies.
  • Protherm. The Czech manufacturer offers products certified according to EU standards.
  • Stropuva. The Lithuanian company traces its history in Russia since 2006, offering consumers patented long-burning solid fuel units. Since 2011, products have been manufactured in St. Petersburg.
  • Teplodar. Russian manufacturer, present on the market since 1997. The company's products are not inferior to foreign counterparts and are cheaper.
  • LLC TPK Krasnoyarskenergokomplekt produces boilers under the ZOTA brand, which includes five different lines.

How to choose a solid fuel boiler

A competent approach to the acquisition of such equipment is very important, therefore, if possible, it is worth consulting with the seller of a specialized store.

The main selection criteria:

  • Boiler power. There are models already focused on a certain area of ​​the room. If a consumer buys a device designed for a smaller area than in reality, there is a risk that the boiler, which is working for wear, will quickly fail. An attempt to take equipment "with a margin", that is, designed for a larger heating area than needed, will also not be successful. The fuel simply will not burn out completely, remaining on the pipe in the form of resin, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the operation of the boiler. Universal calculation formula: 1 kW of energy will heat about 10 sq. m. of housing. A number of other parameters: the number of windows and doors, the height of the ceiling will give additional information, which will be analyzed by specialists.
  • Functionality. If the boiler is planned to be placed in the kitchen, then it makes sense to purchase it with a hob included. Those who do not want to spend a lot of time on servicing the device and putting raw materials into it should pay attention to long-burning boilers.
  • The type of fuel to be used. As a rule, a model focused on a certain type of raw material can also use an alternative. For example, wood can be loaded into coal boilers, which, however, can reduce their power. Combustion features affecting efficiency must be indicated in the technical data sheet.
  • The volume of the combustion chamber: the smaller it is, the more often you will have to reload.
  • Operating time with a single load. If it is important for the consumer not to approach the boiler every 4-5 hours, then it is better to choose a modern model, which only needs one load of fuel to operate for several days.
  • Efficiency. This important indicator will tell you what part of the heat energy is spent on heating your home. The lower it is, the more fuel consumption will be.
  • What is the warranty period provided by the manufacturer.
  • Popularity of the model: there are a number of units that have proven themselves well among users.
  • How much does the unit cost: domestic ones, as a rule, are cheaper than foreign ones. However, it is wrong to choose such equipment only at a low price: the technical parameters of a cheap boiler may not always be suitable for a specific situation.

Rating of quality solid fuel boilers - 2019

Budget classic models


Manufacturer: Russia.

The small-sized unit has an open combustion chamber, a heating element with a power of 2 kW. Designed for heating large rooms (about 200 sq. M). For it, coal, wood, peat are used, on the choice of which the boiler power directly depends - from 8 to 25 kW. Independent of electricity.

More information about the boiler is in the video:


  • Versatility: different fuels are suitable;
  • Easy to operate;
  • Low cost;
  • Little weight;
  • Large volume of the firebox.


  • Fuel burns quickly;
  • Low level of efficiency.

Average price: 36,850 rubles.

Zota Poplar М 20

Manufacturer: Russia.

Relatively inexpensive equipment, suitable for a small private or country house. The type of fuel he needs is charcoal and firewood.

Boiler video:


  • Low price;
  • Domestic manufacturer;
  • There is an electric heater;
  • Energy independence.


  • Due to the strong traction, it is required to master the skills of operation;
  • The efficiency is 70%.

Average price: 33,000 rubles.

Lemax Forward - 16

Manufacturer: Russia.

Combines low power (16 kW) and high performance (about 80%). With proper operation, it can last up to 10 years. Channel bars can be welded to the heat exchanger, which will increase its durability.


  • Price-quality ratio";
  • The boiler can be converted to work with gas;
  • Simplicity of construction;
  • Any type of fuel will do.


  • It is necessary to reload frequently.

Average price: 15,000 rubles.

Long burning boilers

NMK Magnum KDG 20 TE

Manufacturer: Russia.

An easy-to-manage, unpretentious "workhorse" from a Russian company. There is a combustion control system. Ash and combustion waste can be removed without interrupting the operation of the unit. When fully loaded, the operating time is up to 24 hours.

