What does the name Volodya mean. The meaning of the name for an adult man

The meaning of the name Vladimir: the name for the boy means "owning the world." This affects the character and fate of Vladimir.

The origin of the name Vladimir: old Slavic.

The diminutive form of the name: Vova, Vovik, Vovka, Volodya, Lodya, Ladik, Vladik, Volya, Volka.

What does the name Vladimir mean: The name Vladimir consists of two roots: "vlad" (to possess) and "peace" (peaceful, peace). Vladimir is translated as "owning the world." Another meaning of the name is "lord of the world." The owner of such a name, like his namesake, V. Veliky, is a born diplomat. A guy with this name will be able to unite even blood enemies who accidentally find themselves in the same room. He is tactful, receptive to knowledge, the main thing for him in life.

Patronymic name Vladimir: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.

Angel day and patron saints of the name: the name Vladimir celebrates the name day twice a year:

  • 28 (15) July - Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, who converted Russia to Christianity.
  • 17 (4) October - St. Vladimir Yaroslavich, Prince of Novgorod.

Signs: On October 17, the goblin are making a fool in the forests: they wander, shout, laugh, clap their hands, break trees, chase animals and fall through the ground until spring.


  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Green color
  • Auspicious name tree - maple
  • Treasured plant - heather
  • Patron of the name - deer
  • The talisman stone is green jasper.

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

Positive features: The name Vladimir gives heightened intuition, strong will, curiosity, concrete embodiment of ideas. In the society of peers, a man with this name occupies a leading position. At the same time, Vladimir is characterized by friendliness, cordiality, a subtle sense of humor. He appreciates cleanliness, order, comfort in everyday life. Has a quick reaction to events, prefers to plan his actions.

Negative traits: The name Vladimir brings an inclination to risk, dependence on mood, conflict. When he is pissed off, it becomes dangerous. A guy with this name does not spare himself at work, therefore, more than once in his life he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The character of the name Vladimir: What character traits does the meaning of the name Vladimir determine? Volodya is curious, receptive to knowledge, has an excellent memory. By nature, he is a leader and loves to rush into all sorts of new beginnings - however, he carefully thinks out and calculates everything, but outwardly it turns out that everything was done on enthusiasm or under the influence of an impulse. A man named Vladimir is active, diplomatic, has a quick reaction. He is amorous, and his attention is usually attracted by special women. If Volodya is subdued sensually, then he remains devoted to his love all his life.

The meaning of the name Vladimir in childhood. The guy is very curious, he likes to come up with different stories - he flies to the moon, communicates with gnomes, he has excellent artistic and musical abilities, a creative mind that should be developed. A guy with this name willingly performs various assignments, but you should not give him two tasks at the same time: the one with the name will think for a long time what is more important, and in the end he will not do one. It is difficult to piss him off, but if this has already happened, he becomes irritable and angry.

The opinion of others about him is very important for him, he is easily vulnerable, selfish. In men she values ​​intelligence and strength. He sincerely strives to be of service to his friends. He has a lot of them due to his great employment and a wide range of contacts.

Vladimir is a big and loud name, even in its diminutive forms: Vova, Volodya. Volodya has few distant plans and deliberate moves, intellectual complexity, but more direct strength, pressure, it is not alien to the displacement of his dreams with the truth, the most responsible in life is given to him easily, without much torment. If there is creativity in his life, Volodya blooms, reveals himself in brilliance. Here his broad mind, although devoid of true depth, his kindness, can most easily manifest. The man named Vladimir is a good tree, but he needs fat soil. What would certainly deserve censure in others, when it comes from Vladimir, is met without indignation, with a complacent smile and secret indulgence. The word "well done" goes to Vova. In the company, he easily resolves all world issues. The broadest generalizations, generous impulses, brilliance and toughness of life are the natural state of this person.

Volodya is Vasily, who grew up on Russian soil, and therefore it is clear that for Russia this is the most significant of the names, the typical name of a great man from only Russians.

Vladimir and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The union with Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Eugenia, Elena, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Milolika, Natalia, Raisa, Sbyslava, Svetlana is favorable. The name Vladimir is also combined with Sophia. Difficult relationships can develop with Ada, Bronislava, Daria, Claudia, Nina, Predslava, Tamara.

