The procedure for plastering walls in a new house. How to plaster walls: basic rules and secrets

Performing any in a private house or apartment, each home master faced with the need to plaster the walls. If he is not a beginner in this business, then such work will not constitute any problems. But what about those for whom this action is full of uncertainty? In fact, the process is extremely simple, and today we will try to prove it. After all, only at first glance everything seems quite complicated - to align the walls, corners. Today we will provide a novice master with a video on how to plaster walls for a beginner with his own hands, as well as introduce you to the advice of professionals. After all, it was the first time they ever did this kind of work.

If we talk in general, then the question of what is the difference between plaster and can be answered like this ... in our time, it is almost impossible to find differences! Modern plaster mixtures practically do not require "finishing" processing. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that after processing finishing putty surfaces are still smoother.

Important advice! If in doubt what to apply, it is best to determine how thick the layer on the surface will be. Up to 10 mm, it is quite possible to use putty, over 10 mm - only plaster.

How to plaster walls correctly: technology and some nuances

In order for everything to work out as planned, it is necessary to follow the rules when plastering the walls, which we will talk about now. The main task is to prepare the surface for work, which may vary depending on the material of the wall or ceiling. For example, such an operation as "reinforcing" for a wooden wall is limited to stuffing laths in the form of a grid, which is called shingles. For concrete surface notches at least 3 mm deep are required. Well, a brick wall requires sampling the mortar from the seams by the same 3 mm.

The preparation process also includes cleaning and priming the walls. After all, no one wants all the work done to come to naught. It is the primer that provides good adhesion. It seems to hold together the remnants of dust that could not be swept from the surface. Moreover, if a deep penetration primer is used, then adhesion will be better.

It is preparation that is the stage at which all masters converge, we will dwell on it in more detail. But the plaster itself is done differently by each of the masters. The point is that each of those who this moment is a professional in his field, at the beginning of the work he tried many ways and only then settled on one that was convenient for him. We hope that in today's article we will be able to talk about many of them. Of course, they do not have fundamental differences, but they differ in details. We offer the dear reader another video showing how the walls:

What tool is needed for wall plastering

Let's try to figure it out. Do not forget that you need to prepare the surface for work. So, in addition to the plasterer, we need something else. But it all depends on the surface with which you have to work. As for the plasterer's tool, here you need to have the following on hand:

Required tool Its purpose
Special mixer with attachmentThe fact is that the plaster mixtures are not manually mixed. Of course, instead of a mixer, you can also use a perforator, but working with it is not so convenient. In addition, it is not designed to work with nozzles and can quickly fail.
Steel profiles - beaconsThey are used for smooth application of plaster
Beacons-cornersWith their help, it is quite easy to align the corners, both internal and external.
Rule for plasterIt represents a special aluminum profile, which can also be equipped with a mounting level, which is also necessary. It is used for "stretching" plaster. The length can be from 0.5 to 2.5 m
Metal shearsThey cut beacons and corners to the desired size
RouletteYou probably don't need to explain how to use it.
plumb lineIt is a load on a string. Such a tool will perfectly show the vertical
Spatula and steel trowelThe trowel is a small steel rectangle. It's probably not worth talking about the spatula
BucketPreferably plastic, it is easier to clean from plaster dried on the walls

Of course, we should not forget about plaster mixes.

How to mix mortar from a dry mix

Usually this action does not cause special questions, but still it is impossible not to mention it. When buying a particular mixture, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions on the package. There is no single recipe for making plaster. After all, each manufacturer adds its own ingredients. All that is required for mixing is water. And how much to add is already written in the instructions. After adding water, the mixture is stirred and left for a while. After, having mixed again, it is already possible to plaster the walls with your own hands.

Important! Proper mixing of plaster is a very important component of a good result. That is why you can not add more or less water to the mixture than indicated by the manufacturer. If the mass is too thick, it will be impossible to apply the plaster evenly. If it is liquid, it will simply flow down during drying.

How important is the preparation of walls for plaster and how to do it

Preparing walls for plastering important point. It must be understood that with poor preparation, it is possible for the plaster to peel off after a certain time. Surely no one wants to see a crumbling wall along with or in a month or two after the end of the repair.

It is very important that the wall is clean, without various dust and dirt. We have already talked about notches and shingles - this will allow the plaster to hold better. Some masters say that it is enough just to moisten the surface before applying the mixture, but this is not so. Applying a primer will create much greater adhesion. And its cost is low, which means that it will not make a big gap in the budget.

Important! For an ordinary draft brick, you can purchase a simple primer, but for a foam block and other porous surfaces, it is better to choose a deep penetration composition.