More information about the device - in the video:


  • Ergonomics;
  • Affordable price;
  • Good quality;
  • Convenience of cleaning from waste.


  • The air damper must be in a certain position.

Average price: 33,000 rubles.

Buderus Logano G221-25

Manufacturer: Germany.

Differs in reliability and durability: the heat exchanger is made of cast iron. The manufacturer recommends wood, coal and coke as fuel. The efficiency level is 85%.


  • Easy to install;
  • Stylish appearance;
  • High quality;
  • The large loading door allows for large logs.


  • High price.

Average price: 107,000 rubles.

Manufacturer: Lithuania.

It is able to maintain heat for up to 60-70 hours without requiring supervision - this is its significant advantage. The design allows you to put 50 kg of firewood in the firebox. A model with a high power (40 kW), which allows heating large rooms. Suitable for heating a store, workshop, large house.

More about the boiler - in the video:


  • High quality;
  • Efficiency;
  • Compactness;
  • Safety: has a safety valve;
  • Energy independence;
  • Economical.


  • Large weight;
  • Works only on wood;
  • High price.

Average price: 123,000 rubles.

Week "KO-90"

Manufacturer: Russia.

The boilers are produced in series. Boiler working power: 15-45 kW in continuous burning mode, control and regulation - automatic. Peak power - 90 kW. The boiler is capable of heating a room with an area of ​​150-400 square meters, which makes it an ideal choice for a large house or cottage, service station or car wash. One load of 300 liters can ensure the boiler operability up to 7 days. Given that the boiler is omnivorous, there will be no difficulties with the selection of fuel. But it should be borne in mind that it really burns for a long time on T, CC and A coals.

Week "KO-90"


  • Materials used: steel 5 mm, grade 09G2S, produced by "MMK";
  • Boiler production technology is patented;
  • Quality is ensured by control of each stage of production;
  • The manufacturer provides a complete set of documents confirming the fire safety and reliability of the boiler in use.

By the way! The manufacturer has insured its liability to the consumer in the amount of 10,000,000 rubles (IC ROSGOSSTRAKH).


  • Impressive dimensions and weight, but they make the device reliable;
  • The possible appearance of condensate, which is an indicator of the high efficiency of the boiler, there are ways to reduce it;
  • Volatility, this disadvantage can be eliminated, after which heat in the house will be provided regardless of the availability of electricity.

Boiler cost: from 164,900 rubles.

More information about Nedelka boilers - in the video:

Pyrolysis boilers

Bourgeois-K Standard - 20

Manufacturer: Russia.

The device is equipped with a draft regulator (this makes it possible to influence the rate of combustion of raw materials and the intensity of heating), a thermometer and a manometer. Its heat exchanger is made of steel. Works on coal or wood. Perfect for those people who spend mostly evening and night hours at home.

The boiler is "in action" - in the video:


  • Able to heat housing up to 220 sq. m;
  • There is no need for constant cleaning, as little ash is formed;
  • Low fuel consumption due to the way it is burned.


  • Birch firewood will not work;
  • Some products have a loose sash.

Average price: 70,000 rubles.

Buderus Logano S121-2-32

  • Volatility;
  • High price;
  • Large weight (375 kg);
  • Works only on wood;
  • Low efficiency.

Average price: 225,000 rubles.

Wirbel Bio-Tec 35

Manufacturer: Austria.

Modern heating equipment with a design that is responsible for the completeness of fuel combustion and efficient use of the generated heat. The boiler can be loaded with large raw materials (three doors are available). The combustion process is controlled by a built-in remote control. Requires a mandatory connection to the CAS heat storage tank.


  • Processes are automated;
  • The fuel is used up completely;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Easy to clean.


  • High price;
  • Dependence on the serviceability of the control panel.

Average price: 230,000 rubles.

Pellet models

They allow the consumer to save their time and effort without requiring constant attention and control.

Cons of using them:

  • Pellets, in comparison with wood or coal, are not available everywhere.
  • You need to have a place for storing fuel.

Teplodar Kupper OK 30

Manufacturer: Russia.

This model of domestic development does not impose increased requirements on the quality of fuel and is "omnivorous". Compactness allows you to place the unit in a small area (about 5 sq. M).