Love and marriage: Does happiness in love promise the meaning of the name Vladimir? Volodya is interested in women with a predominance of strong-willed qualities, faithful to his wife. A guy with this name is ready to give in in many ways, while maintaining his inner independence. Guys get married early, but he soon disappoints them. Re-marriages are likely.

In a woman, Vova appreciates romantic qualities. He Vladimir notices how she looks, how she is dressed, but does not focus on it. He is in love and in his youth has several novels, but he is also faithful in marriage, however, not because of a great love for his wife, but as a result of complete immersion in work and unwillingness to ruin an already established life.

In everyday life, Vladimir, who has the name, attaches great importance to comfort, loves beautiful furniture, expensive things, pictures. Requires perfect cleanliness and order. He treats children calmly, shifting their upbringing to his wife.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Organizational work, politics, business, entrepreneurship. Technical sciences are easy for Vladimir. A guy named Vladimir has a deep mind, engaged in extensive plans, is able to convince his interlocutor of his innocence. The ability to make an impression, lively, rich imagination, artistry help Volodya achieve success in the field of creativity.

He is smart, hardworking, persistent in achieving goals. He is susceptible to knowledge, has an excellent memory. He has a wide field of activity, he can reach heights in technical sciences, medicine, be a politician, economist, wonderful actor, excellent writer, playwright. Volodya is passionate about his work, if necessary, he breaks away from it with annoyance.

Vova is active, affable and benevolent. Has a quick reaction to the events, is able to make an independent decision.

Business and career: The guy named Vladimir knows how to make money and often takes risks. Basically, luck and success accompany him, but he tends to spend earnings out of the blue. To implement his plans, Vladimir seeks to use large sums of money, but at the same time he needs to be careful - any miscalculation can allow enemies to push him from the heights reached. It is recommended to purchase real estate, land plots.

Volodya's achievements are as extensive as they are fragile. They lack sufficient materiality, they seem more than the essence, but there is an undoubted power of creation in him. Vladimir's mind is occupied with vast designs. Narrow and special topics are not his lot. For him, everything that is general is of particular importance, but not abstract theoretical, but entailing practical consequences, opening up broad organizational perspectives.

Health and energy

Health and talents of the name: The meaning of the name Vladimir from the point of view of medicine. Vova's health depends on his ability to self-control. There may be periods of imbalance, affects or depression, heart and digestive tract diseases. Stimulating and narcotic drugs, alcohol are strictly prohibited.

The fate of Vladimir in history

What does the name Vladimir mean for male destiny?

  1. Vladimir Atlasov (Volodimer Otlasov) - the conqueror of Kamchatka. Ustyug peasant; from poverty, having moved to Siberia, became a Yakut Cossack, rose to the rank of Pentecostal and was appointed (1695) as a clerk of the Anadyr prison. Having explored Kamchatka through the Cossack Luka Morozko sent by him, Atlasov in the spring of 1697 undertook a campaign with a hundred people, took four Koryak prison, set up a cross on the Kanuch River and laid a prison on the Kamchatka River. He returned in 1700 to Yakutsk, from where the voivode escorted him to Moscow. In 1706 he was again sent as a salesman to Kamchatka with servicemen and two cannons, and he was given the authority to execute foreigners with death for disobedience and non-payment of yasak, and punish his subordinates "not only with batogs, but with a whip."
  2. Vladimir Vsevolodovich (1053-1125), nicknamed Monomakh, was the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich from a marriage with the Greek princess Anna Konstantinovna - "monomakh", that is, the daughter of the Greek emperor Constantine, who was called "Monomakh", which means "combatant". Chronicles report that Vladimir Monomakh was the bravest prince on the battlefield. As a 13-year-old boy, he went from Pereslavl, his father's inheritance to Rostov, then to Vladimir Volynsky, twice to Polotsk, together with his father and uncle Svyatoslav besieged Chernigov, in 1078 he was imprisoned there as a prince. Vladimir Monomakh worked a lot on laws, tried to improve them.
  3. Vladimir Putin is the second president of Russia.
  4. Vladimir Mayakovsky is a poet.
  5. Vladimir Nabokov is a writer.
  6. Vladimir Pozner - (born 1934) TV journalist.
  7. Vladimir Dal is a doctor, writer, lexicographer, dictionary compiler.
  8. Vladimir Lenin is a Soviet statesman.
  9. Vladimir Vysotsky - poet, composer, actor, screenwriter.
  10. Vladimir Durov is a famous trainer and circus artist.
  11. Vladimir Gilyarovsky is a writer and journalist.
  12. Vladimir Solovyov is a Russian philosopher, poet, and publicist.
  13. Vladimir Suteev is an artist, writer, film director and screenwriter.
  14. Vladimir Rusanov is a traveler and polar explorer.
  15. Vladimir Spivakov is a Russian violinist, conductor and public figure.
  16. Vladimir Basov - Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia.
  17. Vladimir Kornilov - Vice Admiral of the Russian Navy, a hero of the Crimean War.
  18. Vladimir Vernadsky is a naturalist, thinker and public figure.
  19. Vladimir Obraztsov is a transport scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Vladimir in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of a name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Ukrainian it is translated as Volodymyr [Volodymyr], in Belarusian: Uladzimir [Uladzimir], in Polish: Wlodzimierz [Vuodzimierz], in Czech: Vladimir, in Slovak: Vladimir, in German: Waldemar, in Danish: Valdemar.

