Dragon and pig horoscope compatibility. Pig Man (Boar) - Dragon Woman

The compatibility of a male Pig (Boar) and a female Dragon is regarded as quite high. They are able to create a successful couple. Each of the partners is characterized by irascibility, passion and sensuality. It is these qualities that provoke conflicts. However, the development of spouses can reduce the number of fights to a minimum.

Such a union is ensured prosperity if a woman motivates a male Pig (Boar) with her thirst for activity. He is rather passive in comparison with his chosen one. The woman directs the chosen one, which helps him acquire useful connections and successfully conduct business.

It will not be difficult for a man to follow the advice and wishes of his companion. He wants to earn her favor and praise. But over time, he comes to the realization that such a rhythm of life does not suit him. His beloved is deliberately active and active. A man simply does not have time for his own interests and hobbies. In addition, he wants quiet family happiness, and not constant fuss. However, if the spouse begins to help the Pig man (Boar) make the right decisions and find the best way out of any situation, then the compatibility of the Pig (Boar) and the Dragon in love increases markedly.

Pig man (Boar) and Dragon woman: general compatibility

The Pig man is one of the good parties for the Dragon woman.

Arguments that occur do not affect the relationship of partners. This union has many prospects. Often, a man born in the Year of the Pig (Boar) and a Dragon woman get married. Their characters are radically different, but the partners feel and understand each other well, and they are not afraid of problems at all. Each of the lovers has the opportunity to be realized, which is important.

If the spouses treat each other with due respect, then nothing will interfere with their tandem. First of all, the Dragon woman should learn to regulate herself. She unconsciously puts pressure on all the people around her, in particular, on her chosen one. She should not forget that the future of the relationship is in her hands. If a woman makes too many demands and shows not her best features, then parting is inevitable. The Pig man (Boar) is uncomfortable to constantly feel pressure from his companion. This will lead to the fact that he becomes restless, lack of initiative, greedy and windy.

Charisma and sex appeal are characteristic of a woman born in the Year of the Dragon. The fans do not give her a pass. For this reason, taking possession of her heart is not an easy task. In order to show his true intentions, the Pig man (Pig) should support the chosen one in all endeavors. She will definitely appreciate it.

The Dragon Woman has an active attitude towards life. It is impossible to limit it to any one sphere. She wants to be realized in everything and at once. A woman will not completely devote herself to household chores. She is engaged in social work with great dedication, without which she cannot imagine her existence. This is how her self-expression occurs. She loves everything new, develops and offers various ideas. It is not difficult for her to be successful in all endeavors. In this she is helped by fortitude, endurance and the ability to maneuver in any circumstances.

The Dragon Woman is distinguished by self-confidence, reliability, honesty. However, such traits as imbalance and conflict also prevail in her character. And this is a reason for quarrels and difficulties in communicating with her.

Pig man - "the soul of the company"

Calmness, reliability, sincerity, optimism, efficiency fully characterize the personality of a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar). It is easy to build relationships with him, because he is open and disposed to himself. If necessary, he will gladly provide assistance to work partners and friends. In this regard, it is trouble-free. The Pig Man (Pig) will always keep his word, so they trust him and count on him. He is characterized by gentleness and poise, which in no way prevents him from achieving his goals and implementing plans. Difficulties do not frighten him. He has well-developed willpower.

Often such men have high ideas about morality and ethics. They are sincere, honest, noble and kind. The surrounding people appreciate it very much. At the same time, the male Pig (Boar) does not attach much importance to human weaknesses. The circle of his friends and acquaintances is wide, because in it they find a good listener. Plus, he gives the right advice and incredible support. His positive attitude towards the world is adopted by his loved ones.

However, it is difficult even to think that behind the mask of poise and openness, a man hides deep emotional experiences and fears. He does not allow strangers into his inner world, prefers not to spread about what worries him. Such qualities of him do not go unnoticed by the Dragon Woman. It is they who will attract her to the Pig man (Boar).

In material matters, a man is very lucky. In addition, he has a cheerful disposition. He will never forget to say warm and tender words to his beloved. He appreciates her highly. But the Dragon woman doesn't care. Due to the fact that she never lacks male attention, the praise of her lover does not play an essential role for her. The usual courtship does not impress her.

