Gas stove for home - comfortable heating. Gas stove for summer cottages with a cylinder Natural gas stove

Heating a private house is one of the main concerns for the owner. Choosing a heating device, the owner puts forward the requirements of practicality, durability and ease of use, the cost of maintenance is also an important factor. A simple gas oven meets all the parameters. We will understand the nuances of choosing a device, the characteristics and features of the operation of gas heating.

In this system, the coolant is gas, therefore, in addition to heating devices, the structure includes gas pipelines for fuel supply, heat release, shut-off and control valves, and automation for safe fuel consumption.

Main gas can be used for heating. The system is centralized, unified; fuel is supplied to the consumer through pipes. There is also the option of using liquefied gas supplied in cylinders of different volumes or poured into gasholders.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts note the following advantages of using a gas oven:

  1. Operation at any time of the year, day. A gas heating stove in the house does not interrupt; it is only important to take care of the presence of the coolant itself.
  2. Increased efficiency. The devices provide a comfortable temperature in the house in any climatic conditions, including severe winter frosts.
  3. Convenience. Unlike solid fuel boilers, gas-fired units do not require a lot of space, raw materials are relatively cheap, and you don't have to equip a separate room for storing them.
  4. Ease of operation. With a properly designed control system, all work is reduced to pressing a button that starts the equipment. Prevention and maintenance costs are minimized.
  5. Durability. The gas oven for the home is one of the longest-used appliances. The warranty period is 10 years, and subject to the installation and application technology, the device will last much longer.

The main disadvantage is the high price. But the minus is leveled by the low cost of fuel, the long service life of the system.

Varieties of gas ovens

Instruments differ in the type of fuel, heat capacity, shape and other indicators. The equipment consists of several elements: body, chimney, foundation. A heating shield, a firebox, and a gas burner are located in the body. The burner is a replaceable element that can be one-, two-stage and have a floating adjustment. If desired, the owner can easily replace the burner with a more or less powerful one.

Fuel type

The main supply of fuel is considered more practical, in this case you will not have to freeze if the cylinder is forgotten or did not have time to refuel. For regions with interruptions in gas supply, experts recommend choosing combined devices that run on all types of fuel: solid, liquid. The equipment is more expensive, but the positive properties quickly pay off the price of the units.

Important! Liquefied gas, coal, wood, fuel oil, diesel fuel are used as fuel for combined furnaces. The characteristics of the products are selected depending on the user's requirements.

Heat capacity of the furnace

The parameter differs in the ability of the structure to accumulate and release heat.

Ovens should be chosen for their intended purpose, that is, for continuous or intermittent operation:

  1. Ovens with a regular heating cycle are made of metal with thin walls and are not capable of storing energy. The advantage is fast and uniform heating of the room. The downside is the consumption of a large amount of fuel. But it is precisely the systems of a constant heating cycle that are more effective for periodically warming up a room. For example, if the house is used only during the season, and in winter the owners come only for the weekend, then a constant-heating gas oven will be more appropriate than all other units.
  2. Intermittent switching devices look like stationary ovens lined with bricks or heat-shielding reflective screens. The design works on automation, it turns on when the set temperature level in the room drops, and as soon as the air warms up to the desired parameter, the stove turns off.

Manufacturing material

The duration of operation of the device, the cost and heat capacity of the furnaces depend on the material of manufacture.

There are several types of equipment:

  • Cast iron gas stove for heating with a fire compartment door. The door can be made of fireproof glass, the firebox itself serves for supplying coal and firewood. The price of the device is high, the payback is fast, and the operation is very long.
  • Heat resistant or stainless steel construction. The advantages of the furnace are the efficiency of heating the room, the longest possible service life, and a relatively low cost. Minus only in low heat capacity.

Some craftsmen make gas ovens on their own, choosing sheets of iron of the desired thickness, then covering the oven with bricks. The equipment will last a little less than cast-iron models, and in terms of price and basic characteristics of the product, it is much better than some industrial designs. Minus - it is difficult for a beginner master without experience to cope with the task.

Types of ovens by purpose

The characteristic divides the units according to the type of work - in houses with permanent residence or irregular inclusions to supply heat. For year-round mansions, periodical devices are suitable, for rare visits - continuous heating cycle furnaces.

The main purpose of the unit is to supply heat to the premises. Depending on the requirements of the owner, devices can be with constant temperature support (automatic on / off) or quickly heat the room, but then require the participation of the owner to restart.

How to choose a gas stove for your home

What to look for:

  1. Power. The temperature indicator in the house depends on this parameter. The power of the burner, the heated area, the number of windows, doors, wall thickness, and the integrity of the roof are taken into account.
  2. Equipment. Manufacturers equip systems with adapters, which allows the unit to be connected to multiple fuel sources. But this design is suitable for houses no more than 2 floors in height, otherwise the efficiency of the system decreases.
  3. Method of generating heat. Furnaces with burners show higher productivity than catalytic ones. The latter are recommended to be installed in houses with a small area, the power of the catalytic furnace is not more than 4.9 kW.
  4. Burner type. The simplest is a single-stage burner, independent of the power supply, with automatic switching on and off of the device. Two-stage burner - a device operating in 2 modes, makes it possible to save up to 40% of the nominal value. This means that while there are no people in the house, the stove will operate in reduced mode, saving fuel. A continuously adjustable burner is expensive, but it allows you to quickly change the heat supply mode.
  5. Air supply to the furnace. The atmospheric ventilation of the combustion chamber is different, in which air is supplied in natural mode, the efficiency is 90%. And there can be an inflatable system, where air is forced, the efficiency is 95%.
  6. Fuel combustion chamber type. A gas stove with an open combustion chamber takes air from the room, but the exhaust gases also go into the room. The stoves are mobile, comfortable, but require good ventilation of the room. A closed chamber is a more practical option in which a chimney is equipped. Furnaces do not burn oxygen, so they are better suited for permanent homes.

