Parallel electric boilers. How a gas and solid fuel boiler is connected in one - installation features

In order to save money, it is often used to connect two boilers to one heating system. When purchasing several thermal devices, you should know in advance what are the ways to connect them to each other.

Since a wood-fired boiler operates in an open system, it is not easy to combine it with a gas-fired heater, which has a closed system. With an open-type piping, the water is heated to a temperature of one hundred degrees and above at the highest high pressure. To secure overheating of the liquid, an expansion tank is installed.

Part of the hot water is discharged through the open-type tanks, which helps to reduce the pressure in the system. But the use of such release tanks sometimes becomes the reason for the ingress of oxygen particles into the coolant.

There are two ways to connect two boilers into one system:

  • parallel connection of a gas and solid fuel boiler together with safety devices;
  • series connection of two boilers of different types using a heat accumulator.

With a parallel heating system in large buildings, each boiler heats its own half of the house. The sequential combination of a gas and wood-burning unit forms two separate circuits, which are combined with a heat accumulator.

Heat storage application

A heating system with two boilers has the following structure:

  • heat accumulator and gas boiler are combined with heating devices in a closed circuit;
  • energy flows from the wood-burning heater to the heat accumulator are transferred to a closed system.

With the help of a heat accumulator, it is possible to carry out the operation of the system simultaneously from two boilers or only from a gas and wood heating unit.

Parallel closed circuit

To combine the systems of a wood and gas boiler, the following devices are used:

  • safety valve;
  • membrane tank;
  • pressure gauge;
  • air vent valve.

First of all, shut-off valves are mounted on the nozzles of two boilers. A safety valve, a device for venting air, and a pressure gauge are installed near the wood-burning unit.

A switch is placed on the branch from the solid fuel boiler for the operation of the small circle turnover. Fix it at a distance of one meter from the wood-burning heater. A check valve is added to the jumper, which blocks the access of water to a part of the circuit of the pumped-out solid fuel unit.

The return flow is connected to the radiators. The return flow of the heating medium is divided by two pipes. One is connected through a three-way valve to the jumper. Before branching these pipes, a tank and a pump are mounted.

In a parallel heating system, a heat accumulator can be used. The installation diagram of the device with such a connection consists in connecting the return and supply lines, supply and return pipes to the heating system to it. For the joint or separate operation of the boilers, taps are installed on all system nodes that shut off the flow of the coolant.

It is possible to combine two heaters using manual and automatic control.

Manual connection

The boilers are turned on and off manually using two taps on the coolant. The piping is carried out using shut-off valves.

Expansion tanks are installed in both boilers, which are used simultaneously. Experts recommend not to completely cut off the boilers from the system, but simply simultaneously connect them to the expansion tank, blocking the water movement.

Automatic connection

A non-return valve is installed for automatic regulation of two boilers. It protects the outages of the heating unit from harmful flows. Otherwise, the method of circulation of the coolant in the system is no different from manual control.

In an automatic system, all main lines must not be blocked. The pump of the working boiler drives the coolant through the non-working unit. Water flows in a small circle from the place where the boilers are connected to the heating system through the idle boiler.

In order not to consume most of the coolant for an unused boiler, check valves are installed. Their work should be directed towards each other so that the water from the two heating equipment is directed to the heating system. The valves can be supplied on reverse flow. Also with automatic control, a thermostat is required to regulate the pump.

Automatic and manual control is used when combining different types of heating devices:

  • gas and solid fuel;
  • electric and wood-fired;
  • gas and electric.

It is also possible to connect two gas or electric boilers to one heating system. Installing more than two linked heating units will result in reduced system efficiency. Therefore, no more than three boilers are connected.

Advantages of a double boiler system

The main positive aspect of installing two boilers in one heating system is the continuous maintenance of heat in the room. The gas boiler is convenient in that it does not need to be constantly serviced. But in case of an emergency shutdown or in order to save money, a wood-burning boiler will become an indispensable heating supplement.