Pig man (Boar) and Dragon woman: compatibility in marriage

The Pig Man will admire the Dragon Woman tirelessly

The compatibility of the Pig man (Boar) and the Dragon woman is quite high, since their relationship is a kind of complement to each other. The spouse does not get tired of admiring his other half, which she is endlessly flattered. Next to her chosen one, she feels safe and confident in the future. This gives her the opportunity to rest and not think about anything. She dilutes family everyday life with unforgettable holidays, entertaining meetings and a violent expression of emotions.

The Dragon Woman realizes that the spouse can provide her with the opportunity to be herself. She does not need to pretend to be something of herself in front of him. She can easily demonstrate her essence. The woman believes that only a male Pig (Boar) can accept her real. However, when she discovers the weaknesses of her beloved, she does not even seek to show respect.

To increase the compatibility of the Pig and the Dragon in marriage, a woman should calm down, learn to control her impulses, make concessions and not put pressure on her companion. She is well aware of his weaknesses. And she never misses an opportunity to strike for her own satisfaction. The good nature and sincerity of the beloved is incorrectly regarded by her as weakness. She prefers to be the head of the relationship. She attempts to compete with the male Pig (Boar). Such behavior on the part of the spouse is perceived by the man with hostility. Moreover, he may decide to cheat. All this will inevitably lead to parting. To avoid this, a woman should think about how to change herself. If she shows herself as a loving spouse, then her companion will do a lot to translate her desires into reality.

Pig man (Boar) and Dragon woman: compatibility in love

The Dragon Woman, even in bed, will try to take the initiative into her own hands.

The intimate sphere has its own extremes. On the one hand, they may experience satisfaction from sexual intimacy. But, on the other hand, sometimes sex does not bring them pleasure. The problem is that the Dragon woman wants to be a leader in this area too. However, in such a situation, both spouses will lose. The Pig Man (Pig) will take a passive position, so he will not strive to please his beloved. However, it is only necessary for the Dragon woman to transfer the supremacy to her partner - and he will do whatever she wants. It's about experimentation and romance. The man will try to surprise his spouse.

A happy marriage between a Pig man and a Dragon woman is possible only with strong mutual concessions

From time to time, life throws a kind of test for the couple. In difficult times, it is extremely important how partners show themselves. The main thing is that they do not forget about the value of their union, as well as about peace and harmony in the family. The marriage of a Pig (Boar) man and a Dragon woman will be happy and exemplary if the spouses can come to mutual respect, learn to listen to their companion and avoid quarrels and showdowns. A woman should trust her husband, because in many situations he acts smarter and more expediently.

In addition, it is necessary to correctly distribute the responsibilities and areas of responsibility of partners. If the Dragon woman begins to devote more time to her beloved, then he will be truly happy. He, in turn, should at least occasionally attend all sorts of events with her. So the goals of each of the spouses will be achieved, and the relationship will be harmonized.

The couple love luxury. They can spend money uncontrollably, so you should plan your family budget, make savings and minimize unnecessary expenses. This will help keep the peace in the relationship.

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Dragon and the Pig is ideal. Despite the significant difference in characters, the partners manage to find a common language. Their relationship is full of romance and harmony. In most cases, feelings between representatives of these signs flare up at first sight. Relationships are developing rapidly. But this does not prevent them from living a long, happy life together. A wise fire sign with his advice will save the Pig from trouble. Partners listen to each other's opinions, so there are almost no conflicts between them.

Dragon woman and Pig man

From an astrological point of view, the Pig and the Dragon are the ideal couple for a long-term relationship that grows into a strong family.

Despite the significant difference in age, representatives of these signs understand each other on an intuitive level.

A couple, where the woman is a Dragon and a man is a Pig, has a high chance of creating a strong family if a woman becomes the leader in the relationship. Thanks to her naturally dynamic character, she will guide the inert spouse in the right direction (get to know the right people, conclude profitable deals). A man tries to please his partner, but realizes that at the pace set by her, he does not have time to implement his personal plans.

Family compatibility

A Dragon woman and a Pig man in marriage will live long, happily. At the beginning of family life, a man will try to get his wife to do family business. But a woman born under the sign of a fire-breathing lizard is a careerist. She is burdened by everyday life, taking care of her family and home. If the husband is sympathetic to the peculiarities of the character of the wife, they will be able to avoid conflicts.

The course of development of family relations will be greatly influenced by the Pig's willingness to support his spouse. If a woman surrounds her husband with care, love, he will readily take her side, support her in everything. Such a tandem will become an incentive for the Pig to improve himself in order to meet the high standards of his wife.