If the gas stove in the house is equipped with an additional sensor that detects the level of carbon dioxide, the device will automatically turn off when the dangerous level is exceeded - this is very convenient when there are children in the family. It is strictly forbidden to purchase units that are not intended for installation in residential premises. Before purchasing, you need to request documents for the device, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.

We calculate the gas consumption

To determine the fuel consumption, you need to know two parameters: the power of the device and the heating area. The calculation is carried out as follows: 10 m2 of living space should have at least 1 kW of burner power. It is better if the gas stove works with a margin of 15-20%.

Now it is necessary to calculate: the generation of 1 kW of power requires 0.112 m3 of gas. That is, to heat a room of 50 m2, (5 kW x 0.112) 0.56 m3 of gas is required for 1 hour of operation of the unit. Having found the desired figure, it is easy to carry out calculations for the required volume of fuel per day, heating season. From the example given: 13.44 m3 of gas is required per day, 403 m3 of gas for one month of continuous operation of the furnace.

On a note! Taking into account the power reserve for a house of 100 m2, a stove with a capacity of at least 12 kW should be installed.

To heat a summer cottage with seasonal living, it is not always convenient to use an ordinary brick stove due to its bulkiness. A good option is a gas stove that can operate on both mains and liquefied gas.

Design features

The internal structure of gas stoves is very similar to conventional boilers. The only difference is how the operation takes place: unlike the boiler, the piping system is not supplied to the furnace. This allows you to get a very convenient way to use home heating. If necessary, the temperature in the house can be raised very quickly, without risking defrosting the circuit with a heat carrier liquid.

A gas stove for a summer residence, operating from main or cylinder fuel, includes a body, a firebox with a burner and a heating panel. Appliances designed for liquefied gas are installed in small houses. To heat large areas, their capacity is not enough. Natural gas heaters are capable of operating in various modes - both continuous and temporary. The operation of such a furnace is based on heating the walls of the firebox due to the combustion of gas. The combustion air enters through the blower. The upper area of ​​the firebox is equipped with a chimney designed to remove combustion products.

Benefits of using gas

Modern gas heaters for summer cottages and country houses are energy efficient heating systems. The strengths of this heating option come from the characteristics of the fuel used and the specifics of the equipment.

Gas heating has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness... It can be said without exaggeration that at present, in terms of safety and environmental friendliness, gas furnaces and boilers have no equal. For example, solid fuel counterparts are much more toxic.
  • High efficiency... Even very low temperatures do not prevent gas stoves from efficiently heating homes.
  • Profitability... This is especially noticeable in gasified areas where there is direct access to the main gas. In cases where there is no gas pipeline, there is an option with liquefied fuel in cylinders. Heating costs from this option remain insignificant.
  • Ease of operation... Having carried out the correct installation and connection of the device, in the future you can not worry about its serviceability.
  • Reliability and durability... Manufacturers of gas ovens give their products a 10 - 12 year warranty. Judging by user reviews, in practice this period is much longer.

Along with the strengths of summer cottages, gas stoves also have certain disadvantages:

  • High cost... The cheapness of gas as a fuel is somewhat offset by the high cost of equipment.
  • Complexity of installation... They should only be carried out by qualified specialists, as the slightest mistake can cause a serious accident. It is good if the case ends only with the failure of the heater. Sometimes there are cases when the premises and people suffer because of the explosion of the household gas.

Homemade stoves for summer cottages

One of the serious stopping factors, because of which many users do not dare to acquire a comfortable gas oven, is the high cost of such equipment. However, if you have certain skills in the construction business, this problem can be solved by reconstructing a conventional wood-burning brick oven. The alteration process itself is not very difficult: you need to put a burner in the firebox and make changes to the design of the chimney. This will allow you to switch to continuous operation, to maintain a stable temperature regime in the house.

Thanks to the additional installation of an automation kit, the once primitive stove is transformed into an autonomous heating device. If the draft suddenly disappears, the temperature rises greatly or there are interruptions in the gas supply, the fuses will trip, and the stove will stop working. The main difficulty of such a constructive solution lies in the laboriousness of the chimney alteration process.

For the technical feasibility of supplying gas, it is necessary to ensure a high-quality removal of combustion products, in accordance with the requirements of the gas service. Whether it is necessary to start such a complex enterprise in a dacha with seasonal living is up to the owner of the house. Judging by practical experience, it is more convenient to equip such houses with ready-made models.

What should be the chimney

When connecting chimneys to gas equipment, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. The chimney can provide operation of no more than two appliances. If two gas units are switched, they must be placed at different levels relative to each other at a distance of 50 cm.
  2. If both devices are located at the same level, incisions are made in the chimney.
  3. The diameter of the flue pipe must not be smaller than the cross-section of the connecting pipe.
  4. If you need to connect several devices, when determining the cross-section, it is assumed that all units will be turned on at the same time.
  5. The pipe must be sleeved to protect it from condensation: it has a destructive effect on the brickwork. This is done by installing a stainless pipe inside.
  6. Preference should be given to the cylindrical or oval shape of the chimney. As for the square structures, they are not able to create the effective thrust necessary for the proper operation of gas equipment.
  7. The chimney should only be in a vertical position: there should not be any protrusions on it. It is allowed to make a slight slope (up to 30 degrees), with strict observance of the section of the entire structure.

Prohibitions from SNiP:

  • Do not use porous materials for the manufacture of a chimney.
  • It is forbidden to lay pipes in residential or non-residential premises with poor ventilation.

To remodel the pipe of a normally wood-fired stove usually takes a lot of work.

Features of operation

If you connect a ready-made model to the line, then it can be used immediately. As for the alterations from a wood-burning stove, you have to take into account some of the nuances. The fact is that a firebox with wood involves the circulation of flue gases through the exhaust ducts: in this case, heat is transferred. This way the air in the room heats up as the oven heats up.