Boiler in operation:


  • Efficiency exceeds 89%;
  • Auto fuel supply;
  • Works not only on pellets;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Simple controls.


  • For installation, you will need the help of a specialist.

Average price: 87,500 rubles.


Manufacturer: Russia.

The powerful unit is capable of heating large residential buildings and industrial premises. It can work for several days without refueling. In addition to pellets, it is allowed to use firewood or fuel briquettes. Installation of a block heating element is possible.


  • Price-quality ratio";
  • Profitability;
  • Rated power - up to 100 kW;
  • All work of the model is controlled by an electronic control system.


  • Large weight (829 kg).

Average price: 380,000 rubles.

Manufacturer: Belgium.

It can operate on several types of fuel, while maintaining a high level of efficiency (not less than 90%). In automatic mode, it is capable of performing its functions for up to 7 days. Convenient and intuitive digital control panel. The modern heat exchanger reduces the consumption of pellets.


  • Lightweight body (structure weight - 595 kg);
  • Automatic ignition;
  • All processes are controlled by an electronic control system;
  • Fuel is supplied by a screw mechanism;
  • Different raw materials can be used.


  • Not cheap.

Average price: 555,000 rubles.

Buying heating equipment is an important and responsible business. There are a lot of offers on the market, but one model cannot be recognized as the best. The choice is determined primarily by those tasks, the implementation of which is important for the consumer.

Which cauldron did you like?

After the construction of the capital structure and the arrangement of its water supply, the next construction work is the organization of heating.

The system that heats the interior of the house is called a heating system and consists of a boiler and heat-emitting elements.

The choice of energy carrier (, coal, wood,) determines the type of boiler required for heating operation. A universal type of heating equipment is represented by boilers that combine the ability to operate on several types of fuel.

The most common heaters of this type are combined gas-firewood boilers.

Universal boilers: combining different types of fuel

Gas firewood heating boilers combine the ability to operate on two types of fuel: natural gas and (wood).

Each of the types of energy carrier has its own advantages, which determine its choice in certain working conditions.

The wood-burning stove makes it possible to organize autonomous heating, regardless of the availability of central supply and the cost of the energy carrier (as happens with gas).

A gas stove, in turn, allows you to operate the heating system without daily time and physical effort to carry, put them in the stove, ignite and heat the room. This fact explains the ubiquitous distribution of gas heating in the private sector, the laying of gas mains and the installation of gas equipment in residential buildings.

A house equipped with only gas heating depends on the availability of a resource in the gas network, on its quality, composition, and pressure inside the pipeline. The economic efficiency of gas heating is determined by the price of the energy carrier, which the owners of the house cannot control. Rather, they have to accept, in fact, an increase in the price of paying for heat in their own home.

The desire to save money and (available) leads to the transfer of the gas boiler to the economical maintenance mode, when a low temperature of heating the water at the outlet is maintained.

The main heating of the house in the evening is shifted to a wood-burning stove.

After the installation of gas equipment in many homes, coal and wood stoves were dismantled, and the new construction of a solid fuel stove requires an investment of funds and professional skills. Therefore, a combined design, gas-wood boilers, has become a popular type of heating for a gasified house.

Combined boilers: advantages of operation

The arguments for using combined boilers are factors that make it attractive to purchase a universal type of equipment.

Possibility to reduce heating costs(if instead of expensive gas you use less expensive firewood).

You can provide yourself with wood fuel on your own, armed with a chainsaw and driving out of town in search of dry trees.

Semi-automation of the process... Automatic operation in gas mode allows you to wake up in a warm room in the morning and come home to a heated living space in the evening.

Modern design and transportability... Unlike capital brick ovens, a metal boiler (if necessary) can be dismantled, rearranged to an adjacent corner or another room.

Gas-wood heating boilers allow using one heating boiler for two types of fuel.

As a rule, the gas source of heat is consumed at the time of the day when the automatic operation of the heating system is required: at night, when everyone is asleep, in the daytime, when family members leave for work or study. Wood heating works mainly in the evenings and on weekends.