A heating system with two boilers can significantly increase the level of comfort. The advantages of a double thermal device include:

  • selection of the main type of fuel;
  • the ability to control the entire heating system;
  • increasing the operating time of the equipment.

Connecting two boilers to one heating system is the best solution for heating buildings of any size. This solution will allow you to continuously keep warm in the house for many years.

Ecology of cognition. Homestead: The most rational heating system is one in which the heating medium becomes hot due to the operation of two or three boilers.

A home heating system based on two boilers is a fairly common solution that saves a lot of money. Usually one of the boilers - the main one - is a gas boiler, convenient to operate, but running on expensive fuel. The second is that a solid fuel boiler is less convenient, requires constant monitoring and periodic fuel supply, but it is more economical (solid fuel - coal, wood - is much cheaper than gas).

When using two boilers, it is rational to combine them into one system and, if necessary, turn on or off an additional boiler. But the operation of these heating devices has a number of differences, which must be taken into account when planning their connection scheme.

Regulation of overpressure in the heating system

The operation of a solid fuel boiler is associated with such a phenomenon as a significant increase in pressure in the system due to an increase in temperature, which is difficult to control. To protect the system in such cases, an open expansion tank is used, connected to the atmosphere, which allows the coolant (water) to expand without increasing the pressure in the pipes. At temperatures exceeding the norm, the excess of heated water simply flows through the hole in the tank into the drain.

An open expansion tank is the main difference between a solid fuel boiler and a gas boiler. The latter is equipped with automation that controls the temperature and pressure in the system, preventing the coolant from overheating. The advantage of such a closed self-regulating system is that a minimum of oxygen gets into it from the outside, reducing the risk of corrosion of metal parts. But even such a system has a certain excess pressure, which is regulated by a safety valve and an expansion tank, only they are mounted in the boiler body itself, and not separately, like in solid fuel boilers.

How to make heating with two boilers

So, there are two boilers that differ in a number of design features. How can you combine them in one system? The most effective option is to divide the system into two independent circuits using a heat exchanger. One of the circuits is open, equipped with a solid fuel boiler; the second - with a gas boiler and radiators. Both circuits are loaded on one heat exchanger.

When planning such a system, it is necessary to take into account the position of all the main and connecting elements so that during operation, maintenance or repair, they can be easily found, inspected, and replaced if necessary. Therefore, before starting the installation, it is better to draw a diagram, apply equipment to it, outline the laying of pipes, mark the installation locations of additional elements.

Requirements for rooms with a solid fuel boiler

Regulatory documents put forward a number of requirements for the rooms in which boilers are installed, depending on the type of boilers. Solid fuel boilers with a capacity of 30 kW or more can be installed only in specially equipped rooms. The boiler room should be located in the center of the rooms that are heated, at the same level or in the basement, which will allow using the generated heat with maximum efficiency, and a minimum of energy will be spent on maintaining circulation. Fuel cannot be stored directly in the boiler room, it is usually stored in an adjacent room. The exceptions are cases when boilers of low power up to 30 kW are used, then the fuel supply can be kept in the boiler room itself in boxes at a distance of at least 1 m from the boiler. Since solid fuel, unlike gas, has to be harvested independently, it is advisable to do this once for the entire heating season, and for this it is necessary to have sufficient storage space, which must be taken into account when choosing a room.

The boiler must not be installed on the floor, but on a foundation or base made of non-combustible materials. The surface of the base or foundation must be strictly horizontal and extend beyond the boiler by 0.1 m at the sides and back and 0.3 m in front. For boilers with a capacity of up to 30 kW, the floor can be made of combustible materials, for example, wood, but then a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.7 mm must be attached around them, which extends beyond the boilers by 0.6 m on all sides. The floor, foundation or base under the boilers must be non-flammable.