As a result of the reconstruction, the chimney is deprived of all internal channels, which provokes a decrease in heat accumulation. At first glance, this should lead to a decrease in efficiency. However, as experience shows, the efficiency of even such a home-made gas stove is an order of magnitude higher than that of modern solid-fuel devices. The same goes for a gas stove for a summer cottage with a cylinder. The reason is the fact that the firebox gets the opportunity to constantly burn, without pauses for loading fuel.

Factory products

Although converting a conventional brick wood stove to gas is a doable task, it is recommended to purchase finished products. Fortunately, manufacturers of such equipment offer a huge assortment to choose from. Each of the models has its own characteristics. A common property of all devices of this type is ease of use. Strictly speaking, to start operating the finished stove, you just need to connect it to a gas pipe (or cylinder) and bring the chimney.

In cases where retrofitting a brick chimney of a wood-burning stove is difficult, it can be replaced with a coaxial chimney. These heat engineering structures are allowed to be installed even in city apartments. Some high cost is characteristic of such products: this is fully compensated for by the efficiency and ease of use.

Both high-capacity and non-high-capacity models are available for sale. The first option will be an excellent solution for a summer residence that is visited irregularly in winter. Such a stove accumulates heat at the same level as an ordinary wood-burning stove. Cooling down of the heated surface usually takes 4 - 12 hours, depending on the model. As for non-heat-intensive stoves, these are the same stoves, only on gas. For such a device to work, a flame must constantly burn in it.

Gas heater - heater

Like electric convectors, gas heaters are equipped with automatic controls. She monitors the operation of the equipment, maintaining optimal temperature conditions. Most often they are used in small summer cottages up to 60 m 2. Gas heaters are characterized by safety and efficiency, which allows you to heat a home at a high speed, maintaining the desired temperature in it. Moreover, they do not need constant supervision, because in the event of critical situations, the equipment is simply turned off.

The solution to the problem of heating a summer cottage depends on a number of key points. It is necessary to determine the seasonality of the heating system, the type of fuel used, the nature of residence (partial or full residence). In any case, the same requirements are imposed on the heat source:

  • fuel availability;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost.

Depending on which parameters are priority, a specific heater model is selected. The first step is to decide on the type of fuel.

Gas heat source

Gas benefits

Natural gas, as a type of heating fuel, has come to be used relatively recently. Gradually, due to its qualities, it began to displace such traditional energy sources as firewood, coal, peat. The popularity of gas applications is due to the huge reserves in our country and excellent technical characteristics.

Any combustion is a chemical reaction. The inevitable release of by-products, which can be represented by toxic substances. In the case of gas combustion, such products are carbon dioxide with water in the form of steam. Therefore, in environmental terms, this type of fuel is considered the cleanest.

There are many ways to improve the efficiency of a heating device. But none of them will allow you to achieve the efficiency indicators that gas equipment has.

Small heating device

Under any circumstances that determine the use of bottled gas or from a common line, it is a fairly economical fuel, in terms of volume or total cost. Despite the many permits from the controlling organization for the installation and start-up of gas equipment, in technical terms, the installation is distinguished by its ease of installation.

A significant advantage is the fact that the operation of equipment operating on natural gas always takes longer than stated by the manufacturer.

The device and types of gas ovens

The heat generator using the specified type of fuel is a gas heating stove for summer cottages. The limitation on the area of ​​the heated room is due to the fact that such an oven does not have a water circuit. Heat supply is carried out by infrared radiation and convection movement of warm air.

Small stove for home use

Externally, a gas stove is no different from a boiler. It has a metal (steel or cast iron) body, a firebox with a burner, a chimney and automatic regulation system. It is rather difficult to compile a single classification of devices, therefore all models are divided in several ways according to a specific criterion.

  • According to the principle of energy release and transfer, furnaces are divided into models with a circuit and without a circuit, open or closed type. An important factor is the frequency and duration of residence in the house.
  • The heat capacity of the material from which the gas stove is made for a summer residence affects the nature of its use. So, for quick heating of the room during a temporary stay, a steel structure is considered more suitable. Its heat capacity is low and ensures the transfer of energy through the walls without a time delay. The cast-iron model is viewed from the opposite side. Cast iron is capable of storing energy. This leads to efficient heating of the air in the house with continuous operation of the stove.
  • The methods for controlling the burner operation determine the types of furnaces. A simple single-stage burner is considered the most reliable because of its simplicity of design. It does not require energy consumption, but allows you to turn on or off the gas supply. The two-stage burner allows switching to economy mode. There are options with a smooth change in the flame power.
  • By the method of air supply, they distinguish between stoves with natural circulation and forced ones, in which special pumps are used. With the implementation of forced circulation, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the furnace by several units.
  • Each gas heater for a summer residence has to be started initially. Depending on the method of ignition and the manipulations performed for this, models with an electrical system and a system based on the piezoelectric effect can be distinguished.

Every year summer residents ask themselves about the insulation of their house, because in addition to the warm summer, there is rainy autumn and spring, and some people like to relax in nature in winter. Therefore, a gas stove for heating a summer cottage will be simply necessary.

Types of gas ovens

But before you buy a gas oven with a cylinder, you need to understand their variety and understand which one is right for you.

A gas stove is a one-piece factory structure in a metal case, all its characteristics must be calculated taking into account the design of the house and the final purposes of use.

Since there are a great many gas ovens, their varieties and features will be sorted out in order.

  1. By the way of generating heat:
  • the presence of a combustion chamber,
  • presence of a heat exchanger
  • for occasional use,
  • for permanent use.

  1. By the heat capacity of the furnace:

A modern gas stove for a summer cottage with a cylinder is not much different from its predecessors - wood stoves. The principle of operation is still based on air circulation in the room and its warming up.

Methods for generating heat in a gas oven.

The difference in the method of generating heat is as follows: in the presence of a heat exchanger (a bent metal heat-resistant pipe, which looks like a heater and performs its functions), the surrounding air heats up next to it, otherwise the walls of the combustion chamber are heated, and through the holes warm air heats the outer casing ovens and the surrounding area. In fact, the methods are similar and a furnace with a combustion chamber in its simplicity, and, accordingly, low cost will suit a larger contingent.