When children are born in a marriage, the main responsibility for their upbringing will fall on the shoulders of the man. Pig and Dragon are wonderful parents. But the woman is distinguished by a hot-tempered character, which complicates her communication with children.

Sex life

In bed, the Dragon and the Pig show good compatibility. As in everyday life, a woman will want to lead a partner during intimacy. But if the Pig cedes leadership to her, both sides will remain unsatisfied - the husband will not be interested in the embodiment of his wife's erotic fantasies. If a woman allows a man to command in bed, intimate life will improve. Partners will be able to achieve physical satisfaction and emotional togetherness.

Causes of quarrels

Despite the compatibility of the Dragon and the Pig in love and marriage, conflicts will arise between partners. The most common causes of quarrels between representatives of these signs are:

  1. The manifestation of the negative aspects of a woman's character. She is too demanding of her partner. The boar is patient, but the too intensive pace of life does not suit him. This is the main reason for conflicts between partners.
  2. Unwillingness of a woman to do household chores. The pig is used to adapting to any conditions. But in his view, the wife should be in charge of the house. And the Dragon stubbornly wants communication, the attention of others. The routine of everyday life does not suit her.

If the Dragon woman and the Pig man try to calm their ardor, become more tender, affectionate, most conflicts can be avoided. Communication between partners helps to minimize misunderstandings.

Pig woman and Dragon man

The Dragon and the Pig have a very high compatibility. Their relationship starts quickly, develops rapidly. A man born in the year of a fire-breathing lizard is impulsive. He feels that he has met his soul mate, so almost immediately confesses his love to her.

Romantic relationships quickly turn into family status. From an astrological point of view, this is a successful union for both signs. They have a lot in common - partners love travel, outdoor activities, self-improvement. Conflicts between them are smoothed out without having time to flare up.

Family life

The Pig and the Dragon have a lot in common. They love a luxurious life, but they are calm about money. The man will provide for his family, the wife will do household chores, raise children. The woman is sincerely happy with the achievements of her husband, she constantly admires the character, actions of the chosen one, satisfying his pride.

The husband does not prevent his wife from doing household chores, hobbies. If partners talk a lot, they will achieve spiritual perfection. Outwardly, the couple looks beautiful. He is well-groomed, in expensive clothes, with good manners. She is simple-minded, kind, obedient.

Compatibility in bed

Dragon and Pig have high compatibility in love. Intimacy for them is another chance to get closer. A strong intuitive connection helps to harmonize sexual relations. They know how to please each other.

Sexual attraction arises between partners from the moment they meet. But these signs are not prone to overnight sex. Intimacy for them is something special. In marriage, they are faithful to each other.

Reasons for disagreement

Despite the ideal astral compatibility, conflicts are brewing between the Pig and the Dragon. Most often they quarrel because of:

  1. The financial situation of the family. Both partners are indifferent to money and love a beautiful life. Therefore, they often face a lack of finance. The predicament is becoming the main cause of conflicts.
  2. The oppressive nature of the partner. A man is prone to tyranny. He is the owner, jealous of his soul mate without reason. The husband often finds a reason to reproach his wife. This behavior causes disagreements between the Pig and the Dragon, turning into scandals.
  3. Lack of attention from the spouse. The boar needs warmth and care. Lack of attention is detrimental to his psychological well-being.

Conflicts rarely cause partners to break up. In most cases, the couple finds a compromise. A man tries to moderate his ardor, watches over words and actions. The wife does not give rise to jealousy, she learns financial literacy.


Representatives of these signs of the eastern horoscope are ideal partners for each other. They have different character traits, temperaments, but many astral points of contact.

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Pig is at a high level. Despite the differences in characters, they can find a common language if they go towards each other.

General compatibility of Dragon and Pig

At first glance, it seems that there is little in common between the Dragon and the Pig, however, they can create a harmonious union under certain conditions. The natural magnetism of the Pig will charm the Dragon, which in turn will attract the chosen one with strength and energy. In order for the union to last a long time, both partners need to learn to respect each other's feelings and emotions without trying to change their beloved.

The dragon will begin to conquer leadership positions, confusing the sensitivity and kindness of the Pig with naivety and weakness, but here he will meet a clear rebuff. The pig will not give himself up to anyone, she can agree with the domination of the Dragon, but if this does not affect her interests and personality too much. If the Dragon does not back down and oppresses the Pig too much, she will not forgive such an attitude.