The walls, partitions and ceilings of the boiler room must have a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours. When the boiler room is located above the living quarters, its floor, the places where pipes pass through the holes in the floor, door sills, as well as walls at a height of 10 cm must be protected with waterproofing material. A prerequisite for choosing a room for a boiler room is the availability of sufficient natural lighting (at least 0.03 m2 per 1 m3). The height of the boiler room should not be less than 2.5 m. The area of ​​the boiler room must provide access to all elements of the system for the purpose of their inspection or repair. The minimum distance between the boiler and walls (partitions) should be 1 m from the front side and 0.6 m from all others. The minimum volume of the boiler room depends on the power of the boiler used: for a boiler with a capacity of up to 30 kW - 7.5 m3, with a capacity from 30 to 60 kW - 13.5 m3, with a capacity from 60 to 200 kW - 15 m3.

Boiler room ventilation

For normal operation of the boiler, the boiler room must have a ventilation system, not only exhaust, but also supply. An opening with an area of ​​200 mm2 or more is used as an inlet channel, and a ventilation channel with a section of 14x14 cm is used as an exhaust duct, the entrance of which is located under the ceiling (for boilers up to 30 kW). The area of ​​the inlet of the hood should be the same as the section of the ventilation duct. The hole itself is usually covered with a lattice. Both the supply and exhaust ducts should not have any dampers - they should always be open and preferably clean. When using more powerful boilers (from 30 kW and above), the ventilation holes must have a cross section of at least 20x20 cm and at least half of the chimney cross section.

It is best to make the opening of the supply duct behind the boiler; its height above the floor level should not be less than 1 m. An air duct of the same section can also be used as an inlet duct. When using an air duct, a damper that regulates the air flow is allowed, but it should not block the duct by more than 80%.

All ventilation ducts are made of non-combustible materials. A forced exhaust ventilation system must not be installed if the chimney is naturally draft.


To drain excess water when it overheats, the boiler room must be equipped with a sewerage system connected to the sewerage system of the house by a floor ladder. If for some reason this cannot be done, a well with a hand pump is equipped in the boiler room. When overheated, water will accumulate in it, and pump it out with the help of a pump. To supply water to the boiler, the system is equipped with an intake valve, in front of which a check valve is usually also mounted. The boiler is connected to the cold water system with a flexible hose.

Requirements for rooms with gas boilers

Now let's consider the requirements that are put forward for rooms with gas boilers. Gas boilers, the power of which does not exceed 30 kW, can be installed on any of the floors in almost all rooms, except for those in which people are constantly present (bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, as well as garages and stairwells if the boilers are equipped with an open combustion chamber) ... When using liquefied gases, there are more restrictions, for example, they cannot be installed in basements or basements. Boilers with a capacity exceeding 30 kW are installed in separate rooms with a ceiling height of at least 2.5 m.The volume of the room for gas boilers with a capacity of up to 30 kW should be at least 7.5 m3 if the boiler is in the kitchen, where there is also and a gas stove for 4 burners, the minimum volume of such a kitchen is 15 m3.

Ventilation of the room with a gas boiler

To provide air supply to a room with a gas boiler, an inlet opening with a cross section of at least 200 cm2, located at a height of no more than 30 cm from the floor, is used. Air can come both from the street and from neighboring rooms.

In boiler rooms where boilers operating on liquefied gas are installed, the exhaust outlet must be at the bottom, at floor level, and the exhaust duct must slope outward. This is due to the fact that liquefied gas is heavier than air, and if it leaks, it will go down. The inlet must also be at floor level and have a section of 200 cm2.

Construction materials and heating systems

The floor under the gas boiler must be made of non-combustible materials or covered with steel sheet or other non-combustible material, extending beyond the boiler by 0.5 m. The same applies to walls if the boiler is attached to them.

Gas pipelines are made of seamless steel pipes or longitudinal electric welded pipes. It is also possible to use copper pipes, the wall thickness of which is not less than 1 mm, indoors.