Heat capacity of a summer cottage.

The heat capacity of the furnace depends entirely on the needs of the consumer. If a person does not need constant heating and uses the stove from time to time (it is important for those who come to the country house and feel the need for prompt ignition and cooling of the stove). For such people, periodical furnaces are suitable, since they have thin walls, then the heating of the air, as well as the cooling of the gas furnace itself, will occur several times faster. This type of stove was named for "Continuous" use because it is necessary to constantly maintain the fire in the combustion chamber to maintain the desired temperature.

Furnace systems of periodic kindling are used for permanent residence or for a bath, since they do not require a constant supply of fuel and retain heat for a long time. Such stoves are lined with clay bricks, air pockets are made, it is convenient to decorate such a stove under a fireplace, which will delight the eye on cold evenings. Before opting for one of the types of gas stoves for your summer cottage, you can see reviews for each of its types.

Choosing a gas burner for a heating system

The slide is the basis of any gas oven, efficiency will depend on it (in other words, how much heat will be released over a certain period of time). Furnace functionality, room heating, safety of use and economy. The heating zone is usually installed from the front side, where the door of the wood-burning stove is usually located. The burners themselves are subdivided into:

  1. Various levels of thermal power management:
  • Single-stage - it is only possible to turn on and off the fuel supply.
  • Two-stage - can be switched between normal mode (single-stage) and economical (50-40% of fuel supply).

  • Variable regulation - the ability to fully regulate the fuel supply from 10 to 100%.
  • Air blowing occurs under the action of traction without the help of an electrician.
  • With the help of electricity - a fan, or an air pump blows air. The advantage is the increased efficiency. Of the minuses, it depends on a constant power supply.
  • Electric ignition, its advantage is the absence of a constantly burning fuse, but since it is directly dependent on electricity, it may not suit all users.
  • Piezo ignition. Has one big advantage, which is the permanent connection to the mains.
  1. The method of supplying air to the burner is also different:
  1. For convenience, two ways have been invented to ignite a gas oven:

In order for the heating system of a gas oven in summer cottages to work more efficiently, a flame distributor can be used. Since the installation of gas equipment is an occupation with an increased risk to life, it is imperative to consult a specialist in this matter. In the matter of the final choice of a gas burner, you can refer to the reviews of experienced users, who will fully reveal all sides of this issue.

The final choice of the type of gas stove with a cylinder for your summer cottage.

First of all, you need to think about functionality and efficiency. Of course, a gas ceramic stove for a summer cottage, an Italian fireplace or an infrared stove will look beautiful and delight both the owners themselves and their guests. You can see this in the photo. However, it is worth remembering that functionality should come first in this matter, for example, an infrared stove or an Italian fireplace heats a smaller area (has a low efficiency).

A stove trimmed with marble or under a fireplace looks quite beautiful, but it also requires more careful maintenance. A gas heating stove for summer cottages first of all simplifies the process of heating the room, because in order to warm a house with an ordinary wood stove, you need to have a supply of the latter and a certain time for kindling. But do not forget that if the house is not supplied with gas, then you will need to monitor the amount of gas in the cylinder and replenish it regularly. It is also necessary to set aside a safe place for the cylinder itself.

Reviews about gas ovens for summer cottages will help you determine not only the components for your oven, but also help build an objective picture of each type of operation. Again, you can find out from other users where it is better to purchase this product. A gas heating stove for a summer residence will help you look at gardening and outdoor activities in the rainy and winter seasons from the other side. And this video will help you make the final decision.

How household gas burners are used for heating

Having provided reliable heating of the premises, you can not worry about the temperature in the premises in winter. First of all, you need to choose a pipe layout and decide on the type of boiler, the most common of which are gas.

In this case, it is important to decide how much the circuit is preferable to have, what kind of combustion chamber will be. And one of the determining factors influencing the choice will be the selection of a gas burner, which is the heart of any domestic heating. It is she who determines the operational and environmental qualities of the heater.

Purpose and requirements

In order to ensure a continuous combustion process, the gas must be mixed with oxygen. A burner is a piece of equipment to which gas is supplied, mixed with atmospheric air, ignited and burned, ensuring an even distribution of the flame.

Heating gas burner

For the normal functioning of the device, certain requirements must be implemented in it:

  • Sufficient oxygen saturation of the gas;
  • Completeness of combustion of the resulting mixture under various loads;
  • Heating up to the ignition temperature and reliable ignition, obtained by means of electric or piezo ignition;
  • Good assembly and operational qualities, ensuring reliable and long-term operation;
  • Quiet operation and no vibration;
  • Minimum amount of toxic emissions from combustion.

Infrared heating

For heating residential cottages and various utility rooms, you can use gas burners that produce heating using infrared rays. More powerful appliances are installed in homes, garages or sheds. For small tents or awnings, economical compact devices are suitable. Heating occurs due to infrared radiation of embedded metal or ceramic plates, incandescent when burning gas.

Heating principle

A feature of such burners is that the heating is directed to objects located in the room, walls, floor, and the air is heated by secondary heat from heated objects. Such devices allow heating the entire room or a specific area to which the radiation is directed. Heating of open areas, sidewalks or buildings will be equally effective.

Double block burner

Heating is done almost instantly and has no inertia. After switching on, a feeling of comfort comes, which allows you to use the devices for several hours a day.

The great efficiency of infrared devices is due to the fact that when exposed to human skin, infrared rays cause improved blood circulation, due to which, in order to create comfortable conditions, the temperature in the room can be maintained 1-2 degrees C lower than with conventional heating.


Any gas burner should consist of the following main parts:

Household gas burners

  • gas supply points;
  • branched gas pipelines, allowing the connection of devices at various points in the room;
  • fuel metering unit, shut-off valves;
  • burner;
  • automation. providing ignition and control.