The difference between the names Vladimir, Vova and Volodya.

Vladimir is not very popular at this time. This is due to some fatigue. The fact is that immediately after the war and 20 years after it, boys were often called that. Accordingly, the name has become boring and now the masses are resting from it.

Name Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: different names or not?

Many believe that the name is of Old Church Slavonic origin. In fact, the roots of the name are pagan, the very translation of the sound is Volodimer. The full version is Vladimir. The name is translated as owning the world or loving peace. Initially, in paganism, a particle of -meas was translated as consent, therefore it turned out - who wants consent. But in the Old Slavonic language, the particle was perceived as peace. It was thanks to Russia that the name became popular a little later in Germany and Sweden. The Waldemar variant is often used there.

It is worth noting that the full name is Vladimir. But he has a lot of abbreviations and diminutive words. These are Vova and Volodya. These are all abbreviated forms of the name.

Name Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: different names or not?

Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: what is the correct name for the full name?

The full name is Vladimir. Vova and Volodya are just folk forms and abbreviations. Only the full name is recognized in documents. The registry offices do not write down as Vova or Volodya. Only Vladimir.

These are just abbreviated forms of the name. That is, Vova and Volodya are folk and short forms of Vladimir. The most interesting thing is that this name was forgotten for a long time. But after the war, the name became popular again and even topped the rating. But now, again, few people call children that. The abbreviated forms Vova and Volodya are not used in the documents.

What is the difference between the name Vova, Volodya and Vladimir?

Can Volodya, Vova be called Vladimir?

Yes, these are derivatives on behalf of Volodya. They were formed as a result of verbal fatigue. Now the forms Vova and Volodya are used more often than the main name.

As you can see, with the name Volodya everything is unambiguous and understandable. Abbreviated and folk forms remained derivative. Therefore, there is no confusion in the documents and new names.

VIDEO: Mystery named after Vladimir


There are two versions of the origin of the name Vladimir. According to the first version, it could have formed from the Old Russian name Volodymer. In the second version, it may have ancient Germanic roots and be a derivative of the name Waldemar, which translates as "glorious ruler" or "famous ruler".

The male name Vladimir is on everyone's lips today, and this is not surprising, because it has been incredibly popular for many decades. But its main advantage lies not in popularity or sound, but in meaning ...

Popularity: The name Vladimir occupies 21-23 positions in the ranking of the most popular male names and, according to statistics, accounts for 15-17 boys out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Volodya, Vova, Vovan, Vovka

Modern English counterparts: Volodymyr, Valdemar, Valto, Vladimiros

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Vladimir promises to bearers such character traits as nobility, energy, fortitude, sociability and friendliness, benevolence and an authoritative position in society. Most of these people are the unofficial leaders in society. Their opinions are listened to, their positions are respected in society, and in general, these are people who are usually treated with maximum respect. But there is one big drawback - the majority of Vladimirs are very dependent on the opinions of others ...

Vladimirs often become excellent specialists and just good workers, moreover, in all professions, without exception. But all of them, without exception, need support and impulses. Vova should always have a person nearby who will support him. Otherwise, without support, Vladimir will not achieve any results in terms of professional activity and career growth.

Advantages and positive features: purposeful, kind, generous, fair, helps everyone around and tries not to commit bad deeds. Sometimes it may seem too harsh and rude, but in fact this is his mask - inside he is gentle, caring and gentle, he just tries not to show it.