How to plaster walls with your own hands without beacons: video instruction and some tips

It is clear that everyone wants to have perfect walls. But it is not always justified to align them with beacons. After all, for example, in it is enough to ensure that the surfaces are visually aligned. It is then that the need for such plastering appears.

Most best option its implementation is when the home master has no experience, he has time, and perfect evenness is not required. It was then that you can do the plastering of the walls without beacons with your own hands. This matter is very complicated. Not even all experienced craftsmen agree to take on the job. And to make it more clear to the novice master how to align the walls without beacons, we offer another video on this topic:

How to plaster walls on lighthouses with your own hands: video and some nuances of work

Plastering walls on lighthouses is much easier. But here a rather painstaking and difficult task- this is to set the beacons ideally in terms of level and plumb lines. Remember that if they are not in the same plane, then perfect walls will not work. The fact is that when applying plaster, it is on them, as on rails, that the rule will move, creating a flat surface between them. In order to make it more clear, we invite the dear reader to watch a video about aligning walls with lighthouses with your own hands:

Surely many have understood how to do this. In general, for beginners, it is much more useful to watch a video of plastering on lighthouses than to listen to someone's advice (although if they are given by professionals, you should not dismiss them either). That is why there are so many videos in our today's article. But still, let us say that without desire and diligence, it is unlikely that anything will work out.

How to properly set the beacons under the plaster: some nuances

Putting beacons under plaster is a complex process and requires care and accuracy. There are two ways to do this work:

  • Exhibiting on plaster- the most common;
  • On the special mounts - the method is less common, but not because it is worse (quite the contrary). It's just that this method appeared relatively recently, and experienced craftsmen make installation on gypsum rather out of habit.

V in general terms Let's look at both of these methods.

Installation on gypsum is carried out as follows. Thickly kneaded gypsum mixture is applied to the wall small slides line from top to bottom. Any distance between them can be made, but it should be borne in mind that the larger it is, the higher the risk of deflection of the beacons during leveling the plaster with the rule. In this case, the surface may be uneven.

Next, the lighthouse is glued to the plaster on a plumb line or level. This action is performed on both sides of the wall. After that, it is better to wait for the plaster under the two main beacons to dry, and only then install the rest. Although professionals expose guides all at once. Plastering can be done after the gypsum has completely dried.

Well, the second way will be easier to understand by watching a rather short but informative video:

What materials are best to use for such work

Nowadays, the range of various mixtures for plaster is quite extensive and it is difficult to advise something specific. The choice will depend mainly on the surface and financial possibilities. However, for beginners, it will be most convenient to use the Rotband mixture. But this is only on condition that it is not too large area and layer thickness. This mixture cannot be called cheap. But in work, she shows herself perfectly, lays down evenly and easily. Although, in fact, this is the same gypsum, with only one difference - it is quite high-quality and has in its composition various additives that improve the quality.

In general, the better to plaster the walls in the apartment - everyone decides for himself. Many even use the usual cement-sand mixture. Although this option is not bad because of its cheapness. You can fill your hand on it, and after that you can switch to more expensive plaster. In addition, if a novice home master learns to work with, then the Rotband can generally work wonders. Consider the scope of some of the cheapest mixtures, their positive and negative qualities.

How to plaster walls with cement mortar with your own hands: a video tutorial and some features of the work

Plastering technologies with various compositions practically do not differ. After installing the beacons, you need to check that all the material is at hand. Agree, it will not be very pleasant if you periodically have to be distracted by this or that trifle.

Wetting the surface between the two beacons with water or a primer, we begin filling the gap ready solution. To do this, you can use a bucket or a simple trowel. The solution is thrown onto the wall, starting from the bottom. When the gap between the beacons is filled, the rule comes into play. Leaning it on the guides, we begin to lift it up, while moving it left and right. Thus, the solution is leveled, creating a smooth surface. If necessary, in places where pits have formed, add mixtures and repeat all the steps.

For clarity, we invite the dear reader to watch a training video on the topic of plastering walls with cement mortar on lighthouses:

How to plaster walls with gypsum plaster: video work instructions

Wall leveling technology gypsum plaster completely identical. However, there is one nuance in working with such solutions - they freeze quite quickly. And if the cement-sand mortar can be used within 2-3 hours, then gypsum plaster begins to dry out after 20-25 minutes.

Important information! In no case should you dilute already dried gypsum with water. This will lead to the fact that it will dry out worse and subsequently collapse. It is for this reason that if the master does not have sufficient experience, he should be bred little by little.

Gypsum is a little easier to work with and filling voids with it is quite convenient. But it should be remembered that you should not "throw" too much solution. Otherwise, it may collapse under its own weight, preventing the master from leveling it. It is also important to use a reinforcing mesh with a layer of more than 20 cm. In this case, it will be convenient to “throw” a small layer of gypsum and draw a rule along the lighthouses. If there are surpluses, the rule will remove them, but it should not hurt the main part. After you need to let the solution dry and then finish the job.