Most often, combined heating boilers provide heating on solid fuel (wood) and the subsequent mode of maintaining the temperature on gas. The design of such boilers is equipped with only one combustion chamber, in which different fuels can be burned.

Combined gas-solid fuel boilers with two combustion chambers represent a complex consisting of two furnaces.

Such a boiler is more expensive to manufacture and sell, but at the same time it guarantees the reliability of the heating system, operating with the main and reserve type of fuel. The design of such boilers includes a combustion chamber for solid fuel and gas burners.

For gas boilers, firewood is large.

Requirements for boilers gas firewood

Combined gas and firewood heating boilers in the heating system must perform not only the heating function, their design must guarantee other operational characteristics, namely:

  • profitability (reducing heating costs);
  • efficiency and high efficiency;
  • security;
  • environmental friendliness (complete combustion of fuel, no emissions);
  • ease of service;
  • independence from the power grid (or the possibility of such a regime);
  • independence from human presence, possible automation.

In various designs, the listed requirements are satisfied to a greater or lesser extent. For example, not all boilers are electrically independent.

An electric exhaust fan is often installed in gas equipment, which ensures complete removal of combustion products from the combustion zone.

In high-quality boilers, automatic elements are duplicated by manual control elements (the fan has a manual damper), which allow the device to be operated in the absence of electricity.

Choosing a gas firewood boiler: what to look for?

The capacity of the combi boiler is determined by the size of the heated area.

For an approximate calculation of the required amount of heat, it is considered that in a harsh winter, 1 kW of heat is needed for heating 5 m 2. The number of kW that a working structure can produce is indicated in the technical passport. Various boiler designs produce from 5 to 40 kW of heat per hour.

Gas-wood boilers are combined designs that allow the use of both solid and gaseous fuels for heating.

The demand for these structures is formed by a combination of their characteristics, the ability to reduce heating costs, guaranteed to provide your home with energy and not spend all your free time on servicing the heating system.

The heating system is one of the integral communications of the building. And here, too, progress does not stand still: every year manufacturers delight with new units. To make a good choice, it must be borne in mind that each solid fuel boiler is designed for a certain power and, accordingly, may have a limitation on the size of the heating area. The efficiency of the device and the type of control also matter, for example, the presence of an automatic ignition function will significantly simplify operation.

We have compiled a rating of the best novelties 2018 - 2019. According to buyers, it is these solid fuel boilers that have an optimal price-quality ratio, ease of use and an attractive appearance. They are the most in demand and have already proven themselves worthy. So let's take a look at our top 10.

10 Teplodar Kupper PRO 22

Combined boiler for medium-sized areas - up to 200 sq.m. This model from a domestic manufacturer opens our rating of the best boilers in 2018 - 2019. It is possible to install a burner (also not included in the package). Has a high heat dissipation. The coolant temperature is from 50 to 90 degrees. The product ignites quickly and maintains a good temperature for a long time.


  • There is a built-in heating element with a capacity of 9 kW.
  • A wide range of fuels - from solid to gas.


  • A pellet or gas burner must be purchased independently.
  • Small hole for storing firewood.

9 ZOTA Poplar M 20

A budget option with good power - an excellent choice for a small private house or summer cottage. The manufacturer recommends using firewood and charcoal for the operation of this boiler. Removable damper provides easy cleaning of the heating medium.


  • Has a heating element to maintain a high temperature.
  • Nice price for a domestic product.
  • The three-way flue increases the efficiency of the boiler.


  • Not the best efficiency - 70%.
  • Strong pulling takes some getting used to.

8 Roda Brenner Classic BCR-03

A boiler in which combined heating is possible - not only with wood species or anthracite, but also with gas, coke, diesel. The universal option is a good idea for those who do not know which heating to choose. Mechanical control minimizes the possibility of breakdown, and also makes the operation of the boiler simple and straightforward.


  • Large window for fuel storage.
  • High-quality thermal insulation of the product - the risk of burns is minimal.
  • Two modes of air supply - by means of a regulator and manually.
  • Ease of operation and maintenance.


  • The boiler is combined, but the burner is purchased separately.
  • For heating in the off-season, it is necessary to purchase a buffer tank.