Vladimir treats badly people who are irritable, sharply reacting to criticism and opinions they do not like, to selfish and deceitful personalities, and to those who are trying to dominate the weak.

The name Vladimir is one of the most popular today. It is listed in one hundred of the most common male names and in the nomenclature according to the Holy Calendar.

The character of the name Vladimir

The nature of the name Vladimir is such that it promises the bearer of this name-form many different qualities, each of which in its own way affects the nature of Vova at different ages. So, usually the character of this boy is complex, perceived by others with difficulty, and promises a lot of disagreements with the people around him. But despite this, it is precisely the character that is the very factor thanks to which Vladimir can achieve incredible success in everything that only touches his life. Persistent, arrogant, stubborn, assertive, purposeful, hardworking, always goes ahead to the goal - these are the traits that Vova's character possesses. True, it is not a fact that the character will be exactly like that, because in each individual case everything can be completely different ...

If you believe the arguments of some researchers, then the character primarily depends on many additional factors, including parental upbringing in childhood, zodiac sign, date of birth, and even the time of birth ...

Early childhood

The boy's early childhood, patronized by the meaning of the name Vladimir, is full of movement and activity. Efficiency, activity, vigor, hard work, intricacy, phenomenal curiosity, purposefulness and restlessness - these are the traits that define the essence as such. Called by the nominal variation Vladimir. This kid does not sit still for a minute, he is always in motion, he is always looking for adventures, invents new things and does something, it is important for him to be involved in at least something, he does not know how to live differently. Communication is an important component of his life, he cannot live without it, it is important for him that he is surrounded by people, children, adults, it does not matter, as long as there are those who appreciate his works, even if by criticism as such. By the way, criticism at such a small age does not offend him at all, on the contrary, he is satisfied with it, because for him it is like a sign that he is being watched, that he is interesting to people. In general, Vladimir is an extraordinary person, it is almost impossible to predict his actions, force him to do something against his will, impose an opinion or re-educate him. There is so much self-sufficiency in it that it would be enough for ten of the same children. And all this is the merit of such a parameter as the value of the name. Another important point is that parents should pay special attention to the upbringing of such a quality as perseverance in him. The fact is that he has a bunch of ideas all the time, which is why Vladimir often abandons what he has begun halfway through - he should be taught consistency and responsibility, because otherwise, already in adolescence, problems may begin, at least with his studies.


Talkativeness, sociability, eloquence, efficiency, organizational gift and leadership skills, talent and an extraordinary mind - in essence, Vladimir is a good guy, a teenager, whom you can be proud of and admire, but also not devoid of disadvantages. So, the main disadvantage of the boy, whose parents decided to choose the name Vladimir, is restlessness - any business that he undertakes may eventually remain unfinished, well, there is no perseverance in him, just as there is no concentration, he is so overwhelmed with ideas that sometimes and he himself does not notice how he abandons the work he has begun halfway and takes up a new one. But despite this, the significance endows him with responsibility, and commitment, and diligence - if Vova was given some task, and if he was given responsibility, he will not let him down and will do everything as it should be. This boy may have problems with lessons, and all for one simple reason - inattention, expressed in the inability to sit still and concentrate on important things. Spoiled, restless, talkative, disobedient - all this is what will cause discontent among teachers. But the meaning endows him with a good character - he is an excellent conversationalist and devoted comrade, from this you will not expect betrayal or lies, he follows generally accepted moral principles and never violates the elementary rules of living in society.

Grown man

Adult Vladimir, this is a completely different person. Under the influence of such factors as the meaning of the name form, the patron planet of the name, the patronizing element and the sign of the zodiac, the bearer of the name form Vladimir becomes responsible and obligatory in adulthood. You can rely on such a person, he will never leave a job unfinished, never leave a friend in trouble, and in no case will he break his word. You can be friends with such, and work, and in general, he has all the data in order to become an excellent leader and boss. There are no problems in communication. The meaning continues to promise eloquence and sociability, talkativeness - the only “but” is that he does not like people who criticize everyone around him, avoids such people, while it is extremely difficult to find people “not criticizing” in modern society. But he is correct from all sides, and this is already a tremendous plus - such a person will not commit betrayal, he will not seek self-interest in communicating with people, and is ready to answer for his words. Moreover, the adult Vladimir is usually also principled, which in turn can be useful in many ways. Things are much more complicated only in personal life ...