The consequence will be an emotional and physical betrayal. In response, the Pig can easily turn the life of the Dragon into a real hell. They do not know how to maintain a general budget, often the items of expenditure do not coincide with the items of income, so sometimes they have to sit without a penny. This sphere of relationships must be corrected so that conflicts do not arise in a couple because of trifles.

If the Dragon constantly presses on the Pig, the worst traits of the latter will come to light, she will become greedy, capricious and irresponsible. Inconsistency in decisions will become the eternal companion of the Pig. When the Dragon softens its pressure and allows the chosen one to live freely, relations will normalize.

Representatives of both signs will spend a lot of time together, because they like noisy companies and outdoor activities. A calm Pig sometimes needs to get out of its shell, otherwise the Dragon can get seriously bored and start looking for extreme sensations on the side. The specific development of the relationship between the Pig and the Dragon also depends on the distribution of roles in the couple.

The zodiac horoscope also exerts its influence. The Dragon, born under the sign of Aquarius, and the Pig, born under the sign of Virgo, live quite peacefully, without the passions inherent in the pair, but between the Dragon-Leo and the Pig-Scorpio there are constant conflicts that can lead to the collapse of the union.

Aries makes the Dragon even more stubborn and hot-tempered, although the element of fire is most suitable for this sign. A pig born under the sign of Sagittarius, Leo or Aries quickly finds points of contact with the Dragon.

Earth and air signs will be able to find a common language: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Libra makes the Pig even more modest and indecisive, so this sign does not have a very positive effect on relationships.

Percentage compatibility - 60.

Character features

People born in the Year of the Dragon have strong energy and a bright personality. At any events, he always finds himself in the center of events thanks to an inexhaustible fountain of new ideas and fantasies. The dragon knows how to control himself and looks like a very confident person.

His innate curiosity makes him do a lot of different things that arouse interest. Sometimes he lights up with a new idea, rushes to bring it to life, but after a short period of time he gives up because of the faded interest.

Charisma and inner strength turns the Dragon into a pleasant companion who captivates others from the first minutes of a conversation. People are trying for him, so it is easy for him to get help even from an unfamiliar person. Thanks to such abilities, he seems to many to be lucky and lucky.

The dragon never weaves secret intrigues and does not plot. He does not use people for his own selfish purposes. All his likes and dislikes are based solely on a sincere attitude. Often the Dragon has conflicts, because his straightforwardness and intemperance are not liked by those around him.

People born in the Year of the Pig are distinguished by their patient and honest nature. They are calm and modest, do not like to stand out and prefer to conduct their activities in a leisurely mode. Behind the mask of modesty and closeness is a kind person who will always help his neighbor in difficult times.

Pigs can be trusted unconditionally, because they will never betray or fail, because they always keep their promises.

There is no vindictiveness in the character of the Pigs, but they will never give themselves offense. Under no circumstances will they be the first to launch an attack, but in response they can seriously harm. On occasion, the Pig will demonstrate its strength. She does not like to participate in disputes, does not impose her point of view and tries to avoid categorical statements. They go through experimentation before finding the right partner for a relationship.

In a love affair, the Pigs fully open up, as a result of which the partner can see how much tenderness and sensuality is hidden behind an impenetrable mask. People born under the sign of the Pig do not restrict their partner in freedom, so there are no conflicts in the union on this topic.

Dragon Man and Pig Woman Compatibility

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Pig woman in various areas is at a high level.

In love

The dragon, which is popular with the opposite sex, will easily charm the Pig woman. He will attract a partner with courage, courage and strength. Outwardly, he will seem like a real prince. A woman will attract the Dragon with tenderness and kindness, as well as caring for everyone and calmness.

Dragon and Pig quickly find a common language. Both love to do interesting things and learn everything new thanks to innate curiosity. They will find a common cause that will bring both of them very close and will allow them to get to know each other better. At first, a calm and judicious Pig will find it difficult to endure the emotional and impulsive antics of the Dragon, but over time she will understand that this is a feature of his character and will come to terms with this state of affairs.

The dragon, in turn, must understand that his woman is fragile and vulnerable, so he must pay maximum attention to her and after work rush not to meet friends, but to go home to his beloved wife. The marriage between the Dragon Pig is long and strong.