If you still have any questions, the following video should answer them:

Do-it-yourself wall plastering features: video and some nuances

The production of finishing wall plaster for painting or wallpaper is the most important part of the work. No matter how smooth the wall seems at first glance, after priming and painting, scratches and roughness will be visible on it. To eliminate them, there are special mixtures, which are often called putties. With them, you can achieve perfect smoothness. In order to understand what is the procedure for finishing under the wallpaper, we suggest watching a training video:

How to plaster walls with your own hands for a beginner: a video on applying the mixture to various surfaces

We figured out how to plaster walls with our own hands in general terms. Now it is worth learning about some of the nuances of this work. To begin with, we will analyze the scope of plaster mixtures with their average cost in the Russian markets.

Brand For dry rooms Price (rub/kg) For wet areas Price (rub/kg) for facades Price (rub/kg)
PetromixPetromix Sh6 Petromix ShV8
KnaufGoldband6 Unterputz5
KnaufRotband6 Zokelputz5
VetoniteGypsum10 Vetonit TT11
VetoniteVetonite L11 V gray11
VetoniteVetonite T11 V white15
ScanRendTT easy5 KS 10/906
ScanRendAL17 KS 50/506
ScanRendKS 70/307
ScanRendPro Prime (A, B)7
ScanRendPro Fill7
ScanRendPro Fine7
ScanRendTT repair20

These are the most common plaster mixtures, but in fact there are much more of them. At the same time, they are all suitable for both surfaces and wood.

Instructions for plastering brick walls

Speaking about the plastering of brick walls, it can be noted that this process is the most time-consuming. After all, the walls require a little more effort to prepare. We offer you a video tutorial on how to plaster a brick wall with your own hands:

For sure, it has already become clear to novice masters that this work is not as difficult as it seemed at first glance. And yet, without experience, it is impossible to say that a person knows everything about this work. After all, the plastering of brick walls (as well as other material) in each individual case may have its own nuances. But for a more complete picture, we want to provide the dear reader with a video of working with surfaces and from other building materials.

The nuances of plastering concrete walls

Wooden walls and features of their alignment

How to plaster a wooden wall has already been discussed in general terms. In fact, the work itself is practically the same as leveling other surfaces, but the preparation of the wall is different. In addition to shingles, such walls can also be reinforced with chain-link mesh. Many consider this method less labor-intensive and faster. And for the rest, the following video can answer the question of how to plaster wooden walls inside the house:

Another area of ​​work is plastering the foundation

Everyone understands that the foundation of the house is necessary. Yes, and decorate it does not hurt. That is what plaster is used for. But this work will take a little longer. After all, there may be cracks in it, and they need to be removed before plastering. To do this, they are made a little wider (this can be done using a perforator), they clean out all the garbage from the inside with a brush, and then fill mounting foam. After drying, the excess is removed.

Next is the usual surface preparation and plastering. Lighthouses are used quite rarely - it all depends on the desire of the owner. Well, how to plaster the foundation of a house with your own hands, you can learn from the following video lesson:


Summing up, we can say that the plaster various surfaces- It's not such a difficult task. Of course, you can’t learn this quickly and without problems, just like any other job. But such a skill certainly never hurts, but it can come in handy at any time and in any place. And not necessarily at home. It may be necessary to help someone from friends or acquaintances. And that means it's worth learning. We offer you several photo examples of work already completed with various mixtures:

We hope that today's article was useful for beginners. As questions arise, they can always be asked in the discussions. We guarantee that none of them will remain unanswered.

Plastering - restoration of the surface for subsequent finishing. At this stage, defects are repaired and the base is leveled. To perform plastering, you must have experience in carrying out this type of work. Hire a team of professional craftsmen. However, restoration with a solution can be performed by a beginner. To do this, an amateur should familiarize himself with the videos “Learning to plaster walls: video tutorials”, as well as carefully study the recommendations below.

Before considering the question of how to learn how to plaster walls (video instructions will be given at the end of the article), you need to find out if you need to plaster the surface.

The use of the material is advisable if the surface has cracks, potholes, drops and other defects. In this case, the solution helps to get rid of the imperfections of the building base. However, professionals recommend using plaster even if there are no defects on the surface. The material protects the building base from the damaging effects of moisture and other negative environmental impacts.

What should be taken into account when restoring the foundation?

Fans who perform surface plastering with their own hands are advised to consider the following points:

  • for the restoration of the building base, you should choose only high-quality material;
  • before use, the mixture must be stored in a dry place;
  • the solution must be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions.