Interaction of the character Vladimir with the seasons

Winter - the meaning of the winter period makes it so that the bearer of the name Vladimir usually eventually becomes an important, self-confident, strong and persistent person, easily enduring all everyday troubles and troubles. This is a simple and kind man, without any bright ambitions and narcissism, ready to become a good spouse and an ideal loving father.

Summer - a year old boy, on the contrary, will be by nature too subservient to the opinions of others, frivolous, shy and amorous, charming and weak in character. This will be too popular with women, but he does not promise success in his work - he will most likely prefer a stable, albeit not high, position. He will choose a patient and unforgettable person as a spouse.

Spring - such guys, windy, temperamental, absent-minded, vulnerable and narcissistic at the same time. Such people do not tolerate criticism, they are not able to adequately perceive the claims of others, but they easily criticize everyone around. In addition, this is an emotional person, guided by mood and emotions - in general, a complex character.

Autumn - this time gives rise to a calm, diplomatic, self-confident, balanced and easy-going man, easily adapting to any changes, purposeful and impetuous. Such a person will always achieve what was planned, but in achieving goals he cannot do without an intelligent, beautiful and effective lady of the heart.

The fate of the name Vladimir

The fate of the name Vladimir in relations with representatives of the female half of humanity, in love and marriage, is one of the most mysterious and only theoretically confirmed topics, but one cannot but believe in it. That is why many researchers continue to study this topic even today, however, in relation to other names. As for the name Vladimir and what his fate is, everything is simple here ...

The opinion of most researchers is that. That Vladimir himself is a very difficult person, at least in terms of relationships with women. He is popular, usually, and is in demand among women, but his novels end too quickly in most cases. But the reason is not in fate, but in exactingness and criticality in relation to ladies. Fate presupposes that Vova has such a quality as arrogance, which prevents him from properly evaluating women.

On the other hand, another statement - it says that fate in maturity will certainly make a man named Vladimir an exemplary husband, an exemplary family man and an excellent father. This is the fate. That if he finds his true narrowed, then next to her will become ideal in all aspects ....

Love and marriage

Men named Vladimir do not suffer from a lack of female attention. They are attractive, but they only like those girls who value romance, tenderness and care in the chosen ones. In addition, it is important for Vladimir that his companion is not only an intelligent, educated and effective woman, but that she also has a rich inner world.

Vladimir can create a family only with a woman whom he will trust 100%. It is vitally important for him to be confident in his soul mate even more than in himself. The ability to entrust her with the most intimate secrets, the knowledge that you can rely on her - these are the main criteria for choosing a spouse.
Vladimir devotes quite little time to his family; he spends most of it at work or with friends.

Vladimir tries to create the most comfortable living conditions for himself and for his loved ones. It is important for him that order, cleanliness and a friendly atmosphere always reign in his house. And if there are any problems in his house, he will deal with them in a matter of minutes.

Vladimir as Father

Vladimir knows how to find the right approach in communicating not only with his wife, but also with his children. Children are drawn to him, and he gets along well with them. But it cannot be said that he spends a lot of time with them. In his opinion, the mother, not the father, should deal with the child's upbringing process.

From time to time, Vladimir can take a walk in the park with his whole family, visit a circus or a theater, or go fishing with his child. Such moments for children are a real holiday, because they rarely manage to spend time with their dad. But Vladimir himself will do it only because "it is necessary", and not for the sake of pleasure.

Despite the fact that Vladimir does not seek to take an active part in raising children, he will make sure that his child has everything he needs. Well, at any difficult moment, he is always ready to help. In addition, the ability to provide children with a proper education is also becoming his most important life goal.

Horoscope named Vladimir


Vladimir, born under the influence of the meaning of the sign of Aries, will grow up necessarily straightforward, self-critical, tough, impulsive, loving and adoring attention boy. The career growth of such a man is provided with all sorts of problems and troubles, but personal happiness can only be envied.


Taurus - and this one by the origin of the soul is soft, caring, sensitive, romantic, emotional, open and idealistic. It is difficult for such a person to follow the path of fate, because sooner or later everyone disappoints him, but, having found a soul mate, this person will become happy. Perhaps he will be henpecked (assumed by character), but a truly successful family man.