Such devices are equally effective when working on natural and liquefied gas. To change the type of fuel, it is enough to change the nozzle and switch the gas supply line.

In rooms where it is not rational to ensure the constant presence of people controlling the operation of the apparatus, it should be automated as much as possible and it is imperative to install a system for turning off the gas supply if the flame goes out.

Gas oven for summer cottages with a cylinder

When heating with gas burners, an increase or decrease in the number of switched on devices is used to regulate heat transfer.

What should be considered when calculating the heating system?

First you need to determine what area will be heated using stationary gas burners. It should be borne in mind that the radiation intensity permissible for a person depends on the temperature in the room. These values ​​are determined empirically, calculated by formulas and entered in the table.

Dependence of the permissible range of IR radiation on temperature

Based on materials from the site:

Heating a summer cottage with gas cylinders using convectors and boilers, advantages and efficiency

Dacha ... Someone associates this word with physical work, someone else - with rest and a wonderful place to travel. But in any case, sooner or later the owners of the suburban buildings face a solution to the issue of creating comfortable climatic conditions in the cold season. Stoves more and more remain in the last century, but heating a summer cottage with a gas cylinder, boiler or convector is becoming more and more popular.

Gas is a powerful energy carrier that has been and remains the most relevant and efficient energy resource.

In arranging gas heating in the country, you can use:

  • boiler;
  • cylinders;
  • convectors.

Gas boiler

The laid gas line allows you to create a heating system using a boiler. In this case, it is important to determine the power of the unit itself. Approximately 1.7 kW of power is required for heating 1 sq. m of premises (this is with a margin). With a dacha area of ​​30 sq. m to handle a gas boiler of 51 kW.

There are floor-standing and wall-mounted boilers.

Gas heater for summer cottages

Floor standing ones are more suitable for large summer cottages with frequent attendance, they do not depend on electricity, but they take up a lot of territory and require additional equipment. Wall-mounted units are compact, easy to operate, almost all models are double-circuit (they heat domestic water in parallel), but have low durability.

Gas heating of a summer cottage with a boiler requires the construction of a boiler room (Figure 1). It is not necessary to build a separate building for this, you can also use part of some kind of dacha room.

For autonomous heating of the summer cottage you will need:

  • pipes for coolant;
  • radiators;
  • chimney;
  • pump for water circulation and others.

The advantages of this heating system:

  • autonomous work;
  • simple use;
  • saving;
  • stable fuel pressure.

Gas cylinders in the country and a boiler

Many territories, including summer cottages, are far from gas pipelines. Gas cylinders are a good option for building a heating system in your home.

The whole system is quite complex and includes:

  • boiler;
  • cylinders;
  • reduced gas burner;
  • pipeline fittings;
  • gas pipeline.

The choice of the boiler is carried out in the same way as in the case of the gas main.

But there are three important differences in choosing a boiler:

  • replacement of the "native" burner with one that runs on reduced gas cylinders;
  • choose a unit with low pressure to obtain high gas utilization from cylinders;
  • the highest possible efficiency (in the case of using the trunk, it is not so important).

It is advisable to attach several cylinders to the boiler in order to "mess around" with them less often. Gas heating with cylinders in the country requires special safety measures: it is important to install them in some warm building, but not in the basement. If the cylinders are installed outside, the fuel pressure will decrease, which will turn off the boiler burner operation. And if the installation is carried out in the basement or near living rooms, then the dangers lie in a possible fuel leak and the consequences.

Storage of gas cylinders in the country should be carried out in a separate room (Fig. 2), where there is both a ventilation system and a flat concrete floor.

Approximately, for 1 month of heating the cottage, you will need 2 cylinders for an area of ​​50 sq. m., and for 100 sq. m - 3 cylinders.

Gas convectors in the country

Gas convectors have a number of advantages over other heating devices (boiler, wiring, pump).


  • energy saving;
  • no additional equipment;
  • easy installation;
  • does not need electricity;
  • does not burn oxygen.

The equipment works automatically, keeping to the set heat temperature. This heating method only requires control and replacement of gas cylinders.

In the metal heat exchanger of the structure there is a chamber in which the reduced fuel is burned. The combustion products are discharged outside by the chimney. These devices are often equipped with fans, which help to heat the premises as soon as possible. The gas convector (Fig. 3) can operate from a gas main or from cylinders with reduced gas. The convector saves 50% of the energy carrier, unlike other similar heating systems.

Convectors do an excellent job of heating a small area, each separate room implies the installation of the unit, which is not entirely economical in terms of installation. Among the heaters for temporary housing, convectors remain the leaders due to their safety, efficiency and low price.

Heating for a summer house without gas is possible using solid fuel boilers, stoves, electricity, solar and wind energy, as well as geothermal heating. The choice is wide enough, so everyone has the opportunity to choose the best option for their capabilities and needs.

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Gas heater for summer cottages

In a country house, the most commonly used is a catalytic gas heater. The peculiarity of the device lies in the flameless operation mode, although in fact there is a fire.

Gas stove for giving under a cylinder: the right choice and safe operation

But the power of the flame does not affect the working efficiency. The fireplace gained popularity due to its low fuel consumption and efficient efficiency. The ceramic gas heater distributes heat to objects through the ceramic panel. The fireplace is equipped with 1-3 operating modes. The principle of heat generation and release is similar to street appliances. The difference is in appearance, power.

Outdoor gas heater

The task of street heaters is to provide heat to objects and things located nearby. So a gas infrared heater increases the temperature by 13C0-15C0 at a distance of 5 meters in diameter. Convenient for use during cool hours of the day, year, when work on the site or completion of construction is urgent. Indispensable during outdoor holidays. If necessary, install 2 or 3 structures. The device is adapted for operation in any weather - it is not afraid of rain, snow, wind. In case of careless use, for example, in the event of a fall, the protection system shuts off the gas supply. The technique turns off automatically without harming others.