In a heating system, copper or plastic pipes are usually used for heat carriers. When using plastic pipes in places where the temperature is high enough, for example, near a boiler, their sections should be replaced with copper or steel pipes. Copper pipes are sensitive to mechanical damage, therefore, when using them, filters must be installed that do not allow small particles to enter the system. Inside copper pipes, the walls are covered with a protective layer of copper oxide, and solid particles can damage it.

When installing copper pipes, their edges must be carefully sanded so that there are no sharp edges, and wrapped inward. Uneven edges can cause turbulence in the system, noise, bacteria build-up and damage to the pipe cover. Copper pipes must be correctly selected in diameter - too thin pipes with a high water pressure can quickly fail due to a protective layer damaged by a strong pressure. In addition, thin pipes increase the load on the pump and impair the boiler burner performance. And one more nuance regarding copper pipes. When using pipes with a diameter of less than 28 mm, it is undesirable to connect them by soldering, since high temperatures affect their structure, significantly reducing their strength and resistance to oxygen.

A good option are combined wood-gas heating boilers or two boilers, one of which runs on solid fuel and the other on gas.

Any of these two options makes it possible to receive heat in the event that there is no firewood left in the firebox, but there is still gas in the cylinder. It is better to combine two different boilers because the network will work constantly, even if one of the devices breaks down. If the gas-wood device breaks down, the system stops working and the room will be cold.

Difficulties of using two boilers in one system

The main difficulty lies in the fact that gas boilers for a private house must work in a closed system, and an open system is the safest for solid fuel devices. it is in demand because the boiler can heat water to 110 ° C or more, raising the pressure above the permissible limits.

It can be lowered by lowering the combustion intensity. But the effect will be visible when the coals are completely burnt out. Even with low burning, they are very hot and continue to heat the water, raising the pressure.

In such a situation, you need to relieve pressure. Copes with this task open-type expansion tank... When its volume is not enough, water is discharged into the sewer through a pipe installed between the tank and the sewer. Such a tank allows air to enter the coolant. This is bad for the internal elements of a gas boiler, pipes, etc. Solutions to the problem:

  1. Combination of a closed and open heating system by using a heat accumulator.
  2. Organization of a closed system for a wood or pellet boiler using a special safety group. In this case, the two units are connected in parallel and operate as a pair or separately.

Read also: Advantages of the Popov boiler

Strapping with heat accumulator

The idea of ​​using a heat accumulator lies in the following nuances:

  1. A gas boiler receiving gas from a cylinder and heating devices form one closed system. It includes a heat accumulator.
  2. Gas generating boilers for wood, coal or pellets are also connected to a heat accumulator. But the water heated by them gives off heat to the heat accumulator, and then it is transferred to the coolant, which circulates through a closed system.

To make such a harness with your own hands, you need to have:

  1. Open expansion tank.
  2. The hose that will be located between the tank and the sewer.
  3. Shut-off valves (13 pcs).
  4. Circulation pump (2 pcs).
  5. Three-way valve.
  6. Filter for water purification.
  7. Steel or polypropylene pipes.

The circuit can operate in four modes:

  1. From a wood-burning boiler with the transfer of degrees through a heat accumulator.
  2. From the same boiler bypassing the heat accumulator (the gas device will be turned off).
  3. From a gas boiler, which can receive gas from a cylinder.
  4. From both boilers.