Gemini gives rise to a vulnerable, conflicting, resentful and indecisive nature. This is a dreamer and dreamer, he wants to constantly move and develop. But emotional impulses and self-doubt do not allow him to approach the cherished one - he needs support, moreover, the closest one.


Cancer - this zodiac in combination with such a name can be characterized by such words as sentimentality, femininity, statement. Someone controls such a person all his life, and not because he is a weak-willed man, but because this is his style of living. He cannot make decisions on his own, it is easier to listen to someone.

a lion

Leo - this sign of the zodiac promises the one who received the name Vladimir poor compatibility with representatives of the opposite sex, and the reason for this lies in inconsistency and excessive love of love. This is a collector of women's hearts, a womanizer who is not able to live peacefully surrounded by loved ones. Such family men become such only in adulthood.


Virgo - promises a newborn boy named Vladimir such qualities as indecision, suspiciousness, insecurity, shyness. This is a kind and naive person by nature, pretending to be rude and cruel. Only the one who sees in him a dreamer and a romantic will be able to charm him.


Libra in combination with the name Vladimir gives rise to a determined and intelligent boy. An ambitious, real gentleman, gallant and intelligent, ready for deeds in order to provide loved ones with everything they need. He is stingy, but only in relation to himself.


Scorpio promises a guy with such a name arrogance, vanity, at the same time good nature and an extremely negative attitude towards flattery and sycophancy. This is a domineering, charming, attentive man-conqueror - girls from him without a zoom, but he will fall in love with the one that will need to be conquered.


Sagittarius - this sign is characterized by such features as sincerity, responsibility, kindness, romance and responsiveness. This is a kind and considerate man by nature, but he is catastrophically unlucky with women - they do not understand him, like all other people do.


Capricorn is detailed, decent, judicious, calculating, philosophically thinking and freedom-loving. It is easy for such a person to communicate with people, but he will prefer an exceptionally lonely stay. He needs a quiet and calm lady who can understand him, love him, and support him.


Aquarius - and here, who received the name Vladimir, is a born diplomat who knows how to arrange a conversation in such a way as to emerge victorious, and even not to offend the dignity of a dialogue partner. True, incompatibility with the opposite sex - rarely anyone can withstand such a cold and emotionally secretive.


Pisces, on the other hand, bestow calmness on the protected men. Nobility, attentiveness, timidity and thirst for harmony. Such are born for good, and such companions need an understanding and attentive listener. Such thirst for passion and love.

Compatibility with female names

The issue of compatibility of the name Vladimir with female names was discussed at one time by all Soviet researchers. They then came to the conclusion that the best connection can be for such a guy in a pair with Marianne, Stella, Tamila, Frida, Dina, Galina and Anastasia.

But an ideal marriage can only be in the case of relationships with Kapitolina, Nadezhda, Polina, Olga, Tamara and Edita.

But with such as Valeria, Inna, Svetlana, Serafima and Stanislav, there is no combination, only a negative impact on fate.

Surely, in the circle of your acquaintances there will be at least one Volodya, whose full name, as you know, is Vladimir. And this is not surprising, because modern children are often called this way.

Have you ever wondered what it means? Perhaps its owners have some specific character traits?

All this will be discussed in today's article.

Meaning of the name

All our friends, relatives and just acquaintances, whose names are Vova, Vovchik, or Volodya, of course, also have a full name. In official documents, they are all called Vladimirs, which means "owning the world."

From a semantic point of view, this name has two roots at once - "lord" and "world". It came from the Slavic dialect, and at first it was completely considered pagan. Few people know that only after the baptism of Kievan Rus, the Orthodox Church named Vladimir (Vova, Volodya) canonized.

Mystery of character

Of course, we are all different, however, according to scientists, the character is still laid in childhood.

For example, a child named Volodya (full name Vladimir) is very curious, and the whole world around him arouses heightened interest in him.

There are quite a few excellent students with this name, since the Vova students study according to their own strength. Although in most cases Volodya does as he pleases, from childhood he is considered an obedient child.

Little Vladimirs are balanced and non-conflict boys, during quarrels they stay on the sidelines and in various controversial situations go around "sharp corners". Despite this, if trouble happened to his family or friends, Volodya will take revenge and give back.