A woman is ready to give up her dreams for the sake of realizing the ambitions of her man, she perfectly knows how to sacrifice herself, which is what he needs. He needs the full support of his wife to feel needed, useful and confident enough in himself. In order for harmony to reign in the family, he must remind the Pig how important support is to him, and pay attention to her so that the Pig does not suffer from an unfair attitude.

The dragon can be absolutely sure that his spouse will support him in any situation, even if he fails. She will be loyal in many of these situations, which will eventually lead the Dragon to dizzying success. A complete understanding develops between the Pig and the Dragon.

Even in silence, everyone will find the necessary words for themselves. The Pig woman surrounds the man with great care, she is an excellent housewife and is happy to lead the house. In gratitude, the sincere attitude of the Dragon turns the life of his beloved into a fairy tale: he arranges interesting trips, comes up with original activities so that the Pig does not get bored.

In sex

In the intimate sphere, the compatibility of the Dragon man and the Pig woman is ideal. For both, spending time in bed means more than just physical contact. They exchange emotions, resolve accumulated disagreements and renew relationships in this way.

Both signs are not afraid of experiments and do not mind diversifying intimate life with the help of various inventions. The emotional Dragon will try for his chosen one: if in everyday life there is often a tendency to selfishness and satisfaction of his own needs, then in the intimate sphere he will think about his spouse first of all.

In friendship

Friendship between a Dragon man and a Pig woman is quite possible. The dragon will bring energy and strength to the union, and the Pig will enrich it with spirituality. Friendly relations will be smooth and calm.

The dragon is at any moment ready to come to the aid of a friend, in turn, the Pig will always listen to the man and provide him with the moral support, which he desperately needs during the period of climbing up the career ladder. If the Dragon begins to show selfishness, not thinking about the feelings of the Pig, she can break the union, harboring a great resentment.

In work

In the work sphere, the union of the Dragon and the Pig can achieve great success. The Emotional Dragon will initiate innovations that the Pig, with its usual zeal, will begin to bring to life. Everything can quickly collapse if on the part of the Pig envy of the Dragon's successes begins, as a result of which she will try to become a leader. If a woman wants to continue working with a partner, she should never behave like that.

Pig Man and Dragon Woman Compatibility

To create a strong alliance for a Pig man and a Dragon woman is somewhat more difficult, but they will succeed perfectly if everyone respects their partner.

In love

The marriage union is guaranteed success if the Dragon woman motivates the Pig man for self-development and achievement of well-being. An active and active woman should inspire a calm and passive Pig to do any kind of activity. If it does not serve as an inspiration for a partner, he may sit at home and not express a desire to develop and move somewhere.

The Pig man will follow the advice of the woman, trying to please her in everything in order to receive praise. However, after a while, he may decide that this way of life is not to his liking, since he has absolutely no time for personal interests. He may get tired of constant activity, because the Pig likes a calm and measured rhythm of life. In such a situation, the Dragon woman must loosen her "grip" and leave the Pig time for her own life.

A man needs to understand that a woman needs to be active, so there is no need to restrict freedom. She will be enough for everything: for housekeeping and raising children, as well as for other activities that will bring her real pleasure.

In sex

In the intimate sphere, the initiator of innovation and diversity will be the Dragon woman, who will be happy to come up with new methods to lure a partner. The pig will certainly respond to the partner's suggestions, but in some situations it will behave passively, as in everyday life. A man needs to understand that such a development of events will lead to the fact that the Dragon will get bored and start looking for adventure on the side.

In friendship

Friendship is rarely struck between two signs, since an active Dragon is bored with spending time with the Pig, although both are attracted by noisy companies, however, the Pig does not like to leave the house too often, and the Dragon will insist on a constant holiday, which will alienate the man.

In work

A Pig man and a Dragon woman can run a joint business if the roles are correctly assigned. The dragon should be a creative center, a generator of ideas and original solutions. The impulsiveness of a woman in decision-making can interfere with the successful development of a business, so the consistent and thoughtful nature of the Pig will help here.

How can you improve your relationship?

The union of the Dragon and the Pig will become better if both signs work on themselves and try to find compromises that suit both. You do not need to demand too much from the second half, she cannot replace all areas of life, from where a person should draw vitality. There is no need to raise the bar and expect a lot, since this is too heavy a burden for another person - the need to meet other people's expectations.