Organization of an open system with a heat accumulator

  1. Do-it-yourself installation on two fittings of a wood-burning boiler of cut-off valves.
  2. Expansion tank connection. It must be placed so that it is higher than all the trim elements. The pressure under which a solid fuel boiler supplies water often exceeds the pressure under which the coolant is supplied from a gas boiler connected to a cylinder. To equalize these values, it is necessary to correctly adjust the open expansion tank.
  3. Installation of taps on the pipes of the heat accumulator.
  4. Connection and boiler with two pipes.
  5. Connection of two pipes to pipes located between the heat accumulator and the boiler. They are cut near the taps, which are located near the battery fittings, or at a short distance from the valves. Cut-off valves are mounted on these tubes. Thanks to these pipes, it will be possible to use a solid fuel boiler bypassing the heat accumulator.
  6. Jumper insert. It connects the supply and return pipes located between the wood-burning boiler for the house and the heat accumulator. This jumper is attached to the supply line by welding or using fittings, and to the return line using a three-way valve. A small circle is formed along which the coolant will circulate until it heats up to 60 ° C. After that, the water will move in a large circle through the heat accumulator.
  7. Filter and pump connection. Their mounted on the return line in the place between the three-way valve and the pipe of the heat exchanger boiler a. To do this, a U-shaped tube is connected in parallel to the line, in the middle of which there is a pump with a filter. There should be taps before and after these elements. This solution allows you to make, along which the coolant will move in the absence of electricity.

Read also: Solid fuel cast iron boiler

Closed system with heat storage

It is not necessary to connect a device similar to an expansion tank, because the gas boiler connected to the network or cylinder already contains a diaphragm expansion tank and also a safety valve.

To make this scheme correctly, you need:

  1. Connect a tap and a pipe to the supply connection of the gas device, which will fit the heating radiators.
  2. Place a circulation pump on this pipe in front of the heating devices.
  3. Connect heating devices with your own hands.
  4. Take the pipe away from them, which will go to the boiler. At its end, at a short distance from the gas unit, which is powered by a gas cylinder, a shut-off valve must be installed.
  5. Connect two pipes to the supply and return lines that will fit y. The first must be connected in front of the circulation pump, the second immediately after the radiators. Shut-off valves are installed on both pipes. Two tubes are connected to these pipes, which were cut into an open system before entering and after exiting the heat accumulator.

Closed system with two boilers

This scheme provides parallel connection of two boilers... Particular attention is paid to the safety group. Instead of an open expansion tank, a closed diaphragm tank is installed in a special room.

The security group consists of:

  1. Air bleed valve.
  2. Safety valve to reduce pressure.
  3. Pressure gauge.

The strapping is done according to the following scheme:

  1. Cut-off valves are installed at the outputs of the heat exchangers of both boilers.
  2. On the supply line, which departs from, they install a security group with their own hands. The distance between it and the valve may be small.
  3. Connect the supply pipes of both boilers. At the same time, before connecting to a line that departs from a solid fuel boiler for a house, a jumper is cut in (to organize a small circle). The tie-in point can be located at a distance of 1-2 m from the boiler. A reverse petal valve is placed at a short distance from the jumper. If the wood-burning boiler stops working, the coolant under the pressure created by the gas unit operating from the cylinder will not be able to move along the supply line towards the solid fuel device.
  4. The supply line is connected to heating radiators located in different rooms and at different distances from each other.
  5. The return line is mounted. It should be located between the radiators and boilers. In one place it is divided into two pipes. One of them will be suitable for a gas boiler. On it a return spring valve is placed in front of the unit... Another pipe must fit the solid fuel boiler. The aforementioned jumper is connected to it. A three-way valve is used for connection.
  6. Before branching the return line, it is worth installing a diaphragm tank and a circulation pump.

Installing a solid fuel boiler is the first step to efficiently and economically keeping your home warm. The next steps are to regularly toss up wood or other solid fuels. It is also necessary to maintain the temperature of the heating medium of the heating system within the operating limits at night. And even when the house is visited only on weekends, it is necessary to maintain a minimum temperature in order to avoid moisture condensation on the interior surfaces of the room.

If the presence of condensation is not critical, then when leaving after the weekend, you need to wait for the boiler to stop and drain the water from the heating system in order to prevent the system from freezing. In the case of draining water, all metal elements corrode on contact with air.