The choice of mixture for plastering

Before you learn how to plaster, you need to understand how to choose a material for restoration.

According to the degree of readiness, there are:

  • Ready compositions. Such materials do not need to be prepared. Means are used immediately after opening the package. The disadvantage is the high price.
  • Dry mixes. Such a product needs to be prepared. After mixing, the solution is used within half an hour. Because of this, it is necessary to prepare the mixture in small portions and apply the material in several approaches. This is the main drawback of the product. The advantage of dry mixes over the finished material is an acceptable cost.

By appointment, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • Ordinary composition. Designed for leveling surfaces and masking defects.
  • Decorative. Used for applying finish coat. The material has an unusual texture, due to which it creates an original texture on the surface.

Material classification by composition:

  • Sand-cement composition. This budget material. The product is easy to apply, but you will need an industrial mixer or a drill with a mixer attachment to prepare it. Non-professional finishers are advised to work with this composition, as the product is affordable and easy to use.
  • Gypsum composition. The material creates sound and heat insulation of the surface, does not shrink and does not crack after hardening. The disadvantage is that it absorbs moisture, so it cannot be used for the facade and in rooms with high humidity. The material can be used by non-professional finishers.
  • acrylic material. The operational period of such coverage is 50 years. The product is recommended for use even for beginners.
  • Silico new plaster. This finished material. The product is suitable for all types of surfaces. The product is easy to apply, does not shrink and has a long service life. However, beginners who are only thinking about how to learn how to plaster walls are not recommended to use such a tool. The product is expensive, so it is better to practice on another tool.
  • silica composition. It is characterized by high strength and resistance to mechanical damage. The product contains liquid glass which makes it dry quickly. For this reason, the material is not recommended for beginners mastering plaster work.

Types of dry mix

Varieties of dry mix:

  • Simple material. Surface differences after shrinkage of the product are 3 mm. The tool is recommended to be used for interior decoration, where aesthetics is unimportant. These include warehouses and garages.
  • Improved composition. After shrinkage of the material, the surface differences are 2 mm. The material is used for finishing institutions - schools, administrations and other institutions.
  • High quality blend. Surface differences after shrinkage of the product are 1 mm. The material is used for finishing houses and apartments.

Necessary materials and tools

How to learn to plaster walls, demonstrates the video tutorial, which is given below. However, before finishing, you should prepare necessary materials and tools:

  • plaster;
  • a clean plastic bucket for preparing the material;
  • lighthouses;
  • falcon;
  • scraper;
  • trowel and industrial grater;
  • trowel;
  • rule;
  • Master OK;
  • level;
  • plumb.

Rules for plastering a building base

If you want to learn how to learn how to apply plaster, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the stages of finishing.

Room preparation

To prepare the room for the plastering of the walls, it is necessary to take out the interior items. If the floor covering does not change, then the floor is covered with a film and the material is fixed with boards, bricks or other cargo. It is also recommended to remove lighting and close the wires.

Surface preparation

Instructions for preparing the building base:

  • dismantle the old coating;
  • tap the walls to reveal unstable areas and get rid of them;
  • increase surface defects, treat cracks and potholes with a primer and fill with repair mortar;
  • clean the walls from dust and dirt.

Foundation priming

Priming is a mandatory step before applying plaster, which should not be neglected. The primer protects the building base from mold and fungus, and also improves the adhesion of the wall to the material. The primer is applied with a brush, roller or spray gun, as shown in the photo below. It is recommended to perform a double treatment of the walls with a break for drying the composition.

Profile mounting

Rules for placing beacons:

  • step back from the floor and ceiling by 3 cm and 5 cm from the corners of the wall and screw in the screws at these points;
  • a fishing line is tied to fasteners vertically and horizontally;
  • under the vertical line small areas the solution is fixed at a distance of 10 cm from each other;
  • a beacon is fixed on the composition;
  • profiles are fixed along the entire perimeter of the wall with a step of less than 1.5 m.

Solution preparation

Only dry mixes need to be prepared. According to the instructions, the material is combined with water, the solution is kneaded using an industrial mixer or a drill with a mixer attachment. The proportions of the dry mix and liquid are indicated on the packaging.

The density of the solution depends on which layer the material is being prepared for. For the first and third layers, a sour cream consistency material is prepared, and for the second, a pasty mass.

Application of the composition

The video in this article demonstrates how to properly apply the solution to the surface. This is done as follows:

  • Use a trowel to spread the material onto the surface. This will be the first layer, which is called the splatter.
  • With a wide spatula, apply a second layer of mortar - primer. The material must protrude beyond the profiles. Level the composition as a rule until the solution has hardened. Remove excess funds with a spatula.
  • Apply a third layer of material. This will be a cover.