Both the Dragon and the Pig should respect each other and should not limit the partner's freedom. All kinds of restrictions lead to a gradual increase in discontent, which can result in a serious discord between the spouses, when the “prisoner” finally wants to escape from the “golden cage”.

The dragon needs to learn to listen carefully to the Pig and culturally conduct dialogues on burning topics. If conflict situations are resolved with the help of discussions, the spouses will bypass various crises. Both signs do not know how to handle money, so they should carefully write down their expenses in order to avoid problems with a lack of funds in the future.

Nata Karlin

From the point of view of most astrologers Dragon and Pig (Boar) compatibility is very good both in love and marriage, so in friendship and work. There is a serious difference between the main character traits of the people of these signs, but by some miracle they manage to find a common language. These two are able to love each other at first sight and live a long, happy life together.

An overly ambitious Dragon is capable of igniting the flames of discord in a pair. If he decides to re-educate the Pig, the conflict cannot be avoided.

This relationship should be built on equality, love and respect.

Dragon is by nature a born leader, orator, activist and optimist... If desired, with his own charm and logic, he will conquer anyone. It costs him nothing to arouse the sympathy of both one person and the masses of the people. He is always full of secret and obvious adorers, whose worship and love accompanies the Dragon all his life.

The representative of the Dragon zodiac sign, who creates many ideas in his own head, very rarely implements them and achieves success. He is hampered by the lack of rational thinking, lack of assembly and unwillingness to adhere to a certain strategy. In addition, he always has a lot of not only fans, but also envious people, whose influence greatly poisons life. However, in most cases, he remains the winner.

Slow and hesitant Pig makes a decision for a very long time, hesitating between several options for the development of events. Therefore, as a rule, it is left with nothing. However, if all the arguments speak in favor of one option, the Boar acts with lightning speed. Sociable, kind, sympathetic and peaceful people of this zodiac sign will definitely become the center of attention of any company. They attract with their wit, ability to find compromises and good nature.

Congenital hard work and perseverance make the Pig very successful in all endeavors... However, people of this zodiac sign do not know how to properly manage money. They are absolutely not adapted to save money and sincerely do not understand why to do this, if you can spend everything on pleasure. Therefore, very often they find themselves in a difficult financial situation. However, if there is a question of life and death, the Pig will make every effort to find a way out of any situation with the least losses.

Compatibility horoscope for Dragon and Pig (Boar) in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between the Pig and the Dragon develops rapidly if both are passionate about each other. ... The pig is just delighted with the partner, delighted with his energy, emancipation and independence. She gives her Dragon all her free time, and in return gets the opportunity to become a little freer in her views on life and judgments.

Both partners suit each other, but their tandem is possible only with mutual respect and love.

They need to learn attention and respect for the soul mate. Spiritually strong, which makes the Pig very upset. The latter will never tolerate humiliation and supporting roles and will definitely find a way to prove his superiority. This kind of leadership struggle can be a defining moment for a break.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Dragon and the Pig (Boar)

Husband and wife (Dragon-Pig (Boar)) from the outside can look like an ideal couple. In fact, it is so. ... Next to him, he is able to relax and get real enjoyment of family life. Both partners are endowed with a thirst for knowledge of everything new, they like to travel together, looking for adventure and fresh sensations. Any disagreements that arise in this pair are resolved peacefully, which is facilitated by the diplomatic qualities of the Pig.

It should be noted that in this tandem both partners know how and know how to make money... However, they cannot properly distribute and spend them. They should pay close attention to this aspect of life together. The most acceptable combination in this tandem will be a pair, where the guy is the Dragon, and the girl is the Pig (Boar).

In bed, the Dragon and the Pig will possess each other not only physically, but also on the level of feelings and emotions.

They completely surrender to the excitement of sex, without experiencing any shyness or fear in it. Therefore, the fire of passion will burn in them from the first day to the last.

Friendship between a Dragon and a Pig according to the Chinese calendar

The Dragon and the Pig (Boar) will be friends with selflessness and with full dedication to each other. The boar enriches this relationship with spirituality, the Dragon adds energy. This relationship will bring many benefits to each of the partners. They will be calm, smooth and long lasting.

The compatibility in the work of the Dragon and the Pig is just perfect. This tandem is doomed to succeed in any situation. If the Pig and the Dragon are going to organize their own business, the company will remain in the lead for a long time and only prosper. However, in this tandem one should expect envy and a desire to rule from the Pig.