It is not necessary to drain the coolant if antifreeze is used instead of water. However, when using antifreeze, due to its high fluidity, high requirements are put forward for thread seals and for shut-off valves.

The most common solution for maintaining the temperature in the heating circuit is the installation of an electric boiler together with a solid fuel one. The minimum amount of additional equipment will allow the electric boiler to automatically take over the heating functions, and the solid fuel one will turn off, without the risk of boiling. Also, the use of an electric boiler eliminates the need to carry out any manipulations with the heating system, leaving the country house until the next weekend. To monitor emergencies and remote control of an electric boiler, there is one that controls the operating mode of heating equipment.

Types of electric boilers

When choosing an electric boiler for installation in addition to a solid fuel one, it is enough to briefly familiarize yourself with the basics of heating water using an electric current, so as not to get caught in the networks of marketers. Electric boilers operate with an efficiency of about 95%. It is not worth checking the veracity of the manufacturer's assurances about the incomparably high efficiency of their devices on your heating system - this can cost extra money, and they will not pay off soon. There are three main types of boilers:

Heating in them is carried out by an electric heating element (heating element), which is immersed directly into the coolant. In the circuit of such a boiler, both water and antifreeze can circulate. It is unpretentious in operation, but periodically requires replacement of the heating element due to the formation of scale, which reduces heat transfer.

The coolant in them is water. Heating occurs due to the energy released when an electric current flows through the coolant in the boiler between the electrodes that are inside. It can work without an electric pump in the circuit. Provides smooth heating of water in the system. Over time, as a result of electrolytic reactions, the electrodes dissolve and require replacement.

They heat up any type of coolant by vibrations caused by an induction coil. The temperature from the heating element is evenly distributed over the surface of the flow tank, which almost completely eliminates the possibility of scale formation. For efficient use of the boiler, high-quality control automation is required.

Due to the high price, induction boilers are inferior to heating elements and electrode. Considering the auxiliary function of the electric boiler, the question of the return on investment in advanced technologies fades into the background. The main selection criteria remain: power, quality of materials, device performance, build quality and equipment.

Solid fuel boiler connection diagram

The most effective connection scheme for solid fuel (TTK) and electric (EK) boilers is parallel. The supply of both boilers to the heating system is carried out at the same point, as well as the return. This scheme excludes inconsistency in the operation of pumps and heat loss in the heat exchanger TTK when the EC is running. The operation algorithm of such a system can be described as follows:

  1. a working TTK maintains a comfortable air temperature in the room;
  2. the fuel has burnt out, the coolant cools down, and when the set minimum temperature is reached, the thermostat turns off the pump;
  3. the air temperature in the room drops below the comfortable one (set by the user) and the EC turns on.

For the system to work properly, it is necessary to take into account some of the features of connecting devices and fittings. The capacity of the TTK pump must be greater than that of the EK pump so that the simultaneous operation of the boilers does not affect the speed of movement of the coolant through the TTK heat exchanger. In the heating system, there must be a non-return valve at the flow of each boiler to prevent counterflow.

To control the operation of the TTK pump, a thermostat is used, which measures the temperature of the coolant at the supply to the check valve. A remote air temperature sensor that controls the activation of the EC should be placed in one of the heated rooms.

To control the EC, they are also used, which allow, using mobile communication, to set the temperature regime for turning on or off the boiler. This method will allow you to program the boiler to turn on only at night to save energy and maximize the benefits of multi-zone tariffing. You can also set the required air temperature, for example, a few hours before arriving at the cottage.

With the right choice of equipment and fittings for the boiler room, the power of two boilers connected according to the proposed scheme will ensure uninterrupted heat supply, creating coziness and comfort in the house. And for owners of country houses - an additional convenience of controlling the heating system.

Modernization of the heating system in a private house may require the installation of two boilers at once, connecting them into a common network. What sequence should be followed in this case? How to connect two boilers into one system, which must be taken into account if there is a need to share a gas boiler with a solid fuel, electric boiler or heating equipment running on liquid fuel.