Gas infrared burner

A compact, small-sized device - a gas burner is used not only to heat a summer cottage, but also a garage, a barn, a greenhouse, and other small rooms. Will help out when you need to finish finishing work in the house. Fans of winter fishing or hunting fell in love with the heater for its light weight, economy, ease of transportation and the ability to cook food.
Many models of heaters are equipped with a fuel leakage control system that prevents odor and poisoning. This allows you to safely spend the night in tents. Depending on the tasks set, a gas cylinder of the required volume is installed.

Gas convector

The gas convector is an autonomous room heater. For normal operation, requires the installation of an outdoor air intake. An exhaust outlet is also required. The equipment is easily mounted (dismantled) to the wall and does not take up floor space. Effectively copes with heating even in cold weather.
In addition, inexpensive imported installations are different:

  • cost-effective when compared with similar electrical options;
  • compactness;
  • nice design;
  • ease of management.

A gas heater for summer cottages is the most convenient, economical means for safe work and rest.

Indoor temperature during the cold season is an important factor affecting the comfort of people staying in it. Currently, not all non-residential and industrial buildings have a centralized heating system.

Therefore, the owners of warehouse and other unheated facilities have to think about how to organize autonomous heating in them. Most often, various types of air heaters are used for these purposes.

In many cases, a gas cannon is the best option for heating your home. According to some indicators, it has a number of advantages over other types of heat generators, which makes its use more rational.

  1. Scope of heaters
  2. Criteria for choosing a reliable model
  3. Advantages and advantages of gas units
  4. Review of the best models
  5. Conclusion

Equipment scope

Application area

Heat gas guns are very often used in construction.

You cannot do without them in cases where strict adherence to certain climatic parameters is required when performing certain types of construction work, for example, concreting. Gas heaters are also used to dry walls and ceilings when preparing sites for further work after a winter downtime or after heavy and prolonged rainfall.

This equipment is used to heat large industrial buildings and warehouses.

In the interior space of such objects, significant air flows and drafts are always observed, which makes the installation of conventional heating devices ineffective. But heat guns are able not only to quickly heat the air to the desired temperature, but also to hold it for the required time.

The equipment is also used to create a comfortable environment in spacious offices, on large areas of large shopping centers, in auto repair shops, garages, aircraft hangars, greenhouses. Heat guns are indispensable in places where there is a problem with keeping heat in the usual way. The main function of the devices is heating and technological drying.

What to look for when choosing

Before purchasing a heat gun, you should decide on some points. First of all, you need to decide which heater you need: stationary or mobile? The first type of equipment requires special installation with the involvement of professionally trained workers in the installation work. Mobile units can be operated by any person who has read the instructions for their operation.

We watch the video, aspects of the selection of equipment:

An important factor is the type of fuel used by the heater. Is a gas cannon really necessary for heating the used premises in a particular case? It may be more effective to use a diesel or electric heat gun. In some cases, a waste oil device may be a better option.

Another question to be answered is whether the equipment will serve to completely heat the room or only to generate additional heat?

Experts say that the most economical and efficient are gas appliances with a capacity of 150 kW.

Features of heat guns

This is a powerful climatic equipment capable of quickly and efficiently heating large areas.

Gas oven Lux 4.2 kW

This type of technique allows you to set a comfortable temperature in the room in a matter of minutes. It does not require a long preparation, immediately after switching on the device starts supplying heat. This feature is what determines the high popularity of the use of devices.

Structurally, gas cannons consist, like all heaters, of:

  1. Housings;
  2. Fan;
  3. Heating element.

The difference is the high power of the fan. It is thanks to this factor that the equipment so effectively copes with its task in an extremely short period of work. The fan very quickly drives air through the heating elements and a powerful heat flow is obtained at the exit from the device.

Another difference from a household heater is not a plastic, but a metal case. This is due to the high temperature inside the heat gun. The plastic may melt. Moreover, the device needs a strong shell to work in open space.

Gas cannon design

Some models have a thermostat or other controls. Gas cannons with such a system, the price of which is slightly higher than conventional counterparts, are not only convenient in operation, but also have a high level of safety. Thanks to the presence of control devices, it is possible to regulate the air temperature and monitor the heating of the unit itself.

It should be noted that the gas cannon is not as mobile as other analogues, but it is not at all expensive to buy it.

In addition, the equipment is very economical and will solve the problem of heating in rooms where there is no conventional heating system.

The devices operate on natural or liquefied gas, and the presence of highways is not necessary at all. Used as a fuel, propane or butane is sold in cylinders. Filling the heat gun with liquefied gas can be carried out at a gas station. They consume very little electricity, it is only needed for the fan and thermostat. The complexity of the design is consistent with the cost of the device.

The disadvantage of equipment is considered to be attachment to the fuel source, which makes it less mobile.

Review of popular products

Baloo brand model

In the domestic market, the most popular are products of the brands:

  • Proterm;
  • Sile;
  • Profheat;
  • Master;
  • Krol;
  • Baloo.

The price of a device depends on its technical characteristics, including power and heating radius. Affects the cost and availability of control devices and the level of security. Brand promotion also plays a role. If products from Russian manufacturers can be purchased for 4-5 thousand rubles, then you will have to pay almost twice as much for an imported analogue. The cost of powerful heat guns used in construction and industry can reach several tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

We watch a video review of Master brand products:

Heat guns Master are especially popular. They do an excellent job of heating greenhouses, industrial premises, warehouses. They are widely used in construction work. A distinctive feature of the equipment of this brand is excellent performance, high reliability, simplicity and ease of use. For all models, the manufacturer has established a warranty period of 1 year.

Summing up

Gas heating guns have excellent consumer reviews. They are effective modern climatic equipment capable of heating any room in a short period of time and maintaining the required air temperature in it for a long period.

To increase safety, the heaters are equipped with additional protection of the body against overheating and flame control devices. This avoids accidents and a possible fire. Today, this equipment enjoys well-deserved popularity, as it is one of the most successful ways to install and maintain a comfortable temperature in rooms with a large area.