Completion of plastering

  1. After applying the last layer, until the solution has hardened, dismantle the beacons.
  2. Fill the voids with mortar and level the composition over the surface with a spatula.
  3. Using an industrial trowel, grout the material. To do this, moisten the surface with water, press the tool against the wall and eliminate imperfections in a circular motion.
  4. Apply a primer, wait for the product to dry and proceed to decorating.

In order for the finish to last for a long time, consider the recommendations of professionals:

  • if the surface has a porous structure, then the primer is applied in two layers;
  • if gypsum material was used for restoration, then the surface is grouted within 4 hours after plastering is completed;
  • after applying the solution, the profiles must be dismantled;
  • if after plastering is placed ceramic tile, then the material does not need careful alignment and you can get by with one layer of material application;
  • if the walls are being prepared for painting, then apply paint material follows 14 days after the surface treatment with a gypsum composition and a month after the application of cement-sand plaster.

You can learn how to plaster in the video tutorial below.

Surface plastering is a finishing step that even a beginner can learn to perform. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing and applying the material.

The sequence of repair and construction works must always be done in a specific order. In order to properly learn how to plaster walls with your own hands, you will need to know the five steps of this process.

So let's take a look at these 5 important sequences:

  1. Preparatory work for plastering. This includes cleaning the surface (on which the plaster mass will be applied), by removing old plaster, etc.
  2. Preparation, dilution of the mass of plaster.
  3. Applying plaster to walls.
  4. Mashing.
  5. Puttying.

Preparatory work

What is under paragraph 1 can be done by anyone, since this work does not require special knowledge.

You will need to remove old cracked plaster from the wall.

If this is a log wooden wall, then it will be necessary to align the shingles (glazing beads) there, which are nailed with small nails. Shingles are wooden slats with a thickness of 5-10 mm, a width of 15-20 mm, and a length along the height of the wall.

Reiki are nailed either vertically or diagonally cross to cross. The distance between them is 20 cm. All the plaster rests on them, so the surface of the lath mesh must be even.

In some places where wooden lath fails, it is required to put pieces of the rail until it is completely aligned.

If it is a concrete or brick wall, then there will also be some nuances. On a fairly smooth wall, you will have to make furrows, more often this is done with a chisel. The seams between the bricks make furrows from one to two centimeters (to facilitate the work, you can first moisten the wall with water).

According to the rules, a newly built wall is not recommended to be plastered, since fresh masonry will still sit down after a while and the dried plaster will crack.

On concrete and brick walls, where there are irregularities, so-called beacons are used, which are usually planted on vetonite.

The preparatory work also includes laying on the floor of polyethylene or cardboard close to the wall. Falling plaster on the floor is inevitable. Mixture that has fallen on a clean floor without debris can be used.

Breeding the mixture with your own hands

The proportions should be different for each type of plaster.

If lime-sand plaster is used, then the ratio of lime and sand is one to two. This mixture is used for working with concrete walls from the inside.

For stone walls, a plaster mortar is diluted, consisting of lime, sand and cement, the ratio of which is 1: 1: 4. For those who are not familiar with the ratio system, I suggest: in this case, 1:1:4 means that lime is taken, for example, one scoop.

For plaster wooden walls use a solution containing lime, sand and alabaster. Also, first, 1: 2, lime is mixed with sand. After that, alabaster is added to this mixture one to one or half to one with lime (or the same volume as lime, or half as much).

This mixture is suitable for walls where there is low humidity. Not suitable for plinth, cornice and in rooms where there will be high humidity.

Lime-gypsum mixture. This type of solution is stirred in a small portion, up to 5 liters.

This is due to the rapid solidification of gypsum. Suitable for stone, brick and wood walls.

The ratio of gypsum and lime is as follows: to 1 scoop of gypsum (already dissolved in water) add from 2 to 5 of the same scoops of lime. In preparing the solution, the following conditions must be observed: first, water is mixed with gypsum. It is water with gypsum, not gypsum with water.

That is, first you need to pour water, and then pour gypsum powder and mix quickly. The mass should resemble sour cream in viscosity. Next, pour lime into this mass and mix thoroughly.

This solution will keep usable for up to 10 minutes. Therefore, at this time it is necessary to have time to put it on the wall.

The next type of plaster is a cement-lime mixture. The ratios of such solutions are from 2:2:12 to 2:4:18. That is, in proportion it will look like this: for 2 scoops of cement, from two to four scoops of lime and from 12 to 18 scoops of sand are used.

Cooking method cement mortar is of two types:

  1. First, lime is mixed in water, then cement is added to the lime mass, after which sand is added. The solution should be mixed well so that no lumps remain.
  2. Mix cement in water. Then lime and sand.