How to connect two boilers together?

I would like to clarify right away that simply connecting two boilers with different types of fuel into one system is one of the possible solutions to the problem of lack of capacity of the installed equipment. It is also possible to connect more than two models into one network.

For what purposes may it be necessary to connect two boilers into one system? There are several good reasons for this.

  1. Lack of power. An incorrect calculation of equipment or an additionally built-in living area can lead to the fact that the boiler's power may simply not be enough to maintain the normal temperature of the coolant.
  2. Increased functionality. It may be necessary to connect two boilers into one system in order, for example, to increase the battery life of the equipment. For example, if the main source of heat is a solid fuel boiler, then for its operation it is necessary to constantly add firewood, which is not always convenient, and even more practical.
    After installing an electric boiler or a gas heater after it, you can solve this situation as follows. As soon as the wood or coal burned out and the coolant began to cool down, additional heating equipment is switched on in the process and continues to heat the room, until the owner throws in a new batch of firewood in the morning.

As you can see, it is practical to connect two heating boilers using different types of fuel, in addition, it may be due to an urgent need associated with a lack of equipment performance.

How to connect two gas boilers in parallel

There are two schemes for connecting gas and any other water heating equipment. You can connect two boilers to one heating system:
  • Sequentially - in this case, one unit will be installed after another. In this case, the load will be distributed unevenly, since the main boiler will constantly work at full capacity, which can lead to its rapid failure.
  • Parallel. In this case, the heated area will be conditionally divided into two parts. Heating will be carried out by two installed boilers at once. Parallel connection of two gas boilers is usually used in cottage houses and buildings with a large heated area.

For parallel connection, it is mandatory to install a controller and also develop a cascade control circuit. Only a competent specialist in each specific case can answer the question of how to connect two gas boilers.

How to connect two boilers - gas and solid fuel?

Combining gas and solid fuel boilers into one system is a simpler task, for which it is necessary to take into account the main features that distinguish the operation of these two types of equipment.

Models of gas and solid fuel equipment can be installed in one network in series. In this case, TT boilers will play the role of the main source of heat supply.

The principle of their operation will be that the gas equipment will be turned on for heating only if the operation of the main unit becomes impossible for some reason. Also, the gas boiler is usually assigned the task of heating water, of course, if such a function is provided. During the design of such a system, these features must be taken into account.

It will also be necessary to agree on the chosen scheme in the gas sector and obtain all the necessary permits there, including technical conditions and a connection project.

How to combine gas and oil boilers

For safety reasons, for such a connection, it is necessary to create conditions under which the safe operation of two types of equipment is possible at once. To do this, you need to do the following:
  • Carry out the installation of a general control system for the operation of water heating equipment. The joint use of a liquid-fuel and gas boiler implies the installation of general automation. It, in turn, is connected to control sensors, which give a signal to turn on in case of stopping the operation of the main heat source.
  • Install control valves. Shut-off valves operating in automatic mode can also be used.
The connection is made in a serial or parallel way, depending on the needs of the customer. A plan and a schematic diagram are drawn up in the design department, after which it is agreed upon by the gas service.

Advantages of installing several boilers in one network

Connect two boilers at the same time: floor-standing and wall-mounted boilers may be needed if the area of ​​the room has increased dramatically as a result of construction work. Even if the equipment was originally purchased with a power reserve, it may not be enough to heat additional rooms with a larger area. In this case, an additional boiler is installed, connected to the general heating system. The advantage of this solution is:
  1. The ability to simultaneously monitor the operation of all equipment.
  2. Savings due to the choice of the main type of fuel.
  3. Possibility of longer equipment operation.

Practice shows that it is possible to simultaneously install two or more boilers in one network. With each additional element, the overall performance and efficiency drops significantly. Therefore, the expediency of the simultaneous installation of four or more units of water heating equipment is completely absent.