Quite often, they live in a country house not only in summer, but also in the cold season. And then there is a quick need to solve the problem with its heating.

The installation of a traditional heating system consisting of pipes, radiators, and a boiler is not always justified. It is much more convenient and less expensive to use mobile devices.

Portable vehicles can use both liquid fuel or natural gas and electricity as a source of energy. One of the most popular is a gas heater for summer cottages, which provides a decent result at low cost. Nowadays, using electricity to heat a house is too expensive and not everyone can afford it. Conventional stove heating requires some tedious and uncontested operations.

  1. A little about the gas unit
  2. All the pros and cons of the equipment
  3. Principle of operation
  4. Types and its application
  5. Model tips

General information about the unit

Household portable gas heaters for summer cottages are one of the types of heating equipment that burns natural or liquefied gas.

The design of the apparatus includes the following main elements:

  • Burner;
  • Heating segment;
  • Heat exchanger.

To facilitate operation, the devices are additionally equipped with control devices:

  • Thermostat;
  • Ignition system;
  • Automation.

Depending on the organization of heat transfer, heaters are divided into several types:

  1. Convection;
  2. Infrared;
  3. Catalytic.

Most of the units are designed for space heating, but there are also outdoor options for use in special conditions. A mobile gas heater for summer cottages can be of any type listed above. Each of them has specific features and disadvantages. But there is also something in common for all devices.

The main advantage of this heating equipment is its high efficiency factor. Other advantages include autonomy and ease of maintenance.

Advantages and advantages of gas units

The principle of operation of an infrared device is based on the release of radiation, with the help of which objects located nearby are first heated, and they subsequently give up their heat to the surrounding air. Such devices can be used both as additional heating equipment and as the main one.

The main advantages of infrared devices are:

  1. Heating speed:
  2. Heating uniformity;
  3. Compactness;
  4. Profitability;
  5. Environmental friendliness.

The device is practically devoid of disadvantages, except for the restrictions associated with the implementation of fire safety rules. The equipment is ideal for heating rooms with low ceilings. At the dacha, street gas heaters can be used to heat the air on open terraces, in gazebos. The devices are popular because of their efficiency and ease of use.

We watch a video about the types and their advantages:

The catalytic heater works on the principle of combustion without an open flame. Heat is generated when the fuel is oxidized. The oxidation reaction takes place on the surface of the catalyst. Such combustion is characterized by high thermal efficiency and environmental safety.

Possessing many advantages, for example, the quietness of the combustion process and the speed of warming up the room, catalytic units are comparable to infrared.

But still the most popular among domestic consumers are convector gas mobile heaters for summer cottages. Therefore, we will dwell on the features of this equipment in more detail.

How gas convectors work

The device belongs to the gas air heating equipment widely used in our country. Its functioning is based on the principle of convection, the essence of which is the dissipation of heat obtained during the combustion of fuel in a heated room.

Its main advantages are:

  • Simplicity of construction;
  • Reliability;
  • Acceptable cost.

The disadvantage of the device is the need to equip the removal of fuel combustion products from the room. And although the efficiency of convectors is lower than that of the catalytic and infrared analogs described above, nevertheless, the presence of many advantages and the availability of cheap fuel predetermined their popularity.

This type of heating equipment is represented by both portable devices powered by gas from cylinders, and standard ones that are connected to the main network.

Stationary home heating

The converter differs from other heating devices in that its combustion chamber is isolated from the room. Air comes directly from the street through a special pipe. Combustion products are also removed through it. Unlike a conventional boiler, the gas in the apparatus is heated not by the circuit with the coolant, but directly by the combustion chamber, the body of which is made of cast iron or steel and blown with air. The boiler must be fired constantly in order to heat the coolant and maintain a certain temperature in the radiators, otherwise the water in the pipes may freeze, which will lead to an emergency.

A gas converter heater for a summer cottage without a chimney can be heated only when necessary, at the request of the homeowner. He is not threatened with freezing of the coolant, because there is simply no such in the device.

The device can be wall-mounted, which is quite simple. A through groove is broken through and a pipe from the converter is inserted into it. There is no need to create an additional chimney. There are also floor-standing converter gas heaters for summer cottages. These devices are extremely powerful. But they are characterized by high fuel consumption and the need to connect to the central highway.

Gas heaters

In this regard, using them for summer cottage heating in small areas is not economically viable.

Portable gas converter cylinder heater

Portable devices are distinguished by the fact that they are powered by fuel, which is located in a special container located in the body itself. This ensures their mobility.

The devices can be installed anywhere, both in the house and on the open terrace. Fuel enters the combustion chamber in small portions. In this regard, the devices are very economical.

But any gas converter heater for a summer cottage with a cylinder has two weak points that must be considered when choosing this equipment. Firstly, the device has a low performance. Today, manufacturers are introducing various innovations trying to increase the efficiency of the device. Secondly, such devices have a limited supply of fuel.

Heat gun

This version of the country heater is the most powerful. It is a large pipe with a built-in fan, the blades of which are made of ceramic. Inside the body there are annular tubular inserts equipped with nozzles. The incoming gas burns above them and, as a result, all the heat tends to the center of the pipe, from where it is blown out by a powerful fan. A heat gun can heat part of the airspace outdoors, even in severe cold.

It is not recommended to use such devices indoors, as they consume a lot of oxygen. But due to their high performance, the devices are the best suited for heating tents or open areas.

What should you choose?

To summarize, we can advise the following:

  • If you need a device that will be used regularly, then it is better to choose a gas convector.
  • For heating small rooms, you should choose a catalytic apparatus.
  • Having decided to heat the entire dacha with a device, you need to purchase an infrared heater.
  • If necessary, sometimes they buy a heat gun to heat a gazebo or a pavilion.

So the first step is to decide how the equipment will be used, and then choose a model that meets certain requirements.