An adult man with this name is enterprising and smart, and by nature he is a leader. He never risks what he has, and before participating in some business, he will calculate the results and think over everything to the smallest detail. These representatives of the strong half of humanity are excellent speakers, since they have the ability to convince their interlocutors.

Adult Vladimir (Volodya is a teenager too, but to a lesser extent) has an introvert temperament. It is quite difficult to unbalance him, but if this happens, he becomes very angry and uncontrollable.

A man is purposeful and has a strong-willed character, but if the business he has begun is pursued by constant failures, then he will most likely leave him almost immediately and switch to something else. With the support and care of relatives, a guy can move mountains.

From the owner of the name Vladimir can turn out to be an excellent doctor, actor or great writer, but he tends to be drawn to the activities of an entrepreneur. He is intelligent, tactful, reasonable, with a cold mind and the qualities necessary to achieve his goal.

Despite the fact that Vova can reach quite impressive heights, he will always remain a simple person and the soul of the company.

Name compatibility

Vladimir unnecessarily idealizes the representatives of the opposite sex, therefore he is very often disappointed in them. While not yet married, he may have a couple of romances at the same time. Vova will easily part with his chosen one if he notices that she does not satisfy him in some way.

A man will take a wife for himself, an intelligent one, not deprived of natural and spiritual beauty, always walking alongside - in sorrow and in joy. And one cannot fail to note the fact that Vladimirs never marry right away, at first they closely look at their passion.

Volodya, whose full name is still primarily Vladimir, although you can often find Vladlen, by nature, a faithful husband and a good father, but if he notices reproaches and misunderstandings from his wife, he can find an outlet on the side.

Alexandra, Valentina, Nina, Lilia, Olga, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Tatiana, Polina, Sofia, Tamara and Lydia are perfect for creating a family for this person.

It is unlikely that a successful marriage with Valeria, Svetlana, Inna, Ksenia, Nika and Alisa will turn out.

Famous Vladimirs of the world

History knows a lot of famous Vladimirov: V. Monomakh, V. Putin, V. Mayakovsky, V. Vysotsky and others, for example, one cannot fail to note such personalities as:

  • Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) was a world-class Soviet politician, publicist and revolutionary who founded the Bolshevik Party and the USSR.
  • Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) - world famous American and Russian writer and literary critic. His prose is riddled with romantic ideas, tragic incidents, fleeting experiences and the fragility of true beauty.

Forms named Vladimir

Short and diminutive variants: Vova, Vovik, Vovka, Volodya, Vladik, Volya, Volka, Vovan, Vano, Lodya. Synonyms for the name Vladimir. Volodymyr, Valdemar, Valto, Vladimirros, Vladomir, Valdomiru, Vladimir, Wlodzimezh, Wlodzimierz. The short form of the name Vladimir. Volodya, Vova, Vovan, Vovka, Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Miro, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Vlodek, Vava, Vavulya, Vavusya, Dima, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusya, Vovusha, Volya, Vladimirushka. Patronymic: Vladimirovich, Vladimirovna.

The name Vladimir in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 弗拉基米爾 · (Fú lā jī mǐ "ěr ·). Japanese: ウ ラ ジ ミ ー ル (Urajimīru). Korean: 블라디미르 (is-kan- village). Hindi: व्लादिमीर (Vlādimīra). Ukrainian: Volodymyr. Thai: ว ลา ดิ เมีย (W lādi meīy). English: Vladimir (Vladimir).

The origin of the name Vladimir

Sexuality... They do not talk about their adventures, which causes some doubts about their manhood. In the character of such men there is a certain proportion of femininity, therefore, it is necessary to instill in them the traits of masculinity in time, not to allow them to have a fear of women and develop a complex of male inferiority.

Activity... Very weak, but they are lucky. They tend to rely on others.

Sociability... They like to receive guests, to sit with friends. Vladimir sincerely strives to help others, to be useful to them.

Conclusion... They are charming, tactful, intelligent people, nice to talk to. But still, they lack something, maybe endurance ... or a certain amount of aggressiveness characteristic of a hawk - their totem.

Vladimir and pets

As a rule, if Vladimir has a dog in his house, he does little to do it. All worries about the four-legged friend fall on the shoulders of the rest of the family. Therefore, the characteristic qualities of Vladimir in this case should not be taken into account. It is easier to target the name of the spouse or children. Vladimir does not care what breed of dog to play once a week.