Dragon Man and Pig Woman Compatibility

So, he is a Dragon, she is a Pig. What awaits this union? This tandem has all the prospects for a happy coexistence. If one of the partners agrees to give in at least a little to the other,. First of all, the Pig girl (Pig) must accept her man with all his shortcomings and turn a blind eye to his impulsiveness and emotional outbursts.

A couple can be quite happy if the Dragon guy will devote time to his beloved and sometimes spend weekends and evenings at home... In turn, the Pig woman must definitely learn, if not to shine next to her enchanting partner, then to be his worthy shadow during appearances.

An almost perfect relationship can be established between two people.

The most important disadvantage of partners is that for all their ability to make money, they are absolutely not trained to spend it. Them you need to jointly learn to plan a family budget, and then they are guaranteed financial stability and success.

Dragon woman and Pig man compatibility

In those pairs where she is the Dragon, and he is the Pig, the union can turn out to be no less strong and durable. Dragon Girl will have to learn to make certain concessions, having tempered his bright temperament and harshness of judgments and views on life. The Pig guy, with such support from his second half, will certainly achieve significant heights in life.

He will always be lucky with work and money, and he will not be able to stop looking at his beautiful partner and praise

In turn, adoring praise and recognition The dragon will be delighted with such an attitude..

The Dragon Lady has a bright appearance, has inner strength and charisma. She is always accompanied by a mass of admirers of her talents and appearance. To win the favor of such a person the Pig man will have to make a lot of effort... The main and most important thing that a man of this zodiac sign can do is to show care and support, listen and hear his chosen one. This is what will conquer the Dragon woman, making her believe in the seriousness of her intentions. When paired, these people complement each other perfectly.

February 13, 2018 5:40 pm

In this thread:

Character born in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon is considered an enthusiast in everything. It is difficult to keep it within strict limits. He is ready to try something unusual, come up with new ideas. Such a person will be successful in all endeavors. Unfortunately, his path is not always the path of goodness. With great enthusiasm, he can go for bad things, and at the same time he will definitely achieve his goal.

He will not be the first to start a war, but in case of encroachments on his interests he will give a worthy rebuff. However, Dragons are good friends, they always help others.

Main qualities:

  • strong will;
  • nobility;
  • explosive temperament;
  • endurance;
  • reliability.

The nature of those born in the Year of the Pig

They are very peaceful and decent people. They can win over everyone with their openness. Often it is the Pig that becomes the soul of the company. They are resistant to difficulties, external softness does not prevent them from achieving their goal, often leaving their rivals behind. The pig is non-conflict, she achieves her calm attitude, gentleness, kind attitude and efficiency.

She tends to selflessly help colleagues and friends, taking on some of their responsibilities. He reliably keeps his word, does not forget about promises. If an Aquarius woman was born this year, she will amaze others with a tendency to self-sacrifice.

Main qualities:

  • honesty;
  • friendliness;
  • strong will;
  • equilibrium.

Dragon man and Pig woman. Compatibility

The dragon is endowed with qualities that the Pig will be delighted with, so they can build a good relationship. The main thing is for the partner to be able to abstract from the explosive nature of the spouse and not react sharply to sharp antics.

Then you can create a strong family. Pig and Dragon compatibility is almost perfect.

Dragon woman and Pig man. Compatibility

In general, the compatibility of those born in the year of the Dragon and the year of the Pig is good. But in such a pair, the Pig and the Dragon will be happy only if the lady can moderate her ardor. She needs to learn to yield. Since a man always has a full wallet, his girlfriend will feel like she is behind a stone wall. However, she must value her partner.

Often, fire-breathing ladies are so spoiled by male attention that they simply cease to be content with simple signs of attention. He will have to try so that in a pair of Dragon and Pig compatibility in love reaches high levels.

Both partners will uncontrollably strive for luxury. In this regard, material problems and subsequent disagreements may arise. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the family budget together and not make unnecessary expenses, then the Dragon and the cute Pig will be able to live in prosperity.

Prospects for the development of relations

It is believed that a pair of Dragon and Pig can only create a vector marriage. In it, one partner will act as a master, and the other as a servant. Moreover, the cute Pig acts as the owner, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

The bottom line is that the "owner" will understand his partner in everything, but he himself will remain a completely mysterious figure for his soul mate. But this does not mean that someone in such a union is unhappy. On the contrary, the Dragon and the Pig have good compatibility, and their union can last for a very long time, making life happy and harmonious.