In a country house or a full-fledged private one, if you do not live in it all year round or there are no central heating pipes nearby to connect a building to them, then installing a compact gas heater is a suitable option. It will come in handy during the cold season from time to time. Cool weather happens in summer too. Gas summer cottages come in handy when you need to dry the room. It is too labor-intensive to start the construction of a full-fledged heating circuit if the house is small. cylinder-powered, easy to move from place to place, is much better suited for such conditions. Most often, units operating on natural gas are purchased as a portable heat source.

The basic equipment of the average of the body, burner, heat exchanger, heating element and gas cylinder. In addition, the heater is equipped with a thermostat and an automated gas shut-off mechanism.

Buyers choose gas heaters for a low price, compactness, clear operating principle and good efficiency. There are the following types of gas heaters:

  1. Gas catalytic heater
  2. Infrared device

Heating devices are divided into outdoor and indoor devices.

Italian gas convector for summer cottages

This type of heater resembles a typical battery, it is also placed under the window opening. Natural gas convectors use both gas from a gas pipeline and a liquefied version as fuel. The gas burns in an insulated container, heating the air separating the chamber from the body of the apparatus. The convector heats up a small room in a matter of minutes, which is convenient if the country house is visited in cool weather, and there is a need to quickly warm up the room. The convector independently maintains the required temperature regime. When the required heating temperature is reached, the combustion becomes less intense. If the fire is extinguished, the protective system is triggered and the device shuts down.

Catalytic gas heater

This type of device is powered by gas or petrol. It can be used to heat a room of any size: from a small hut to a large warehouse. Heat is generated by a catalytic combustion process. It is distinguished by the absence of flames and any sounds, but at the same time by the active release of a large amount of heat. Heat is generated due to the oxidation of the fuel trapped on the surface of the panel. The catalyst, which is part of the surface material, provokes oxidation. All processes take place on the solid surface of the panel without flowing into gaseous forms.

Such devices are safe, not subject to spontaneous combustion, do not pollute the environment.

The heating element of the catalytic heater is a catalytic panel made of fiberglass with the addition of platinum. At the moment, instead of platinum, more topical catalysts are used, which promote deep oxidation and not. Some models are equipped with a fan heater in order to increase the power. A gas heater can quickly heat up the air in a room.

In terms of their characteristics, catalytic devices are close to infrared heating devices. They are inferior to them in the speed of warming up the room, but they are silent.

Infrared model with thermostat and ceramic burner: from cylinder and main

Infrared or powered by a gas pipeline. Models with an infrared ceramic gas burner differ from other infrared devices by the presence of an open flame during operation. Such devices serve for a long time and heat effectively, in a short time evenly filling the entire room with heat. Despite such attractive characteristics, the gas ceramic heater is not the most popular one. The reason is the high price. But the burner is worth it: it is independent of electricity, does not dry the air in the room, and is easy to install.

The infrared device is suitable for heating large-scale premises: hangars, hypermarkets. There is a wide range of devices on the market with various configurations and mounts. It is not difficult to find an infrared ceramic gas heater that fits perfectly into the interior and meets all technical requirements. Such a heater can be installed both on the floor, and on the wall or ceiling.

Radiation generated on the surface of the heating element. If other heaters for summer cottages warm the air itself, then infrared equipment heats objects in the room, which then give off heat to the room itself.

At the dacha, an infrared heater is doubly convenient: it can be used not only at home, but also placed in a gazebo to warm it up in cool weather.

Most outdoor heaters used in cafes or bus stops are infrared

Street gas heater Foreman: an inexpensive option

An outdoor heater is indispensable for those who like to spend a lot of time outdoors, have picnics, and grill kebabs over an open fire. With such a device, you can not deny yourself the pleasure of being outside even in very cool weather, and extend the summer season. Externally, a street gas heater resembles a street lighting pole. The fuel is stored in a tank located at the base of the structure. It is filled with gas as needed.

Outdoor heat sources are used not only in summer cottages, but also on summer verandas of cafes, children's play areas in the fresh air.

In addition to full-fledged outdoor heaters, there is a portable gas heater. Most often, there are compact devices of the kovea brand. The compact gas heater is ideal for a tent to keep warm while fishing or hunting. The firm also manufactures other tourism products such as an infrared stove for outdoor cooking.

Gas cylinder stove: Chinese and other options

A gas stove for a summer cottage with a cylinder is a good alternative to the classic brick stove. According to the principle of operation, such a device resembles a gas boiler. The design of the stove includes: a burner with a firebox, a heating shield and the body itself.

There may be several reasons to put gas stoves in the country:

  • She quickly warms up the room
  • No need to clean chimney pipes, unlike a brick oven
  • Temperature can be adjusted
  • Easy to rearrange to another location if needed
  • Safe to operate
  • Does not require electricity
Such an oven can work continuously or as needed.

Models are heat-intensive and not heat-intensive. Heat-consuming ones accumulate heat in themselves, cooling down more slowly.

Rules for choosing the best heater: price and quality

The main thing when choosing a heater is to correctly calculate the required power. Traditionally, when determining this parameter, a standard flow rate is used: 1 kW per 10 sq. m. It is better to add a little more in reserve to the number obtained when calculating. To cover the heat loss that will involuntarily arise during the operation of the heater.

Direct or indirect heating. The type of heating depends on whether the device will take air directly from the room and release the products that arise during combustion into it, or the unit implies the removal of combustion products. Ventilation is required for direct heating. They are not recommended for indoor use.

It is important to make sure that it is possible to conveniently connect the heater to the network. If the unit operates on cylinders, then cylinders are purchased with it, their compatibility with the device is checked.

Additional features. The presence of a thermostat, an emergency shutdown mechanism for the gas supply is what you should keep in mind when buying. Some devices work with multiple fuel options. The protective algorithm takes into account several factors independently of each other: the tilt of the device, the flame level, the cut off of the fuel supply.


A gas heater for a summer cottage is a great way to heat a room.