Such a cement-lime mortar is used for plastering exterior walls, cornices, plinths and inside the building in places of high humidity.

Another type of mortar is cement-sand. Such a solution has good feature: it is very durable and at the same time elastic. The ratio of such a solution is from 1:1 to 1:3. That is, for one scoop of cement, from one to three scoops of sand are used.

And first you need to dry mix the cement with sand, then add water. This is done to prevent the formation of lumps. The proportions of the prepared solution depend on the brand of purchased cement. If cement M-400 is taken, then the ratio should be made one to four.

This solution is applied to the walls in separate parts where humidity is high.

You can bring the solution to the desired consistency as follows:

  1. If the solution turned out to be liquid, then you can remove excess water by putting a dry ordinary brick there. It will absorb moisture, and the solution will be the desired consistency.
  2. If, on the contrary, the solution is thick, then you can make it ready for use by adding a little water.

Starting to mix

Here in this procedure some skills are already required. The art of applying a plaster solution to a wall is the right thing to do. It is important to be able to apply the solution with a certain force and sharpness so that it sticks and does not splatter and fall.

Correctly applying plaster on a wall can only be done by plastering several hundred square meters and have enough experience.

And what about grout?

The grouting process is carried out a couple of hours after the main solution is applied to the wall surface, that is, it should already become hard, but not yet set.

This is very important, since starting the grout early can cause the base mortar layer to move out. If you are late, it will be very difficult to smear it.

Used for grouting special board with two handles measuring 20x120x1000 mm, can be used with one handle. It's called a polutorka. She needs to move in a circle. At the same time, the guide beacons will not allow you to cut off a large amount of mortar, the beacons are set strictly according to the level.

The thickness of the applied solution in one stage should not exceed three centimeters. Therefore, if a thick layer is important, then it must be made from several layers.

The break between each layer is up to two days.

On the walls of houses, that is, directly where they live, plaster is usually applied in several layers:

  • the first layer is liquid, contains cement, is needed for bonding;
  • the next layer (leveling) is thick, should smooth out all the errors;
  • the third layer is decorative, up to five millimeters thick. For a decorative plaster solution, only fine-grained sand (sifted) is used, and cement without lumps and, if possible, colored. The second layer is rubbed with a grater, and the third decorative layer is rubbed with a grater. The grater is a wooden canvas measuring 20x120x200 mm, has one handle. The working surface of the grater must be sheathed with felt.

Surface polishing process

Even the last decorative layer of plaster will not have a perfectly smooth surface. Therefore, the next step will be puttying, which will prevent the formation of dust on the wall. In a residential building, oil putty is applied with a spatula.

Putty is applied to the wall in a thin layer.

Putty walls should be a month after applying the main layer of plaster. It is better to putty the walls outside and in auxiliary rooms with an iron trowel. It would be more correct to iron these walls, as they say.

That is, with an iron trowel (trowel), a certain amount of dry cement is rubbed into a plastered surface pre-moistened with water. If you properly plaster the walls in this way, then the plaster will be glossy and pleasant to look at, moreover, moisture resistant. Ironing should be done immediately after the completion of the plastering work.

Conclusion on the topic

Having chosen the right mixture and with a little practice, you should be able to cope with the tasks. Good luck with the repair!

A useful video on how to properly plaster walls with cement mortar:

Plastering walls - painstaking and hard work. To accomplish this, it is usually used special formulations, most often on a plaster basis. In addition, for a high-quality result, it is very important to follow the correct sequence of the process: it is performed in several stages.

Plastering walls is a matter that requires special knowledge, skills and abilities from the performer. Proper alignment of the walls will facilitate the process of wallpapering and significantly improve appearance premises. Such work can be done independently, but more often it is still trusted by the masters. In any case, when carrying out this procedure, you will have to take into account some nuances.


To get a quality result (perfectly smooth walls), you need 4 components of success:

  • experienced master plasterer;
  • quality plaster mix(you need to carefully read its composition and manufacturer);
  • correct preparation of the solution;
  • proper storage conditions for the plaster mixture before starting work (no moisture ingress is allowed).

In addition, you need to clearly understand the purpose for which the walls of this room are finished with plaster. Plastering walls under wallpaper is a slightly different situation than plastering bathroom walls under tiles. In this case, you need to properly plaster the walls with gypsum plaster so that the main decor (tile or wallpaper) holds.

The better to plaster the walls depends on the wallet of the owner of the house, as well as on the characteristics of the room in which repairs are required. In addition, it is important to understand why plaster walls - for wallpaper, tiles or just painting.