7 Bosch Solid 2000 B SFU 12

Another model with mechanical control. The manufacturer recommends heating with coal, but also allows the use of coal briquettes, firewood, coke. The brand itself - one of the best manufacturers of such equipment - speaks of the quality of the product: it will not cause problems in operation.


  • The modernized firebox allows you to regulate the air supply.
  • It copes well with heating areas up to 560 sq.m.
  • Can be used as a main boiler and in the same system as a gas boiler.


  • The boiler has a small loading chamber.
  • In Czech-made products, the build quality is sometimes "lame".

6 Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20

Stylish solid fuel pyrolysis boiler will be appreciated by those for whom practicality and functionality are important just as aesthetics. The heat exchanger is made of high-strength steel and has a built-in thermometer and pressure gauge. The Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20 boiler is also equipped with a draft regulator, which allows you to change the fuel burning rate, and hence its consumption, as well as the intensity of heating the premises. A good option for those who are at home mainly in the evenings and at night. The manufacturer recommends heating this boiler with coal or wood.


  • It can heat an area up to 220 sq.m.
  • Pyrolysis provides heat with low fuel consumption.
  • Little ash is formed - it does not need frequent cleaning.


  • In some products, the firebox doors do not fit snugly.
  • It is better not to use birch firewood for ignition - at temperatures up to 60 degrees, the pipe can become clogged with tar.

5 Protherm Beaver 20 DLO

Classic single-circuit solid fuel boiler with a capacity of 19 kW. Recommended fuel is wood or coal. The body is made of cast iron - this material retains and transfers heat for a long time. The device is equipped with a reliable mechanical control. It is a concise, reliable model.


  • High product efficiency - 90.2%.
  • Easy to install - floor standing.
  • Non-volatile - a power outage does not affect performance.
  • Possibility to combine with electric and gas boilers.


  • Manual ignition is not as convenient as automatic ignition.
  • Low thermal conductivity - it takes time to warm up.

4 Stropuva Mini S8

Solid fuel single-circuit boiler designed for heating small rooms - up to 80 sq.m. Regardless of electricity or other communications - an excellent solution for a house in the village. But even in the city for a small house, this boiler is a very good option, since it retains heat up to 20 hours. Also, the product has a high efficiency - 85%.


  • Sold fully assembled - ready for installation immediately.
  • Has low fuel consumption.
  • It retains heat for a really long time.
  • Compact - does not take up a large area.


  • The window for loading briquettes, coal and firewood is located low - skill is required.
  • The unit is heavy enough - help is needed to move.

3 Viadrus Hercules U22 D-4

Combined boiler, which confidently took 3rd place in our TOP-10, which can operate both on solid fuel and on gas or diesel. The manufacturer recommends firewood, but coke, coal, gas, waste oil are also perfectly used by this boiler for heat production. Durable cast iron and reliable connectors make this device a good choice for active use.


  • Keeps warm for a long time.
  • You can choose the number of sections.


  • The burner is not supplied.

2 Buderus Logano G221-20

The solid fuel boiler with an open combustion chamber is made of strong, durable cast iron. The German manufacturer Buderus recommends using not only wood and coal for heating, but also coke - this allows you to choose the most convenient option for yourself. The Logano G221-20 boiler is a purchase for many years. He would rather get bored than break.


  • The installation of the unit is simple and does not require welding.
  • A well thought-out design ensures the durability of the product.
  • Large loading door - Convenient for large logs.


  • The price - for such a product is not high, but there are cheaper options.

1 ZOTA Pellet 25A

Single-circuit boiler, the leader of our rating of the best solid fuel boilers in 2018 - 2019, designed for heating medium and large areas - up to 250 sq.m. Experienced users will immediately appreciate the features of this boiler - it requires a minimum of physical presence, since it is equipped with an automatic fuel supply function, as well as an automated control system, the ability to connect external control and underfloor heating.

The ZOTA Pellet 25A boiler is also equipped with an outdoor temperature sensor, which allows you to timely regulate the temperature inside the room. Recommended fuel is wood, briquettes and pellets.


  • Equipped with a bunker for automatic fuel supply.
  • Has overheating protection.
  • The control panel is equipped with numerous sensors.


  • Price - you have to pay for comfort.
  • With pellet heating, high fuel consumption.