What plaster is better to use? First, you need to know that the plaster is dry or wet. Secondly, there are three types of both dry and wet plaster:

  • ordinary (actual composition for leveling walls);
  • decorative (color, terrasite or stone);
  • special.

Most cheap option - lime plaster . But this option, unfortunately, is short-lived and is only suitable for plastering walls inside the building. The outer part is plastered with a different composition. In addition, lime is categorically not suitable for the bathroom. The fact is that lime is afraid of moisture.

Main advantages gypsum plasters- good sound and heat insulation. It is a ductile material that rarely cracks. Such plaster quickly dries and hardens. A few hours are enough for this.

Unfortunately, such mixtures are not sufficiently resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. Before plastering the walls with gypsum plaster, you need to study all the features of the room. At the same time, you can finish the walls with Rotband (popular gypsum plaster) even in the bathroom.


Cement is a versatile option for plastering walls both inside and out. The main advantages of the material - resistance to moisture and drops temperature regime. They can also be used for plastering bathroom walls before laying tiles. It is recommended to choose it if the owners do not know which dry or wet plaster is better to finish the interior or exterior walls.

Also, many users are interested in how quickly the applied plaster dries. From this point of view, cement and gypsum mixtures are practical. In addition, on a bag or bucket with a mixture, you need to read at what temperature the mixture dries the fastest.

Dry plaster can be:

  • simple;
  • improved;
  • high quality.

The quality of dry plaster is determined by differences. Normal - with drops no more than 3 mm, improved - with drops no more than 2 mm. In high quality, differences of a maximum of 1 mm are allowed.

A simple one is usually finished with warehouses, basements and other household premises, the second one is used in public institutions - hospitals and schools. But high-quality trim the walls of residential buildings.

To know how to plaster walls with your own hands, you can read a lot of tips on the Internet.

However, it all comes down to two options:

  • lighthouse plastering
  • plastering without beacons.

Everyone can learn how to plaster walls, although it will be more difficult for a beginner than for a professional plasterer.

Deciding how and with what to plaster the walls in the bathroom under the tiles or walls living rooms before wallpapering, it is important to correctly assess the quality of the existing surface.

To plaster the walls yourself, you will need to apply the solution in three layers. The resulting excess is removed with a trapezoidal spatula. You will have to buy it before you plaster walls from any material with your own hands.

In any case, the solution must be applied very carefully.

Plastering without beacons
Plastering in a plane (using a rule) is a good option if the walls are relatively flat. If there are serious irregularities on the walls, the performer has no other choice but to plaster the walls on the lighthouses. Thanks to beacon profiles, irregularities are eliminated with an accuracy of 1 mm/m2.

Plastering without beacons Usually, metal beacons are used for this, although artificial gypsum beacons can also be created. In the second case, you can save the plaster mixture (the layer with iron beacons will be at least 6 mm).

Before plastering aerated concrete walls, you need to make sure that the plaster mixture is ideal for them. This material is environmentally friendly, it lets in oxygen and takes it out of the room. carbon dioxide Therefore, the choice of plaster should be taken responsibly.

Technologies of how to plaster walls made of foam block, foam concrete, as well as how to plaster concrete walls, differ little from each other. It is important to choose only the right mixture here. The technology is similar to how to plaster wooden walls.

How to plaster brick walls, depends on the location of the surface to be trimmed. Concrete and other moisture-resistant products are suitable from the outside, and it is also permissible to plaster brick walls inside the house with gypsum mixtures.

The technique for plastering walls with a cement-sand mortar is similar to working with any other wall finishing products. The main thing is to add required amount water.

How to plaster walls with beacons?
Many users are looking for tips on how to plaster walls without beacons. Here it is necessary to determine the thickness of the layer and the quality of the surface by eye. This method is suitable for relatively flat surfaces. Thus, small imperfections are smoothed out.

Plastered walls are already trimmed with selected paint, wallpaper or tiles - it depends on the purpose of the room and the desire of the owner.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Everyone who decides to start thinking about this question thinks about it. self-repair apartments, houses or other premises. Plastering helps to level the surfaces of partitions, walls or other planes, making them perfectly even. How to eliminate visible defects on a plane using a mixture?

The better to plaster walls

Before leveling the surface, you should know how to properly plaster the walls and what kind of plaster is:

  1. Normal. Used to level the work surface so that it can then be applied decorative coating thin layer. Ordinary plaster protects the walls from the outside from the harmful effects of the environment.
  2. Special. Designed to improve the heat and sound insulation of the room. This kind of mixture creates a shielding layer on the surface, which protects against x-rays, etc.
  3. Decorative. Serves finishing, enhances the aesthetic expressiveness of the design.

For plastering walls, the following mixtures are often used:

  1. Lime-sand mortar. It is recommended for interior decoration, for the reason that its consistency is less durable, unlike cement-sand mortar. The advantage of this mixture is its environmental friendliness and ease of use.
  2. Cement-sand mortar. It can be applied to alignment of internal and external surfaces. The composition for a relatively small cost is able to change beyond recognition your brick garage or serve as a base for tiles in the bathroom. When working with such plaster, significant wall defects can be corrected. If the mortar was properly prepared and applied to the wall, then the outdoor coating will last for many years.
  3. Gypsum mix. Suitable for indoor decoration. The use of selenite and alabaster guarantees an absolute smoothness of the surface. The gypsum plaster finishing process is quick and easy. The downside of the coating is its high price and instability against moisture.
  4. magnesium mixture. It is an additional component in the preparation of specialized plaster, with the help of which finishing work is carried out indoors.

wall plaster technology

The person performing repair work, you need to know how to properly apply plaster on the walls. Then you can already define the tools necessary for work:

  1. Plaster spatula - the main inventory finishing works, which is indispensable. Thanks to it, the process of dosing raw materials, mixing, throwing, leveling the solution is carried out.
  2. Liter bucket. It is necessary for the dosage of the finishing material and the accurate application of the mixture.
  3. Half graters. They come in various sizes and are designed for leveling. finished surface and grouting the last layer.
  4. Beacons - reiki-rules, with the help of which the level of applying the solution to the surface is determined.

If all the tools that are necessary for finishing are available, then you can proceed to direct alignment. To do this, you need to know how to plaster the walls with your own hands. The process includes:

  • Cleansing, moisturizing and thorough preparation of the walls. If the coating is brick, then the seams should be cleared, the depth of which will be at least one centimeter. On wooden and cinder-concrete walls, frequent notches must be applied or covered reinforced mesh with a cell diameter of not more than five centimeters. It is better to cover the grid with paint so that it is not damaged by corrosion.
  • Placing husks on a previously prepared surface. That is, mortar grades are smeared in the corners, which are equated to the thickness of the required layer plaster mass. Beacons are attached to these places and the solution is thrown into the cavity between the marker and the wall in three layers: the first is a five-millimeter spray with a liquid mixture, the second is the soil, which is the thickest layer (thicker than the spray), the third is a two-millimeter covering applied to the ground, which has already frozen, and then leveled.
  • Plastering the main wall in three stages. Beacons are placed on it, and then a solution is thrown.
  • Grout. The applied composition is rubbed with the help of trowels with intensive circular movements, and the remaining relief depressions are filled with fresh plaster.

How to level walls with plaster

The plaster is wonderful finishing material which promotes perfect alignment. How to plaster walls? For this you need:

  1. Remove the finish in the form of wallpaper, the top layer of plaster that was previously on the surface. Try to rid the walls (brick, others) of cracks, chips, voids.
  2. Apply the correct coat of primer so that the new plaster is perfectly fixed.
  3. Measure the curvature of the surface before the direct installation of the pendulums. Apply a level to it and calculate the difference between the top and bottom points. The site should be chosen at least one and a half meters in order to establish accurate indicators of curvature. If the difference is less than a centimeter, then leveling can be done with putty, but noticeable differences need plastering.
  4. Fix beacons with alabaster in a vertical position along the entire length to the upper drops. We pull the thread on the profile from top to bottom.

It's time to learn how to properly plaster the walls: first of all, we prepare the mixture, and then apply the mortar from the pendulum to the pendulum with casts. The process will go much faster if you use special equipment - a compressor (gun) for plastering. After one layer has dried, apply another. Do not try to level the plaster at once, it is impossible. The leveling layer must be applied with a spatula. It is subsequently rubbed with a trowel or sandpaper.

Lighthouse wall plastering

Lighthouses help to make any surface perfectly flat. They visually allow you to see how much plaster should be applied. Plastering on lighthouses is carried out the classic way, which is often applicable in construction: pulling a pair of cords parallel to the floor and ceiling, vertically and diagonally. This method of marking gives a clear idea of ​​the unevenness of the walls, which should be covered with plaster.

Distance between cord and working surface chosen arbitrarily, but it should be sufficient so that there is no contact. The first two marks should be placed in the corners of the wall with an indent of fifteen to twenty centimeters and fastened with alabaster. Intermediate ones are installed along the cords that are stretched between the profiles coming out of the corners. How then to plaster the walls? The solution is applied from beacon to beacon.

Leveling walls without beacons

The advantages of plastering by this method are savings, since the consumption of finished plaster is significantly reduced due to the application of a thin layer and due to the absence of labor-intensive preparatory work for setting up beacons. So, for alignment without beacons follows.